INTERVIEW QUESTION - How Would You Resolve A Dispute With A Work Colleague?

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INTERVIEW QUESTION - How would you resolve a dispute

with a work colleague?

Everybody has disputes with colleagues at some point in their

career, so it is not wise to say that you’ve never had one.

You may get on with the majority of people most of the time,
but it is good to say that you had an issue with a colleague
years ago and describe how it was resolved.

You could state that you were the one who initiated the
resolution by talking to the other person to try to clear the air.
This is a good opportunity to demonstrate you have good
communication skills and are prepared to listen to what others
have to say.

Maybe you took the colleague’s comments onboard and agreed

a way forward? It is a good idea to show that you are able to
resolve issues with other colleagues without involving senior or
line managers. However, if the dispute was in contravention to
the company’s policies on bullying or harassment then you
would feel it was important to report the incident to your line

“The first thing I would do is try to arrange a meeting with

them; somewhere out of the way of any distractions, and
in private. I would ask them if we could both search for
ways to resolve our differences, with a view to possibly
becoming friends or at the very least amicable work
colleagues. It is only natural that we cannot get along with
everybody; however, whilst at work we should put our
differences aside and work towards the company
objectives. I would do all that was in my power to resolve
any conflict and I would never allow it to deter from my

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