B. Analysis 1. (Organization)

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1. (Organization)
The logical order of ideas in writing is highlighted in organization. It begins with the writer thinking of
general subjects and turning them into narrowed down topics.
Turn these general subjects into specific topics.
General Subjects Specific Topics
1. Science a. Volcanology

2. History b. Documentaries

3. Technology c. Mobile Development

4. Philosophy d. Moral Modern Theory

5. Language e. Reading and Writing

2. (Coherence and Cohesion)

Analyze the following sentences if they observe coherence and or cohesion.
1. The group enjoyed the day swimming, eating, and to jog around. (incoherent -should be
swimming, eating, and jogging around) ANSWER: Cohesion
2. The kids enjoyed opening their Christmas presents. (coherent – kids, their) ANSWER: Coherence
3. Some families spend thousands of pesos during the holiday season. His expenses usually include
food, gifts, and travels. (incoherent- families, his) ANSWER: Cohesion
4. Christmas is the merriest time of the year but it is a season of love and giving. (incoherent –
wrong choice of conjunction but it should be because) ANSWER: Cohesion
5. My parents gave me their permission to spend Christmas with our relatives in Davao, but I have
already decided not to spend Christmas with our relatives in Davao. (incoherent- redundant use
of words) ANSWER: Cohesion
3. (Language and use)
Think of the antonym of the italicized word in each sentence. The first letter is given as a clue.
1. The safety of the students Is very important during fieldtrips. Make sure they will always be out
of d danger. (danger)
2. We can classify students as either active or t timid. (timid)
3. You have to enunciate what you would like to say; don’t m mumble. (mumble)
4. The artistic talent of that boy is really inherent. It is not s superficial. (superficial)
5. Businessmen have an erratic schedule. They seldom have a r regular one. (regular)
4. (Mechanics)
I. Identify if the following words are singular or plural.
1. geese ANSWER: Plural 4. Elves ANSWER: Plural
2. mathematics ANSWER: Singular 5. News ANSWER: Singular
3. pair of pants ANSWER: Singular 6. Salmon ANSWER: Singular

II. Give the past and the past participle forms of the following verbs.
1. stand – Stood , Stood
2. prepare- Prepared , Prepared
3. drive - Drove , Driven
4. teach - Taught , Taught
5. seek - Sought , Sought
III. Rewrite the sentences and capitalize the words when necessary.
1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
2. Michael Jordan was one of the top NBA players during the nineties.
3. I enjoyed watching the movie Frozen at the new frontier theater last Saturday.
or perfect progressive.

D. Application/Assessment
Part A:
Fill in the blanks using AND, SO, BECAUSE, BUT or OR.

1. I could not go out last night BECAUSE I was too busy.

2. I could not go with my friend SO he went without me.
3. My friend went to the cinema to see a film BUT the film wasn't very good.
4. The cinema was full of people AND they were all smoking.
5. I like people _ BUT _ I don't like smoke.

Perform the different exercises using idioms and figurative language.

A. Choose the letter of the correct meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions.
1. The woman’s way of speaking often adds fuel to the fire.
a. keeps the fire burning b. brightens the atmosphere c. worsens matter
2. Please bring to mind what you promised yesterday.
a. forget b. recall c. cast aside in your mind

B. Give the meaning of the figurative language used.

1. Father’s determination is a port of strength. ANSWER: Determination
2. The sad news was like a dagger that hurt the whole family. ANSWER: Dagger

Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb in the parentheses.

1. Rice and fish (is, are) the Filipino staple food.
2. Neither your friend nor my friends (is, are) interested with the game.
3. There (has, have) been three attempts in his life.
4. The committee (has, have) come to a decision.
5. The police officer, nor the rich politician, (help, helps) the old woman cross the street.
Rate yourself in terms of the abilities listed using the legend provided. Tick(a) the box corresponds to
your answer.

4- Strongly agree
3- Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly disagree
Abilities 4 3 2 1

1. I can enumerate and describe in my own words the properties

of a well written text.

2. I can utilize graphic organizers to visually present the

organization of ideas

3. I can differentiate coherence from cohesion

4. I can draft and revise texts

5. I am familiar with the basic rules in mechanics


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