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¢600 Friday, June 15-21, 2012 – San José, Costa Rica Since 1956

Using Social Media
To Take a Stand
Costa Rican ad agency Big Web Noise is channel-
ing discontent over evangelical lawmaker Justo
Orozco’s naming to a legislative human rights
commission into a social media tool. A new app
called “Poné Tu Cara” (“Show Your Face”) is bring-
ing protest into the digital age.
Page 64

Is There Such a Thing
As Too Cheap?
Costa Rica’s Dental Surgeons Association issued
a warning recently that some dentists’ prices are
too low to be safe. For medical tourists shop-
ping for a bargain, experts recommend a balance
between low prices and high quality.
Page 84

Remember When We Fretted
Over the Exchange Rate?
In the late 1970s and early ’80s, Costa Rica suf-
fered its worst currency devaluation in history.
Courtesy of Warner Rojas We’ve come a long way since then, and today,
Precarious Journey: Tico mountaineer Warner Rojas, 40, walks across a ladder spanning a crevasse on Mt. Everest, the exchange-rate stability is considered one of the
country’s economic victories.
world’s tallest mountain. On May 25, Rojas became the first Costa Rican to reach Everest’s summit at 8,848 meters (29,029 Page 94
feet) above sea-level. He returned to Costa Rica last Friday to a hero’s welcome.

At the Top of the World

By Clayton R. Norman view in San José this week. “The whole team “After that, beside the trail there were
Costa Rica’s Best
Bar Food
Step aside, beans and rice. This country has more
than its share of unique and delicious snacks, in-
Tico Times Staff was anxious to leave.” two more bodies of two people who had cluding chifrijo, patí and morcilla.
Rojas ate two small cans of tuna and a been dead a few years,” Rojas said. Page W14
At 8:20 p.m. on May 24, Warner Rojas set granola bar and tried to drink as much water Above 8,000 meters, the human body is
out from Camp 4 on the southern face of Mt. as he could. essentially dying with every step. Low atmo-
Everest to become the first Costa Rican to At 7:30 a.m., the team started preparing spheric pressure means oxygen molecules
stand atop the world’s highest summit. to climb again. When they left at 8:20, they are more widely dispersed in the air and
He and his team of Nepali sherpas and had 898 meters (2,900 feet) left to climb. each breath is a struggle to collect enough of
foreign climbers led by David Hamilton of “After about two and half hours of those molecules for lungs to push into the
Jagged Globe Expeditions started climb- climbing, we encountered the first bodies,” bloodstream. Swelling of the brain and fluid
ing that morning at 6 a.m. and spent the Rojas said. buildup in the lungs are common at these
afternoon resting at Camp 4, 7,950 meters The bodies were those of Chinese and altitudes and can quickly become fatal, as
(26,000 feet) above sea level. Canadian climbers who died a week before can cold and exhaustion.
“We tried to sleep but it was impossible,” at nearly 8,200 meters (26,900 feet) – two of When someone dies on Mt. Everest, it
Rojas, 40, told The Tico Times in an inter- 10 fatalities on Everest this year. Page 44

Saving the Great Green Macaw ALSO INSIDE

By Clayton R. Norman chances to save one of the world’s largest macaws at the organization’s Alajuela base, Health 8 Letters to the Editor 12
Tico Times Staff parrots – the endangered great green macaw said a more recent global population esti- Business & Real Classifieds 13
(Ara ambiguous). mate for the great green macaw falls some- Estate 9-10 Puzzles 15
Just a few kilometers away from the Worldwide populations of these boister- where between 1,800-2,500, with birds dis- Editorial 11 Weather 16
screaming jet engines of Juan Santamaría ous birds that can grow up to 33 inches in tributed from Central America to Colombia.
International Airport sits a humble, four- length were estimated at less than 2,500 in In Costa Rica, only about 250 wild green Weekend 24 PAGES
hectare plot of land lined with chain-link 2008, according to the International Union macaws remain, tucked away in isolated Community
aviaries and guarded by a pack of 17 previ- for Conservation of Nature and Natural pockets of jungle. Connection W2
ously abandoned dogs. Resources. Today, they are listed by the organ- But Castles and other Ara Project mem- Exploring Costa Rica W4
This small outpost northwest of the capi- ization as a declining population. bers want to change that. Calendar W6
tal, nestled in the brushy Alajuela hills of Chris Castles, co-director of the Ara “We are pretty much the only insurance Movies W7
Río Segundo, could represent one of the last Project, which breeds great green and scarlet Page 34
2 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012


Dock Workers Strike Against

Who Helps in an Emergency?
Private Concession By Mitzi Stark
Special to The Tico Times
Some 500 police officers on Thursday clashed
with dock workers in the Caribbean province of In case of emergency, it’s good to know
Limón while trying to reopen operations of two docks that help is on the way. The National To the Rescue:
blocked by a strike that began Tuesday. Emergency Commission’s (CNE) rapid-re-
sponse system is prepared to take on any Rescue teams
Workers were protesting a government decision search for victims
to grant a new dock concession to Dutch conglomer- situation, including forest fires, chemical
ate APM Terminals. spills, earthquakes, landslides, flash floods after a devastat-
and tsunamis. Added to that, the commis- ing earthquake
Members of specialized units from the Public
sion works to educate the public in emer-
Security Ministry took control of the province’s two at Cinchona, 45
gency procedures and prevention.
main roads, through which nearly 80 percent of kilometers north
Following a magnitude-6.2 earthquake
national trade passes.
on Jan. 8, 2009, which eradicated the moun- of San José, in
Unions from the Atlantic Port Administration
tain town of Cinchona, north of San José,
are leading the strike, which paralyzed the loading the commission had immediate radio com- January 2009.
and unloading of containers in both Limón and Moín munication with the area, and within an
ports. So far, operations have not been restarted. hour, a helicopter was on its way to the
At a cost of nearly $1 billion, the new port is town to analyze needs and begin emergency
supposed to start operations in 2016. The govern- aid. The CNE coordinated with agencies
ment has refused to discuss the conflict, arguing the involved in relief work, including the Red Yuri Cortéz | AFP
project will actually create new jobs. Cross, the Health Ministry, the Public Works the Civil Aviation Authority and others. The cal spills all tap into the commission’s web.
and Transport Ministry, police and local commission also can call in help from other Tsunamis, however, are not a serious threat,
Public Workers Call for June 26 Strike hospitals. countries, as it did during recent forest fires according to Salgado. “They come from far
Earthquakes are in a class of their own, in which helicopters and other aid came from away, and we would have about 18 hours to
The High School Teachers Association and public the CNE’s Douglas Salgado said. In other Colombia, Panama and the United States. evacuate people,” he said.
employee unions announced Wednesday they will go types of emergencies, such as hurricanes The country’s 81 cantons and all the Nor would a magnitude-9.0 earthquake
on strike on June 26. and floods, the commission can prepare for municipalities have their own emergency com- hit Costa Rica, according to seismologists,
In a statement, workers said they planned to pro- action because it receives weather reports missions to keep eyes out for potential disas- although the country experiences a lot of
test “government corruption and poor administration and briefs from local emergency commis- ters, report to the national office and begin smaller ones, some of them potentially deadly.
of the public funds.” sions. An early-warning system is also in organizing help during emergencies. In areas The need for emergency response became
Unions also will protest the government’s alterna- place for weather-related events: green alerts subject to flooding, for example, local commis- evident in the 1960s, when the eruption of
tive fiscal plan, which includes freezing salaries and as an advisory, yellow alerts signaling the sions keep watch on river levels and rainfall, Irazú Volcano, east of San José, rained ashes
eliminating several public-employee benefits. need for evacuation preparation and red and are ready to report potential dangers. over the country for months, creating health
Union leaders also plan to draw attention to alerts to initiate evacuation protocols. In case of a major fire, such as the and economic problems. People used face-
President Laura Chinchilla’s “financial disaster,” a refer- During Hurricane César in 1996, the com- March forest fires that occurred in Chirripó masks and stayed indoors. The coffee-based
ence to the scandal-plagued Route 1856, a roadway mission broadcast alerts to the entire country National Park and Buenos Aires, in the economy in the region was devastated and
project parallel to the northern border with Nicaragua. by radio, TV and through local branches. Southern Zone, the Environment Ministry crops were ruined. In response, an office of
Workers will strike at 9 a.m. on June 26 at La “We knew what areas would be hit the evaluates needs and recruits firefighters and civil defense was set up in 1964.
Merced Park, in downtown San José. hardest and could respond. The Public Works emergency workers, while the CNE helps That office was expanded several times
and Transport Ministry closed the highway with logistics and getting helicopters from in subsequent years, and in 1986 it was
Landslides Close Highway to Caribbean to the Southern Zone. Red Cross and health other countries. Such situations require sig- replaced by the newly formed CNE. Changes
personnel were standing by,” Salgado said. nificant coordination, including securing and improvements are ongoing, and preven-
Route 32, the highway connecting San José to “Shelters were set up in schools, community food, lodging and transportation. tion and education are now priorities, CNE
the province of Limón, was closed Wednesday after centers and in churches, and people were Crowd control may not call up visions of officials said.
landslides blocked access in both directions. evacuated from flood zones.” emergency aid, but when millions of people The CNE publishes books and materials
David Meléndez, director of emergency and Headquartered next to the Tobías Bolaños take to the roads during the annual pilgrim- on setting up shelters, emergency plans for
disaster management at the Public Works and Airport in Pavas, a western district of San José, age to the national shrine of the Virgin of businesses, preparation for local emergen-
Transport Ministry (MOPT), said the route remained the CNE is a not a group of experts waiting Cartago on Aug. 2, prevention is put into cies and special materials for schools. CNE
closed Thursday in order to remove approximately for emergencies to happen. It is a nucleus action. The Public Works and Transport personnel visit local branches to evaluate
6,400 square meters of material from the slopes, at with a web that includes engineers, geolo- Ministry monitors roads, the Red Cross sets problems and find solutions.
kilometer 30. Authorities hope to reopen the route by gists and seismologists at universities, the Red up health stations along the route, and police Preventive measures also include build-
the weekend. The landslide blocks the path between Cross, firefighters, hospitals, the ministries of and sanitation crews keep accidents and ing dikes in flood areas, rebuilding bridges
San José and Guapiles, which is on the main highway health, environment, and public works and problems to a minimum. and roads and keeping people from building
between the capital and the Caribbean coast. transport, the National Electricity Institute, Airplane crashes, landslides, volcanic and living in areas subject to landslides and
the National Oil Refinery, national hospitals, eruptions, tropical storms and major chemi- floods.n
Nat’l Emergency Commission
Raided Again
n Contact Us!
Officials from the Prosecutor’s Office and agents Have any ideas for an article you’d like to
from the Judicial Investigation Police (OIJ) on see in The Tico Times? Do you have any
Tuesday raided for a second time this month the What’s Up Online tips on a story we’re currently working
offices of the National Emergency Commission (CNE) on? Or know of a hotel, restaurant, etc. we
n Top Stories n Photos: Meet the Parrots should review? Let us know! Contact us at:
in San José, as part of investigations related to the
construction of a road parallel to Nicaragua’s border. Our five most popular stories at
Agents confiscated information relating to pay- last week: n Fishing Forum
ments made for the construction of the 160-kilome-
1. Is Guanacaste economy finally bouncing back?
ter Route 1856 along Río San Juan, OIJ sources said 2. Gringos make up 4.1 percent of Costa Rica
(see Cartoon, Page 12). immigrant population
Funds for the construction of the road came from 3. TV’s ‘MacGyver’ calls Costa Rica a ‘death
the CNE, due to a direct emergency order issued by sentence’ for Sea Shepherd conservationist
the President Laura Chinchilla. 4. Behind new country club, a familiar name: Biden
On June 6, 30 judges and 150 OIJ officers raided 5. Nicaragua plans $30 billion interoceanic canal
36 different locations as part of an investigation into in Río San Juan
irregularities involving contracting and alleged pay- Show us your catch! Anglers, put your best catch-
Visit our website to read all these stories for free. The great green macaw is endangered. See photos of the
ments of bribes in the process of building the road. Sign up for a The Tico Times account, and post your es on display at:
spectacular species and learn how you can help save the
comments. Fishing/Fishing-Forum/Show-Us-Your-Catch.
For breaking news updates, see Costa Rican parrot at

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THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | NEWS | 3

Group Needs Funding to Save Green Macaws “A green bit me and crushed all the
3Page 1 nerves in my finger,” Castles said. “I lost all
policy for great green macaws in the world,” feeling in it for about six months.”
Castles said. When there are newly hatched chicks they
are weighed and measured daily and fed every
Friends of the Birds hour and a half around the clock.
Lorena Strikic is one of the volunteers cur-
The Ara Project began in the 1980s when rently helping chop fruit, scrub bird poop and
Margot and Richard Frisius bought land in generally care for the Ara Project’s macaws.
Alajuela and got the area licensed as a zoo- “I love travelling, I love languages and I
logical park. They started caring for parrots love birds,” said Strikic who quit her job in
that had been given up by private owners or Germany and now pays $5 a day to volunteer at
confiscated by the government. the project. “This is just the super-small contri-
By the ’90s, Castles said, that small start bution to a better world that I could do.”
led to a captive macaw breeding program and
the establishment of Friends of the Birds, a Moving On
nonprofit organization dedicated to macaw
conservation. The group first established a In a world of rapidly diminishing biodi-
scarlet macaw reintroduction program as versity, great green and scarlet macaws offer
well as the largest captive great green macaw an opportunity to save two beautiful species,
population in the world. but it’s not just their beauty that makes them
In 2008, Margot Frisius passed away after worth saving.
transferring control of the project to a trust Gabe Dinsmoor | Tico Times Great green macaws in particular are like
named the Ara Project. Endangered: Great green macaws (Ara ambiguous) eat fruit at the Ara Project the giant coalmine canaries of tropical for-
The Frisius family has allowed the Ara breeding center in Alajuela, north of San José. Some experts estimate there are ests, Castles explained, and 50 or 100 years
Project to continue its work rent-free as the ago the birds could be found in about 98
project developed strategies for reintroduc- only 250 great green macaws in the wild in Costa Rica. percent of the country.
ing both great green and scarlet macaws “If you lose great green macaws, not
back into the wild. Castles said. “And they are more sensitive Jenny Pettigrew, the Ara Project’s vet- only is that one less impressive species in the
But that generosity is coming to an end. [than scarlet macaws]. They are a specialized erinary technician, oversees much of the tropical forest, but [it’s also] an indicator of
Castles said the Frisius family has given the species evolved to survive off just one or macaws’ daily care. healthy resources,” Castles said. “Macaws are
project until 2015 to find a new location for maybe a few types of food.” Newly hatched chicks, if there are any, get a signifying species that in a given area you
the aviaries and breeding program, which Great green macaws feed on the nuts of a commercial macaw formula fed via syringes have a healthy tropical forest.”
house approximately 86 great green macaws mountain almond trees. Green macaws also starting at about 5:30 a.m. The bigger birds, A private donor has given four hectares
and 64 scarlet macaws from days-old chicks rely on the mountain almond exclusively Pettigrew said, get a traditional Tico breakfast to the Ara Project for relocation of the aviar-
to breeding adults and juveniles almost ready for nesting, as the trees grow large enough of gallo pinto loaded with oils and fats. The ies and breeding program near Punta Islita
for release into the wild. to accommodate the roomy nests in hollow birds would not eat rice and beans in the wild, in the northwestern province of Guanacaste.
trunks the macaws prefer. Pettigrew said, but the project, which relies That’s the same amount of land the project
Almonds, Logs and Cages Mountain almond trees are themselves heavily on volunteers to maintain daily opera- enjoys in Alajuela, but the group, which
an endangered species as they are selec- tions, doesn’t have the resources to feed more is sponsored by Beirute Refrigeration, is
“In 2003, 2004 and 2005, we had a lot of tively targeted for logging for their hard than 100 macaws a steady diet of almonds. lacking funds to develop the property with
break-ins,” Castles said, while perched on the wood for use in construction. In 2008, the “Then we chop fruit for about two or roads, electricity and the multiple aviaries
porch of one of the project’s small buildings. Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme three hours,” Pettigrew said. “We’re starting and buildings necessary to relocate.
“Security has been an issue.” Court declared that no almond trees could to grow enough fruit here to feed the birds.” Castles estimates the project needs to
In response to the break-ins, the project legally be harvested until both the tree and In the wild, macaws would eschew fruits raise approximately $250,000 to make a suc-
started collecting dogs – 17 of them – and the great green macaws were no longer in favor of nuts and seeds. cessful change of venue.
now it is impossible to approach the prop- endangered (TT, Sept. 19, 2008). After feeding the birds, Pettigrew and “We’re proving you can do so much with
erty without setting off a cacophony of barks Loss of habitat and poaching have already volunteers check nesting boxes for newly laid so few resources,” Castles said. “If we had the
and howls that include the shrieks of roughly reduced the wild great green macaw popula- eggs and do maintenance on the aviaries. resources then we could do this all over the
150 macaws in aviaries scattered across the tion in the country to a small pocket near With beaks that generate as much as 1,000 region. There is huge potential to spread this
area. Sarapiquí. pounds per inch of pressure, the great green project and save not just one species.”n
Macaws are striking birds, and their The Ara Project, Castles said, has released macaws could bite through their cages and For more info, email
bright plumage has done them few favors more than 100 scarlet macaws – which are also leave, if they were so inclined. or call 8730-0890.
in terms of conservation. Individual birds endangered, with a Costa Rican population of
might fetch prices of anywhere from a few about 2,000 – into the wild, mostly in the Osa
hundred to several thousand dollars in the Peninsula. The group has released 10 great • Face-lifts
illegal pet market. Poaching for the pet trade
• Liposuction, tumescent technique
green macaws at a site near Manzanillo on the
has been a significant contributor to the southern Caribbean coast and plans to release
decline of macaw species, Castles said. 30 more within the next two years. The hope is • Breast surgery
Loss of habitat to deforestation is the that the reintroduced birds in the Manzanillo
other major factor leading to declining num- area will eventually expand their territory (Augmentation-Reduction)
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4 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

On Highest Mountain, Life or Death Choices

One Step At a Time: Above, Warner Rojas poses in the freezing cold while there are too many people, which can cause not quite the true summit. They rested and
waiting to ascend Mt. Everest. Right, climbers ascend fixed ropes on Everest’s death for sure,’” Rojas said. replaced their empty bottles of supplemen-
Balancing emotion and a clear head is tal oxygen with new ones.
south face. Photos Courtesy of Warner Rojas important in the big mountains, and Rojas Around 4:30 a.m., the sun began to
said he knows how to make appropriate brighten the horizon beyond the Himalayas.
3Page 1 top of the world. Hamilton decided to turn decisions for himself. His wife, he said, told “It was an important psychological
back. him she feels more worried when he leaves relief,” Rojas said. “To be climbing and to see
becomes costly and dangerous to retrieve the “It hurt,” Rojas said. “Honestly, it hurt their home in Escazú to go into San José than the sun.”
body. Many remain where they fall, mum- to the point of tears, tears of anger and frus- when he was on Everest. An hour later, they reached the South
mified by the dry air and sub-zero tempera- tration, to know that I couldn’t go up that “I had promised her,” he remembered, Summit, and Rojas couldn’t feel his feet.
tures. Of the second pair of bodies Rojas’ mountain, and that so many other people “that I wouldn’t put my life in danger, that Beyond the South Summit climbers face
team encountered, one had been reduced by were going to try. That was the emotional in whatever moment I encountered any type a knife-edge ridge with a 50-degree slope to
stinging winds and time to little more than part of me.” of danger, I would turn around.” one side and a 2,400-meter (7,900 feet) sheer
half a corpse. At the moment The day after drop on the other.
Another 100 meters above, the team Hamilton made the team returned Rojas now faced his own decision. His
encountered the body of a South Korean the decision to “Honestly, it hurt to the point to base camp, biggest fear, he said, had always been that
climber still clipped to fixed ropes teams use head down, there Hamilton called his feet would freeze, leaving him incapaci-
for safety when heading for the summit. were more than
of tears, tears of anger and them together and tated.
“You could see his face, how he died 700 climbers and frustration, to know that I gave the news of “When I arrived at the South Summit, I
there, and you had to unclip yourself from
the rope and step around him and clip back
sherpas on the
route, according to couldn’t go up that mountain, what had hap-
pened on the route
couldn’t feel my feet, but I also knew that I
had to go on. From that point, nobody can
in,” Rojas said. Everest blogger Alan and that so many other people to the summit: As bring me down if I my feet are frozen and I
Arnette. Bottlenecks many as 11 people can’t walk.”
Good Decisions of climbers at criti- were going to try” were either miss- Rojas and his sherpa had made good
cal points on the ing, injured or time and were ahead of the other members
“On the morning of May 19, I told David South Col Route, –Warner Rojas, describing a failed first confirmed dead on of the Jagged Globe team. They had oxygen
[Hamilton] that I would accept whatever which the Jagged attempt to scale Everest the mountain. and they had enough time, barring any acci-
decision he made,” Rojas recalled. Globe team was Later, that num- dents, to reach the summit and then start
An accident in which a sherpa from the on, can cause long ber would drop to the descent.
Jagged Globe team was injured a few days delays at places where the climbing becomes 10 when a climber feared dead after spend- “I decided that I wasn’t going to turn
earlier had set the team back some 24 hours. more technical and slow. ing the night stranded on the mountain was around from the South Summit,” Rojas
When team leader Hamilton was making Time is a critical element in a summit discovered alive. said. “I would go down from the true sum-
the decision whether to make a push from bid on Everest. Arriving at the peak early in mit.”
Camp 3 for the summit in a window of the morning is considered the safest strategy, Light on the Horizon At 5:56 a.m. on Saturday, May 25, Warner
good weather projected for May 20, team as afternoon storms on the mountain can Rojas became the first Costa Rican to reach
members knew they might not get another turn deadly for exhausted climbers trying to At about 1:30 a.m. on May 25, Warner the summit of Mt. Everest.
chance. make their way back down. and the sherpa climbing with him stopped “We took about 10 minutes on the sum-
Stacks of other climbers were staged “The rational part of me said, ‘You can’t between points on the route known as the mit,” Rojas said. “My camera didn’t work,
at Camps 2 and 4, waiting to make for the go up because, one, the weather, and two, Balcony and the South Summit, which is but my sherpa had one. There was a lot of
THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | NEWS | 5

Rojas Already Planning for Next Challenge

Alberto Font | Tico Times Courtesy of Warner Rojas

wind and it was very cold. I couldn’t feel my welcome in his hometown of San Antonio Costa Rican Pride: Left, hundreds of Ticos welcome climber Warner Rojas upon
toes. They were frozen.” de Escazú, southwest of San José, on Friday, his arrival at Juan Santamaría International Airport June 8. Above, Rojas on
They headed down the mountain, stop- June 8.
ping at Camp 4 to rest and for Rojas to use A band played and gigantes danced when Everest. Unusually warm conditions and overcrowding on the mountain resulted
a satellite phone to call his wife and give her he arrived at the San Antonio park from Juan in the deaths of 10 climbers while Rojas was attempting to reach the summit.
the news that he reached the summit and Santamaría International Airport.
was in good health for the descent. Rojas doesn’t drive. He rides the bus, that point, it was the highest he’d ever been. or trying to climb all 14 of the world’s 8,000-
Also, thankfully, his toes thawed. and now the world recognizes him, even on He sang “Happy Birthday” to his son over a meter peaks, of which he’s already climbed
public transportation. satellite phone. one – Everest.
Homecoming “I appreciate it,” he said, blushing. “But Rojas is getting back to work, too, plan- “You have to look for ways to make
I’m generally very shy.” ning hikes with his company, Pico Tours. But things happen,” the Tico mountaineer said,
“Uncomfortable,” is how Rojas responds He is enjoying spending time with his he’s also thinking about the next challenge. when asked what advice he would give other
when asked how he feels to be recognized by wife and two sons. His youngest son turned It’s a toss-up between trying to focus aspiring Costa Rican climbers. “You have
Ticos who consider him a hero. 1 on May 6, a day Rojas spent acclimatizing on climbing the tallest peak on each of the to have discipline and be constant, and you
Some 200 people gave him a full hero’s at Camp 3 at 7,200 meters (23,600 feet). At world’s continents – he’s already climbed two, have to train. And you have to love what
Everest and Aconcagua in South America – you do.”n

rate F
Forum Focuses on ‘Green’
imbursable resources through [intermediate

Small Businesses
financial institutions] in Central America, for
the development of small energy-efficiency

ce le a
to Sat., th
projects and renewable energy.”
Banco Nacional and the Fundación Attendees took in seminars presented
Centro de Gestión Tecnológica e by experts on topics such as “Environment
Informática Industrial (Cegesti) hosted last and Competitiveness” and “Responsible

JUNE 16th, 2012

week the first Green SME Forum, which Investments” led by Banco Nacional officials

er ’
drew about 500 representatives of the small and other experts.
and medium-sized businesses (SME) sector “Facing new market tendencies,” said
as well as international panelists. Starting at 8 p.m.

Naranjo, “we don’t want our SMEs to fall

The forum focused on training and behind. And while it is clear that they
exchange of best practices in sustainability should also be competitive, businesses
and investments in environmental busi- should be sustainable.”

ness practices for the SME sector, which, Sylvia Aguilar, a consultant at Cegesti,
according to a statement released by Banco said the organization works with an aver-
Nacional, accounts for some 98 percent of age of 150 Central American and Caribbean
Costa Rican businesses. SMEs each year offering training and con-
“This forum offers a space for discussion sulting on sustainability.
about the transformation of markets, con-
sumption tendencies and the investments in
“We collaborate with companies,
increasing their environmental performance Buffet dinner
productive processes, with focuses on envi- through efficient use of resources and
ronmental sustainability and social responsi-
bility,” said Banco Nacional General Manager
pollution prevention,” Aguilar said. “Our
approach is to create capabilities in people,
Cash prizes
Fernando Naranjo, who inaugurated the
so that they can identify opportunities for
environmental improvement in a proactive Live music
BN Development launched a new line of way and also obtain environmental, organi-
specialized financing designed to incentiv-
ize investment by SMEs in environmentally
zational and economic benefits.”
Of some 35 SMEs across Central
Free & Safe
friendly business practices. The Central
American Bank of Economic Integration
America and the Caribbean that have
recently received training and consulting Parking Lot
(CABEI) and German KFW Bank are col- through Cegesti, most have seen savings
laborating on the project as well. between 5–75 percent on primary materials
The BN Green SME program is expect- and up to 50 percent reductions in annual
ed to distribute some ₡2 billion ($4 million) chemical usage. Aguilar said some of the
of Banco Nacional’s own cash in its first businesses reduced by 46 percent their
year of operation. The program, according
to a Banco Nacional statement, will pro-
annual solid waste generation and racked 1st Ave., 9th & 11th st.
up significant savings in energy bills, fuel
mote investments in the prevention, con-
trol, mitigation and compensation for envi-
use and water consumption. Along with
input from Cegesti, Aguilar added, compa-
San José, downtown
ronmental effects of businesses receiving the
financing and to promote “environmental
nies also received financial help for sustain-
ability projects from national governments.
Tel. 2258-2807
best practices” in the SME sector. Since 2000, more than 1,100 SMEs have
The CABEI website indicates that, “the received Cegesti training and consulting.

initiative manages reimbursable and non-re- –Clayton R. Norman

6 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

New Tico Website Says ‘Use Your Head’

By Matt Levin lize and give a voice to an undercurrent of
Tico Times Staff Costa Ricans that feel unrepresented by the
Thousands of faces look out from the “All the site really did was bring together
computer screen. The rows of faces go a pre-existing culture of discontent and dis-
on and on. A woman with purple hair. A satisfaction,” Cambronero, 31, said. “What
middle-aged dude in a cowboy hat. A young we did was channel this disgust and visual-
man kissing his girlfriend. There’s also ize it in the form of faces, which seems very
Homer Simpson, Salvador Dalí and a para- powerful.”
keet. The photos are varying and relentless. Cambronero hopes the government will
But these 14,600 images – and counting pay attention. He believes the current gen-
– have something in common. eration of 20- and 30-year-olds will be the
The mugs make up the “Poné Tu Cara” deciding factor in electing the next presi-
(“Show Your Face”) project. The website dent in 2014. And yet that demographic has, built by the its issues overlooked by those in the assem-
San José-based online ad agency Big Web bly and the ruling government, he said.
Noise, has provided an outlet for Costa He’s tired of hearing critics dismiss equal
Ricans irate with their government. rights for same-sex unions as an issue solely
“We were really shocked,” said Antonio important to homosexuals. The images on
Barrenechea, of Big Web Noise. “We thought the website and the rhetoric heard on social
in the beginning that if we got from 1,000 to media reflect the diverse range and back-
2,500 people on the app, it would be a huge grounds of LGBT rights’ supporters.
success. We couldn’t believe that after that However, images on FuerzaJustoOrozco.
first weekend we had 4,000.” com have one other commonality. The
That stands as an extraordinary number majority of the website’s visitors are between
for an idea dreamt up over cups of coffee ages 18-34.
Alberto Font | Tico Times
one morning, and a website built in one day. Since the initial launch of Fuera Justo
But the site seems to fill a need. The page New Era: Christian Cambronero and coworkers at Big Web Noise are using social Orozco two weeks ago, the number of new
gives young, Internet-savvy Costa Ricans a media to bring protests in Costa Rica to the digital era. A website created by the com- headshots added has slowed down. The
place to sound off on a current event. pany,, received more than 10,000 hits after its launch. site appears as a static wall of faces, but the
“Fuera Justo Orozco” (“Out with Justo developers hope to do more with the site.
Orozco”) refers to an evangelical law- Barrenechea said Big Web Noise would like
maker who was selected as president of homosexuality is a sin that can be cured hours, more than 10,000 people visited, to create more interactivity between the
the Legislative Assembly’s Human Rights with prayer. His election sparked backlash according to Google statistics. The major- users of the site, such as ways to share mes-
Commission on May 31(TT, June 1). Orozco among Costa Rican residents aghast at ity came from Costa Rica, but hundreds of sages or to organize protests – any idea that
has made comments deemed homophobic the idea that a conservative Christian is in stopovers to the site arrived via the United lets Costa Ricans express an opinion they
and sexist by critics. Last week, Orozco charge of advocating legislation relating to States and Spain. Visitors from El Salvador feel is being ignored.
helped bury a bill extending economic gay rights and in vitro fertilization. and Mexico asked if the website could be Said Barrenechea: “We think it’s impor-
rights to same-sex couples, adding that A protest declared for Saturday morn- redone for perceived injustices in their own tant that young people have opportunities
ing in downtown San José (see box) will countries. to say to the guys who are in power, ‘We
Heredia, Costa Rica test the legitimacy of the indignation, as The site’s popularity caught the inter- don’t like what you’re doing.’”n
Orozco shows no desire to step down. But est of organizers for in
at this moment, London. The nonprofit group asked Big
has done an apt job of amassing outrage Web Noise to apply for an initiative that Invisibles March
on the web. grants prizes of $20,000 to web developers
In a sharp, white-and-yellow font, that “use information technology to pro- Equal rights activists are planning their first
the website declares, “If a signature is not mote and enable human rights or deliver a organized protest against Justo Orozco’s election
enough, we’ll show our face.” (The signa- social outcome.” as president of the Human Rights Commission
•24/security ture refers to a previous online petition, Barrenechea, 34, said if they receive the in the Legislative Assembly. Already 5,000-plus
•Matrimonial which garnered 6,800 signees.) The bottom money, the company plans to use it to turn people say they plan to attend the demonstration,
Beds of the page reads: “We demand the immedi- the site into an open source code project according to the Marcha de Invisibles Facebook
•Private bath ate resignation of Justo Orozco as president that could be shared freely online. page.
•Warm water of the Human Rights Commission of the The project also has received main-
What: The Invisibles March – For a Free and
•Parking lot Legislative Assembly.” stream attention in Costa Rica. Big Web
Equal Costa Rica
•TV Then a large button asks visitors to Noise designer Christian Cambronero has
poner tu cara (place your face). Click the undertaken a media blitz. He’s given inter- Where: Parque Central, in downtown San José
button and the site asks to connect with views to a plethora of news sites and TV When: 9 a.m., Saturday
Tel. (506) 2261-8147 your Facebook profile to add your face to
the collection of heads already on the site.
Cambronero has downplayed the role More Info:
Hotel Las Flores. 12 between streets 12 and 14.
200 mts. South & 50 mts. east from Heredia's Hospital The website’s launch has attracted of the website in the movement, saying its events/244811268958529

international attention. In the first 48 purpose was simple and obvious: to mobi-
THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | NEWS | 7

How Do I Sell a Used Car in Costa Rica?

By Allen Dickinson Find someone you trust implicitly,
Special to The Tico Times because the power of attorney allows them
to “own” the vehicle and do anything with
Like anywhere in the it, including controlling the proceeds from
world, expats in Costa a sale. (One option is to give the power of
Rica frequently want or attorney to one person, and leave the car to
need to sell their vehicles. be sold with another. That is a bit cumber-
Doing so is a process that some, but it avoids putting all the power in
can be particularly prob- one person’s hands.)
lematic when different languages and cul- Have a clear agreement with the repre-
tures are involved. Added to that, so many sentative on what is expected: Can they drive
used vehicles are available here that they the vehicle? Where will the car be stored?
can be difficult to sell at all. Following are What’s the bottom selling price? How will
tips that may help readers do so quickly communications take place? Who will pay
and profitably. for what, such as advertising, new Riteve
First, determine the market value of the inspections, marchamo (vehicle circulation
vehicle. Don’t base your price on emotion; permit), etc.?
instead, go to several websites and look Leave all documents (current marchamo,
for comparable models and use them as a ownership papers, etc.) behind; don’t take
guide. Also, look in the newspapers – check them with you. Make arrangements to main-
The Tico Times and La Nación, which has tain insurance on the vehicle, especially if it’s
a large used-car section, once a week. being driven.
Exposure is key to selling – you can’t Establish how money from the sale will
expect buyers to beat a path to your door if be transferred to you. If the amount exceeds
Gabe Dinsmoor | Tico Times
they aren’t aware of what you are offering. $10,000, you may be required to pay taxes
Put signs on your vehicle (white liquid shoe Patience and Caution: Car owners looking to sell in Costa Rica should watch and follow bank-transfer rules. Also, if the
polish is good to write on windows, but out for “phishing” schemes or outright scams. Be smart, be prudent, and above representative is to be paid, it may require
not on painted surfaces). Make sure your all, be patient. an additional step. Check with a reputable
telephone number is prominent, and if you attorney so this information is known up
don’t speak Spanish, include a number of front.
someone who does. If possible, leave the vehicle outside in a mon option is to leave the vehicle with aLastly, be patient. The representative isn’t
Post listings on the Internet anywhere high-traffic area for drive-by exposure. Drive designated representative, along with thegoing to be able to do more than you could
you can think of –, Craigslist, it around your neighborhood and park it on Costa Rican equivalent of a power of attor-when you were trying to sell it. Be realistic,
Yahoo bulletin boards for Costa Rica (Costa a busy street during the day, where people ney, to sell it for you. A few things should be
be cautious, and good luck selling your
Rica Living, Central Valley Living, Young can see it. remembered when doing this: vehicle!n
Expats and Escazú News). Also, find Costa Be patient and expect it to take time.

Attention Southern
Rican used-car sites, such as Don’t become discouraged early and lower
Give a good description and add your price too fast – you are looking for the
pictures where you can, but be honest. right person who wants your car. Be pre-
Mention anything pared to close the

Zone Residents!
that would add deal right away
value or entice a When listing the price, do not when a legitimate
buyer. Make sure include the phrases “Or Best buyer appears.
you specify what If you adver-
part of the country Offer” or “Negotiable.” That alerts tise on Craigslist,
t ha to wait fo
you are in, and give be aware that you
potential buyers you will accept might get “phished.”
good contact infor-
mation. Here’s an less than your asking price Craigslist is espe- r sn
ail m

example: cially prone to this.

2008 Nissan Sen- For example, an ail to b
ring you

tra. San José. V6, automatic transmission, email might claim the sender wants your
45,000 miles (30,000 km). Four doors. Original car but is “offshore” and doesn’t have access
owner bought new in U.S. and imported. to a bank account. They may offer to pay
Car maintained to perfection. Leather inte- via PayPal. Then – and this is a key phish-
rior with custom wood accents, special (factory ing phrase – they’ll have their “agent” take Find the news you need each Friday hot off the press, at:
installed) stereo system with CD, USB port, delivery of the vehicle for them. Believe them
and AM/FM radio. Alarm system. Original and you’ll end up without the vehicle or the San Isidro de El General: Ballena:
floor mats. Cold A/C. Aluminum wheels, new money. Café Delicias Hotel Cristal Ballena
tires. Never wrecked and no major dings or Take reasonable precautions. Don’t meet
scratches. Priced below book for quick sale: potential buyers alone or in isolated areas. Ojochal:
$5,000 USD. For more info in English, call Meet them during the day, in an open, Dominical:
5555-1234, Spanish 8901-2345, or email at: high-traffic area such as a mall parking lot Supermercado Jucaloa
Hotel Villas Río Mar (preferably one with security). Take a friend
When listing the price, do not include along. Dominical Super Market Sierpe:
the phrases “Or Best Offer” or “Negotiable.” It’s legitimate for a buyer to want to drive San Clemente Bar & Grill Hotel Oleaje Sereno
That alerts potential buyers you will accept your vehicle, but never let them drive your Dominical Realty
less than your asking price. car alone; always ride along. Don’t let them Golfito:
Prepare signs listing the vehicle’s strong bring anyone along for a test drive, even if Café Delicias
points and post it in a window. Create they say the person is their mechanic. Two of Licorera Feliz Hotel Las Gaviotas
handouts in English and Spanish to give to you can control a situation, but two of them Supermercado Pearson
interested buyers. You can put the same ad change the odds greatly. Uvita: Banana Bay Marina
in both languages on two sides of the same But what if you are leaving the country
Supermercado BM
sheet and save paper. and the car hasn’t sold? Puerto Jiménez:
Here’s another tip: Have your car pro- This can be a big problem for some
Matapalo: Río Nuevo Eco Aventuras
fessionally cleaned, inside and out. Think expats, who may have had a vehicle on the
about what you’d like to find when you go market for a while, are scheduled to relocate, Pulpería Espiral
look at a car. but nobody has purchased their car even
Also, have minor problems repaired after the price has been reduced consider-
before putting the vehicle on the market. A ably. A vehicle is a sizable investment and Or subscribe online and get the full Tico Times in digital

buyer will use anything to beat your price can’t just be abandoned or given away. What form right away each week (plus much more!)
down. Be prepared to bargain, but don’t let to do?
the buyer be in control of the process by
noting defects.
Unfortunately, Costa Rica doesn’t offer
many alternatives. The best and most com-
Contact us at
8 | HEALTH | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

Costa Rica’s Premier

Private Cigar Lounge
Can Dental Costs Be Too Low?
By Matt Levin
Tico Times Staff Quality Care:
Prisma Den-
Dental tourism remains the top medical
tourism venture in Costa Rica. Of the tens tal, in San
of thousands of medical tourists who visit José, is one of
the country each year, 40 percent come to several local
undergo dental procedures. business that
To try to gain the upper hand against
competition, some dental offices offer cater to Costa
extremely low prices. The Costa Rican Dental Rica’s growing
Surgeons Association sent out an alert last medical tourism
month announcing that those savings might trade. Experts
be too good to be true, putting a patient’s
health at risk. say customers
In late May, the association denounced 17 should shop
dentists for offering prices for aesthetic treat- for a balance
ments below the association’s fixed rates. between price
The association says minimum prices
help ensure quality, and charging signifi- and quality.
cantly less could mean some dentists are
Chelcey Adami | Tico Times
cutting corners.
Selena Cubero, secretary of the associa- Cubero, who runs a dental office in Jacó question of if you’re rich or poor, it’s a ques-
tion, said the warning was necessary because on the central Pacific coast, assured the tion of fairness,” Herrera said. “People have
We show all Local & some prices are so low it would be impos- majority of dentists throughout the country the right to have a smile that’s white and
International Sporting Events sible for dentists to buy top-shelf materials
required of them.
offer quality, problem-free service.
She said the “low-prices” alert is intended
Herrera said his business doesn’t cater to
Mon: Montecristos & Mojitos Cubero said the association fears dentists to keep improving the industry as more com- many foreigners, and focuses on providing
25% off are buying lower-quality equipment from petition arises from other Latin American care to locals in his office in Sabanilla, east
Tue: Aficionado Night China or reusing disposable materials. countries. In addition, the association is in of San José.
25% off all Cigars “[Dentists] need to open up the little talks with the Costa Rican Tourism Board For medical tourists, who already are
bags [containing disposable equipment] in and the Foreign Trade Promotion Office to receiving a discount in treatment compared
Wed: Whiskey Wednesday front of you,” Cubero said. “That would be begin dental tourism ad campaigns. to their homeland, the sensible advice seems
Free Whiskey Cocktail the minimum I’d expect as a patient.” In the days following the association’s to be to exercise caution when deciding how
w/Cigar Purchase Some websites offer teeth whitening for warning, consumer advocates argued that low you want to go.
Thurs:Ladies Night Free as cheap as $60, when the association lists prices were too high, and that costs make it dif- “If you want to have a quality service,”
Sangria and Wine Tasting the process at a minimum of $244. ficult for many Costa Ricans to receive dental Cubero said, “definitely it’s related to price.”n
6-9pm For foreign patients, a minimum price care. One dental office told the daily La Nación
Fri & Sat: Live Music still can be an impressive offer. In the United it filed a lawsuit to have the courts review the
Sun: Hospitality Night $2 9º Norte
States, professional teeth whitening starts at “minimum price” for teeth whitening. Recommended
approximately $500 (do-it-yourself kits are Joseph Herrera, director of the Fundación
Shots1/2 Price 9ºN cheaper). Salud y Familia (Fusafa), said he buys high- Dental Prices
Specialty Cocktails The minimum cost for a crown is $328 quality products at the same places other
in Costa Rica. A Google search reveals the dentists do. However, he buys the materials, Some of the minimum prices listed by the Costa
price for the same procedure in the U.S. like tooth-whitening kits, in bulk for his Rican Dental Surgeons Association include:
ranges from $700-$1,500. large clientele and receives a discount. That’s Sealant: $36
Cubero recommends ensuring a dentist why his website is able to promote deals like Extraction: $40
is registered with the association, either two-for-one teeth-whitening packages for Regular cleaning: $50
through their website, www.colegiodentis- $120. Root canal (one root): $140 (in Spanish), or by calling 2256- He said Fusafa can “respectfully demon- Two roots: $162
3100. Some 4,300 dentists belong to the strate” it follows all the correct procedures. Three roots: $224
Teeth whitening: $244-$290 (depending on type
Happy Hour Daily organization.
Patients also should make sure dentists
The low prices allow him to treat patients
who cannot afford the fixed minimum pric- of whitening)
4-7pm 1/2 price 9ºN are licensed to perform certain procedures. es. He doesn’t plan to raise his prices in spite Crown: $328
Specialty Cocktails For example, Cubero said, a general dentist of the alert. Source: Costa Rican Dental Surgeons Association
•Brohito-Arenal Eruption would not be able to do the same treatments “To have white-teeth treatment isn’t a
•Tico Oro & Many more as a specialist who installs dental implants.
Dentists must take a 12-hour recertification
•CRCB Drafts course every year. UN: Diesel Exhaust Portier’s group on Tuesday also con-
cluded that gasoline exhaust was possibly
$2.50 A new company is helping medical tourists
Causes Cancer carcinogenic, a finding unchanged from its
find the right doctors and dentists. HuliHealth,
which was recognized as one of the best previous assessment in 1989.

The World Health Organization’s The agency said environmental con-

start-up companies in Costa Rica last year, is
(WHO) cancer research agency on cerns had given rise to new regulations
designing a database of doctors and dentists
Tuesday classified diesel-engine exhaust in the last two decades, notably in North
in the country. Founder Alejandro Vega said
as cancer-causing, and urged action to America and Europe, resulting in a lower
visitors can try out a beta version of the site
reduce human exposure to it. sulfur content for diesel, engine changes
at, and the website’s
ff official launch is set for late summer.
“Diesel-engine exhaust causes lung
cancer in humans,” Christopher Portier,
that burn fuel more efficiently and emis-
sion reductions through exhaust-control
Vega said one of the keys to a successful
chairman of a working group at WHO’s technology.
medical tourism trip is to not simply rum-
T T H IS International Agency for Research on However, existing fuels and vehicles
mage around for the best bargains. The goal
Any Cigar/
Cancer (IARC), said in a statement. without the modifications will take years
of medical tourists is to save money, but if a
There was also a “positive association” to be replaced, particularly in less-devel-
dentist practice seems too cheap, “it’s often
with an increased risk of bladder cancer, oped countries where regulatory measures
for a reason,” he said.
the U.N. body said. are also less stringent.
HuliHealth plans to give a more rounded
“Large populations are exposed to The agency urged policy makers to
up to $100
overview of what’s available in Costa Rica
diesel exhaust in everyday life, whether work with engine and fuel manufacturers.
(pilot sites also will include Panama and
used through their occupation or through the “The main studies that led to this con-
Cannot be Taiwan). Prospective tourists can talk with
r offer
ambient air,” the statement said. clusion were in highly exposed workers,”
th e
with any o
previous patients and browse through a net-
People are exposed to emissions of said the IARC’s Kurt Straif. “However, we
work of recommended doctors.
diesel cars, trains, ships and power gen- have learned from other carcinogens, such
“A lot of people, sometimes when they
erators, as are workers in fields such as as radon, that initial studies showing a risk
Centro Comercial Cortijo, buy tennis shoes or computers or whatever,
underground mining. in heavily exposed occupational groups
spend a bunch of time on research and pric-
Local #6, Los Laureles, Escazú ing and all that information,” Vega said.
“Given the additional health impacts were followed by positive findings for the
from diesel particulates, exposure to this general population.”
Tel: 2588-2913 “But when it comes to doctors and health,
mixture of chemicals should be reduced
for whatever reason they don’t do as much
research as they should.”
worldwide,” Portier said. –AFP

A R T | C U LT U R E | E N T E R TA I N M E N T | J une 1 5 - 2 1 , 2 0 1 2

Good Eats: Costa Rica’s Best Bar Food

By Jack Donnelly
Special to The Tico Times

osta Rican cuisine has an unfortunate
reputation for being bland, boring
and uninspired. Some Gringos think
that Tico food is just rice and beans, fried
chicken and starchy plantains. This is unjusti-
fied and unfortunate, and in fact, there are
many traditional dishes that are unique and
enjoyable. Comida típica (traditional cook-
ing) which includes such dishes as olla de
carne, tortilla aliñada and pescado entero (pot
of meat, cheese tortilla and whole fish) is not
only delicious, but also intriguing. These typi-
cal foods are more laborious to prepare and
are not as commonly found on menus. They
may also be suffering from competition with
Gringo fast food.
A good way to explore the more interest-
ing and varied side of Costa Rican cooking is
to start with bar food. Tantalizing and unusu- Jack Donnelly | Tico Times
al, small dishes (bocas) are there for the tasting
in countless small establishments around the Gabe Dinsmoor | Tico Times
country. You don’t even have to commit to a
large meal to try them out. Remember that world, especially Central and South America.
part of the fun is that they are a little different Perú considers it part of its national heritage
every place you go: Be adventuresome! You ¡Deliciosa! and has a holiday in its honor. Costa Ricans
should consider your research into this topic are very passionate about their ceviche and
a service to culture and humanity. Clockwise from it is sold in almost all bars, on the street, at
The offerings are endless and varied. Many top, chifrijo, roadside stands and in bulk at seafood outlets.
bar-restaurants offer very complete menus, Lizano salsa and You can even buy ceviche in sealed plastic
including half portions of regular meals along bags in liquor stores and supermarkets. If you
with standard side dishes. Following are a few a Costa Rican find yourself in an establishment that does
of my favorite bocas: burrito. not offer it, you may want to reconsider your
choice of watering holes.
Chifrijo – In my humble opinion, chifrijo is The serving dishes and portions vary
the king of Tico bar food. A good chrifrijo widely. Some places offer a small glass while
will attract a steady crowd of eager patrons.
most serve it in a small bowl. Some even have
Even confirmed teetotalers will sneak into a Gabe Dinsmoor | Tico Times the option of a medium-sized dish that, with
disreputable gin mill to enjoy the culinary chips or crackers, will prove a heartier snack.
delights of this dish. beans. Originally frijoles tiernos, or red beans, chilera. This is a homemade concoction of Essentially, ceviche is chopped up raw fish
It is the only boca that I am aware of that were used, but frijoles cubaces (large beans) are chopped hot peppers, carrots, cauliflower, and spices that are “cooked” or pickled in the
has had a patent taken out by its inventor, sometimes used as well. The beans are cooked onions, green beans and sweet peppers that citric acid of lemon or lime juice. A rough
Miguel Ángel Cordero. He developed this in spices and are the heart of the dish. have been pickled in vinegar for several weeks. standard recipe:
heavenly recipe in the 1990s at his bar and The beans are crowned with a portion Don’t let an unattractive, well-used container Cut fresh white fish into small cubes.
restaurant (Cordero’s) in Tibás, just north of of chicharrón. Commonly, this is the Costa put you off this treat. Use the spoon in the jar Many species are used including sea bass,
San José. Chifrijo is uniquely Costa Rican. Rican version of chicharrón, small, cooked to scoop out some chunks of spicy vegetables. tilapia, marlin, shark, etc. A variety of shrimp,
The name was suggested by one of the pieces of meat (chicharrón de posta). Chichar- Tabasco sauce is also commonly used. Chi- octopus, squid, clams and other seafood can
first customers to try it and is a composite of rón crocante (or chicharrón de pellejo) is the frijo itself is not picante (spicy hot), but you also be added making it mixto. Ceviche made
“chi” and “frijo,” the first three letters of three crispy pork skin which may also be used. are free to turn up the temperature. of just shrimp is also popular.
ingredients (chicharrón, chile and chimichur- The meat is then smothered in chimi- As with all bar food, variety in ingredi- Mince some onion (red is elegant), sweet
ri) and frijo, from frijol. churri or pico de gallo, a chopped blend of ents, size and presentation is the norm. Com- pepper, cilantro and garlic.
It is a layered dish, so proportion and tomato, cilantro, onion, sweet pepper and monly, a bar will offer two sizes of chifrijo, a Combine the ingredients and cover them
structure are important. Harmony among lime juice. smaller bowl as a boca and a larger version with lemon or lime juice. Add salt and pepper
the component layers is critical. Chifrijo is Tortilla chips are served on the side or that makes a decent light dinner. to taste. Cover and keep refrigerated for at
constructed in a bowl as follows: tucked into the sides of the bowl. least two hours, longer for mixto.
A foundation of white rice is laid down on Additionally, there may be a topping of Ceviche – Chifrijo may be king, but ceviche is Ceviche is served with tortilla chips or
the bottom of the bowl. jalapeño pepper or slices of avocado. Along the standard by which Tico bar food is judged. soda crackers. For picante lovers who usually
Next comes a thick layer of cooked savory with this plate, you will invariably be offered a It is a dish popular over a wide area of the Page W34

More Surprisingly Peace Lodge: A A Woman Finds Her Painted Silk Scarves in
Delicious Bar Treats Mountain Paradise Place in the Woods Guanacaste

Page W34 Page W44 Page W54 Page W84

W2 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

Community Connection
Manuel Antonio/ Anderson at 2653-0962 or 8855-6945, or tional Surfing Day June 24 in Jacó Beach at on the main road across the street from the
email him at one of the many surf shops in town, or take a Best Western Tamarindo Vista Villas now
Quepos Tidings –Babe Hopkins lesson from one of the surf schools.   belongs to William David Jones. Next Wednesday, June 2, the Central The Langosta Beach Club offers yoga
I am going to be out of the country for a Pacific Women’s Group will meet at 9 a.m. classes Mon.-Fri. at 9:15 a.m. The studio
month, but I still will be accepting informa- at Hotel Cocal. The meeting will feature is glass-enclosed and classes include mats
tion for the column. I would love to keep it Arenal Report
indigenous art from the Amazon, presented and props. All levels are welcome to join the
going while I am away, but it is hard to scout by Joost Wilms of Dantica Gallery. For more classes, located at the Tamarindo Preserve,
out stories from abroad, so I am counting on It’s one thing to explore the rain forest
and jungle in daytime, but for seekers of the info, visit Also, the Cen- 200 meters past the Super2001 on the right,
you. I accept birthdays, openings, closings, tral Pacific Chamber of Commerce will meet on the road to Playa Langosta. For more
births, marriages and anything happening in Big A (adrenaline), try doing it at night. Are-
nal Ecolodge offers just this sort of adven- Tuesday, June 26, at 7 p.m. at Balcón del Mar info, email
our area. It is a great way to get the word out, in the center of Jacó. This annual meeting More good news from CEPIA: Thanks
so please send them to me. Email: jennifer@ ture. The adrenaline rush comes from not
knowing what you will see, or how close your will feature the year in review and plans for to Amigos de la Educacion, Villareal High the upcoming year. This meeting is open to School students can enjoy a clean and
PAWS is having a fundraiser June 23 at encounter will be.
Ulysses, our Maleku Indian guide well- the public. For more info, visit www.jaco- adequate dining area. Amigos, which raised
La Foresta Resort from 7-10 p.m. It will be or call 2643-2853. money with its annual golf tournament,
an elegant evening of live music with Kezirah known for his skills and knowledge of
Costa Rican flora and fauna, pointed out a –Christina Truitt donated $1,500 for 40 new folding chairs
(Fuzzy Rojas) and her band. Silent auctions and 10 tables. An additional $2,200 from
and door-prize drawings will be accompa- deadly coral snake meandering across our
trail. From that moment on, every rustle Amigos now funds a drug prevention pro-
nied by bocas, desserts and two free drinks, gram along with CEPIA. The program will
all for $25 in advance or $30 at the door. in the trailside bushes sent shivers up our San Ramón en Acción be for students at Colegio Técnico Profe-
Proceeds will benefit animal shelter Albergue spines and brought up the hair on the back
of our necks. After we returned from our To help everyone catch up with goings- sional, 27 de Abril, Colegio Villareal and
Casa Verde and provide free spay/neuter clin- CTP Cartegena.
ics to Aguirre Canton. Tickets are available at adventures, Fabiana de Oliveira, owner of on in San Ramón and with the Community
Ecolodge, brought us down from our adren- Action Alliance, a mixer will be held Friday, -Ellen Zoe Golden
the PAWS animal booth at the farmer’s mar-
ket (feria), online at the PAWS CR Facebook aline high with an assortment of appetizers, June 29 at 10 p.m. at Mario’s Steakhouse.
page or at the door. For more information, pastries and fruit smoothies. For more infor- Attendees can expect to hear updates from
call 2777-1113. mation, visit the Education, Environment, Economic Costa Ballena Bulletin
–Jennifer Rice Greiven González, manager of the Development and other standing commit- Hotel de Lago Arenal, has announced tees. The list of projects in motion is quite Great News! Two of Costa Ballena’s
that the response to allowing families of exciting. For more information, visit www. outstandingly beautiful beaches have earned
local residents use of the hotel swimming the Blue Flag ecological standing. Thanks to
Flamingo/Potrero News pool complex free of charge on weekends With both excitement and sadness, we program leader Jonathan Cordero and the
has been enormous. As of June 15, he is are saying hasta luego to Louise Wittman exhaustive efforts of Hotel Cuna del Angel,
Playa Potrero’s first solar panels were expanding the offer to make Fridays avail- and Chris Roe as they relocate to Salt Lake Playa Hermosa has won its first star in this
recently installed on the roof of the com- able to adults only. An excellent selection City. They’ll be reuniting with good friends wonderful program. Thanks to Hotel La
munity classroom, otherwise known as the of bocas and bar specials will be available at and former San Ramón ex-pats, Dave and Cusinga Ecolodge, Playa Arco has obtained
Kids Club. Abriendo Mentes (www.abrien- nominal cost. Arden Brink. Louise, a self-proclaimed the prestigious Blue Flag for the first time., a community-development –William & Jean Priest “hater of meetings,” has become a driving The program requires that beaches are kept
nonprofit organization located in Playa force behind the highly successful booksale clean, the water is tested for safe swimming,
Potrero, holds weekly English classes and fundraisers that have brought in thou- and safety signs are displayed. The Com-
community events in the Kids Club. The sands of dollars for local charities. She also
solar panels were donated by Pura Vida Jacó Happenings has been acknowledged as a Community
mittee of the Cusinga was recognized with
Energy Systems, S.A, a company that donates an award at the Casa Presidencial and Playa
Natalia Coto and Lourdes Pérez have Action Alliance Showcased Volunteer, in Arco became one of the top-10 beaches in
10 percent of its profits to support locals. part for her work as an English volunteer
This generous donation will produce natural, announced plans for a Kids’ Camp during Costa Rica.
school break in Playa Hermosa. The dates with ITCR classes for more than three years. Crime Awareness and Prevention (CAP)
renewable energy, which will reduce the cost
are July 2-13 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Activities Chris has been a rock, always there for sup- is a local group of concerned and deter-
of electricity in the Kids Club and allow the
include swimming, dancing, cooking, recy- port. They are wonderful people and will mined citizens, residents, nonresidents,
space to continue growing sustainably. 
cling and multi-sensory workshops. The be missed, particularly by José Esquivel, frequent visitors and business owners who
The Coast Guard is beefing up its pres-
camp is for children ages 4-11. For more who will be put up for adoption. Chris and want to ensure our area stays safe and beau-
ence in the Pacific and northeastern regions
info, call 8628-3911 or 8322-0777. Louise: Thank you for your time, particu- tiful and to prevent crime. The mission of
of Costa Rica. The agency will have a new
Alejandra Torres is teaching yoga classes larly enduring all those meetings, and most CAP is to assist in assuring the safety and
station in Tortuguero in the province of
again at the Doce Lunas yoga studio just out- importantly, thank you for your friendship. security of every law-abiding citizen, resi-
Limón and a stronger presence in Murciélago
side of Jacó. Classes are Mon., Wed. and Fri. On Sunday, June 17, 2,000 trees donated dent and visitor in Costa Rica by unifying
in La Cruz, in the north Pacific. The U.S. is
from 9-10:30 a.m. and Tues. and Thurs. from by the Costa Rican Electricity Institute in and building communities and promot-
investing $1.25 million for infrastructure at
6-7:30 p.m. For more info, contact Doce cooperation with the Agriculture and Live- ing crime awareness and prevention, thus
the Flamingo station, according to the Public
Lunas at 2643-3419. stock Ministry and local businesses will becoming recognized and valued as an
Security Ministry. Uncle Sam’s interest is
generated by the war on drugs. John Garcia from Los Amigos is hosting be planted on the finca behind Los Leños influential voice on a national level. Our
The Happy Snapper has reopened for tomorrow’s international event, Night of the Restaurant, located on the pista in Santiago local police need additional funding and
business. The needed renovations are com- Living Bass, featuring Francia D.J. Metastaz. (across from the gas station). This event equipment. Costa Rica is addressing crime
plete and everyone is invited to stop in and After 10 p.m., the cost is ₡2,000 ($4). For is being coordinated by the San Ramón problems, but to ensure our standard of
enjoy the usual specials. For more informa- more info, call 2643-2961 or visit www. Carbon Neutral Foundation to help bring living is maintained, much effort is needed.
tion and reservations, please call 2654-4413. the community together to enjoy working We must put a “CAP” on crime. Check out
Flamingo restaurant Mar y Sol has a kickoff This weekend, the fifth leg of the CNS to reduce carbon emissions. Everyone is to help.
in June with weekend specials. Don’t forget Surf Circuit will be held in Jacó Beach in welcome to come celebrate and help plant Yum! Suki Madden has opened her
Maxwell’s Café and Bar, El Coconut, The front of Morgan’s Cove on the south end. trees. For more information: mike@styles. restaurant in Rincón de Uvita. Suki hails
Shack and El Castillo in Surfside, which are The Copa Britt Iced Jacó 2012 will not only com. from South Korea and brings her culinary
also great choices. feature local surfers in action, but also Miss –Mike Styles skills to our area, including sushi and other
Force One Security, which is certified Chica Reef signing autographs. Earlier in light and nutritious Asian meals, some with
by the Public Security Ministry, and Access the month, Craig “Tequila” Schieber began as few as 150 calories. Come by, and don’t
Control are pleased to announce plans to defending his title with a high level of surf- Tamarindo Talk forget to bring your shopping bags to gather
expand their current operations into the ing out at the Masters Surf Cup in Playa up goodies at the farmer’s market every Sat-
Playa Coco and surrounding area markets. Hermosa. Schieber won the Kahuna category. A couple of local businesses have urday morning.
Force One Security was formed in late 2007 This Masters Cup was run as a prelude to the changed hands. The popular Bar1, on the Domestic Animal Welfare Group and
and has secured hundreds of clients between World Cup, which will take place in July in third floor above ABC Realty, was bought the community recently lost our dear friend
Nosara and Potrero. They offer central- Playa Colorado Riva, Nicaragua. Congratu- by John Philips. Taco Stop is open again and animal lover, Dan Kelly. Our hearts go
station monitoring and armed response lations to the other winners: Andrea Díaz under the auspices of Ezequiel Marinoni. out to his wife, Cheryl, and son, Jim. We
between Playa Langosta and Playa Potrero, in the women’s group and Grand Masters, Get your delicious burritos and tacos at will miss him dearly.
including Playa Grande, Flamingo and sur- Randall Chaves (41-45 years) and Luis Diego the location just 50 meters past Super2001. -Shawnell Parker
rounding areas. For more info, contact Terry Morales (35-40 years). Celebrate Interna- And La Laguna del Cocodrilo Restaurant

Community Connection welcomes reports from readers about happenings in their area of Costa Rica. Send reports and/or photos to Weekend Editor Ashley Harrell at
THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | WEEKEND | W3

Costa Rican Snacking: Beyond Beans and Rice

3Page W1
do not like the vinegar base of Tabasco, this is
an exception: the vinegar blends wonderfully
with the citric base.

Tacos and Gallos – Tico tacos are hard tacos

and almost always use a wheat-flour tortilla.
They can hold anything in the way of meat,
chicken, fish, cheese, beans, etc. Most are made
with the tortilla completely rolled around the
contents, while others are partially open like
taco shells. They are generally fried along with
the filling and may have an additional topping
of ground beans, cheese, sour cream or salad.
Some bars offer fried mini-tacos using corn
tortilla wrappers. If you are not a big ketchup
and mayo fan, you should stipulate that you
would like them on the side.
A boca that generates considerable confu-
sion among visitors is the gallo. This is sim-
ply a soft, warm corn tortilla with pieces of

chicken or meat inside. Many foreigners make
the mistake of thinking that the Costa Rican
gallo is a taco. Any Tico will quickly set you
straight that the tortilla used in a taco wraps
all the way around and overlaps itself, while Taste This: packet of wheat tortilla stuffed with beans,
the tortilla in a gallo folds like a slice of bread; Clockwise from meat, cheese, chicken, chicharrón, etc. It can
the edges come together evenly and must be a bit greasy, but makes a good medium-
be held upright between the thumb and the top, beef tacos, level snack. Often you will have to satisfy a
forefinger. It resembles a tortilla hammock or chicharrón, burrito craving from a stand near the bar of
sling. If you have a fondness for losing argu- the same sort that sells enyucados.
ments, try telling a local that it’s really a taco.
In truth, only one thing matters regarding Condiments – Mayonnaise and ketchup are
gallos: they’re delicious. Photos by universally offered and used, liberally, on
Gabe Dinsmoor | almost everything. Two things to remember:
Huevo de Tortuga – The consumption of Tico Times The yellow squeeze bottle is mayo, not mus-
huevo de tortuga or turtle egg is controversial. tard; Costa Rican ketchup is much sweeter
There is a legal harvest of Olive Ridley turtle than the U.S. version. Homemade chilera is
eggs on the Pacific coast. Only the early nests common, as is Tabasco sauce. Chilero (hot
sauce) is often available as well. Salsa Lizano
are raided on the premise that these eggs do
not survive the heat of dry season and sub- is a ubiquitous table sauce that is made from
sequent waves of nesting females. Another Limón province will have multiple patí vend- pudding (British), moronga (Mexican) or “natural spices and vegetables” according to
argument for this practice is that it reduces the ers. Central Valley bakeries also sell them, blutwurst (German, older German-American). a secret family recipe. Lizano is a little sweet
price of turtle eggs and discourages poaching. usually in small paper bags of two. It is not as popular in Costa Rica as in Spain and sometimes compared to Worcestershire.
It provides income for local residents and has or Mexico, but you will find it on many bar You may have to request salt or pepper.
contributed to town improvements. Vigorón – Vigorón is a dish centered around boca menus. Any source of blood can be used, Costa Rica may never have the reputa-
In fact, demand far exceeds the legal sup- a mound of cabbage salad. The cabbage is but pig is by far the most common. tion for its small dishes that Spain does for
ply and there is a thriving black market for dressed with a sauce of tomatoes, onions, Tico morcilla is milder in taste and less tapas, but it’s time for Tico bocas to step out
poached eggs. Recently, there was an armed cilantro and lime juice. Salt, pepper, sugar aromatic than other varieties, but still very of the shadows and let the world know how
robbery of eggs from a turtle conservation and cumin may be added to the dressing as good. It is usually served chopped up and good they really are.n
station on the Caribbean coast, where all well. Arranged around it, usually in a nice fried with onions, sweet peppers and other
harvesting is illegal. There are regular reports star pattern, are long pieces of cooked yuca flavorings. You can have it served on rice or in
of poachers being caught transporting large
quantities of contraband eggs.
(cassava) and chicharrón crocante, or crispy
pork rinds.
gallos. It is a rich, dark mixture that makes for
a comforting and filling meal. Casa Buena Vista
B & B
Turtle eggs are traditionally seen as This is a very different plate that can make Many people cringe at the thought of
enhancing male virility, so they are consumed a fairly good meal. In some countries it is used eating blood, but travel eating is supposed
almost exclusively by men. The main market as a late dinner or a very early breakfast. to be an adventure: Try splitting a plate with
also seems to be the Central Valley. Normally, a companion or ask for a very small serving.
they are served raw with sangrita, a tomato- Chalupas – This is a messy delight that you It cannot possibly be worse than the unmen-
based drink that may also include orange should attack with fingers, fork, knife and tionables that go into hot dogs.
juice, hot pepper, other fruit or ginger ale. The several reserve napkins. The foundation of
egg is then swallowed in one gulp. a chalupa is a crispy, fried corn tortilla. The Yuca – Yuca, or cassava, is a common compo-
My opinion: buying illicit drugs supports superstructure is varied, but often consists of nent of bar bocas, as it is in vigorón. However,
cartels and terrorism; buying turtle eggs pro- a hearty first layer of ground beans, refried it warrants some special attention as probably A private home lodging located in Manuel An-
motes illegal poaching and threatens turtle beans in Gringo-speak. The beans are fol- the best belly ballast for imbibing you can tonio, Costa Rica with a spectacular post card
survival. Until they are truly regulated, I will lowed by a tier of meat, chicken, cheese or find. A little yuca in your system will help you ocean/ jungle view.
not partake of the leathery little globes. chicharrón. This is crowned by a big pile of soldier through the toughest pub crawl. GREEN SEASON RATES-$35 FOR two people or
lettuce or shredded cabbage, and it will likely Yuca frita is simply small chunks of yucca, $25 for one. Rooms with A/C are $10 more.
Patí – Patí is a small pastry filled with a mix- be slathered with ketchup and mayo. deep fried. It does not take up the oil like HIGH SEASON RATES - $50 for two people or
Interestingly, the term “refried beans” is French fries and sits very comfortably in your $35 for one. The rooms with A/C are $10 more.
ture of ground beef, onion, spices and a touch Prices Include full breakfast.
of hot pepper, often the hot Panama chile, all a mistaken translation, one that will never stomach. It is also far tastier, and a small plate
cooked in oil. It is not really very hot, at least be remedied. In fact, the beans are only fried can easily be shared by two or more people.
once in the process. The prefix re- in Spanish Enyucados are not always sold inside bars, US Tel. 510-356-3781
not to my picante-loving mouth. You will find CR tel. 011-506-2777-1002 or 2777-0292
them in rectangular and half-round shapes. means a repetition, just as in English. How- but can often be found nearby in small sodas Fax. 011-506-2777-1946
They are very oily and you will quickly see ever, the word re is a modifier that means very or stands with glass cases on the street, even
evidence of this if you buy them in paper. or well. The proper translation from Mexican well into the evening. This is a fried ball of
Patí is another snack like enyucados and Spanish for frijoles re fritos (three words) is cassava dough that may have a meaty center.
burritos that you may have to find near a bar, really well-fried beans. This problem is moot It’s not very greasy and is quite substantial.
rather than inside. They are very common in Costa Rica as here they are called frijoles This delicacy gets my vote for the best street
street food on the Caribbean coast and you molidos or ground beans. snack or finger food in Costa Rica.
can find them there well into the evening, in

small stands with glass cases. Any festival in Morcilla – Morcilla is blood sausage, blood Burritos – A burrito is a fried envelope or
W4 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

Exploring Costa Rica

3 Years After Quake, La Paz Still Magical
Ashley Harrell
Tico Times Staff

s legend has it, during the 2009 earth-
quake that rocked the Poás region, 30
miles northwest of San José, some of
the animals at the La Paz Waterfall Gardens
escaped their cages. Although the birds and
wild cats fled into the surrounding rain forest,
the spider monkeys were apparently unin-
terested in a getaway. Instead, they headed
for Colibries Restaurant and sat down at the
tables, looking around expectantly.
The takeaway is that the smartest ani-
mals know it doesn’t get better than stay-
ing at La Paz, where the majestic waterfall
gardens, animal exhibits and accompanying
luxury mountain cabins feel like something
out of a Latin fairytale. Since the Peace
Lodge hotel opened in 2003, it has become
one of the foremost accommodations in
Costa Rica, winning numerous accolades for
both environmental friendliness and guest
experience. Verdant Vacation: Clockwise from top, the garden bathroom and Jacuzzi within
Though earthquake damage did create the deluxe room; waterfall; red-eyed frog spotted during the night tour.
a setback, owners Lee and Cindy Banks Photos Courtesy of Peace Lodge
have rebuilt where necessary. The trout lake
cracked down the middle, but has since been
repaired, and some of the trails to the water- observatory), the ranarium, the serpentar- ing about for years. At the jungle cat cages,
falls also needed work. At this point, only the ium and the casita (a reproduction of an visitors can stand an arm’s length from a
nearby roads remain damaged; still, they are old Caribbean farmhouse) all withstood the mountain lion, margay, ocelot or jaguar. In
passable. shaking, and these exhibits continue to allow the aviary, visitors can feed hummingbirds
The aviary, the mariposario (butterfly up-close encounters that guests will be talk- and toucans by hand. A night tour given by
the hotel brings visitors face-to-face with
nocturnal fauna, including the very symbol
of Costa Rica – the red-eyed frog.
Those fortunate enough to be staying on an early morning stroll on the trail past the
the property, which consists of 70 acres of waterfalls, and then to spend some off-hours
jungle and just 17 units, can return after a quality time with the jungle cats.n
day of exploration to some of the most ador-
able and awe-inspiring accommodations in Going there
the country. The guest’s last name will be
spelled out in wooden blocks beside the Rates range from $295-$545 a night. To get there,
door, behind which await four-poster king take the Pan-American Highway from San José towards
beds, stone fireplaces, showers designed to the airport and take the Alajuela exit. Continue for 12
resemble caves (with a waterfall option) and miles, following the signs for Poás Volcano. At the dead-
Jacuzzis in the bathrooms and on the balco- end, three-way intersection, take a right. Go one mile to
nies. Although the rooms are unquestion- the town of Poasito and take a right at the intersection
ably upscale, personal touches like mosaic, where it says Heredia Vara Blanca, Sarapiquí. Make a
hand-painted tiles and stained glass adorn- left at the gas station at Vara Blanca and go three miles.
ments make the place feel like home. Waterfall Gardens is on the left. For more, call 2482-2100
The balconies feature traditional Costa or visit
Rican rocking chairs and hammocks, with
foggy mountain views that include the active
Poás Volcano, which occasionally shoots
geyser-like ejections out of its crater and
makes for an excellent day trip. The Doka
Peace Lodge
coffee plantation is also worth a stop while COSTA RICA

touring the charming Poás region, which is Peace San

also known for its organic strawberries and Lodge José

fern farms. Enlarged

After packed days of exploring, romantic Area

evenings at Peace Lodge involve cranking the Pacific Ocean

gas fireplace and ordering a bottle of wine Volcano Secondary Road
and fresh trout to the room (adventurous
guests may feast on a trout they caught per- Poasito Varablanca
sonally at the pond). Those seeking a more
formal affair can head up to the Vista Poás Fraijanes
Restaurant for a four-course meal. Breakfast
can also be taken in the room or out on the
San Pedro Carrizal
restaurant terrace, and options include any- de Poás
thing from traditional gallo pinto to delec-
table egg-white omelettes.
Although the public is invited to visit the
La Paz Waterfall Gardens from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Alajuela
hotel guests have all-hours access. My abso-
lute favorite thing do to at La Paz is to take Roy Arguedas Arias | Tico Times
THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | WEEKEND | W5

It’s Not What You Eat, It’s When You Eat

recent survey weight gain, less liver damage and lower But if you have reached a weight loss to your health, as long as you are sensible.
IN THE NEWS by on food and levels of inflammation. Although this was plateau, or if the eat-little-and-often con- If you are concerned about possible con-
health by the an experiment on animals, theoretically the cept has not worked, then you could test sequences, consult a doctor or nutritional
International Food logic could apply to people. It could be that this daily time restriction for yourself; just therapist and ask for dietary supervision.n
Information Coun- our systems and organs each have their remember to keep your calorie intake at
cil concluded that 52 own biological clock, so at certain times of current levels and restrict eating to daylight Julie Godfrey BSc (Hons) is a Nutritional
percent of U.S. citizens the day, our liver is at peak performance in hours when you are most active (assuming Therapy Practitioner and full member of the
find it easier to figure processing toxins and fats and our digestion that you keep a normal schedule). Ideally, British Association of Applied Nutrition and
out a tax return than to simply works better. If we match our eating you should eat sensibly during your eight Nutritional Therapy (BANT). See www.for-
understand what they schedule to these biological schedules, we hours; i.e. lean protein, fruits, vegetables, or email jgodfrey@for-
should and should not could help fight obesity, high cholesterol and complex carbohydrates and good fats such
consume to be healthy. other modern illnesses. Although human as oily fish, nuts and olive oil. However if
Julie Godfrey Now we’ll add to the trials are necessary to test and refine this your current diet is distant from this ideal, News sources:
confusion. After years daily-restriction theory, one human study stick to what you eat now and see if sim- “Americans Find Doing Their Own Taxes
of being told to eat “little and often,” scien- on another form of restrictive eating did ply applying the eating window makes a easier Than Diet and Health,”
tists are now saying that starving ourselves show positive benefits. difference to your weight and mood. You
for a few hours each day could help control For people who are happy with a graz- can experiment with the exact timing of “When You Eat Matters, Not Just What,”
weight and delay the onset of degenerative ing diet style, feel free to continue eating this window as long as it is within daylight
diseases. five or six small meals a day. No point mess- hours, but be aware that you will need time “Extended Daily Fasting Overrides
The Salk Institute of Biological Studies ing around with something that works (and to adapt. Stick with it for a month to decide Harmful Effects of High Fat Diet,” www.
gave two groups of mice the same high-fat it works for many individuals). People are whether or not the regime works for you.
diet, but one group only had access to food different and what suits one person’s bio- Unless you have a diagnosed medical condi- “Alternate Day Fasting and Chronic Dis-
during an eight-hour period. After 100 days, logical circumstance does not necessarily tion such as diabetes, this style of restricted ease Prevention,” The American Journal of
the restricted-access group exhibited less work for others. consumption should not be detrimental Clinical Nutrition.

Karen, Queen of the Costa Rican Jungle

aren left L.A. neighbor. After several days of deep financial open the coop’s door, she entered the feath- Karen started to cry. It was all too much.
the day she consideration, he agreed to the worldly sum ered chaos. Chickens were bouncing from the Two years of battling oppresive heat, voracious
got out of of $2 per acre. In an inside pocket of the ratty walls, trying to escape an unseen menace. insects, dangerous reptiles, burning fevers,
high school. Even in knapsack Karen had sewn $900, a birthday Then in the shadowy darkness, something crushing loneliness. Two years of walking for
the fast-changing gift from her mother. The next morning, she moved. Something evil and silent, something days to make a phone call. Two years of being
1960s, the city held no stood on her 450-acre jungle-draped finca in smooth, glistening and huge. A snake! A an outsider in an unforgiving, alien world.
allure for the sharp- the sky. Far below, the blue Pacific stretched mammoth boa constrictor, big around as a Could she take any more? Could she, or any
eyed, petite blonde. to the horizon. Above towered the vertical man’s leg and 15 feet long, its reptilian eyes human, survive in nature’s own Herculean
Steve Church She wandered up to cliffs, jungle clinging to their sides, waterfalls reflecting the candle’s pitiful flicker, in its jaws heart? She slowly rose to her feet, her body
a freethinking Oregon cascading into the humid air. Monkeys and one of Karen’s beloved hens convulsed. aching from a hundred violent blows and
commune only to find parrots provided a wild symphony backdrop Karen was outraged. With a primal rush turned to face the rising sun. Then with that
it filled with fellow Californians, tie-dyed and to the primeval scene. Karen was home. of mindless adrenaline she attacked the beast, golden orb rose a passion deep inside her.
bearded. She thumbed to Alaska, worked the She traded her labor, English lessons and hacking with all her might into the snake’s Yes she could! And she would! She had not
salmon boats, then down to the Caribbean laughter for two-dozen hardwood planks, and neck with the dull machete. Again and again come this far to fail. She had found her place
and worked the charter boats. Her wander- she built herself a cabin. With a difficult call she swung at the giant reptile, now crash- in life and come home. Karen went on to raise
ings whetted an appetite for the unknown. to the states, her still-baffled mother financed ing wildly side to side in an attempt to rid three strong children on her misty mountain.
The more she traveled, the more unsettled a horse and some chickens. From the jungle, its extended jaws from the jammed chicken. Now college graduates and the product of
she became. One day, she found herself with a she gathered young fruit trees, herbs and Blood gushed from its wounds, pelting Karen’s two cultures, they all fight for environmental
small band of friends in the steamy outpost of veggie seeds. In a couple years, Karen’s little naked skin in greenish slime. The writhing causes and the survival of the jungle they love.
Dominical on Costa Rica’s still-wild southern homestead had all the comforts of home. body smashed into Karen, flinging her against Karen still resides on the mountain, nestled
Pacific shores. Running water from the stream, a small bed, a the wall and knocking the lantern from her close to the bosom of Mother Nature.n
Drawn to the lush beauty of the sur- sand fire pit, a garden and chicken coop. grasp. Now in total darkness, she swung the
rounding jungle, Karen packed a small knap- So it was in the middle of the rainy season machete over and over, and the beast’s sav-
sack, sheathed her machete and bid farewell and in the dark and stifling night that Karen agery knocked the crazed girl from floor to
to friends and the tiny village. She marched jerked awake. Lying naked on the foam, her wall to ceiling. In the violent blackness, time
into the verdant mountains that loom over ears picked out a certain sound above the lost all meaning until a barbaric blow to the
the rugged southern coastline, and for days metallic din of rain beating on tin roof. There midsection threw Karen out the door into the
she clamored over massive logs, ducked under it was again, the frantic clucking from her hen jungle, knocking her out cold.
serpentine vines and slipped down muddy house. Lighting the candle lantern, slipping The equatorial sun creeping over the ridge
game trails. At night she sat enthralled with into her old rubber boots and grabbing the woke Karen from her coma. Ants swarmed
the raucous silence of the jungle. The cough rusty machete, she bound into the blackness. over her blood-soaked body. The huge body
of the jaguar and the unholy grunts of howler Scrambling up the walk and throwing of the snake hung from the coop’s doorway.
monkeys served only to erase her ties to civili-
zation. Torn by the vicious undergrowth and
donor to a thousand bloodsucking insects,
the longer she trekked, the more at home
she became. In the fog-shrouded mountains
high above Pinula Beach, Karen came upon
a smoky cabin. Yelling a greeting, its ancient
occupant opened the door to this attractive,
bug-chewed Gringa.
He threw out his arms as if volunteer-
ing for a crucifixion and welcomed her with
dentally challenged smile and a freshly grilled
Lebanese Cuisine
iguana. Over the ensuing weeks, Karen real- Hommus, Falafel, • Lunch Specials
ized for the first time in her life she felt at and a great Lamb.
home. From the affluent suburbs of L.A., to Enjoy the best Lebanese
that smoky dirt-floored shack, the wandering food in Costa Rica.
gypsy had finally found her niche. By the sec- After eating visit our bar.
ond month, Karen felt close enough to the old (506) 2228-0980 • 2228-3012
Paseo Colón in front of
man to ask if he’d consider selling her a piece Mercedes-Benz.
of the surrounding misty mountain. Tel: 2257-6071
He admitted it had never crossed his mind, Thursdays: Belly Dance 9 pm.

but in his old age it would be nice to have a

W6 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

*New this week. Theater performances are in Spanish unless otherwise specified. E-mail Calendar submissions to by 11 a.m. Monday, five days prior to publication.

*Serrat & Sabina: Titanic Orchestra, Nov. 21,

Ricardo Saprissa Stadium, San Juan de Tibás, San
José, tickets at

FRIDAY César Ckamu, July 16, 8 p.m., Barrio Amón, San

*Piano recital: Stacy Chamblin, Joaquín Yglesias, José,
Manuel Matarrita, June 15, 7 p.m., Spanish Cultural *Bidrage: a tribute to Paul McCartney, June 16, 10
Center, Barrio Escalante, Av. 13, Ca. 31, 2257-2919, p.m., Jazz Café San Pedro, next to Banco Popular, 2253-8933, Verbatim: A Celebration of Words: original works
in English by various local poets, short-story writ-
*European Film Festival: European countries *Las Tortugas: classic rock, June 16, 10 p.m., Jazz ers and memoirists, open mic for writers who wish to
each present one recent film for the reopening of Cine Café Escazú, opposite CIMA Hospital, 2288-4740, share their productions, up to five minutes each for a
Magaly, June 15-17, Cine Magaly, Barrio La California limited number of readers, June 24, 2 p.m., at the Teatro
at Av. 23 and Ca. Central in central San José, for more,
Laurence Olivier, Av. 2, Ca. 28, next to Sala Garbo, San
SUNDAY José, more information at 8858-1446 or at www.little
*“Emotio”: dance production put on by the National
Dance Company, June 15-17, Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m., Sun., Father’s Day at Sibú Chocolate: a chocolate tast-
ing and tour that includes four-course lunch, June 17, “Divorciadas, evangélicas y vegetarianas”:
6 p.m., CENAC (FANAL), Av. 3/5, Ca. 11/15, 2221-
noon, Sibú in San Isidro de Heredia, $35 per person, Comedy, Thurs.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro Torres, Av. 8, Ca.
reservations required by June 13, call George at 11/13, 2256-4295.
*Haury: pop, June 15, 10 p.m., Jazz Café San Pedro,
2268-1335 or email “Dos arriba y una abajo”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8
next to Banco Popular, 2253-8933, www.jazzcafeco- *Hike: 20-kilometer, seven-hour hike near Braulio p.m., Teatro Arlequín, Ca. 15, Av. 2/6, 2221-5485.
Courtesy of Cine Magaly Carrillo, bus departs at 6:30 a.m. from San Gerónimo, “Las monjas también la pulsean”: Comedy,
*Escats: pop, jazz, June 15, 10 p.m., Jazz Café
The European Film Festival at Cine 150 meters north of the Auto Mercado, June 17, Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro Sancheto, Ca. 13, Av. 6/8,
Escazú, opposite CIMA Hospital, 2288-4740, www.
Magaly continues this weekend. The Ecologicas Educativa Shkuk, call 8306-6354 or 2223- 8398-9409.
Spanish film “Azul oscuro casi ne- 3186 for more information, or visit https://sites.
gro” plays Friday from 4-7 p.m. “Made in Tikicia”: Comedy, Thurs.-Sun., 8 p.m.,
SATURDAY Teatro Urbano, Av. 2, across from Plaza de la Democra-
Diamond Jubilee Picnic: charity event in honor of cia, 2255-0522, 8821-3884.
Parque España, Parque Morazán, Jardín de Paz Queen Elizabeth II, June 17, all day, Zamora Estates in
Enamorate de tu ciudad: arts, cultural and
and Parque La Merced. Santa Ana, tickets must be purchased by June 12 (for “Papichulo”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro
educational shows and classes, urban sports,
enamoratedetuciudad. locations see Community Connection, Page W2), for Molière, Ca. 13, Av. 2/4, 2222-5281.
handicraft exhibits, clowns, ping pong, food,
chess tables, Saturdays, through Dec. 1, 10 a.m., Sábado block party: music from Rich Medina and more, call 2224-4325. “¡Qué zambrote!”: Comedy, presented by Masque-
Dos, Sat.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro Centenario, Curridabat,
200 m east, 100 m south of EPA, 2271-0909.
info and registration contact Valerie Sheppard at val- Design Museum, Av. 3, Ca. 15/17, 2257-9370, www. “Sexolorrisas”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro Chaplin, Av. 10, Ca. 11/12, 2221-0812.
Soccer Games: Costa Rica vs. Mexico, Sept. 7, 8 “Mangroves and Beyond”: six wooden sculptures “Taxiando por un sueño”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8
p.m., Costa Rica vs. Guyana, Oct. 16, 8 p.m., National by Tony Jiménez, through July 20, Daniel Oduber
*Theater at Noon: Latin-American music, Danzón p.m., Teatro La Esquina, Av. 1, Ca. 21, 2257-0223.
Stadium, International Airport, Liberia, for more information
No. 2, Arturo Marquez, Carnival Hudson Rua Noguei- “Un viernes de locura”: Comedy, 8 p.m., Teatro La
Hash House Harriers: runs every Thursday in contact Hidden Garden Art Gallery, 8386-6872, 8386-
ra, Suite Lullaby, June 19, noon, National Theater, Av. Máscara, Av. 2/4, Ca. 13, 2222-4574.
different locations around or near San José, hosted 6968.
2, Ca. 3/5, 2221-5341,
by “the beer drinking club with a running problem,”
Building a Business Resource Guide: profes- *“Registro fotográfico de obras artísticas
5:15 p.m., more info:
sional meeting of women, focused on social media, (Víctimas y victimarios)”: an exhibition of acrylic
June 19, 6-8 p.m., Saquella Café, La Paco Plaza, and woodcut by Juan Carlos Chacón, through July 30,
Escazú, for more info, email stacey.auch@gmail. Alliance Francaise, Barrio Amón, www.redcultura.
com. “Esqueleto con Sombrero”: A 30-minute interactive
play with Santi the Skeleton, through June, Wed.-Fri.
Educating for the 21st Century: a week-long “focus”: selection of paintings, works on paper, 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Sat.-Sun. 11:30 a.m., 12:30
course for educators involving teaching methods, objects, videos and installations from Otto Apuy, p.m., and 3 p.m., Children’s Museum, north end of
“Eyes of the Soul”: oils on canvas from Hernán
leadership, technology, pura vida day and more, June through July 20, Daniel Oduber International Airport, Ca. 4, 2258-4929,
Peréz, opens June 16, through Aug. 3, Tues.-Sa. 10
25-30, University for Peace, Ciudad Colón, west of Liberia, for more information contact Hidden Garden
a.m.-4 p.m., Hidden Garden Art Gallery, Liberia, for
San José, for more info, call 2205-9000 or email Art Gallery, 8386-6872, 8386-6968.
more information, call 8386-6872 or 8386-6968,
or visit http://hiddengarden.thevanstonegroup. “Forging Suns and Treasuring Chunches”: a solo
*Lifeguard Benefit in Dominical: food, DJ, family com. exhibition of Zulay Soto, opens June 7, runs through
portraits, surf, pool games, auction, raffle, etc., July 1, Oct. 1, Costa Rican Art Museum, La Sabana Park in
“Deconstruction/Reconstruction”: exhibition
Roca Verde, Dominical, for more info, call 8313-1771, central San José.
by Charlsie Kelly with watercolors and paper-mache
or visit
masks sculpted on bases of recycled materials,
*4th of July Picnic: parade ceremony, festivities, through June 20, Sophia Wannamaker Gallery, Centro
each U.S. citizen may bring one Tico friend, July Cultural, Sabana Park, San José, for more info visit
4, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Grounds of Florida Ice and Farm,
Alajuela, for more info, call 2288-4864 or visit
“Arte Diverso”: a first-of-its-kind exhibit of 32 pieces Ricardo Arjona: Babyface Metamorphosis World Tour,
in woodcut, oil, textiles and carvings by indigenous Aug. 18, Ricardo Saprissa Stadium, San Juan de Tibás,
Workshop Retreat: self-discovery, personal develop- people from Térraba, Rey Curre and Boruca, Tues.-Sun., San José, tickets at
ment and empowerment in the rain forest by the ocean, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., runs through June 20, Costa Rican Art
July 15-22, Guaria de Osa Ecolodge, Osa Peninsula, for Museum, east of La Sabana Park, 2256-1281, www. National Symphony Orchestra concerts: guest director Irwin Hoffman and guest soloists Mauricio
Paéz (bassoon), José Aurelio Castillo (violin), Jorge
“Del Trópico a las praderas”: an exhibition of Rodríguez (oboe), Álvaro González (cello) performing
artwork from Carolina Herrera Rodríquez exploring the Beethoven (Leonora), Haydn (Sinfonía Concertante)
Look for Calendar updates online differences between the tropics of Costa Rica and the and Prokofiev (Symphony No.5), Aug. 24, 8 p.m., Aug.
throughout the week, as well as a list of prairie of Illinois, through June 29, National Gallery at 26, 10:30 a.m., National Theater, Av. 2, Ca. 3/5, 2221- Courtesy of Carolina Herrera Rodríguez
clubs and organizations, religious services the Children’s Museum, north end of Ca. 4, 2258-4929, 5341, The art of Carolina Herrera ex-
and classes, at: plores the differences between
Vincente Fernández: “My Farewell,” the king of
the tropics and the Illinois prairie,
“Josephine 2.0”: a reflection on diversity, locality, ranchera music ends his performing career with and will be on display at the Na-
belonging and corporate identity, through June 22, this show, Aug. 23, National Stadium, 2206-7770, tional Gallery through June 29.
Events-Calendar Tues.-Sat. 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Contemporary Art and
THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | WEEKEND | W7

This Week’s Movies

*New this week. In general, movies in English have Spanish subtitles, animated and children’s movies are dubbed in Spanish with no subtitles, and foreign-language films have Spanish subtitles.
Note: Showtimes are subject to change. Theaters that fail to send us their schedules by deadline may not be listed.


CCM Alajuela, Mall Internacional, Alajuela, 21 Jump Street (Comando especial):

2442-6100, Two bumbling cops given an undercover
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, assignment in a high school to bring down
dubbed, 12:30 p.m. (Sa-Su), 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 a synthetic drug ring. Starring Jonah Hill,
p.m.; dubbed, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. Channing Tatum, Ice Cube. Directed by Phil
Prometheus: 3-D, dubbed, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, Lord, Chris Miller.
9:30 p.m. Madagascar 3: European’s Most Want-
Snow White and The Huntsman: 1:20, 4, 6:40,
ed: The gang is still fighting to get back to
9:20 p.m.
New York, which involves a slight detour
CCM Cariari, Plaza Real, Ciudad Cariari,
through Europe and participation in a travel-
Heredia, 2293-3300, ing circus. Starring Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett
21 Jump Street: 1:50, 4:10 p.m. Smith, Chris Rock. Directed by Eric Darnell,
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed, Tom McGrath.
11, 11:30 a.m (Sa-Su), 1, 1:30, 3, 3:30, 5, 5:30, 7, Men in Black III (Hombres de negro
7:30, 9, 9:30 p.m. III): In 1969, an alien criminal named Boris
Men In Black III: 2:20, 4:40 p.m. coldly assassinated Agent K. Now Agent J
Prometheus: 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 p.m. must go back in time to stop the killing and
The Avengers: dubbed, 12:15 p.m. (Sa-Su), 3:15, rewrite history. Starring Will Smith, Tommy
6:15, 9:15 p.m. Lee Jones and Josh Brolin. Directed by Barry
CCM Heredia, Paseo de las Flores Mall,
Heredia, 2237-6263, Paranormal Activity 3 (Actividad para-
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, normal el origen): In the late ’80s, two
dubbed, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.; 3-D, young sisters make friends with a spirit who Courtesy of 20th Century Fox Film Corporation
subtitled, 12:30 p.m. (Sa-Su), 2:30, 4:30. 6:30, lives in their house. Starring Chloe Csengery, Space Ball: David (Michael Fassbender) makes a startling and discovery
8:30 p.m.; dubbed, noon, 2, 4, 6 p.m. Jessica Tyler Brown and Christopher Nicholas
Men In Black III: subtitled, 8:30 p.m. Smith. Directed by Henry Joost and Ariel onboard an alien vessel in “Prometheus.”
Prometheus: 3-D, dubbed, 11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), Schulman.
1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 p.m.
Snow White and The Huntsman: 11:40 a.m. *Prometheus (Prometeo): In this science- supposed to kill Snow White, but instead Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Samuel
(Sa-Su), 2:20, 5, 7:40 p.m. fiction thriller, a team of explorers aboard he becomes her protector on a journey to L. Jackson, Chris Evans. Directed by Joss
spaceship Prometheus must fight evil forces defeat the evil queen. Starring Kristen Stewart, Whedon.
CCM San Carlos, Plaza San Carlos, Ciudad in the darkest corners of the universe to save Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Theron. Directed
the human race. Starring Noomi Rapace, by Rupert Sanders. The Raven (El cuervo): A young Balti-
Quesada, 2460-6202, more detective and Edgar Allan Poe must
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed, 11 Logan Marshall-Green, Michael Fassbender.
Directed by Ridley Scott. The Avengers (Los vengadores): A team stop a killer, who is committing grisly mur-
a.m. (Sa-Su), 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.
of super heroes called The Avengers must ders inspired by Poe’s works. Starring John
Snow White and The Huntsman: 1, 3:40, 6:20, 9 p.m.
Snow White and the Huntsman (Blan- fight to save Earth from an evil army and its Cusack, Alice Eve and Luke Evans. Directed
CCM San Pedro, Mall San Pedro, 2283-5716,
canieves y el cazador): A huntsman is leader, Loki. Starring Scarlett Johansson, by James McTeigue.
21 Jump Street: 11:50 a.m. (Sa-Su), 2:10, 4:30 p.m.
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, subtitled, F, M-Th, 2:50, 5:30, 8:10 p.m.; Sa-Su, 2:10, 3:10, 4:30, 5:30, 6:50, 7:50, 9:10 p.m. dubbed, F-Su, noon, 2, 4:20, 6:40, 9 p.m., M-Th,
dubbed, 11 a.m., 12:40 p.m. (Sa-Su) 1, 2:40, 3, 12:20, 3:05, 5:55, 9 p.m. Men In Black III: dubbed, 11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1:50, 2:30, 4:30, 6:40, 9 p.m.; dubbed, F-Su, noon, 2,
4:40, 5, 6:40, 7, 8:40, 9 p.m.; dubbed, 10:20, Snow White and The Huntsman: F, M-Th, 1:50, 4:25, 4:10 p.m., subtitled, 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 6:30, 7:30, 4:10 p.m., M-Th, 2:20, 4:10 p.m.
11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:20, 1:30, 2:20, 3:30, 4:20, 7, 9:35 p.m.; Sa-Su, noon, 2:50, 5:40, 8:30 p.m. 8:50, 9:50 p.m. Prometheus: 3-D, dubbed, F-Su, 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30
5:30, 6:20, 7:30, 8:20, 9:30 p.m. The Avengers: 3-D, dubbed, F, M-Th, 3:45, 9 p.m., Prometheus: 3-D, dubbed, 1, 4 p.m.; 3-D, subtitled, p.m., M-Th, 2:20, 4:30 p.m.; 3-D, subtitled, 7,
Men In Black III: dubbed, 11:10 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1:30, Sa-Su, 1:30, 6:45 p.m. 7, 10 p.m.; subtitled, 11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:30, 9:20 p.m.
3:50, 6:10, 8:30 p.m. 2:30, 3:30, 5:30, 6:30, 9:30 p.m.; VIP, subtitled, 1, Snow White and The Huntsman: 6:20, 9 p.m.
Paranormal Activity 3: 7, 9 p.m. Cinemark Escazú, Multiplaza Escazú, 2201- 4, 7, 10 p.m.
Prometheus: 3-D, dubbed, 10:50 a.m. (Sa-Su), 5050, Snow White and The Huntsman: subtitled, 1, 4, 7, 10 Multicines Plaza Paraíso, Plaza Paraíso,
12:50, 2:50, 4:50, 6:50, 8:50 p.m.; subtitled, 21 Jump Street: F, M-Th, 4:25 p.m.; Sa-Su, p.m.; dubbed, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 8:30, 9:30 p.m. road to Paraíso de Cartago, 2592-3133
11:15 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 4:30 p.m. The Avengers: 3-D, subtitled, 6, 9 p.m.; dubbed, Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed,
p.m. Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 p.m.
Snow White and The Huntsman: subtitled, 11 a.m. dubbed, F, M-Th, 12:30, 2:40, 5, 7:15, 9:35 p.m.; Men In Black III: noon, (Sa-Su), 2, 4, 6, 8 p.m.
(Sa-Su), 1:40, 4:20, 7, 9:40 p.m. Sa-Su, 10:30 a.m., 12:40, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:35 CitiCinemas Grecia, Plaza Grecia El Ingenio, Prometheus: 11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 2, 4:30, 7 p.m.
The Avengers: dubbed, 12:20 p.m. (Sa-Su), 3:20, p.m.; dubbed, F, M-Th, 1, 1:30, 3:20, 3:55, 5:40, Grecia, 2444-1779,
6:20, 9:20 p.m. 6:25 p.m.; Sa-Su, 11, 11:30 a.m., 1:15, 1:50, 3:35, Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, Nova Cinemas, Avenida Escazú, east side
4:10, 6, 6:30, 8:20, 8:45 p.m. dubbed, Sa-Su, 11 a.m., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m., F, M-Th, of CIMA Hospital, Escazú, 2299-7485, www.
CCM San Ramón, Plaza Occidente, San Men In Black III: 3-D, Subtitled, F, M-Th, 1:50, 6:55, 2:20, 4:20, 6:20, 8:20 p.m.
Ramón, 2447-7120, 9:25 p.m.; Sa-Su, 11:20 a.m., 1:55, 7:05, 9:40 Men In Black III: dubbed, Sa-Su, 1:45, 6:25 p.m., F, 21 Jump Street: 4, 6:30, 9:15 p.m.
21 Jump Street: 6:30, 8:50 p.m. p.m.; Dubbed, F, M-Th, 3:30 p.m.; Sa-Su, 3 p.m. M-Th, 6:25 p.m. Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D,
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed, Prometheus: F, M-Th, 1:15, 4:05, 7, 9:50 p.m.; Prometheus: 3-D, Sa-Su, 11 a.m., 1:20, 3:45, 6:15, dubbed, 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. (Sa-Su), 4:15 p.m.;
noon, 1:20 p.m. (Sa-Su), 2, 3:20, 4, 5:20, 7:20, Sa-Su, 11:15 a.m., 2:05, 5, 8 p.m.; 3-D, F, M-Th, 8:45 p.m., F, M-Th, 3:30, 6, 8:30 p.m. IMAX, 3-D, dubbed, 11 a.m., (Sa-Su), 2, 4:10
9:20 p.m. 12:40, 3:35, 6:20, 9:15 p.m.; Sa-Su, 10:45 a.m., Snow White and The Huntsman: Sa-Su, 11:15 a.m., p.m.; dubbed, 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m. (Sa-Su),
Prometheus: 1 p.m. (Sa-Su), 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. 1:30, 4:20, 7:10, 10 p.m. 3:55, 8:35 p.m., F, M-Th, 3:55, 4:30, 6:40, 9:15 p.m., Tu, 3:45, 9:15 p.m.
Snow White and The Huntsman: F, M-Th, 12:45, 8:35 p.m. Prometheus: IMAX- 3-D, 4:10 p.m., (Sa-Su), 6:45,
Cinemark del Este, Multiplaza del Este, Cur- 3:40, 6:35, 9:30 p.m.; (Sa-Su), 12:15, 3:20, 6:35, 9:30 p.m.; digital, 3-D, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su), 3:40,
ridabat, 2280-0490, 9:30 p.m. CitiCinemas Jacó, Plaza Coral, Jacó, 2643- 6:15, 9 p.m.
21 Jump Street: 4:50 p.m. The Avengers: Dubbed, F, M-Th, 12:35, 6:30 p.m.; 2100, Snow White and The Huntsman: 11:15 a.m.
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, Sa-Su, noon, 6, 9 p.m.; 21 Jump Street: 3, 5:05, 7:10, 9:15 p.m. (Sa-Su), 3, 6, 9 p.m.; VIP, 3, 6, 9 p.m.
dubbed, F, M-Th, 1:25, 3:35, 5:50, 8 p.m.; Sa-Su, 3-D, subtitled, F, M-Th, 9:40 p.m. Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed, The Avengers: digital, 3-D, subtitled, 6:30, 9:30
11:05 a.m., 1:15, 3:35, 6, 8:25 p.m.; dubbed, F, The Raven: 9 p.m. 2:45, 4:40, 6:35, 8:30 p.m. p.m.
M-Th, 2:35, 3, 4:40, 5:05, 6:45, 7:15, 8:50, 9:25 Prometheus: 3-D, 3:45, 6:15, 8:45 p.m.
p.m.; Sa-Su, 11:40 a.m., 12:30, 1:50, 2:45, 4:10, 5, Cinépolis Terramall, Terramall, Tres Ríos, Snow White and The Huntsman: 4, 6:30, 9 p.m. Variedades Theater, Ca. 5, Av. Ctrl./1, San
6:30, 7:15, 8:55, 9:25 p.m. 2518-0002, José, 2222-6108,
Men In Black III: 3-D, Dubbed, F, M-Th, 1:30, 6:35 Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, Multicines Liberia, Plaza Liberia, 1 km TeatroVariedades
p.m.; Sa-Su, 11:10 a.m., 4:25, 9:35 p.m.; subtitled, dubbed, 10, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:20, 1:20, 2:40, before Liberia, 2665-1515, www.multicines- Fuenteovejuna: F-Su, Th, 8 p.m.
F, M-Th, 2:25, 7:10, 9:30 p.m.; Sa-Su, 12:05, 2:25, 3:40, 5, 7:20, 9:40 p.m.; dubbed, VIP, 10 a.m. Martes el borde: T, 7:30 p.m.
7:10, 9:30 p.m. (Sa-Su), 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:20. 9:40 p.m.; 3-D, 21 Jump Street: F-Su, noon, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 p.m., Mi Butaca VIP: M, 7:30 p.m.
Prometheus: 3-D, F, M-Th, 1:35, 4:10, 6:50, 9:25 dubbed, VIP, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1:20, 3:40, 6, 8:20 M-Th, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 p.m. Madagascar 3: European’s Most Wanted: 3-D, 1 p.m.
p.m.; Sa-Su, 11 a.m., 1:35, 4:20, 7:05, 9:40 p.m.; p.m.; dubbed, 10:30, 11:50 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:50, Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, Prometheus: 3-D, 2:45, 5 p.m.
W8 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

Spotlight on the Arts

Silky Souvenirs in Guanacaste’s Capital
By Jessica Tyner
Special to The Tico Times

iberia, the provincial capital of Guana-
caste, has more to offer than idyllic Silk it Up:
beaches – although it is possible to
take a piece of paradise home with you.
Wendy Tayler
Wendy Tayler, owner of Costa Rica Silks, cre-
ates beautifully hand-painted designs on silk
paints her
scarves, shawls and lounge pants. Inspired by scarves.
the beauty of the country, each piece is one-
of-a-kind and features a landscape, a native
plant, or a wild animal like the blue morph Photos by
butterfly or scarlet macaw. Gabe Dinsmoor |
Tayler, an expat from the United States, Tico Times
moved here 20 years ago and inherited the
silk-making supplies from a fellow foreigner.
A natural-born artist, she fell in love with the
process of capturing the world around her in
a functional keepsake. She spent two hours
in a crowded kitchen learning the ropes in baptisms and shawls for weddings and the Rica. It was gifted shortly after Tayler’s
1999, and the process of watching vibrant terminally ill. father’s death.
colors spread across the silk has kept her Every piece is infused with Tayler’s pas- Like many artists, she considers the art
mesmerized. sion and spirit, making it impossible for her scene here limited but overflowing with
Special requests are gladly accepted, and to choose a favorite. A shawl she made for undiscovered talent. Since she is not formal- Expats or travelers can stop by the stu-
Tayler has had some unusual projects in a groom’s mother featured butterflies that ly trained, Tayler does not consider herself dio or order pieces online. Add an exquisite
the last two decades. Her most memorable represented each of her children. Each shawl an artist, though she regularly attends shows addition to your wardrobe with a scarf that
request was a wall hanging depicting 50 that is created for terminally ill patients is and exhibitions frequented by clients from is the perfect accessory for a swimsuit or hat.
years of marriage. The piece now hangs in tucked away in her heart. The most per- around the world. Efforts have been made Every piece can be dry cleaned or washed by
a couple’s home in Mexico and was a lov- sonal item is the silk she created for her to improve the art-scene visibility in Guana- hand. Visit Costa Rica Silks at www.crsilks.
ing anniversary gift from their daughter. mother, blossoming with the flora they had caste and allow talented artists to show their com or call 8333-7555. Tayler can also be
Other special creations include baby silks for seen together over Thanksgiving in Costa work, but the turnout is usually minimal. contacted at

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Business Real Estate

For Exchange Rate, 5 Years of Stability

By Fernando Quirós modities as its main dollar earners, towards
Tico Times Staff services and high-tech manufacturing.
The change in the devaluation pattern
A major achievement of the Costa Rican that became evident in 2007 was the result of
economy is that the colón-dollar exchange a change in how the exchange rate was set by
rate – which has hovered around ₡500 to the Central Bank, adopted in September 2006.
the dollar since 2007 – is no longer a source Until then, the Central Bank led the dollar
of anxiety for Ticos or companies. Once the foreign-exchange market under a mini-devalu-
country’s most important economic indicator, ation strategy, with frequent, very small devalu-
the exchange rate has dropped off the radar for ations, in a predictable pattern that businesses
short- to medium-term economic planning. could forecast. The Central Bank would set buy
To appreciate how unprecedented and sell exchange rates, which other exchange-
exchange rate stability is, observers should market participants (mostly banks and securi-
take a long-term view by looking at the ties brokerages) then fell in line with.
Central Bank’s exchange rate on Jan. 1 for Starting in September 2006, the Central
each of the past 30 years (see graph). Bank changed its approach. Instead of direct-
Clearly, something happened in 2007. ly setting an exchange rate, it would now set
Up to that year, devaluation of the colón upper and lower “bands,” or intervention
averaged 11.18 percent during 23 years. rates at which it would enter the market to
Since 2007, despite a slip to 11.52 percent in keep the exchange rate within reasonable
2009, devaluation of Costa Rica’s currency bounds. As long as the exchange rate stayed
has averaged only 0.71 percent, with the within the upper and lower exchange rate
Alberto Font | Tico Times
colón actually gaining value against the dol- bands, the Central Bank would stay on the
lar in 2007, 2011 and 2012. Under Control: Claudio Sánchez exchanges dollars at a bank Tuesday. Since sidelines and let supply and demand between
It’s not surprising that the Central Bank’s 2007, Central Bank officials have managed to keep the exchange rate stable, other market players determine the rate.
records only go back to 1983. From 1978- allowing business owners to move on to other pressing issues. The lower band was set at ₡500 to the
1982, Costa Rica suffered its worst currency dollar, and since 2007, investment flows into
devaluation ever, from 8.6 to 45.2, an aver- the country became big and steady enough
age of 107 percent per year. These disastrous companies go bankrupt, will never forget. Once things settled down, the long climb so that, together with the much more var-
numbers cannot communicate the chaos But big upheavals enable major change: from 45.20 colones per dollar in 1983 to 517.90 ied export-revenue mix, the exchange rate
they entailed, as the Central Bank ran com- Costa Rica junked its import-substitution in 2007 reflects a natural strategy for a country under the new, basically free-market foreign-
pletely out of dollars, and then defaulted on model, nationalization of dollars by the exporting principally agricultural commodi- exchange regime, stabilized. This stability
bonds it issued to pay its dollar debts. Those Central Bank was abolished, and the country ties, including coffee, sugar and bananas. The proved solid enough for the exchange rate to
who went through those hyper-inflation- switched to a modern, open, export-oriented 10 percent or so of devaluation every year get through the 2008-2010 world economic
ary times and saw prominent Costa Rican economy. helps keep the dollar price of these types of downturn with only one slip – the 11.52
exports competitive in international markets. percent devaluation in 2009 – followed by
But the world changes, and Costa Rica immediate recovery, with slight revaluations
₡ Colón / Dollar Exchange Rate has done a pretty fair job of adapting. The in 2011 and 2012.
original basket of three commodities became Though traditional exporters grumble
much more varied, including ornamental that lack of colón devaluation hurts their
plants, fish, seafood and tourism, among competitive position in the world market, the
others. As low-cost producers of coffee, such stable exchange rate since 2007 has been the
as Vietnam, emerged in commodity mar- single biggest factor allowing Costa Rica to
kets, Costa Rica was able to brand itself as a finally bring its inflation rate into single dig-
premier gourmet coffee producer and com- its. This is the biggest contribution that the
mand premium prices for its golden beans. Central Bank and the government can make
Most important of all, Costa Rica managed to the economic well-being of the poor.n
to diversify away from agricultural com-

Fernando Quirós | Tico Times
Economic Indicators Stewart Title, Costa Rica’s trust services division, in alliance with Banco Nacional, is now
June 15-JUNE 21 | Current Values and Percentage Changes offering the option of incorporating your real estate purchase in Costa Rica into an estate
planning trust / asset protection trust.
EXCHANGE RATE* CONVERSION CHART This service offers numerous advantages:
BUY: ₡494.58 SELL: ₡505.31 1 mile = 1.61 kilometers • Protect your assets in Costa Rica • Assets protected against any third party
1 kilometer = .6214 miles
Stock Volume Average Price 1 meter = 3.28 feet • Option to incorporate into any existing not stipulated in the trust
1 foot = .304 meters trusts in U.S.A. or anywhere else • Key alliance between Stewart Title Costa
FIFCO $46,260.51 $860.00 1 yard = .914 meters
1 vara = .836 meters • Intestate succession process avoids legal Rica and Banco Nacional, the largest bank
1 vara2 = .698896 meters process involved in wills and testaments in Central America
Average loan INTEREST Rate 1 meter =1.09 yards • Reduced legal expenses than other legal • Secure option and low cost
Colones 10.77% Dollars 19.31% 1 square meter =10.76 sq.feet
mechanisms used for this purpose • Personalized service by fully bilingual staff
Courtesy of Paradise Properties

1 square foot = .093 sq. mts.

INFLATION *Wednesday’s 1 manzana = .698896 hectares (7,000 sq. mts)
MAY 0.99% Central Bank 1 manzana =1.73 acres Email:
reference rate. 1 acre = 43,560 sq. feet
Last 12 months 1 acre = .405 hectares Tel. (506) 2505-3000 *
5.04% See 1 hectare = 10,000 sq. mts. 1 hectare = 2.47 acres
ACCRUED ’12 2.50% for daily updates. 1 hectare =107,600 sq. feet.

SOURCES: Central Bank (

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
& Bolsa Nacional de Valores ( 13026
10 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

S&P Warns of New Credit Risk C.R. to Expand Private

Renewable Energy Markets
By Mariano Andrade Hoping to attract private investment,
AFP the state-owned Costa Rican Electricity
Warning: Institute (ICE) is opening bids for new
NEW YORK – Several Central American Ratings agency renewable-energy projects for the first time
countries face growing credit risk due to Standard and in 10 years, the organization announced on
external debt, according to a report issued Tuesday.
Monday by ratings agency Standard and Poor’s this At least 10 companies are expected to
Poor’s (S&P). week warned participate as cogenerators that sell energy
The report did note improvements by Costa Rica, El to ICE, which will select hydroelectric proj-
South American countries Bolivia, Paraguay ects to generate 100 megawatts in total, and
and Suriname. Other countries that did not
Salvador and wind-power projects to generate 40 MW.
fare as well were Costa Rica, Guatemala and Guatemala Construction of such projects would require
El Salvador. that external an investment of about $350 million.
Six Central American countries have a By law, private companies and coopera-
debt could tives in Costa Rica are limited to selling no
rating of “BB,” which ranks them below the
minimum investment grade of “BBB-,” but prompt increas- more than 20 MW to ICE, which holds a
according to S&P, the situation varies from ing credit risk monopoly on the distribution and admin-
country to country. for the Central istration of electricity in the country. Each
Central America’s sovereign debt “is contract with the new companies will be for
American 20 years.
faced with growing credit risks,” the report
noted. nations. “The 140 megawatts to come out of this
“We have a negative perspective with our competition are enough to supply about
ranking of ‘BB’ for Guatemala, and we have 56,000 households in the country, which
Stan Honda | AFP
downgraded El Salvador’s ranking two levels makes it an important financial contribu-
in the past three years. These countries are prices on raw materials and consolidated Despite difficulties in the global econ- tion to be rolled out in the next three years,”
attempting to avoid increasing their credit public finances. omy, particularly the crisis in Europe and said the organization’s executive director,
In spite of the complex situation, the slow recovery in the United States, many Teófilo de la Torre.
risk,” the report said.
The administration’s goal is to have 95
Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala S&P noted that Costa Rica, El Salvador Latin American countries have strengthen-
percent of the country’s energy come from
have seen their already-fragile public financ- and Guatemala “have maintained relatively ing economies and are managing to stem
renewable sources by 2014.
es “worsen due to public deficits and govern- strong public institutions and have contin- chronic problems of external debt. Last week President Laura Chinchilla said the
ment debt,” a consequence of slower-than- ued predictable market-oriented policies,” S&P upgraded sovereign debt ratings of move would bring the country closer to its
expected economic recovery following the which has enabled them to shield themselves Ecuador and Honduras, from “C” to “B,” and carbon-neutral goal and away from using
global financial crisis of 2008. from economic vulnerability. from “B” to “B+,” respectively. fossil fuels.
S&P emphasized the impact of struggling However, the short-term future in Central In early April, Uruguay obtained a “After 10 years of paralyzing opportu-
U.S. and European economies on those of America is “more of a situation of challenges minimum investment grade, joining six nities for private companies to cogenerate
Central American nations, which have prov- than of opportunities,” the ratings agency other Latin American countries – Chile, electricity, we are finally taking this step,”
en less resilient than their South American said, recommending more progress on fiscal Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Panama and Colombia. she said on Tuesday.
neighbors. South American economies are consolidation and new support measures to Uruguay’s sovereign debt ranking improved
performing relatively well, thanks to high improve the economic outlook. from “BB+” to “BBB-,” S&P reported.n –Isabella Cota Schwarz


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THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | OPINION | 11


What Makes a Hero?

uddled on the side of a freezing mountain at 8,000 meters above sea level was a conquest of national proportions. Costa Ricans are a deeply nationalist people,
with little oxygen, life must seem pretty lonely. For most of us, that kind and Ticos genuinely celebrate collective successes and join in solidarity in times of
of situation would cause great despair, if we could even climb that high collective failure. Historically, we have fought off invaders, bargained for peace in
in the first place. But for people like Tico mountaineer Warner Rojas, life is about times of war, fought for the underdog and demanded respect for human rights in
overcoming incredible challenges (see story, Page 1). Yes, his feet were frozen and the face of oppression. We became democratic and abandoned the military while
he could barely move. Yes, he could have died –10 others already have this year on others became militaristic and backwards. Costa Ricans chose to defend nature from
Everest. But Rojas’ sights were set on the highest the threats of greed and capitalist exploitation. We
point on Earth less than 1,000 meters away – a goal decided our children should be educated, polished
he accomplished by using skill, determination and Recent political scandals have dominated the and cultured instead of trained to kill. We still have
smart decision making. the tractors, but we also have violins.
There is a reason we call people like Rojas news, painting a portrait of a Costa Rica that But as in every civilization, not everyone is
heroes, a term the humble climber eschews because serves the few and relishes in backwardness, guided by such lofty ideals. Greed and corruption
it embarrasses him. He’s just an ordinary man who are inherent in society, and Costa Rica is no excep-
sets lofty personal goals, a quiet outdoorsman who simplicity and mindless political ambition tion. We can climb the highest mountain halfway
loves his family. Heroes are famous people, those around the world, but we can’t climb the Cuesta de
we read about in history books. Rojas rides the Moras. Costa Rica’s political class could learn a few
bus. On certain Sundays, you can find him hiking the mountains around his native lessons from heroes like Warner Rojas, included among them humility, perseverance
Escazú with ordinary citizens who want to take in Costa Rica’s incredible natural and devotion. Recent political scandals have dominated the news, painting a por-
environment. trait of a Costa Rica that serves the few and relishes in backwardness, simplicity and
We call Rojas a hero because we strive for victory, as a nation and individually in mindless political ambition. Where have all the leaders gone?
our everyday lives. Most of us aren’t rich or famous, and we face constant setbacks, Instead of fighting for the underdog, progressing on human rights and standing
hardships and daily struggles. We long for success, and when someone who is like us up for what we purport to believe in, as a nation, we are choosing the easy path to
accomplishes great things, we are inspired. self-enrichment and gluttony. But shortsightedness can lead to collective despair,
There is another reason Ticos celebrated on May 25: Rojas’ scaling of Mt. Everest and as Warner Rojas can tell you, there is no easy path to the top of the world.


Why an Arms Control Treaty is Necessary

Founded in 1956 by Elisabeth Dyer By Olive Branch, WILPF Costa Rica tary weapons to terrorize civilians, as well as work requires newer and more sophisticated
Publisher 1972-1996 Richard Dyer shooting and killing them. In Norway, a arms, supposedly to meet new crime waves
In July, the United Nations will take on right-wing fanatic killed more than 70 young from organized crime and drug trafficking.
1981 IAPA - Pedro G. Beltrán Award for distinguished people with a military-style weapon. In the Traffic police are supposed to regulate traf-
the task of working out an arms-trade treaty.
service to the community The Women’s International League for Peace United States, mass shootings have become fic, yet officers carry arms. This past year saw
1985 Special Citation Maria Moors Cabot Awards and Freedom supports this work as a means commonplace, and European countries are 215 guns stolen from a Public Works and
1990 National Conservation Prize to reduce or eliminate violence in nation- experiencing these mass gun murders too. Transport Ministry warehouse, and a traf-
1995 IAPA Grand Prize for Press Freedom al, international and domestic spheres. An Insurgents and separist movements attack fic patrolman was killed when an assailant
1998 Salvation Army Others Award international treaty regulating arms transfers governments and civilians with high-calibre grabbed his gun, shot him and fled.
National Tourism Chamber Media Award and trade should be a strong tool in pre- weapons in countries around the globe. Nongovernmental organizations have
venting armed conflicts, eliminating human Weapons are transported across borders been pushing for a strong, comprehensive,
In memoriam - Linda Frazier (1945-1984)
rights abuses committed by armed groups as cargo or are smuggled in, and there are no legally binding treaty to establish standards
Vol. LV N. 2172
and reducing the culture of militarism that international mechanisms to stop this nefar- and restrictions on the international trade of
seems to pervade most countries. ious trade. Within countries, street violence conventional arms for years.
It is crucial and long overdue that the is growing as the proliferation of firearms The Women’s International League for
Publisher Dery Dyer Advertising
world examine the flow of arms, which con- makes them easier to get. Peace and Freedom, its international office
Editor David Boddiger Cindy Vargas
Weekend Editor Ashley Harrell
tinues and grows without control. There are There are no figures on gun deaths in Geneva and national sections support an
Edwin Ramírez
Sustainable Living Editor Steve Mack currently no legally binding international worldwide, but a report from the U.S. claims international arms-control treaty and call
Vanessa Marenco
Online Editor Laianer Arias standards for the export, import or bro- 31,513 gun deaths and 200,000 gun inju- for provisions to include small and light
Business Manager Olman Chacón kering of conventional weapons, yet there ries in 2010 alone. Other countries, among arms, an emphasis on human rights and
Circulation Manager:
Public Relations & Sales Manager is always a market for arms, and there are them Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El recognition of a gender perspective – that is,
Diego Herrera
Kathia Lorena Coto always buyers and sellers. Salvador, report runaway gun violence. women as gun victims and women’s input
Meizel Hernández
There are arms for the military of 188 Women are especially prone to being in the discussions on all sections of the
Staff Writers & Contributors countries in the world. There are arms for victims of gun violence. Jealous ex-husbands treaty. A strong treaty to control the arms
Ann Antkiw, Ed Bernhardt, Kate Galante, Finance
paramilitaries, freedom fighters and libera- and companions can buy arms legally or trade, to prevent arms sales or military aid
David Garrett, Julie Godfrey, Rigoberto León
tion movements. The opposition forces in illegally on the black market. Women are to countries or units (police, private secu-
Néstor González, Susan Hall Liang,
Rod Hughes, Andrew Kasper,
Syria and other countries on the brink of victims of forced prostitution, forced labor, rity companies, military or paramilitary
Production Manager:
Gaby Kyriss, Shawn Larkin, Matt Levin, civil war are as heavily armed as any army. forced exile and forced sex because they have organizations) that violate human rights,
Mayra Sojo
Vicky Longland, Dorothy Mac­Kinnon, There are arms for police and for private no defense against guns and bullets. Physical attack civilians or legal governments is pro-
Roy Arguedas
Jennifer McLennan, Clayton R. Norman, security forces. and cultural vulnerability puts women at the tection for all of us.
Jack O’Brien, Todd Staley, There are arms for private security com- mercy of known or unknown aggressors. We urge that all governments consider
Customer Service
Mitzi Stark, Jeffrey Van Fleet panies used in military areas, including those Soldiers are humans too, men and the welfare of their people and support this
Max Bejarano
that use mercenaries and soldiers of fortune. women who are sent out to kill and be killed treaty.n
Photography Martha Gamboa
There are arms for traffic police. There are to defend their countries, victims of those
Gabe Dinsmoor, Alberto Font, Bernardino Madrigal
arms for gun collections, sports and hunt- weapons sold and bought up for national The Women’s International League for
Fernando Quirós Mariel Salazar
ing. There are personal arms for self defense. security. Peace and Freedom was founded in 1915 in
Systems There are arms available for criminals and Here in Costa Rica, a country without a The Hague to work for peace. Olive Branch
Edwin Cárdenas drug trafficking. There are arms of every military, the number of arms is increasing, is a collective name for members of the Costa
calibre, weight, size and killing potential, and as they are imported by the government, Rican section. Contact WILPF at peacewom-
they can be bought on the Internet, at gun private security companies and arms dealers Mitzi Stark, Adilia Caravaca
The Tico Times (USPS 002-579) is published every Friday shows or on the street. Armories and sport who promote guns for self defense. Police and others contributed to this perspective.
for $65 per year by The Tico Times S.A., shops are always glad to sell weapons.
Avenida 8, Calle 15, Apartado 4632-1000, San José, Costa Rica. Arms kill. They injure, threaten, intimi-
Tel. (506) 2258-1558 date and control, and victims can be individ- Rules for Letters and Perspective
Periodicals postage paid in Miami, FL uals, civilians, groups with opposing beliefs or The Tico Times welcomes your contributions. Letters to the editor must be 500 words or
Postmaster – Send address changes to: nations against nations. Even the supposedly fewer and include the name of the writer, as well as a return address and phone number.
The Tico Times-SJO 717, legitimate use of arms in military action leads
P.O. Box 025331, Miami FL 33102-5331.
Perspectives must be 900 words or fewer and include a short biographical sketch and contact
to gross violations of human rights, as we can information. Submissions should be original. Send your contributions to:
Copyright Convention: unauthorized reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
see on TV or on computer screens. Western, fax: 2233-6378, or mail to: Apdo. 4632-1000, San José, Costa Rica.
soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan used mili-
12 | OPINION | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

Wildlife Symbol NéSTOR G.

Photo by Jack Donnelly

Open your wallet, pull out a ₡1,000 bill and you’ll find the white-tailed deer, a
national symbol of wildlife in Costa Rica. Due to habitat destruction and illegal
hunting, the white-tailed deer’s current habitat range is primarily Guanacaste
and the former prison island in the Gulf of Nicoya, Isla San Lucas.
E-mail your photos to or upload them at the Reader Photo Gallery at

Letters to Editor

Taking Action on Matt Levin titles his article “Are the eggs on Justo Orozco,” to be rather sarcastic. I know know I echo the sentiments of pretty much
your plate free-range?” Mr. Levin, I surely that in this day and age everyone seems to all North Americans I know here when I
Cyclist Safety hope not. We used to call them “barnyard be offended by something or someone, but describe the disgust with which I took Mr.
eggs,” as the hens roamed the yard scratch- I suggest you deliberately misrepresented Cabrera’s comments.
Dear Tico Times: ing through the manure to find maggots, this man’s views. For one thing, you accuse I fully understand that not everyone is
cockroaches and other critters to eat. No him of being homophobic. Do you know bilingual here, on either side of this issue.
Last February, a group of 25 Canadian wonder they taste different. the meaning of this word? It means the fear My wife and I have lived here for 25
cyclists traveled to Costa Rica’s Southern I spent more than 10 years working as a of homosexuals. Does your newspaper have years and find that we can get along just
Zone after we spent two years sensitizing fieldman and manager of mill production any evidence he is in fact afraid of them? He fine without having to pretend to speak
Vélo Quebec to the beauty of that region, and nutrition for major feed mills, and in clearly opposes their views and demands. Spanish. Cabrera’s hurt sense of pride,
where we’ve been living for 12 years. A the field, I visited many poultry ranches The truth is that homosexuals already although I’m sure it’s real enough to him,
second group of cyclists is expected next and saw many hundreds of thousands of have adequate rights in Costa Rica. If The doesn’t seem to affect the Costa Ricans I
December. hens and never saw any housed in cages as Tico Times is so concerned about homo- interact with. In fact, they seem to enjoy
We truly believe that ciclo-tourism has described by Jenny Brown in the article. sexuals’ rights, perhaps you should go and the opportunity to show off their English
a future in this country. However, there is a That would be counterproductive, because support them in Saudi Arabia – they could to me and ask me how to say things all the
serious need to instill road-sharing in driv- the hens would be stressed, and stressed probably use some help there. time.
ers’ minds. Two weeks ago, a famous Costa birds are not efficient producers. Thanks, Your editorial made me feel like I was As he referred to the fact that he lived
Rican cyclist, Alejandro Alvarado, was Mr. Levin, but I’ll stick with factory eggs. back in my native Canada, where homosex- in the United States for 20 years, I feel com-
killed by a trailer driver as he was training In the June 18 edition, Mark Van Patten ual groups tirelessly use this worn-out label pelled to draw some parallels. Although
in Guanacaste for the famous Guanaride writes about the only restaurant in town when opposed by conservatives. For the last he may have learned the language, clearly
race. that serves “chai tea.” Mr. Van Patten, all res- time, we are not afraid of them; we simply most of his brethren have not, as is only too
Yearly, dozens die riding their bicycles taurants that serve tea serve chai, since chai oppose their agenda. clear when I return to my native Texas and
in Costa Rica. That is why we decided to means tea throughout much of the world. Regarding the cartoon, again, it’s a encounter Latin Americans unable to speak
organize a security campaign that will be So speaking of “chai tea” is double-talk, like serious misrepresentation of Mr. Orozco’s the most basic English. Why are they there,
launched in Dominical on June 24. Cyclists saying “tea tea.” Does the restaurant also views. I would love to see your newspaper one might ask.
will come from all over the region (and serve café coffee? portray a Muslim leader in a similar cartoon Well, as we all know, they are there
as far as San José, we hope) to help Tico Incidentally, I had a cup of chai at and see what happens. I doubt that you because their own countries are incapable
cyclists and us with a campaign to distrib- breakfast. would have the guts. Again, as a Canadian, of giving them the life they wanted, and so
ute hundreds of car scents in the shape of I feel like I’m back home when I see such they left seeking that life in the U.S. I know
the ¡CUÍDENOS! logo and a card explaining Lew Hayes nasty attacks on evangelical Christians. I’m probably being politically incorrect, but
what not to do to endanger cyclists’ lives on Puntarenas In closing, I genuinely appreciate your I want to draw attention to the fact that the
the roads. paper for keeping me informed about situation of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is
The more people talk about safety, the what’s going on in Costa Rica. I suggest you
more action will be taken, and the better the Bias Against Evangelical be more balanced and fair (¡justo!) in what
not the same as the situation of legal North
American immigrants in Costa Rica. We
chances are to achieve a change in mental-
ity. Let’s hope The Tico Times will be sen-
Lawmaker? you say, especially with such controversial
topics as gay rights.
came here because it’s nice, calm and peace-
ful. People like us, regardless of how well we
sible to that cause.
Dear Tico Times: speak the local language.
Kevin Bake Where would this country be without
Marie-Danielle Croteau and Robert Fleury Nosara
I wish to respond to both your editorial us? Seriously. Haven’t we given financial aid
Ojochal de Osa
of June 1 and Néstor G.’s cartoon of June 8. and helped educate people?
I’m not sure why I saw no letter to counter We’re Doing Just Fine, So, if after living here for 25 years we’re
Keep Your Barnyard your attack on Justo Orozco – either people doing OK, why should we learn a foreign
were afraid to write, or you chose not to Thank You language? Texan seems to do just fine, and
Eggs, Mr. Levin publish any criticism. as far as I can tell, we’re nowhere the worse
Since The Tico Times supports “toler- Dear Tico Times: without it.
Dear Tico Times: ance,” perhaps you’ll be tolerant towards
conservatives as well. This letter is in response to a letter from George Whemming
In the May 18 edition of The Tico Times, I found your article, “The Happiness of Mr. Juan Ramón Cabrera (TT, June 8). I Heredia
THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012 | CLASSIFIEDS | 13

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is seeking people to perform
703 Miscellaneous
103 For Sale NOW! surveys. Perfect Eng, comp. 2 PORTABLE Air Condition. APARTMENTS An oasis of green in

200 Employment 12,000 BTU. Olimpia, Sabanilla, only 10 min.
knowledge. Call: 8331-2605
201 Jobs Offered NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY easily wheels room to room. from UCR. Completely
Send your resume to:
202 Jobs Wanted (Rohrmoser, Costa Rica) $400 each one. Downtown comple- furnished one-bedroom tely furnished apart-
300 Health Services AHPPA’s outreach program Aggressive cold call sales in Russ Tel. 8347-8811 apartments in an en-
100 ANIMALS to rural areas helps reduce an upbeat atmosphere. Sell ments, safe, secure, closed, safe compound.
400 Investments telephone, cable TV,
401 Business For Sale 101 Adoption the stray population of tools and safety equipment 300 HEALTH Direct phone, laundry,
to construction companies in Wi-Fi Internet.
402 Financing dogs and cats. You can
the states. Money motivated
SERVICES Calle 7, Ave. 14 parking, gardens. Exce-
403 Miscellaneous help with this program
and great communication 301 Health Weekly from $200 llent bus service. Cable
404 Business Opport. DOG. Needs a home. No donation is too small.
Monthly from TV, Internet & maid
skills are a must. If you’ve Services
405 Business Services Dollie is family and ani- worked in sportsbooks, sold $550 to $680 service available.
600 Lost and Found mal friendly. Exceptional BNCR toner, or any other direct Phone: 2221-0247 $425/$475/$525 mo.
700 Miscellaneous guard dog. She is fixed 100-1-040-000431-9 sales this would be a great 8381-3183 2273-3173
701 Collectors/Antiques and in need of a loving
fit. Paid training with a draw Fax: 2222-2195 2273-3837
702 Furniture/Housewares home. Tel. 8314-0805 or commission. 8663-0354
703 Miscellaneous
704 Memberships ENGLISH SPEAKERS
705 Computers For Sale
706 Pawn Need a home
APARTMENTS 1002 Commercial
707 Phone Rentals
800 Music
for your kittens
or puppies? 
Apply at jobs@clear
Affordable Recovery
Alcohol & Drug Dependency
www. LOS YOSES Property
801 Music
•Residential treatment
•Assessment •Day treatment 3 bdr. $850. Fully fur- HOUSE 4 CALL CENTER.
900 Personal nished, Internet, Cable
LINE PLEASE •Continuing care Ready to move in 21 agents,
a dog or cat? 
901 Men Seeking Women
For info call 2291-2768
•Relapse prevention TV, Washer & Dryer. Pinares, Curridabat, SJ.
•Programs in English
902 Women Seeking Men Just contact us and ask for Vanessa •Modified Minnesota Model Tropical gardens. 600m2 lot, 280m2 building,
903 Personal with your mes- Bringing loved •IAFA approved Quiet residential area. parking for 11 cars inside
904 Mother’s Day Greetings ones together •Reasonable rates 900 PERSONAL Walking distance:
sage, including Located in Rohrmoser house. All offices w/furniture
905 Men Seeking Men when and where Around the corner In Costa Rica 8348-6369
902 Women Seeking Restaurants, in place. 3 offices + confer-
906 Women Seeking Women
the animal was Around the world ENGLISH as a second lan- Toll free in the US Men Supermarkets,
ence room. Equip. kitchen,
907 Greetings CR 8832-2450 guage teacher. CELTA quali- 1-866-804-1793 Universities, Malls.
1000 Real Estate For lost or found coffee machine for 30, refri,
USA 859-402-2240 fied & experience essential. 1 ON 1, MEET Quality CR
Rent and a complete Evening company classes in 400 mts South employee dining area.
1001 Apartments description and Women. Ed: Tel. 8391-1617 Price $3,000.
meow@world Escazú area, ¢7,500/hour. Automercado Los Yoses
1002 Comm. Property photo and we’ll MASSAGE: Therapeutic, Call: Tel. 8705-1435 colinwilliams@targetlan Tel. (506) 2224-0402 or
relaxing, Deep Tissue. Hotel
1003 Condominiums post it free in (506) 8707-3324
1004 Exchange & House. Tel. 8361-3162.
print and online. 1000 REAL ESTATE 1003 Condominiums
1005 Houses
Another community 103 For Sale FOR RENT
1006 Rooms ESCAZU, 2 bdr, 2 bath,
service from HUMAN RESOURCE RELAX WITH US! 1001 Apartments ESCAZU. Studio inside priv.
1007 Timeshares Jacuzzi, laundry, parking,
AMERICAN STANFORD Mnger. 100% work from Professional therapeutic prop., very safe, pool, cable,
1008 Beach House furnished, $920.
1100 Real Estate For puppies, dewormed, home. Exp. PT HR depart- massage at home or hotel. ALAJUELA, furn, 1 bdr, Internet, fully furn. $450.
vaccinated, ¢70,000. ment mananger. Flexible Tel. 2289-6055 Tel. 2289-5482,
Sale Call July: Tel. 8596-8042 1.5 bath, green areas, lovely
Tel. 8673-7522 position, part time 10-25
1101 Apartments view, TV room, $850/mo.
1102 Beach Property hrs/week. Eng. speakers 400 INVESTMENTS Tel. 8384-9469
1103 Comm. Property & Internet access is req. HDA VIEJA CURRIDABAT,
100 ANIMALS Submit interest to:
402 Financing 1 bdr, ample, fully equip. ESCAZU. Fully furnished
1104 Condominiums
1105 Exchange 101 Adoption 200 EMPLOYMENT APT SAN Pedro, UCR, short term. $700. townhouse. 3 bdrm, secure,
1106 Farms PRIVATE MONEY TO LEND Tel. 2250-5405 adults only, complex, garden
201 Jobs Offered malls, 1 bdr, quiet, furn,
1107 Houses Quality Homes and Projects $1,200. Tel. 2228-0915
Internet $440.
1108 Lots-Property From 11%, 5 years, 4 pts.
100% ENGLISH speakers, OPERATIONS MANAGER. Tel. 8887-4487/8707-7799
1109 Timeshare Tel. 2266-1762/8623-7777 LA URUCA. Furn, Apart.
web site support, purchase 100% work from home. Ops
1110 Rent or Sale BROKERS WELCOME!! Condado Palacio, 3 bdr, 2 HEREDIA, San Joaquín
support. Must have Internet manager to prioritize, coordi-
1111 Quintas bath, cable, garage, BBQ, de Flores. fully furn, cable,
connection, computer fur- nate & all update operational
1200 Services initiatives. Advances business APTS full furn. Utilities pool. $1,150. Internet, sec.
DOG KENNELS nished by company, 2nd 404 Business
1201 Accounting analyst skills req. Eng. incl. Internet (4mb). Start Tel. 8910-8212 Tel. 8938-5085
CARRIERS NEEDED: language preferred (French,
1202 Autos-Mechanic Opportunity $380mo, $130wkly.
used, medium or large - or Greek). Temp for 2 month speakers & Internet access
1203 Construction Tel. 8399-8904.
with or w/out doors. Please from home then into new is req. FT or PT position 1005 Houses
1204 Computers CENTRAL PACIFIC, next to OROTINA, 2 bdr, a/c, kitch-
donate to provide shelter office in Guachipelin Multi w/fixed schedule.
1205 Languages

and safety for all animals Park. Send resume to: Please submit interest to: Carara Nt'l Park. Looking for en, garage, light patio, good
1206 Miscellaneous investor, 16 units hotel. price! Tel. 8825-9605
1207 Public Notice at SIBU Sanctuary.
Call Richard: Tel. 8871-3523,
1208 Religious 2682-1474 • 8866-4652
1209 Repair Tel. 506-8718-4381. APTS Linda Vista 1 bdrm
RESID. AREA. Central,
1210 Storage apartments. Santa Ana
area, near Forum. Fully incl amenit. fully furn. 1 bd, •300m2 •Exc location
1211 Legal Services
1212 Telecommunications RESTAURANT/BAR for furnished, utilities included. 1ba. $400-$550. •Facing Plaza Mayor
COPYWRITER 100% work Stuck? Confused?
Rent, 400 m2 ready to open, Tel. 8712-7777 •Shopping area •2 sides
1213 Schools from home. Prior copywriting Depressed? Self-loathing? Long & short term rental.
1214 Classes Addictions? Relationship great location. Playas del face street •18 car
exp. is req. FT or PT 20-25
1300 Tourism
1301 Accommodations
CLASSIFIEDS hrs/wk. Eng. spoken and problems?
An empathetic ear,
Coco. Cel. 6002-2572, SANTA ANA. Furn, tel, TV,
parking lot •8 rooms •1
meeting room •reception
written fluency is a req.
1302 Airfare open heart and soul CARIARI, 1bdr, furn, utilities pool, DSL, parking, $550/ area •guard house •Se-
FOUND a wallet? Please submit interest to
1303 Bed/Breakfast
wisdom to help you find includ, Int, US TV, garage, month. Swiss Manager. curity cam. $3,500
1304 Camping Need a home for SEEKING PARTNER for pool, W&D, quiet residen. Tel. 2282-6811/8818-5631
1305 Cruises your kittens? Empowerment and crepes or delivery of pizza. area, $750/mo. (506) 8380-3549
1306 Fishing Lost & Found items HELP WANTED!! Immediate
Clarity Incentive pay. Tel. 8720-5356
1307 Guides and giveaways can Tel. 8375-4287 SANTA ANA. Pozos, 2 bdr,
1308 Tourism Info openings. Pleasant telephone “Life is not a problem to be ATENAS. 3bdr., 2ba,
2.5 ba, 2 car gar, elect. gate,
1309 Tours be advertised FREE in sales, work from Rohrmoser
solved, but a CIUDAD COLON Furnished terrace w/view, cable. ample garage, cable.
1400 Transportation Tico Times Classifieds. office. Incoming calls only, process to be
700 MISCELLANEOUS studio apts. Utilities includ. $750/mo. Tel. 8372-5005 Beautiful surroundings.
1401 Airplane Just call us with your good starting salary plus explored and 702 Furniture Tel. 2249-4736/8896-5510 Furnished $750 mo.
1402 Boats message before daily cash bonus, plus a path to be Tel. 8324-3766
1500 Vehicles Tuesday noon. weekly bonus. Paid weekly. walked’’
1501 Autos Good English req. Part time $500, furnished, 3 bdr.
OFFICE SALE! Euromobilia
1502 4x4’s afternoon-evening, 3-8 pm. Jim Molloy M.A. desks, chairs, pcs & more. CIUDAD COLON, Furn, Tel. 2240-1894/8706-2919 C. COLON, mtn hse furn/
1503 Miscellaneous Another community Call Tom at Tel. 8723-8528 Ph: 8725-1295
All must go! 2 bdr, full kitchen, garage, unfurn, 1-2 bdr, fireplace,
1504 Motorcycles service from
$650 incl utilities, WiFi,
1505 Rentals Escazú - sessions available Tel. 2201-5231, 8702-0803 Need some cash? terrace, BBQ ranch, Internet,
laund/patio. Tel. 2249-3390 panoramic view, secure, fruit
1506 Trucks
THE Your best shot is online by Skype for those Sell it fast;
1600 Wanted outside of the Need a car? Don’t look trees, green areas, elec
with an ad in the with the
1601 Wanted TICO TIMES TT Classifieds
Central Valley far; find it in the TT Your ad will be seen
TT Classifieds
gate $300-$500. Call:
1602 Help Wanted Reasonable rates Classifieds ‘roundthe world! Tel. 8354-8361
14 | CLASSIFIEDS | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

1005 Houses HEREDIA mountains. 1008 Beach Houses JACO. Beachfront. Lowest WATERFALL RANCH. 67 PLEASE KEEP IN MIND 1200 SERVICES 1999 ISUZU TROOPER.
Million-dollar view. Secure, price beach front in Jaco. acres, 6 waterfalls, 2 rivers, that when advertising in 1201 Accounting w/rebuilt engine, current
COZY Secluded, furn, quiet fully furnished 2 bdrm, 2 CAHUITA. Small studio- 1,390 mts at $400/meter. 1 hr to SJ airport. Prime for any media you are publish- tags & inspection. $9,000.
1 bdr cabin, 7 min walk- bath cabin with bonus room. cabin on the rocks. Quiet, $556,000, will carry paper Eco-Tourism Hydro or private ing key information about This week only.
The new
ing downtown La Fortuna. Hot water, washer and dryer. secure, secluded, beautiful or trade California real retreat. Tel. 8706-3728 yourself, your property and/ Corporate Tax? Tel. 8861-7209
Available late June thru Cable and water included. view, tide pool deep enough estate in Los Angeles area. or your services. Be careful
Dec. $65/day, 1 week min. $500 per month. to swim in. $200 monthly. Call Bob. Tel. 818-267-9800 to screen the respondents to
You know the
$650/mo. neg, payable in Tel. 2266-0539 90 day contract. your ad. Most of our readers consequences of 1999 NISSAN
advance. $200 dep. Ref. Call: 2755-0498. Email: 1103 Commercial Property this law to your
are genuinely looking for the PATHFINDER 1106 Farms goods and services offered corporations? In Heredia, $6,000.
SJ. BARGAIN. furn kit, 6
bdr, 6 ba, terraces, $1,500. ALAJUELA, LA GARITA.
Unique in our classified section. Excellent mechanical cond.
However, there may be some Tel. 2268-9931
ESCAZU, TREJOS MONT. Tel. 8819-9200/a.m.
1100 REAL ESTATE 68,291m2, $37/m2, Opportunity who don’t have good inten-
2 bd, 2 ba, 2,200 sq. ft., 3 Tel. 8910-9528 FOR SALE front 310 mts. Residential tions. Be cautious.
levels, views, patio, garden, 1102 Beach Property & industrial use. OLDE We are a company 2001 KIA SPORTAGE, USA,
modern style, high ceilings, Tel. 8375-4444 dedicated to the
lots of glass, furnished. Rent
1006 Rooms
EL COCO Lot, 2,195 m2,
SAN JOSE advice of all matters
red, 4x2, RTV, 4 doors, has
ROHRMOSER, unfurn concerning this law. to register, manual, ¢3mill
$1,650 or sell $295K. 350E, 50N from La Pacífica
ROHRMOSER. Furn, only $220K furn $235K, 4 bdr, neg. Tel. 8393-4103
Tel. 8997-1799. Ron Beach Club. Tel. 8332-6690 TURRIALBA. La Suiza.
for fem, adults or student. 3 ba, TV/office, terrace, Skilled care and an
11H of pastures, cabin, efficient process in
Nice view.$200m. 282m2, near US Emb,
stables, spring water, exc. our services.
Tel. 8324-7375 impeccable. 2004 JEEP WRANGLER.
ESCAZU. Furn, 3 bdr, near FOR SALE 6 Hectares of location. Will exchange.
beautiful, ocean view with Tel. 8831-8944/8843-5725 New clutch brakes,
US school. Safe quiet kid- Tel. 8813-9623 Three Star Hotel
friendly neighborhood. Pets 3,000. 10 yr old teak trees. At Disol-tec we warn winch, $17,000
OK. $1,500/m.
SANTA ANA, for female,
$500,000 obo.
Bar & Restaurant can help you with all Tel. 8671-9492
quiet, green areas, $250. SAN PEDRO, Montes de
Tel. 8380-5032
Tel. 2582-2195/8301-3305
Tel. 8413-0142 Your ad will be seen • Bargain sale due to
your questions.
Oca. More info. 8528-3822 Make an appointment. 1505 Rentals 'round the world! retirement Phone: 2221-8554
• Turnkey operation or visit our website:
• In Historic Barrio Amón
1108 Lots/Property *CARS FOR
• 22 rooms, w/private baths LA ALEGRIA, Siquirres, RENT*
• Restaurant / Bar 8,000 m2, 2 story house,
seats 100 exc view, very nice property 1300 TOURISM $135-$235 a week
• Space for expansion suitable for tourism develop- 1303 Bed & Breakfast Everything included!
ment, $190,000. English Also SUVs available.

for additional rooms Tel. 8623-8410/8669-6927, BiBi’s B&B cTV, Inter, Call Andy or Aaron
Spanish 8928-2411 sgl $30, Dbl $45. Tel. (506) 2282-7013
hotelcastillosale Tel. 2244-7324


Over 20yrs serving the
English speaking community.
MANUEL ANTONIO. 5,700 lot, Gated community,
1107 Houses 1500 VEHICLES

Sustainable Living
$13/, $77,500. 4x4 FOR RENT, from $45 a
* Next to MILLION $$$ 1501 Autos
day w/free miles & insur.
Heredia,El Castillo homes * UNIQUE.
Call: 6025-5655 2001 HYUNDAI ACCENT,
Tel. CR (506) 8891-1313
Lot 4847m Const. 636m exc condition, 2 door, RTV,
new tires, $5,700 neg.
QUINTAS IN CORONADO Tel. 7032-8717/8669-6927
5 br-3.5 ba, AMIGOS RENT A CAR. Aut
1 story Exc view, from 2,500 m2, 4X4 hire from $245/wk 5
$45/m2, lots front of main
Open concept st. Tel. 2271-6071/
1502 4X4’S seat. SUV’s
Let our readers around the world and inside Central Patio 8910-6969
Tel. 2269-4702/ 8932-2235
02 MAZDA Xcab, pick up,
Costa Rica know about your product or ser- Luxurious finishes
full xts, low miles, $16,500.
Built Dec 2009
vice, or how your business, project or devel- Tel. 2244-0484/8388-6202 SASSO Rent a car.
1109 Timeshares Quality 4x4 for less.
opment is working to help the environment. 2267-8093 8313-4336 Tel. 8827-2627 PUNTA LEONA, preferen- 05 TOYOTA TUNDRA, auto
LTD edition, 32K, full xtras,

tial membership, transfer
EMERGENCY SALE, included $4,000. $34,900.
$270K, ocean view, 1Ha, Tel. 8866-8888 Tel. 2244-0484, 8388-6202 TUCAN RENT A CAR
main house w/huge pool, Low rates. Tel. 8840-8501


guest & guard house.
Tel. 8827-8858 1111 Quintas 06 TOYOTA 4Runner TDI
diesel, full xts, autom,

low miles, $31,900.
FURNISHED HOME. Best Tel. 2244-0484/8388-6202
furniture from Sarchi. 1/2H
garden land, fruit trees, pool,
Advertise in The Tico Times and don’t miss the pool house, 3 bdr, 2 ba. and Well 07 NISSAN FRONTIER,
Units splits A/C. American service pick up, 4x4, turbo diesel,
opportunity to have a space every month in appliances, high- speed 4 door, full xts, low miles, DAILY!
Internet, garage. Country $24,900.
this well-read section. setting. Near Esparza, Price Tel. 2244-0484/8388-6202
Sedan $36
For each 6 publications, you receive to sell. details & to view. 4x Compact Suv. $49
Call: 2636-8980/8880-1847 4x Mid size Suv. $59
ONE FREE + a banner in our Online Edition! 1999 FORD 350. Heavy with free miles daily!
Duty, diesel, automatic, full Incl Insurance
HOUSE 4 SALE excellent xtras, runs great. $18,000. Toll Free 1-800-580-3691
prices. 3 bdrms. Alajuela and TEL: 2431-5015 Call 8765-4963 or (506) 2296-9232
Grecia. Tel. 8712-7777 8623-8410.

My business is only with PROMO:

We’re pioneers in supporting the environment,
and we’re always seeking the best way The Tico Times For every 4 weeks
to serve our clients. Classified ads. of publication
My apartment buildings
we will give you
Tel. 2258-1558 are always full.
E-mail: 1 extra week for FREE
–Carlos Rodríguez
(Vista Linda Apts)


Fill in the grid

so that
every row,
every column
and every 3x3
box contain
the digits 1
through 9
with no

Last Week’s Solution

Across 63 Qatar’s capital 37 “__ It Romantic?”
1 Rendezvous 65 Floor access 38 Plants
6 Spoiled kid 66 Boardwalk refreshments 40 Rabin’s successor
10 Mischief-makers 67 Court star Steffi 41 Progeny
14 High-toned 68 Old number? 44 Most unsightly
15 __ avis 69 Sprightly 46 Italian rice dish
16 Encounter 70 Compass point 48 Jumpy
17 Show host 71 Noblemen 50 Mortarboard attachment
18 Egyptian symbol of life 51 Money substitute
19 Rider’s handhold DOWN 52 Vestige
20 Seize an opportunity 1 Not us 53 Exterior
22 Hush 2 Incarnation of Vishnu 55 Strong wrapper
24 Coke alternative 3 Expression of disgust 57 David Copperfield’s first wife
26 Colored 4 Church topper 59 Cowardly Lion actor
27 County Kerry town 5 Sound of a snicker 60 Contended
30 Hardware purchase 6 Hee-haws 61 Makes a mistake
32 Optimist’s asset 7 Sprinted 64 Owns
33 Fixes 8 Boats like Noah’s – Michael Curl
35 Patronage 9 Its chief town is Papeete
39 Take advantage of 10 Vast SOLUTION #651
40 Like some victories 11 Had in mind
42 Peer Gynt’s mother 12 Change for a pound
43 Smoothly change the subject 13 Horse
45 Door openers 21 Imitative behavior
46 Litter’s littlest 23 New Hampshire state flower
47 Bring in 25 Entrance
49 Height enhancers 27 So
51 Hot 28 Stood up
54 Predatory shorebirds 29 Take down __
56 Sailed from place to place 31 Pale
58 Determine 34 Irritates
62 Charge per unit 36 France, of yore

The News You Need, The Way You Like to Get It!

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16 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – June 15-21, 2012

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Palmares: Parrita: Quepos:
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Farmacia Don Juan Herradura: Jaime Peligro Books
Supermercado CoopeAtenas Hotel Marriott Los Sueños Súper Más
Automercado Herradura Súper Iguana
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Books & Stuff Café Milagro
Puntarenas: Más X Menos Súper Manuel Antonio
Hotel Fiesta Seguridad Total Pacífico Hotel-Restaurant Mono Azul
Panadería de Las Américas
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Delta Miramar Hotel Pelícano
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