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ISSN 0016-7029, Geochemistry International, 2009, Vol. 47, No. 11, pp. 1107–1124. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009.

Original Russian Text © A.V. Travin, D.S. Yudin, A.G. Vladimirov, S.V. Khromykh, N.I. Volkova, A.S. Mekhonoshin, T.B. Kolotilina, 2009, published in Geokhimiya, 2009, No. 11,
pp. 1181–1199.

Thermochronology of the Chernorud Granulite Zone,

Ol’khon Region, Western Baikal Area
A. V. Travina, D. S. Yudina, A. G. Vladimirova, S. V. Khromykha, N. I. Volkovaa,
A. S. Mekhonoshinb, and T. B. Kolotilinab
aInstitute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
pr. Akademika Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia;
b Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences,
ul. Favorskogo 1a, Irkutsk, 664033 Russia, P/B 4019;
Received March 12, 2008

Abstract—Structural–petrologic and isotopic–geochronologic data on magmatic, metamorphic, and metaso-

matic rocks from the Chernorud zone were used to reproduce the multistage history of their exhumation to
upper crustal levels. The process is subdivided into four discrete stages, which corresponded to metamorphism
to the granulite facies (500–490 Ma), metamorphism to the amphibolite facies (470–460 Ma), metamorphism
to at least the epidote-amphibolite facies (440–430 Ma), and postmetamorphic events (410–400 Ma). The ear-
liest two stages likely corresponded to the tectonic stacking of the backarc basin in response to the collision of
the Siberian continent with the Eravninskaya island arc or the Barguzin microcontinent, a process that ended
with the extensive generation of synmetamorphic granites. During the third and fourth stages, the granulites of
the Chernorud nappe were successively exposed during intense tectonic motions along large deformation zones
(Primorskii fault, collision lineament, and Orso Complex).
The comparison of the histories of active thermal events for Early Caledonian folded structures in the Central
Asian Foldbelt indicates that active thermal events of equal duration are reconstructed for the following five
widely spiced accretion–collision structures: the Chernorud granulite zone in the Ol’khon territory, the Slyudy-
anka crystalline complex in the southwestern Baikal area, the western Sangilen territory in southeastern Tuva,
Derbinskii terrane in the Eastern Sayan, and the Bayankhongor ophiolite zone in central Mongolia. The dates
obtained by various isotopic techniques are generally consistent with the four discrete stages identified in the
Chernorud nappe, whereas the dates corresponding to the island-arc evolutionary stage were obtained only for
the western Sangilen and Bayankhongor ophiolite zone.
DOI: 10.1134/S0016702909110068

INTRODUCTION morphic grade of the rocks, and the character of mag-

matism [8]. The region consists of three major structural
The region of Ol’khon Island is a fragment of an zones: Chernorud, Anga-Satyurty, and Anga (Fig. 2), with
accretion–collision belt in the western Baikal area, the metamorphic grade decreasing from northwest to
which was formed during Caledonian events related to southeast from the granulite to epidote-amphibolite facies.
the closure of the Paleoasian Ocean at the southern Each of the zones consists of a different ensemble of meta-
margin (in modern coordinates) of the Siberian craton morphic and magmatic complexes, but each of the zones
[1–3] (Fig. 1). Because of the high metamorphic grade contains synmetamorphic granites–leucogranites, which
and degree of compositional and textural transforma- “seal” individual nappes with different metamorphic
tions, the metasedimentary, metavolcanic, and intrusive grades [1–3, 8].
rocks have long been ascribed to the earliest Precam-
brian [4, 5]. The very first U/Pb isotopic dates for the Recently obtained isotopic dates indicate that mag-
metamorphic and magmatic rocks from the Ol’khon matic processes in the Ol’khon region occurred within
region [6, 7] indicated that the tectono–stratigraphic two age spans: (1) 500–490 Ma, when synmetamorphic
complexes of the area belong to the early Caledonides, hypersthene plagiogranites and nepheline syenitoids were
but their tectonic interpretation remained, thereby, formed in the Chernorud zone and gabbroids of elevated
uncertain. The structures of the Ol’khon area are now alkalinity of the Birkha (Ozernyi) Complex were emplaced
considered to be a stack of tectonic nappes that are sep- in the Anga–Sayurty zone, and (2) 470–460 Ma, when
arated from the Proterozoic rocks of the Siberian craton synmetamorphic granites were generated throughout the
by the blastomylonites of the Primorskii fault. These whole region and alkaline rocks of the Tazheran Massif
nappes principally differ in rock ensembles, the meta- were formed. The identified age spans are well correlated

1108 TRAVIN et al.

108° 114°
1 2


96° 102°

D Baikal L.




200 km

96° 102° 106°

Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of the Ol’khon territory in the Early Caledonian accretion–collision structures of Central Asia. A is Ol’khon
territory. For comparison, the figure shows recently obtained data on (B) the Slyudyanka Complex in the southwestern Baikal area,
(C) Sangilen in southeastern Tuva, (D) Derbinskii terrane in the Eastern Sayan, and (E) Bayankhongor zone in central Mongolia.
(1) Siberian Platform with an Archean–Early Proterozoic basement, (2) terranes and microcontinents with Precambrian basements
(undifferentiated), and (3) marginal sea–island arc tectono-stratigraphic complexes of Phanerozoic age and products of their mobi-

5 km

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Baikal L.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 2. Major tectonic zones in the Ol’khon territory (after [3]).

(1) Siberian craton; (2) collision lineament separating the Siberian craton from the Ol’khon terrane; (3–6) Ol’khon terrane (Early
Paleozoic accretion–collision system): (3) Chernorud granulite zone, (4) Anga-Satyurty amphibolite zone, (5) Orso Complex (tec-
tonically uncertain unit separating rocks of the tholeiite and shoshonite series), and (6) Anga zone. Rectangular contours show the
reference areas whose schematic geological maps are shown in Figs. 3, 4.



with metamorphic episodes of the granulite and phism: 505 ± 10 Ma for rocks from Khadarta Peninsula
amphibolite facies, respectively, that were constrained in the northeastern part of the Chernorud zone and
by numerous U/Pb isotopic dates [6–11]. However, the 494 ± 16 Ma for its continuation at Cape Khoboi in
direct 40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating of amphiboles and Ol’khon Island [20, 22, 23].
micas from the metamorphic rocks has revealed a dis-
cordance of the age values with the U/Pb dates [11–16], These metamorphic age values are consistent with
with at least additional age spans identified at 440–430 dates for synmetamorphic granites that occur within the
and 410–400 Ma; the geodynamic nature of these epi- Chernorud zone as small tabular bodies and relatively
sodes remains obscure so far. thin (0.3–0.5 m) veins. The absence of any traces of
hornfelses in the host two-pyroxene crystalline schists
This paper presents our attempt to solve this prob- and chill facies in the hypersthene plagiogranites testify
lem based on reproducing the thermal history of the that the latter crystallized under granulite-facies condi-
metamorphic and magmatic rocks, with the use of tions. The largest body of the hypersthene-bearing
structural–petrologic and isotopic–geochronologic granites is the Sapshilanskii Massif 2 km southwest of
techniques available to us, for the Chernorud zone, the village of Ulan-Khargan (Fig. 3). The U/Pb zircon
which corresponds to the deepest part of the folded edi- SHRIMP II age of the plagiogranites is 496 ± 3 Ma [9,
fice and can, thus, be regarded as a key structure of the 20].
Early Caledonian accretion–collision system in the
western Baikal area. This approach, which was first The Chernorud zone abounds in bodies of basite–
applied in [17, 18], is based on interpreting isotopic ultrabasite composition, whose tectonic setting, com-
data in terms of the thermal history of rocks with the position, and age are disputable as of yet [23–25]. The
use of kinetic parameters controlling the behavior of fact that veins of the synmetamorphic hypersthene pla-
isotopic systems in the mineral assemblages. This giogranites cut across gabbroid and pyroxenite bodies
approach makes it possible not only to date the meta- and all of them were then deformed during the ductile
morphic and magmatic rocks but also to obtain strike-slip faulting of the rocks can be interpreted as
dynamic characteristics of tectono-thermal processes testifying to a synmetamorphic nature of the basite–
needed to develop accurate enough models for the ver- ultrabasite bodies [10–12]. The gabbroids and pyroxen-
tical motions of the slabs and nappes, including the ites occur as lenses ranging from a few to a few hundred
application (in the future) of 3D numerical simulations. meters and as tectonic nappes up to 1 km throughout
the whole Chernorud zone. The largest basite–ultraba-
site massifs are the Ulan-Khargana body in the central
GEOLOGY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY part of the zone and the Chernorud body in its south-
The Chernorud zone consists of pyroxene and two- The Ulan-Khargana Massif is made up of three oval
pyroxene gneisses, garnet–biotite (± sillimanite) bodies approximately 200 × 800 m (Fig. 3). The two
gneisses, marbles, and graphite quartzites. Its rocks southern bodies consist of medium-grained gabbroids
contain widespread hypersthene-bearing assemblages, and pyroxenites, and the northwestern body is com-
including those characteristic of the granulite facies: posed of metasomatically altered gabbroids. It should
two pyroxene–feldspar and hypersthene–garnet–ortho- be noticed that metasomatic (perhaps, autometaso-
clase [9, 10, 19, 20]. Sillimanite–garnet–cordierite– matic) processes extensively affected the bodies, up to
biotite kinzigites were found and escribed in the central the complete transformations of the rocks in the cores
part of the zone [19]. The metamorphic parameters of of the bodies and the development of coarse- and giant-
two-pyroxene gneisses from the Chernorud zone were grained scapolite–amphibole rocks. The major- and trace-
evaluated by the garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer element composition of all of the three bodies correlates to
and garnet–orthopyroxene geobarometer at 770–820°ë, island-arc tholeiitic basalts. The core of the northwestern
7.7–8.6 kbar [8]. The crystallization temperature of the body hosts a syenite dike (50 × 100 m). The U/Pb
garnet–biotite gneisses, whose protoliths were pelites SHRIMP II zircon age of the syenites is 484.9 ± 1.5 Ma
and/or graywackes, were somewhat lower: 710–780°ë [10]. With regard to the fact that the syenites cut across the
(garnet–biotite thermometer) [8]. The U/Pb zircon age gabbroids, the age of the latter is assumed to be no
of the granulite metamorphism, which was determined younger than the aforementioned value, and this confirms
by E.V. Bibikova for a sample of two-pyroxene granu- their synmetamorphic nature.
lite from the central part of the Chernorud zone (con-
cordant zircon fraction <0.65 μm), is 485 ± 5 Ma; the The Chernorud gabbro–pyroxenite massif is a lens-
age of other fractions is discordant and equal to 490 ± shaped body with a pinch in its central part; it consists
10 Ma [6]. A stage at 499 ± 18 Ma was identified by of a differentiated series from gabbro to pyroxenite
F.A. Letnikov et al. [21] as corresponding to the lower (Fig. 4). The core of the massif contains garnet pyrox-
intercept of a discordia based on the regression of the enite with an assemblage of fassaite, anorthite, and gar-
then-available U–Pb isotopic data. The further U–Pb net (40% of the pyrope and 20% of the almandine end
isotopic studying rocks from the Chernorud zone con- members). The major- and trace-element composition
firmed by the evaluated age of the granulite metamor- of gabbroids and pyroxenites from the Chernorud Mas-


1110 TRAVIN et al.

U-Pb - I


U-Pb - III
U-Pb - IV
X-404 N
U-Pb - II 1

1 ÍÏ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

X-404 8 U-Pb - I 9

Fig. 3. Schematic tectonic map of the Ulan-Khargana area in the Chernorud zone (after [5]).
(1) Two-pyroxene gneisses; (2) quartzites; (3) marbles; (4) basite massifs; (5) granite veins and bodies; (6) fragments of metamor-
phic zones of the amphibolite facies; (7) Quaternary deposits; (8) sampling sites for 40Ar/39Ar dating; (9) sampling sites for U/Pb
dating: (I) two-pyroxene schists [6, 21], hypersthene-bearing granites of the Sapshilanskii Massif [9], granite vein conserved in the
Ulan-Khargana Massif [11–13], and a syenite body cutting across gabbro-pyroxenite of the Ulan-Khargana Massif [10]. Numerals:
(1) Ulan-Khargana gabbroid massif and (2) Sapshilanskii massif of hypersthene-bearing granites.


356 a


0 50 m

1 2 3 4 5

‡ b
6 7 8 02-99 9 U-Pb 10

Fig. 4. Schematic map of the Chernorud area in the Chernorud zone.

(1) Pyroxenite; (2) gabbro; (3) garnet pyroxenite; (4) two-pyroxene crystalline schists; (5) marble; (6) blastomylonite; (7) granite
veins; (8) geological boundaries: (a) observed and (b) inferred; (9) sampling sites for 40Ar/39Ar dating; (10) the site where a sample
was taken for the U/Pb dating of the leucogranite vein conserved in the Chernorud Massif [11–13].



sif is close to that of the Ulan-Khargana Massif, and suggest elevated pressures under which this rock was
this suggests that the massifs can be coeval [25]. formed. The plagioclase is andesine. The biotite con-
The Chernorud zone abounds in relatively thin tains much Ti (4.9–5.4 wt % TiO2), as is typical of this
(from 0.5 to a few dozen meters) veins of biotite and mineral in the granulite facies.
garnet–biotite leucogranites. Sine these veins intersect Metasomatite and gabbroids. The central part of the
all of the aforementioned rocks, the leucogranites are
northwestern body of the Ulan-Khargana Massif con-
the youngest magmatic rocks in the area and are
thought to have been formed in relation to strike-slip tains coarse-grained scapolite–hornblende rocks
faulting under amphibolite-facies conditions late in the (exposed over an area of 100 × 300 m), which were
evolutionary course of the accretion–collision Early likely produced by overprinted autometasomatism.
Caledonian system in the western Baikal area [10–12]. Relict pyroxene granites in these rocks are salite–aug-
The U/Pb zircon SHRIMP II age of granite dikes “con- ite, and the plagioclase is andesine, which testifies that
served” in the Ulan-basite–ultrabasite and Chernorud the gabbroids underwent extensive fluid recycling. The
constrains their age to 470–465 Ma [11–13], which is mineral assemblage of the rocks (green hornblende,
consistent with the amphibolite-facies metamorphic scapolite, and hercynite) indicates that the metamor-
age of synmetamorphic granites in the Anga-Satyurty phic grade of gabbroids in the Ulan-Khargana Massif
zone [11–13, 20–23]. was no higher than the amphibolite facies [12]. Horn-
blende for our 40Ar/39Ar dating was extracted from
giant-grained scapolite–amphibole metasomatites from
STUDY AREAS the core of the Ulan-Khargana Massif (Fig. 3, sample
Our studies were carried out at two widely spaced Kh-404, coordinates: 52°54'42.9''N, 106°33'43.7''E).
areas: Ulan-Khargana and Chernorud (Figs. 2–4), The Chernorud area is located in the southeastern
which made it possible for us to reproduce the thermal part of the Chernorud zone (Figs. 2, 4). In this part of
history of the Early Caledonian metamorphic and mag- the area, the Chernorud pyroxenite–gabbro massif is
matic events, including the exposure of the Chernorud
hosted by metamorphic rocks of the granulite facies. In
zone (nappe) during the postcollision stage.
fact, the massif is an exposed part of a magmatic cham-
In the Ulan-Khargana area in the central part of the ber, which was formed in the upper mantle [25]. The
Chernorud zone (Figs. 2–3), we examined, in detail, the massif is dominated by medium-grained gabbro and
Sapshilanskii hypersthene granite massif and the Ulan- pyroxenites (Fig. 4). The primary mineral assemblage
Khargana gabbroid massif. The host rocks are exten- of the gabbro consists of labradorite and clinopyroxene
sively tectonized granulite-facies rocks. (salite–augite, f = 18–20%), and that of the pyroxenites
The granulite-facies metamorphic rocks of the is composed of clinopyroxene (salite–augite, f = 20–
Ulan-Khargana area are characterized by broadly vary- 22%). The central part of the Chernorud Massif con-
ing mineral assemblages of the rocks: two-pyroxene tains garnet pyroxenites. These rocks bear large (up to
gneisses (Opx + Cpx + Pl, Opx + Cpx + Pl + Bt + Pl + 4 cm) poikilitic garnet crystals. The clinopyroxene is
Qtz + Zrn), amphibole–two pyroxene gneisses (sample fassaite, the plagioclase is anorthite, and the garnet con-
T-50a-06: Kfs + Opx (relict) + Cpx + Hbl43 + Pl40), gar- tains up to 40% pyrope and up to 20% grossular, which
net–orthopyroxene gneisses (sample T-52-06: Opx42–46 + suggests high P–T crystallization conditions of the
Kfs + Grt70 + Bt39–43 + Pl24–26 + Qtz + Zrn), garnet–biotite rocks. The folded host rocks are analogous to those in
gneisses (sample T-52v-06: Grt55–57 + Bt18–20 + Pl14 + the aforementioned Ulan-Khargana area. The whole
Kfs + Qtz + Zrn and sample T-56-06: Grt80 + Bt55–58 + rock ensemble is penetrated by numerous granite–
Pl37–38 + Kfs + Qtz + Ap), graphite-bearing quartzites, leucogranite veins of graphic texture. Judging by their
and blastomylonites developing after granites (Qtz + Pl + chemical and mineralogical (Bi ± Mu ± Gr) composi-
Kfs + Bt + Zrn + Ap). Here and below mineral symbols
tion, these granite veins were emplaced during the ret-
are according to [26]. Samples T-53-06 and T-56-06
(taken at 52°54'35.7''N, 106°32'15.0''E and 52°54'31.8''N, rograde metamorphic stage corresponding to the
106°32'21.1''E, respectively) were selected for amphibolite facies [10–12]. The hornblende selected
40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating. Sample T-53-06 is two- for our 40Ar/39Ar study was produced by metamorphic
pyroxene gneiss with garnet and amphibole: Opx and/or metasomatic processes overprinted onto rocks
(relict) + Kfs + Cpx + Grt57–59 + Pl59–60 + Hbl18–19; the of the Chernorud Massif (Fig. 4, sample 02-99, coordi-
garnet contains 51% almandine, 36–37% pyrope, 10– nates: 53°00'42.26''N, 106°42'25.14''E). We also exam-
11% grossular, and 2% spessartine; the plagioclase is ined the 40Ar/39Ar system of a leucogranite vein “con-
labradorite; and the amphibole is magnesiohastingsite– served” in the Chernorud Massif (sample 20-TR, coor-
tschermakite. Sample T-56-06 is garnet–biotite gneiss dinates: 53°00'54.4'', 106°42'34.8''E), whose SHRIMP II
containing the mineral assemblage Grt80 + Bt55–58 + zircon crystallization age was evaluated at 459.6 ±
Pl37–38 + Kfs + Qtz + Ap; the garnet contains 63% alman- 1.4 Ma [11–13]. The same sample was used to obtain
dine, 16% pyrope, 18% grossular, and 3% spessartine. monomineralic fractions of biotite (sample 356a) and
The high concentrations of the grossular end member potassic feldspar (sample 20-TR).


1112 TRAVIN et al.

METHODS the minimum Ca/K ratio. The middle part of the age
spectrum includes an intermediate plateau of two steps,
Minerals (micas, amphiboles, and feldspar) for our which is characterized by 53.5% 39Ar release, an age of
40Ar/39Ar isotopic–geochronologic studies were sepa-
rated from rocks using conventional techniques of mag- 395.7 ± 3.8 Ma, and the lowest Ca/K ratio of 0.5–0.7.
netic and density separation. Samples of monominer- The biotite separated from garnet–biotite gneiss T-56
alic fractions and biotite MCA-11 (OSO no. 129-88, (Fig. 5, table) yielded a spectrum with a clearly pro-
which was used as the mineral monitor) were wrapped nounced plateau with 99% release of 39Ar and an age of
in Al foil, placed into a quartz ampoule, which was then 405.9 ± 3.4 Ma.
pumped out and welded. Biotite MCA-11 (prepared at The 40Ar/39Ar age of amphibole from the two-pyrox-
the Fedorovskii All-Russia Institute of Mineral
ene gneiss is much younger than the U/Pb isotopic zir-
Resources in 1988 as a K/Ar standard for K/Ar dating)
was certified as an 40Ar/39Ar monitor with the use of the con age of the granulite mineral assemblage from the
muscovite Bern 4m and biotite LP-6 internationally host folded structures. Dates for two biotite separates
certified standards [27]. The integral age of biotite from two various samples coincide but are, in turn,
MCA-11 was assumed to correspond to the calibration much younger than the amphibole age, which is in
results: 311.0 ± 1.5 Ma. The quartz ampoules with sam- agreement with the sequence of the relative stability of
ples were irradiated in the Cd-coated channel of a reac- the radiogenic systems of these minerals [30]. These
tor (BBP-K type) at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. age values likely correspond to the closure age of the
The gradient of the neutron flux did not exceed 0.5% of K/Ar radiogenic systems of the amphibole and biotite.
the sample size. The experiments on the stepwise heat-
ing were carried out in a quartz reactor with an external The spectrum of amphibole from scapolite–horn-
heater. The blank for 40Ar (10 min at 1200°ë) was no blende metasomatite Kh-404 from the Ulan-Khargana
higher than 5 × 10–10 ncm3. Ar was purified using Ti and Massif (Fig. 5, table) shows a clearly pronounced pla-
ZrAl SAES getters. The isotopic composition of Ar was teau corresponding to an age of 439.5 ± 6.8 Ma and to
measured on a Noble Gas 5400 (Micromass, United 87% of released 39Ar. The Ca/K spectrum exhibits an
Kingdom) mass spectrometer. The errors quoted below increase in the Ca/K ratio from 6–20 to 90 and more,
in the text, table, and figures correspond to ±1σ. which testifies that the composition of the amphibole is
notably heterogeneous.
In order to reproduce the thermal history, we con-
ducted the numerical simulation of the 40Ar/39Ar step- The spectrum of secondary hornblende from gabbro
wise-heating data by solving the inverse problem based 02-99 from the Chernorud Massif (Fig. 5, table) also
on the theory of multiple diffusion domains [28, 29]. displays a pronounced plateau characterized by an age
The Ar behavior in feldspars was described by a set of of 445.3 ± 1.9 Ma, 96% of released 39Ar, and a homoge-
discrete diffusion domains of different size that do not neous Ca/K ratio of 40–56.
interact with one another. The diffusion coefficients
were calculated under the assumption of a tabular The dates for secondary amphiboles from the Ulan-
geometry. The parameters characterizing individual Khargana and Chernorud massifs are mutually consis-
diffusion domains (activation energy, frequency factor, tent. The temperatures of the overprinted alterations
and volumetric fraction) were selected based on the could have been much higher than the closure tempera-
kinetics of neutron-induced 39Ar in vacuum. Then vari- tures of the K/Ar radiogenic system of the hornblendes,
ous variants of the thermal history were chosen using and, hence, the dates most probably correspond to the
the least-squares procedure, by fitting the model age lowest age limit for the metamorphic and/or metaso-
spectra for those obtained experimentally. matic transformations.
Biotite (Fig. 5, table) from leucogranite dike 356a
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS “conserved” in the Chernorud Massif yielded a discor-
Amphibole separated from two-pyroxene gneiss dant spectrum, whose middle part has an intermediate
T-53 yielded a spectrum in which a low-temperature plateau corresponding to an age of 390.6 ± 3.2 Ma. This
“staircase” is followed by a clearly pronounced plateau value is consistent with the dates for biotite from meta-
(table, Fig. 5), which is characterized by an age of 435.1 ± morphic rocks from the Chernorud zone (samples T-53
3.9 Ma and a Ca/K ratio of 14–18. The low-temperature and T-56).
portion shows a decrease in the Ca/K ratio (from 4 to 6),
which most likely suggests younger overprints of alter- The spectrum of the potassic feldspar (Fig. 6a, table)
ations in the outermost portions of the mineral grains. includes an upward “staircase” corresponding to 40%
Biotite from the same sample (Fig. 5, table) yielded a of released 39Ar that is followed by a clear-cut plateau
discordant age spectrum, at the Ca/K ratio broadly corresponding to an age of 402.9 ± 3.8 Ma. Inasmuch as
varying from 0.5 to 17. This mineral fraction likely this vein was emplaced much earlier, the 40Ar/39Ar
contains a certain amount of aggregates with amphib- biotite and feldspar age values likely correspond to the
ole. Thus, the biotite should correspond to steps with closure ages of the K/Ar radiogenic systems.


The results of 40Ar/39Ar of mineral dating for the Chernorud zone
T°C t (min) 40Ar(STP) 40Ar/39Ar ±1σ 38Ar/39Ar ±1σ 37Ar/39Ar ±1σ 36Ar/39Ar ±1σ Ca/K Σ39Ar (%) Age, Ma±1σ ±1σ
Amphibole T-53, charge 44.9 mg, J = 0.003592 ± 0.000034*
700 10 3.76xe–9 102.94 2.45 0.0629 0.0427 1.6575 0.1260 0.0824 0.0239 5.967 0.9 448.6 37.0
900 10 15.37xe–9 81.50 0.37 0.0285 0.0085 1.1258 0.0346 0.0393 0.0046 4.053 5.6 404.0 8.0
975 10 13.71xe–9 73.63 0.40 0.0286 0.0120 1.4978 0.0344 0.0016 0.0054 5.392 10.3 420.9 9.2
1050 10 76.37xe–9 77.78 0.14 0.0240 0.0013 4.8286 0.0129 0.0083 0.0018 17.383 34.8 431.9 4.6
1075 10 159.8xe–9 77.46 0.08 0.0186 0.0009 5.1415 0.0063 0.0044 0.0010 18.510 86.4 436.2 4.0
1100 10 20.98xe–9 91.64 0.93 0.0277 0.0078 4.1260 0.0622 0.0451 0.0101 14.854 92.1 447.1 16.1
1150 10 27.82xe–9 88.32 0.53 0.0259 0.0070 4.5654 0.0341 0.0396 0.0060 16.435 100.0 438.5 10.0
Biotite T-53, charge 6.8 mg, J = 0.003585 ± 0.000034*

500 10 1.00xe–9 138.55 45.61 0.2942 0.3102 4.7928 1.9878 0.4468 0.3416 17.254 0.5 41.6 576.0
700 10 5.54xe–9 69.56 1.33 0.0720 0.0176 0.4299 0.1113 0.0482 0.0183 1.547 5.6 326.3 29.9
850 10 39.09xe–9 73.82 0.26 0.0199 0.0012 0.1444 0.0091 0.0189 0.0009 0.520 39.9 394.8 3.9

Vol. 47
1000 10 22.62xe–9 75.78 0.41 0.0261 0.0060 0.1970 0.0342 0.0236 0.0027 0.709 59.2 397.7 5.7
1225 10 46.36xe–9 73.45 0.28 0.0168 0.0014 0.5419 0.0121 0.0016 0.0013 1.951 100.0 419.3 4.3
Biotite T-56, charge 26.9 mg, J = 0.003574 ± 0.000033*

No. 11
500 10 5.94xe–9 59.83 1.29 0.0672 0.0112 0.2529 0.2114 0.1389 0.0193 0.911 0.2 117.2 34.2
600 10 27.07xe–9 77.12 0.49 0.0266 0.0041 0.0917 0.0549 0.0637 0.0048 0.330 0.9 341.5 8.3
700 10 220.85xe–9 72.32 0.07 0.0191 0.0006 0.0236 0.0059 0.0085 0.0003 0.085 7.2 401.9 3.4

750 10 202.86xe–9 71.84 0.11 0.0182 0.0010 0.0244 0.0101 0.0017 0.0003 0.088 13.0 409.7 3.5
800 10 204.29xe–9 71.65 0.13 0.0177 0.0007 0.0368 0.0064 0.0032 0.0006 0.133 18.8 406.4 3.6
850 10 100.96xe–9 71.86 0.12 0.0223 0.0009 0.0588 0.0106 0.0055 0.0006 0.212 21.7 404.0 3.5
900 10 90.57xe–9 71.69 0.09 0.0206 0.0009 0.0817 0.0151 0.0061 0.0009 0.294 24.2 402.2 3.6
950 10 83.97xe–9 72.30 0.16 0.0167 0.0011 0.0422 0.0143 0.0080 0.0011 0.152 26.6 402.6 3.8
1000 10 81.73xe–9 72.32 0.12 0.0191 0.0011 0.0440 0.0136 0.0073 0.0008 0.158 28.9 403.7 3.6
1050 10 65.28xe–9 73.61 0.16 0.0164 0.0020 0.0188 0.0188 0.0050 0.0020 0.068 30.8 413.8 4.6
1100 10 128.46xe–9 71.86 0.07 0.0168 0.0007 0.0209 0.0127 0.0023 0.0011 0.075 34.4 408.9 3.8
1150 10 548.97xe–9 72.08 0.03 0.0173 0.0002 0.0166 0.0014 0.0024 0.0000 0.060 50.0 409.9 3.4
1150 10 1761.0xe–9 72.08 0.03 0.0184 0.0002 0.0314 0.0027 0.0056 0.0002 0.113 100.0 405.1 3.4

Amphibole KH-404, charge 179.3 mg, J = 0.006041 ± 0.000095*

500 10 206.48xe–9 1236.4 47.30 0.9646 0.0395 0.3084 0.2197 3.9298 0.1551 1.110 6.7 675.7 88.1
600 10 47.90xe–9 899.47 28.00 0.9241 0.0459 2.9780 0.4396 2.7740 0.0916 10.721 8.8 709.4 71.7
700 10 25.30xe–9 2189.1 300.22 2.0450 0.3120 5.878 2.2252 7.1414 0.9889 21.162 9.3 702.5 309.9
800 10 25.01xe–9 3223.4 586.11 2.4775 0.4770 4.368 3.8901 10.1616 1.8566 15.725 9.6 1528.1 313.7
900 10 33.07xe–9 3626.5 880.26 2.6429 0.6416 5.910 3.2374 11.1309 2.7127 21.277 10.0 2004.7 391.0
Table. (Contd.)

T°C t (min) 40Ar(STP) 40Ar/39Ar ±1σ 38Ar/39Ar ±1σ 37Ar/39Ar ±1σ 36Ar/39Ar ±1σ Ca/K Σ39Ar (%) Age, Ma ±1σ ±1σ
1000 10 17.65xe–9 51.13 0.19 0.0849 0.0051 1.837 0.0648 0.0219 0.0036 6.614 23.8 430.8 11.1
1100 10 80.50xe–9 47.54 0.06 0.1285 0.0008 3.578 0.0105 0.0052 0.0011 12.881 91.6 442.5 6.8
1150 10 7.90xe–9 56.79 0.57 0.1518 0.0114 24.333 0.2841 0.0362 0.0101 87.598 97.2 443.1 26.4
1200 10 5.78xe–9 82.59 1.27 0.2213 0.0108 540.677 8.2895 0.0413 0.0161 1946.4 100.0 639.1 38.3
Hornblende 02-99, charge 45.4 mg, J = 0.006344 ± 0.000110*
500 10 1.29xe–9 71.28 5.90 1.5592 0.1644 15.8418 1.3192 0.1868 0.0316 57.030 0.3 175.3 85.8
600 10 1.36xe–9 90.03 3.50 1.3859 0.0919 24.6525 0.9631 0.2992 0.0174 88.749 0.6 18.2 43.4
700 10 1.02xe–9 108.48 10.09 1.0062 0.1233 13.8331 1.3110 0.2726 0.0401 49.799 0.7 294.2 92.6
800 10 2.27xe–9 135.37 1.97 1.0979 0.0252 6.7080 0.1373 0.3292 0.0153 24.149 1.0 390.3 39.9
900 10 1.47xe–9 64.06 3.22 0.8639 0.0671 8.5548 0.4342 0.0999 0.0505 30.797 1.4 357.6 140.4
1000 10 7.48xe–9 51.77 0.35 1.0584 0.0077 12.6527 0.0902 0.0526 0.0067 45.550 3.8 373.3 18.6
1050 10 26.88xe–9 46.08 0.13 1.1004 0.0045 13.7814 0.0419 0.0114 0.0029 49.613 13.6 432.6 7.7
1100 10 187.91xe–9 44.51 0.04 1.0342 0.0010 11.0184 0.0097 0.0008 0.0007 39.666 84.6 446.7 1.9
1150 10 32.00xe–9 46.69 0.11 1.0707 0.0039 12.3337 0.0282 0.0104 0.0022 44.401 96.1 440.7 6.0
1200 10 11.99xe–9 51.80 0.43 1.0594 0.0108 15.6335 0.1305 0.0323 0.0083 56.281 100.0 428.5 22.3
Biotite 356a, charge 36.6 mg, J = 0.003379 ± 0.000030*
500 10 25.54xe–9 76.78 0.31 0.0704 0.0053 0.1351 0.0955 0.1905 0.0046 0.486 1.1 120.9 7.8
TRAVIN et al.

600 10 77.90xe–9 56.85 0.09 0.0373 0.0013 0.0534 0.0535 0.1114 0.0009 0.192 5.8 140.3 1.9
650 10 116.76xe–9 58.15 0.06 0.0278 0.0004 0.0640 0.0072 0.0568 0.0019 0.231 12.5 236.0 3.5
700 10 349.86xe–9 67.95 0.03 0.0245 0.0003 0.0143 0.0041 0.0293 0.0008 0.051 30.0 329.4 2.9
750 10 248.65xe–9 73.90 0.08 0.0216 0.0006 0.1032 0.0764 0.0021 0.0001 0.372 41.3 399.1 3.2
800 10 211.65xe–9 75.29 0.06 0.0202 0.0003 0.0052 0.0052 0.0150 0.0009 0.019 50.8 387.2 3.3
850 10 136.78xe–9 77.02 0.11 0.0204 0.0015 0.0120 0.0120 0.0229 0.0010 0.043 56.8 384.3 3.4
900 10 127.86xe–9 69.16 0.06 0.0222 0.0011 0.0181 0.0144 0.0278 0.0010 0.065 63.1 337.7 3.2

950 10 109.70xe–9 70.37 0.08 0.0222 0.0011 0.0009 0.0009 0.0274 0.0009 0.003 68.3 344.5 3.1
1000 10 280.75xe–9 70.09 0.17 0.0233 0.0005 0.0189 0.0066 0.0266 0.0003 0.068 81.9 344.3 2.9
1050 10 207.39xe–9 69.34 0.09 0.0221 0.0005 0.0136 0.0049 0.0235 0.0006 0.049 92.0 345.2 3.0

Vol. 47
1100 10 158.17xe–9 66.83 0.06 0.0228 0.0010 0.0063 0.0063 0.0250 0.0011 0.023 100.0 330.2 3.1
Feldspar 20-TR, charge 75.7.9 mg, J = 0.004083 ± 0.000043*
450 10 10.49xe–9 99.91 0.40 0.0753 0.0053 0.1204 0.1219 0.1572 0.0069 0.433 0.1 356.1 12.8

No. 11
450 20 7.31xe–9 101.47 1.28 0.0847 0.0051 2.1130 0.8948 0.2856 0.0125 7.607 0.1 121.6 24.5
550 10 17.47xe–9 42.15 0.14 0.0305 0.0023 0.2930 0.2246 0.0424 0.0020 1.055 0.4 205.9 4.5

Table. (Contd.)
T°C t (min) 40Ar(STP) 40Ar/39Ar ±1σ 38Ar/39Ar ±1σ 37Ar/39Ar ±1σ 36Ar/39Ar ±1σ Ca/K Σ39Ar (%) Age, M ±1σ ±1σ
550 20 14.39xe–9 48.60 0.10 0.0284 0.0052 0.1464 0.1482 0.0664 0.0028 0.527 0.7 201.7 5.8
600 10 20.15xe–9 40.97 0.09 0.0281 0.0013 0.0847 0.0857 0.0320 0.0007 0.305 1.0 218.5 2.6
600 20 17.67xe–9 49.90 0.22 0.0256 0.0029 0.1224 0.1239 0.0566 0.0008 0.441 1.3 229.2 2.9
650 10 25.73xe–9 40.10 0.06 0.0224 0.0005 0.0992 0.1005 0.0207 0.0009 0.357 1.8 234.3 2.9
650 20 32.48xe–9 44.40 0.10 0.0234 0.0016 0.0421 0.0427 0.0340 0.0017 0.152 2.3 236.7 4.0
700 10 47.42xe–9 40.67 0.11 0.0172 0.0013 0.0085 0.0086 0.0089 0.0009 0.031 3.2 260.4 3.2
750 10 98.71xe–9 39.56 0.08 0.0151 0.0007 0.0088 0.0089 0.0075 0.0004 0.032 5.0 256.1 2.7
800 10 158.10xe–9 40.39 0.05 0.0155 0.0003 0.0219 0.0184 0.0045 0.0003 0.079 8.0 266.9 2.7
850 10 175.35xe–9 43.75 0.05 0.0162 0.0003 0.0347 0.0111 0.0043 0.0003 0.125 10.9 288.6 2.9

900 10 193.82xe–9 49.94 0.07 0.0148 0.0001 0.0432 0.0224 0.0036 0.0004 0.155 13.8 328.3 3.3
950 10 190.50xe–9 58.30 0.11 0.0159 0.0004 0.0858 0.0364 0.0052 0.0005 0.309 16.3 376.1 3.7

Vol. 47
1000 10 209.54xe–9 63.78 0.08 0.0163 0.0003 0.0417 0.0192 0.0061 0.0003 0.150 18.7 407.0 3.9
1050 10 211.70xe–9 66.21 0.08 0.0156 0.0003 0.0146 0.0148 0.0066 0.0002 0.053 21.1 420.3 4.0
1100 10 201.60xe–9 69.12 0.11 0.0162 0.0004 0.0149 0.0151 0.0075 0.0005 0.054 23.3 435.7 4.2

No. 11
1150 10 214.11xe–9 72.00 0.17 0.0164 0.0005 0.0161 0.0163 0.0085 0.0003 0.058 25.5 450.6 4.3
1200 6 316.60xe–9 70.18 0.09 0.0159 0.0003 0.0518 0.0228 0.0059 0.0003 0.186 28.8 444.6 4.2
1200 6 387.79xe–9 65.60 0.06 0.0155 0.0002 0.0771 0.0130 0.0039 0.0003 0.278 33.2 421.5 4.0

1200 6 465.66xe–9 63.95 0.12 0.0154 0.0001 0.0618 0.0079 0.0031 0.0002 0.223 38.7 413.2 4.0
1200 6 543.53xe–9 62.82 0.16 0.0153 0.0001 0.0514 0.0044 0.0025 0.0001 0.185 45.1 407.6 4.0
1200 6 494.58xe–9 62.54 0.06 0.0152 0.0003 0.0347 0.0133 0.0021 0.0002 0.125 51.0 406.5 3.9
1200 6 490.10xe–9 62.29 0.07 0.0153 0.0001 0.0292 0.0079 0.0022 0.0001 0.105 56.9 404.9 3.8
1200 6 358.03xe–9 62.40 0.06 0.0154 0.0002 0.0030 0.0030 0.0036 0.0001 0.011 61.1 403.3 3.8
1200 6 368.69xe–9 62.25 0.07 0.0155 0.0002 0.0893 0.0110 0.0030 0.0001 0.322 65.6 403.4 3.8
1200 6 285.31xe–9 62.51 0.06 0.0161 0.0001 0.0114 0.0110 0.0034 0.0001 0.041 69.0 404.3 3.8
1200 6 274.84xe–9 62.38 0.06 0.0162 0.0002 0.0641 0.0194 0.0038 0.0003 0.231 72.2 402.7 3.9
1220 6 294.97xe–9 62.32 0.06 0.0149 0.0004 0.0021 0.0022 0.0035 0.0003 0.008 75.8 402.9 3.8

1250 6 461.56xe–9 61.92 0.08 0.0154 0.0002 0.0088 0.0030 0.0026 0.0002 0.032 81.3 402.1 3.8
1250 6 358.68xe–9 62.57 0.07 0.0153 0.0003 0.0007 0.0007 0.0045 0.0003 0.003 85.6 402.6 3.9
1250 6 276.15xe–9 62.42 0.06 0.0161 0.0003 0.0107 0.0030 0.0044 0.0004 0.039 88.9 401.9 3.9
1250 6 214.97xe–9 62.46 0.05 0.0159 0.0004 0.0029 0.0030 0.0047 0.0005 0.011 91.4 401.6 3.9
1250 96 717.34xe–9 62.46 0.05 0.0159 0.0004 0.0029 0.0030 0.0047 0.0005 0.011 100.0 401.6 3.9
* J—parameter characterizing the neutron flux.
1116 TRAVIN et al.

Sample KH-404,
Sample T-53, 160


500 0
Integral age = 484 ± 10 Ma
Plateau age = 435 ± 3.9 Ma Plateau age = 439.5 ± 6.8 Ma
Age, Ma

Age, Ma
Integral age = 433.9 ± 4 Ma
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of released 39Ar, % Percentage of released 39Ar, %
5 100
Sample T-53, biotite Sample 02-99, amphibole

3 60
1 20
600 600

Plateau age = 445.3 ± 1.9 Ma
Age, Ma

Age, Ma

200 395.7 ± 3.8 Ma

Integral age = 400.5 ± 4.6 Ma Integral age = 439.7 ± 2.1 Ma
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of released 39Ar, % Percentage of released 39Ar, %
0.5 1.0 Sample 356a, biotite
Sample T-56, biotite


0.3 0.5
500 0
Plateau age = 405.9 ± 3.4 Ma
390.6 ± 3.2 Ma
Age, Ma
Age, Ma

Integral age = 405.1 ± 3.4 Ma Plateau age 33.4 ±2.7 Ma
100 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of released Ar, % Percentage of released 39Ar, %

Fig. 5. 40Ar/39Ar dates for minerals from the Chernorud zone. The figures show age and Ca/K spectra.

THERMAL HISTORY (1) The earliest events identified in the Chernorud zone
OF THE CHERNORUD ZONE is metamorphism to the granulite facies. With regard for
the U/Pb zircon dates of the metamorphic and synmeta-
Our U/Pb and 40Ar/39Ar dates for magmatic and morphic rocks [6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 20–22], this stage corre-
metamorphic minerals from the Chernorud granulite sponds to a point at 496 ± 3 Ma and 795 ± 55°ë in the age–
zone vary within 500–390 Ma, with this age span temperature diagram for the thermal evolution (Fig. 7a).
including at least four discrete stages. They can be char- The pressure was evaluated for rocks from the central part
acterized based on the synthesis of structural–petro- of the Chernorud zone by the garnet–orthopyroxene
logic and isotopic–geochronologic data. geobarometer at 8.1 ± 0.4 kbar, which corresponds to a



(a) 900
500 Sample 20, feldspar (a) 1 2 3 4

400 700

Temperature, °C
Plateau age = 402.9 ±
300 3.8 Ma
Age, Ma

Integral age = 390.9 ± 3.7 Ma 300
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of released Ar, % 100 IV III II I
(b) 30 (b)
1200 1000 800 600 T, °C



Depth, km
–7 ε = 40.2 ± 0.3 kcal/mol
logD0/a2 = 2.87 ± 0.08
6 8 10 12 14
10000/T, K 350 400 450 500
600 (c) Age, Ma

Fig. 7. Results of the 40Ar/39Ar dating of minerals from the

400 Chernorud zone. The figure shows the age spectra.
Temperature, °C

(1) U/Pb zircon dates [6, 9, 11–13, 20]; (2) 40Ar/39Ar

amphibole dates; (3) 40Ar/39Ar biotite dates; (4) 40Ar/39Ar
feldspar dates. Gray stripes show stages of thermally active
200 events recognized based on isotopic–geochronologic data:
(I) metamorphism to the granulite facies; (II) metamor-
phism to the amphibolite facies; (III) metamorphism to at
least the epidote-amphibolite facies; (IV) further uplift of
0 rocks of the Chernorud granulite zone, intense deformations
100 200 300 400 within major strike-slip fault zones.
Age, Ma

Fig. 6. Results of the 40Ar/39Ar dating and reproduced ther- 460 and 470 Ma. The temperature of the retrograde (?)
mal history of potassic feldspar (sample 20-TR) from a amphibolite-facies metamorphism overprinted onto the
leucogranite vein cutting across gabbroids of the Chernorud
Massif. (a) Experimental (open symbols) and a number of granulites was evaluated at 700 ± 40°ë at a pressure of
model (solid symbols) age spectra and (b) temperature 5.6 ± 0.5 kbar, i.e., depth was 18.5 ± 1.7 km. This corre-
dependence of the 39Ar diffusion coefficient log(D/r2) cal- sponds to the second stage (another point) in the age–
culated for a tabular geometry. The diagram shows evalu- temperature and age–depth diagrams (Figs. 7a, 7b).
ated kinetic parameters for the low-temperature segment
(linear trend); (c) thermal history calculated from 40Ar/39Ar (3) Metamorphic amphibole from granulites from
data. the Ulan-Khargana area and secondary hornblende
from the Ulan-Khargana and Chernorud pyroxenite–
gabbro massifs yielded consistent 40Ar/39Ar age values
depth of 26.9 ± 2.5 km. These values allowed us to place of 445 and 435 Ma. These values are much younger
the first point (corresponding to the first evolutionary than the U/Pb zircon age values of the main metamor-
stage) in the age–depth diagram (Fig. 7b). phic stages of the granulite and amphibolite facies. The
closure temperature of the K/Ar system of hornblende
(2) The synmetamorphic dikes of biotite granites is 550°ë [30]. The consistence of three dates led us to
conserved in basite bodies in the Chernorud zone cor- conclude that that temperature of the cooling rocks
respond to the next stage: metamorphic to the amphib- passed, at that time, through a value of 550 ± 50°ë
olite facies. The age of the dikes is constrained between (Fig. 7a). This event can be related to metamorphism to


1118 TRAVIN et al.

the epidote-amphibolite facies, which was followed by is logical to assume that metamorphic and magmatic
the cooling and tectonic exhumation of rocks the of the rocks of the Chernorud zone were continuously
Chernorud zone from the depth at which they had been uplifted during the time span of 405–370 Ma. The cal-
conserved before that event. This version finds support culated uplift velocities at a geothermal gradient of
in the fact that tectono-thermal events were activated at 35°C/km should have been 0.2–0.3 mm/year. At the
that time at the Primorskii fault [31], along the so- same time, the further cooling of metamorphic and
called collision lineament [32], and also in some other magmatic rocks in the Chernorud zone during the last
zones in the Ol’khon territory [16], as was determined two (amagmatic) stages could have been related to the
by the 40Ar/39Ar method with the use of micas from relaxation of the geothermal gradient to values typical
blastomylonites and metamorphic rocks. This time was of the calm continental lithosphere.
also likely marked by the initial development of large
strike-slip fault zones; motions along them resulted in
the uplift of all nappes in the Ol’khon territory. Colli- DISCUSSION
sion systems are usually characterized by an elevated The approach proposed in this publication can be
geothermal gradient of approximately 35°C/km [33]. used to compare the histories of active thermal events
Proceeding from these data, it is possible to evaluate the in Early Caledonian folded edifices in Central Asia in
corresponding depth: 15.7 ± 1.4 km (Fig. 7b). order to elucidate their common or principally different
(4) Biotite from granulites from the Ulan-Khargana features.
area and from a leucogranite vein conserved in the Slyudyanka crystalline complex, southwestern
Chernorud gabbro–pyroxenite massif yielded 40Ar/39Ar Baikal area. The Slyudyanka crystalline complex is
ages of 406–390 Ma, i.e., dates 30 Ma younger than part of the folded structures surrounding the Siberian
those yielded by the amphiboles. Inasmuch as our sam- Platform (Fig. 1). This complex hosts phlogopite and
ples have a much older U/Pb zircon ages, all 40Ar/39Ar lazurite deposits [34–37]. The great majority of K/Ar
values correspond to the closure of the K/Ar radiogenic dates on various minerals from crystalline schists,
system at a temperature of 330 ± 30 Ma [30], as is gneisses, and granite pegmatites, as well as on phlogo-
shown in the thermal evolution diagram (Fig. 7a). The pite from the Slyudyanka deposit (see, for example,
oldest of the determined biotite ages is 406 ± 3 Ma, and reviews in [34, 35]) range from 400 to 500 Ma. The dia-
it is logical to assume that metamorphic and magmatic gram of the dependence of the closure temperature of
rocks of the Chernorud zone occurred before that time isotopic systems on age (Fig. 8a) shows 40Ar/39Ar dates
at depths where the K/Ar radiogenic system remained for phlogopite from the Slyudyanka deposit [34] and
open. At a geothermal gradient of 35°C/km, the calcu- U/Pb dates for zircon from granitoid complexes in the
lated depth of the last metamorphic event in the Cher- southwestern Baikal area [35–37]. It was determined
norud zone was 9.4 ± 0.9 km (Fig. 7b). that the age of the deposits is constrained by the U/Pb
(5) We utilized 40Ar/39Ar data on the stepwise heat- dates of premineral alaskite-pegmatite veins (477 ±
ing of feldspar from the leucogranite vein conserved in 5 Ma) and postmineral REE-bearing pegmatites (447 ±
the Chernorud Massif to reproduce the thermal history 2 Ma). The values in the middle portion of the 40Ar/39Ar
of the territory. Figure 6a shows the experimental age spectrum of phlogopite 13/70 (average of four steps is
spectrum and a few model spectra close to it satisfying 477 ± 4 Ma) [34] likely coincide with the age of the
the fitting criteria. The calculation of the model spectra alaskite granite-pegmatites. The U/Pb zircon age of
was based on a randomly generated thermal history synmetamorphic hypersthene and two-pyroxene
(only situations of continuous cooling were considered) tonalites and plagiogranites (and, hence, the age of the
and kinetic parameters of Ar, which were determined granulite metamorphism) is close to this value or is
from data on 39Ar release in the process of stepwise slightly younger [35, 36] than in the Chernorud zone
heating in vacuum. The kinetic parameters of Ar were (Fig. 8a). The culmination parameters of the granulite
calculated by the linear trend in the low-temperature metamorphism, T = 800–830°C and P = 7–9 kbar [37],
region defined by experimental points in the Arrhenius correspond to a depth of 26 ± 3 km (Fig. 8b). Judging
diagram (Fig. 6b). The family of curves whose model by the age of phlogopite 13/70, the temperature of the
spectra satisfied the fitting criteria (Fig. 6c) is charac- rocks decreased to 400°C [30], which corresponds, at a
terized by temperature values of 350 ± 50°ë at the ini- thermal gradient of 35°C /km, to a depth of 11 km
tial moment of time (the age of the plateau is 403 ± (Fig. 8b). A fairly plausible model that can be assumed
4 Ma), cooling at a rate of approximately 6°C/Ma for in this situation is that rocks of the Slyudyanka crystal-
30 Ma to 174 ± 15°ë, and a subsequent long-lasting sta- line complex were rapidly (for 10 Ma) uplifted from
bilization period. When the thermal history calculated depths of 24 ± 3 km to <10 km after their granulite-
for the feldspar is compared with data on other minerals facies metamorphism at 488 Ma. This corresponds to
in the age–temperature diagram, it can be seen that they an uplift velocity of 1.5 mm/year and suggests that the
are consistent, because the closure of the K/Ar isotopic uplift was of tectonic nature. U/Pb data on zircon from
system of biotite from metamorphic and magmatic REE-bearing pegmatites of the Slyudyanka deposit
rocks in the Chernorud zone coincides with the initial [37] and 40Ar/39Ar age spectra of ore phlogopite from
segments of the simulated thermal histories (Fig. 7a). It samples 88/71 and 3/70 [34] testify to a metamorphic



episode of the epidote amphibolite facies synchronous 900

with the third stage of tectono-thermal activation in the (‡) 1 2
Ol’khon territory (Fig. 8a). The age value for the low-
temperature part of the 40Ar/39Ar spectrum of ore phlo- 700

Temperature, °C
gopite 3/70 [34] marks a younger lower temperature
event at a time close to the age of the youngest stage in
the Chernorud zone.
It should also be mentioned that the Slyudyanka
crystalline complex has a thermal history that is differ-
ent from that of the Chernorud zone in the Ol’khon ter- 300
ritory in involving a stage of rapid uplift to shallow
depths and the overprinting of thermal pulses synchro- 30
nous with the emplacement of numerous granite bodies (b)
and small massifs.
Western Sangilen in southeastern Tuva. The most
exhaustive petrologic, structural-kinematic, and geo-

Depth, km
chronology studies that made it possible to calculate the
P–T–d–t (pressure–temperature–deformation–time)
paths of both individual lithons and strike-slip fault
zones separating them were carried out in the western 10
Sangilen in southeastern Tuva (Fig. 1). Judging by data
presented in [38, 39], the Sangilen fragment of the
Early Caledonian Foldbelt of Central Asia was pro- IV III II I
duced by the oblique collision of the Tannuol marginal 0
sea–island arc system and Siberian continent during the 350 400 450 500
transition from contractional (570–490 Ma) to exten- Age, Ma
sional (490–430) geodynamic environments [38]. Fig-
ure 9a shows mineral isotopic dates for metamorphic Fig. 8. Reconstructed history of (a) cooling and (b) uplift
for rocks of the Slyudyanka crystalline complex.
and magmatic rocks from the western Sangilen in an
(1) U/Pb zircon dates [35–37] and (2) 40Ar/39Ar phlogopite
age–temperature diagram. Rocks from the crystalline dates [34]. Gray stripes show stages of thermally active
basement of the western Sangilen provide evidence of events recognized in rocks from the Chernorud zone (see
two major events: M1 and M2. M1 was regional Bar- captions to Fig. 7).
rowian-type metamorphism to the epidote-amphibolite
facies of elevated pressure (P = 7–8 kbar, T = 550–
650°ë); and M2 was contact/regional metamorphism (1) All four discrete stages identified in the Early
(HT/LP) at P = 2–3 kbar and temperature of up to Caledonides in the Chernorud zone correspond to dates
900°C. Metamorphism of this type likely occurred in obtained for Early Caledonides in the western Sangilen,
three stages of various age, which were related to the and this suggests that events in structures surrounding
emplacement of multiphase basite intrusions dated at the southwestern margin of the Siberian Platform were
524–464 Ma (Fig. 9a). The metamorphic zoning around synchronous.
these massifs is part of a large thermal structure M2. (2) The lithons in question had thermal histories of
According to 40Ar/39Ar dates on amphibole, for which a different type: while the Chernorud zone was charac-
the closure temperature of its isotopic system corre- terized by continuous cooling due to its uplift, the west-
sponds to the lowest temperature values of the regional ern Sangilen underwent (after its regional metamor-
metamorphism, the age of the final stage M2 was phism M2) rapid (for no longer than 30 Ma) uplift from
assumed to be 510 ± 5 Ma [39]. Correspondingly, rocks depths of 25 km to a level no deeper than 10 km. This
of the crystalline basement of the western Sangilen corresponds to a velocity of 0.53 mm/year and testifies
were at 510 Ma at a depth of 25 km (Fig. 9b). Micas that the mechanism of this process was tectonic.
sampled outside thermal aureoles of metamorphism Thereby the rocks of the western Sangilen were
M2 indicate that their K/Ar isotopic system closed at affected by pulses of overprinted heating to high tem-
480 Ma, which testifies that rocks of the western Sang- peratures, which was synchronous with the emplace-
ilen were uplifted to depths of at least 9–11 km ment and crystallization of numerous basite and granite
(Fig. 9b). This conclusion is consistent with informa- massifs.
tion that the rocks affected by the latest HT/LP stage of
M2 metamorphism at 465 Ma yield pressure values of (3) Rocks from the Chernorud zone show no isotopic
2–3 kbar, i.e., depths of approximately 9 km (Fig. 9b). traces of any precollisional events, a fact that can be
explained by the high intensity of the tectono-metamor-
This led us to the following conclusions: phic reworking, whereas rocks from the western Sangilen


1120 TRAVIN et al.

1 2 3 4

Temperature, °C


Depth, km


350 400 450 500
Age, Ma

Fig. 9. Reconstructed history of (a) cooling and (b) uplift for rocks of the western Sangilen.
(1) U/Pb zircon dates [reviews in 38–39], (2) 40Ar/39Ar amphibole dates, and (3) 40Ar/39Ar biotite dates, (4) 40Ar/39Ar muscovite
dates. Gray stripes show stages of thermally active events recognized in rocks from the Chernorud zone (see captions to Fig. 7).

provide evidence of a tectonic stage at 570–535 Ma, youngest low-temperature event identified in the Cher-
which preceded the culmination of the collision events in norud zone. Hence, rocks of the Derbinskii terrane
a subduction–accretion environment [38]. yield dates corresponding to all of the four discrete
events recognized in the Ol’khon territory.
Derbinskii terrane, Eastern Sayan. Traces of the
Early Caledonian stage of accretion–collision events Bayankghangor ophiolite zone in central Mongolia.
were also detected in the Derbinskii terrane (Fig. 1), Central Mongolia is intersected by the extensive Bay-
which is made up of metaterrigenous, metacarbonate– ankhongor ophiolite zone (Fig. 1), which is bounded by
terrigenous, and metacarbonate rocks [40]. Rocks of the Baidarig continental block in the south and by the
this terrane display evidence of multiple metamorphic Dzag zone of metaturbidites (chlorite–mica schists) in
events and synchronous granite generation [41, 42]. the north [43, 44]. U/Pb zircon dates for granite and
The earliest metamorphism and the emplacement of rhyolite dikes intruding the Bayankhongor zone and
synkinematic dikes of quartz diorites in the northwest- K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dates for metamorphic micas from
ern part of the Derbinskii terrane took place, according fault zones [45–49] make it possible to estimate the
to U/Pb zircon dates, at 498 ± 5 Ma, which coincides obduction age of Bayankhongor ophiolites and the age
with the age of granulite metamorphism in the Cher- of later deformations. The Sm/Nd mineral age of the
norud zone (Fig. 10). A close age was yielded by the ophiolites is 569 ± 21 Ma [50]. When the active thermal
40Ar/39Ar method on amphibolite from the plagiog- events recognized based on isotopic dates for the Bay-
neisses. The corresponding points are shown in the ankhongor zone are compared with mineral dates of
age–closure temperature diagram. Younger events at metamorphic and magmatic rocks in the Chernorud
483, 467, and 422 Ma are deduced from 40Ar/39Ar data zone in the diagram age–closure temperature of the iso-
on biotite and amphibole from plagiogneisses and gran- topic system (Fig. 10), one can see that these events
itoids from the northwestern and southeastern parts of occurred mostly at relatively low temperatures and cor-
the Derbinskii terrane (Fig. 10). Moreover, the low- relate with all stages recognized in the western Baikal
temperature part of the spectra of hornblende from area and, for the precollision stage, with events in
quartz diorite veins in the northwestern part of the ter- southeastern Tuva.
rane, whose age corresponds to the early metamorphic The five widely spaced Early Caledonian accretion–
stage, exhibits plateau of four steps corresponding to an collision structures of different depth levels in the Cen-
age of 412 ± 5 Ma, which is close to the age of the tral Asian foldbelt provide evidence of the same stages



900 of active thermal events, all of which fall within a time

1 span of less than 100 Ma. The Early Caledonides in
2 structures immediately bounding the Siberian Platform
700 3 show traces of the four reliably discernible events at
4 500–490, 470–460, 440–430, and 410–400 Ma. The
5 synchronicity of the metamorphic, magmatic, and tec-
tonic events poses a serious restriction onto geody-
namic models for the evolution of the Paleoasian ocean.
300 The most plausible explanation is likely that the accre-
tion–collision structures were part of a single extensive
IV III II I orogenic belt of Early Caledonian age, which was
100 formed at the site of a marginal sea–island arc system
900 that bounded the Siberian craton in the Vendian–Early
500 Our structural–petrologic and isotopic–geochemical
studies allowed us to reproduce the multistage uplift of
rocks in the Chernorud zone to higher crustal levels.
300 The total duration of the active geological processes
marked by the thermal pulses is 100–120 Ma. The geo-
Temperature, °C

logical events at that time were of discrete character

700 and occurred in four stages: (1) granulite-facies meta-
morphism at 500–490 Ma, (2) amphibolite-facies meta-
morphism at 470–460 Ma, (3) metamorphism to at least
500 the epidote-amphibolite facies at 440–430 Ma, and (4)
postmetamorphic events at 410–400 Ma.
300 The oldest stage (500–490 Ma) likely corresponded
IV III II I to the tectonic stacking of the backarc basin in response
to the collision of the Siberian continent with the Eur-
asian island arc or Barguzin microcontinent. The sec-
700 ond stage (470–460 Ma) is the time of large-scale gen-
eration of synmetamorphic granites (in the Ol’khon ter-
500 ritory).
The third stage (440–430 Ma) was related to meta-
morphism to the epidote-amphibolite facies, during
300 which granulites of the Chernorud nappe were uplifted
to depths of no more than 15 km. The uplift likely
occurred due to intense strike-slip faulting along large
700 deformation zones, which started to develop synchro-
nously with tectonic activity in the Primorskii fault
The fourth stage (410–400 Ma) was most probably
related to the further uplift of the Chernorud nappe to a
300 depth of no more than 10 km, a process that was syn-
IV III II I chronous with the intense ductile and brittle deforma-
350 400 450 500 550 tions localized within large strike-slip fault zones (the
Age, Ma Primorskii fault, collision lineament, and Orso Com-
plex [3]).
Fig. 10. Comparison of the histories of active thermal The five widely spaced Early Caledonian accretion–
events for Caledonian folded edifices in Central Asia. collision structures in the Central Asian foldbelt (the
(1) U/Pb zircon dates, (2) 40Ar/39Ar amphibole dates, Chernorud granulite zone in the Ol’khon territory, Sly-
(3) 40Ar/39Ar (K/Ar for the Bayankhangor zone) biotite udyanka crystalline complex, western Sangilen in
dates, (4) 40Ar/39Ar (K/Ar for the Bayankhangor zone) southeastern Tuva, Derbinskii terrane in the Eastern
muscovite and phlogopite dates, and (5) 40Ar/39Ar potassic
feldspar dates. Gray stripes show stages of thermally active Sayan, and Bayankhongor ophiolite zone in central
events recognized in rocks from the Chernorud zone (see Mongolia) provide evidence of thermal events of equal
captions to Fig. 7). duration. The dates obtained with the use of various


1122 TRAVIN et al.

techniques are largely consistent with the four discrete Region, Western Transbaikalia),” in Geodynamic Evolu-
stages identified for the Chernorud nappe, and only the tion of the Lithosphere in the Central-Asian Mobile Belt
western Sangilen and Bayankhongor ophiolite zone (from Ocean to Continent): Proceedings of Scientific
yield dates corresponding to the island-arc evolutionary Conference on Program of Fundamental Research,
stage. Irkutsk, Russia, 2004 (Inst. Geograf. SO RAN, Irkutsk,
2004), Vol. 2, pp. 141–145 [in Russian].
10. A. G. Vladimirov, A. S. Mekhonoshin, N. I. Volkova, et
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS al., “Metamorphism and Magmatism of the Chernorud
Zone of the Ol’khon Region, Western Transbaikalia,” in
This study was supported by the Russian Founda- Proceedings of Conference on Geodynamic Evolution of
tion for Basic Research (project nos. 06-05-65052, 07- the Lithosphere of the Central-Asian Mobile Belt (from
05-00980, 08-05-00204, 08-05-00733, 09-05-01093), Ocean to Continent): Materials of Scientific Conference
the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sci- on Integration Program of the Earth Science Division of
ences (Integration Project ONZ-7.10.2), the Ministry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk, 2006), Vol. 1, pp. 57–61 [in Russian].
(project RNP., and the Development of the 11. A. G. Vladimirov, S. V. Khromykh, A. S. Mekhonoshin,
Research Potential of the Higher School in 2006–2008 et al., “U–Pb Dating and Sm–Nd Systematics of Igneous
program. Rocks in the Ol’khon Region (Western Baikal Coast),”
Dokl. Akad. Nauk 423, 651–655 (2008) [Dokl. Earth
Sci. 423, 1372-1375 (2008)].
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