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Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Volume 52
Article 11
Issue 3 September-October

Fall 1961

Differentiation of Blue Ballpoint Pen Inks

David A. Crown

James V. P. Conway

Paul L. Kirk

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David A. Crown, James V. P. Conway, Paul L. Kirk, Differentiation of Blue Ballpoint Pen Inks, 52 J. Crim. L. Criminology & Police Sci.
338 (1961)

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David A. Crown is a document examiner in the U. S. Postal Inspection Service, San Francisco,
California, a position which he has held since 1957. He is a graduate of Union College, Schenectady,
New York, and received his Master's degree in Criminology from the University of California in
1960. He is a member of the International Association for Identification and the American Acad-
emy of Forensic Sciences.
James V. P. Conway is the senior document examiner in the San Francisco office of the U. S.
Postal Inspection Service. Mr. Conway is a the American Academy of Forensic Sciences
and a former chairman of its Document Section. He is the author of Evidential Documents (Charles
C Thomas, 1959).
Paul L. Kirk, Ph.D., is professor of criminalistics at the University of California, Berkeley. He is
the author of Crime Investigation (Interscience Publishers, Inc., 1955) and has published a number
of technical articles in this Journal and other publications.-EIToR.

In the United States, at least four out of five the pigments in the ink are subject to the same
persons use a ballpoint pen for routine writing, problem of insolubility in the solvent or solvents
rather than a fluid ink pen. This tremendous for chromatography. Martin's use of acetone (7)
change in writing instrument preference has is a case in point. An ink formulation containing
occurred in the past fifteen years, and there is no phthalocyanine blue, methyl violet, and Victoria
indication of a reversal of the trend. Accordingly, blue would produce a chromatogram indicating
problems of differentiating balpen ink, especially only methyl violet and Victoria blue, because of
blue ballpen ink, are being met increasingly in the the minimal effects of acetone on a pigment such
laboratory. as phthalocyanine blue. In addition, not all dye-
A review of the literature indicates that none stuffs are separated by any one solvent or solvent
of the known methods of differentiating ballpen system, and the presence of several dyes might be
inks is based on specific constituents. All of the overlooked if these dyes do not. separate with a
non-optical methods involve either the removal certain solvent or combination of solvents.
of ink from the document, followed by chromatog- The two broad groups of substances involved in
raphy, or spotting the ink line with various re- ballpen inks are the vehicle and the dyestuffs.
agents for empirical differentiation (1-7). Tests based upon the presence or absence of various
While some reagents will differentiate many types or varieties of these constituents would allow
different classes of ballpoint pen inks, empirical ballpen ink differentiation to be more definitive
spot testing is inconclusive if a reagent fails to and less empirical.
affect the inks, or if it gives similar reactions with The experimental data below, upon which a
all or several classes of inks. Spot testing, to be scheme for the presumptive identification of blue
productive, should be based upon known reactions ballpen ink dyestuffs and ink formulations is based,
with specific constituents, where their presence or has been used successfully in over fifty cases in the
absence will have definite class significance. past year by the San Francisco Identification
The present chromatographic methods are Laboratory of the U. S. Postal Inspection Service.
limited by the amount of dyestuff that reasonably
can be removed. Furthermore, pigments present EXPERMENTAL DATA
in the ballpen inks are frequently insoluble in
solvents that remove dyes. Although a more A total of 210 pens and/or refills were used in
representative sample of all dyestuffs in an ink this study. These include pens available in the
formulation may be scraped from a document, San Francisco area during the years 1957 through
1959 and additional pens obtained from a cross-
*This article is extracted from a thesis for the M.
section of ballpoint pen suppliers and users,
Crim. by the senior author. The authors are indebted
to the U. S. Postal Inspection Service for facilities. domestic and foreign, by the San Francisco Labora-

TABLE 1 organic and inorganic substances. Aspirin will

COLOR DISTRIBUTION---CHRMATOGRAPHIC always be acetylsalicylic acid; however, the term
phthalocyanine blue includes various individual
Number Pigment Dye Dye
of Pens (Insoluble) (Soluble) (Soluble) compounds. Dyestuffs can be grouped into types,
varieties, or groups, according to dyeing properties
32 - blue purple and/or chemical properties. Not all dyestuffs
2 -- blue giving similar reactions will have the identical
1 - blue dark purple chemical formula because of differences in sub-
1 blue purple stituent groups and/or manufacturing methods,
22 green-blue purple yet the group as a whole will have certain proper-
8 green-blue blue ties and characteristics which will set it apart from
3 green-blue red (fluores- other dyestuff groups or classs.
The following listed reactions serve to differ-
2 green-blue p blue red (fluores-
cent) entiate the above mentioned classes of dyestaffs
green-blue purple blue (13-15):
green-blue I blue red (fluores- a. Phthalocyanines-yield a bright green color
21 cent) with hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, and ignitim
4 green-blue blue blue of the dyestuff gives a green flame indicating
b. Iron blues--give a positive iron test with
tory of the U. S. Postal Inspection Service. While hydrochloric acid and potassium thiocyanate.
the sample used is small in view of the millions of c. Uliramarines--acidlsrlease hydrogen sulfde
ballpoint pens in use today, it is believed to be which is detectable with lead acetate paper.
representative. It is known that ballpoint pen d. Alkali blues-not affected by hydrochloric
manufacturers may not produce their own acid, but give a reddish brown color with sodium
cartridges and that one ink formulation may be hydroxide.
encountered under -numerous brand names. e. Victoria blues--give brownish reactions with
Horizontal chromatography was utilized to both acids and bases.
separate the dyestuff constituents of the test pens. f. Rhodamine B--unaffected by sodium
Ink lines were drawn on strips of Whatman No. hydroxide, decolorized to a faint orange yellow
1 pap~r and chromatographed with various with hydrochloric acid, bright pink fluorescence.
solvents including ethyl alcohol (absolute), lacquer g. Eosins--givean orange coloration with sodium
thinner, and ethyl alcohol (10:1), nitroethane, and hydroxide and decolorize to a faint yellow with
a mixture of nitroethane with ethyl alcohol and hydrochloric acid.
lacquer thinner. It was found that no one solvent h. Methyl violets (and crystal violet)-yellowish
or combination of solvents separated all the dye- brown reactions with hydrochloric acid, restored
stuffs in the inks. Table 1 shows the distribution to purple by addition at a base.
of color bands obtained from the first 117 pens i. Indulins-not decolorized by either basm or
tests in 1957-1959. acids.
A study of the literature indicated various Tests with 41 different varieties of the above
dyestuff possibilities for each of the above listed listed types of dyestuffs confirmed these reactions.
pigment and dyestuff color groups (2, 8-12): The various dyestuff bands obtained by the
a. Green-blue pigment-phthalocyanines chromatography of the fluid inks were tested, using
b. Blue pigment-iron blues, ultramarine blues the listed test methods. In all cases, typical reac-
tions of the dyestuff class were observed. The remc-
c. Blue dyes-Victoria blues, alkali blues,
soluble phthalocyanines tions are considered rprovide
" presumpt. rathe
d. Red dyes with bright pink fluorescence- than absolute identification.Table 2 sets forth the
rhodamine B, eosins presumptive constituents of the first 117 pens
e. Violet and purple dyes-methyl violets, tested.
crystal violet, indulines It is noted that the principal constituents,
These dyestuff names should not be considered phthalocyanines, methyl violet, alkali blue,
as representing specific chemical compounds with Victoria blue, and rhodamine B are all relatively
formulas, such as is the case .with most other cheap, commonly available, dyestuffs.
D. A. CROWN, J. V. P. CONWAY, AND P. L. KIRK [Vol. 52


Number Number Presumptive Constituents

of Pens Presumptive Constituents of Peas

32 Victoria blue and methyl violet 3 Victoria blue

2 Victoria blue 49 Victoria blue and methyl violet
I Victoria blue and indulin 2 Phthalocyanine blue and rhodamine B
1 Iron blue and methyl violet 10 Phtbalocyanine blue, Victoria blue and
22 Phthalocyanine blue and methyl violet rhodamine B
8 Phthalocyanine blue and alkali blue 7 Phthalocyanine blue and alkali blue
3 Phthalocyanine blue and rhodamine B 13 Phthalocyanine blue and methyl violet
2 Phthalocyanine blue, soluble phthalocyanine 9 Phthalocyanine blue, methyl violet and Vic-
blue and rhodamine B toria blue
21 Phthalocyanine blue, methyl violet and Vic-
toria blue
21 Phthalocyanine, Victoria blue, and rhodam- Experiments with non-phthalocyauine blue inks
ine B
revealed that when a strip of filter paper was
4 Phthalocyanine blue, Victoria blue and al-
placed on the HCI spot and rubbed slightly to
kali blue
absorb all the hydrochloric acid, the absorbed
liquid, neutralized with a saturated solution of
Table3, an additional 93 pens collected in 1960 by sodium bicarbonate, allowed the reconstituted
the Postal Inspection Service, reveals the number colors to be observed. Inks containing only Victoria
of pens with the indicated presumptive dyestuff blue gave only a pale blue coloration. Inks con-
constituents. taining Victoria blue and methyl violet yielded a
The predominance of the methyl violet- pale blue coloration with vivid purple around the
Victoria blue formulation among the 1960 group edges of the spot.
of pens appears rather significant. The combina- It was found that a drop of hydrochloric acid
tions (a) phthalocyanine blue, methyl violet, and caused the indu'lin in an indulin-Victoria blue
alkali blue; (b) phthalocyanine blue, methyl violet, miture to turn dark violet. The "bleed" into the
and rhodamine B; (c) phthalocyanine, alkali blue, acid drop, when neutralized with sodiuum bicar-
and rhodamine B; (d) phthalocyanine blue and bonate, gave a pale blue coloration indicating the
Victoria blue; (e) alkali blue and rhodamine B; presence of Victoria blue.
(f) alkali blue and methyl violet; (g) Victoria blue The iron blue ink gave a deep red color when a
and rhodamine B; were not observed in any of the drop of dilute potassium thiocyanate was added
210 test pens. It is expected that for tinctorial to the hydrochloric acid spot on the ink line. False
and/or manufacturing reasons these dyestuff positives resulting from paper impurities and
combinations are not in normal use. reagent reactions were checked by running con-
Because of the problems inherent in chromatog- trols. The presence of methyl violet was confirmed
raphy, attention was given to spot testing directly by neutralization of a second hydrochloric acid
on the ink line. Since the presumptive dyestuff spot with sodium bicarbonate, and observing the
constituents of the test pens had already been reconstituted vivid purple coloration.
established, comparisons could be made between It was found, with the phthalocyanine based
the spot test results and the known constituents. inks, that those containing Victoria blue, methyl
Ii was established that when a small drop of violet, and rhodamine B, all "bled" into hydro-
concentrated hydrochloric acid was spotted on an chloric acid, but those containing alkali blue did
ink line with a micropipette, a greenish or olive not. Phthalocyanine and alkali blue ink produced
coloration of the ink line itself resulted if any only a deep green ink line color.
phtbalocyanine blue dyestuff was present. Non- The presence of rhodamine B in an ink was
phthalocyanine inks never gave this effect. In demonstrated by spotting the ink line with N,N-
some cases, dyes "bled" into the hydrochloric acid dimethylformamide and observing the ink line
drop, i.e., the dyestuff dissolved in the hydrochloric under ultraviolet radiation. The resultant bright
acid. pink fluorescence was observable under both short

and long wave-length ultraviolet lamps. It was SCHEME FOR THE PRESU nVME IDENTIFICATION
found that the fluorescence of rhodamine B was OF BALLPEN INK FoRMULATioNs
attenuated somewhat after spotting with hydro- The ink line is spotted with concentrated hydro-
chloric acid followed by neutralization with sodium chloric acid, using a micropipette. The color of the
bicarbonate. ink line itself and the color of the "bleed," if any,
Mixtures of phthalocyanine blue and methyl should be observed. When necessary, the hydro-
violet gave, with hydrochloric acid, a light green chloric acid spot should be absorbed on filter paper
phthalocyanine ink line color and a pale yellow and neutralized with saturated sodium bicarbonate
"bleed" into the hydrochloric acid. When neutra- solution, and the resultant colors observed. A
lized, the spot gave a vivid purple coloration, with second spot should be made on the ink line with
an absence of any pale blue coloration in its center. N,N-dimethyformamide (or other solvents which
Mixtures of phthalocyanine blue, Victoria blue, release the red. dye) and then observed under
and methyl violet gave a brownish solution in the ultraviolet light, either short or long wavelength.
hydrochloric acid, and the neutralized spot on All hydrochloric acid spots on the document itself
the filter paper showed a pale blue center with must be neutralized afterwards, to prevent damage
vivid purple on its outer borders. to the document. Should aberrant reactions be
The phthalocyanine blue and rhodamine B encountered, conventional chromatography, fol-
formulations gave a pale yellowish "bleed" into fowed by spot testing, should be employed.
the hydrochloric acid. Upon neutralization, the
acid spot on the filter paper was pinkish around I1.Non-phthalocyanine Inks-absence of greenish
the edges, and exhibited a bright pink fluorescence. or olive color on ink line; no fluorescence.
There was an absence of any indications of Victoria a. Indulin and Victoria blue-purple ink line.
blue or methyl violet. b. Iron blue and methyl violet-positive iron
With phthalocyanine blue, Victoria blue, and test with KCNS.
rhodamine B formulations, it was found that the c. Victoria blue-absence of violet coloration
hydrochloric acid drop was browner than with after neutralization.
rhodamine B alone. The neutralized spot contained d. Victoria blue and methyl violet-vivid violet
a diffused pale blue area with the pink rhodamine coloration after neutralization.
B coloration around its edge. 1. Phthalocyanine Inks--greenish or olive colora-
The phthalocyanine blue, Victoria blue, and tion of ink line.
alkali blue mixtures had a "bleed" into the hydro- 2. Presence of rhodamine B-bright pink fluo-
chloric acid with a pale blue coloration after rescence.
neutralization. Indications of methyl violet and e. Phthalocyanine and rhodamine B-no
rhodamine B were negative. While the presence blue or purple colors after neutraliza-
of alkali blue was not demonstrated in this case, tion.
it was noted that Victoria blue has not been found f. Phthalocyanine, Victoria blue and
alone with phthalocyanine. Therefore, in this case, rhodamine B-purple, blue, and red
the presence of Victoria blue, and the absence of colors after neutralization.
2. Absence of rhodamine B-no pink fluores-
a red or purple dye, was indicative of the presence
of alkali blue.
3. No bleed in HC1.
Using these spot test observations, a simple g. Phthalocyanine and alkali blue.
scheme for the presumptive identification of the 3. Bleed in HCl.
ten known ink formulations was postulated. It h. Phthalocyanine, Victoria blue and
should be noted that only dyestuffs expected to be alkali blue-no violet coloration
found in blue ballpen ink formulations are covered after neutralization.
by this scheme. These dyestult group reactions i. Phthalocyanine and methyl violet-
should be considered as indications, rather than pale green ink line, pale yellow
definitive identifications, of a dyestuff dass. From bleed.
a forensic point of view, they indicate only that j. Phthalocyanine, methyl violet and
balpen ink "X", for example, gives reactions Victoria blue-brownish bleed, vio-
typical of phthalocyanine blue and rhodamine B. let color, after neutralization.
D. A. CROWN, J. V. P. CONWAY, AND P. L. KIRK [Vol. 52


The following mechanisms are postulated to

explain the color reactions encountered in the
/39,N(CH3)% KOH /- Nc"A
NO- c - N (C,,,.. c, N (cNH,)
outlined spot tests: NCI
a. Alkali blue is acid resistant, and therefore, CI
it is unaffected and insoluble in HCl. REDDISH-BROWN PURPLE
b. Rhodamine B, methyl violet, and Victoria
blue are all affected by acids, and the altered form
of the dyestuff is soluble in HCl. /C, Ny
N(C'4 3)1
c. The acid-base reactions of these dyestuffs are
as follows: the addition of HC1 to the dyestuff N3HC0
c NC
causes the reaction to go from "B" to "C," and the CI

addition of NaHCO3 subsequently causes the PURPLE YELLOWISH

reaction to go from "C" to "B." In all cases "A" Figure 1-Methyl Violet
represents the carbinol form of the dyestuff. (See
fig. 1, 2, and 3. "A!
d. Although Fieser and Fieser (16) claim that
copper phthalocyanine is "not affected by molten KO1
alkali or boiling HCl," and that it can be recovered HO..- 8 .N H.0

"unchanged" after solution in concentrated sulfuric HCI

acid, Ellis (17) states that "the metals (Cu) may be NCCN,),
removed from these compounds (phthalocyanines) AEDDISH-BAOWN

by treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid."

These viewpoints are not irreconcilable when one "B"~p /" C",)
considers the semantics of the situation. Some
reaction occurs, obviously, when concentrated
sulfuric or concentrated hydrochloric acid is
•NaHo0 c -
"-( .c, >

spotted on copper phthalocyanine. While this

reaction might not produce a total breakdown &LUR YELLOWISH-DROWNA
of the phthalocyanine molecule, it is reasonable . Figure 2-Victoria Blue
that Cu could be removed from the phthalocyanine
which is a green pigment (17). This reaction might
be produced as shown in figure 4.
.. CCHs)z
/ooc'1 KOH ooc NCz)z
A comparison of the visual appearances of the
test inks revealed that: 1. Two inks of different REDDISH RED

dyestuff constituency can have the same visual KB

appearance, and that 2. Two inks having the same
qualitative constituents can have different appear- :s>=, (c."s)', HO j (CZ145)
-C 0 CI
ances because of quantitative differences. "OC& (C2M5 )2
Therefore, for two inks to be of the same class, HOO RED N NaHCO3 HOOC \bNL yCEZL )

they must both look alike visually, and give the RED PALE YELLOW

same chemical reactions. The outlined method Figure 3-Rhodamine B

covers only the qualitative analysis of the dyestuff
constituents, and does not give any quantitative pal manufacturer, Am. BAR Assoc. J., 34, (5)
measurements. The quantitative differences may 376 (1948).
be apparent visually. 2. SOUDER, WILMER, Composition, properties and
behavior of ball pens and inks, J. CRIMINAL
LAW, CRIMINOL. AND POLICE Sci., 45, (6) 743
1. LiNDsLY, C. H., and CASEY, ROBERT S., Behavior 3. BROWN, CHARLOTTE, and KIRK, PAUL L., Hori-
of ball point pens and inks as seen by a princi- zontal paper chromatography in the identifica-

C-N * C CN N-

N Cii N + 2HCI CUCIa + N N

I ,.\ I I H I
Clq N-C Ct4N
CN- C= C=N-cu

C-N H N-
4HCI - CueI1 +


Figure 4

tion of ball point inks, J. CRMNAL LAW, CRtm- aper chromatography, KluxNALzs= I,
NOL, AND POLICE SCL, 45, (3) 334 (1954). 4 (1954).
4. BROWN, CAOE, and Ki, PAUL L., Paper 10. Gotj-, D. E., Specialty ball point inks and pens,
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Sc., 45, (4) 473 (1954). inks, AsixaIcA INK AKER, 35, 38 (1957).
5. POUGHEON, S., and MOLosTER, Z., Identification 12. GILL, J. P., Colour in writing and copying, 3.
of fluid and ballpen inks by paper chromatog- Soc. DYERs AN CoroLs, 74, 739 (1958).
raphy, REv. INTERN. CMIUNAL POLICE TECH., 13. Identification of pigments by spot testing, AmmR-
12 (3), 207 (1958). CAN CYANIn) ComPANY BuLuLI 2-5-12,
6. MALLY,RunOLr, et al., Writing material chroma- May 1957.
14. NPIRI standard test methods for pigment identi-
tography, KRnLNALisrr, 390 (1957). fication, AmICAN INK MAKER, 35, 52 (1957).
7. MAR:Tn, E., Identification of ballpoint pen inks, 15. WoDu .N, A. G.; FOOD ANA s, McGraw-Hill,
IN-ERN. Chwm. POLICE R v, No. 114, 18 (1958). New York, N. Y., p. 74. (1924).
8. GouLD, D. E., and MAcCORMACE, T. A., Ink for 16. FESER, Louis F., and FESER, MARY, ORGANIc
ball point pens, AmERICAN INK MAKER, 29, CHEmSRY, Heath and Co., Boston, Mass., p.
37 (1951). 622 (1944).
9. ANGEMAYER, FllANz, Analytical examination of 17. Eros, CARLETON. PRINTING INKs, Rhein, New
writing materials with special consideration to York, N. Y., p. 166 (1940).

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