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My choice was the first image regarding to the balcony scene.

In the first painting regarding the balcony scene, some clear differences can be seen
between the painting and the movie's depiction. To start it off one of the clearest things the painting
portrays is Juliet and Romeo kissing which is much different than the film. The film shows them
talking and eventually touching hands but that’s it. No other physical contact is made between them.
This might be because we could tell how much they love each other in the film. After all, we were
able to hear their thoughts and words but due to the painting being a painting this can not be heard
and instead must be seen. Another thing that stuck out was the fact that the painting illustrates
Romeo and Juliet as wearing bright colored clothes like they are in a fairy tale while the movie
depicts it with dull clothing. The reason for this difference is probably because the two want the
audience to see it from two different points of view. The movie wants you to see it as dull because
they are sneaking around trying not to be seen thus showing how secret their love was to other
people. As for the painting its vibrant colors can be seen as the views of Romeo and Juliet. They
might feel as if they are in their world and fantasize about freely showing care to one another.
One more difference that you might not see at first glance is the setting. In the movie it is
nighttime and almost seems they are in an above-average backyard while the painting has an
extravagant background almost as if the sun is setting. In the painting, the balcony they are on seems
to be one straight out of a Disney movie with extreme detail to the architecture and shrubbery. This
difference is due to two things. It is either because the artist of the painting wanted to draw in their
audience with the vibrant colors or wants the viewers to feel the way Juliet and Romeo feel while
kissing. I think the movie chooses to make this scene not as magical because it is more realistic and
emphasizes the idea that Romeo must not get caught by the people in the house thus explaining why
this scene occurs at night.
The similarities between the painting and the movie are very apparent. For instance, they
both establish the same tone and depict the love Romeo and Juliet have for each other. One thing
they both do well is make sure the audience knows what a magical moment this is between them.
Another really obvious similarity between the two is they both illustrate the interaction between them
on a balcony. From both depictions, it is easy to understand which scene this is but more importantly
the powerful meaning of the scene. Lastly, one that is overlooked is the time period these images
seem to take place. They both seem to appear roughly in the same period judging by the clothing
worn and the architecture of the balcony itself. All in all these two different images of the balcony
scene both achieve what’s most important and that’s illustrating the love Romeo and Juliet have for
one another.

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