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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. (043) 980-0385 local 1128

PE 101 – Physical Fitness Gymnastics and Aerobics

First Semester, AY 2021 – 2022

Learning Task:

Fitness Log

Task Design:

This task is designed to make the students be accountable with their own
fitness and health by engaging to their created workout plan.

Task Objectives:

1. Create workout plan

2. Perform the workout plan regularly

Materials Needed:

● Smartphones or any available gadgets by the students

● Speaker
● Comfortable space in their home

Task Directions:

1. Students will create their own weekly workout plan. The workout plan must
include three types of fitness activities depending on their preferences or physical
2. Students must engage in their workout plan weekly at least three (3) times and for
at least 20 minutes long during their free time.
3. The students must record their workout or exercises using fitness log and must
provide a proof while doing their fitness activities. A photo with caption is
4. Students may view the examples of exercises provided on the PE 101 module
“Fitness Activities Section” and may use it or consider it in their workout
5. Before the semester ends, the students will submit their consolidated fitness log
and it must also include a reflection on their journey towards their workout plan.
6. Students must refer to their respective PE instructor on the submission details of
the fitness log.
7. Students must use the fitness log template provided.
8. The completed fitness log must be converted into pdf before submitting.
9. Students must adhere to the assessment rubrics for proper guidance in grading.

This task will be graded based on the following:

Traits 10 6 3
Students’ set are Students’ goal may be Student demonstrated
personal and written, but no plan no goal and no plan
meaningful. At least was made to improve demonstrated.
3 fitness activities in on goal area. There
the week are geared are few fitness
Types of Fitness to showing activities reflect
Activities improvement in the goals.
goal area. Growth
may even be
demonstrated in goal
area in end of week
Student exercised 3 or Student exercised 2 Student only
Habit Forming
more times per week times per week exercised once a week
Student have Some reflection, but Little or no reflection
successfully reflected no proof given or proof of fitness
Reflect on
on your achievements experiences and
and activities for the achievements

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