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Guanacaste | Special Section Inside

¢600 Friday, June 8-14, 2012 – San José, Costa Rica Since 1956

Honoring Earth
Photo by Alberto Font I Tico Times
Treatment Center
Helps Cancer Fight
By Matt Levin of becoming the premiere cancer treatment
Tico Times Staff center in Central America.
ICOT originally only did chemotherapy,
Rebeca León didn’t know what to make while the organization operated with five
of the lump she had discovered on one of oncologists in a small hospital in eastern
her breasts in May 2011. San José. At the beginning of 2012, ICOT
Friends told her it couldn’t be cancer moved to a larger location in La Uruca, a
because she’s too young. She has no family northwestern district of San José, next to the
history. But a specialist confirmed it. León state-run Hospital México. By the end of the
would begin her mid-30s by battling breast expansion, the institute will have invested a
cancer. total of $10 million since 2010. For this year’s
“It was a shock,” León, 35, said. “I did opening, ICOT added more than two dozen
not expect it. There have not been other oncologists to its staff.
cases of this type of cancer in my family.” Oncologists specialize in fields that
But León learned the type of insur- include hematology (for treating cancers
ance she had from the National Insurance like lymphoma and leukemia) and pedi-
Institute covered treatment at a private atrics. The premises offer clinical lab ser-
institution in Costa Rica, established spe- vices, ultrasounds, mammograms, CT scans,
cifically for remedying cancer patients. The X-rays and MRIs. Since opening the center
Costa Rican Oncology Institute (ICOT) was in January, ICOT has received some 700
inaugurated in January 2010 with the goal Page 34

Is Guanacaste Economy
Finally Bouncing Back?
By Hannah J. Ryan owners sailed to other shores like Panama
Tico Times Staff and Nicaragua. But the most recent tourism
season revealed that trend might be chang-
LIBERIA, Guanacaste – The 2008 implo- ing, as businesses showed signs of a possible
sion of the world’s markets hit the Guanacaste recovery.
province in northwestern Costa Rica hard, “It’s like our heads were below water and
yet mayors, tourism officials, developers and we were slowly drowning,” said Ana Teresa
shop owners all agree that things are starting Núñez, owner of Las Olas Lounge in Playas
to pick up. del Coco. “Now we can gasp a few breaths to
With 70 percent of Guanacaste’s econo- keep us going.”
Cristina Briones, of the University of Costa Rica’s Health Research Institute, par- my based on tourism, local business owners Núñez said the regulars who come to
ticipates in a workshop on edible plants Tuesday as part of World Environment say 2008-2009 felt as if the world briefly Playas del Coco multiple times a year pulled
Day (WED) activities. The United Nations World Environment Program stopped. them through.
Streets and bars were quiet, beaches held If the stagnation had gone another year
established WED to encourage political attention to environmental issues. few sunbathers and harbors emptied, as boat Page 74


Aguirre Council Approves Can the C.R. Economy Photographer Documents Special Section Editorial 11
Guanacaste 7-9 Letters to the Editor 12
Mayoral Recall Vote Make a Comeback? Costa Rica’s Centenarians Business & Real Classifieds 13
Estate 10 Puzzles 15
Six months after Quepos Mayor Lutgardo Bolaños Foreign direct investment in Costa Rica increased Mónica Quesada is on a mission to photo- Weather 16
graph Ticos who have lived 100 years, and Weekend 24 PAGES
was arrested for allegedly operating a pornogra- to a record $2.1 billion in 2011. Growth is pro-
phy ring involving underage girls, Aguirre council jected at double the rate of the U.S. economy. So she’s launched an Indiegogo campaign to Connection W2
members have given the OK for a September why is everyone still complaining? raise money for the project. Exploring Costa Rica W4
recall vote. Calendar W6
Page 44 Page 104 Page W14 Movies W7
2 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012


Gay Rights Bill Shelved

A Rare Find at C.R. Synagogue
By Leni Friedman Valenta
Keeping his word, evangelical lawmaker Justo Special to The Tico Times
Orozco took a look at a bill that would improve gay
rights – briefly. And now he won’t have to think about Call it serendipity. My husband, Dr.
the bill again for a long time. Jiri Valenta, and I had just completed the Living History:
Orozco, the controversial head of the Legislative first two chapters of his memoir when we Synagogue elder
Assembly’s Human Rights Commission, held a vote attended services at B’nei Israel’s trilingual
Wednesday on whether lawmakers should consider a Reform synagogue in San José, and learned Marvin Sossin
bill on sociedades de convivencia, or coexistence part- the amazing story of the holocaust Torahs. poses with a
nerships. For same-sex couples in Costa Rica, the bill One of these Torahs, dated 1850, is holocaust Torah
guarantees economic benefits similar to what hetero- on permanent display there thanks to the on display at
sexual couples receive. efforts of synagogue elder Marvin Sossin,
The human rights panel voted against the bill, 79. It was he who gave us Philippa Bernard’s B’nei Israel in
4-2. Orozco, Adonay Henríquez, of the Libertarian history of the Torahs, “Out of the Midst of San José.
Movement Party, and Jorge Angulo and Luis Antonio the Fire.”
Aiza of the ruling National Liberation Party (PLN) voted Originally from Toronto, Canada, Sossin,
against taking further action with the bill. Carmen a prominent entrepreneur, told us he was
Muñoz of the Citizens Action Party and Óscar Álfaro of attracted to Costa Rica by its island-of
PLN voted in favor of the bill. democracy status in a sea of dictatorships,
The bill falls to the bottom of the commission’s and its history as a refuge for three waves Courtesy of Leni Friedman Valenta

agenda, as the group will look to focus on some 20 of European and Latin American Jewish glorification, the Nazis were seeking to build dispersal. The trust’s decision was to per-
other bills. immigration. a future museum about an extinct, subhu- manently loan – never sell – the scrolls to
Amid protests last week, Orozco was named head Arriving here in 1982, he set about man race. Meanwhile, all the looted artifacts, Jewish communities worldwide. Donations
of the commission, due to an alliance between the PLN, helping to found the first Reform Jewish ceremonial items, silver, apparel, violins, tex- are accepted to offset shipping costs.
the Access Without Exclusion Party and Costa Rica’s two community of Costa Rica, an effort which tiles and manuscripts were sorted, recorded, Upon the delivery of the 1850 scroll
evangelical lawmakers (TT, June 1). encompassed a visit from his hometown wrapped and annotated by doomed Jewish to B’nei Israel, Sossin and the synagogue’s
On Wednesday, activists protested outside the rabbi, the late Gunther Plaut. It was prayer- prisoners. cofounders were inspired to work on found-
forum as Orozco left the assembly escorted by police. book author Plaut, one of the world’s most Among the thousands of artifacts col- ing the Union of Jewish Congregations of
famous rabbis, who told Sossin about the lected were 1,564 Torahs, some dating back Latin America and the Caribbean, in what
holocaust Torahs. to 1700. Warehoused in a small synagogue- famous Rabbi Dov Marmur called in 2001
36 Raids in Border Roads Inquiry The Torahs have a Czech origin, as does turned-church near Prague, they lay hid- “the most isolated region of Jews in the
Officials from the Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday my husband, Jiri. He was born in the for- den for 20 years until the providential visit world.” It still holds conferences connecting
raided 36 companies linked to contracts with the mer Third Reich protectorate of Bohemia- to Czechoslovakia of a Jewish art dealer Reform and Conservative synagogues.
National Roadway Council as part of an investigation Moravia on April 9, 1945, a month before from London, Eric Estorick. Invited to view Meanwhile, to Jiri, whose life was con-
into irregularities and alleged bribes during the con- Liberation. His Jewish mother gave birth the floor-to-ceiling scrolls by the organi- ditioned as the child of holocaust survivors,
to him while hiding in the basement of her zation overseeing the Jewish Museum in the story of the Torahs also provides a special
struction of Route 1856, a border road between Costa
Christian future in-laws. Because of the Prague, Estorick was dumbfounded. To Jews inspiration. In the midst of the most unthink-
Rica and Nicaragua.
Nuremberg laws, she could only marry his worldwide, the Torah is sacred as the first able circumstances, 1,564 Torahs, badly need-
A total of 150 Judicial Investigation Police agents father after Liberation. five books of the law received by Moses ed by post-war synagogues worldwide, were
and 30 judges performed the raids, intending to seize Tracing his roots, I learned that the only from God. Their creation or repair requires preserved by the Nazis. Thus was the sacred
documents related to payments made for the construc- Jews who survived were either Mischlinges special animal skins and parts, rare inks, miraculously rescued from the profane.
tion of the 160-kilometer road. No arrests were made. (mixed-race Jews), Jews married to Christians quills and precise measurements in order The holocaust Torah, jewel of its kind in
or those who escaped abroad. Yet, with defeat to be deemed kosher. The profession of Central America, is still on display at B’nei
Gringos in C.R. Total Almost 16,000 in sight, the Nazis accelerated Hitler’s plans Torah sofer (scribe) is so arduous, it is often Israel, in San José. The synagogue is located
to “cleanse” Europe of every drop of Jewish hereditary. on the old road to Escazú, southwest of San
Results from the 2011 Census showed that 15,898 blood, taking even Christians who refused to Estorick immediately contacted Jewish José, from Pops in La Sabana, 800 meters
U.S. citizens live in Costa Rica, according to numbers divorce their Jewish spouses. philanthropist Ralph Yablon, and with his west. For more, contact B’nei Israel President
released by the National Statistics and Census Institute. That wasn’t all they were doing. help, the Torah scrolls project soon amassed David Feingold at 2231-5243 or visit www.
U.S. expats make up 4.1 percent of the 385,899 Incredibly, a Jewish museum in Prague sponsors, contacts, experts, workers and
foreigners living here. The majority of foreigners come was carefully preserved by the Germans, fascinating anecdotes. In 1964, Yablon pur-
from Nicaragua, making up 74 percent of the immi- and thousands of Judaica from looted and chased the scrolls for $30,000, whereup- Writer and Yale graduate Leni Friedman
grants in the country. Colombians are second at 4.3 burned synagogues all over the country were on they were transported to his Reform Valenta is a principle of the Institute of Post-
percent, followed by U.S. citizens. added to its collection. Why? The prevail- Westminster synagogue. A Memorial Scrolls Communist Studies with her husband, Dr. Jiri
During the last census in 2000, the number of U.S. ing theory is that, in an act of Aryan self- Trust was formed to oversee their repair and Valenta. Read more at
citizens in the country totaled only 9,511.
The foreign population makes up 9 percent of the
4.3 million people living in the country, with 287,766
Nicaraguans. n Contact Us!
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Ombudswoman: Make Internet see in The Tico Times? Do you have any
Purchases Tax Exempt What’s Up Online tips on a story we’re currently working
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n Top Stories n Video: MacGyver Speaks Out should review? Let us know! Contact us at:
Costa Rica’s ombudswoman, Ofelia Taitelbaum,
Our five most popular stories at
asked the Customs Administration to reinstate tax
exemptions on Internet purchases from retailers in last week: n Fishing Forum
the United States and sent via courier service to Costa 1. Preventive alert declared for three
Rica, the daily La Nación reported. Costa Rican volcanoes
On Nov. 24, 2011, the day before Black Friday, 2. TV’s ‘MacGyver’ calls Costa Rica a ‘death
the Finance Ministry announced that all Internet sentence’ for Sea Shepherd conservationist
purchases made from Costa Rica and shipped here 3. Shaky weekend for Costa Rica’s Pacific coast
would have to pay import taxes. The Finance Ministry’s 4. U.S. citizen dies in Costa Rica after car
announcement caused a general outcry (TT, Dec. 12, accident
2011). Many consumers in the country enjoyed a 5. Coastal officials dispute destruction order In videos posted on YouTube, Richard Dean An-
twice-yearly exemption on imports of goods up to a derson, Pam Anderson and Bob Barker spoke out
value of $500 and given as gifts. Visit our website to read all these stories for free. against the possible extradition of marine conser- Show us your catch! Anglers, put your best catch-
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THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | NEWS | 3

Cheaper Cancer Care Could Draw U.S. Patients

3Page 1 A Shortage of Machines
patients. They began performing their first To Fight Cancer?
surgeries in the new facilities on Tuesday.
Since her own diagnosis in July 2011, A recent report asserts that thousands of women
León has fought capably against breast can- in Costa Rica are waiting to receive a mammogram
cer through the help of ICOT. from the Social Security System (Caja). The problem
Almost a year has passed since León’s is so prevalent in the country that patients can wait
initial operation to remove the tumor, up to two years for an appointment, according to
which was followed by reconstructive sur-
gery and chemotherapy. She still undergoes statistics released Monday by the National Union of
hormonal therapy at ICOT and will need Caja Employees (UNDECA).
checkups to make sure the cancer does not Almost 53,800 women are waiting for a mam-
come back stronger. She’s not yet able to mogram, UNDECA statistics showed. The mammo-
return to work, but León believes “the worst gram is a tool used to detect and diagnose breast
is over.” cancer, the most common type of cancer in women
Her progress is impressive against the in Costa Rica.
deadliest type of cancer for women in Costa The UNDECA statement said the reason for the
Rica, causing 1,206 deaths in 2011 (see box). logjam is that many hospitals have mammogram
The disease is considered even more aggres-
machines that are old or no longer work.
sive in younger patients.
ICOT officials hope for similar success María Eugenia Villalta, a Caja medical manager,
fighting cancer in its new headquarters. They denied that the waits were as severe as what UNDECA
hope the institute’s 30 oncologists will help Courtesy of ICOT claimed, although she did not provide figures proving
reduce cancer deaths in Costa Rica, which otherwise.
totaled 4,212 people last year, according to Stepping Up the Fight: The Costa Rican Oncology Institute opened a new A press release from the Caja stated that the
Health Ministry statistics. facility in the northwestern San José district of La Uruca, as part of a $10 organization did 90,000 mammograms in 2011, and
Guillermo Rodríguez, president of ICOT, million project intended to help treat cancer patients. The building includes a the number of mammograms performed increased
said he believes the private institute could clinical lab and devices for performing ultrasounds, mammograms, CT scans, 24 percent between 2008 and 2011.
serve as a cancer treatment place for the Villalta said the situation is improving, and the
region, and also for medical tourists from the X-rays and MRIs.
U.S. looking for more affordable options. Caja in recent years bought 14 new mammography
“We have put together a center where we throughout the country can discuss medi- has become the scourge of the 21st century. machines and hired 26 new radiologists. She said the
can treat patients with cancer in a compre- cal issues. The state-of-the-art lab equipment should Caja plans to hire 22 more in the upcoming year.
hensive way,” Rodríguez said. Although the institute will not accept help with prevention and early diagnosis. She also said the reason some women might not be
The project still has one more stage to go payment from the Costa Rican Social “If you’re not able to work as a team, if receiving mammograms more regularly is because
before it’s completed. The new building only Security System, ICOT contains many col- you’re not able to involve many disciplines, it’s only necessary to receive a checkup every two
can handle out-patient surgery. But over the laborative aspects. then probably you will not be as good as you years.
next three to five years, the institute plans Rodríguez said the cancer center will want to be in terms of cancer treatment,” The American Cancer Society recommends
to add another structure for cancer patients receive academic leadership from top Herrera said. yearly mammograms beginning at age 40. However,
who require long-term hospital stays. U.S. cancer hospitals at M.D. Anderson in León said the staff also proved significant
Houston, Texas, and the Sylvester Center in for preparing her to fight breast cancer. the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends
The ICOT building formerly was used
for doing clinical trials, but a court ruling Miami, Florida. Local medical brands such She appreciated the closeness of the the procedure every two years, starting at age 50.
put a halt to clinical testing in 2009. The as Hospital Metropolitano, Laboratorios director of medicine, Joao Bautista, and the A recent study stated frequent mammograms lead
decision changed Rodríguez’s focus, and he Páez, Imágenes Médicas and Grupo Leisa head of surgery, Efraín Cambronero, and she to “over-diagnosis” of breast cancer, meaning that
started thinking of how to remodel the place also will have roles in the hospital. For was grateful for the flexibility of the hospi- the breast cancer detected is so minimal it is unlikely
into a cancer center. example, Grupo Leisa runs the pharmacy tal’s insurance department. All these factors to cause harm throughout a woman’s lifetime.
Rodríguez’s office on the third floor while Hospital Metropolitano is in charge of allowed her to feel more at ease while fight- Therefore, a patient receives treatment and tests
of ICOT overlooks mountainsides. the operating room. ing a frightening disease. they do not actually need.
Downstairs, patients receiving chemo look Roberto Herrera, director of the privately “They’re all very close to me at this –Matt Levin
out into a garden. Another room con- run Hospital Metropolitano, in San José, said moment, like friends of mine,” León said.
tains a large forum where doctors from ICOT is essential for treating a disease that “They were a big help.”n

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4 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

Costa Rica’s Premier

Private Cigar Lounge
Authorized Aguirre Mayor to Face Recall Vote
By Clayton R. Norman Castro said. “But at this time what we have
Tico Times Staff is a lack of proof.”
The Municipal Council ordered
The Aguirre Municipal Council voted the release on Tuesday of documents to
unanimously to move forward a recall elec- the Comptroller General and the Public
tion against erstwhile mayor and accused Prosecutor’s Office handling investigations
human trafficker, Lutgardo Bolaños, at a into Bolaños’ activities as mayor.
council meeting Tuesday in the central Council President Jonathan Rodríguez
Pacific town of Quepos. said the mayor’s alleged mismanagement
The council also agreed in a unanimous of public funds left the municipality with a
5-0 vote to review Bolaños’ previous appoint- budgetary shortfall of “around $1 million.”
ment as head of the municipality’s legal Rodríguez said that for nearly six months
department and to send to the local prosecu- the council has worked with acting mayor,
tor’s office reams of financial documents from Isabel León, to resolve the municipality’s
Bolaños’ tenure as mayor. The council alleges financial woes.
irregularities in the management of municipal The council specifically and unanimously
funds by the mayor have left the municipality asked for investigations into an overdraft pro-
with a $1 million budget deficit. cessed at the Bank of Costa Rica and signed
The recall election is scheduled for Sept. by Bolaños on Nov. 30, 2011, which the mayor
23. may not have been authorized to sign for.
Bolaños, a National Liberation Party The council also asked for an investigation
Alberto Font | Tico Times
(PLN) lawyer and politician who in February into salary raises Bolaños authorized for all
2011 became mayor of the municipality that Trouble: Aguirre Mayor Lutgardo municipal officials and from which, accord-
We show all Local & includes Costa Rica’s famed Manuel Antonio Bolaños was accused of trafficking sex ing to the council’s request for investigation,
International Sporting Events National Park, was arrested at his home Dec.
workers, including minors. Municipal Bolaños may have benefited indirectly.
21, 2011, after what the Judicial Investigation The council asked for “in-depth” investi-
Mon: Montecristos & Mojitos Police (OIJ) described as a four-month officials also are looking into possible gations into other areas of the mayor’s activi-
25% off investigation into his alleged use of munici- mismanagement of government funds. ties including his alleged noncompliance
Tue: Aficionado Night pal funds to make pornographic videos with with an order from the Comptroller General
25% off all Cigars underage girls (TT, Jan. 12, Dec. 23, 2011). “It is incredible to us that no one has regarding deeds to green areas in a commu-
Wed: Whiskey Wednesday According to OIJ accounts, Bolaños and had the courage to present this petition nity near Quepos; his appointment as head
Free Whiskey Cocktail his driver toured Costa Rica in cars rented to the council before now,” said Kenneth of the municipality’s legal department in the
on the municipal dime and hired girls as Chaves, president of the Aguirre Cantonal previous administration, which the council
w/Cigar Purchase young as 14 from the poorest regions of the Committee for Young People (CCPJA), indicated it cannot find legal documentation
Thurs:Ladies Night Free country to perform in sex tapes the men which presented the motion for a recall to of; and appointments Bolaños made as mayor
Sangria and Wine Tasting recorded. When the two men were arrested the Municipal Council on May 15. that allegedly did not follow legal procedures.
6-9pm in December, OIJ agents seized computers “We are petrified at just the idea that “The most important thing we can do
Fri & Sat: Live Music and as many as 600 compact discs contain- Lutgardo Bolaños could return to his post as now is put municipal finances in order,”
Sun: Hospitality Night $2 9º Norte ing pornographic videos. mayor after the damage that he has caused,” Rodríguez said. “We have to return to see-
Shots1/2 Price 9ºN Bolaños posted bail the day after his Chaves said in a statement. “It is disagree- ing black numbers in place of red numbers.
arrest, but police arrested him again less than able enough that he still receives his $4,000 We have to roll up our sleeves, cinch up our
Specialty Cocktails
a month later when new victims stepped for- monthly salary while his victims continue pants and get to work.”
ward. Police also arrested municipal employ- under treatment in psychological institu- That may be easier said than done,
ee Reymundo Herrera, bar owner Jimmy tions. We must prevent this from happening according to Harry Bodaan, a local hotelier
Acuña and Vilma Campos, identified by the at all costs.” and president of the Aguirre Chamber of
OIJ as the alleged recruiter of girls from dif- Chaves added that the CCPJA has col- Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
ferent parts of the country. The OIJ report lected more than 500 signatures supporting “The community is very nervous,”
described the group as a “band organized the move to recall Bolaños. Bodaan said, adding that acting Mayor Isabel
with the goal of human trafficking.” The Tico Times was unable to verify León enjoys “the full support of the com-
According to Costa Rica’s Child Welfare Bolaños’ alleged victims were in treatment munity.”
Happy Hour Daily Office, some 35,000 children and adoles- in psychological institutions as the statement “She’s like a breath of fresh air, working
4-7pm 1/2 price 9ºN cents are victims of human trafficking each indicates. every day with how to best deal with the $1
Specialty Cocktails year in the country. “This is a shame for the party,” Chaves million deficit Lutgardo [Bolaños] left us
Bolaños was released from jail with “pre- said. “Not just locally, but nationally.” with,” he said. “It’s just atrocious what hap-
•Brohito-Arenal Eruption ventive measures,” meaning he has been Álvaro Emilio Castro, president of the pened here. This guy has put us $1 million in
•Tico Oro & Many more required to sign in with the court in Aguirre PLN’s ethics tribunal, said the ruling party of the hole and ruined the lives of a dozen or so
•CRCB Drafts every two weeks and is not allowed to have President Laura Chinchilla has not opened young girls.”
any contact with his alleged victims. The an investigation or taken action against Bolaños could not be reached for this
$2.50 Municipal Council also suspended Bolaños Bolaños because no one has appeared before story, as a phone number listed for him has
from his position for six months with pay, the tribunal to provide proof of any wrong- been disconnected and an email address he

and he has continued to receive a monthly doing on the part of the mayor. used as mayor has been reassigned to the

salary of approximately $4,000. “I wanted to start an investigation,” acting mayor.n

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THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | NEWS | 5

Homicide Rate Drops TO THE GRADUATING
To Lowest in Region CLASS OF THE COUNTRY
By Isabella Cota Schwarz holds the title of murder capital of the DAY SCHOOL 2012
Special to The Tico Times world, with a staggering rate of 82 per
100,000 inhabitants.
Costa Rica now has the lowest homi- Costa Rica’s improvement and ability
cide rate in Central America and could to remain the least violent in the region
become the first country to rid itself of the comes with a price tag. Last year, the
“violence epidemic” label that haunts the Public Security Ministry broke its spend-
region. ing record, using up to 94 percent of its
A government report released last week $312 million budget.
showed the murder rate fell from 11.5 Everything from new uniforms and bul-
homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants letproof vests to 280 patrol cars equipped
in 2010 to 10.3 in 2011, the first drop in with GPS systems have been added in
six years. the last year. And while a policeman in
And preliminary numbers from the Nicaragua earns an average of $120 a
Public Security Ministry for the first month, the lowest salary for an officer here
months of this year show that the murder is $697.
rate is dropping even further. But for Zamora, resources alone do not
“In 2012, we want to pull the country explain the good news.
out of what the World Health Organization “I would point to our relationship with
calls a ‘violence epidemic,’ which refers to a justice,” said the minister.
homicide rate of over 10 for every 100,000 The country’s justice system is per-
inhabitants,” Public Security Minister haps stronger here than in neighboring
Mario Zamora said. “So far, we think we’re countries, he said, and recent arrests of
getting closer to that goal.” police officers have strengthened the sys-
His optimism comes at a time when tem’s integrity.
Central America is perceived as a region Yet while police work to prevent homi-
increasingly held hostage by organized cides and put criminals behind bars, pris-
crime and drug-related violence. ons struggle to keep up.
Headlines around the world tell stories Most worrying is the number of incar-
of villagers getting caught in a gun battles, cerated people under 25, which, according
murdered journalists and riots in overpop- to the Justice Ministry, grew by 300 percent The Country Day School would like to congratulate its 46th Graduating Class, who
ulated prisons. In the last few years, U.S. in the last two years. Most of them are will receive their high school diplomas on June 9, 2012. The graduates represent
officials visiting the region have focused on charged for crimes related with drugs or
this issue, addressing it as the most press- violence.
11 different nationalities and have been accepted into 68 colleges and universities
ing one. After incidents in Honduras and Mexico in the U.S., Canada and Europe; receiving scholarships and awards totaling $1.32
The new figures show Costa Rica buck- early this year, deadly prison riots have million dollars U.S. Of the graduating class, 78% will enroll in North American
ing the trend, with the lowest murder rate become indelible in the Latin American schools in the fall. Of the 32 graduates, 44% have been students at CDS Escazú
on record in the isthmus. Nicaragua fol- imagination. While it’s possible to see
lows with a rate of 14, while Panama has Costa Rica eventually standing out as the since early elementary school.
a rate of 19. only spot in the region where violence is no
At the other end of the spectrum, the longer an epidemic, a question mark hangs Academia Italiana in Florence Smith College
countries with the highest rates are El over the country’s capacity to deal with the American University Southern Methodist University
Salvador, with 71, and Honduras, which next big problem, overcapacity prisons.n Arizona State University St. John’s University
Boston College St. Mary’s University
Boston University Suffolk University- Madrid
California Polytechnic State University Syracuse University
Carleton College Texas Southern University
Carnegie Mellon University Texas Tech University
Colorado State University Trinity University
Cornell University Tulane University
Drexel University Universidad Tecnología de Monterrey
Emerson College University Academia Italiana in Florence
Florence Design Academy University of British Columbia
Florida Institute of Technology University of California - Berkeley
Florida International University University of California – Los Angeles
Florida State University University of California- Santa Barbara
Fordham University University of Central Florida
Haverford College University of Chicago
Hofstra University University of Delaware
Instituto Europeo de Diseño -Milano University of Denver
Loyola University University of Florida
Lynn University University of Loyola-Chicago
Maryland Institute College of Art University of Miami
Middlebury College University of New Orleans
Mississippi State University University of Notre Dame
New York University University of South Florida
Northeastern University University of Southern California
Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti- Milano University of Tampa
Pace University University of Texas at Austin
Orlando Sierra Penn State University University of Virginia
Pratt Institute of Art & Design Villanova University
Silencing Voices: A Honduran man lights a candle during a May 24 vigil in Rollins College Walsh University
memory of 20 journalists killed in the Central American country in the last three Salve Regina University Washington & Lee University
years. The vigil was held after the kidnapping and murder of HRN radio jour- Savannah College of Art & Design Wesleyan University
nalist Alfredo Villatoro in late May. School of Visual Arts

Responsible Fisheries: Meaning, Opportunity

By José Antonio Chaves
Legal Advisor, Costa Rican Fisheries Federation (FECOP)

The concept of responsibility is defined

by the Collins English Dictionary as the
state or fact of being responsible for moral
decisions and therefore being accountable,
and particularly for an error; and as the
capacity that exists in every person to rec-
ognize and accept the consequences of an
act carried out freely. Thus, the concept
of responsibility applied to fisheries is of
particular significance, especially when we
become aware of overexploitation, and as
we move towards situations already expe-
rienced by industrialized nations that have
exhausted their resources.
The term responsible fisheries not only
refers to the direct act of extracting fish,
but also to all personal and institutional
actions carried out in developing, respect-
ing, recovering and conserving the wealth of
marine fisheries for ourselves and for future
Responsible fisheries concern everyone,
and not only those directly involved in
extracting fish and other fisheries resources.
Responsible fisheries are based on the fact
that the sea is a complex ecosystem and that
any extractive action we undertake affects
its biodiversity and availability of resources
that we do not yet fully comprehend, such
as the importance of the sea in controlling
climate, and for recreation, transport and
other aspects.
Courtesy of Todd Staley
Marine resources were previously con-
sidered to be inexhaustible, and it was Sustainable: The Costa Rican Fisheries Federation and other groups are working with local Costa Rican fishermen on
believed that we could benefit from unre- sustainable fishing programs to help protect depleting marine resources. Costa Rica adopted the United Nations Food and
stricted access. Major technologies aimed Agriculture Organization’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in 1999.
at uncontrolled extraction at the least cost
were developed in many parts of the world.
However, we very quickly discovered that scientific data possible (Art. 6.4), so that fish- This mandate clearly places us face- FAO indicates the need for decision-
marine resources are not only finite but also ing is not carried out blindly, but is based on to-face with one of the main meanings of making processes that are transparent and
more fragile than we realized. sound science (Art. 12.1). This enables the responsibility: We should take responsibility achieve timely solutions to urgent matters
This is the main concern that led to development and protection of resources, today for future damages we could incur. (Art. 6.13) as part of the responsibility of the
different lines of thought and discussion particularly fisheries habitats such as nursery The tool the CCRF places in our hands is state within the concept of responsible fish-
that resulted in the approval of the Code of and spawning areas, and habitats critical to simple: In the face of doubt or lack of knowl- eries, by facilitating broad consultation with
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) species reproduction (Art. 6.8). edge, decisions favor nature. other interested sectors, and by cooperating
of the United Nations Food and Agriculture One of the basic pillars of the commit- The CCRF also indicates that selective in resolving disputes relating to fishing activ-
Organization (FAO), unanimously adopted ment to responsible fishing is concern for and environmentally safe fishing gear should ities in a timely, peaceful and cooperative
on Oct. 31, 1995, and representing a vol- and protection of the reproduction capacity be further developed and applied to main- manner (Art. 6.15). In this sense, and regard-
untary commitment on the part of signa- of species to be fished in the future using tain biodiversity, conserve population struc- ing responsible fishing, the state has an obli-
tory governments. Costa Rica incorporated and applying all available knowledge. Herein ture and aquatic ecosystems and protect fish gation to ensure that all fishing facilities and
it into its judicial system through Decree lie two principles of responsible fishing: quality (Art. 6.6). In other words, it is the equipment, as well as all fisheries activities,
27919-MAG on June 14, 1999, which estab- We have the commitment to leave the sea responsibility of fishers, authorities, techni- allow for safe, healthy and fair working and
lished it as a legally binding regulation. This and its resources as we found them or in an cians and scientists to develop fishing gear living conditions, and meet internationally
important text is based on the principle improved condition, using the whole scien- aimed at target species that causes the least agreed standards adopted by relevant inter-
that “the right to fish carries with it the tific and technical arsenal at our disposal, possible damage. national organizations (Art. 6.17).
obligation to do so in a responsible manner, so that future generations are able benefit The text indicates the need to minimize Finally, the CCRF, in addition to indicat-
so as to ensure effective conservation and from them. Never before have we had such waste – in other words, reduce and eliminate ing the importance of fair trade of fisheries
management of living aquatic resources” information and means at our disposal, in gear used in fishing a specific species that products (Art. 6.14) and the importance of
(Art. 6.1). the form of the communications media, to involves wasting a large number of other spe- aquaculture as a means to promote diver-
This regulation sets out the main guide- carry out such a task. cies, such as the trawl nets of shrimp-fishing sification (Art. 6.19), recognizes the con-
lines for responsible fishing, to be shared The other basic measure relating to vessels. It is calculated that shrimp-fishing tribution of the population in understand-
by both authorities and civil society that responsible fisheries is broad and consis- vessels discard approximately 95 percent of ing issues relating to the conservation and
directly or indirectly benefits from the tent application of the precautionary prin- the catch from trawl nets. In order to obtain management of fishery resources. There is
wealth of the sea. A review of the principles ciple. This principle, internationally adopted 1 kilogram of shrimp, about 20 kilos of other a need to broaden our mindset and the way
and arguments of the code of conduct is in the context of environmental protec- species are killed and thrown overboard. in which we address issues pertaining to the
thus pertinent. tion at the 1992 Earth Summit (the United There is no doubt that it is difficult for management of fishery resources, to take
The CCRF sets out the need for ecosys- Nations Conference on Environment and the ordinary citizen to imagine how we can the principles of the code into account, and
tem protection. It proposes an evaluation Development), held in Río de Janeiro, was stop this killing. Nonetheless, we continue to demand not only the responsible man-
of the negative impact of human activity incorporated into our legislation through consuming and demanding shrimp in many agement of resources, but also responsible
to reverse its effects and to recover not only Biodiversity Law No. 7788, Article 11, which shapes and forms. A considerable difference consumption on our part, as well as the
fish stocks that are actively extracted but establishes that “when there is a danger or could be made by simply including this responsible management of national policies
also associated noncommercial species (Art. threat of grave or imminent damage to the information in our consumption habits. by authorities.
7.2.2). As far as responsibility is concerned, elements of biodiversity and to the knowl- Responsible fishing also means moni- We need to take a stand on marine fish-
this regulation demands that we enact the edge associated with these, the absence of toring and control by national authorities to ery resources – a stand that involves assum-
measures required to guarantee fisheries are scientific certainty should be used as a reason ensure compliance with these conservation ing responsibility for our acts today and the
of the necessary quality and diversity, and to postpone the adoption of effective protec- and management measures (Art. 6.10) by well-being of future generations. We have
their availability is maintained for present tion measures”; and in FAO’s words, “the national and international vessels that fly the information, the tools and the obligation
and future generations (Art. 6.2). absence of adequate scientific information the national flag, thus complying with the to do so. The sole missing ingredient is the
As a second measure, the CCRF indi- should not be used as a reason for postpon- code of conduct (Art. 6.11). Our authori- personal desire to become engaged.
cates the need for all fishery-related deci- ing or failing to take measures to conserve ties have a highly important role to play
sions made by authorities and even by users target species, associated or dependent spe- in ensuring compliance with all measures Sponsored by the Costa Rican Fisheries
to be based on the most recent and correct cies and non-target species” (Art. 6.5). necessary for responsible fishing. Federation
THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | GUANACASTE | 7


Mayor Returns Guanacaste ‘To Its Roots’

3Page 1 One criticism that both locals and politi-
cians share is that development in Guanacaste
she doubts she could have kept her restau- prior to 2008 was haphazard. Playa Carrillo
rant open. Mayor Carlos Cantillo said when the econ-
“A golden key was the airport,” she omy in the region came to a halt everyone
said. “That keeps a more steady flow of had to take a step back and look at what
travelers, foreigners and Ticos, coming had been done. The unorganized develop-
year round.” ment also had a significant impact on the
A new terminal at the Daniel Oduber environment.
International Airport opened in January, “We are very focused on our environ-
increasing the airport’s capacity with new ment,” Cantillo said. “There are six environ-
airlines and facilities, including a VIP lounge mental reserves, rural tourism where people
and a greater variety of shops. In March, the can ride horses, milk cows and learn how
airport serviced a record 44,773 interna- to make cheese, and multiple green-energy
tional travelers, according to the Guanacaste projects here that we are very proud of.”
Tourism Chamber (see story, Page 8). Wind, hydro and thermal energy in
Luis Gerardo Castañeda, mayor of Liberia, Guanacaste produces 64 percent of Costa
the provincial capital and Guanacaste’s largest Rica’s green energy. Lake Arenal in north-
city, said the airport also sustains other forms central Costa Rica has been expanded to
of industry besides tourism. This region has three times its original size, and is the coun-
almost everything, he said, including beef, try’s main source of hydroelectricity.
pineapple, sugarcane, coffee, rice, seafood, After his term as mayor, Cantillo plans
green energy, volcanoes and beaches. Alberto Font | Tico Times
to run for a legislative position represent-
“The new international flights allow us Still Here: The Pacific coastal province of Guanacaste has some of the best ing Guanacaste in national politics. Yet, he
to bring all we have to offer to outside mar- said his footprint in his community will be
kets, and that makes us less dependent on beaches in the world. With a new airport terminal in Liberia and a growing establishing new regulations for how water,
tourism alone,” Castañeda said. “Though the economy, local businesses finally have some financial breathing room after a land and construction permits are allocated
crisis and the fall of the economy left us low, global economic meltdown. and where development happens.
we are climbing back up.” Núñez said this step back and reorgani-
Castañeda said his plan for the rest of The Guanacaste Tourism Chamber esti- and are entertained in one facility does not zation of how development occurs is good,
his term, which expires in 2016, is to return mates that by 2014 there will be 2,400 new provide a “genuine” Costa Rican experience, but she said she will wait for the day she sees
the region to its strength prior to 2008. He hotel and other lodging establishments that he said. He encourages people to spread it in her town.
hopes that Guanacaste can return to its roots create 6,000 new jobs. Álvaro Conejo, the their business throughout the region. “It takes community organization to get
in agriculture and ranching. Prior to mov- chamber’s president, said his office looks to “Eat in our cafés, relax on our beaches, anything done, and I think we can do that,”
ing into the mayor’s office, Castañeda was a support small and mid-sized businesses. The hike our volcanoes,” Conejo said. “We wel- she said. “But it also takes support from the
teacher, radio announcer and bull rider. all-inclusive resorts where travelers eat, sleep come you to be part of our community.” municipality. It’s in their hands now.”n
8 | GUANACASTE | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012


New Airport Terminal Boosting Business

First-Class Upgrade: No more long lines in the Guanacaste heat for passengers traveling via Liberia’s Daniel Oduber International Airport. The airport’s $41 mil-
lion renovation has helped draw new flights connecting the northwestern province with the rest of the world. Photos by Hannah J. Ryan | Tico Times

By Hannah J. Ryan S.A. unveiled a modern terminal adjacent to modated about 900 passengers at a time. staff by 100 new employees. Other new facets
Tico Times Staff the old one. At one end, sunburned travel- Now, business looks good and Francisco include a VIP lounge, a plethora of sparkling
ers departed dressed in sun hats and shirts Cordero, the airport’s general manager, said shops between four departure gates, deco-
LIBERIA, Guanacaste – You’ve heard depicting tree frogs with the “pura vida” it’s only getting better as airlines wanting rative fountains, regional art and a special
talk of the new terminal at Liberia’s Daniel mantra. Passengers arrived at the other end to open flights to Liberia continue submit- security check-in for passengers requiring
Oduber International Airport for years. Now of the building, where they quickly stripped ting requests. Last month, Copa Airlines private departures and arrivals.
travelers flying into the provincial capital of off sweaters when they felt the humid announced a new direct flight to Liberia from “We can only measure small aspects of the
Guanacaste have access to a state-of-the-art Guanacaste heat. Panama. The added flights begin June 24 and impact the airport is having on the region with
facility that will help boost regional develop- In 2009, Coriport S.A. was awarded a will operate on Thursdays and Sundays. the number of people we employ and how
ment. 20-year concession to design, construct and “With Copa Airline’s Panama flights, we many travelers pass though,” Cordero said.
Those comments were part of speech operate the new terminal (TT, Nov. 16, 2011). can welcome all of South America to the “It’s impossible to quantify the direct return
delivered by Johnny Leiva, of the Liberian The concession also includes development Guanacaste region,” Cordero said. Two other elsewhere, but it’s more than significant.”
Tourism Chamber, during a tour of the air- and management of the existing terminal. airlines are in discussion with airport officials Fourteen airlines, including commercial
port last weekend. Before the renovation, only eight interna- to open lines there before the end of the year. and charters flights, service Liberia, and 10-15
In January, after months of delay, the $41 tional and two domestic airlines operated out The new 23,000-meter terminal increases flights depart daily. Saturdays, Sundays and
million project by concessionaire Coriport of the cramped terminal, which only accom- the airport’s capacity by 20 percent, and its Mondays are the busiest travel days.n

Private Health Care Expands in Liberia

By Hannah J. Ryan of a hospital with 24-hour emergency care what continues to pull Guanacaste up from
Tico Times Staff and surgery centers. the recent economic depression.”
There are 23 physicians in the clinic work- The new four-story tower on the clinic is
LIBERIA, Guanacaste – Construction ing in fields such as cardiology, nutrition, gyne- scheduled to be completed in December at a
began earlier this year on a new wing to the cology, physical therapy, plastic surgery and cost of $3.1 million.n
San Rafael Arcángel Clinic, located in the others. The clinic also includes a laboratory and For more, see: www.centromedicosanrafael.
center of the provincial capital of Liberia. The pharmacy. As a medium-sized, private health com.
addition includes 10 general patient rooms, care facility, San Rafael sees approximately
three premium private rooms, two surgery 3,000 local and foreign patients a month. Better Service: When completed in
theaters, an after-surgery recovery room, “The majority of our clients are from the December, the expansion of Liberia’s
intensive care facilities and a cafeteria. region, and with this expansion we hope to San Rafael Arcángel Clinic will include
The San Rafael Arcángel Clinic opened see more patients from other countries travel- more patient rooms, operating rooms and
in 2006 and has grown to its current size in ing here for their medical needs,” said Ronald
Guerrero, the clinic’s manager. “Projects like
intensive care facilities.
three phases. This third expansion will bring Courtesy of San Rafael Arcángel Clinic
the facility from the status of a clinic to that expanding this medical center are going to be

Land Measurement Chart

10,000 sq. meters / 107,600 sq. ft. 1 mile = 1.61 kilometers
100 mts. 1 kilometer = .6214 miles
328 feet
1 meter = 3.28 feet
1 foot = .304 meters
1 MANZANA 1 yard = .914 meters
7,000 sq. meters / 75,600 sq. ft. 1 vara = .836 meters
1 square vara = .698896 m2
83.8 mts.
1 meter =1.09 yards
275 feet 1 square meter =10.76 sq.feet
1 ACRE 1 square foot = .093 sq. mts.
Courtesy of Paradise Properties

1 manzana = .698896 hectares (7,000 sq. mts)

4,049 sq. meters / 43,560 sq. ft. 1 manzana =1.73 acres
1 acre = 43,560 sq. feet
1 acre = .405 hectares
63.6 mts.
209 feet
1 hectare = 10,000 sq. mts.
1 hectare = 2.47 acres
1 hectare =107,600 sq. feet.
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

A R T | C U LT U R E | E N T E R TA I N M E N T | J une 8 - 1 4 , 2 0 1 2

Capturing Costa Rica’s Centenarians

By Hannah J. Ryan
Tico Times Staff

t began in Mónica Quesada’s great-grand-
mother’s kitchen, making tamales. “I said,
‘Grandma, if you live to be 100, I will give
you a great-grandchild,’” Quesada recalled.
But when that 100th birthday came around,
Quesada wasn’t quite ready to reproduce.
“Don’t worry,” her great-grandma told her. “I
won’t hold you to it.”
Years later, the time the two women spent
in the kitchen became an inspiration for a
different sort of baby: a film and photography
project documenting Costa Rica’s centenar-
ians, people who live to 100. Quesada was an
ideal person to lead such a project.
She grew up in Costa Rica, studied chem-
istry in college and made a last-minute switch
to photography. In her early career, she took
pictures for Costa Rica’s La Republica and
The Tico Times. Since then, Quesada has
traveled the world and sold photographs to
international publications.
Now, she studies photojournalism on
scholarship at San Francisco State University
in the United States. But her ongoing, seven-
year centenarian project in Costa Rica is still
a priority.
“You need to get into their rhythm,” she
said of centenarians. “They live at a different
pace, they know how beautiful life is and how
we all need to slow down and enjoy it.”
There are 425 Costa Ricans who are 100
or older, according to a 2011 assessment by
the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Costa Rica,
but that number declines each year. To date,
Quesada has photographed 13 centenarians
here, and she plans to photograph 101 for a
short documentary and photo book.
With the project, Quesada aims to tran-
scend the stigma around aging, she said. All
the creams for wrinkles and shampoos to
grow thicker hair make getting older seem
undesirable, but really people should have
pride in their years, she said.
To fund the documentary and photo
book, Quesada is running a campaign on On the site, people can Living a Century: Clockwise from top, Brígida Matarrita, 100, Carmen Cordero, 101, (the photographer’s great-aunt),
share information about projects and viewers Eduardo Rodríguez, 103, José Delgado, 112. Courtesy of Mónica Quesada.
can donate. Donors receive rewards, includ-
ing postcards, digital prints of Quesada’s pho-
tos and copies of her documentary and photo lishers and donors, and other expenses “We all have an aging someone in our show her love by feeding people,” Quesada
book. She needs to raise $26,000. include car rental, fuel, lodging and food. lives whom we love,” she said. “This is a way of said. “Her tamales de frijol were wonderful,
“Doing the math for how much this At the time of print, $4,641 had been contrib- honoring that person, and what’s a better way and she had many secret recipes. I regret
would cost really scared me,” Quesada said. uted by 34 donors. to celebrate life than to recognize those who never having documented her cooking.”
“The biggest cost is printing the photo books. Quesada’s fundraising campaign lasts 45 have experienced one hundred years?” What Quesada will document is the
Each centenarian will get one. They deserve days, ending July 6. If the $26,000 isn’t reached, Quesada’s great-grandmother made tama- grace of living 100 years. View and contrib-
more but that’s what I can do.” donors will be refunded and Quesada will be les until she died, and to Quesada, the bean ute to Quesada’s Indiegogo campaign at
Additional books will go to pub- back at square one, with no funding. tamales are the most memorable. “She could

Gardening into the All Included at New Internet Café in Man Turns Jícaro
Green Season Guanacaste’s Westin Atenas Satisfies Gourds into Art

Page W34 Page W44 Page W54 Page W84

W2 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

Community Connection
Jubilee Picnic two months, and the Nicaraguan owners, Glen Bain from Costa Rica Pools has
Elba Altamirano and her husband, William taken the lead on beach cleanups in Jacó.
The British community in Costa Rica Salmeron, offer pastries, breads, cookies and Together with John Walker and The Cen-
invites all of its members, families, friends cakes. They will bake for special occasions. tral Pacific Chamber of Commerce, Glen
and supporters to the Diamond Jubilee Pic- Their hours are Mon.–Sat., 6 a.m.-5 p.m., has been instrumental in motivating locals,
nic, which celebrates the 60th anniversary and Sunday, 7 a.m.-noon. For more infor- tourists and business owners to take pride
of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II to mation, call 8588-6957. in keeping Jacó clean. More than 30 people
the throne of Great Britain. Another Flamingo establishment, have volunteered in what will now be a

The event will be held on Sunday, June Gastronomía-Pescadería, was opened three monthly event, every third Monday of the
17, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Zamora weeks ago by Italian owner, Demetrio Stec- month. If you or your business would like
Estate in Santa Ana southwest of San José ca. He offers a menu of fresh fish, cooked to be involved, contact Glen at costari-
(from the Bacchus Restaurant, 200 meters meals, specialty foods and hors d’oeuvres or the chamber at
north) and will be similar to events held in for takeout. Demetrio will provide catering Courtesy of Richard Illingworth The chamber
the last 10 years, although on a smaller scale. for small groups and cooking in your home will be having its annual public meeting
if you prefer. His hours of operation are Champions. Croquet & Cricket Club June 26 at 7 p.m. in Balcón del Mar.

Tickets are ₡10,000 ($20) per adult of Costa Rica team members include Julian
and ₡4,000 ($8) per child, which includes Mon.–Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more infor- –Christina Truitt
mation, call 2654-6216. Olivier, Sam Arthur, Sudesh Pillai, Ashish
admission, a picnic lunch and access to the Malik, Sham Murari, Tim Baker, Barry
pool, the British goods shop, a fully stocked The road to Surfside/Potrero was grated
recently and everyone is grateful (the roads Ashworth, Jamie Gordon, Nasir Ali, Ahmed
cash bar, secure parking, a bouncy castle Z. Ali and Richard Illingworth. Coco Capsule
and other attractions. Tickets can be pur- previously had been very bumpy to drive
chased at Bagelmen’s Rohrmoser and San on). Thanks to the Surfside Association! Our local preschool for low-income
Pedro, Wendy’s Hair Studio (Escazú), and –Babe Hopkins kids needs funds now. Rain and steam have
Oasis Café (Trejos Montealegre) until Tues- each. Expansion Team Asia finished third pentrated the glassless windows and caused
day, June 12. All proceeds will go to needy and Limón CC fourth. Corsairs were put in damage to educational materials and equip-
schools in Costa Rica, as usual. Arenal Report to bat first, and were all out for 58 runs. ment. The work has already started but the
-Mike Hudson CCCCR made 59 for seven wickets, bill won’t be due until June 15. Please call
Guanacaste Province Animal Welfare winning by three wickets with time to Lisbeth at 8637-0146 to make a donation.
spare; top scorer and man of the match was –Kent Carthey
Manuel Antonio/ foundation (G-PAW) is a nonprofit that
Sudesh Pillai, with 24 not out.
provides residents in Guanacaste with low-
Quepos Tidings cost animal clinics that spay and neuter. In taking it back from Corsairs, CCCCR
For information on the foundation, visit: now holds the Lance Binns League Trophy
I recently ate the best Mexican food of for the third time since its inception in Costa Ballena Bulletin
all my 20 years in Manuel Antonio. It was On May 5, G-PAW held a clinic in the 2005. For more information on Cricket,
at Sancho’s Restaurant across from Barba visit Caroline and Hans have returned from
Líbano area near Tilarán, which had an their recent recipe hunt to Bali and have
Roja. Owned by Marshall and Penny, both
excellent turnout of 31 animals in the tiny –Richard Illingworth
wonderful hosts, this place is highly recom- reopened for business. You’re welcome
town of Maravilla, in the Líbano district. for dinner Thurs.-Sat. and at Indonesian
mended. We had to wait for a table (it says
a lot when a restaurant is full during low Animals also were brought in from Líbano, brunch on Sundays, starting at 10:30 a.m.
season), but it was worth the wait. It is open Solania and the Cerro San José, the other Tamarindo Talk Reservations can be made at 2786-5054 or
daily, 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Sancho’s also deliv- towns in the district. Because most of Groups of
ers. Call 2777-0340 to order a great Mexican the residents in the area are low-income Looking for a way to save money and up to 12 may reserve the whole restaurant.
meal or get more information. (Líbano is the poorest district in the Tilarán not have to buy water from the supermar- June 15 is the International Day of the
Welcome back, Catherine Fleming! We canton), G-PAW reduced the cost of surgery ket? Solución de Agua, a new company in Tree. In Ojochal, we celebrate this day as the
are thrilled she has returned, and that she from ₡10,000 ($20) to ₡5,000 ($10). town, offers pure water for pennies. Their Day of the Ojoche. There used to be quite a
brought her mom, Mary Margaret Flem- On May 6, 34 animals were neutered, product is an ultra-filtration purifier that lot of ojoche trees in Ojochal, but now there
ing, with her. Mary is a great addition to our about half of the usual number in Tilarán, removes bacteria, rust, sand and microor- are only a few. The Ojoche committee wants
community, and her background is fascinat- presumably because people had a hard ganisms from drinking water. For more, call to reintroduce the ojoche tree in Ojochal,
ing. She has been a member of Rotary since time making appointments. In the future, Andre Auclair at 8876-6649 or 2653-7013, and you are invited to celebrate with us at
1988 and was world chair of Rotary’s public Suzanne Potvin will be the contact person.  or email the Salón Comunal in Ojochal, June 15, at
image. She started seven Rotary clubs, and is The chairperson of this foundation is Located next to the Rancho Coyote, on 10 a.m. We will start with a civil act from the
a former district governor and a fine artist. Judy Reisman. She was assisted by a bevy the road out of Tamarindo towards Vil- Tortuga School, with songs and an explana-
See her work at of volunteers including Suzanne Potvin, Ed lareal, is a new computer repair shop. Erick tion of the day. Then there will be a presen-
Welcome Dan “O”, the new owner of and Leslie Woods, Cindy Carroccio and Solís works on all aspects of PC programs tation about the ojoche tree by Dr. Martín
La Hacienda Restaurant in Plaza Yara. The Rita Pfeifer. Several generous donations and will also visit your home. Call him at Artavia, expert ojoche biologist. Federico
restaurant offers happy hour daily, 5-7 p.m., came from Ladies of the Lake members. 8973-9774 or 2653-0505. Solórzano from the organization Planet
and live music nightly, 7-9 p.m. Food is G-PAW also has a new project that It may be low season, but there’s still fun Conservation will amuse us with his stories.
served 10:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m daily. allows anyone with unneeded or unwanted at the Friday Latin salsa night at the Crazy At the end of the celebration, we will plant
–Jennifer Rice pet food, medicine, beds, leashes, collars, Monkey Bar, located at the Best Western some ojoche trees. During the entire event toys, grooming tools or other supplies to Tamarindo Vista Villas. Between salsa sets, a there will be tasty, typical food available.
donate them to low-income pet owners. DJ keeps everyone dancing. And it’s a Ladies On May 22, a well-known Costa Rican
Flamingo/Potrero News Please email Judy Reisman (judyreisman@ Night, from 9-11 p.m., women drink free. cyclist, Alejandro Alvarado, was hit and to make a donation. –Ellen Zoe Golden killed close to Liberia by a truck. The driver
The 2nd Annual Stand-Up Paddle Chal- In other news, The Sunset Grill in left the scene, but police caught him. Ale-
lenge at Pura Vida Ride, Playa Danta, will be Nuevo Arenal is changing its hours of jandro was training for the Guanaride, an
held June 23. This year the event will sup- operation to 3 p.m.-close. There will be no Jacó Happenings international event in Costa Rica. On Sun-
port La Paz Community School’s Guardians more breakfast, but the restaurant will still day, June 24, an event will be held in Ojoch-
of La Paz, and it will be sponsored by Pura serve the full dinner menu all week, featur- Paul and Cassidy Barbeau have relo- al to launch the CUIDENOS campaign
Vida Ride, Lola’s Norte and Surftech. It ing Oz’s Sushi Sat.-Tues. cated their Pura Vida Pantry to a large, for cyclist safety on Costa Rica’s roads. For
will feature great music, pickup volleyball –Lynn Farris outdoor setting in Herradura, with tropical more information, visit http://cuidenos.
games, slack-line challenges, great food, cof- garden seating for 16. The same inventive org/Eventos.htm or contact Marie-Danielle
fee and more. Come for the day with your and healthy meals are offered daily, as well and Robert at or
family and compete, or just hang out and Cricket as raw, vegan and gluten-free snacks (also 2786-5124.We hope that the CUIDENOS
watch the fun. Register on our event page available for takeaway). Cassidy Barbeau campaign will help prevent cyclists’ deaths.
and pay your entry fee on race day. The 2011-2012 league champion of the can prepare weekly meal plans for specialty The Costa Ballena Women’s Network
Despite the economy here in Costa Costa Rica Cricket Federation is Croquet diets. She offers private cooking lessons, and will not meet in June. The group nor-
Rica, there are still new restaurants being & Cricket Club of Costa Rica (CCCCR). Paul Barbeau is growing some of the finest mally meets once a month with speakers
built and opening for business in Playa CCCCR beat Corsairs CC in a playoff at Los wheatgrass around. Juice cleanses and well- and other events. Please contact Anja at
Flamingo. Ana’s Bakery is a panadería and Reyes Polo Club Sunday, May 20. ness detoxes are available through the pan- for more information.
repostería located a half-block from Banco The two clubs had tied during the regu- try as well. Call 8733-4811 for more info, or –Shawnell Parker
Nacional. Ana’s Bakery has been open for lar season three weeks earlier, with five wins email

Community Connection welcomes reports from readers about happenings in their area of Costa Rica. Send reports and/or photos to Weekend Editor Ashley Harrell at
THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | WEEKEND | W3

A Gardener’s Guide for the Early Green Season

osta Ricans cel- fruit in every bioregion of the country. For turnips are easy crops to grow for gardeners
GARDENING ebrate May 15 salad greens, try planting a collection of let- who live in the warmer regions of the coun-
each year as tuce, cabbage, mustard, onions, peppers and try. The seeds can be planted directly in pre-
“El Dia del Agricultor,” tomatoes in flats with prepared potting soil. pared beds with the same spacing mentioned
or Farmer’s Day. It’s a The flats can be located on the sunny side above for carrots and beets. Liquid compost
day of tribute to those of the house under the overhang of the roof, tea applied to the surrounding soil helps to
men and women who preferably on a table to give protection from boost growth and production.
work with the land to heavy rains. When the seedlings are about 5 Now is also an ideal time for plant root
provide food for the centimeters tall, transplant them to small pots crops. Yuca is a favorite crop of Ticos, and
people of this coun- or recycled plastic cups filled with aged com- it’s very easy to plant. All you need are
try. Costa Rica owes its post. Let them grow in the cups for about two 30-centimeter sections of stems. These stem
long history of stabil- weeks, so their roots recover from the shock cuttings are inserted halfway into the ground
Ed Bernhardt ity and independence of transplanting, and the foliage continues to about 50 centimeters apart. By the time the
to the agrarian society flourish. Now the young plants can be easily dry season rolls around again, you’ll find
from which it was born. Since the colonial moved to the garden beds without losses from large yuca tubers under each plant.
days, small, sustainable farms dominated the shock of transplanting or bug predation. Tiquisqui and Ñampi or taros are two
the landscape of Costa Rica, where gen- May and June are good months to plant more famous root crops I like to call tropi-
eration after generation of healthy children green beans, as well as the traditional black cal potatoes. You can buy these tubers in the
were raised on natural foods from these and red beans Ticos love so much. Green market and plant them in the garden about
homesteads. bean seeds are available at most agricul- .5 meters apart. Once again, an application of
Today, that legacy is being eroded by tural supply stores, and I’ve found Provider rich compost will boost their growth and pro-
an unsustainable agricultural model that (Provenador) to be a hardy and productive duction. Apart from an occasional cultivating Ed Bernhardt | Tico Times
depends on toxic petrochemicals. Each of us variety. The seeds are planted about 20 cen- of the soil around the plants, you can harvest
can contribute to a stable future by support- timeters apart with a distance of 50 centime- a gold mine of taro roots around October. Delicious Fruits: Marcos is a Costa
ing farmers dedicated to sustainable practices, ters between the rows. Highland gardeners Here’s an invitation to the wonderful
or growing our own healthy, natural foods at can plant carrots and beets at this time of world of home gardening in Costa Rica. For
Rican farmer who grows all of his
home. May and June are excellent months to the year. These crops can be planted directly more information on how to get started, produce naturally, without harmful
start a home garden. The weather is favorable in prepared beds, 2-3 centimeters apart with be sure to see our newsletter at: http://the- pesticides.
for growing an abundance of produce and 30 centimeters between rows. Radishes and

The Holy Spirit Moves in Costa Rica

magine having a children, single mothers and the elderly get time we all wondered how we would survive. has provided safety nets for the whole com-
Christmas party spiritual guidance and a free lunch. So many people came for help and we had munity. About 200 people come to the center
for 35,000 kids Ana Siles handles public relations and has so little space,” Siles remembered. But again each day for some form of help.
with presents and been on the staff for 10 years. “Father’s first prayers were answered. Father Sergio is a busy man who, along
s s
s s
treats for all. Or having parish was La Merced on Ave. 2, Calle 14, an “A well-dressed woman came to visit the with the Holy Spirit, has guided the growth
900 children come for area with many homeless and poor people,” center, and later made a donation to cover the of the association, even picking up trash and
lunch each day. That’s she said. “He began handing out food to those cost of a new building,” Siles said. Donations weeds when needed. But he is surprisingly
how the Holy Spirit in need, and after a few years, the bishop sent from companies, clubs and individuals help calm, and his smile radiates; he greets every-
Mitzi Stark works in the barrio of him to Cristo Rey, his old home neighbor- with the work of the Holy Spirit. The tienda, one with hugs instead of handshakes. “I don’t
Cristo Rey, a poor area hood and parish. He began to help the people or shop, receives new clothes and merchan- own a thing, but I am a happy man,” he says.
on the southwest side of San José. here, giving out food packages and meals.” dise from stores. A cafeteria across the street In his crowded office, surrounded by fish
The man who walks with the Holy Spirit In the area of 50,000, people came for (popular with taxi drivers) offers good food tanks, religious objects, photos and books,
is Father Sergio Valverde, and he knows the help every day, Siles said. One day there was and low prices, and the profit is funneled into Father Sergio spoke of his own youth. “I used
area well. He was born here 43 years ago, and nothing left, and the staff wondered how the kids’ lunch program. Hydroponic gardens to play priest,” he said. “If I earned a little
he grew up in a home that knew poverty but they would continue. “Did you pray?” Siles produce food for the kitchen and cafeteria, money I shared it with my family ... There
also love, sharing and faith in God. Together, remembers Father Sergio asking her. “Did you with enough to sell. A recycling project paid were five of us plus parents, and we were
they created the association Obras del Espiri- pray with faith?” He sent the staff to church for 90 percent of the building, which houses poor.” But it was a home with love, he said,
tu Santo, or the Works of the Holy Spirit. and told us to pray with faith, Siles said. the daycare centers, shelters, medical/legal and they kissed each other every day.
It all started with Father Sergio passing The next day, a truck apparently came services and administration. These projects How can you help? Check the website at
out food to the homeless, and the operation from the fire department, filled with food provide work for locals. for info on
blossomed into a daycare center for babies packages and other needs. “That’s how it is. There are more plans still, Siles added. A donating food, funds, school supplies, etc. Or
and tots, an afterschool center, an albergue Our prayers get answered,” Siles said. About vacant lot will someday become a center for visit the center on Ave. 28, Calle 12, 1.5 kilo-
for women and children victimized by abuse, 60 volunteers plus a small staff keep the works teenagers. A small farm with shelters for ani- meters south of the Church of the Merced.
a center for medical and legal help, a phar- going, tending babies, cooking, serving and mals is already under construction. Children Shop in the tienda. Eat in the cafeteria. Pray in
macy, an emergency shelter and a place where doing all the other jobs, with joy. “Another are the priority, but Obras del Espiritu Santo the church. For more info, call 2286-5252.n

We’Ve Got
You Covered
Mornings & afternoons
Margie in the Evan Luck
morning 5 to 7 p.m.
6 to 9 a.m.

All the hits plus news & traffic

W4 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

Exploring Costa Rica

Guanacaste: Having It All in Playa Conchal
By Ashley Harrell
Tico Times Staff

ake “Dirty Dancing,” add five decades,
the tropics and the Pacific Ocean, and
subtract the botched abortion. There
you have the Westin Resort & Spa in the
northwestern province of Guanacaste.
Ensconced on a 2,400-acre compound
by the aptly named Playa Conchal (conchal I’ll Take Two:
means shelly in Spanish, and shells are Left, outdoor patio
everywhere), the all-inclusive Westin, which
was recently taken over by Starwood Hotels
of Abalone Bar,
and Resorts Worldwide Inc., makes you feel below, pool and
as though you’re part of some eternal sum- ocean view,
mer in which all things are possible. In addi- bottom,
tion to food and alcohol being included with
accommodations, there’s a nightly dance Royal Beach
and lip-synching performance put on by a Junior Suite.
full-time entertainment team, for whom just
about any guest would be delighted to carry
a watermelon.
Upon arrival at the towering, open-air
lobby, guests are presented with virgin moji-
tos and plastic wristbands to identify them
as the luckiest people around. Once the Photos Courtesy of
band is secured, a guest has access to innu- Westin Resort & Spa
merable bars and restaurants spread over
the property, in addition to 24-hour room
service, non-motorized water sports, tennis early, as not all the restaurants are created Once you’ve gotten a decent sunburn,
court usage, nightly shows and a variety of equal, and the most popular – the Italian, the eaten yourself immobile and drank yourself
activities coordinated by the staff. Mediterranean and the French – sometimes incoherent, you are in perfect condition to
The check-in process should be immedi- fill up. The lobster at Mediterra was small plunk down in front of the stage and watch
ately followed by the first of many non-virgin and underwhelming (as you might expect at the attractive, agile entertainers busting
mojitos, which can then be taken aboard an all-inclusive), but the beef Carpaccio at moves in flashy costumes while lip synching
the resort shuttle to one’s quarters. Housed Faisanela was so good that I ordered it again pop songs such as Ricky Martin’s “Livin’ la
in crème- and beige-colored, Spanish-style for dessert. For breakfast and lunch, you Vida Loca.” There are also some Cirque du
buildings, many of the modern, tropical-chic cannot go wrong with Mitra, an open-air Soleil-style performances, including a stellar
units feature whirlpools and ocean, garden international buffet that has everything from silk trapeze act. The show each night ends
and pool views. All include flat-screen televi- ceviche to steak to a personal pasta chef. just like “Dirty Dancing,” with the perform-
sions, safes and powerful air conditioning – a At some point – a point will be differ- ers cajoling audience members into joining
necessity in the toasty Guanacaste province. ent for every guest – yet another free mojito the dance party, and eventually the whole
I stayed in a Royal Beach Junior Suite, or meal will begin to deliver diminishing place is up, celebrating the right to have and
which stood out for its multi-level marble returns. This is when it’s time for an activity do whatever they want.n
floors and prime location across from the (proof you went somewhere!), be ocean kay-
Abalone Sports Bar. Never having stayed at aking, a round of golf, a massage at the spa, Going there
an all-inclusive before, I was overwhelmed a hike around the active Rincón de la Vieja
by the idea of unlimited drinks over the Volcano, or a snorkel trip at sea, where giant Rates range from $338-$1,148 a night. Sansa and
course of three days (don’t ask what went rays, puffer fish and turtles can be spotted. Nature Air flights land you at the Tamarindo or Liberia
down on day one, I just couldn’t tell you). The guys at the activity counter on the resort airports, from which a shuttle will transport you for $25
Pacing oneself is key, obviously, as is con- property will hook you up with pricy but and $90, respectively. For more info, call 2654-3500 or
tinually feasting at the seven restaurants high-quality tours, and the less-official sales- visit
scattered throughout the property. men on the beach are said to offer reasonably
It’s also important to reserve dinner good, slightly more affordable iterations.

Westin Resort & Spa


Buenos Aires

Pacific Ocean

Secondary Road
Inter-American Hwy

Pacific Oc

Westin Resort W E
& Spa


Roy Arguedas Arias | Tico Times

THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | WEEKEND | W5

Fresh Fare, Chai at New Atenas Internet Café

ired of comida English muffins made from his own recipe, a reputation for flexibility, so if you have
típica? Café as well as ham, a poached egg and a secret enjoyed a special of the day and want to
Cultura in sauce. Another breakfast favorite is the share that find with others, they encourage
Atenas is a new, rea- florentine eggs Benedict, he said, which you to call ahead with requests. They will do
sonably priced and comes with delicate smoked salmon and their best to make your breakfast, lunch or
flavorful option; fur- leafy spinach. dinner memorable.n
thermore, it serves the On a more recent visit, we had the
only chai tea in town.  special of the day – chicken diablo – with
Mark Van Patten The Internet a chicken breast, salsa (with either a little Café Cultura
café and bakery has picante or a lot), red peppers, black olives,
been open just a few
months, but its lounge is already filled with
basil and a little red wine at the finish. We
chose to go the milder route and it was 2 2 2 2 2
Internet surfers partaking in the free Wi-Fi,
as well as the tiger spice chai tea and tasty
delightful. On the side was a vegetable salad
with julienne carrots, red sweet peppers,
$ $ $ $ $
baked goods. Out back, al fresco diners enjoy Courtesy of Café Cultura
onions and a secret mix of spices in olive 2 = acceptable; 22 = good; 222 = very good;
meals of chicken curry pineapple or chicken oil. It was as pretty as it was delicious. 2222 = excellent; 22222 = exceptional. $ =
average price of meal under $5; $$ = $5-10; $$$ = $10-20; $$$$ =
tikka masala beneath large, shady trees. Yum: A plate of curry chicken pine- Another customer favorite is the Café $20-30; $$$$$ over $30.
Co-owners Osmin Gonzáles and Marcial apple at Café Cultura, a new Internet Cultura Monte Cristo sandwich. Osmin sets
Rodríquez have extensive experience in the his apart with his own tempura pasta. Addi- Location: Central Atenas, 50 mts. north of the Justice Center
restaurant business, and Gonzáles is also café and eatery in Atenas. tionally, he fries the bread in white sugar across from Central Park.
the chef. “Our goal was to bring everyday until crispy, and then adds strawberry jam Hours: Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
specials priced ₡3,000 to ₡3,500 to Atenas,” On our first visit, we sampled the eggs and real strawberry garnishes. Contact: 2445-0081,
he said. Benedict, for which González uses real The owners are intent on developing

Cultural, Linguistic Missteps in a Mixed Marriage

f you live with a like the question doesn’t make sense. And, to share it, but I just can’t. He has given up how put us in peril. No matter how long I
SO TO SPEAK Costa Rican, offi- guess what, it doesn’t because the idea isn’t trying to convert me, so we live in peace. live here, I continue to make these blunders
cially married or to turn on the TV to watch or listen. The because I cannot figure out the rule that
not, you are “casado” idea is to turn on the TV, period. Ticos find Language Limbo governs them.
(housed = married). the background noise comforting, even the He doesn’t speak English. That’s all right;
Every married couple commercials. ¡Qué barbaridad! indeed. Spanish is no longer a strain. However, I Confrontational Constraint
can have differences in don’t care how many years I’ve been speak- I am fortunate. I am married to a Costa
tastes, values, class, etc. Dreaded Drafts ing a second language; there are some things Rican who always speaks his mind, and not
It’s only normal. But In my grandmother’s day, people used I can only say well enough in my native always to everyone’s liking. In general, how-
what happens when we to warn each other to stay out of drafts to language. Then there’s what happens when ever, Costa Ricans do whatever they can to
throw cultural and lin- avoid illness. Nowadays, medical science tells everybody else in the room only speaks Eng- avoid confrontation, including resorting to
Kate Galante guistic differences into us that it is not the drafts that make us sick, lish. Translating is tiring! lies and two-faced behavior. It is especially
the mix? My experi- but whatever microbes are flying around in important that a woman remain diplomatic.
ence is that it doesn’t cause bigger problems, the air. The problem is that medical science Unseemly Utterances Above all, Ticos want to “quedar bien” (look
just different ones. In my case, the prob- has neglected to reach the Costa Ricans, who Periodically, I will say something that I good) to everyone, and they fear they may
lems have been unsubstantial, at times even bundle up their babies in snowsuits and con- consider completely harmless, trite chatter offend someone with the truth.
comical. stantly admonish us to stay out of drafts in like, ”We’re going shopping because we’re
75-degree weather. This is especially true of out of everything,” or “Our dogs sleep in I know I haven’t covered it all by a long
Lottery Love drafts that may hit our backs. If I am lying the house at night,” and later, my husband shot. Please write and let me know about
Someone once told me that there are two down and get up, say, to get a cup of coffee, he asks me why I would reveal such a thing. your light-hearted complaints in this enter-
kinds of people: those for whom numbers scolds me for getting up “toda calurosa” (all Often, what I say, he says, “is just none of prise we call mixed marriage, and maybe we
are real and those for whom they are not. I warmed up), without putting something on their business” or he thinks it may some- can put together another article or so.n
am the latter kind; my husband is the former. to protect my back. This concern also extends

He talks numbers at me, and my eyes glaze to bare feet. It’s one thing to worry about feet
over – not just any numbers, numbers that
are supposed to have meaning, that is, lottery
encountering fire ants or scorpions, yes, but
bare feet in Costa Rica due to the cold? That’s Stuck? Confused?
Casa Buena Vista
B & B
numbers. Numbers in themselves may not just silly. It wasn’t so long ago that the major- Depressed? Self-loathing?
be a culturally relevant issue, but the lottery ity of Ticos didn’t wear shoes at all. Addictions? Relationship problems?
is. Costa Ricans spend heaps of time try- An empathetic ear, open heart and soul
ing to “pegar” (win) and discussing lottery Cuisine Conundrum wisdom to help you find
Empowerment and Clarity
numbers: good ones, bad ones, indifferent What more is there to say? Rice and beans
ones, as if one number were really different every day is boring, well, to us. And minestro-
from another. On the street, some num- ne and quiche are too weird for him.
bers even sell for more money than others
because they are reputed to be “better.” After August Ancestors
the numbers are out, Ticos engage in endless We always ask people what they do; they A private home lodging located in Manuel An-
conversations about the results and their always ask people about family. They want to tonio, Costa Rica with a spectacular post card
near wins, as if missing by one number were know about our“cepa” (stock, origins). This ocean/ jungle view.
any different than missing by 99 numbers. is a cultural difference that is fairly obvi- GREEN SEASON RATES-$35 FOR two people or
ous to all. However, it can be problematic $25 for one. Rooms with A/C are $10 more.
Nagging Noise in a mixed marriage. I often find myself in HIGH SEASON RATES - $50 for two people or
$35 for one. The rooms with A/C are $10 more.
Ticos do not share the proverb “silence is the midst of long conversations about fam- Prices Include full breakfast.
golden” with us. If I am sitting quietly read- ily genealogy – the Castros that go back to
ing, my husband inevitably comes in and Cuba, the Cantillos from Guanacaste – to US Tel. 510-356-3781
comments,”¡Qué barbaridad! Todo queda- which I cannot relate, especially since I know CR tel. 011-506-2777-1002 or 2777-0292
dito aquí” (What an outrage! All quiet here.) practically nothing about my own roots (I Fax. 011-506-2777-1946
Costa Ricans like to have the TV on whether have this theory that my father hid Mafia “Life is not a problem to be solved,
they are watching or listening or not. If the connections from me). On the other hand, but a process to be explored
TV is not on, it’s the radio, or, why not? Both my husband’s family has never asked me and a path to be walked’’
at the same time! Often, in our house, he about my former professional experience.
turns on the TV, then goes outside. I turn it
Jim Molloy M.A.
ph: 8725-1295
off. He comes back in and turns it on again Religious Reluctance Escazú - sessions available online by Skype for
and goes upstairs to do something. I ask him I’m a West Coast liberal and a doubter to those outside of the Central Valley
Reasonable rates

if he’s really listening, and he looks at me the core. He has the gift of deep faith. I’d love
W6 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

*New this week. Theater performances are in Spanish unless otherwise specified. E-mail Calendar submissions to by 11 a.m. Monday, five days prior to publication.

FRIDAY Rica: gourmet breakfast, introductory birding course

Auditions for “Crazy Quilt”: tryouts for five short
Presidential Papagayo Cup: second-annual sport- and discussion of next year’s birding trips, $20, June
plays exploring extraordinary interactions between ordi-
fishing tournament, June 8-9, Marina Papagayo on 9, 6 a.m., private finca near Ciudad Colón, for more,
nary people, open to members and non-members with
the Papagayo Peninsula in Guanacaste, for more info, contact
all levels of experience (must be fluent in English), June
email or joan@pre- Enamorate de tu ciudad: arts, cultural and 12 and June 14, 6-9 p.m. at the Teatro Laurence Olivier, educational shows and classes, urban sports, Av. 2, Ca. 28, next to Sala Garbo, San José, more info at
2012 Fiesta Cup Gold Tournament: annual charity handicraft exhibits, clowns, ping pong, food, 8858-1446 or
golf tournament, June 8-9, 9 a.m., various events at chess tables, Saturdays, through Dec. 1, 10 a.m.,
Fiesta Casino, Alajuela, and Valle Del Sol Golf Course, Parque España, Parque Morazán, Jardín de Paz Verbatim: A Celebration of Words: original works
for more info, contact Nick at 8877-8808 or nac4cr@ and Parque La Merced. in English by various local poets, short story writers and enamoratedetuciudad. memoirists, open mic for writers who wish to share their
productions, up to five minutes each for a limited num-
Embody Awareness Workshop: classes in gentle 2012 Tropic Bowl II: American football, Cartago
ber of readers, June 24, 2 p.m., at the Teatro Laurence
and deep yoga, June 8, 4 p.m., June 9, 10 a.m., Vista Dragons/New England All Stars (from the U.S. city of
Olivier, Ave. 2, Calle 28, next to Sala Garbo, San José,
Atenas B&B, Atenas, Alajuela, northwest of San José, Boston) v.s. Tico All Stars, June 9, 11 a.m., La Lima
more information at 8858-1446 or at www.littlethe-
contact Suzanne Mark at 2455-0164 or suzanne@ Field, Cartago, 8768-6671. For more info, visit the- *Cantoamérica: Caribbean songs, June 9, 10 p.m., Jazz Café San Pedro, next to Banco Popular, 2253- “Divorciadas, evangélicas y vegetarianas”:
8933, Comedy, Thurs.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro Torres, Av. 8, Ca.
*Una Noche Inolvidable: fundraiser and concert Courtesy of the Birding Club of Costa Rica 11/13, 2256-4295.
with opera and pop singers, June 8, 7 p.m., Lincoln *Son of Tikizia: salsa and Latino, June 9, 10 p.m.,
School in Heredia, for more info, email smora@ The Birding Club of Costa Rica holds
Jazz Café Escazú, opposite CIMA Hospital, 2288-4740, “Dos arriba y una abajo”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 its annual meeting and introductory p.m., Teatro Arlequín, Ca. 15, Av. 2/6, 2221-5485.
course Saturday on a private finca
Soccer Games: Costa Rica vs. El Salvador, June 8, near Ciudad Colón. SUNDAY “Las monjas también la pulsean”: Comedy, Fri.-
8 p.m., National Stadium, tickets available at www. Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro Sancheto, Ca. 13, Av. 6/8. *Hike: 12-kilometer, five-hour hike from Cervantes
opposite CIMA Hospital, 2288-4740, www.jazzcafe- to Birris, Turrialba bus departs at 6:45 a.m., June 10, “Papichulo”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro
*Sasha Campbell: R&B and soul, June 8, 10 p.m., from 100 meters south of Democracy Plaza, Ecologi- Molière, Ca. 13, Av. 2/4, 2222-5281.
Jazz Café San Pedro, next to Banco Popular, 2253-
cas Educativa Shkuk, call 8306-6354 or 2223-3186
8933, SATURDAY “¡Qué zambrote!”: Comedy, presented by Masque-
for more information, or visit
*Diesel: rock, June 8, 10 p.m., Jazz Café Escazú, Annual Meeting of the Birding Club of Costa Dos, Sat.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro Centenario, Curridabat,
200 m east, 100 m south of EPA, 2271-0909.
“Sexolorrisas”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro
ment and empowerment in the rain forest by the ocean, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., runs through June 20, Costa Rican Art Chaplin, Av. 10, Ca. 11/12, 2221-0812.
July 14-22, Guaria de Osa Ecolodge, Osa Peninsula, for Museum, east of La Sabana Park, 2256-1281, www.
“Taxiando por un sueño”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8
info and registration contact Valerie Sheppard at val- p.m., Teatro La Esquina, Av. 1, Ca. 21, 2257-0223.
“Mangroves and Beyond”: six wooden sculptures
Talleres Con-Sentido workshops (in Span- Soccer Games: Costa Rica vs. Mexico, Sept. 7, 8 “Made in Tikicia”: Comedy, Thurs.-Sun., 8 p.m.,
by Tony Jiménez, through July 20, Daniel Oduber
ish): YogaSENSE, June 9-10, Mindful Painting, June p.m., Costa Rica vs. Guyana, Oct. 16, 8 p.m., National Teatro Urbano, Av. 2, across from Plaza de la Democra-
International Airport, Liberia, for more information
16-17, Qi Gong, June 23-24, Aqua Spa, June 30-July Stadium, cia, 2255-0522, 8821-3884.
contact Hidden Garden Art Gallery, 8386-6872, 8386-
1, Hotel Villas Gaia, Playa Tortuga, Osa Peninsula, 5
Hash House Harriers: runs every Thursday in 6968.
kilometeres south of PN Marina Ballena. For more, call
different locations around or near San José, hosted
Anna at 8382-8240 or email talleresconsentidocr@ “Del Trópico a las praderas”: an exhibition of
by “the beer drinking club with a running problem,” artwork from Carolina Herrera Rodríquez exploring the
5:15 p.m., more info:
Father’s Day at Sibú Chocolate: a chocolate tast- differences between the tropics of Costa Rica and the
receding-hairline. “Esqueleto con Sombrero”: A 30-minute interactive
ing and tour that includes four-course lunch, June 17, prairie of Illinois, through June 29, National Gallery at
play with Santi the skeleton, through June, Wed.-Fri.
noon, Sibú in San Isidro de Heredia, $35 per person, the Children’s Museum, north end of Ca. 4, 2258-4929, 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Sat.-Sun. 11:30 a.m., 12:30
reservations required by June 13, call George at 2268- p.m., and 3 p.m., Children’s Museum, north end of Ca.
1335 or email “Forging Suns and Treasuring Chunches”: a solo 4, 2258-4929,
Diamond Jubilee Picnic: charity event in honor of exhibition of Zulay Soto, opens June 7, runs through
“Como animales”: an exhibition of 17 Diego Garcia
Queen Elizabeth II, June 17, all day, Zamora Estates Oct. 1, Costa Rican Art Museum, La Sabana Park in
paintings addressing gender issues and the rejection
in Santa Ana, tickets must be purchased by June 12 central San José.
of same-sex unions, through June 10, Mon.-Fri 8:30
(for locations see Community Connection, Page 2), for a.m.-5 p.m., Genesis Graphics, Calle 13 between Aveni-
more, call 2224-4325. das 12 and 14 in downtown San José.
Building a Business Resource Guide: professional “focus”: selection of paintings, works on paper,
meeting of women, focused on social media, June 19, objects, videos and installations from Otto Apuy,
6-8 p.m., Saquella Café, La Paco Plaza, Escazú, for through June 15, Hidden Garden Art Gallery, airport Ricardo Arjona: Babyface Metamorphosis World Tour,
more info, email exhibit, through July 20, Daniel Oduber International Aug. 18, Ricardo Saprissa Stadium, San Juan de Tibás,
Educating for the 21st Century: a week-long course Airport, Liberia, for more information contact Hidden San José, tickets at
for educators involving teaching methods, leadership, Garden Art Gallery, 8386-6872, 8386-6968. National Symphony Orchestra concerts: guest
technology, pura vida day and more, June 25-30, Uni- “Deconstruction/Reconstruction”: exhibition director Irwin Hoffman and guest soloists Mauricio
versity for Peace, Ciudad Colón, west of San José, for by Charlsie Kelly with watercolors and paper-mache Paéz (bassoon), José Aurelio Castillo (violin), Jorge
more info, call 2205-9000 or email masks sculpted on bases of recycled materials, Rodríguez (oboe), Álvaro González (cello) performing
Workshop Retreat: self-discovery, personal develop- through June 20, Sophia Wannamaker Gallery, Centro Beethoven (Leonora), Haydn (Sinfonía Concertante)
Cultural, Sabana Park, San José, for more info visit and Prokofiev (Symphony No.5), Aug. 24, 8 p.m., Aug. 26, 10:30 a.m., National Theater, Av. 2, Ca. 3/5, 2221-
“Josephine 2.0”: a reflection on diversity, locality, 5341,

Look for Calendar updates online belonging and corporate identity, through June 22, Vincente Fernández: “My Farewell,” the king of
Tues.-Sat. 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Contemporary Art and ranchera music ends his performing career with this Courtesy of SIBU Chocolate
throughout the week, as well as a list of
Design Museum, Av. 3, Ca. 15/17, 2257-9370, www. show, Aug. 23, National Stadium, 2206-7770, www. A special Father’s Day tour and
clubs and organizations, religious services tasting at Sibú Chocolate in San
and classes, at: Isidro de Heredia will includes a
“Arte Diverso”: a first-of-its-kind exhibit of 32 pieces *Serrat & Sabina: Titanic Orchestra, Nov. 21, in woodcut, oil, textiles and carvings by indigenous Ricardo Saprissa Stadium, San Juan de Tibás, San
four-course lunch and stories on
the history of C.R. chocolate.
Events-Calendar people from Térraba, Rey Curre and Boruca, Tues.-Sun., José, tickets at
THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | WEEKEND | W7

This Week’s Movies

*New this week. In general, movies in English have Spanish subtitles, animated and children’s movies are dubbed in Spanish with no subtitles, and foreign-language films have Spanish subtitles.
Note: Showtimes are subject to change. Theaters that fail to send us their schedules by deadline may not be listed.


CCM Alajuela, Mall Internacional, Alajuela, *21 Jump Street (Comando especial):
2442-6100, Two bumbling cops are given an undercover
CCM Alajuela, Mall Internacional, Alajuela, 2442- assignment in a high school to bring down
6100, a synthetic drug ring. Starring Jonah Hill,
21 Jump Street: 7, 9:20 p.m. Channing Tatum, Ice Cube. Directed by Phil
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, Lord, Chris Miller.
dubbed, 11, 12:30 p.m. (Sa-Su), 1, 2:30, 3, 4:30, Battleship (Batalla naval): Loosely
5, 6:30, 7, 8:30 p.m. based on the eponymous game, some ships
Men In Black III: 2, 4:20 p.m. must destroy some other ships in this sci-
Snow White and The Huntsman: 1:10, 3:50, 6:30, ence-fiction action film. Starring Alexan-
9:10 p.m. der Skarsgård, Brooklyn Decker, Rihanna,
The Avengers: 9:30 p.m. Liam Neeson. Directed by Erich Hoeber, Jon
CCM Cariari, Plaza Real, Ciudad Cariari,
Heredia, 2293-3300, *Madagascar 3: European’s Most
21 Jump Street: 1:50, 4:10, 6:30, 8:50 p.m. Wanted: The gang is still fighting to get
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed, back to New York, which involves a slight
11, 11:30 a.m (Sa-Su), 1, 1:30, 3, 3:30, 5, 5:30, 7, detour through Europe and participation in
7:30, 9, 9:30 p.m. a traveling circus. Starring Ben Stiller, Jada
Men In Black III: 12:10 p.m. (Sa-Su), 2:30, 4:50, Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock. Directed by Eric
7:10, 9:30 p.m. Darnell, Tom McGrath.
Snow White and The Huntsman: 1:10, 3:50, 6:30,
9:10 p.m. Men in Black III (Hombres de negro
The Avengers: 12:15 p.m. (Sa-Su), 3:15, 6:15, III): In 1969, an alien criminal named Boris
9:15 p.m. coldly assassinated Agent K. Now Agent J
must go back in time to stop the killing and
CCM Heredia, Paseo de las Flores Mall, rewrite history. Starring Will Smith, Tommy
Heredia, 2237-6263, Lee Jones and Josh Brolin. Directed by Barry
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, Sonnenfeld.
dubbed, 11, 11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1, 1:30, 3, 3:30, Paranormal Activity 3 (Actividad para-
5, 5:30, 7, 7:30, 9, 9:30 p.m.; dubbed, noon, 2, 4, normal el origen): In the late 1980s, two
6, 8 p.m. young sisters make friends with a spirit who Courtesy of Dreamworks Animation
Men In Black III: subtitled, noon (Sa-Su), 2:20, lives in their house. Starring Chloe Csengery,
4:40, 7 p.m. Back to School: Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum play two idiotic cops sent
Jessica Tyler Brown and Christopher Nicholas
Snow White and The Huntsman: 11:40 a.m. Smith. Directed by Henry Joost and Ariel back to high school on an assignment to bring down a synthetic drug ring in
(Sa-Su), 2:20, 5, 7:40 p.m. Schulman. “21 Jump Street.” The film is based on the television series of the same name,
The Avengers: subtitled, 9:20 p.m.
Shame (Deseos cupables): A 30-some- and also stars Ice Cube.
CCM San Carlos, Plaza San Carlos, Ciudad thing New York City sex addict named Bran-
Quesada, 2460-6202, don must adjust his lifestyle when his sister
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed, Sissy, a struggling lounge singer from Los of super heroes called The Avengers must Another Nicholas Sparks love story in which
12:30 p.m. (Sa-Su), 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30 p.m. Angeles, arrives for an unannounced and fight to save Earth from an evil army and its a marine goes looking for a blond woman in
Snow White and The Huntsman: 1, 3:40, 6:20, indefinite stay. Starring Michael Fassbender, leader, Loki. Starring Scarlett Johansson, Louisiana whom he believes has been his good
9 p.m. Carey Mulligan, James Badge Dale. Directed Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Samuel luck charm during three tours in Iraq. Starring
by Steve McQueen. L. Jackson, Chris Evans. Directed by Joss
Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling, Blythe Danner.
CCM San Pedro, Mall San Pedro, 2283-5716, Whedon.
Snow White and the Huntsman (Blan- Directed by Scott Hicks.
canieves y el cazador): A huntsman is The Raven (El cuervo): A young Balti-
21 Jump Street: 11:50 a.m. (Sa-Su), 2:10, 4:30, The Pirates! Band of Misfits (¡Piratas!
supposed to kill Snow White, but instead more detective and Edgar Allan Poe must
6:50, 9:10 p.m. Una loca aventura): An animated film about
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D,
he becomes her protector on a journey to stop a killer, who is committing grisly mur-
dubbed, 10:30, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:30, 1, 2:30,
defeat the evil queen. Starring Kristen Stewart, ders inspired by Poe’s works. Starring John an enthusiastic but decidedly unsuccessful
3, 4:30, 5, 6:30, 7, 8:30, 9 p.m.; dubbed, 10:30,
Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Theron. Directed Cusack, Alice Eve and Luke Evans. Directed pirate captain who sets out with an decidedly
11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30,
by Rupert Sanders. by James McTeigue. inept crew to win the Pirate of the Year award.
5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 p.m. The Avengers (Los vengadores): A team The Lucky One (Cuando te encuentre): Directed by Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt.
Men In Black III: 3-D, dubbed, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su),
1:20, 3:40, 6, 8:20 p.m
Paranormal Activity 3: 11:15 a.m. (Sa-Su), 1:45, Men In Black III: 3-D, Subtitled, F, M-Th, 1:15, 4, 7, p.m.; subtitled, 11 a.m., (Sa-Su), 1:20, 3:40, 6, of CIMA Hospital, Escazú, 2299-7485, www.
3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 p.m. 9:40 p.m.; Sa-Su, 11:20 a.m., 1:45, 4:25, 7, 9:35 8:20 p.m.; dubbed, noon, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 p.m.,
Snow White and The Huntsman: subtitled, 10:45 p.m.; Dubbed, F, M-Th, 12:40, 3:15, 6:05, 8:40 subtitled, 11 a.m., (Sa-Su), 1:20, 3:40, 6, 8:20 p.m. 21 Jump Street: 4 p.m. (Sa-Su), 6:45, 9:15 p.m.
a.m. (Sa-Su), 1:25, 4:05, 6:45, 9:25 p.m.; dubbed, p.m.; Sa-Su, 10:45 a.m., 1:10, 3:45, 6:20, 9 p.m. Snow White and The Huntsman: subtitled, 11:30 a.m. Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D,
12:30 p.m. (Sa-Su), 3:10, 5:50, 8:30 p.m. Snow White and The Huntsman: F, M-Th, 12:45, (Sa-Su), 1, 2:30, 4, 5:30, 7, 8:30, 10 p.m.; dubbed, dubbed, 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:15 p.m. Sa-Su, 4:40, 7
The Avengers: dubbed, 12:20 p.m. (Sa-Su), 3:20, 3:40, 6:35, 9:30 p.m.; (Sa-Su), 12:15, 3:20, 6:35, noon, 3, 6, 9 p.m. p.m.; IMAX, 3-D, dubbed, 11 a.m., (Sa-Su), 2,
6:20, 9:20 p.m. 9:30 p.m. The Avengers: 3-D, subtitled, 6, 9 p.m.; dubbed, 11 4:30, 7:15 p.m. Tu, 3:30, 5:40; dubbed, 11:15
The Avengers: Dubbed, F, M-Th, 12:35, 3:30, 6:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 2 p.m.; subtitled, 5, 8 p.m. a.m., 2:15 p.m. (Sa-Su), 4:30, 6:40, 9 p.m.
CCM San Ramón, Plaza Occidente, San p.m.; Sa-Su, noon, 3:10, 6:15, p.m.; Men In Black III: IMAX- 3-D, subtitled, 9:30 p.m.;
Ramón, 2447-7120, 3-D, subtitled, F, M-Th, 9:45 p.m.; Sa-Su, 9:25 p.m. Multicines Liberia, Plaza Liberia, 1 km digital, 3-D, dubbed, 11:45 a.m., 2:30 p.m.,
21 Jump Street: 7, 9:20 p.m. The Raven: F, M-Th, 9 p.m.; Sa-Su, 9:10 p.m. before Liberia, 2665-1515, www.multicines- (Sa-Su), 4:45 p.m.; digital, 3-D, subtitled, 7, 9:15
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: dubbed, p.m.; subtitled, VIP, 4:15 p.m. (Sa-Su), 6:30, 8:45
noon, 1 p.m. (Sa-Su), 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 p.m. Cinépolis Terramall, Terramall, Tres Ríos, 21 Jump Street: F-Su, noon, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 p.m., p.m.
Men In Black III: 2, 4:20 p.m. 2518-0002, M-Th, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 p.m. Snow White and The Huntsman: 11:15 a.m.
The Avengers: dubbed, 6:30, 9:30 p.m. 21 Jump Street: 2, 4:40, 7:20, 10 p.m. Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, (Sa-Su), 3, 6, 9 p.m.
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, dubbed, F-Su, noon, 2, 4:20, 6:40, 9 p.m., M-Th, The Avengers: digital, 3-D, subtitled, 6:30, 9:30
Cinemark Escazú, Multiplaza Escazú, 2201- dubbed, 10, 11 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:20, 1:20, 2:40, 2:30, 4:30, 6:40, 9 p.m. p.m., Sa-Su, 9:20 p.m.
5050, 3:40, 5, 7:20, 9:40 p.m.; dubbed, VIP, 11 a.m. Men In Black III: 3-D, dubbed, F-Su, noon, 2:10,
21 Jump Street: F, M-Th, 1:25, 4:05, 6:40, 9:15 p.m.; (Sa-Su), 1:20, 3:40, 6, 8:20 p.m.; 4:20 p.m., M-Th, 2:30, 4:30 p.m., 3-D, subtitled, Variedades Theater, Ca. 5, Av. Ctrl./1, San
Sa-Su, 11:35 a.m., 2:05, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45 p.m. 3-D, dubbed, VIP, 10 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:20, 2:40, 5, 6:40 p.m., José, 2222-6108,
Madagascar 3: Europeans Most Wanted: 3-D, 7:20 p.m.; 3-D, subtitled, VIP, 9:40 p.m.; dubbed, Snow White and The Huntsman: 4:30, 7, 9:20 p.m. TeatroVariedades
dubbed, F, M-Th, 12:30, 2:40, 5, 7:15, 9:35 p.m.; 10:30, 11:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:50, 1:50, 3:10, 4:10, The Avengers 3-D: Subtitled, 9 p.m. Fuenteovejuna: F-Su, Th, 8 p.m.
Sa-Su, 10:30 a.m., 12:40, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40 5:30, 6:30, 7:50, 8:50, 10:10 p.m. The Raven: subtitled, F- Su, noon, 2:10 p.m., M- Th, Martes el borde: T, 7:30 p.m.
p.m.; dubbed, F, M-Th, 1, 1:30, 3:20, 3:55, 5:40, Men In Black III: subtitled, VIP, 12:50, 3:10, 5:30, 2:20 p.m. Mi Butaca VIP: M, 7:30 p.m.
6:25, 8 p.m.; Sa-Su, 11, 11:30 a.m., 1:15, 1:50, 7:50, 10:10 p.m.; 3-D, subtitled, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10 Madagascar 3: European’s Most Wanted: 3-D, F-Su,
3:35, 4:10, 6, 6:30, 8:20 p.m. p.m.; 3-D, dubbed, 10:30 a.m. (Sa-Su), 12:50, 3:10 Nova Cinemas, Avenida Escazú, east side 1, 3, 5 p.m.; M, Tu, 3, 5 p.m.; Th, 5 p.m.
W8 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

Spotlight on the Arts

“Eyes of the Soul”

The Jícaro Artist Photo Courtesy of Hidden Garden Art Gallery

By Elisabeth Janos
Special to The Tico Times

his is how Leonardo Androvetto tells
the story of how he began making
gourds from the jícaro (calabash)
tree into art: “My friend said he would teach
me if I wanted to learn. I bought tools in
San José. I didn’t think I’d like it. But when
I start, I like so much.”
That was just three years ago, and now
Androvetto, 25, is making a living off of his
creations. He lives in San José most of the Courtesy of Elisabeth Janos
year, but winters in Playa Sámara, where his
uncle also works as an artist. Practical Art: These jícaro gourds can
To build his art, Androvetto first takes be canteens, bowls, cups and lamps.
the large green balls, which are sometimes
oval shaped, from the jícaro tree. With a
sharp tool, he makes a sketch. With another special tools to aid in the process. Once
tool he gouges out his design. The process scraped and cleaned, the outer shell dries,
takes about two or three hours, depending becoming hard and resilient.
on the size of the fruit. “Each gouge is very Besides the artistic value of the pieces,
hard on the hands, need to be so quiet, need they are also used to make canteens, bowls,
to concentrate on the work,” he says. cups and lamps. The tradition comes from
His hand is a tapestry of scars, evidence the Chorotega Indians, who lived in Guana- Born in 1951 in the port town of Puntarenas, Hernán Pérez grew up in a maritime
of how the tool sometimes slips. He makes caste hundreds of years ago, Androvetto environment full of rich imagery. As a child, he scribbled fishing boats, waves smashing
designs on just half of the fruit, and he cuts explains. against cliffs, the beach, shells, seagulls and images of the estuary and mangroves. Not
them apart only when he has finished chis- Androvetto’s mentor, Xavier, taught a day went by when Pérez was not drawing. In Puntarenas there were no places to buy
eling the designs. him the trade, but “we have different kinds art supplies, but he began using house paint and items he could make himself. He
The innards have an odd chemical smell, of styles,” Androvetto says. “My style is experimented with masonry pigments, mixing them with materials such as ground
but not a bad taste. The fruit is filled with often more traditional, like masks or faces, coal, scraped chalk, pulverized shells, limestone and pieces of tile and brick. Over the
a green gel that needs to be scraped out, like pre-Columbian art, the art that comes years, he learned to use color to capture the tones and nuances of fishing boats and
which can be difficult. Androvetto invented from the Indians.” Indeed, his style is often large ships.
a process for soaking the fruit in water to called primitive. His father worked as a jeweler, using colorful turquoise, onyx, amber and other
simplify the scraping, and he also created Making the art supports Androvetto gemstones. Pérez began to develop a taste for polished surfaces, which is exemplified
during tourist season, he says, and other in the detail and technical sophistication of his paintings. He has memories of his
members of his family live the same way. grandmother decorating “guacales” or gourds, with carvings. The designs are similar
His mother makes ceramics, and his aunt to the complex artistic styles of the local indigenous peoples of the Boruca region,
works in several mediums. His uncle, Indio, and have made their way into Pérez’s own acrylic and oil works.
whom he spends winters with in Sámara, At 18, he moved to San José with his family and started to paint the rugged
carves pendants from coral and bone, often landscape of the suburbs. He painted cottages clustered and staggered with an almost
in the shape of traditional Indian faces. “In cubist perspective and plenty of detail. He was only working with watercolors at the
the past, I never knew I have the art in my time, but eventually he entered the workshop of the Austrian painter Herbert Birkner,
blood,” Androvetto says. who taught him the art of enameling on copper and numerous other techniques,
He and his uncle Indio sell art on the beach including acrylic, chalk pastel and egg tempera painting on porcelain. With a strong
and in restaurants in Sámara for $10-$30 a spiritual connection to the earth, and living in a country with fascinating ecology,
piece, but those interested may order it at Pérez has become convinced that his art must have a relation to the environment that The work is in shapes and molds us. Today, trees, bromeliads, flowers, vines, birds, waterfalls, frogs,
Courtesy of Elisabeth Janos
high demand and goes fast. butterflies and the heavenly world are depicted in his paintings to demonstrate the
Carving the Gourd: Leonardo Androvetto is grateful for that, and for world his grandparents lived in.
the new friends he has made through art: The public is invited to meet Pérez at the opening of “Eyes of the Soul” on
Androvetto scrapes the figure of a tur- Saturday, June 16, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Hidden Garden Art Gallery. The
“The jícaro gave me the opportunity to
tle into fruit from the jícaro tree. This meet people from other countries, Ger- gallery is 5 kilometers west of the Liberia Airport (towards the beaches). For more
design stage takes two or three hours. many, Switzerland, U.S., Italy, too.”n information, call 8386- 6872 of visit

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THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | GUANACASTE | 9


A Familiar Name Behind New Country Club

By Hannah J. Ryan “After the global stagnant period, things are to live in the center, attend the school and “This is one of the only places I go
Tico Times Staff now lining up to support this project, and it’s socialize together. Specific homes for staff to where I feel party divisions have no influ-
only going to get better.” purchase are to be constructed as well. ence, especially in this electoral season,” he
LIBERIA, Guanacaste – One business The country club would include 1,300 “We absolutely will be a part of the com- said.
on the brink of large financial investment homes in a gated community, with a Jack munity,” Biden said. “Volumes are spoken Biden will surely feel at home there. He
in the northwestern province of Guanacaste Nicklaus golf course and academy, swim- by the fact that we do not have a wall built said he went to law school at Pepperdine
strives to be part of the community as well ming and tennis facilities, a school, an anti- around this place. Most of the amenities are University in Malibu, California, and got
as provide luxury living in a country club aging clinic and a medical center. The facil- public and it’s the Guanacaste people who an excellent education in surfing. The
atmosphere. ity’s motto is “luxury with a logical cost.” have permitted us to be here.” Guanacaste Country Club is located 20 min-
For years, developers have studied Home prices range from $225,000 for Biden said that after the upcoming utes from the beach and numerous renowned
Guanacaste as a potential location for an a two-bedroom unit to $445,000 for a five- U.S. presidential elections in November, surfing sites.
indulgent living center and athletic acad- bedroom house. he will be excited to spend more time in For more information, see:
emy. That type of establishment is nearing The price tag on the Guanacaste Country Guanacaste.
to reality, accord- Club is $106 million,
ing to Frank Biden, and $4.9 million has
co-developer of the already been put into
Guanacaste Country “After the global stagnant peri- the project.
Club and brother of Craig Williamson
Joe Biden, vice presi- od, things are now lining up to lives in Liberia and
dent of the United support this project, and it’s only is Biden’s partner in
States. developing the coun-
“This is the pen- going to get better” try club. He said the
ultimate moment,” group has received
Biden said. “All the –Developer Westley Stumbo, 62,000 inquiries in
ducks are lined up speaking about the Guanacaste the four years that he
and we just need to Country Club project has been developing
get them to quack at an online brand.
the same time.” “We had to
Biden and Westley weather the econom-
Stumbo, from Bluegrass Equity, a U.S. com- ic storm, but I’m almost happy we did,”
pany that raises funds for high-brand resi- Williamson said. “That kept the focus on
dential development, said they are inter- improving the sustainability technology of
viewing front-end financing partners, and the facility as well as developing ourselves
they have an interested company for their online. Now the market is positioning itself
project, which is located eight minutes from really well.”
the Daniel Oduber International Airport and The country club is LEED certified, and
10 minutes from the provincial capital of is being built on once-forested land that was
Liberia. The paperwork is not yet signed, so converted to sugarcane fields.
they would not release the name of the orga- Williamson said it was Biden who made
nization, but they hope to begin construc- the commitment to staffing the center with
tion in the next two to three months. 95 percent employees from the Guanacaste
“Guanacaste is the most attractive region region. This is creating a village, Williamson
in the country in my opinion,” Stumbo said. said. He wants employees and their children

Courtesy of Andrés Benavente

Saddle Up: In a ceremony welcoming Frank Biden, right, to the northwest-
ern province of Guanacaste, the mayor of Liberia, Luis Gerardo Castañeda,
left, presented Biden with a miniature leather saddle representing the ranch-
ing culture of the region.
10 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

Business Real Estate

Costa Rica: A Tale of Two Economies

By Fernando Quirós Superintendency numbers show a 32 per-
Tico Times Staff Costa Rica Direct Foreign Investment Going Up:
cent increase in foreign loans and lines of
credit to Costa Rican banks, over levels of a
(In Millions)
“It was the best of times, it was the worst Foreign direct year ago. This money has come from both
of times.” The opening lines of Charles $2,500 traditional development-financing sources
Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” are certainly investment in (the Inter-American Development Bank
applicable to Costa Rica’s position in the $2,000
Costa Rica has and the U.S. government’s Overseas Private
world economy right now. been steadily Investment Corporation) and commercial
Production has positive momentum, and lenders such as Citibank. What is unheard
the Central Bank sees Costa Rica on track for gaining since of is not just the amount of the loans, but
4 percent economic growth in 2012 (TT, plummeting the terms: interest rates between 2 percent
June 1). This will be less than the 4.2 percent in late 2008, and 6 percent, and 8-15 years to pay.
of 2011, but more than the 3.8 percent that $1,000 The explanation for the relative lack of
that institution projected at the start of the according to popular enthusiasm over these good foreign
year, and two times the recently revised eco- Central Bank investment and bank credit numbers lies in
nomic growth projection of 2 percent for the $500 the dual nature of Costa Rica’s economy: a
United States.
figures. It has dollar-based export-production machine
After two slow years, foreign direct now surpassed for which companies can’t find enough
investment in Costa Rica increased to a $0 qualified workers, and a more slowly grow-
a 2008 peak.
record $2.1 billion for 2011, recovering past 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ing colón economy in which local produc-
2008 levels, according to a report by the ers must fight for customers and credit.
Fernando Quirós | Tico Times
Economic Commission for Latin America Can there be integration to share the
and the Caribbean. Even though there is good news nation- on June 1, a rate which would have been export sector’s boom with the rest of the
Yes, these are positive developments, but ally, Costa Rica is dependent on exports for considered impossibly low only a year ago. Costa Rican economy? Will the U.S. econ-
Costa Ricans have mixed attitudes towards its prosperity. So what happens in the world A 1.45 percent return on a 10-year bond omy muddle through to better times, and
the economic situation. On June 4, finan- economy is important, and uncertainty out- will almost certainly be less than inflation. will international markets hold together
cial weekly El Financiero published mostly side Costa Rica’s borders sows doubt as to Investors are effectively paying the Fed to so that Costa Rica’s export boom can con-
positive outlooks for business expansion in the sustainability of recovery from the 2010 hold their money. tinue? These are huge challenges, and Costa
2012 based on a survey of corporate business downturn. International interest rates are at With this kind of an interest rate envi- Rica has no control at all over what hap-
manager attitudes. But family breadwinners record lows, driven by money-printing by ronment, even conservative investors will pens outside its borders. But so far in 2012,
and small-business owners see the prices of the U.S. Federal Reserve to try to stimulate look in new places to invest their money, things are holding together. Depending on
fuel and interest rates going up, and feel an the U.S. economy, combined with panic in like Costa Rica and its export companies or which part of the Costa Rican economy
uptick in inflation. A steady diet of news Europe over Greece and Spain and the pos- banks. Concerning the latter, El Financiero someone works in, maybe best and worst
showing an evermore dysfunctional govern- sible breakdown of the euro. notes that “foreign credit is raining on the don’t apply, but it’s either good times or
ment, culminating in a tax package fiasco in The benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury banks.” bad times for people who may live right
April, has also undercut confidence. bond rates just hit a low of 1.45 percent Costa Rican Financial Institution next to each other.n

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Economic Indicators
May 26 - June
7 |2Current
| CurrentValues
Percentage Changes
• Moving and Shipping Logistics Door to Door
BUY: ₡498.73 Stock Volume Average Price
• Commercial Warehousing & Distribution SELL: ₡509.68 Fifco $696,106.27 $867.14
• Household Goods STORAGE
*Wednesday’s Central Bank reference rate.
• Any size shipment See
• Customs Clearance for daily updates.
MAY Last 12 months ACCRUED ’12 Colones 19.17%
Tel. (506) 2241-2147, Fax (506) 2241-2260, 0.99% 5.04% 2.50%
N. American toll free; (866) 491-6816 Dollars 10.07%
La Florida de Tibás, San José, Costa Rica

“But with GOD all things are possible” Mt. 19:26 SOURCES: Central Bank ( & Bolsa Nacional de Valores (
THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | OPINION | 11


Navigating the Country to 2014

A sailing ship is the best analogy for a government. Navigating wind and sea, nei- uation (to Costa Rica) has generated some of the conditions that show up as positives for this
ther of which are under the captain’s control, is the key to success. country: the super-low investment-market interest rates that send capital looking for returns
President Laura Chinchilla’s government has just come through a hurricane, to emerging markets in the form of foreign direct investment, and that also drive the low,
with April’s failure in Congress of a tax package that had become her administration’s long-term-development and commercial loan rates that are benefiting our banking sector.
centerpiece initiative. As la Presidenta regroups to finish out her term, there are further Politically, the most glaring threat is the Chinchilla government’s self-inflicted wound,
storms already brewing, but also some favorable winds. the Juan Rafael Mora 1856 Highway project that parallels Costa Rica’s northern border with
On the positive side, the economy has rebounded from its 2010 slump and shows Nicaragua. Started under a presidential emergency decree in March 2011 to defend Costa
several areas of strength: exchange stability, resumption of decent economic growth and Rican sovereignty from Nicaraguan harassment, the shoddiness of construction and alleged
economic revival of the province hit hardest in 2010, Guanacaste. corruption so far uncovered in this project threaten a permanent stain on Chinchilla’s legacy.
There are negatives, to be sure: colón interest rates are up and inflation has jumped If this administration does not get control of the situation pronto, the scandal has the poten-
recently, and the open sore that is the 5 percent fiscal tial to undermine this government to a degree that will
deficit will have to be left to fester for the next govern- make the tax-package fiasco look like small change.
ment in 2014. If this administration is not hit by a massive external A final threat is the old-fashioned Costa Rican
But on balance, for the short term, economic political cycle. It is taken for granted in this country
strengths outweigh the effects of long-term weaknesses.
setback, it should have sufficient economic and political that nothing significant can be accomplished in the
The Chinchilla administration has the immense benefit means to finish out a decent four years of government last year of a presidential administration: Executive
of a solid economic base for the rest of 2012 and 2013. Branch ministerial staffs take hits as the most promi-
At The Tico Times, we have tried to highlight nent high-level officeholders quit to join campaigns
specifics of positive economic news in recent articles. The Central Bank’s monthly eco- and position themselves for the election and the next government. In the normal course
nomic activity indicator forecasts possible 4 percent economic growth for Costa Rica in of events, these changes would start in the first quarter of 2013. But Rodrigo Arias, brother
2012, while in the United States, the projection for GDP growth has been revised down- of Chinchilla’s presidential predecessor and one-time mentor, Oscar Arias, is already
wards to 1.9 percent for this year. Foreign direct investment in Costa Rica was totaled agitating to bring the National Liberation Party nominating convention forward in time.
at a record $2.1 billion for 2011 (see story, Page 10). Private and state banks are getting Chinchilla will have an added political burden in trying to hold together a cohesive staff
loans and lines of credit of the good kind – low interest and long-term – for more than for the rest of her government.
$1.4 billion. The northwestern province of Guanacaste, which was hit harder than any So, Capt. Chinchilla of the good ship Costa Rica has her work cut out for her. Right
other province in Costa Rica’s 2010 recession, is staging a comeback based on the Daniel now, sailing, while not smooth, is exhilarating, with favorable short-term economic
Oduber International Airport coming into its own (see story, Page 1). winds providing drive that can be used to handle short-term problems. But the sea is
The storms ahead for the Chinchilla government are both economic and political. choppy, and there are storms, ranging from manageable to overwhelming, just over the
Economically, there is a possible typhoon that Costa Rica can do nothing about: the fragile horizon. Let’s hope she uses her advantages with great skill. If this administration is not
international economy already in recession, and possibly seizing up due to the euro situation hit by a massive external setback, it should have sufficient economic and political means
or some other now less-obvious global financial meltdown. Ironically, this unmanageable sit- to finish out a decent four years of government.


Founded in 1956 by Elisabeth Dyer

Under Attack from Within?
Publisher 1972-1996 Richard Dyer
By José Miguel Vivanco If the OAS, whose members met this Under this system, two types of govern-
week in Bolivia, were to approve the secre- ments operate: those that openly intend to
1981 IAPA - Pedro G. Beltrán Award for distinguished The most valuable tool we have collec- tary’s current report, it would reduce the limit the principle attributions of the com-
service to the community tively managed to create in this hemisphere commission’s independence by granting the mission and its rapporteur for freedom of
1985 Special Citation Maria Moors Cabot Awards to defend and expand human rights and OAS General Assembly the power to redefine expression and those that defend them by
1990 National Conservation Prize civil liberties is in serious danger. For many what the commission and its rapporteurs can disarming the most damaging initiatives
1995 IAPA Grand Prize for Press Freedom impartial observers, the Inter-American and cannot do. Insulza proposes a reform of with the support of civil society.
1998 Salvation Army Others Award Commission on Human Rights is one of the the commission’s statute in key protective It has taken great effort to ensure that
National Tourism Chamber Media Award few credible institutions that functions in the areas, including the commission’s power to these discussions so far have led only to
Organization of American States (OAS). urgently intervene, initiate cases and – some- recommendations and the drafting of non-
In memoriam - Linda Frazier (1945-1984)
The commission and its special rappor- thing that most bothers human rights viola- binding recommendations. For more than
Vol. LV N. 2171 tors – produce country reports. 30 years, the commission’s statute has never
teur for freedom of expression – a mecha-
nism that irritates a few leaders – are directly On this last point, for example, the been changed, firstly, because changing it is
Publisher Dery Dyer Advertising
responsible for the most important progress secretary general proposes that the same not justified, and secondly, because the
Editor David Boddiger Cindy Vargas in diverse areas including decriminalization states the commission monitors should be political conditions under which new calls
Weekend Editor Ashley Harrell Edwin Ramírez of defamation and slander, the repeal of given the authority to define the terms of for change have emerged were created by
Sustainable Living Editor Steve Mack Jeannette Campos contempt laws, annulment of amnesty laws, that supervision, and the power to delay by the same governments that have declared
Online Editor Laianer Arias Vanessa Marenco reforms to military privilege, better access to up to one year publication of the reports, themselves enemies of the commission.
Business Manager Olman Chacón which essentially condemns them to irrel- It’s not surprising for anyone that the
information in the public interest and the
Public Relations & Sales Manager Circulation Manager:
Kathia Lorena Coto Diego Herrera
repeal of other discriminatory norms. evance. governments of the Bolivarian Alliance for
Meizel Hernández If the commission and its rapporteur What is certain is that these attacks are the Americas would be pleased to partici-
Staff Writers & Contributors
have been so successful, why is there a con- not new. Since 1993, several attempts have pate in a process to reform the commission
Ann Antkiw, Ed Bernhardt, Kate Galante,
David Garrett, Julie Godfrey,
Finance certed campaign against them? The answer is been made to discredit the commission or and its rapporteur. What is surprising is
Néstor González, Susan Hall Liang,
Rigoberto León very simple: They have affected the interests limit its authority. Governments of differ- that Brazil is also supporting this strategy. It
Rod Hughes, Andrew Kasper, of governments with clear autocratic tenden- ent ideologies and a nostalgia for sover- is nothing short of deception that a country
Production Manager:
Gaby Kyriss, Shawn Larkin, Matt Levin,
Mayra Sojo
cies – governments that are powerful enough eignty –  under the guise of the concept of aspiring to assume global responsibilities –
Vicky Longland, Dorothy Mac­Kinnon, to believe they cannot be held accountable non-meddling – have discovered the perfect including in areas of human rights – and
Roy Arguedas
Jennifer McLennan, Clayton R. Norman,
by a regional supervisory body for their poli- formula to promote their agenda: working that swears to adhere to multilateralism,
Jack O’Brien, Todd Staley,
Mitzi Stark, Jeffrey Van Fleet
Customer Service cies or the actions of their politicians. groups that the OAS euphemistically says would continue boycotting the commission
Max Bejarano Sadly, instead of exercising leadership to “strengthen the human rights system.” In after this commission had the audacity to
Photography Martha Gamboa
Gabe Dinsmoor, Alberto Font,
protect this important institution, OAS Secre- reality, what they really are looking for is a solicit information about the impact of a
Bernardino Madrigal
Fernando Quirós Mariel Salazar
tary General José Miguel Insulza has joined weakening of the system, and, if they could, hydroelectric dam project on Amazonian
forces with those who would debilitate it. its replacement. indigenous communities.
Erick Pérez Esquivel
The secretary general justifies this new
direction by maintaining that it will generate
Edwin Cárdenas
Rules for Letters and Perspective more legal security and better protection.
The Tico Times (USPS 002-579) is published every Friday
Judging by the record of some governments’
for $65 per year by The Tico Times S.A., The Tico Times welcomes your contributions. Letters to the editor must be 500 words treatment of their own citizens, especial-
Avenida 8, Calle 15, Apartado 4632-1000, San José, Costa Rica. or fewer and include the name of the writer, as well as a return address and phone ly those seeking to remain perpetually in
Tel. (506) 2258-1558
number. Perspectives must be 900 words or fewer and include a short biographical power, I fear that the secretary general is
Periodicals postage paid in Miami, FL gravely mistaken.
Postmaster – Send address changes to: sketch and contact information. Submissions should be original. Send your contribu-
The Tico Times-SJO 717, tions to, fax: 2233-6378, or mail to: José Miguel Vivanco is director of
P.O. Box 025331, Miami FL 33102-5331.
Apdo. 4632-1000, San José, Costa Rica. Thanks for reading. the Americas Division at Human Rights
Copyright Convention: unauthorized reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
12 | OPINION | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

Sand-Dweller NESTOR G.
Photo by María Catanzaro

First-time Tico Times reader María Catanzaro stumbled upon this tiny
beach critter during a February trip to Playa Bejuco, on the central Pacific
coast. Thanks for reading María!
E-mail your photos to or upload them at the Reader Photo Gallery at


Symphony Conductor is available. Law enforcement is possible. to care for the poor and make the playing which I normally don’t do because I don’t
President Laura Chinchilla has demonstrat- field level for everyone, not just her friends? need overpriced food – and having bought
Still Going Strong ed she is a law enforcer by internationally Pilar Cisneros, please continue speak- my tortillas, cheese and rum, I waited with
pursuing Capt. Paul Watson, so she also can ing out and telling the truth. To Channel 7: my food in hand behind a North American
Dear Tico Times: be the enforcer of good environmental con- I admire your station and the fact that you trying to check out. He seemed like a very
servation laws that support healthy oceans. have such a wonderful person working for nice man, and he was obviously settled here,
On Sunday evening, May 27, University Let us all cheer her on. you. I hope she continues for many years judging from the fact that he walked to the
of Costa Rica Radio broadcast a concert Go for it, President Chinchilla, you have too come. I will be watching. store under an umbrella.
recorded earlier at the National Theater by nothing to lose. I witnessed his interaction with the
the National Symphony Orchestra and con- You have lost so much already. You have Dwayne Egelund cashier. He tried to pay with a credit card,
ducted by Irwin Hoffman. a healthy coastal economy to gain. Start San José which didn’t work. The cashier tried it
Mr. Hoffman, born into a Jewish family endorsing and enforcing laws against irre- twice, and then rather meekly informed
in New York, in the United States, and later sponsible fishing now. Irresponsible fisher- the customer that there seemed to be a
a protégé of renowned conductor Serge men bite the hand that feeds them, and they A Step Backward for problem with the card. The customer,
destroy the very source of their food (and being a nice man after all, didn’t get upset,
Koussevitzky, became conductor of the
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra in 1952, money). C.R. Democracy but he simply didn’t understand Spanish.
and those concerts were broadcast across Show irresponsible fishermen that there He asked the cashier what the problem
is a better way. Dear Tico Times: was in Midwestern American. The cashier
Canada on Sunday evenings during the
winter season, alternating on CBC with the had no idea what he was asking and
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. Carina Tripodi When opening today’s edition of your repeated his point that the card didn’t
At nearly 88, Maestro Hoffman has thus Oceano, California, U.S. newspaper (TT, June 1), my heart sank seem to be working, which the North
surpassed Arturo Toscanini, who retired at to see two avowed homophobes featured American once again failed to understand.
87 and whose concerts in New York City on the front page: the pope and the newly Eventually they sorted it out, the man paid
Señor Hoffman undoubtedly attended in Doña Pilar, a Second-Class appointed president of the Legislative in cash, and on his way out said “thank
Assembly’s Human Rights Commission. you,” and “sorry about that,” and that was
his formative years.
Perhaps one should not mention Citizen? One wonders when seeing our lady that. The cashier, whom I know, looked
Hoffman and Toscanini in the same breath, president hobnobbing with the pope and an at me bewildered, and we both wondered,
Dear Tico Times: ultra-conservative religious bigot deciding if they come to live here, why can’t they
but it is still a remarkable accomplishment
to maintain a creditable musical career about human rights whether there is any learn the language?
over 60 years. We look forward to further Recently on Channel 7 Telenoticias, kind of separation of church and state in It seems like a no-brainer. Moving to
concerts and broadcasts of music under his newswoman Pilar Cisneros declared herself Costa Rica. a foreign country with another language
conductor’s baton. a second-class citizen here in Costa Rica. Also, I wonder what Señora Chinchilla, means you have to go out of your way to
She went on to explain how the upper tier our first woman president, really thought learn to speak it, and speak it reasonably
J. F. Ogilvie
gets all the benefits, while others get no sup- about lawmaker Justo Orozco’s comment well. I’m from Escazú, born and raised, but
San Pedro de Montes de Oca
port. I want to commend her for her cour- about how Costa Rican women should be in lived in the U.S. for more than 20 years. I
age and the forthright editorial comment. the home breeding babies. spent my first two years there taking night
This is the kind of person I have been By supporting these attitudes, we seem classes in conversational English. I did
Dear President Chinchilla: looking for here in Costa Rica: one who is to have taken a huge step backward, both well. When my kids were born, obviously
intelligent and forthright. We need a few locally and internationally, in terms of free- I put them in U.S. schools, while sneaking
Just Go For It hundred more like her to come out and dom for all. in nighttime talks about our native coun-
speak on this issue. try. They grew up knowing U.S. history,
Dear Tico Times: The ruling National Liberation Party Daniel Carranza yet were fluent in Spanish, could sing our
and other parties give us the same old, tired Escazú anthem and knew their roots. Maybe it’s
I loved Mr. Stiles’ May 18 perspec- policies. President Laura Chinchilla has this background that makes what I saw at
tive, “C.R. Fisheries: A Tragedy of the proved to be inept. Her administration has the Fresh Market so irksome.
Commons.” Unregulated fishing in all lost 11 ministers, many of them accused of Why Are You Here? Who are these people, and why are they
waters is a tragedy. Costa Rica does not have some type of corruption. here?
to slide further into the tragedy of lawless- What happened to her campaign prom- Dear Tico Times:
ness and environmental ruin. ise to be “Firma y Honesta” (“Firm and Juan Ramón Cabrera
Marine-science knowledge and help Honest”)? What happened to her promises Yesterday, I went to a Fresh Market – San Rafael de Escazú
THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012 | CLASSIFIEDS | 13

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1500 Vehicles walked’’
1501 Autos Tuesday noon.
1502 4x4’s 100 ANIMALS Jim Molloy M.A.
1503 Miscellaneous Another community Ph: 8725-1295
102 Animal Services
1504 Motorcycles service from
1505 Rentals Escazú - sessions available
1506 Trucks DOGGI DIVINO Grooming online by Skype for those
1600 Wanted 7+yrs of exper/Great results THE outside of the
1601 Wanted
1602 Help Wanted
APPT: Tel. 2289-2162 WOOF! TICO TIMES Central Valley
Reasonable rates
14 | CLASSIFIEDS | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

1001 Apartments COTTAGE, 5 mins. from CAHUITA. Small studio- 1106 Farms PLEASE KEEP IN MIND 1109 Timeshares 1205 Languages 1999 ISUZU TROOPER.
Cartago, road to Irazu Volc. cabin on the rocks. Quiet, that when advertising in w/rebuilt engine, current
SANTA ANA. Furn, tel, TV, Surrounded by view & gar- secure, secluded, beautiful ALAJUELA, LA GARITA. any media you are publish- PUNTA LEONA, preferential ENGLISH as a second lan- tags & inspection. $9,000.
pool, DSL, parking, $550/ dens, $300. Tel. 2536-7165 view, tide pool deep enough 68,291m2, $37/m2, ing key information about membership, transfer includ- guage teacher. CELTA quali- This week only.
month. Swiss Manager. to swim in. $200 monthly. front 310 mts. Residential yourself, your property and/ ed $4,000. Tel. 8866-8888 fied & experience essential. Tel. 8861-7209
Tel. 2282-6811/8818-5631 90 day contract. & industrial use. or your services. Be careful Evening company classes in
ESCAZU, TREJOS MONT. Call: Tel. 2755-0498. Tel. 8375-4444 to screen the respondents to Escazú area, ¢7,500/hour.
2 bd, 2 ba, 2,200 sq. ft., 3 1111 Quintas
Email: your ad. Most of our readers colinwilliams@ 2004 JEEP WRANGLER.
SANTA ANA. Pozos, 2 bdr, levels, views, patio, garden, New clutch brakes, warn
are genuinely looking for the
2.5 ba, 2 car gar, elect. modern style, high ceilings, RIO CELESTE, spect view, winch, $17,000
goods and services offered
gate, terrace w/view, cable. lots of glass, furnished. Rent
$1,650 or sell $295K.
FOR SALE private access, pastures
& water, 42 Hect. ¢136mill
in our classified section. Drilling Tel. 8671-9492
NEW! Speak Spanish.
$750/mo. Tel. 8372-5005
Tel. 8997-1799. Ron 1102 Beach Property finan available.
However, there may be some
who don’t have good inten-
and Well Easy, no stress. 3-day class-
1505 Rentals

EL COCO Lot, 2,195 m2,

Tel. 2221-5998
tions. Be cautious. service es in Costa Rica. For details:, *CARS FOR
TRES RIOS, 2 bdr, furn, ESCAZU. Furn, 3 bdr, near 350E, 50N from La Pacífica
maid, cable, W/D, Internet,
secure, $700.
US school. Safe quiet
kid- friendly neighborhood.
Beach Club. Tel. 8332-6690
Tel. 2279-3973 Pets OK. $1,500/m. $220K furn $235K, 4 bdr, $135-$235 a week
of pastures, cabin, stables, 1303 Bed & Breakfast
Call in CR Tel. 8380-5032 FOR SALE 6 Hectares of 3 ba, TV/office, terrace, Everything included!
spring water, exc. location. beautiful, ocean view with 282m2, near US Emb, Also SUVs available.
Will exchange. BiBi's B&B cTV, Inter,
1002 Commercial 3,000. 10 yr old teak impeccable. Call Andy or Aaron
Tel. 8813-9623 sgl $30, Dbl $45.
Property trees. $500,000 obo. Tel. 8831-8944/8843-5725 TEL: 2431-5015 (506) 2282-7013
HEREDIA mountains. Tel. 2244-7324 Over 20yrs serving the
Million-dollar view. Secure, Tel. 8413-0142 1108 Lots/Property English speaking community.
SHARE AN OFFICE, clinic fully furnished 2 bdrm, 2 WATERFALL RANCH. 67
in Sn Rafael, Escazú, serv. bath cabin with bonus room. acres, 6 waterfalls, 2 rivers, LA ALEGRIA, Siquirres,
included Tel. 2588-1115/16. 1103 Commercial Property 1 hr to SJ airport. Prime for 1200 SERVICES 1500 VEHICLES 4x4 FOR RENT, from $45
Hot water, washer and dryer. 8,000 m2, 2 story house,
Cable and water included. Eco-Tourism Hydro or private exc view, very nice property 1201 Accounting 1501 Autos a day w/free miles & insur.
1003 Condominiums $500 per month. retreat. Tel. 8706-3728 suitable for tourism develop- CR Tel. (506) 8891-1313
Tel. 2266-0539 Unique ment, $190,000. English The new 2001 HYUNDAI ACCENT,
ESCAZU, 2 bdr, 2 bath, Opportunity 1107 Houses
Tel. 8623-8410/8669-6927, Corporate Tax? exc condition, 2 door, RTV,
new tires, $5,700 neg.
Jacuzzi, laundry, parking,
Spanish 8928-2411 You know the Tel. 7032-8717, 8669-6927 AMIGOS RENT A CAR.
furnished, $920.
tiful country house w/private OLDE ATENAS, Río Grande, consequences of Aut 4X4 hire from
Tel. 2289-5482, 1502 4X4’S
forest & river, cozy, secure, SAN JOSE 273m2, beautiful house &
QUINTAS IN CORONADO this law to your $245/wk 5 seat. SUV's
couple/retired, 10 min. from garden, guest house, 2 story
Exc view, from 2,500 m2, corporations? 02 MAZDA Xcab, pick up,
Tel. 2269-4702/8932-2235
downtown Heredia, unfur., rancho, workshop, well, all
$45/m2, lots front of main st. full xts, low miles, $16,500.
cable & B’B’ Internet ready one acre, 45 min from SJ
HEREDIA, San Joaquín Tel. 2271-6071/8910-6969 Tel. 2244-0484, 8388-6202 SASSO Rent a car.
$650 month. & 1hr from Pacific coast.
de Flores. fully furn, cable, Quality 4x4 for less.
Tel. 919-574-5007 $395K. Tel. 2446-8291
Internet, sec. Tel. 8938-5085 Tel. 8827-2627.
We are a company 05 TOYOTA TUNDRA,
1005 Houses
Three Star Hotel dedicated to the auto LTD edition, 32K,
Bar & Restaurant EMERGENCY SALE, SAN CARLOS, La Tigra advice of all matters
SABANILLA SJ. Beautiful 10,000 m2, house w/all full xtras, $34,900.
$270K, ocean view, 1Ha, concerning this law.
ATENAS. 3bdr., 2ba, ample utilities. River and many Tel. 2244-0484, 8388-6202 TUCAN RENT A CAR
2 bdr, 2 bath, big garden, • Bargain sale due to main house w/huge pool,
garage, cable. Beautiful sur- fruit trees. $117,000 Skilled care and an Low rates. Tel. 8840-8501.
terrace, garage. $1,250/mo retirement guest & guard house.
roundings. Furnished $750 Tel. 2438-0517/8335-1882 efficient process in
negotiable. Tel. 8302-4285 • Turnkey operation Tel. 8827-8858
mo Tel. 8324-3766 our services. 06 TOYOTA 4Runner TDI
• In Historic Barrio Amón diesel, full xts, autom, low
1006 Rooms
QUINTA miles, $31,900.
• 22 rooms, w/private baths ESCAZU,Sn Antonio. At Disol-tec we Tel. 2244-0484, 8388-6202
C. COLON, mtn hse furn/ ROHRMOSER. Furn, only • Restaurant / Bar 525m2 const 1,440m2, PARAISO can help you with all
unfurn, 1-2 bdr, fireplace, for fem, adults or student. your questions.
seats 100 land $650K. •ALAJUELA, SAN RAMON•
terrace, BBQ ranch, Internet, Nice view. $200m. Make an appointment.
• Space for expansion Tel. 8384-7393, 2289-3014 1 hect, 4 new cabins, 07 NISSAN FRONTIER,
panoramic view, secure, fruit Tel. 8324-7375 Phone: 2221-8554
main house, ranch. pick up, 4x4, turbo diesel,
trees, green areas, elec gate for additional rooms or visit our website: 4 door, full xts, low miles, DAILY!
$300-$500. HOUSE 4 SALE excellent F 3 large ponds / 7 springs $24,900.
Call: Tel. 8354-8361 1008 Beach Houses I 4 hatchery tanks Sedan $36
hotelcastillosale prices. 3 bdrms. Alajuela Tel. 2244-0484, 8388-6202 4 and Grecia, Tel. 8712-7777 S catfish, tilapia, shrimp 4x Compact Suv. $49
LOS SUEñOS, Herrradura H produce & sale 4
CARIARI, 3 bdrm, 3.5 bath,
1203 Construction 4x Mid size Suv. $59
& Jaco Luxury Condo Camping, swimming pool, 1999 FORD 350. Heavy
with free miles daily!
Jacuzzi, furn, 24 hr. sec, Rentals! Fully furnished 1-2 fruit trees, flowers. Duty, diesel, automatic, full Incl Insurance
Need a car? Don’t SAN PEDRO, Montes de CONSTRUCT/Enlargemnts.
exotic wood finishings, & 3 bdrm condos, dly, wkly, $450,000. xtras, runs great. $18,000.
look far; find it in Oca. More info. Renovations, Engineering Toll Free 1-800-580-3691
nice views. $900. mthly. Best deal, long term. Tel. 8528-3822 Call Tel. 8765-4963 or
the TT Classifieds Tel: (506) 8935-4288 Tel. 8384-7393, 2235-3014 (506) 2296-9232
Tel. 8832-0288 Tel. 8847-4517/8338-1760 8623-8410.

Do you wish to congratulate the U.S. community on its Independence Day?

Or let U.S. citizens living and vacationing in Costa Rica know about your product or service?
The best way is by advertising in the Official 4th of july picnic Program,
prepared each year by The Tico Times for distribution at the 4th of July Picnic organized by the American Colony
Committee. The Program is also distributed to all of our readers inside and outside Costa Rica with our June 29 edition.
Don’t miss the chance to join the celebration!
• Advertising Deadline: Today • Publication Date: June 29

1 page FC ¢485,000 1 page BN ¢332,500


1/2 page FC ¢253,000 1/2 page BN ¢174,000


1/4 page FC ¢133,100 1/4 page BN ¢91,800


Contact your Sales Executive Tel. 2258-1558 email:



Fill in the grid

so that
every row,
every column
and every 3x3
box contain
the digits 1
through 9
with no

Last Week’s Solution

Across 59 They have to be paid 38 Author Sinclair
1 Small drum 61 Helps with the dishes 39 Unquestioning follower
6 Savage 62 Sodium chloride 42 Climbs
10 Absolute ruler 63 Once, once 46 Tommy’s foe
14 Mad Hatter’s guest 64 Available 47 Blush
15 Others, to Ovid 65 Singles 49 Ageless, in poesy
16 Farm unit 66 Goddess of victory 50 Hoffman’s “Midnight Cow-
17 Acting jobs 67 Impecunious boy” role
18 Heather 51 “__ Frome” (Edith Wharton
19 “Two Mules for Sister__” DOWN novel)
20 Revealing what is meant to 1 Snippy 52 Steps over a wall
be secret 2 Succulent plant 53 Rigid social stratum
22 Became angry 3 Microsoft founder 55 Escritoire
24 Daly’s TV co-star 4 Eyelike spots 56 Be first
25 Complex king? 5 Have no worries 57 Detect
26 Book after Song of Solomon 6 Room dividers 60 Spoon bender Geller
28 Bender 7 Nastase of tennis
29 Court bisector 8 Author Yutang – Michael Curl
30 A cardinal point 9 Sticking point?
32 “Puttin’ on the __” 10 More mouth-watering
36 Go in Glasgow 11 Rascal SOLUTION #650
37 Element used in alloys 12 Pianist Claudio
40 “__ Na Na” 13 Scans
41 Lohengrin’s bride 21 “__ in the Dark”
43 Part woman, part bird 23 Lines from Horace
creature 25 Biblical land rich in gold
44 Operated 26 “Splendor in the Grass”
45 Chronic nag playwright
48 Pact 27 Circus performer
50 Saver 28 Scarecrow filler
53 French noble 31 King Arthur’s father
54 Go to 33 Exodus participant
55 Steel of stories 34 Just one of those things
58 Dilute 35 Off-the-wall

The News You Need, The Way You Like to Get It!

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16 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – June 8-14, 2012

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