Approaches For Characterising Myxozoan Species

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Approaches for Characterising

Myxozoan Species 6
Stephen D. Atkinson, Pavla Bartošová-Sojková,
Christopher M. Whipps, and Jerri L. Bartholomew

Myxozoan species and genera have been defined traditionally using
morphological characteristics of spores and developmental stages, host
preference and tissue specificity. Use of morphology is, however, limited
in some taxa by a lack of reliable characters or ambiguities in their origin.
For instance, morphological variation can characterise spores of closely-
related species while similar spore morphologies in distantly-related
species reflect convergence. Therefore, morphological traits are accom-
panied routinely by DNA sequences in the identification of myxozoan
species. DNA sequencing methods have inherent limitations, too, which
include co-amplification of host, inability to distinguish mixed infections
and PCR and primer biases for some taxa over others. By combining
several approaches, myxozoan researchers are revealing novel diversity
and demonstrating that strains and morphologically cryptic species
characterise many taxa. Extensive geographic sampling of economically
significant myxozoans, including Myxobolus cerebralis, Kudoa thyrsites,
Ceratonova shasta and Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, has demonstrated

S.D. Atkinson (&)  J.L. Bartholomew

Department of Microbiology, Oregon State
University, 226 Nash Hall, Corvallis,
OR 97331-3804, USA
J.L. Bartholomew
P. Bartošová-Sojková
Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
České Budějovice, Czech Republic
C.M. Whipps
Center for Applied Microbiology, SUNY-ESF,
133 Illick Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA

B. Okamura et al. (eds.), Myxozoan Evolution, Ecology and Development, 111

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14753-6_6, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
112 S.D. Atkinson et al.

intraspecific genetic variation, strains linked with geographic localities,

and species complexes. Application of new approaches to myxozoan
classification is expected to facilitate reassessment of existing taxa,
discovery of new taxa and further resolution of cryptic species.

Genotype Cryptic species Species complex Morphology Molecular 

markers SSU

an endoparasitic lifestyle (see Chap. 3) combined

6.1 Introduction with considerable plasticity and convergence in
spore morphology pose challenges for discrimi-
Allocation of organisms into hierarchical group-
nating myxozoan species.
ings is central to biology. This process involves
examination and characterisation of individuals
using one or more accepted diagnostic methods
to assign them to taxa. Frequently however, no 6.2 Use of Morphology for Species
one method can be applied across all taxa, and Discrimination
different methods of categorisation can yield
different results, especially at the genus and For much of the 20th century, myxozoan
species levels of taxonomic ranking (see Mayden researchers described species of Myxosporea and
1997). For instance, while two or more species Actinosporea using morphology of mature spore
may be indistinguishable using morphological stages (Shul’man 1966). The former were char-
criteria, molecular sequence information may acterised based on myxospores, which develop in
enable discrimination. In such cases, they are vertebrate hosts, and the latter on actinospores,
referred to as “cryptic species” (Pfenninger and produced in invertebrate hosts. This practice was
Schwenk 2007; Pérez-Ponce de León and Nadler modified after Wolf and Markiw (1984) dem-
2010). Typically, recognition of cryptic species onstrated that myxospores and actinospores are
occurs when new information demonstrates that conspecific myxosporean stages that develop in
multiple species characterise what once was alternating hosts. Thus, class Actinosporea was
believed to be a single species. For parasites, suppressed, and myxosporean genera and species
such information may include unique DNA are now described from myxospore stages, while
sequences, or consistent differences in host actinospores are described as collective groups
preference or tissue tropism (e.g. Nolan and and types (Kent et al. 2001; Lom and Dyková
Cribb 2005; Martinsen et al. 2006). Above the 2006).
species level, closely related species may form Morphological characters including symme-
species complexes, while below the species try, polar capsule orientation and surface features
level, organisms may be discriminated if they can are used traditionally to classify myxospores to
be assigned to e.g. strains, genotypes or popu- species level (Fig. 6.1) (Lom and Dyková 2006;
lations. In this chapter we review how myxozoan Chap. 5). Use of spore morphology, however, has
species have been characterised and the problems its limitations. For instance, a lack of suitable
that have arisen in species discrimination. We characters can be problematic for distinguishing
then explore cases of cryptic speciation, evidence morphologically simple myxospores, such as
for species complexes and examples of strain- Myxobolus species, which can lead to taxonomic
level discrimination within myxozoan species. ambiguities. This has impelled researchers to
Our review demonstrates how the unprecedented incorporate morphology of vegetative stages
loss of morphology resulting from adaptations to (pseudoplasmodia, plasmodia, sporoblasts) (e.g.
6 Approaches for Characterising Myxozoan Species 113

Fig. 6.1 Examples of myxozoan morphological and projections; Vegetative stages: f ruptured sac of Tetra-
developmental characters used to define species. Overall capsuloides, g filiform pseudopodia in Ceratonova; Site
spore morphology: a Myxidium myxospores, b Echinacti- of development in host: h Myxobolus pseudocyst (C) in
nomyxon type actinospore, c Tetracapsuloides malacos- epithelium of fish gills (G), i pansporocysts (arrowed) of
pore; Other morphological characters: d Acauda surface Raabeia type in coelom of tubificid oligochaete worm
ridges, e Triactinomyxon type actinospore with valve cell
114 S.D. Atkinson et al.

Fig. 6.1f, g) and tissue specificity (e.g. Fig. 6.1h, number of myxospore polar capsules was used to
i) (see Sect. 6.3.2) in species definitions (Kent distinguish Pentacapsula, Hexacapsula and
et al. 2001; Lom and Dyková 2006). A lack of Septemcapsula as distinct genera, but these taxa
discriminatory spore characters is especially cluster phylogenetically as the single genus Ku-
problematic in the class Malacosporea (e.g. doa using SSU sequence data (Whipps et al.
Fig. 6.1c), where species descriptions are 2004b). In contrast, the number of polar capsules
augmented with other morphological criteria such remains a fundamental character for defining
as spore sac size and shape, and host preference Thelohanellus (one capsule) from Myxobolus
(Canning and Okamura 2004; Bartošová-Sojková (two capsules). Hence, caution is needed when
et al. 2014; Hartikainen et al. 2014). using only spore morphology for taxon
Below we elaborate more specifically on how discrimination.
morphological variation can result in character Plasticity in spore morphology can be expec-
ambiguity and the challenges this poses for ted to result in convergence of spore morpho-
species discrimination in various myxozoan taxa. types (Fiala and Bartošová 2010), with particular
characters arising independently in different
phylogenetic groups. Examples of convergence
6.2.1 Ambiguity of Characters include polar capsules situated at opposite ends
of elongated myxospores of Zschokkella and
Fiala and Bartošová (2010) examined character Myxidium, multiplication of polar capsules in
evolution across many myxozoan genera, Chloromyxum and Kudoa, and the presence of
including Sphaerospora, Sphaeromyxa, Myxo- surface ridges on myxospores of Myxidium,
bolus, Henneguya, Kudoa, Chloromyxum and Zschokkella, Chloromyxum etc. (see Chap. 4 for
Myxidium. They concluded that only a few expanded discussion of these examples).
morphological characters corresponded with the A further problem of using spore morphology
molecular phylogeny derived from SSU data. in species discrimination is the high level of nat-
They attribute discrepancies between molecular ural morphological and morphometric variation in
phylogenies and morphology-based taxonomy to spores, both within and between hosts. Spores
plasticity in myxospore morphology. Such plas- change in shape and size as they mature, as
ticity is evident from several studies that dem- exemplified in studies of Sphaerospora angulata
onstrate that differences in spore morphology and S. dykovae (syn. S. renicola) (Holzer et al.
may not be associated with significant genetic 2013) and Zschokkella pleomorpha (Lom and
divergence. For example, caudal appendages Dyková 1995). Hence, as myxozoan infections
have been used traditionally to distinguish typically feature asynchronous spore develop-
Henneguya from Myxobolus, however, molecu- ment, a given sample will include a range of spore
lar phylogenetic analyses show Henneguya spe- ages and thus morphologies. Recently, Principal
cies do not form a single clade but are scattered Component Analysis (PCA) has been employed
within the larger Myxobolus clade (Kent et al. to control for spore variation. This approach
2001; Fiala 2006; Liu et al. 2010). Similarly, the reduces measurements of spore features to sets of
split of Myxodavisia from Ceratomyxa based on uncorrelated variables (components) and plots
the presence of valve cell projections is not pairs of these against each other in two-dimen-
supported by DNA data (Fiala et al. 2014). sional space. PCA has been used to distinguish
Molecular data also do not support discrimina- species of Auerbachia (Heiniger et al. 2011),
tion of Polysporoplasma from Sphaerospora Coccomyxa (Heiniger et al. 2011), Kudoa (Burger
based on the number of sporoplasms (Bartošová and Adlard 2010) and Sphaerospora (Holzer et al.
et al. 2013). Furthermore, spore characters that 2013). Heiniger and Adlard (2013) used a com-
provide reliable information for one genus may bination of morphological (spore variation
not be useful for another. For example, the assessed with PCA), biological (host, locality)
6 Approaches for Characterising Myxozoan Species 115

and sequence (SSU, LSU) characters to identify Chap. 16). This ‘tissue tropism’ has been used to
ceratomyxids from cardinal fishes (Apogonidae). support transfer of some members of the genus
Their data show significant genetic and biological Leptotheca to Ceratomyxa (gall bladder) and
differences but minimal morphological variation others to Sphaerospora (excretory system)
amongst spores, thus providing evidence for (Gunter and Adlard 2010). However, when dis-
cryptic species of Ceratomyxa. tinguishing myxozoan species by their tissue
tropism it is important to confirm that the parasite
is targeting particular host tissues and not present
6.3 Other Non-DNA Based incidentally as a result of: non-selective invasion
Characters for Discriminating of an atypical fish host (Holzer et al. 2013), host
Species immune processes (e.g. spores sequestered in
kidney or spleen melanomacrophage centres),
6.3.1 Host Specificity rupture of cysts and physical spread of spores
throughout the body cavity or tissues, or con-
Most myxozoan species appear to infect a single sumption of myxozoan-infected prey items (e.g.
host family or species, thus host identity is an Henneguya in humans; see Chap. 7). Further-
important character for distinguishing myxozo- more, tissue specificity may not apply or may be
ans (Molnár 1994; see Chap. 16). However, host difficult to infer in some cases. For instance,
data should be used in combination with other some myxozoans may develop in multiple tissues
data, as at least some myxozoans appear to infect in more susceptible hosts (e.g. Ceratonova
a broad range of hosts (e.g. Sphaeromyxa bal- shasta, Hurst and Bartholomew 2012).
bianii, Lom 2004; Kudoa thyrsites, Whipps and Tissue tropism has been used in combination
Kent 2006; Enteromyxum leei, Sitjà-Bobadilla with spore morphology and DNA analyses to
and Palenzuela 2012). A combined approach resolve cryptic myxozoan species. For instance,
supported the validity of Chloromyxum legeri Myxobolus insidiosus was described from cysts
from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) as a spe- in skeletal muscle of Chinook salmon (On-
cies distinct from C. fluviatile from silver carp corhynchus tschawytscha), coho salmon (On-
(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) (Bartošová and corhynchus kisutch), rainbow trout (O. mykiss)
Fiala 2011). The two myxozoans were charac- and cutthroat trout (O. clarki) (Amandi et al.
terised by different host preferences and sub- 1985). Ferguson et al. (2008) examined histo-
stantial SSU sequence variation (up to 22.3 %). logical sections from various salmonids and
In contrast, synonymy of C. cyprini with C. observed M. insidiosus-like myxospores confined
cristatum isolates (from grass carp, Ctenophar- to either nerves within the skeletal muscle or to
yngodon idella, and silver carp, respectively) was the muscle itself. Spores that matched the
confirmed by showing that the different host- description of M. insidiosus were found only in
specific isolates had low genetic variation in the skeletal muscles of Chinook and coho salmon.
SSU (0.56 %) and LSU (up to 0.4 %) (Bartošová Therefore, a new species, Myxobolus fryeri, was
and Fiala 2011). Chloromyxum cristatum is described from peripheral nerves of coho salmon,
therefore regarded as having low host specificity and rainbow and cutthroat trout. Although the
(see also Sect. 6.6.2). SSU sequence variation between M. fryeri and
M. insidiosus was relatively low (0.5 %), a
diagnosis of separate species was supported by
6.3.2 Tissue Specificity distinct tissue tropisms and statistically signifi-
cant differences in spore length. Similar evidence
Many myxozoans have a preference for particu- was used to identify other cryptic Myxobolus
lar sites for spore development within hosts (e.g. species. For instance, Myxobolus intramusculi
Eszterbauer 2004; Holzer et al. 2004; see also was distinguished from M. procerus based on
116 S.D. Atkinson et al.

tissue tropism in trout-perch (Percopsis omisco- 2004; Fiala 2006; Burger et al. 2007). As with
maycus) (intramuscular versus in connective tis- most eukaryotes, the ribosomal RNA gene array
sue), and significant differences in myxospore in myxozoans typically comprises 2 longer sub-
lengths but low SSU variation (*2 %) (Easy units, the SSU (1.8–2.0 kb) and the LSU
et al. 2005). Molnár et al. (2010) used fine-scale (3.5–3.9 kb), separated by shorter regions (ITS-1,
tissue tropism to characterise morphologically 5.8S, ITS-2). A notable exception is the myxo-
similar Myxobolus species from gills of roach zoan Sphaerospora sensu stricto clade, whose
(Rutilus rutilus). They observed that M. som- members have characteristically longer ribosomal
mervillae developed in blood vessels whereas M. genes: SSU up to 3.7 kb and LSU up to 6.3 kb
rutili development was extravascular in the gill (Bartošová et al. 2013). Much like bacterial SSU
filament. SSU variation of >10 % provided fur- sequences, myxozoan SSU and LSU have well-
ther discrimination of the two species. These defined, alternating conserved and hyper-variable
examples illustrate the importance of identifying regions (Nelles et al. 1984). Conserved regions
the exact site of infection, which can even relate facilitate primer design and sequence alignment
to specific parts of a tissue or organ, as this may (e.g. Holzer et al. 2007) and comparisons of
be an essential character for recognising myxo- variable regions provide insights on genetic var-
zoan species. iation. Interspecific SSU variation in the Myxo-
sporea is typically >2 % (Fiala 2006) but within
some genera, e.g. Myxobolus, interspecific SSU
6.4 DNA Sequence Data differences can be as low as 0.2 % (Ferguson et al.
2008; see Sect. 6.4.2). Interspecific SSU variation
Unlike phenotype, the fidelity of a myxospore- in the Malacosporea is >1 % (Bartošová-Sojková
an’s DNA is maintained throughout its life cycle. et al. 2014; Hartikainen et al. 2014), although this
DNA analysis therefore can be used to identify figure may change as more malacosporeans are
and compare myxosporean DNA from different sequenced. Intraspecific SSU differences typi-
sources, which include hosts (developmental and cally range from 0–3.6 % (Schlegel et al. 1996;
cryptic stages in vertebrates and invertebrates), Andree et al. 1999; Ferguson et al. 2008). The
parasite spores (released or purified from hosts), LSU is 2–3 times longer than the SSU but has
environmental samples (mud, water, etc.), and been shown to have a similar level of interspecific
samples from different geographic regions. variation and thus provides similar taxonomic
Molecular methods are especially useful for information (e.g. Bartošová et al. 2009, 2013;
identifying morphologically different yet con- Burger and Adlard 2011).
specific spore stages and thus inferring multi-host The substantial variation in levels of inter-
life cycles (see Chap. 10). Identification of novel specific and intraspecific divergence based on
myxozoans using DNA is becoming easier with SSU sequence data can result in overlap in ran-
the increasing number of myxozoan sequences in ges of variation between taxa, which may con-
the NCBI Nucleotide database. found species identification. The variation also
suggests that there has been disparity in rates of
molecular evolution within the Myxozoa.
6.4.1 Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequences

By far the most myxozoan data available in the 6.4.2 Other Molecular Markers
NCBI database exist for nuclear ribosomal RNA
gene sequences. The SSU in particular has Markers such as the ITS can be used to test for
become an integral part of myxozoan species the presence of cryptic species if these are sug-
descriptions and phylogenetic studies (e.g. Kent gested by differences in some other character (i.e.
et al. 2001; Eszterbauer 2004; Fiala and Dyková morphology, host, tissue, geography). ITS-1
6 Approaches for Characterising Myxozoan Species 117

sequences are more variable than SSU and LSU, amplification of host DNA, mixed infections and
and have been used to discriminate between PCR bias can impede accurate myxozoan
myxozoan subpopulations from different geo- identification.
graphic areas or hosts, for example M. cerebralis
(Whipps et al. 2004a), C. shasta (Atkinson and
Bartholomew 2010a) and Cystodiscus spp. 6.5.1 Inadvertent PCR Amplification
(Hartigan et al. 2012). In some species, the ITS-1 of Host DNA
may have high levels of intragenomic variation
(e.g. kudoids: Whipps and Kent 2006), which Co-amplification of parasite and host or other
must be taken into account when using the ITS contaminating organisms is possible and can be
for phylogeographic studies. especially problematic when general PCR prim-
The use of several other genes for discrimi- ers are used. For example, “myxozoan” HOX
nating myxozoans at various levels has been genes (Anderson et al. 1998) were revealed later
investigated to a limited extent. Loci include to be of host origin (Jiménez-Guri et al. 2007b).
HSP70 (Kudoa thyrsites, Whipps and Kent 2006; Problems in interpretation can arise also when
Kudoa dianae and Myxidium spp., Bartošová the range of variation at a particular locus is not
2010; C. shasta, Atkinson unpublished; mala- well understood. For instance, unresolved co-
cosporeans, Hartikainen unpublished); EF-2 amplification of host and parasite tissue led to a
(Kudoa spp., Henneguya spp., Myxidium spp., chimeric sequence for Sinuolinea sp. (NCBI:
Zschokkella spp. and others, Fiala and Bartošová AF378346; Kent et al. 2001) in which the first
2010; Bartošová et al. 2013); and several prote- 450 bp represented the fish host (Holzer et al.
ases (K. thyrsites, Funk et al. 2008; M. cereb- 2010a). Most chimeric or otherwise ambiguous
ralis, Kelley et al. 2004). Jiménez-Guri et al. sequences have now been either re-sequenced or
(2007a) found several protein-coding genes removed from the NCBI database.
(rad51, AdoMet, rpl27e and rpl23a) discrimi-
nated between worm-like and sac-like mala-
cosporeans (Buddenbrockia plumatellae and 6.5.2 Mixed Infections
Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, respectively).
Some preliminary myxozoan mitochondrial 12S Mixed myxozoan infections are common in fish
and COX-1 sequences have been reported (Fiala hosts. For instance, Sphaerospora testicularis and
et al. 2013). There is presently low taxonomic Sphaerospora dicentrarchi in seabass (Dicen-
coverage across the Myxozoa at these other loci trarchus labrax; Fioravanti et al. 2004),
compared with the nuclear ribosomal RNA Zschokkella hildae and Gadimyxa atlantica in
genes, hence they are not yet applicable broadly Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua; Holzer et al.
for species discrimination or examination of 2010b), Sphaerospora spp. with other myxospo-
divergence within species. As myxozoan whole rean species in cyprinids (Bartošová et al. 2013;
genome sequences become available over the Holzer et al. 2013), and Chloromyxum and
next 5–10 years, further markers for species Zschokkella spp. in cyprinids (Bartošová and Fi-
discrimination are likely to be identified. ala 2011). The presence of multiple myxozoans in
a particular DNA sample can lead to amplification
of non-target spores or cryptic stages (Bartošová
6.5 Problems with DNA Sequence et al. 2013). Extrasporogonic myxozoan stages in
Data blood can be particularly widespread within the
host, not just at the site of sporogenesis, and may
Inferences based on DNA sequence data for confound interpretations of infections (Holzer
parasite identification can be confounded by et al. 2013). Subsampling small portions of
various factors. Below we elaborate on how heavily-infected tissue or cysts should improve
118 S.D. Atkinson et al.

the quality of sequenced material and exclude 6.6 Intraspecific Variation

contamination e.g. from spores consumed inci- and Species Complexes
dentally with food. Sampling replicates (several
infected hosts) would also increase confidence in 6.6.1 Intraspecific Genetic Variation
sequence identity. In situ hybridisation probes
can then be used to confirm the identity and DNA sequence data (see Sects. 6.1, 6.2) have
location of myxozoans within a host (e.g. Es- been used to map patterns of intraspecific varia-
zterbauer 2011; Eszterbauer et al. 2013). tion and to gain insights on dispersal and evo-
lutionary history, particularly in the context of
invasive species and emerging diseases (see
6.5.3 PCR Bias Chap. 18). Most population studies have been
constrained to economically important myxozo-
PCR or primer bias towards some myxozoan taxa ans with wide geographic distributions, several
over others can lead to amplification of non-tar- examples of which are described below.
get myxozoans. This may particularly compro- Myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of
mise the identification of cryptic mixed whirling disease in salmonid fishes, is perhaps the
infections. For example, Myxobolus sp. was most widely studied pathogenic myxozoan. The
misidentified as Sphaerospora molnari in gold- parasite is of European origin, but has been
fish (Carassius auratus; Kent et al. 2001) and as introduced to at least 26 countries by human
S. dykovae in common carp (Cyprinus carpio; activities (Hoffman 1970; Bartholomew and Reno
Eszterbauer and Székely 2004), Myxidium/ 2002). Andree et al. (1997) and Whipps et al.
Zschokkella spp. were misidentified as S. angu- (2004a) demonstrated low levels of genetic vari-
lata in goldfish (Eszterbauer and Székely 2004) ation between M. cerebralis from Germany and
and as S. oncorhynchi (Kent et al. 1998) and S. the United States, using SSU and ITS-1 sequen-
elwhaiensis in salmonids (Jones et al. 2011). ces, respectively. M. cerebralis isolates from a
These misidentifications have been clarified by broader geographic range and a larger number of
more recent re-sequencing (Eszterbauer et al. hosts revealed greater variation in the ITS-1 than
2006, 2013; Bartošová and Fiala 2011; Es- found previously, and demonstrated that repre-
zterbauer 2011; Bartošová et al. 2013; Holzer sentatives from West Virginia, USA were genet-
et al. 2013; Bartošová-Sojková unpub. data). The ically distinct (Lodh et al. 2012). The authors
atypically long, divergent SSU sequences of concluded that there may have been multiple
Sphaerospora sensu stricto spp. renders their introductions of M. cerebralis to the USA.
detection especially problematic as they are Similar phylogeographic studies have been
prone to low or no amplification when other undertaken on the causative agent of salmonid
myxozoan DNA is present and general primers proliferative kidney disease, the malacosporean T.
are used (Bartošová et al. 2013). bryosalmonae. Genetically distinct parasite pop-
The likelihood of amplifying the ‘correct’ ulations were identified in European and North
myxozoan can be improved by trialling a range America based on variation in SSU and ITS-1
of myxozoan general primers or established (Okamura et al. 2001; Henderson and Okamura
genus-specific primers (e.g. Hallett and Diamant 2004; Tops et al. 2005). The greater genetic var-
2001; Kent et al. 2001; Whipps et al. 2004b; iation among North American isolates suggests a
Bartošová et al. 2013; Hartikainen et al. 2014). North American origin for this species (Hender-
Decreasing costs of DNA sequencing should son and Okamura 2004). High levels of diver-
enable metagenomic approaches, which are free gence of most European isolates suggests an
of many PCR-related biases. introduction to Europe that pre-dates aquaculture,
6 Approaches for Characterising Myxozoan Species 119

but isolates from Italy and France that group 6.6.2 Species Complexes
within the North American clade are evidence for
further dispersal events. Thus, multiple introduc- Several myxozoan taxa are now regarded as
tions may have contributed to the genetic diversity species complexes. Species complexes may arise
observed within Europe (see Chap. 18). Whether when closely related populations diverge suffi-
the isolates from Europe and North America are ciently to develop into distinct entities, for
representative of a single species with a broad instance when populations become established in
distribution rather than a species complex is different regions or hosts. Studies to date suggest
unclear, but could be tested by cross-infection that species complexes often may be comprised
studies with rainbow (native North American fish of cryptic species.
hosts) and brown trout (native European fish “K. thyrsites” infects multiple marine fish
hosts) using North American and European iso- species across a broad geographic distribution
lates of the parasite (see also Chap. 11). and appears to represent a species complex.
Ceratonova shasta (syn. Ceratomyxa shasta; Variation in myxospore morphology between
Atkinson et al. 2014), a virulent intestinal path- regional representatives of K. thyrsites is incon-
ogen of multiple species of salmon and trout in sistent. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based
the Pacific Northwest (Noble 1950), has intra- on four genetic markers (HSP70, SSU, LSU,
specific genetic variation associated with river ITS-1), however, revealed geographically distant
basins and vertebrate host species. Initially, isolates associated uniquely with Japan, Austra-
variations in the ITS-1 region were linked with lia, eastern Pacific, and eastern Atlantic. Within
differences in severity of infection and mortality these regions there is little additional genetic
between sympatric (i.e. native to the basin) O. structure, which suggests high local gene flow
tshawytscha and allopatric (i.e. out-of-basin) O. and low host specificity (Whipps and Kent
mykiss, which had been exposed experimentally 2006).
to the parasite in the Klamath River (Oregon/ Chloromyxum leydigi has been recorded from
California; Atkinson and Bartholomew 2010a). the gall bladder of 21 elasmobranch species in
Additional sampling of C. shasta from multiple multiple genera (Rocha et al. 2014, and sum-
salmon and trout species revealed four principal marised in Gleeson and Adlard 2012). Most of
ITS-1 genotypes (O, I, II, III; Atkinson and these records pre-date PCR and identification
Bartholomew 2010a, b) that have marked host relied on spore morphology and site of infection.
preferences and different virulence in each fish The ambiguity of some characters, together with
host. All genotypes appear to infect a single the atypically broad host range suggests that C.
invertebrate host—a new species of freshwater leydigi is a species complex, as shown for other
polychaete belonging to the genus Manayunkia Chloromyxum spp. (Bartošová and Fiala 2011).
(Atkinson, in prep.). It is now clear that the The diagnosis of C. leydigi as a species complex
genotypes are present in river basins from Cali- is supported by recent genetic data from Chlo-
fornia to British Columbia (Stinson 2013) and romyxum spp. with similar morphology to C.
can occur in sympatry, which indicates little leydigi, from a range of hosts (Gleeson and Ad-
geographical structure in the parasite population. lard 2012; Rocha et al. 2014).
These sympatric distributions of genotypes Similarly, “Parvicapsula minibicornis” may
illustrate the profound isolating effects of utilis- represent a species complex. The parasite infects
ing different vertebrate hosts and suggest that kidneys of salmon and trout in the Pacific North-
parasites and hosts may have co-evolved for a west of North America, with disease severity and
sufficient period to modify host-parasite interac- presentation varying among salmon species
tions and influence virulence. and geographical localities (Jones et al. 2003).
120 S.D. Atkinson et al.

Parasite SSU sequences are >98.9 % similar geographic and host ranges, are complexes of
across different hosts and localities (Atkinson cryptic species. Hence, as with many other taxa
et al. 2011). However, sufficient sequence varia- (Blaxter 2003), myxozoan diversity is presently
tion exists to define 15 genetic types, many of underestimated.
which exist in sympatry and some of which cor-
relate with fish host species or sample locality.
These data indicate that the P. minibicornis spe- 6.8 Key Questions for Future
cies complex is structured by both geography and Studies
salmonid host species.
We expect that future work will reveal many • Are there better markers than the SSU for
more examples of intraspecific variation, cryptic species resolution?
speciation and species complexes within the • Do some myxozoan groups have a higher
Myxozoa, particularly within genera that have propensity for cryptic speciation?
few morphological characters (e.g. Myxobolus) • What are the adaptive values of convergent
or where morphological characters used in tra- characters?
ditional taxonomy (especially spore characters) • How can we best develop species databases to
have high intraspecific variation (e.g. Cerat- facilitate classification and recognition of my-
omyxa, Ceratonova, Kudoa). We also anticipate xozoan taxa?
that some future examples of intraspecific vari-
ation will reflect historic transport of myxozoans
to new geographic regions. References

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