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ZALO: 077.373.2910 - 032.727.2668 - 082.306.3368

It-lien nay trén thi trudng, tåi lieu luyen tap IELTS trån Ian, tuy nhién n6i
bat nhät vän lå bé Cambridge huyén thoqi vå Series såch "Recent Actual
Tests" dljqc quång cåo lå dé thi cü. Tuy nhién, cå 2 bé såch nåy vån khöng
phåi Iå tåi lieu cåc bqn thå'y khi di thi that. Tät cå déu dä dl-rqc "bién
täu" lei nén khöng thé truyén det hét nöi dung såt nhu' ki thi thöt.

Dåy lå 19 do chinh khién nhiéu ban dat diém rät cao khi thVc tap giåi dé
d nhå nhl-rng lei cé két quå "khå té" lüc cé két quå thi thöt.

Vdi kho dé dljqc chåc loc lién tuc tir höi döng thi trong suöt 4 näm,
Trim tin chåc quyén såch nåy sé lå bö tåi lieu giåi dé hoån håo nhå't cho
nhüng si tiff nåo dang can dé thi cü dé th$c töp. Why? Bdi vi:

1. Chi cé dé thi göc mdi c6 thé cho ben cåm giåc luyén tap chån thit
nhl-r dang bå ra 4,750,000 VND dé di thi thit (tdc dö dQC, giong, ngC( diöu

2. Chi c6 dé thi göc mdi dånh giå chån thöt nhät trinh dö cüa cåc
ban, giüp cåc ben c6 duqc djnh hijdng düng dån cho viéc luyen tap, khåc
phyc diém yéu nhåm det dl-rqc "target" mong muön må khöng "quäng tien

bifa bäi våo tüi cia höi döng thi;

3. Chi c6 dé thi göc mdi giüp ban phåt hién vå c6 ki thuöt töt de dol

ph6" vdi cåc cem bäy trong båi thi, däc biét lå phån Multiple Choice trong
phän Nghe vå DQC;

4. Dé thi göc lå tåi lieu hoån toån "tuyet mat" tif BC vå IDP, chi cé

nhCfng ai tiép cön dljqc kho dé cüa höi döng thi mdi cé dl-rqc nguön tåi lieu

qu9 båu nåy;

5. Dé thi gdc cé rät nhiéu däc diém nhön dang riéng biét nhff mä dé,
cåu dån trong audio, mä vach, cåch in dé thi, mä QR nén cåc ben tha hö
"check" xem phåi hång thit hay lå hång déu nhé. Ben nåo dä ti(ng di thi

IELTS thi nhin möt phåt lå biét lién thöi. Tåi lieu bén Trürn bån bao search

6. Cåc däu såch "Recent Actual Tests" trån Ian trén thi trijdng hién nay
déu dä dljqc "re-make" dé trånh dinh bån quyén cüa Cambridge nén töc dö
ZALO: 077.373.2910 - 032.727.2668 - 082.306.3368
ZALO: 077.373.2910 - 032.727.2668 - 082.306.3368

dQC, giong dQC, cåu håi, thim chi cåu trå Idi déu rå't khåc so vdi phién bån

7. IELTS suy cho cing cüng chi lå 1 ki thi can phåi cé ki thuat vå quy
chdi riéng, do d6, DO NOT STUDY HARDER, JUST STUDY
Nhån dip näm mdi, Trim IELTS täng cåc ban mét bån dé göc dé cåc
ban thVc töp hoäc thörn chi check xem Trim cé chém gi6 hay khöng. Hång
bao check må, hehe.

Si tiff nåo cé nhu cäu luyön thém dé thi thit thi cé thé inbox zalo Trürn
qua cåc : 077.373.2910 - 032.727.2668 - 082.306.3368 dé dät
mua såch.

Trim KHÖNG bån file m'ém. Såch chi dljqc in khi c6 ddn hång dät
vå lå phién bån giäy ctfng dé cåc ban tiön thvc tip trVc tiép lén dé Dé thi thi.

difqc chup lei nén Trim sé in ra nhtr bån chup chiff khöng dånh måy lei nhåm
teo cåm giåc chån thit nhät lüc cåc ban thvc tip.

Tron bö dé thi göc VOLUME 1 tri giå 1,5tr (Free Ship toån quöc) gam

+ 4 authentic real tests vdi dhy dü file nghe chinh thöng tlr höi döng

+ 1 real test göm dé thi cho 3 ki näng: Listening (with full audio) +
Reading + Writing;

+ Suggested keys.
ZALO: 077.373.2910 - 032.727.2668 - 082.306.3368

Listening 54768
Approximately 30 minutes

Additional materials:

Answer sheet for Listening and Reading

Time Approximately 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes' transfer time)

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.

Write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page.

Listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.

Answer all the questions.

you are listening, write your answers on the question paper.

You will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer
sheet. Use a pencil.

At the end of the test, hand in this question paper.


There are four parts to the test.

You will hear each part once only.

There are 40 questions.

Each question carries one mark.

For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you
to check your answers.


OO COUNCIL Language Assessment
Part of the University of Cambridge


O UCLES 2018
SECTION 1 Questions 1 - 10
Complete the notes below

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Holiday rental


Owners' names: Carol and Dave Marriott

Aster Cottage

• available for the week beginning 1

• cost for the week: 2 $

Periwinkle Cottage

the same price as Aster Cottage last year

part ofa building that was first used as a 3

the living room leads out to the 4

view of the 5 from the bedroom

bring our own 6

doesn't have a 7

The town
• the ownerrecommends the 8 restaurant

• the town is well known for its antique shops

e deposit: 9$
• deadline for final payment: final day of 10

SECTION 2 Questions 11 - 20
Questions 11 — 14

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run

11 On the day of the race the speaker recommends parking

in the sports ground.

B by the river.
c in the shopping centre.

12 The Timing Chip should be attached to

the shirt or singlet.

a shoe.
c the wristband.

13 VM1ich group will run first?

B red
c purple

14 The race organisers still need to find volunteers to help with

giving first aid.

B handing out water.

C starting the race.

Tagrn over

Questions 15 — 20

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-I, next to questions 15-20.

Map of Race Village

Exit To
k Exit Station +

Shade Tents

Exit Catering

Gregory Terrace Entry

15 Stage

16 T-shirt Stand

17 Bag Collection Area

18 Information Centre

19 Prize Draw Box

20 Water Station

Questions 21 30
Questions 21 — 26

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Farmers' attitudes to new developments in agriculture

nmat does Dr Owen advise Joel to include in the title of his project?

A the location of the farms

the number of farmers
the types of farming
Why has Joel decided to do face-to-face interviews?
to see the farmers' workplaces
to limit the time he spends on the project
C to get fuller answers

Joel agrees to investigate how farmers get information on new developments

by showing them a series of pictures.

B by asking them open questions.
c by sending them a checklist in advance.

Conceming government communication with farmers, the speakers agree that

A much of it is irrelevant.
B jus often insufficient for farmers' needs.
c the wording is sometimes unclear.

25 According to Joel's reading about the cost of making changes, many British farmers

leave investment decisions to their accountants.

B have too little time to calculate the costs of new methods.
C are reluctant to spend money on improvements.

26 A survey of Australian sheep farmers found that most of them

A are usually reluctant to make changes.
B make changes based on limited research.
C want plenty of evidence before they make changes.

Questions 27 30

opinion is expressed about each of the following books?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 27-30.


A It's badly organised

B It's out of date
C It's clear.
D It's essential reading
E It's inaccurate
F It's well illustrated
G It's boring


27 Contemporary Farming Manual

28 Running a Small Fam


Agriculture and Economics

How to Survive in Faming

Questions 31 — 40
Complete the notes below

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Aboriginal Textile Design

Ernabella Arts Centre

Artists produce craft and learn new techniques

Initially, artists produced rugs made from 31

• Later artists made batik and screen-printed fabrics

Tiwi Designs

• Early designs included 32


e Designs are linked tofraditional beliefs, e.g. some designs are believed to bring

Jimmy Pike

Inspired by the Australian landscape, especially the 34

• Started creating art when he was in 35

His textiles were used to make 36

Bronwyn Bancroft
• Her work is a modem look at 37 and nature

e 1995 — painted a successful Aboriginal athlete's jeans with lizards and

a 38

• 2001 — designed a 'Joumey of a Nation' parade outfit with part of a 39

on it

Copyright Issues
• Exploiting Aboriginal imagery affects the artists and the cultural group,

e.g. 'The 40 Case'

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