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A SRP submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award

of degree of








Under the guidance of

Acharya Bangalore B-School


I hereby declare that “FEEDING STRAY ANIMALS” is the result of the project
work carried out by me under the guidance of DR. ALEGESAN MV in partial
fulfillment for the award of Master’s Degree in Business Administration by
Acharya Bangalore B School.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not
been submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other
Degree or Diploma or Certificate.

PLACE: Andrahalli Name: Vedashree BR

Date: Register number: 20YUCMD173



This is to certify that the SRP titled” Feeding stray animals” is an original work
of Vedashree BR, bearing register number 20YUCMD173 , is submitted in partial
fulfillment for the award of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration of
Bangalore University. The report has not been submitted earlier either to this
University/Institution for the fulfillment of the requirement of a course of study



I take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who
have directly or indirectly helped and contributed towards the completion of this
The success of any project study depends upon a number of factors among which the
proper guidance received from the experts in the industry and teachers play an
important role.
I take here a great opportunity to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to
DR .Alegesan MV for giving me an opportunity to work on his project. The support
and guidance from sir were of great help and it was extremely valuable. I would like
to express my gratitude to sir for his constant support and encouragement.
I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to DR. HR VENKATESHA,
DIRECTOR, for his constant and encouragement without his outright and energetic
motivation, support and prompt response. It would not have been possible to do any
justice as well as bring authenticity to the project.
Finally, I want to thank everyone for their constant support and encouragement.









Feeding stray dogs is legal both within and outside any society and what is
prohibited is threatening dog feeders from carrying out their essential obligation
under Article 51 A(g) of the constitution of India. The Animal welfare Board of
India has Most animals on the streets depend on humans around them for sustenance
while many people volunteer as part of organization or on a personal level to feed
stray animals and take care of them, has issued extensive guidelines on feeding stray
dogs, and there have been numerous judicial decisions protecting dog feeders
numerous judicial decisions protecting dog feeders and caretakers who face the
wrath of ill-informed neighbours

like us, the lives of stray animals have also been affected during the pandemic. Most
animals on the streets depend on humans around them for sustenance. While many
people volunteer as part of organisations or on a personal level to feed stray animal...
Choose a spot and feed them at the same place every day This not only helps the
animals know where they’ll be getting food every day but also builds a sense of
discipline in them as they begin to form a routine. If you have pets
Figure - 2


Stray or street dogs have the right to food and citizens have the right to feed
them , but in exercising this right, care and caution should be taken’ … feeding of
community dogs has to be done at areas designated by the Animals Welfare Board of
India(AWBI) in consultation with RWA or Municipal Corporation.  what is
prohibited is threatening dog feeders from carrying out their essential obligation
under Article 51A(g) of the Constitution of India  has issued extensive guidelines on
feeding stray dogs, and there have been numerous judicial decisions protecting dog
feeders and caretakers who face the wrath of ill-informed neighbours. Interfering
with or harassing anyone who chooses to care for and feed community dogs is
criminal intimidation, as defined by Section 503 read with Section 506 of the Indian
Penal Code. Further section 428 and 429 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, make
cruelty to animals a criminal offense. Under the provisions of the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals Act.1960, injuring, poisoning, relocating, or removing the shelter
of animals are all serious offenses
Many people now care Even the Indian Constitution encourages peaceful
coexistence among all animals and compassion for all living species as one of our
Fundamental Duties [Article 51(g)] things are not as straightforward as they appear.
Like us, the lives of stray animals have also been affected during the pandemic. Most
animals on the streets depend on humans around them for sustenance. While many
people volunteer as part of organisations or on a personal level to feed stray animal...
Choose a spot and feed them at the same place every day this not only helps the
animals know where they’ll be getting food every day but also builds a sense of
discipline in them as they begin to form a routine. If you have pets at home,

As a result, the dog may be kicked, abused, and so on. To avoid such problems, it is
preferable not to pet stray dogs or treat them as if they were pets. Keep a safe space
between you and them. Feed them and then go. When bringing food, don’t whistle
for the dogs to come! Many people who feed stray dogs have this awful habit.
When the dogs hear the whistle, they know it’s time for food and rush across the
road. As a result, there are more accidents and deaths. Leave the food for the dogs in
a specified place in a quiet manner. If they aren’t already there, the smell of the meal
will entice them to arrive. Treat stray dogs in a way that gives them the confidence
and intelligence they need to survive on the streets. Make sure they are not reliant on
you in any manner “Sharing is caring”. This old famous saying has been such an
integral part of our lives. As children, experiencing the excitement of opening your
lunchbox to share with fellow classmates, was a big part of our school days. And as
adults, organising a potluck is a great way to socialize.
Extending stray animals and take care of them, it’s important to know the this hand
of care to those in need is an act of compassion – one that is an innate human
tendency, most animals on the streets depend on humans around them for
sustenance, While many people volunteer as part of organisations or on a personal
level to feed basic dos and don’ts before choosing to feed strays.

If you start feeding stray animals remain consistent it is better to not start at all.
When you quit feeding them all of a sudden, the animals, especially younger puppies
and kittens become careless about how to get food as they grow dependent on you.
This not only helps the animals know they’ll be getting food every day but also
builds a sense of discipline in them as they begin to form a routine. But if you feed
them, can stray Animals have
Stray dogs have the right to food and citizens right to feed them

Observing that animals have a right under law to be treated with compassion, respect
and dignity, the Delhi High Court has asked the Animal Welfare Board of India
(AWBI) to designate areas in consultation with Resident Welfare Associations for
feeding of community dogs in the national capital. Stating it was the moral
responsibility of each and every citizen to protect the animals, the court also directed
the AWBI to ensure that every RWA constitutes an Animal Welfare Committee.

“Community dogs (stray/street dogs) have the right to food and citizens have the
right to feed community dogs but in exercising this right, care and caution should be
taken to ensure that it does not impinge upon the rights of others or cause any harm,
hindrance, harassment and nuisance to other individuals or members of the society,”
said Justice J.R Midha in an order.

Issuing guidelines for the welfare of the community dogs, the court has constituted a
committee for implementation of the order and asked it to hold a meeting within four
weeks. The committee will comprise of the Director, Animal Husbandry

The court said that the feeding of community dogs has to take place at areas
designated by the AWBI in consultation with RWAs or Municipal Corporation in
areas where the former is not available. “While determining the ‘designated area’,
the AWBI and RWA/Municipal Corporations have to be conscious of the fact that
every community dog is a territorial being and therefore,
Community dogs must be fed and tended to at places within their territory. It is the
duty of the AWBI and the RWAs to ensure and keep in mind the fact that
community dogs live in ‘packs’ and care should be taken by the AWBI and RWAs to
see that each ‘pack’ ideally has different designated areas for feeding even if that
means designating multiple areas in a locality,” it said further.

The court has also directed all law enforcement authorities to ensure that no
harassment or hindrance is caused to the people feeding street dogs at the designated
spots. It also said that the RWAs or Municipal Corporation have to ensure that every
community dog in every area has access to food and water in the absence of
caregivers or community dog feeders.

“Any person having compassion for stray dogs can feed the dogs at the private
entrance/porch/driveway of their house or any other place not shared with other
residents,” the order reads, adding that no person can restrict anyone from feeding
dogs until and unless the same is causing harm or harassment to them.

It also said that the dogs have to be sterilized and vaccinated and then returned to the
same area. Vaccinated and sterilized dogs cannot be removed by the municipality,
noted the court further. The bench said that if any of the street or community dogs
are injured or unwell, it will be the duty of the RWA to secure their treatment by the
vets from the funds of the RWA.

Which the BBMP is implementing with help from various animal welfare
organisations, has been implemented the best in Yelahanka zone where
implementation is 84.24%. It is the least in South zone at 32.85%.
The census also shows that the stray dog population is more in the five outer zones
of Mahadevapura, Rajarajeshwarinagar, Dasarahalli, Bommanahalli, and Yelahanka.
In these zones, the population of strays is pegged at 1.97 lakh. In the densely
populated core zones – East, West and South – the number is 1.09 lakh.

This city-wide survey shows that there are 3.67 dogs per 100 people. However, there
is considerable variation in the density of dogs, and the proportion of dogs and
people in wards with higher human densities, mostly those in the three core zones.

The census report states that the city-wide door-to-door mass vaccination of the
owned dog population against rabies should be conducted as a priority to immunise
those dogs in closest contact with people, and to gather information about
confinement practices, preferences for reproductive control and identification.

Figure 03
That estimation of the stray dog population is essential for planning rabies control
and dog population management activities.

“The census serves as a guide to take up the ABC programme. There will be more
targeted focus on zones with higher number of un-neutered female dogs,” he said.
“The wards in core zones are densely populated. There are more commercial
establishments and more black spots compared to those in outer zones,” he said.
Issuing guidelines for the welfare of the community dogs, the court has constituted a
committee for implementation of the order and asked it to hold a meeting within four

The court has also directed all law enforcement authorities to ensure that no
harassment or hindrance is caused to the people feeding street dogs at the designated
spots. It also said that the RWAs or Municipal Corporation have to ensure that every
community dog in every area has access to food and water in the absence of
caregivers or community dog feeders.

“Any person having compassion for stray dogs can feed the dogs at the private
entrance/porch/driveway of their house or any other place not shared with other
residents,” the order reads, adding that no person can restrict anyone from feeding
dogs until and unless the same is causing harm or harassment to them.

It also said that the dogs have to be sterilized and vaccinated and then returned to the
same area. Vaccinated and sterilized dogs cannot be removed by the municipality,
noted the court further. The bench said that if any of the street or community dogs
are injured or unwell, it will be the duty of the RWA to secure their treatment by the
vets from the funds of the RWA.
From people beating stray dogs to pulp to tying carcass to a pole and even buring
them alive — many instances have occurred in the past, where stray dogs have been
treated inhumanly.Last week, a Dwarka resident severed two legs of a stray puppy
when the canine scratched him. The incident is but one in a long list of animal
cruelty that is inflicted on stray dogs. Not only has it sparked outrage among many
but it has also given birth to a debate among dog lovers and haters.

While many won’t agree, having stray dogs around has its own benefits. Dog experts
talk about what makes them awesome and how to deal with them, if you aren’t dog

Amritika Phool, co-opted member, Animal Welfare Board: Only people who don’t
know the benefits of having street dogs will call them a nuisance. They’re
scavengers, so they eat rodents wherever they live. That means lesser chances of
diseases for everyone. Also, in colonies where people feed these strays – they
become loyal. They keep the locality secure at night.

Swati Tandon, dog expert: People need to realise that desi dogs are smarter than
most breeds. They will only bite a person if they see him/her as a threat; they don’t
do anything without being provoked. If you’re really scared of them, then walk past
them casually without paying any attention to them. But if you can, then try and be
friendly and you’ll see that they’re wonderful, loving creatures.

While violence against stray dogs is unacceptable, but there are many who have had
unpleasant experiences with them. Dirty streets, dog aggression, and so on — here’s
what people have to say
I love dogs, and I have two of them but I believe stray dogs are a nuisance. We’ve
had a very bad experience with them in 2009. They were everywhere in our colony,
and bit everyone – from kids to old people. Also, feeding them led to unhygienic
conditions as people would leave the food on the road, and it would just rot there.
We should have programs where people are trained to deal with them.

Dog menace is a huge problem. We get a lot of dog bite complaints from people.
There are seasons when dogs get really aggressive; sometimes bitches too get
dangerous on finding that someone pose a threat to their little ones. Other issues that
arise due to street dogs are that they sit on people’s cars and often chew the radio
antennas. That is also very common.

dogs in the national capital. Stating it was the moral responsibility of each and every
citizen to protect the animals, the court also directed the AWBI to ensure that every
RWA constitutes an Animal Welfare Committee.
“Community dogs (stray/street dogs) have the right to food and citizens have the
right to feed community dogs but in exercising this right, care and caution should be
taken to ensure that it does not impinge upon the rights of others or cause any harm,
hindrance, harassment and nuisance to other individuals or members of the society,”
said Justice J.R Midha in an order.

Issuing guidelines for the welfare of the community dogs, the court has constituted a
committee for implementation of the order and asked it to hold a meeting within four
weeks. The committee will comprise of the Director, Animal Husbandry Department
or his nominee; a senior officer of the Municipal Corporations, Delhi Cantonment
Board and AWBI; Delhi’s Additional Standing Nandita Rao, AWBI counsel
Manisha T. Kariba and advocate Pragma Sharma.

The court said that the feeding of community dogs has to take place at areas
designated by the AWBI in consultation with RWAs or Municipal Corporation in
areas where the former is not available. “While determining the ‘designated area’,
the AWBI and RWA/Municipal Corporations have to be conscious of the fact that
every community dog is a territorial being and therefore, community dogs must be
fed and tended to at places within their territory. It is the duty of the AWBI and the
RWAs to ensure and keep in mind the fact that community dogs live in ‘packs’ and
care should be taken by the AWBI and RWAs to see that each ‘pack’ ideally has
different designated areas for feeding even if that means designating multiple areas
in a locality,” it said further The court has also directed all law enforcement
authorities to ensure that no harassment or hindrance is caused to the people feeding
street dogs at the designated spots.
It also said that the RWAs or Municipal Corporation have to ensure that every
community dog in every area has access to food and water in the absence of
caregivers or community dog feeders “Any person having compassion for stray dogs
can feed the dogs at the private entrance/porch/driveway of their house or any other
place not shared with other residents,” the order reads, adding that no person can
restrict anyone from feeding dogs until and unless the same is causing harm or
harassment to them.

Street animals are a normal occurrence in any town or city. There are many debates on
how to fix the problem and reduce the number of strays/street animals. They pose a
problem to other animals as well as humans. Many people are trying to help as many
animals as possible, but until everyone is on the same page on how to deal with them,
street animals will remain a permanent thing in this world. Sometimes owners get tired
of feeding or taking care of their pet so they leave them out on the streets to fend for
themselves. They do the same when their animal is sick and they can’t afford to take
care of it. Sometimes owners just let their pet roam around outside. These things lead
the animals to become strays. Stray animals that aren’t neutered reproduce and then
there are even more animals on the street. The homeless animal population has
skyrocketed due to the following reasons: lack of commitment on the part of the pet
owner, the belief that pets are disposable, the misconception that the Humane Society
or shelters can take care of all unwanted pets, and failure of the pet owner to spay and
neuter animals
Chapter 2
JUNE 18, 2021

This article is written by Vanya Varma from Alliance University, Bengaluru.

This article talks about guidelines for feeding a stray dog, the order of the Delhi
Court on feeding stray dogs and what is the best food to be given to dogs, and what
should be avoided.

Feeding stray dogs is legal both within and outside any society, and what is
prohibited is threatening dog feeders from carrying out their essential obligation
under off. The Animal Welfare Board of India has issued extensive guidelines on
feeding stray dogs, and there have been numerous judicial decisions protecting dog
feeders and caretakers who face the wrath of ill-informed neighbours. Interfering
with or harassing anyone who chooses to care for and feed community dogs is
criminal intimidation, as defined by section 503 read with section 506 of the Indian
Penal Code. 

Make cruelty to animals a criminal offense. Under the provisions of the injuring,
poisoning, relocating, or removing the shelter of animals are all serious
offenses. Guidelines for an individual for feeding stray dogs

Many people now care for ownerless, stray dogs selflessly, feeding them leftovers or
preparing food for them, offering them warm dog garments in the winter, and quietly
caring for them.
Even the Indian Constitution encourages peaceful coexistence among all animals and
compassion for all living species as one of our Fundamental Duties [Article 51(g)],
things are not as straightforward as they appear.

Stray dogs are protected under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, and
rules established under section 38 of the Act, including the Animal Birth
Control(dogs) Rules, 2001 the Indian Penal Code, Sections 428 and 429; and Article
51A (g) of the Constitution. The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) has issued
clear guidelines for pet owners and stray dog feeders.

According to the guidelines: 

 No amount of pressure from a Residents Welfare Association (RWA) or

society is adequate to induce someone to abandon a pet animal, and doing so
is a punishable offense. RWAs, also known as Apartment Owners
Associations (AOAs), do not have the authority to restrict pet owners’ access
to elevators or other public amenities like parks. RWAs and AOAs also have
no authority to enact bylaws prohibiting or restricting residents from getting
pet dogs or to discriminate based on the size or breed of the dog.
 In the case of street animals, the AWBI rules state that feeding stray dogs is a
legally protected activity and those caregivers and feeders should get these
dogs vaccinated and sterilized to support animal welfare organizations in
maintaining their health. It’s also worth noting that no sterilized dogs can be
removed from their area as per the Government of India’s Animal Birth
Control rules 2001 It is also against the law for vehicles to purposefully
injure dogs, cats, or cows on the streets. A person who breaks these
regulations can be reported to the local animal protection organization as well
as the police. The above-mentioned sections can also be used to file a case.

 All of the foregoing actions are punishable by a fine and/or a five-year prison
 The Board also issues instructions for stray dog caregivers, instructing them
to use hygienic feeding procedures when feeding strays in public and to avoid
feeding strays near children’s playgrounds. 
 It advises caregivers to feed their pets late at night or early in the morning
when there is little traffic, both vehicular and human.
 Feeding should be done away from densely populated places and caretakers
are recommended not to feed street dogs near their own homes or places
immediately adjacent to locations where children play and areas where
people walk.
 They should also maintain track of dog sterilization and communicate that
information with residents. Imparting education to the neighbours should be a
continuous effort.

The biggest problem for pet owners and feeders, however, is that the restrictions,
while clearly stated, are not adequately implemented. Despite the existence of such
stringent laws, many go unpunished as bringing them to justice is difficult. NGOs
and people are mostly responsible for enforcing these rules. It is now necessary for
an animal lover to be aware of these regulations.

They should guarantee that the rules are followed. They must, on the other hand,
exercise prudence and accountability. It is important for pet owners who are
encountering hostility, to stand firm in their rights when dwelling in apartments and
residences. The law is on their side, and it is up to them whether or not they choose
to go the extra mile for their animal companions. However, it is also their
responsibility to obey certain restrictions, such as cleaning up after their pets poop in
public locations or not letting their dogs run loose in public spaces while keeping in
mind the general population.

At you may find the accepted guidelines stated clearly and without ambiguity.

Furthermore, there are no rule prohibiting people from feeding street animals.
Citizens/animal welfare volunteers who want to do so are fulfilling a constitutional
duty imposed on them by the Indian Constitution: to demonstrate compassion for all
living animals. The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), a statutory organization

Heterogeneity in beliefs about feeding stray animals: the complexity of human–

animal interaction

November 2019
Authors: Gareth Davey

People’s beliefs about feeding stray cats require investigation. Previous studies were
based on assumptions about sample homogeneity, potentially obscuring within-
group and background differences in beliefs. A latent class analysis was conducted
on critical beliefs identified from 167 Malaysian nationals (Kuala Lumpur residents,
aged 18-64), based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Two distinct
subgroups were discerned, revealing heterogeneity in critical beliefs about feeding
stray cats. Subgroup membership was associated with multiple background factors
(i.e., ethnicity, past feeding experience, pet cat ownership, and religion). Therefore,
interventions to reduce the feeding of stray cats (or to
change other behaviours) should accommodate subgroup variations in beliefs and
background factors. This study provides a novel methodology for investigating the
complexity of human variables in human-animal interaction and other behaviours’.
Your Guide to Feeding Stray Animals... Responsibly

February 23, 2019

The times we are living in can sometimes leave us perplexed about the good and the
bad. On the one hand, they say “the world is a bad place to live in” and then on the
other, we encounter and read of so many instances of kindness, making us believe
otherwise. While the perception of good or bad is subjective, we have witnessed a
pleasant change over the years -- that of feeding stray animals! Once shunned by
stray animals are finding their way into the hearts and minds of a particular segment
of humans. These animal lovers are doing their bit to provide less fortunate animals
with one of the basic needs of living – food there are several groups across the cities
that are in the practice of daily feeding for stray animals. However, they only form a
small part of society. Opposition or resistance against stray animals has stemmed
from factors including but not limited to the mind-set that animals belong to a
different species. This directly affects the objectives of animal lovers and feeders
further entailing a huge responsibility for them and the need to undertake it extra

Here are some ways in which YOU can help BOTH humans and animals, simply by
being a responsible animal feeder!

Practicality over Compassion Is the Way to Go!

As much as compassion towards animals may be your driving force to feed them, not
everyone will understand that. For example, going out of your way to fight the odds
could actually land you in trouble: in fact, not only you but even the animals you are
feeding. Don’t forget -- once you’re done feeding your community animals, you
have a home to go to… but the animals you care for are still on the streets, and thus
vulnerable to threats! Other features of the guidelines include: dogs should not be
herded at a specific location for feeding; public causeways, public streets, pedestrian
paths, and footpaths should be avoided; common/public areas immediately adjacent
to flats/houses should be avoided; feeding should be done at a time when the human
population density is at a minimum, and feeding should be done undertaken
hygienically and twice a day. Order of the Hon’ble High Court
On December 18, 2010, the Honourable High Court of New Delhi granted an order
for the feeding of stray dogs. “The Animal Welfare Board of India should select, in
collaboration with the Residents Welfare Association, Region SHO, and Animal
Welfare Organization working in that area, the spots/sites that, in its judgment,
would be most ideal for feeding dogs,” according to the opinion. “The Animal
Welfare Board of India shall find suitable areas in the colonies, the subject of these
petitions, within four weeks from today”, according to the statement. During that
time, it will likewise aim to cover as many colonies as possible.

“The Delhi Police will ensure that no harm is caused to volunteers of Animal
Welfare Organizations feeding dogs in these localities provided that they feed them
only during hours specified by the Animal Welfare Board and provided further that
as soon as suitable sites for feeding the dogs are identified, these organizations will
feed dogs only on those identified sites,” the Hon’ble Court ordered.

It is necessary to bring into the record that these individuals and families who adopt
stray animals are doing a great service to humanity as they are acting in the aid and
assistance of Municipal Authorities by providing these animals with food and
shelter, as well as by getting them vaccinated and sterilized. No local municipal
authority can successfully carry out its ABC program without the cooperation of
such individuals.

The Court went on to say that “the local police and municipal authorities are under
an obligation not only to encourage such adoption but also to ensure that such
persons who come forward to take care of these animals, particularly community or
neighbourhood dogs, are not subjected to any kind of cruelty,” and that “every
individual has the right to adopt stray dogs.”

Foods you should and shouldn’t feed to stray dogs

When stray dogs are hungry, they will eat anything, but this puts them at a higher
risk of poor hygiene. Here are some foods to consider feeding stray dogs if you want
to offer them a healthier supper.
 Roti, rice, boiling potatoes, vegetable oil/ghee: A common human diet is also a
good source of nourishment for dogs. The easiest and most substantial meal you
can give stray dogs is a mixture of soft-cooked rice, small chunks of boiled
potatoes, and a small amount of vegetable oil or ghee in water. Before serving,
mince the cooked Roti’s well to aid digestion.

Throwaway meat parts: Cuts not ordinarily consumed by humans, such as

chicken feet, goat lungs, and other fish parts, are thrown away like garbage by your
local butcher. Consider purchasing a little amount of such meat the next time you’re
at the butcher to feed the stray dogs in your neighbourhood (they’re inexpensive). As
the puppies will still be teething, make sure to cook it correctly and only offer it to
older dogs. The cuts can be combined with rice and served as a high-protein meal. In
addition, the dog gets the bone.

 Add a pinch of Hilde (turmeric): By adding pinches of Hilda (turmeric) to the

rice, you may provide stray dogs with a mouth-watering meals
 Store-bought dog food: This is another option for stray dogs along with canned
dog food and packed meals. This can be served either soaked in water or with
boiled rice.
 Water: For all living beings, water is the source of life. If you’re going on a stray
dog feeding drive in the summer, make sure you have plenty of water bottles and
bowls with you. Keep a water bowl outside your society or house gates so that
any wandering stray dog, cat, or other stray animals can drink clean water at least
once a day. Ensure that the water bowl is cleaned and maintained daily to avoid
the growth of moss or the threat of mosquitoes due to stagnant water Foods that
you should completely avoid feeding stray dogs Chocolate: As chocolate
contains the chemical theobromine that is beneficial to humans, but is extremely
detrimental to dogs. Theobromine can cause a significant increase in blood
pressure in dogs, which could lead to the failure of many essential organs
including the nervous system.

Caffeine: As caffeine has qualities comparable to those found in chocolate,

it’s recommended to keep it out of reach of dogs.

Dairy items: The digestive systems of most dogs are not suited to break down
the fat found in dairy products. As a result, they are lactose intolerant,
therefore don’t offer them milk or cheesy foods because it could cause
difficulties like vomiting and diarrhoea.

Sweetened snacks: As they contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener commonly

found in cookies, candies, and chewing gums. Avoid giving such treats to
stray dogs since the xylitol in them might cause life-threatening
consequences like acute liver disease and blood clotting issues.

Onions and garlic: As they are so simple to come by, fast meals may appear
to be an excellent alternative for feeding stray dogs. However, avoid doing so
because such foods may contain onion and garlic mixtures, which when taken
by dogs can cause stomach irritation and, in severe situations, red blood cell

Alcohol: This is self-evident. Do not feed even the tiniest amount of alcohol
to stray dogs.

 Berries: Grapes, cherries, and raisins are examples of berries that contain the
artificial sweetener xylitol. As a result, do not feed berries to stray dogs. 
Peace begins when the hungry are fed!

Timing and venue play crucial roles in the co-operative situation of feeding animals.
Not every street or corner can be a favourable venue for this act. Places, where many
people are likely to be (especially children!), are an absolute no-no. Parks, areas
outside shopping malls and playgrounds, etc. attribute to unconducive venues of
feeding. However, a place like an open ground at night can be practical as dogs are
most likely to be around here towards the end of a day. This is where timing comes
into play. Early mornings and late nights are the best times to feed stray animals.
This is when there won’t be too many people around and even dogs gather together.

As you foray into the care of stray animals you will also be bearing their onus. You
eventually become their guardian as you’ll develop mutual familiarity along with the
fact that they are stray and don’t belong to anyone. Thus, with feeding, their other
conditions too become your concern. Their sterilization, deworming and regular
vaccination, ultimately become your responsibility. In fact, as per the Guidelines for
Care-givers of Street Dogs by the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), feeding
animals and gaining their trust can be a great way to participate in their healthy being
and contribute towards peaceful coexistence. The also states that it is the
Fundamental Duty of citizens of India to show compassion to all living creatures!
That being said, minimal conflict should be the key objective, Sterilize: Helps in
keeping the animal population in control, thus minimising the risk for human-animal
conflict Deworm: Stray animals are exposed to several bacteria that cause worms
inside their bodies. Deworming helps in better absorption of what they are being fed
as well as overall health.

To curb the spreading of diseases and infections that they may contract due to
multiple environmental factors. Above all, ensure your community dogs have been
vaccinated against rabies -- a disease that is transmissible to us humans!

Following these three duties will aid in your community animals’ optimum health.
Being in pain and suffering are some reasons that can make dogs attack due to the
pain and fear. Dogs that are healthy and have been vaccinated are far less prone to
exhibit aggressive pack behaviour.

You’re Approach:

Figure 05
Feeding hungry animals is nothing short of feeding your soul!

You must understand that you will be dealing with not only the stray animals that
you intend to feed but also a section of society that could be against it. Locals from
the neighbourhood where you feed animals may raise objections and the only way to
deal with this is polite communication. Since you have ensured that your community
dogs have been sterilised and vaccinated, it is very unlikely that they will harm
humans or cause conflict.

Appropriate Feeding:

Even basics could be a treat for them!

What you are feeding goes a long way in your intention to do so; not to mention, you
could probably be the only one who is feeding them. Biscuits (unflavoured and not
containing high sugar) are one of the most convenient and safest food items to feed
stray dogs. However, a healthier option could be rice, dal, boiled vegetables, etc. Be
mindful though that your job does not simply end at feeding. Ensuring that you
leave the venue clean is equally a part of responsible feeding. Most important ensure
you are feeding species-appropriate , safe food to the animals!

Sustainable Feeding,

Last but not least, in your attempt to create harmonious coexistence, let’s also aim to
have sustainable conditions to do so. While your primary objective is to feed stray
animals, being conscious about environmental damage is equally important. One of
the best ways to ensure this is by choosing eco-friendly food containers and ensuring
that you clean up after. Avoid plastic or any cheap containers that are likely to be
lined with harmful chemicals that may affect the animals or environment badly.
An unparalleled joy!

Above all, thank you for choosing to do this noble deed! Backed by several laws,
feeding stray animals indeed is a good cause and is encouraged for a happy
coexistence between animals and humans. So feed on, and be sure to do so

3. LI Chaun (LI, 2011) did a survey for the placement of stray dogs and found not
only approximately 60% stray dogs has not been proper resettle but also slaughtered
by others.

Meng yasheng and jang de ( merg and Jang ,2010) released a report about stray
dogs wounding event .Such incidents often occur in densely populated residential
area of being about more than 120000times in 2009. Owing to Stray dogs has not
been standardized managed then seriously affect the safety of people’s daily lives.

Research Design

A research plan is therefore a masterplan specifying methods and procedures for

collecting and analyzing the needing information. It is a framework, or blue print
that plans the actions for research to collected survey to public

Feeding street animals is social responsibility to concern about stray animals to

hungry about the take care about street animals care and love to feeding food for
animals What you really want to know is why animals are coming in and why not
enough of those animals are making it out alive. That information will enable you to
make sound program decisions and secure the and financial resources to implement
them. That information will enable you to save more animals.

To achieve these goals from the data you collect, you need to have a system in
place so that: you can extract meaningful information from the data

 You can trust that the data is correct.

 You can look at your animal data from various perspectives and answer
specific questions.

If your agency already uses hungry feeding street dogs , you've got a key element in
place. However, it's up to you to enter data consistently, completely, and in a timely
fashion. If you want the data in your animal records to be reliable and useful, you've
got to make time to do it right. Setting up a system for collecting and reporting your
animal data, and training everyone involved, is essential to capturing usable data and
being able to act on what it shows you.

Source of Data

There are two types of data which are as follows:

1. Primary Data

2. Secondary Data

1. Primary Data

The primary Data is generated through personal survey using

Questionnaires. The observation technique is used to record and assess the
authenticity of responses given by respondents to researcher . personal interviews
and observation techniques such as feeding stray animals

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data will be collect through , online websites and researcher paper

Secondary data is will be collected through. Online paper, and some

researcher is already collected data

The following steps will help you establish — or improve — a data collection
system in your agency.

1. Select one person to be in charge of data collection.

While it may not be possible to devote a staff position to managing data collection,
one person should be given responsibility for keeping your statistics. Other staff may
have data entry responsibilities, but we recommend designating one individual to
oversee the process. In addition, you may want to designate this person as the
primary contact for questions from staff about your shelter management software,
and as the primary contact with the vendor of your software.

2. Decide what items of data to collect.

What do you want to be able to do with the data you collect? Run status reports for
your board? Calculate intake statistics by town for animal control contracts? Use you
spay/neuter data to generate support for a low-cost spay/neuter initiatives

For lists of the kinds of data to capture to answer your questions, see What
animals data do you need

 3. Decide how and where you will record and store this data.

Survey Method

 Case Method

Out of these four methods, the researcher has chosen “Survey Method” for the

Tools and techniques

 It is very important things to analyse or state the data in a proper way. For
giving a proper meaning to data I am using following tools and techniques
which has mentioned below:
 Pie Chart
 Bar Chart
 Column Chart

Criteria for Sample Collection

Inclusion criteria

 Persons who are willing to participate in the study.

 There is no limit of male and female persons will be selected for this study.

Exclusion criteria:

 Persons who are not willing to participate in the study.

 Persons who are not present during the time of data collection.

Data collection

 Data collection is made through the primary source of conducting surveys

through questionnaire
 Taking opinions by the people and educating them about the reuse of clothes.

Helping people help their dogs through:

 Cooperation with monks and employees of temples to improve the quality of life
for temple dogs.
 Information to dog owners about sterilisations, medical care, taking them
along with us to the vet, showing people how to show affection through
gentle play and petting.
 Reducing death rate by helping people understand that there are solutions
other than killing dogs.
 School education activities to make the younger generation more aware of
animal welfare.


The main objective’s is feeding street animals to donated food to reduce hungry
feeding street dogs

 Every animal not suffered for hungry and feeding healthy food
 The main agenda is to reduced waste food we utiliesed the opportunity to
avoid surplus food
 Love and care the pet animals
 The food waste is can collected and stored to feeding stray animals
 Food redirected to non-food chains (including animals feed, compost or
recovery to bioenergy) is counted as food loss or waste
 Reducing the overpopulation of street and temple dogs through sterilization
/spaying programs and local adoptions.
 Operating a rescue centre for puppies and dogs (which is used for adoptions,
after-care from surgery/sterilisation, or for transitional rescue for dogs that
are in immediate danger).
 Improving the health status of homeless dogs through vaccinations and
coordinating medical care in cooperation with our veterinary team.
 Fighting the dog meat trade through advocacy and education.

 Cooperation with monks and employees of temples to improve the quality

of life for temple dogs.
 Information to dog owners about sterilisations, medical care, taking them
along with us to the vet, showing people how to show affection through
gentle play and petting.
 Reducing death rate by helping people understand that there are solutions
other than killing dogs.
 School education activities to make the younger generation more aware of
animal welfare.

Although we concentrate mainly on dogs, we are able to facilitate

treatment and sterilisations for cats as well as liaising with nuns at temples who
foster kittens and adult cats if people are interested in adoption.
Figure 4.1


The below chart shows that The below chart shows that are aware the feeding street
animals 58.6% strongly agree it shows to interest to feeding dogs and 31% are
agreed to feeding stray animals people only know that awareness about kindness
and some 8.6% neural is aware about topic and 1.8% disagree this pie chart show
feeding stray animals to care and interested from so some people don’t interested
feeding animals
Figure 4.2

The below chart shows that 37 .7% agree to contribute the food which will be
distributed to street dogs and animals some people’s 17.2% strongly agree ready to
contribute serplus food and fund raising and remaining people’s29.3% neutral
know and 13.8% strongly dis agree know how many peoples interseting the
donating the funds and surplus food be utilised to concern about the feeding
Figure 4.3

The below chart shows that 58.6% agree to contribute the food humble to care
about the dogs and interest distributed to street dogs and animals some people’s
31% strongly agree ready to contribute serplus food and fund raising and
remaining people’s 6.9% neutral know and 3.5% strongly disagree know how
many peoples interseting the feel it’s be humble job to concern about the animals
Figure 4.4


The below chart shows that 58.6% agree to contribute the food humble to care
about the dogs and interest will you come forward to take initiative to feeding the
steet animals distributed tosurplus foods to feeding to street dogs and animals
some people’s 25,9% strongly agree ready to contribute serplus food and fund
raising and remaining people’s 15.5% neutral know how many peoples
interseting the feel it’s be contributed volentary iniciated to care about public
concern to feeding the street animals
Figure 4.5


The below chart shows 69% dogs near by location agree to contribute the food
humble to care about the other locality 20-40 servy show 22.4% how many
peoples interseting the feel it’s be contributed volentary more than 3.4 about 60
5.2%located near by area street dogs iniciated to care about public concern to
feeding the street animal
Figure 4.6


The below chart shows. The below chart shows that 50.% agree to contribute the
food humble to care about the dogs and interest will you come forward to take
initiative to feeding the steet animals distributed tosurplus foods to feeding to
street dogs and animals some people’s 39.7% strongly agree ready to contribute
serplus food and fund raising and remaining people’s 8.6% know how many
peoples interseting the feel it’s be contributed volentary iniciated to care about
public concern to feeding the street animals will be agree to donate leftover food
in your home and resturant to provided surplus food to allowcated to feeding street
Figure 4.7

The below chart shows. iniciated to care about public concern to feeding the street
animals will be agree to concept of idea to contribute the food humble to care
street dogs according to the chart 25% agree and 10.3% disagree with the idea

To feeding street doogs and others are in nutral where they do not have any intrest
in the idea but most of the people will contribute to the problem
Chapter 5
Business Proposition
Business name
Like all businesses this business has a name. The name of business is
The location of our business is in Bangalore. We also provide a business opportunity
based on feeding street animals

The business plan is feeding street animals the created awareness about social case
we converted into opportunity the social case related to the contribute the society
and feeding street animals the networking in restaurants and hotels in need surplus
food be collected and every home surplus food we collected and we make
agreements and storage the foods we allocated food in different street and local we
collected surplus food we feeding street animals the main objective to stop
hungriness and some charity and Ngo helps to collected funds and some voluntary
association we donated a funds

The main agenda

To created awareness to reduced waste foods

To avoid food waste

To awareness don’t waste food to donate some animals

To contribute the society

To create goodwill for restaurants

To take initiative to funding

To create trust and loyal customers

To reduce waste and utilised the resources they avoid surplus foods

To collected excess food and home we collected to feeding the animals

Feeds, Inc. currently offers our customers products and supplies (Feed, Wormer,
Treats, Beading, etc.) for the following animals:

 Birds (Caged and Wild)

 Cats and Dogs (Household Pets)
 Cattle
 Chickens
 Deer and Elk
 Horses
 Fish (Pond)
 Goats
 Pigs
 Llamas
 Lambs
 Rabbits
 Sheep
 Turkeys

Custom Made Feeds

Delivery (Selective)

Feeds will continue to offer all of the above great products, while evaluating the
desire and need by our customers for the following items.


 A Complete Line of Feeds for All Animals

 Books (Related to Animals)
 Deer Blinds
 Exotic Animal Feed
 Home and Garden Accessories
 Horse Tack
 Landscape Supplies
 Live Animals
 Organic Gardening
 Plants, Flowers and Trees
 Ponds and Water Gardens
 Shanties
 Tools and Gloves

Feeds, Inc. will continue to offer the existing services, but we will also be expanding
our services to include the following as customers demonstrate an interest in
supporting the addition of such services.
Business plan

Feeds street animals is a mid- based farm and feed store dedicated to providing our
customers with professional services and high quality feed products. Latheethe offers
only the best feed and products in the industry.  Also offers our
customers the option of a custom made feed. Our mill enables us to provide high
levels of quality products that are always fresh and available. Latheethen’s primary
focus is on keeping our customers satisfied. Professional and reliable service,
competitive pricing, and a knowledgeable staff will provide for continued growth in
the years to come.’s was founded in 2020 by Chris and Steve Latheethen. Their hard
work and dedication has proven to be successful, as feeding street animals is now
one of the area’s premier feed stores and the only one specializing in custom-made

Our focus is on the core products, our sales and promotions emphasize our history
and reputation for quality and customer service. With the addition of new energy and
enthusiasm from younger owners, we will increase sales and the bottom line. Even
though the new owners have the time, energy, interest and knowledge to invest in an
already successful family business, our greatest asset will be our committment and
pride in protecting and growing the business.

In the past, has been just a feed store…in the future will grow to become not only a
larger provider of quality feeds, but also a boarding stable and resource for customer
with inquiries about all areas of pet care.
If started feeding stray animals, remain consistent choose a spot and feed them at the
same place every day always leave a bowl of water and also impact the number of
street animals

Pet overpopulation stems from several factors: cats and dogs reproducing with little
chance of their offspring finding homes, lack of spaying or neutering, pet owners
relinquishing their pets to shelters, and irresponsible pet owners. 2.4 million Healthy,
adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized in U.S. shelters each year due to pet

Stray dog or cat might be tempting, particularly if you are a pet lover, however it
might not be the best thing to do, always. A stray dog or cat is described to be a dog
or a cat that lives in a wild state subsequent to domestication. Typically such dogs or
cats might have been abandoned as puppies or kittens by human beings who don’t
have the responsibility to neuter or spay the parents of these animals or to look after
the puppies and kittens on their own. Stray dogs and cats can also be the ones that
live simply outdoors and are permitted to wander liberally all through the
neighborhood or that have been lost. Feeding such animals can actually cause some
sort of trouble to both you and your family and also to dogs and cats that you

The first and most probable reason for not feeding them is the danger and jeopardy
of rabies, which is a severe and life-threatening viral disease that spreads from
warm-blooded animals to human beings and other animals too. It has the tendency to
attack the central nervous system. Especially in humans, it might be fatal, Another
serious reason to renounce from feeding stray dogs or cats is the odds and
probabilities of the dog or cat displaying variable. This particular behavior of theirs
can actually come from them when they are in pain, thus making in aggressive. Also,
in general, stray dogs or cats are wild and would always want to defend and guard
themselves. When you grab hold of a stray dog or cat, chances are there that it might
bite or scratch you, just because it wants to get away from you.

All these reasons point out why you should never feed a stray dog or cat and what
might occur to you if you intend to do so. But now it is the other way. What about
the dog and cat? Is there any good motive behind not opting to feed them? Stray
dogs and cats possess a diverse diet from the pets that grow under human
supervision. Stray dogs and cats can never depend on human beings to get food.
They usually have to track and hunt their food or opt to eat whatever they are able to
discover. Commercial food that the pets eat might even offer them with digestive
problems. Stray dogs and cats and the normal home pets live in the same world and
so if you wish to take care and look out after them, then you can opt to seek the help
of organizations like animal shelters and humane societies that can actually help with
the process. Such organizations identify the significance of stray cats and dogs and
work meticulously in order to edify and inform the human beings about the
difficulties and quandaries of these animals. They also edify people who wish to
have these stray dogs or cats to be put in normal living conditions so that they can in
turn inform about the presence of stray dogs or cats in a particular area, instantly.

This site is intended to provide stray pet education and information about whether or
not you should feed a stray dog or cat, so that you can make an informed decision if
you need to deal with a stray dog problem. This site provides many stray dog control
articles and strategies, if you wish to attempt to solve the problem yourself. If you
are unable to do so, which is likely with many cases of stray dog removal, please go
to the home page and click the USA map, where I have wildlife removal experts
listed in over nearby home towns, who can properly help you with your nuisance
stray dog. From holding sterilisation and vaccination drives in your residential areas
to having the stray dogs guard your society along with the security personnel, here
are ways to be friends and not foes with the furry ones.

The main agenda is feeding street animals food collected some hotels and home
surplus food be collected and feeding the animals like dogs and cats and collected
funds how will be voluntary take initiative to provide a funds and in near
Bhuvneshwar Nager in Bangalore to team provide encouragement and we collected
foods to feeding the street animals the goal of feeding stray dogs is to make them
friendly so that they are easier to catch for spay/neuter operations, easy to handle
when they are sick or injured ,and also for the yearly anti- rabies vaccination feeding
feral and stray cats is generous, but they need health care as well many people enjoy
feeding wildlife because it allows them to have close contact with the animals , or
because they are helping the animals survive , the strays mostly depend on leftovers
from hotels. Similarly, marriage halls also dump food waste which is consumed by
the dogs, but since dine-in has been stopped at hotels and restaurants there are no
leftover and the animals are left to starve the lockdown brings in its wake hunger
pangs not only for the people, but also street dogs. The lockdown brings in its wake
hunger pangs not only for the people, but also street dogs. However, there are many
volunteers and animal lovers who are on a mission to feed these canines during

“The strays mostly depend on leftovers from hotels. Similarly, marriage halls also
dump food waste which is consumed by the dogs. But since dine-in has been stopped
at hotels and restaurants, there are no leftovers and the animals are left to starve. In
other cities, there are organisations like People for Animals with their own vehicles
and they feed them. But in towns and rural areas, the condition of the strays is
pitiable,” says one volunteer, who feeds around 25 street dogs in around 40 dogs in
various parts of. I have provided food. For the past I have also been feeding strays.
One has to visit them often even if they have been left in the care of concern ,” she
adds. where we propose to house injured strays and feeding street animals,

The conclusion feeding street animals food collected some hotels and home surplus
food be collected and feeding the animals like dogs and cats and collected funds how
will be voluntary take initiative to provide a funds and in near Bhuvneshwar Nager
in Bangalore to team provide encouragement and we collected foods to feeding the
street animals the goal of feeding stray dogs is to make them friendly

While strays certainly don’t have the luxury of a cushy life that house pets
fortunately have been blessed with, the former is still adaptable to humans and they
too respond to human empathy.

Surely a little empathy and respect for another species can reduce a lot of conflict
and make the world a happier place. So let’s try and make Mother Earth, a peaceful
place for all creatures big and small, with shared thoughts of kindness the issues of
feeding for infants in urban areas in Beijing still need to be improved.

Stray animals never get enough food and are constantly hungry and thirsty, and are
seen scavenging the garbage dumps just to get a mouthful. They suffer silently in
pain, which ends in a prolonged painful death. Stray animals don’t have any shelter
be it from the sun, rain, cold, or winds. Every day is a battle for them It is only their
strong survival skills that allow them to live long and only those who are fit and
strong have shelter and a few scraps of food to fill their hunger.
So the next time you see a stray animal where you maybe make sure you stop by and
feed them and make them feel secure and safe.


Hi I, m Vedashree BR , student of Acharya Bangalore B –School .I am currently

pursuing my MBA, I have designed the following Questionnaire for purpose of my
social responsibility project

1. Email :
2. Name :
3. Gender

a) Male b) female

4. Age

a) Below -20 b) 20-30 C) 30-40 d) above 40

5. Locality

a) Rural b) urban

6 marriage status

a) Married b) unmarried

7. What is your view on feeding street dogs?

a) Strongly agreed b) Agree c) Neural d) disagree

8. Would you be able to contribute the food which be distributed to street
dog (you can donate fund as well as food)

a) Strongly agreed b) Agree c) Neural d) disagree

9. Will you feel it’s a Hamble job to feed the street dog?

a) Strongly agreed b) Agree c) Neural d) disagree

10. Will you come forward to take an initiative to feeding the street animals?

a) Strongly agreed b) Agree c) Neural d) disagree

11. What is the average number of street dogs are in is locality

a) Below -50 b) 50-100 C) 100-150 d) above 150

12. Will you agree to donate leftover food in a home which will be feeding
street animals?

a) Strongly agreed b) Agree c) Neural d) disagree

13. How do you rate the idea?

a) 0-5 b) 5-10 c) 10-15 d) 15-20

14.Any suggestion

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