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Tour Packaging & Costing Proposal


1. Creating a Tour Package Details

1.1 Your tour package must consist of at least two (2) day and one (1) night.
1.2 Destinations will be on local or Philippine regions only.
1.3 Tour package must good for 10 pax.
1.4 The tour package will have “title” Example: “Let us discover the Hidden Gem of South
Cotabato: Lake Holon”.
1.5 Tour package components are:
 Transportation services
 Lodging and accommodation
 Food and Beverage
 Entertainment and Recreational Activities
 Local Products Experience
 Souvenir
1.6 All the information and images/pictures of your tour components must be seen and prepare
in your presentation materials like PPT or support short video.
1.7 The flow of your presentation will also be the same on the flow or sequence of your tour

2. Creating Your Tour Itinerary

2.1 In creating your itinerary, make sure that you consider a “round trip” or no turning back from
previous location to next destination. Example: When you are already in Tupi, South
cotabato, it is not ideal to move back to Polomolok before proceeding to Koronadal City.
2.2 Your itinerary must composed of and shows the following details:
 The Assembly or pick-up time and location
 Specific and accurate timing for each travel time and activities. Provide a short
details of expected activities in each destination.
 Avoid using ETD (estimated time of departure) and ETA (Estimated time or arrival).
6:00AM-6:30AM Assembly and jump-off at Heneral Santos Park, General Santos
6:30AM-7:40AM Travelling From General Santos to TheFarm@CarpenterHill
7:40AM-9:30AM Breakfast at TheFarm@CarpenterHill
Exploring the farm view/nature
Taking pictures
9:30AM-10:40AM Travelling from TheFarm@CarpenterHill to Lake Sebu, Seven falls
10:40AM-12:30NN Exploring Seven Falls
ATV, Zip lining, Experience Local crafts and cultural clothing.
------------And the rest of your tour---------------

3. Create your Tour Costing (30%-40% mark-up)

3.1 It is ideal to use excel (if you can able to do it) or just put it also in your PPT.
(See example from the given materials)
3.2 Your costing must show all the tour package components from day 1 to end with or with-
out entrance fees. Make sure to show all your expense rate from the beginning of your tour
to end.
3.3 If it is Escorted Tour, make sure that you will allot budget also for your escort.
3.4 For the driver, you can actually put the expense on the car rental company as package like
the gasoline and driver’s fee and allowance are included.
3.5 For mark-up, you can do it per individual expense or you can directly put it in your total
expense. Your grand total must show the 30% mark-up before dividing it into 10 as number
of pax.
3.6 If you want that your tour will offer a different rate which provide inclusion for local flight from
Manila and vice versa, just prepare another set of costing. That will be a great points for
your performance as one way of “promoting” and providing easy access to tourist not only
local but national.

4. Creating Your Tour Package Flyer

4.1 Flyer can be 1 or two pages only (single or folded)
4.2 Make sure to indicate visibly the tour title
4.3 Images of main destinations
4.4 Length of tour package
4.5 Number of Pax
4.6 Tour package rate
4.7 RATE must be enticing
4.8 Indicate also the tour inclusion and exclusion
4.9 Please be careful of putting the name of place. Example: Do not put Exploring Davao
instead Davao City/Davao Del Sur/ or Exploring Cotabato instead of Cotabato City/South or
North Cotabato. Don’t be confusing.
4.10 Choose and think a great color combination for your flyer
4.11 Right size and style for your fonts and writings
4.12 Do not show or put your costing in your flyer
4.13 Itinerary is also not necessary to show in flyer
4.14 DO NOT forget to indicate your company contact information, contact person, email
address or anyways to communicate you. (Yes, you can create and use the name and logo
of your company).

5. Your Presentation (Recorded)

5.1 You can use any application to have a creative recorded presentation.
You can also attach some short video clips
5.2 Wearing appropriate and not vulgar costumes are encourage like travel agent
Corporate attire or a tour guide.
5.3 Your presentation must be maximum of 20 minutes only.
5.4 Presentation details are:
 Introduction (introduction of the chosen place including your tour package title).
 Mode of transportation used during tour.
 Tour destinations presented together with timing (sequence follows your itinerary)
and activities.
 The tour package rate, inclusion and exclusion
5.5 In your presentation, it’s not necessary to include your costing and sample flyer.
Show it on your submitted documents.
5.6 Practice an effective communication skills. Deliver your presentation clearly, articulation,
gestures and you need to be expert in delivering your tour.
5.7 Remember that you are not only presenting your work but for this assessment, you need
to show your competence, expertise and skills to promote and encourage your tourist
to avail your products.
5.8 Talking about Expertise, you need to master your presentation and it is important to
give some enticing and interesting ideas of your tour with-out reading your materials.
Your materials must have limited words but bounty of images.
RUBRICS: Tour Package Content

1. Tour Package Plan and Design including tour title 15 Points

2. Provides and complete and necessary tour details as what
is being expected 15 Points
3. Appropriate timing and details of tour itinerary (allocated time
for each destinations are suit and best for nature of activities 10 points
4. Costing (completely shows the full details of tour expenses,
quantity of purchased products or services per day from start to
end of tour. Show your rate per expense with and with our mark-up
including the final amount or rate of your tour offered.
Calculation must be correct and appropriate 10 points

Total 50 Points

RUBRICS: Tour Package Flyer

1. Creativity
(Choice of color, lay-out including quality, attractiveness) 5 Points
2. Details and information (Provided relevant, complete with clarity) 10 Points
3. Organization (Well organized information) 5 Points

Total 20 Points

RUBRICS: Presentation

1. Mastery and delivery of Information (knowledge of the tour package) 10 Points

2. Communication Skills (tone and quality of voice, overall
Projection, language nuances and pitching style during
Presentation) 5 Points
3. Costume and physical appearance 5 Points
4. Sequence and organization of presentation with necessary details 5 Points
5. Audio Visual Presentation (Includes creativity and quality) 5 Points

Total 30 Points
Grand Total: 100 Points

Prepared by:
Shyla Vee F. Belarga
Tourism and Hospotality Instructor

Acknowledged and Approved by:

Rose Ann Gallarde
General Education and Course Instructor

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