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2 Dinitrogen
NH,Cl+NaNO, N,T +2H,0 +NaCl (NH,),Cr,0, N,î+ 4H,0 + Cr0,
Ba(N)2 Ba + 3N,t
Chemical properties:
6Li+N22Li3N; 3Mg + N2A Mg,N
A, 2000 K 773 K, 200 atm
2NO ; N2+ 3H2 2NH.: AcH° = -46.1 kJ mol' (Haber's process)
7.3 Ammonia
Laboratory preparationof NH3:
2NH,CI+Ca(OH)2 -> 2NH,+ CaClh + 2H,0
(NH)SO4 + 2NaOH> 2NH3 + Na^SO4 + 2H,0
All the ammonium salts react with alkali to give ammonia.
NH,CONH, + 2H,0 > (NH,),COg 2NHs+COa+H,O
Urea Ammonium

Mg3N2 +6HCI-> 3MgCl2 +2NH3

Manufacture: On large scale, NH, is prepared by Habers pr
2NHe) : A,H° 46.1

Iron oxide catalyst with

N2()t 3H2 manufacture
is 773 K and
of ammonia
200 atm.
condition for reaction.
The optimum increase the rate of
of K,O and Al,O, is used as promoter to

Structure: hybrid orbitals

molecule formed by the overlap ofthreesp
Ammonia is a covalent
The fourth hybrid orbital sp° N
of three hydrogens.
of nitrogen and 1s orbitals
Ammonia is trigonal pyramidal in shape
with bond angle NOL.7 pm
OCcupied by a lone pair. HH
Structure of ammonia
107.8. bonds.
states, ammonia is associated through hydrogen
In liquid and solid lone pair of
electrons. Thus, it acts lit
like a
tendency to donate its
molecule has a strong
Basic character: Ammonia with the reaction.
ionizes in accordance
strong Lewis base. In aqueous solutions, NH,

NH+ H,0=NH; +OH solution which are insoluk.

ions: Ammonia forms
metal hydroxides in aqueous
Reaction with heavymetals
and form precipitates.
FeCl +3NH,OH 3NH,Cl+ Fe(OH)3 ; ZnCl2 + 2NH,OH 2NH,Cl+Zn(OH),
White ppt.
Brown ppt.

Ammonia combines with certain

cations like Ag', Cu, Hg*, etc. to
Formation of complex compounds:
form very stable soluble complex cations.
AgCl+ 2NH,OH Ag(NH,),]Cl + 2H,O
AgOH +2NH,OH [Ag(NH,),1OH +2H,O Diamminesilver (1)
Diamminesilver () chloride
hydroxide (Soluble in water)
(Soluble in water)

Cu(OH)h + (NH),SO4 + NH,OH [Cu(NH3)41SO4 + 4H20

Tetraamminecopper (I1)
sulphate (deep
blue solution)
ammonia NH3, hydrazine NH2-NH2 (or N,H,) and
Nitrogen forms three different hydrides viz.:
+) hydrazoic acid, N,H. Among these, NgH is distinctly
in nature.
acidic while NH, and NH2-NH2 are basic

7.4 Oxides of Nitrogen

Preparation and properties of oxides of nitrogen:

Name FormulaO.S. Preparation Properties

Dinitrogen oxide N,O +1 NH,NO, N,O + 2H,O colourless gas,
[Nitrogen() oxide] neutral

NO +2 2NaNO,+2FeSO4 + 3H,SO4 - Fe(So,) + colourless gas,

Nitrogen monoxide
[Nitrogen(I)oxide] 2NaHSO +2H,0+2NO neutral
Dinitrogen trioxide 250 K blue solid, acidic
[Nitrogen(II)oxide] NO3 +3 2NO+N,04 2N,O3
Nitrogen dioxide 673 K
brown gas, acidic

NO2 +4 2Pb(NO)2 PbO+4NO, +O2

[Nitrogen(IV) oxide]
Dinitrogen tetroxide N,O4 +4 2NO N04
colourless solid

[Nitrogen(TV) oxide] liquid, acidic

colourless solid.
Dinitrogen pentoxide
Nitrogen(V) oxide] N,O5 +5
4HNO3 + P,O10 4HPO3 + 2N,O5 acidic
7.5 Nitric Acid
NaNO,+5H,SO, NaHS0, +HNO,
Ostwald's process:
4NH,+50-P/Rh gauge catalyst
500 K,9 bar

2NO+0, 2NO,
3NO, +H,0 2HNO, + NO
NO thus formed is recycled and the aqueous HNO, can be concentrated by distillation upto - 68% by

mass. Further concentration to 98% can be achieved by dehydration with concentrated n2o4
Pure HNO, is colourless, however impure HNO, is yellow in colour due to soluble H 102
1 2p
1 m

oxides of nitrogen and in the

gaseous state it exists as a planar molecule. N )130
t acts 140.6pm
as strong oxidising agent. Non-metals get converted into highest

oxyacids by hot and conc. HNO and NO2 gas is evolved.

I+10HNO, 2HIOg +10NO + 4H,O
C+ 4HNO3 CO2 + 2H,0 +
Sg +48HNO,- 8H,SO + 48NO + 16H,0
P4+ 20HNO- 4H,PO, + 20ONO, + 4H,O
It reacts with metals and acts as acid as well as oxidising agent.
Concentration of nitric acid Metal Main products
Mg, Mn H2 + metal nitratee
Very dilute HNO
Fe, Zn, Sn NH,NO3 + metal nitrate

Pb, Cu, Ag, Hg NO + metal nitrate

Dilute HNO3 Fe, Zn NO+ metal nitrate
Sn NH,NOg + Sn(NO3)2
Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ag NO2 + metal nitrate
Conc. HNO3 Sn NO2 + H,SnO3
Metastannic acid

Brown ring test:

NO +3Fe* +4H* NO+3Fe" +2H,0; [Fe(H,O),* +NO [Fe(H,O),(NO)F" +H,O


+) Nitrous acid (HN0,) is unstable and exists in solution only.

6 Phosphorus-Allotropic Forms P

White phosphorus : It is a white translucent waxy solid, poisonous in nature, insoluble 60

in water, soluble in CS, and glows in dark (chemiluminescence). It consists of discrete
tetrahedral P molecule and is less stable and more reactive because of angular strain in
White phosphorus
P4 molecule.
It dissolves in boiling NaOH solution in an inert atmosphere giving PH.

P4+ 3NaOH+ 3H,O PH3 + 3NaH,PO

(sodium hypophosphite)
It readily catches fire in air to give dense white fumes of P4O10

P4 + 50 P,O10

Red phosphorus: It is obtained by heating white phosphorus

at 573 K in an inert atmosphere for several days.
When red phosphorus is heated under high pressure,a
series of phases of black phosphorus is formed.
Red phosphorus possesses iron grey lustre.

well as
It is odourless, non-poisonous, insoluble in water as
Red phosphorus
CS2, less reactive than white phosphorus and
chains of
glow in the dark. It is polymeric consisting of
P tetrahedra.

phosphorus: It has two forms :

phosphorus is formed when red phosphorus is heated in a sealed tube at 803 K. It has qn
oxidise in air.
monoclinic or rhombohedral crystals and can be sublimed in air. It does not

B-black phosphorus is prepared by heating white phosphorus at 473 K under high pressure. It does not h
in air upto 673 K. It has layered structure.

7.7 Phosphine
CaP2 +6H,0 3Ca(OH)2 +2PH; Ca,P2 +6HCl: 3CaCl, +2PH3
PHI+KOH KI + H,O +PH P4+ 3NaOH +3H,0 3NaH,PO2 + PH3
Properties: It is a colourless gas with rotten fish smell and is highly poisonous.

4PH3 P + 6H 3CuSO4 +2PH, Cu,P2 + 3HSO4;PH3 + HBr PH,Br
Red phosphorus Copper phosphide Phosphonium bromide

+ PH3 reacts with anhydrous HX (HCI, HBr and HI) not with aqueous HX because phosphonium
halide formed are decomposed by water to give back PH3.

8 Phosphorus Halides
Compound Preparation Properties Uses
PCls P4+10Cl, > 4PCls PCl+4H,0 (excess) >H,PO4 + Used as chlorinating
L a (white 5HCI and dehydrating
CIp orred) PCls +SO2SOClh + POCl agent.
CP4+ 10 SO,Clh-> 4PCls + 10SO 6PCls +P4010 10POCl,
PCls +ZnZnCl2 +PCl
PCl P4 +6Cl2 4PCl PCl + 3H0-> H,P0, + 3HCI Used as reagent

P4+8SOClh> 4PCly + 4S0, + 2S,Cl2 | 3CH,COOH+ PCl>3CH,COcl organic syn


and as a precursor
+ HPO, and
3CH,OH + PCly >3C,H,Cl + of PCl, POCl,
a PSCl3
of Phosphorus
79 Oxoacids
Name Formula Oxidation state Structure
of phosphorus

Hypophosphorous acid White Ptalkali

(Phosphinic acid) HPO2 +1
Orthophosphorous acid P203 + H,0
(Phosphonic acid) HPO3 +3

Pyrophosphorous PCl + H,PO

acid HPOs +3 HO O OH

Hypophosphoric acid Red P4+ alkali
HPO6 +4

Orthophosphoric acid HPO4 +5 P4O10+ H,O


Pyrophosphoric acid HP2O +5
HOOH oTOH acid + heat
Metaphosphoric acid (HPO3), +5 Phosphorus acid +Br2
oi o heat in a sealed tube
7.11 Dioxygen
In laboratory, dioxygen is prepared by heating oxo salts, such as chlorates, nitrates and permanganates

MnO, is added with in the ratio 1: 4. MnO2 reduces the melting point
KCIo, of KCI0, it
startsgiving oxygen at 523 K instead of 650 K i.e., increases the rate of reaction. But this Mn0,
must be free from carbon as KCIO3 and carbon mixture is explosive in nature.

By thermal decomposition of heavy metal oxides.

2HgO A 2Hgo
2Hg) +Oao:
Oz(g) 2Pb,0406PbO+ Ozg) 2PbO2(s) 2PbO+O
2AgO 4Ag)+O,t)
By decomposition of H,0, in presence of catalyst.

2H,02) 21H,O+ Oag)

On large scale O, is prepared by electrolysis of water : 211,0 -> 2H' + 20H

Atcathode:21' +2 e H ,(Byproduct); At anode: 20111,0,0,+2e

Physical properties
Dioxygen is a colourles, odourless and tasteless gas.
molecule is antibonding molecular orbital.
0, paramagnetic as it has 2 unpaired electrons in its
Chemical properties
non-metals and some nobie gases.
Dioxygen directly reacts with all metals (except noble metals lilke Au, Pt );
2Ca+O2- 2CaO (Basic oxide)
4Al+30 2A1,0 (Amphoteric oxide)
P+ 50 POo (Acidic oxide)
C+O2 CO, (Acidic oxide)
2ZnS+30; 2ZnO +2S02 (Roasting)
CH, +20, Co+ 2H,0 (Combustion)
2S0,+O2 2S0 (Catalytic oxidation)
4HCl+O Cucl 2Cl, +
2H,0 (Catalytic oxidation)

7.12 Simple Oxides

Classificationof oxides (Based on chemical behaviour):
Simple oxides MgO, Al,03
Mixed oxides Pb,O4, Fe4
Acidic oxides SO2, ClO7, CO2,N,Os
Basic oxides Na,O, CaO, BaO

Amphoteric oxides Al,O3

Neutral oxides CO, NO,N,O
Acidic oxides dissolve in water forming acids.
P,O10 + 6H,0 4H,PO NOs + H,O- 2HNO3
2NO, + H,O
> HNO2 + HNO3 P4O, + 6H20 4H,PO3

The acidic nature of dioxides and trioxides decreases

in the order : SO,> SeO2 > TeO, > Po0, and
+) SO, > SeO,> TeO,

Basic oxides dissolve in water forming bases.

2NaOH K0 + H,O- 2KOH CaO +
H,0 Ca(OH)2
NaO + H,0 well bases.
oxides react with acids as as
+6HCI 2AICl3 + 3H,O Al,O + 6NaOH +3H,0 2Na,[Al(OH),1
AlOg + 2NaOH 2NaAlO, + H,O
Sodium aluminate

7.13 Ozone
electric discharge 20,
Preparation: 30,
blue liquid and violet black solid.
Properties: It is a pale blue gas, dark
0, O, +0 Oxidising action

PbS+40, PbsO, +402]

21 H,0+0, 20H +1, +0,Reducing solution.)
sodium thiosulphate
(used for cstimation of O,
by titrating 1, with
NO+ O, NO, + 0
has sp-hybridisation. Ozone has angular shape.
Ozone is res

Structure: In ozone, central oxygen resonance

Therefore, oxygen oxygen bond lengths
in the ozone molecul
hybrid of the two resonating structures. are
cqual (128 pm).

the central 'O'atom.

Bond angle is 117° due to presence of lone pair of electrons on
1 4 Sulphur-Allotropic Forms
K, specific
Rhombic sulphur (a-sulphur) has S molecules, yellow in colour, melting point gravity )

Rhombic sulphur crystals are formed on evaporating the solution ofroll sulphur in CS

It is insoluble in water but dissolves to some extent in benzene, alcohol and ether.
It is readily soluble in CS.
Monoclinic sulphur (B-sulphur) has Sg molecules, colourless needle shaped crystals, melting point 393 K
specific gravity 1.98, soluble in CS,

S s ring (both in rhombic and monoclinic sulphur) is puckered and crown shaped.
I n cyclo Sg, the ring has chair form.

H,S is also called sulphurated hydrogen. H2S is poisonous and proves fatal in large amount. Antidote

+ for this is dilute chlorine which destroy the effect of HS by oxidising it to sulphur.

7.15 Sulphur Dioxide
so+2H H,O+ SO, (Lab preparation)
4FeS2 +110,-2Fe,O, + 8S0, (By productof roasting of sulphide ores)
Physical properties: Colourless gas with pungent smell, highly soluble in water, liquefies at room temperature
at 2 atm, boils at 263 K.
Chemical Properties:
sO +H,OeH,S0, 2NaOH +SO2 Na,SO, + H,O
Na,SO+ H,0 +SO 2NaHSO3 SO +Clh- SO,Cl22S0, +O -

SO +2H,0 H,SO, + 2[H] : Coloured matter + [H] Colourless matter
Reducing nature:
2Fe +SO, +2H,0 2Fe* +4H 5SO, +2MnO +2H,O. 5S0+4H' +2Mn
Structure: The molecule ofSO, is angular. It is a resonance hybrid of the two canonical forms

7.16 Oxoacids of Sulphur


HO o-oo
H,5O, H,SO H,S,O H,S,O,
Sulphurous acid Sulphuric asid Perovadisulobur (Olm
F17 Sulphuric Acid
It is also known as oil of vitriol and king of chemicals.
Preparation: It is manufactured by contact process which involves the following steps
S+O SOgi 250+O 2s0,
sO3+ HS04 H,S,0,; H,S,0, + H,02H,S04
Physical properties:
H,SO, is a colourless, dense, oily liquid with specific gravity of 1.8 at 298 K.
Dissolution of sulphuric acid in water is highly exothermic hence conc. acid must be added into water W

constant stirring.
Chemical properties:
HSO +H,0 H,O"
+HSO4 | Strong dibasic acid
+H,0>H,O' +SO Drong dibasic acid
NaOH+H,SO, NaHSO, +H,O (Acid sulphate)
2NaOH+H,SO, Na,sO, +2H,O (Normal sulphate)
2MX + H,SO 2HX
(More volatile acid)
+M,SO (X=F, CI, NO,)
(Less volatile acid) (M=Metal)

CH,O H504 12C+11H,O (Strong dehydrating agent)

Cu+2H,SOa(Conc) CuSO, +SO, +2H,0
3SO, +2H,0 C+2H,SO4(Conc.) CO +2SO, +2H,O
7.18 Group 17 Elements collectively
members of group 17. These
iodine, astatine and tennessine
Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, born i.e., salt producers). The halogens are

halo meanssalt and genes m e a n s

known as the halogens (Greek tennessine are radioactive
elements. Astatine and
highly reactive non-metallic
General electronicconfiguration:
At. No. Electronic configuration
Element Symbol
F 9 [He]25 2p3
Cl 17 [Ne]3s3p
Chlorine [Ar] 34 4s 4p
Br 35
53 [Kr] 4d 5s* 5p
Iodine (Xe] 4f4 sa0 6s 6p*
At 85
117 Rn] 5 6d0 7s 7p

smallest atoms in period.

Physical properties: down the group and halogens are a
radii : Increase
Atomic and ionic decreases down the group.
enthalpy is very
high and the group.
element and
electronegativity decreases down
Fluorine is the most of
Electronegativity :
from F to and then decreases to I. Smaller electron gain enthalpy
Electron gain enthalpy
increases l
interelectronic repulsions.
size and is
Fis due to small and then decreases in Br, and I. F-F bond
enthalpy increasesiromFhto Clh in Cl
ot the lone pairs of F, which are closer than
Bond dissociation
of the large repulsions
than Cl-CI because increase down the group.
and boiling points
Melting points
719 Chlorine
MnO, + 4HCI MnCl, + 2H,0 +Cl2
4NaCl+MnO2 + 4H,SO4- MnCl, + 4NaHSO + 2H,0 + Cl
2KMnO + 16HCI 2KCI
2MnClh + 8H,0 + 5Cl

4HCl+O, 2CI, +2H,O Deacon's process for manufacture of Cl,]

Electrolytic process: Chlorine is obtained by the electrolysis of brine (concentrated NaCl solution). Chlorine
is liberated at anode.
Physical properties: Greenish yellow gas with pungent and suffocating odour, about 2.5 times heavier than
air, liquefies easily into greenish yellow liquid which boils at 239 K, soluble in water.
Chemical properties
It reacts with metal and non-metals to form chlorides.
2Al+3C 2AICl P4+ 6Clh 4PCI
2Na +Clh 2NaC
Sg+ 4Cl 4S,Cl
2Fe +3Cl, 2FeCl
It reacts with compounds containing hydrogen to form HCl.
H,S+Cl 2HCI+S C1016 8Cl 16HCI+ 10C
Reaction with ammonia:
8NH+3Cl2 6NH,CI +N2 NH+3Cl NCl NCl, +3HCI
Reaction with alkalies
2NaOH + Cl2 3Cl, - 5NaCl+ NaCIO,t 3H,0
(Cold and dilute)
NaCl+ NaOCl H,0; + 6NaOH+
(hot and conc.)
Reaction with slaked lime:

2Ca(OH) + 2Ch Ca(OCl,) + CaCl, + 2H,0

As an oxidising agent :
2FeSO + HSO4 + Clh -

Fe,(SO^), + 2HCI ; SO, + 2H,0 + Cl, H,SO4 +

+6H0 + 5Clh 2H103 + 10HCI

As a bleaching agent :
Clh+H,O 2HCl+ [o]; Colouredsubstance + [O] Colourless substance

720 Hydrogen Chloride

NaCl+H,SO, 420 KNaHSO, +HCI
NaHSO +NaCl 823KNa,sO, +HCI
HCl gas can be dried by passing through conc. H,SO4
soluble in water.
Physical properties: Colourless pungent smelling gas, easily liquefied, extremely
Chemical properties: It decomposes salts ofweaker acids
H,0 + CO Na,SO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl+H,0 + SO2
Na,CO + 2HCI 2NaCl +
is used for dissolving noble metals, e.g.» gold,
Aqua regia (3 parts of conc. HCI and 1 part of conc. HNO,)
Au+ 4H+NO; +4CI > AuCl; + NO-+2H,O

3Pt+16H+4NO; +18CI 3PtCI+4NO+8H,O0

21 Oxoacids of Halogens
Variation of the general properties of oxoacids of halogens

Hypohalous acids Halous acids Halic acids Perhalic acid

Halogen (O.S. of halogen (O.S. of halogen (O.S. of halogen
(O.S. of halogen
= +1) = +3) +5) +7)


Oxidation number ofthe central atom increases (+1, +3, +5, +7)
Thermal stability increases-

Covalent character of X-O bond increases

Oxidising power decreases-

Acidity increases
central atoms remains the
Electronegativity of the
same -

22 Interhalogen Compounds
Halogens combine amongst themselves to
torm interhalogens of the type XX', XX', XX'; and XX'7,
a number of
where X is a larger size halogen (more electropositive) and X is smaller size halogen.
3Cl 21Cl, ; Cl + 3, 2CIF,
Cl,+F 7 2ClF 1 t
(cqual volume)

BrF+ F, S Br IF, + F, 38, IF,

Shape Structure
Type Hybridisation

sp Linear

XX'3 sp'd T-shaped -X


XX'5 Pyramidal

XX7 sp'ds

lons which consist of two or more electronegative atoms of which atleast one is nitrogen and have
properties similar to those of halide ions are called pseudohalide ions and the corresponding dimeric
molecules are called pseudohalogens.
-Pseudohalides: CN, SCN", OCN, etc.
Pseudohalogens: (CN)2» (SCN)2, (OCN)2, etc.

7.23 Group 18 Elements

Group 18 consists of elements: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon and oganesson. All these are gases alnu
chemically unreactive. They form very few compounds, because of this they are termed as noble gases.
General electronicconfiguration:ns*nP
Element Symbol At. No. Electronic configuration
Helium He 2 1s
Neon Ne 10 Hel 2 2p
Argon Ar 18 Nel 3s 3p
Kr 36
IArl 3d 4s4p
Xe 54 Krl 44 5s 5p*
Radon Rn 86 Xe] 4 sdl06s 6p
Oganesson Og 118 [Rnl 5/ 6d0 7 7p°
Physical state: All are monoatomic gases.
Physical properties:
lonization enthalpy is
very high and decreases down the group with increase in
Atomic radii increase down the Sc
Electron gain enthalpy is positive as noble gases have no tendency to accept e ca ron.

Melting points and boiling points are very low due to weak interatomic dispersion iorces.
Chemical properties: Noble gases are least reactive due to high ionisation enthalpy and more positive eiectro
gain enthalpy.
573 K, 60-70 barXeF
Xe+F- 673 K.1 bar Xefzi
XeF,; Xe+2FE 873 K. 7 bar XeF,: , X e +3PE-
(excess) (1:5ratio)) (1:20ratio)
XeFg can also be prepared by the interaction of XeFj and O,F2 at 143 K.
XeF4 + O,F2 XeF, + O2
Aef2 AeF and XeF, are colourless crystalline solids and sublime readily at 298 K. They are powerful
fluorinating agents. They are readily hydrolysed even by traces of water. For example, XeF, is hydrolysea
to give Xe, HF and 0,.
2XeF + 2H,0 2Xe + 4HF + O2
Xenon fluorides react with fluoride ion acceptors to form cationic species and fluoride ion donors to form
XeF2 +PFs XeF]" [PF%l; XeF4 +SbFs- [XeF3]* [SbE%]
XeF + ME M XeF7] (M = Na, K, Rb or Cs)

Xenon-oxygen compounds:
6XeF +12H,O > 4Xe+2XeO, +24HF+30, XeF, +3H,0 Xe0, +6HF;
XeF, +H,O XeOF, +2HF Partial hydrolysis of XeF,
XeF, +2H,0 XeO, +4HF

Structures of compounds of xenon:


Xe Xe

XeF2 Square planar F XeO3
Linear Pyramidal
spd2 XeF6
Distorted octahedral sp3

Melting point, boiling point ease of liquefaction, solubility, adsorption and polarizability increases
as He < Ne < Ar < Kr < Xe.

Thermal conductivity decreases as He > Ne> Ar> Kr> Xe

In gas phase, XeF, has distorted octahedral structure. In solid state,
XeF, contains tetrameric and
hexameric units in which square pyramidal XeFs units are linked by bent F pyramidal bridges.

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