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Answer Key: 47A

Topic: A Day in the Country

Class: VIII
Teacher: Priyanka Bose
Answer the following questions:
1.What is the immediate reaction of Danilka when he sees Terenty?
Ans. When Danilka sees Terenty, the playful kid gives a sick smile imploring
Terenty, to help him. Danilka it seems is less afraid and more awestruck by
the fury of nature. He asserts that he never beheld such thunder in his life.
2.What puzzles the children about the engine?
Ans. The children are astounded to see the gigantic engine puffing black
smoke and carrying twenty vans after it. They are baffled by its tremendous
power, how can an inanimate object support so much load without the help
of horses.
3.Why do you think Terenty helped the orphans?
Ans. Terenty helped the orphans because he was a kind man. He selflessly
helped the children whereas the others sought the safe refuge during the
storm. He was himself distressed but helped the orphans by salvaging
Danilka from his predicament and providing food to them. He had only
nature to bear testimony to his charitable act.

Answer with reference to the context

The party comes out of the copse, and walks along the edge of it towards the
darkened road…..
1. Who are the party here?
Ans. The party in the above extract refers to Terenty, Danilka and Fyokla.
Terenty is the lanky old man who helped the miscreant Danilka from his
peril after being reached out by Danilka’s sister Fyokla.
2. What were they doing in the copse?
Ans. The party of three were in the copse because of a strange peril that
had befallen on Danilka. Danilka’s hand was stuck into the hole of a tree
and his sister Fyokla along with the charitable Terenty had come to save
him. After saving him, the three were coming back to the village.
3. Why is the road darkened?
Ans. The road is darkened because dark clouds overcast the sky almost
eclipsing the sun. The grim black clouds hover in the sky and not a speck
of blue can be seen and eventually it resulted is suffocating darkness.

Long Answer:
Describe the relationship between Danilka and Terenty
Ans. Both Danilka and Terenty harbored deep love for nature. Danilka
looked up to Terenty for all his queries about nature. The little riff raff of
eight with ochre hair and pallid face was haunted by the beauty of nature,
the yearning for nature made him sleepless. Danilka listened raptly to
every word of Danilka, his eternal guide who could answer all his queries
about nature. The cobbler and the orphan could walk ceaselessly in their
quest of nature.
They were unlike the listless Fyokla. They had a wanderlust, a desire to
know more and it is exactly over this that they boned.

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