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Kursus Rekabentuk Sistem

Pintu Air
Pengairan dan Saliran
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Institut Pembangunan Kompetensi,
IPS Malaysia
DARl : 2 3 . 08. 2006 - 2 5 . 08. 2006
- --

8.00 - 10.00 Pagi 10.30 - 12.30 Tgh

8.30 - 9.00 Pg 9.00 - 10.00 Pg

Rabu Pendaflaranl Sistem Operasi dan Structural Mechanics
( 23.08.2006 ) Sesi Fotol Jenis dan Fungsi Aplikasi Dalam Projek JPS
Briefing Pintu Air
Ir. Lim Lee Thon Ir. Lim Lee Thon Ir. Lim Lee Thon

Khamis Rekabentuk Sistem Elektrik Kriteria Rekabentuk dan

( 24.08.2006 ) Spesifikasi Pintu Air

Ir. Loh Bak Kim Ir. Lim Lee Thon Ir. Lim Lee Thon

( 10.20 - 12.10 Tgh )

Jumaat Rekabentuk Rekabentuk
( 25.08.2006 ) ( Gate ) ( Hoisting System )
Ir. Lim Lee Thon Ir. Lim Lee Thon

Penyelaras: Zulkef li Bin Mat Sain.


Service 1 work to be perfo

Technical requirement
Performance Guarantee - testing &
commissioning, warranty against defects
Documentation - O&M Manual, Drawing
General Scope Of Work
Materials And Workmanship "h
e Mechanical Plant and Equipment
Electrical Works
Erection, Setting To Work And

Guide - Side & sill
0 Seals - Side and bottom

0 Hoist

Type of gate - based on appl

Size of gate - flow capacity width (
(h) x Head (H)

Steel (30413 16), Cast Iron, wooden

Deflection gate 11800, gate > 30 m span 1160
stop log 11600, C.I. Penstock 111000
Corrosion Protection painting, galvanising

Material - C.I., Stainless St

Min. thickness - SS - 10 rnm
Clearance -
Seal type - rubber (J, Flat),
Leakage limit roller, radial, tilt
top, side, bottom) 0.15 11s
on-seating < 1-25 Yminlm,
Hoist spindle, wire rope, hydraulic cylin
Power manual, AC electric (motor, actuator),
DC electric (motor, actuator), hydraulic

Hoist Type spindle, wire
cylinder/ motor
Power - manual, AC electric (m
actuator), DC electric (motor, ac
Power reserve 20%-
Operating Speed - 0.3 - 0.5 rnlmin, gear
reduction, power I torque requirement
Seal type - rubber (J, Flat), m 1 surface
Leakage limit roller, radial, tilt

Hoist - spindle, wire rope, hydraulic cylin
Power manual, AC electric (motor, actuator),
DC electric (motor, actuator), hydraulic

Hoist Type - spindle,

cvlinderl motor
Power - manual, AC electric (mot
actuator), DC electric (motor, actuat
I1 Power reserve 20%
* Operating Speed - 0.3 - 0.5 rn/min, ge
reduction, power I torque requirement
1301 SCOPE OF \ \ ' O m

1301.1 -I h!s Conzaci shall furnish all labour, materials, plant, faallties and equipmen:
;o ?erfo;m all work necessar!. to des~gn.rnanufacrure: d d ~ u e r yand unloading
a: S~te,ins:aiiation. testing and commissioning of the whole of the mater~als.
wlnng: ca'cries. electrical and mechan~calequipment and all other necessa:!
Items as stared herein and ~ndicatedon the Bills of Quantities, Specification
and Tender Drawings comprising the Contract Works.
The detail specification for electrical works shall be in Section 1400

1301.2 The Contractor 1s requ~redto carry out the Works which shall includes. bu: IS
not necessary limited to the following:-

I Seven (7) sets of S.S. tilting gates complete with gate guides. sill plates.
seal system, hydraulic hoisting system and all ancillary and auxil~ary
equipment as follows:-
Gombak Diversion Barrage 6m (w) x 4 m (h) x 5.3 m (H): 4 nos i
Keroh Diversion Barrage 6 m (w) x 4 m (h) x 5.1 m (HI: 3 nos Ii
2 Eight (8) sets of S.S. radial gates complete with side rubbing strips, s~ll
plates. seal system, hydraulic hoisting system and all ancillary and
auxiliary equipment as follows:-
Gombak Diversion Inlet Control Gates I
- 6 m ( w ) x 1.5 m ( h ) x 3 . 4 m ( H ) - 5 nos
Keron D~versionInlet Control Gates
- 5 rn (w) x 1.5 m (h) x 3 . 2 m (H) - 3 nos

Eleven ( 1 1) sets C.1. penstock gates complete with frame, spindie, hoisl
and all ancillary equipment as follows:-
Batu Pond Outlet Control Gates
- Z m ( w ) x 2 m ( h ) x 7 . 5 1 m ( H ) - 4nos I

Nanyang Pond Outlet Control Gates

-2m(w) x 2m (w) x 5.26 rn ('H) - 3 nos
Delima Outlet Control Gates
- 2m(w) x 2m (h) x 4.76m(H) - 4 nos

4. Thirteen (13) sets of M.S. stop log complete with lifting beams, seal
system and auxiliary as follows:-
6.0 m (w) x 5.2 m (h) x S.2m (H) -
4 nos. (for tilting gates)
i. .
6.0 m (w) x 4.9 m (h) x 4.9 n~(H)- 1 no. (for radial gates) ..
5.0 m (w) x 4.1 m (h) x 4.1 m(H) - 1 no. (for radial gates)
3.15 m (w) x 5.0 m (h) x 5.0 m(H) - I no. (for penstocks)
3.V m(w) Y. 5.0 m(h) x 5.01~ (Ei) - 2 nos ( for Penstocks)
5.0m&3.0m(w)x4.0m(h)x4.0rn(H)fortrashscreen - 2 nos

5. Five (5) sets [5 m width 2 nos. (U/S of Gornbak Barrage and Buaya
Pond Entrance) & 3 m width 3 nos.(Sg Batu, Diversion Outlet and
Drain into Diversion] Debris Removal System consisting of Log Boorn,
automatic trash rake equipment, fixed trash screen and disposal system

KL Flood Mitigation
.CfechonrcolPlanr and E o u ~ ~ nOr:r

Penstock compone-:s shall be manufac:ured from the b m c materials l~stedIn

the table as follows

Componen: Ma;er~als I Standard ; Grade--

Frame and late Grey cast iron :BS145?* i
Spheroidal graphite iron

Stem Stainless nee1

Stem c o u p l i n ~ s Stainless steel

Stem Guides Spheroidal graphite iron

with phosphor bronze

ThrustIOperating Gunmetal
nuts Phosphor bronze

Seats Gunrn eta1

Phosphor bronze

Seals Gunmetal
Phosphor bronze

Pedestal Sphero~dalgraphite iron

Bolts, nuts and i Stainless steel

anchor bolts

Hand wheel j Grey cast iron

Identification / Stainless sreel

late and screws I
The materials shall be

. (a) suitable for the temperature and pressure of the fluid being handled
under all opererting conditions

(b) compatible with the fluid and with the material of adjacent components.

(c) suitable for the envlronrnent

Where phosphor bronze materials are specified, they shall be zinc-free, that 1s
the zinc content shall not e x 4 0.05 per cent.

1309.17 Penstock protective coatings

Where cast iron components are specified and provided, or if alternative mild
steel materials are accepted for these components, they shall be coated with
two coats of two pack red lead primer after fabrication. The final coating shall
be completed w ith two coats of two pack coal tar epoxy paint.
b:i'orks zssoc~atedwlrh the !nstallation of the gates. stop logs and hoisting units
but carried out by the civil works shall include the f o l l o ~ l h g-

I. Conss~ic;ion of recess in concrete walls and flooir ;b: mounting c'

gates and a s s o c i a ~ dhoisting units

2. Pro\islon of pocke. in concrete walls or floors to receive anchor bolts

as required for mounnng of guides and sill assemblies.

1303.1 The Contractor shall subnut together with h ~ sContract the details of his
proposal lncludmg structural and mechanical components of the Plant together
w ~ t hconceptual drawrigs and design calculations of the gates, stop logs and
hoisting system.

1303.2 Contractor shall submit detailed calculations and fabrication drawings to

show that gaes, stop logs and hoisting system are adequaely designed ro
withstand the loads imposed during testing and operation of the gates and stop
logs. The calcuiat~onsheets are to be endorsed by a Professional Engineer
(Malaysia) registered in the Mechanical discipline.


1304.1 When there is no specific reference of standards in any part of specification.
the following standards shall apply :-

I. Design Of Gates and hoists - U S B q Japan Gates .4nd Penstock

Association, AWWA or their equivalents.

2. Mechanical Components - British Standards, ASTM IS0 or

their equivalents.

3. Electrical and Automation Components - British Standards, IEC, IS0 or

their equivalents.


1305.1 The gates shall be of welded construmon and provlded w t h effectwe seals
such that the openlngs are watertight all round The gates shall be installed at
the gate structures as m d i d m the Drawngs

1305.2 Each gate h a l l be designed for the maxlmum s t m c differential head equal to
the physical haght of gae, plus 300 mm addibonal head unless speclfied
otherwise The gates shall be deslgned to slut the smctures as ~nd~cated

13053 Tschnical specification for tilting gates shall be under section 1306.
Specification for radtal gaim shall be under section 1307 and specification for
penstock gates shall be under section 1309.

a Flood Mitigation 1300-3 04/06/03

Af d! E Spec~~5ca:ron



: The a r e shall be of one piece welded srainless steei .41S1 304 w:i>
slngie s ~ i nplare and suitably reinforced by hcfrizonral beams ard
v e n ~ c dribs. The reinforcing members shall be of suffic~en~ size m d
s::en~5 to safely withstand the maximum head aescribed in Clacsr
130) 1. plus aliowance of 300mm for extra head of water dur~ng
ove~7ow.The torsional effect of dead load when the gare I S resting on
the sill, and wind loads when the gate is dogged in the raised positlon or
when ~t is attached to the h o i shall
~ be cons~deredin the des~gnof the

3 Each gate shall be of low carbon chrom~um-nickelstainless steel to

NSI 304 (ASTM A240-71) or SUS 304 (nS)or W.K.R. 4306 (DIN)Tor
welded construction and shall comprise of single skin plate of minimum
10 rnrn thick with suitable side and bottom seals. The whole gate shall
be supported on a number of horizontal members which will transfer the
loads back to concrete piers via the bottom hinge and hydraulic cylinder
assembly. The Plant shall include the gates, side rubber seal plates and
all fixings, bed plates and the like (including parts whicn require to be
cast into the civil engneering works) necessary to provide for erection
and for the proper guidance and support ofthe gates during dl phases of
operation and storage.

3 The amount of deflection allowed in the gate design under the extreme
hydraul~cload shall be not more than 11890 of the span. The skin plare
shall be attached to the structural reinforcing members by weldmg.

4. The gate shall be installed with rubber seals as described below. The
gates shall be suffkiently rigid to limit laferal motion or side sway.


1. The Contractor shall satisfy himself that each gate is designed.

constructed and erected such that it is adequate to withstand withour
being subject to excess stress all the combinations of loads and forces
g stages of consbnrction, m s p o n .
h i c h will be applied to it d u ~ all
erection and opemion. Ln addition, no part shall deform, under the mon
severe design load combination, such as to impair the proper operation
of the Plant.


1 Each tilting sate shall be pivoted at the bottom by three (3) nos. of gate
bearing biocks with maintenance-free type bearings and stainless steel

2. The bearing blocks shall be anchored to the concrete supports by M.S

anchors. R.C. g s e seatdsupports shall be provided to support the gate
when in its lowered position.

Kt Flood Miligation
! Th: Conuac;or shali acs~gnand provtde anchor bolts for senlng 1 2 firs:-
srase concrete by the civil works contractor and shall design, prcv~de
a.1: zrec: ali items requtred to set the bearins blocks anc' sealtng piares
r&!. for the whoie 10 be concreted In by h e civii works contractor

blii3 stcei nlffeners and fixings may be used i n s k l of stamless steel

grade 3 16 for the side sealing plates provided that they are embedded in
concrete and no such pan is less k a n 50 mm from tine ciosest exposei
conzrete face in the completed works.

5 S ~ l plates
l shall be so des~gnedthat concrete can be compacted so as to
leave no votds benveen the concrete and etther the srll plates and gate
guides or t h e ~ rst~ffenlngmembers

6 All parts of first-stage and second-sqe bullt-in pans shall be

cons~deredas permanent works and shall be adequately deslsned for the
proper tnnsmission of forces


1 G a e s shall be provided with side seals at the upstream such that

openlnps are watertight against the design head and the leakage at
maximum differential head shall not exceed 0.15 litre per second per
metre perimeter length of seal.

2 The rubber seals for the sides of the tilting gate shall either be the solid
bulb "J" type seal, or flat rubber "wiper" type seal. The seal for the
bottom sill of the gate shall be thc flat rubber type. Seal mounting shall
be done under the utmosr care to prevent damage to the rubber under all
conditions of operation. The side seals shall be adjusted for light contact
against the sealing surface on the side rubber sea) plate with no water
load on the gate. A sufficient support sha\l be provided for the seal to
eliminate possibility of water pressure bending it open.

3. Gate seal fastenings and baclang plates shall be stainless steel Grade
304 for the side seal and Grade 3 16 for the bottom sill.

4. Gate seals and their fixings shall be designed in such a way that seals
are easily replaceable and adjustable.

5. Side seals shall be arranged so that water pressure increases the sealing

6. Seals shall be manufactured fiom synthetic rubber having sultable

physical and chemical properties and having good resistance to
abrasion, temperature changes and alternate welting and drymg, by fresh
and sea water, strong sur,!ight, ultravioiet rays, oxidatior. ~ 7 d


1. During operation gates shall be maintained in their correct relationship

to the civil engumring structure by means of fixed side guides.

KL. Flood Mitigalion

3 Ciearances bcween gate and guides shall be adequa~eto allow ~017-ec;
gar: operarion under the worst comb~narionof thermd movemen! z:d
struaural deformat~onof the gate.


; G a e side gu~desshali be fabricated from sra~nlesssieei grade 3 ! 0

sha?ed to cater for the proper travel of the gate.

3 The faces of gu~desand sealing surfaces shall be true to form and free
from twists, warps and kinks. The mnimum th~cknessof the gu~des
shaii not be less ihan 10 mm for st!nless steel.

3. The design o i the guides shall be such as will m~nimizeaccumulat~onof

silt sand or other debris wh~chmight interfere with the proper operatron
of the gate.

4 The guide assembly shall extend from the crest to the elevation required
for the gate in the maximum lowered position as shown on the

; 5 Installa~on shall be made with proper alignment and tolerances as

recommended by the manufacturer to assure smooth gate operation.

6. Gate guides shall be designed such that gates may be removed for
maintenance without disturbing the concrete work.


1. One set. of gate hoist for lifting the gate shall be provided for each of'the
tilting gates installed at Site such that any of these gates may be
operated independently.

2. The gate hoist shall be of hydraulic operated twin cylinder system to be

installed at respective operating platform, and shall be In accordance to
the specification in section 1308.

3 The Contractor shall furnish the detailed information for the ho~st

4. The device provided shall be such that the gate can be fully opened or
fully closed with a normal operating speed of 500 - 600 mrn per minute

5. All assembly bolts, studs, nuts and anchor bolts shall be stainless steel
to BS 970 grade 304, and shall be of 2uch size and spachg as require.'
Anchor bolts shall be of "L" shape for grouting into prepared pockets In
the concrete wall.

KL Flood Mltigotion
Mechonrccl Plmr and Equrpnrrn~



i Tt)e sra~niesssteel radlai gates aid acccssorles shall ser\.e the p u ~ o s e

and requ~rementsas stated below -

!aj To regziate flow of water

(0) Car? be operated under unbalanced head cond~r~ons

a[ any gate

(c! Shall be watertight

(dl Shal! be capable of be~ng ra~sed or lowered 5). a hydraul~c

cylinder- actuator driven hotsting mechanism with a lifting speed
of 400 rnm/minute

je) Shall be of rigid construction and reasonably free from v~bration

if) The des~gnheads shall be the maximum water he~ghtsas stated on

the Drawings, plus 300 mm head of water.

2. Each set of rad~algate shall conslst of, but not necessarily limited to. the
following :-

(a) Stainless steel 304 gate complete with side guide rollers, side and
bottom rubber seals, gate arm and trunnion assembly.

(b) Hydraulic cylinder actuator operated noist system complete w t h

cylinder and hydraulic power pack as specified in section 3308

(c) Stanless steel 3 16 side rubbing strips and bottom sills.

(d) The size of the new stainless steel radial gate shall be as specified
in 1301.2.2.

3. The amount of deflection allowed m the gate design under the extreme
hydraulic load shall be not more than 11800 of the span. The skin plates
shall be attached to the structural reinforcing members by welding.


1. The Contractor shall satisfy himself that each gate is designed,

constructed and erected such that it is adequate to withstand withour
being subjm to excess stress all the combinations of loads and forces
which will be applied to it during all stages of construction, transpon,
erectior! and operation. In addition, no part shall deform, under the most
severe designs load combination, such as to impair the proper operation
of the Plant.

2. Ln adhtion the above gate shall be designed for overflow height of

300mrn. Wind load, sedimentation load and vibration effect due to
water shall be taken into consideration.

KL Flood Mitigation

I Each gale leaf shall be of stainless steel to ,GTM . I N - 7 i Grade 30.:

I C welded conswcrlon. It shal! consin of a curved skin piate of I O x m
min~mumrh~ckness.The s h n plate shall be stifiened by curved venical
beams and stiffeners and supported by a m~nirnumhmbe:of hor:zontal
m a n girders complete with drain holes. The end frames shall carr! !ne
reactions from the gale to the rrunnions whlch then rransmli {he
reactions to the anchorages

3. Field splices for each element of the gate shall be kept to the m~nirnum

3. The Contractor shall design and fabricate the new stamless steel radlal
_paresto the requirement as stated.


1. The vertical beams shall be standard or fabricated SS 304 beam

sections, one side of the beam being curved to fit the skin plate. For the
purpose of design, the vertical beams may be considered to be straight
and of a length equal to the arc of the skin plate.


1. The horizontal girders shall be of standard or fabricated SS 304 l-beam

or channel sections. These girders are welded to the flange faces of the
vertical beams at the intersections. The flange of the horizontal g~rders
welded to the skin plate shall be curved to the inner radius of the skin
plate prior ro welding.


1. Two radial arm assemblies of standard or fabricated SS 304 I-beam

section shall be provided to transmit hydraulic loads on each radial gate
to the trunnion assemblies. The arm assemblies shall be arranged for
bolted field connection to the gate leaf and to the trunnion assemblies.

2. The slenderness ratio of the radial arm assemblies shall not exceed 150
All boltslnutslwashers shall be of stainless steel to ASTM AZ40-71
Grade 3 04.


1 Each of the two trunnion assemblies for each set of rad~algate shall
consist of the following:

(a) TrunnIw hub er:d flange J w grease!ubricated bronze b u s h g or


(b) Trunnion bracket.

(c) Trunnion pin.

2. The trunnion hub shall be either forged or cast stainless steel W e 304
The bushing shall be of the self-lubricating type. The bushmg shall have
KL Flood Mitigation
suZ~cicn!scri',xe x e a tc properly distribute the full load to the gar?
strucnire 1C brmze bush~nssare used. they shall ha\ L. a minimum
thickness of i f ' x m .

Z The trunnion bracket shall be fabricated from SS 304 plates or cas:

i grade 304 The bracket shall be supported on tne RC
smniess s t ~ of

2 f n e rrunnion f x i g e s shall be of stainless steel to ASTM ,4240-? i

Grade 304. The flanges shall be bent to conform to the flange al~gnment
of the end frame arms. The radial length of the flanges shall be
sufiicient to facilitate welding and to resist additional stresses In the
frame members caused by high pin friction.

i The tmnnion pix shall be of stainless steel to ASTM .4340-71 Grade

316 solid shaft. The pin shall be designed for bearing or bending
whichever requires the larger size. Coefficient of fnction for the pln
shali be taken as not less than 0.3.

1307.8 END F U M E S

I The end frames for each radial gate shall be of stlnless steel to .4STM
,4230-71 Grade 304. As a guide, the end frames shall be ~nclinedto
intersect the centre lines of the main girders at about one-fifth of the
gate width from each end. This will make the maximum bending
moment in the centre span to be nearly equal to the end cantilever

2. In the design of end frame members, the Contractor shall consider the
gate stalled condition during lifting of the gate. For this purpose, the
lifiing force of the actuator at stall torque shall be divided equally to the
lifting brackets. For this stalled condition, the allowable stress in
bending shall be taken as 0.75 of minimum yield mess.


I. Each gate shall be provided with two (2) nos. of side guide rollers,
suitably positioned (i.e. top and bottom) on each side of the radial gate
for guidance and constraint against side movements.

2. The side guide rollers shall be manufactured from stainless steel Grade
304 material.


1. The side rubbing strips and bottom sill plates shall be of stainless steel
to ASTM -40-7 1 Grade 3 I6 of minimum 10 mm thickness. These
shall be embedded in the concrete structure and shall be flush with the
surrounding concrete surfaces.

2. Side rubber seal guide plate and bottom sill plate shall be of one piece
and anchored to the concrete by mild steel anchor bolts and beam 1
twagger plae.
.L1 d E Sm-crjcarron

1307.11 GATE SEXLS.

1 The requiremen: for sate seals shall generali); be ,zs described In sectlor.
1306 4

2 Tramitions fiom s ~ d eseals to bottom seal shall be made w t h moulded

comer pieces spl~cedto the main seal pieces at aboyt 300 mm from !he

3 The base seal may be combined with a buffer or bearing strip adequate
to arrest the travel of the gate when it is being lowered and to c q the
weight of the gate and allow for the deformation of the gate when i~ I S
subsequently subjected to hydraulic loading in either direction.


The requirement for gate hoist shall generally be a s descr~bed in sechon

1309.1 Scope

The Works to be canled our shall ~ncludebut not necessar~l!.be I~m~ted to the
foliowlng, and shall be in accordance ~ " t hthe ~ ~ e c i f i c a r 1and
6 n the Drawings

Des~gn. nianufaciure. su-face heamenf packing. de'livery, ~nstallar~on.

pa~nting,testing and comrnlssioning of t h e C.1 pennocics, each Item complete
w t h the necessary appurtenances required for the safe? effic~entand reliable
operation of the equipment.

13092 Type of Penstocks

Penstocks shall be manufactured In accordance wrth BS 7775 or A ~ A


Penstocks shall be the nsmg stem type unless specified otherwise and the size,
type and actuation of each penstock shall be in accordance with the
Specificauon and Drawings.

13093 Performance of Penstocks

Each penstock shall be suitable for operation in the area in which it is located
The penstocks shall be used for isolating the flow as well as for flow conuol

Each channel-mounted penstock shall be capable of isolatmg the flow under

maximum unbalanced on-seating or off-seating head at the maximum wa\er
level as indicated In the Drawings. Each wall-mounted penstock shall be
capable of isolating the flow under a maximum unbalanced on-seating or off-
seating head of the maximum head over the penstock measured from the
invert of the penstock to maximum water level.

All penstocks shall be water-tested for water tightness after instdlation at the
site. A maximum permissible leakage of 2.0 limes per minute per seai
perimeter (metre) shall be allowed when penstocks are subjected to water test
under maximum unbalanced head conditions for on-seating and off-seating.

1309.4 -
Penstocks General

All castings shall be clean and sound, without defects capable of impairing
their function. Variations of thickness at any place shall be gradual and
substantial fillets shall be provided.

All machined surfaces shall be concentric, square to line and true.

All sharp edges and b u m shall be removed Bolt holes where provided, shall
be drilled and spot t"for bolt he& and nut.

1309.5 Penstocks - strength of parts

All components of penstocks and actuators shall be so designed that no parts

thereof will be stressed beyond their safe working limits. The maximum
allowable stress of any components shall be one-third of its yield stress andtor
one-fifth of ~ t ultimate
s stress
Flood Mit~gohon 1300-1 7 04/06/03
.\4cchonicol Plon: ond Equ:pnjrnr

1309.6 Penstock fmmcs

Frames shall be of cas; Iron and of rigid construction to resisc dl loads

reasonably expected to be encountered ir; semce for the life of the penstocks
Frames shal! be su~tabl! reinforced and provided wid corner andlor side
gussets where neessa?.

u'all-mounted penstocks shall have frames of the flat back type suitable for
bolting d~restto concrete suuctures. Sealing between the frames and concrere
structures shall be achieved by grouting Channel-mounted penstocks shall be
cast into rebates in the concrete walls.

Frames s M I provide a guide rail along which the gate slides to fully open and
close unobsrmcted and shall be of a length suff~cientto support at least one-
half of the gate in the fully opened posit~on.Design of the guide rail shall be
such that it is self-cleaning and thar clogging is minimized Provisions shall
be made to prevent lateral movement of bolted-on guide rails. For wall-
mounted penstocks the bolts securing the penstock to the wall shall not
impose any loads on the gate.

Where frame tops are provided in the case of self-contained penstocks they
shall be of bolted consuuction tc facilitate removal of the gate, and shall be
designed for the thrust of the actuator. Where the actuator is located on the
frame top, a fully machined support bracket shall be provided to receive the

All surfaces forming joints or bearings shall be machined. All welded

surfaces shall be fully sealed to prevent ingress of foreign marerial.

1309.7 Penstock gates

Gates shall be of cast iron and be adequaiely ribbed to resist in-service loads
Sliding surfaces that come into contact with the seating facings shall be
accurate1y machined.

The gate shall be of sufficient strength to withstand the maximum unbalanced

head without deflection or distortion that would affect the operation of the
penstock or reduce the water tightness. In any case, the gate shall not deflect
more than 1/I 000 of the span of the gsae under maximum head.

1309.8 Penstock stems and stem couplings

Stems shall be of stainless steel of ample cross section to prevent buckling or

permanent distortion under the operating conditions and shall be capable of
withstanding at least mce the rated output torque of the electric motor
actuator. At least twice the torque developed at the stem created by the
rnax:mm force of 340 N zt the rim of the hand wheei.

Thc length of the stem required between the top of the closed gate and the
horizontal axis of the hand wheel, both in the case of hand wheel operated
penstocks and electnc motor actuated penstocks, shall be as shown on the
Drawings. The stem shall be supported such thzt the yR (L = length or span
between supports, R = radius of gyration) for the unsupported part of the stem
shall not exceed 200
KL F l W Mlfrgotim 13m18
-ne threads of tht gem shall be mach~nedcut and of the square or .AC\IE
p p e The number of threads per. decimeter shall be such as to work mos~
effecrlvei!. w ~ t hthr acrualor

R : s q stems shali 3e provided with adjustable h m ~ nutssr

t stop coll=s above
m d below the pziesral llfi nut to prevent over-travel of the gale In e~ther

1309.9 Penstock stem guides

Bracket-mounted and floor mounted stern gu~des,~nclud~ng both the gutde

housing and the bracket. shall be constructed so that when properl! spaced
they w ~ l lhold the stem In allgnmenl and yet allow ~t enough play to permtt
eas\ cperarlon The ~ n s ~ dlameter
de of the gulde shall not be more than 3 mm
larger than the outs~aedlameter of the stem.

The guldes shall be spaced In accordance with the manufacrurer-s

recomrnendaions for each size. The L/R ration shall not exceed 200.

The guides shall be adjustable with resard to the bracket lo provlde concenrric
alignment with the stem and shall be lined, and provisions shall be made to
hold the ltnmg rigidly in place so as ro prevent loosenmg In service

Brackets shall be anached to the concrete walls by sufficient anchor bolts to

prevent twisting or sagging under load.

1309.10 Penstock thrust nut

Each penstock shall be provided with a thrust nut connecting the stem to the
.. 11 shall be adequately designed to endure the thrust developed durmp
penstock operation under the maximum unbalanced head with a safety factor
of 5, in opening and closing directions. .The thrust nut and gate shall be
designed to prevent turning of the thrust nut d u ~ operation.
g On rising stem
penstocks, the h s t nut shall be threaded and keyed or threaded and pinned lo
the stem.

1309.11 Penstock seats find seals

Frames shall be fined with fixed seating faces that surround the clear openlng
Seating faces shall be of phosphor bronze or gunmetal.

The unseating sides of the frames shall be fitted w t h wedging devlces or

pressure seals to ensure contact between the gate and frame seatlng faces
when the gate is in the closed position. Wedging devices or pressure seals
shall be adjustable to provide easy on-site variable adjustment of the sl~ding
contact pressure of the seating faces.

b the case of wall-mounted penstocks or channel-mounted penstocks located

adjacent to a vertical wall, a seal shall be pmvided between the top of the
penstock gate and the wall to prevent leakage when the penstock 1s I n the
closed posihon The seal shall form an integral part of the penstock frame

Resilient seals for flush bottom penstocks shal! be of natural or synthet~c

rubber. Reclaimed rubber shall not be used. Rubber compounds shall be free II
Flood Mitigatton
sf ve3e;abie O I ! ~vegetabie-011
. denvattves, anlmai fats. and an~mai011s Sea!
and sed mater~alcshall be reststant to rntcrob~olog~cd and ozone atrack

1309.11 Penstock pedestal

Pedes:als shall be suitable for bolting onto concrete flodrs, and shall r~g~dl!
support the eiectric motor actuator or nand wheel. Each pedestal snall be c!'
such height that the horizontal axis of h e hand )sheel, both In the case of hand
whee! operated penstocks and electric actuated penstocks. 1s approximatelk
900 m m above operating level, which corresponds to the base of the pedesral
Pedestals shall be machined and drilled to receive the gear housing and drilled
for bolting to the concrete floor.

1309.13 Penstock stem cover

Each rising stem penstock shall be provided with a stem cover of Stainless
Steel SS304 d w enclosed type SS 304 mechanical indicator and gauge. The
cover shall be of sufficient diameter and length to permit full travel of the
threaded stem without obstruction. The top of the stern cover shall be closed.
The bottom end of the stem cover shall be mounted in a housing or adaptor
plate for easy field mounting or dismantling. The protection tubes shall have
drilled vent holes to minimize condensation.

1309.14 Penstock fixings

All assembly bolts, studs, nuts and anchor bolts, including washers, required
for assembly and installation of all the penstocks shall be of such size and
spacing as required to provide for the design forces with a safety factor of 5

1309.15 Penstock operation

Each penstock gate shall be operated by an electric actuator (refer to Section

1406 for detail specification). The electric actuator shall be installed directly
onto the stern so as to be able to operate at a lifting or lowering speed of about
300 mrnlmin. Operation of the Penstock a n be from the Local control panel at
the Gate Structure or Remote from the M.C.C. or by 'Auto 1 Manual" mode as
specified in detail under Section 1402.10 of the specificarion.

Ln case of power failure, a manual hand wheel shall be provided to enable

manual operation by one person. The hand wheels shall be arranged for
operation in the vertical plane, that is the shaft of the hand wheel shall drive
the stem of the Penstock via a right-angled gearbox.

1309.16 Penstock mnterials

All materials used in the construction of the penstocks shall have good
corrosion resistant characteristics. To reduce corrosion aristng from
electrochemical acthn associated -withthe use of dissimilx metals, pms of
the penstocks continuously in contact with the fluid shall, so far as is possible.
be made for metals close to each other in the electrochemical series.
.Lfechonrcol Plan/ and Eaurporrn:

Penstock componezs shall be manufac:ured from the b m c materials lrsred In

the table 2s follows

Componen: Materials ' Spmdard- Grade

Frame and gate
- &cast lron : BS 1452- 220
Spheroidal graphte iron 420/12

Stem Stainless nee1 316 S i 6

Stem couplings ' Stainless steel

Stem Guides Spheroidal graphite iron

with phosphor bronze

Thrust/Operating Gunmetal
nuts Phosphor bronze

Seats Gunm eta1

Phosphor bronze

Seals Gunmetal
Phosphor bronze

Pedestal Spheroidal graphite iron

Bolts, nurs and Stainless steel

anchor bolts

Hand wheel Grey cast iron

Identification Stainless steel

olate and screws

The materials shall be

(a) suitable for the temperature and pressure of the fluid being handled
under all operating conditions

(b) compatible with the fluid and with the material of adjacent components.

(c) suitable for the environment

Where pbnsphor b r o n z materials are specified, they shall be zinc-free, that 1s

the zinc content shall not exceed 0.05 per cent.

1309.17 Penstock protective coatings

Where cast iron components are specified and prowded, or if alternative mild
steel materials are accepted for these components, they shall be coated wth
two coats of two pack red lead primer after fabrication. The final coating shall
be completed with two coats of two pack coal tar epoxy paint
Kt Flood Mitigation
1309.18 Penstock inspection and testing

Ali penslocks shall be ~nspecredby the P.D, a; the nmufacrurer's works and
sndl be resred In the presence of the P.D.

Before finaj assembly, all searing and wedgtng surfaGs shall be cieaned
thoroughly of all foreign materials and final adjustments ~ a d eWith the _caw
fully closed. the clearance between seating faces shd! be ch~ckedwith 2 O !O
mm thickness gauge. If the thickness gauge can be inserted between sear~ng
faces, then the wedging devices must be readjusted or the gate or frame or
both re-machined until insertion is no longer possible. In the even1 of re-
machining, clearances shall be checked again as stated above.

After completion of assembly, ail seating and wedging surfaces shall be

cleaned thoroughly of all foreign materials and final adjustments made. The
gate shall then be operated from fully closed to fully open position to venfy
that the assembly is functioning properly. Where electric motor actuarors are
provided, the complete assembly of penstock and actuator shall be tested.

1309.19 Penstock identification plates

Each penstock shall be provided with a identification plate fixed in a sultable

location on the pedestal or frame, and .having the following inforrnatlon
properly inscribed.

- Equ~pmentnumber;
- Manufacturer's name or trade mark;
- Year of manufacture,
- On-seatingloff-seating pressure;
- Frame material;
- Gate material
- Stem material;
- Mass of penstock;
- Number of hand wheel turns to h l l y open or close the gate

The symbol for the identification of the type of material shall be marked
immediately after the appropriate material identification. In additron, the
grade of the material shall be indicated immediately after the symbol.

130920 Main Contract Price

The Main Contract Price shall include ail works necessary for the
manufacture, testing, delivery and installation of the penstocks as S ~ O W I IIn the
Drawings and as required for the safe and efficient operation of the works
including accessories, painting, packing involved in the manufacture and
delivery of the penstocks and all other requirements of the Specification

KL Flood Mitigation
1307 R O L L E R :I'ER'I'IC.-4L. L I F T G.-\TES

! The roller and ~ e r t ~ clift

a l gates shall bc of the s~ngleskin plate type and
shail be provided with seals such that the openings are watertight 211

3. The gate shall be of the welded steel box construction with single skin
plaie and suitabiy reinforced by beams and vertical ribs. The reinforcing
members shall be of sufficient size and strength to safely withstand the
nia.imum head as shown in the Drawings. The torsional effect of dead
load \when the gate is resting on the sill, and wind loads when the gate is
in the raised position or when it is attached to the hoist, shall be
considered in the design of the gate.

Each gate shall be of low carbon chromium-nickel-molybdenum steel

[stainless steel] MSI 304 (ASTM h240-71) as indicated in the
Drawings for welded construction with watertight skin plate and
suitable edge and bottom seals. The minimum thickness of the skin plate
shall not be less than 10 mm thickness. The whole gate shall be
supported on a number of horizontal members which will transfer the
loads back to concrete piers via the wheels mounted to the ends of the
horizontal members. The Plant shall include the gates and all rails,
fixing, bed plates and the like (including parls which require to be cast
into the civil engineering works) necessary to provide for erection and
for the proper- guidance and support of the gates during all phases of
operation and storage.

4. The deflection of the gate shall be not more than 11800 of the span. The
reinforcing members shall be of stainless steel of grade AISI 304 or
equivalent. The skin plate shall be attached to the structural reinforcing
members by welding.

5. The roller/veriical liA gate shall be fabricated in one piece section and
shall have not less than three (3) rollers per side. The bottom part of the
gate shall be properly shaped to minimize downpull and to reduce undue
vibration under all conditions of operation.

6. 'The gate design shall be sufficiently flexible to accommodate

misalignment of the gate guides and to take out wear and corrosion on
the wheels/rollers without subjecting any part to excessive stress when
the gate is subjected to its maximum load.

7. Dimensions of roller/vertical lift gate openings, sill levels and gate lift
heights are as shown in the Drawings.

8. Each gate shall have its own hoisting unit being located at the hoist
platform. The hoisting unit shall be either of the screw spindle (Roller
gate) [Para 1307.101 or wire rope (Vertical lift gate) [Para 1307.111 type
as indicated in the Drawings. Operation of the gate shall be through
motorized control under normal conditions, and manual operation shall
be included.

KL Flood - SM4R T

i A!i p r t s of the Plait shall bc des~gned:-

to operate in the specified environment with reasonable water-


so that the gate can be easily maintainecl and the maintenance IS

the minimum;

to operate in any weather conditions;

to operate when the steelwork is at any temperature between l0'C

and 65'C;

to be ready for immediate use after period of idleness of up to

thirty (30) days;

to have a working life of not less than 25 years

2. Built-in parts subject to irnrnersion shall be manufactured from

materials having suitable corrosion resistance.


1. The Plant as a whole shall be designed: -

to have the maximum possible reliability, especially durrng

closing and opening of the gate;

so that the gates can be closed and opened by electric motor in not
more than 15 minutes unless specified ottlenvise;

so that the gates can be closed or opened a! any water level;

so that all or any gate can be partially opened without any undue
vibration at any water level;

so that in the event of power failure, the gates can be closed and
opened manually by two men.


1. The Contractor shall satisfy himself that each gate is designed,

constructed and erected such that it is adequate to withstand, without
being subject to excess stress, all the combinations of loads and forces
which will be imposed to it during all stages of construction,
transportation, erection and operation. In addition, no part shall deform
under the most severe design load combination such as to i'mpair the
proper operation of the Plant.

2. Wind loads shall be calculated in accordance with British Standard CP3:

Chapter V: Part 2. The basic wind speed shall be taken as 120 km per
KL Flood - SMART
hou; md the ropography hctor. SI as I (i The factor S2 shall be not less
~harl1 13 and I 08 tior Class . \ and Class i3 structure respectivelv The
Stat~stlcdfactor S3 shall be tnken as 1.03 111 conjunction with normal
hydrsulic loadtny but shall bc reduced to 0 . 7 7 i n conjunction with
extrcme hydraulic loading. The Contractor shall determine and allow for
the additional loads duc to aerodynamic forces duung operation of thc

3 Extreme h~draulicloadiny defined as that (for. the most adverse position

of the gate) resulting tiom the highest upstream wafer level with a
m~nirnunidownstream water level

4. In addition to the loads listed above, the Contractor shall also take into
account in his design dead load including the inertia loads resulting
from acceleration, deceleration of h e yare, friction in the bearings and
guides, silt and obstructions on the sill and in the gate guides, the
dynamic and additional frictional effects of water flowing under and
around the gate.

5. Loads arising from variations ill steel temperature from 10°C and 65°C
shall be considered.

6. Stresses arising from differentla] temperatures between the upstream

and downstream faces and other of [he gates shall be considered.


The sill plates for gate and stoplogs a d sealing plates shall be
manufactured from stainless steel grade 3 16. The sill plates shall be
mounted flush with the concrete face.

'The sill plate shall have adequate strength to decelerate and to support
the gate when in its closed posltlon and shall have sufficient sealing face
w~dthto maintam a seal for any deflected shape of the gate.

'The Contractor shdl design and provide anchor bolts for setting in first-
stage concrete by the civil works contractor and shall design, provide
and erect all items required to set the sill plates and sealing plates ready
for the whole to be concreted in by the civil works contractor.

Mid-steel stiffcners and fixings may be used instead of stainless steel

grade 3 1 G for the sill and sealing plates provided that they are embedded
in concrete and no such part is less than 50 rnrn from the closest
exposed concrete face in the completed works.

Sill plates and sealing plates shall be so designed that concrete can be
compacted so as to leave no voids between the concrete and either the
sill plates and sealing plates or their stiffening members.

All parts of first-stage and second-stage built-in parts shall be

considered as permanent works and shall be adequately designed for the
proper transnlission of forces.

KL Flood - W R T
I G a t s shall be provided w t h seals at the t~pstrearnsuch that openings
are ~:atertighragalnst ,ul excess head on upstrean face for all water
levels and t h t leakage at the maximum different~dhead shall not exceed
0 . i 5 litre per second per metre of penrneter length of seal.

2. The rubber seals for the sides of the sate shall be the solid " L o type or
"J" t>pc (Ven~calLift). The seal for the bottom of the gate shall be the
flat rubber n p e for smooth operation of the gate. Seal mounting shall
be done under the utmost care to prevent damage to the rubber under all
conditions of operation. The side seals shall be adjusted for light
contact against the sealing surface on the side rail assembly with no
water load on the gate. r\ sufficient support shall be provided for the
seal to eliminate possibility of water pressure bending it opm.

3. Transitions from side seals to bottom seal, if used, shall be made with
moulded corner pieces spliced to the main seal pieces at about 300 rnm
from the corner. The rubber for these seals shall meet the applicable
requirements of recognized Standards for marine application

4. Gate seal fastenings and backing plates shall be stainless steel meeting
applicable requirements of recognized Standards.

5. The base seal may be combined with a buffer or bearing strip adequate
to arrest the travel of the gate when it is being lowered and to carry the
weight of the gate and allow for the deformation of the gate when it is
subsequently subjected to hydraulic loading i n either direction.

6. Gate seals and their fixings shall be designed in such a way that seals
are easily replaceable and adjustable.

7. Side seals shall be arranged so that water pressure increases the sealing

8. Seals shall be manufactured from synthetic rubber having suitable

physical and chemical properties and having good resistance to
abrasion, temperature changes and alternate wetting and drying, by the
water, strong sunlight, ultraviolet rays, oxidation and ozonisation.


1. During operation, gates shall be maintained in their correct relationship

to the civil engineering structure by means of fixed guides.

2. Each roller / vertical lifr gate shall be provided with wheels/rollers

arranged to operate on these guides.

3. At each side of the gate, an adequate number (minimum of three) of

wheels/rollers, to prevent distortion of the gate under any loading, and
suitably positioned, shall be provided for guidance in the upstream and
downstream directions. Two side guide rollers shall be provided at the
side (i.e. top and bottom) of the roller/vertical lift gate for guidance and
constraint against side movements.
4 Clc.:uanct.s benveen ~\hcelsiroller-sanif yu~dt'sshall be adequate to allow
Lorcect gate operatioil under [he worst combination of Iliermal
mo-:<men[ a1-d .;tructural deformation of' the yce. Wheelsirollers shall
be j~!ppontd In S L : C ~ Ia \vav that packlngs niny be removed or added as
apprspriate or other means shall be provided to make adiustlnents which
ma!- be required for ~riitial settiny to ensure correct wheel centre
di,:~mcnt as a icsult 01' long term deformation of [he civil engineering

5. Wheelvrollers and ~ u i d e ssliall be desigrlcd to carry a ~ additional

loads which may result from thermal rnovenicrir of the gate when it is
subjected to the most severe combination of hydraulic loading.
Operating Temperature range shall from IO'C to 6jnc.

6 Gate guides and wheels~rolersshall be designed to transmit the most

adverse combinations of loads tiom the gate, for any particular position
of the gate to the clvil engineering structure without exceeding
permssi ble stresses.


1. Gate side guides shall be fabricated from stainless steel grade

AISI 3 16. Side guide roller assemblies shall be made of stainless steel
grade 304.

2. The faces of guides and sealing surt'aces shall be true to form and fiee
from twists, warps and kinks. The mini~nunithickness of the guides
shall not be less than I0 mm for stainless steel

3. The design of die guides shall be such as will rninimise accumulation of

silt, sand or other debris which might interfere with the proper operation
of the gate.

4. Gate side guides shall be designed to transmit loads into the civil
engineering structure without exceeding pe~missible stresses as
specified and details shall be such as will allow proper compaction of
concrete around those parts to be embedded.
5. Built-in parts shall be provided to enable the guides to be accurately
aligned and to maintain such alignment during concreting in.

6. Gate guides shall be designed such that gates may be removed for
maintenance without disturbing the concrete work.


1. Gate Main Rollers shall be cast steel to ASTM A27 60-30. Rollers shall
be designed to carry the radial loads, resulting from the most adverse
combination of loading, in combination with an axial load applied at the
roller rim due to thermal expansion or contraction of the gate. For the
purpose of calculating this axial load the coefficient of friction between
roller and roller path shall be taken as not less than 0.1.
2 The roller assembly shall consist of a rlmged oi llat roller. a heavy
dur: gease luhcated taper roller bearing. a shalt (asle) and mountiny
coilars. The components oC the roller assembly shall be made of
staii?iess steel castiny and stamless steel 304 rnateuals. Castings shall
be !n accordance w t h recoynized Standards. The roller assemblies
sh&i be spaced along the sides of the roller p t e to carry equal
por.!ons of the hydraulic forces. The bearings shall be heavy duty
taper roller. bearing and self-aligning type. ?'he lubr~can~ used in the
bearmy shall be as recommended by the bearing manufacturer for the
antmpated condit~ons.The roller shatt shall be of stainless steel grade
3 16 and be of adequate diameter to take the thrust developed when the
full head of water is in contact with the gate. 'The roller shafts shall
meet the applicable requirements of recognized Standards.

j The components of the roller assembly shall have a Brinnel hardness of

not less than 150. Roller links and pins shall be anneded

4. Gate side rollers shall be manufactured from Stainless Steel grade 304


1. Each roller gate shall be operated by one unit of gate hoist consisting of
a pair of screw spindles, a pair of bevel gearing and one unit of electric

2. Each gate shall be fitted with two stainless steel 316 power screw
spindles of suitable diameter and attached to the gate spindle bracket
located ar a suitable position for lifting the gate. The spindle shall be of
the rising stem design.

3. Each spindle shall be coupled to a bevel gearbox mounted on a

headstock assembly and provided with a hollow output shafi to accept
the rising spindle. For each gate, the pair of bevel gearing shall be
driven by one electric actuator via a horizontally placed stainless steel
drive stem that connects both the input shaft of the bevel gearing.

4. The bevel gear operator shall be of totally enclosed gearing in a fully

sealed gearcase. All the internal gearing shall be filled with high quality
lubricant designed for maintenance free operation. The bevel operators
shall be sized to have appropriate gear ratio for electric actuator
operation. It shall also be sized to guarantee gate closure at the specified
differential pressure.

5. Each spindle above the gearbox shall be covered by a SS 304 protective

pipe c/w enclosed type mechanical indicator and gauge.

6. The gate hoist components and electric actuator shall be sized for a
lifting speed of approximately 300 mrnltnin (Outfall to Sg. Kerayong).
Electric actuator specification shall be under Section 1406. Class H
type actuator shall be used to ensure gates can be operated continuously
for at least 30 minutes.

KL Flood - ShL4 RT 1300-9 6/25;'03

I 'The wlre rnpc tvpe gate hoist shali be o f wire-ropeYdrumicentra1 worm
gear system to be ~nstalledat respective operating platform as shown in
the Drawings, and shall include the following: - -
(a) L ~ f t ~ nbracket
g made of similar mater~alas gate

(b) Galvanized steel wire-ropes of 6 .u 36 W R C rope construction

w ~ t hthe breaking force rating at leas1 6 times higher than the
maximum lifting load, cornplete w i t h galvanized steel turnbuckles
and thimbles of appropriate size.

(c) Cast iron wire-rope drum design to DS 366 complete with

pedestal and grease-packcd self-lubricating roller bearings, SKF
or equivalent.

(d) Transmission shafts of adequate tensional resistance

coniplete with gear type flexible couplings.

(e) A central worm and wheel self locking reduction gearbox, which
shall have a torque rating sufficient for operation witldwithout
counterweight as indicated in the Drawings. The worm wheel
shall be bronze to DS 1400. To allow for the right reduction ratio,
cast iron spur or helical gears may be included. The gearbox
selected shall be of reputable n~akecom~nonlyused in Malaysia.

' h e hoist shall be operated by an electric actuator sized for a lifting

s p e d of approximately 420 mmlmin (Intake to Attenuation Pond),
complete with haid wheel for manual operation by two men. Class H
type actuator shall be used to ensure gates can be operated continuously
for at least 30 minutes. The specification of actuator shall be in Section

KL Flood - JjLaR T


1 Each sate snajl be cperated b\. rwo ( 2 ) h?,baui~cc\ai~nders \i!:i,

suffic~entcapaclty to I~fithe welsh[ of each gate tosether w ~ t hall forces
and loads ac:inp on the gate plus 35% excess capgclr); Cajculat~or?on
tne 11Fttng c q a c ~ r ) :for each location shall be submlrred !nd~v:dua!
hydraul~cpower packs shall be prov~dedfor each gate Each h\:draui~c
power pack shall be fined wth two (2) pumps and rwo ( 2 ) electrtc
motors to drlve each gake; one duty and the other sandby Locat~onof
the power pack shall be decided by the P.D.

2 Lift~ngand lowering speed of gates shall be as n~puiated~ r Para

, I306 ?
and 1307.1 w ~ t hcapability to synchronize both cylinders operat~onas
well as "~ncnmg"operation.

3. Pressure switches or lirmt swtches shall be incorporated to monitor and

detect end pos~tionsor end of gate travel and de-energ~ze solenold
valves and stop gate operation. Continuous intermediate posrtion
indicators using reliable d~splacement transducers or other integrated
displacement measuring system such as CCMS shall also be provided

4 Safety valves shall be incorporated and attached d~rectly onto the

cylinders to prevent gate lowering by ~ t sown weight in case of
hosdpipe failure.

5 In s~tuationswhere gate 1s unable to fully open or close due tc

obstructions: an audio and visual alarm shall be acrivated to i n d ~ c a ~ e
such condit~or~as well as shut down the hydraulic system.

6. System shall incorporate sensors capable of sensing and actlvarlny

operation to lift the sate back to its original position in cases where
leakage may cause the gate to drift downwards. Creepage shall be less
than 25 mm124 hours.

7. System shall be capable of being upgradedJincorporated Into totai

automation system to be provided by others.

1. General

The hydraulic cylinder operators shall be of the heavy duty, double

acting type and shall be rated for at least 200 bar and tested to 350 bar
Unless otherwise specified, the cylinder shall be of the welded
c o n s m a i o n c r t i e red type with heavy duty intermediate trunnion (for
tilti~iggates)/ back clews jior radial gates) m o u n ~ g .

2. Construction Materials

Unless otlmwise specified, the cylinder head, cap and barrel shall be
made of w b o n steel; the piston rod shall be of stainless steel with hard

Kt Flood Mifigofion
The c y i l n d c snali be sized to pro\:ide s u f f i c ~ e nopening
~ and clos;ng
ti:r;s: under rile specliled head cond~tlons .-\ rnlnlmum jaf?r\ iaclo 2:'
illal! be appl~edto the maxlmum operallng load beiore slzlng i<;
aili-*, far 1!ne losses ma other s\.srem pressure drops

' f i e piston iod shall be of suficlen: cross secnon to safely w ~ t h s a n d

I 25 tlmes :ne full cyi~nder outpu~ at m a i m u n : syslem pressure
Cons~derationshall be _riven to prevent bendlngbuckl~ngof rod dus to
comb~nedbending and compressI\.e ioads. The pislon shall be equ~pped
w t h Ilp tvpe seals for mmimurn leakage under s t a t ~ cload cond~rlons
011seals shall confonn ro JIS/'DI% standards for ease of replacemen1

If the c y l ~ n d e ris to be submerged, then 11 shall be provided w t h

secondary seals to exclude the entry of warer lnro the cyimder.

1-he rod car~ridgeshall be removable w ~ t h o u the

t use of spec~altools

If a tall rod 1s required then I I shall be chrome plated and of a cross

sectlon suffic~entfor 11's intended use

The cyl~ndershall be manufactured by a repu~ablemanufacturer u x h i'

proven track record of similar appl~cationand Test Certificates from
manufacturer shall be subm~nedfor each cylinder


1 Genera!

T ~ Lsection
S is intended to establish the m ~ n i m u mstandards o!'
q u a l ~ t yfor the most common components used In the design o?
hydraulic systems. At all times the seiection of components and
the design of the hydraulic system shall be in strict accordance
with performance specificaons.

It is the intent of h s specification to encourage the contractor 10

use the latest technological advances, both in component select~on
and system design concepts.

The power unit shall be enclosed in a weatherproof cubicle and as

far as possible all components shall be constructed using stainless
steel 304 or better material so as to be corrosion resistant.

3. Hydraulic Power Units

(a) The hydraulic power u ~ shall

t b e rated at a maximum pressure of
150 bar (nominal) hydraulic oil system. It shall be of sufficient
slze and capacity to operaie the hydraulic cylinders against the
design thrust requirements.
The 2eslgn operarlng speed (eaent and rcrracl) To: :!!lncic: :32
shall oe suitable tcr carer for gate operating speed i
x spec1i;c:i ;n
j0S : _' above

The ydraulic power unlr shall be des~gned~uid rnanufacruxc I::

sompi;mce with good englneerins pracrice and shali he iota.-; 3.; IP':

nea as possible to each gate qlinders

Each pcwer unit shall consists of two ( 2 ) sets of ~ ~ P C I ~morors

dnvins two ( 7 ) hydraulic pumps; with one main pump aid the
other as standby pump. Should one pumpmotor fa!I C opeiale.
the other shall be capable of belng automat~cally started aid
swrched over to operate the gate.

3. Hyciraul~cSystem Component ~ ~ e c ~ f i c a t i o n s

.dl components shall be mounted in a positior! whlch w11I

facilitare adjustment and maintenance of the unit Lifting eyes
shall be prowded to facilitate handling of the u n i t . Add~rionally.I I
shall be constructed so as to allow handling hy a fork llfi

.qI parts and components shall be constructed of the best

niaterids sultable for the application.

All major components shall be manufaxured by reputable

manufacturers In the field.

I t is preferable to use as many major components from the same

manufacturer as possible

All field connection points shall be clearly labeled

All openings in the hydraulic equipment shall be sealed prlor to


4. Piping and Fittings

Unless otherwise specified, seamless or welded hydraulic

stainless steel tubing shall be used.

Suction lines shall be sized according to the pump manufacturer's

data sheets. Its cross sectional area shall be sufficient to prevenl
cavitation or starvation and undue temperature rise or turbulence.
Pipe size and wall thickness shall have a minimum safety factor of
6: 1 based on maximum working pressure.

Fluid velocity range shall not exceed 1.5 mls for suction piping.
less than 2 rn/s for rerim line and !SS that 4 m/s for pressure liiic.

All piping, piping fimngs, oil passages, cored or drilled holes

shall be free from burrs and foreign matter that may cause damage
to hydraulic components or contamination of the hydraulic fluid.

Drilled block mantfolds and cartridge valve construction is

preferable to reduce external plumbing and connection p o ~ n ~ s .
5 Reservoirs

13. The reservo): h a l l be JIC type and ha]! be designed and

ccnstmcred ro nirnirn!ze entry of foreign matter includmg water
T;:e xser-vorr shall be made of SS 304 rnatenal

i b ~ Mln!m::r~! reservorr srze shall be 1.5 umes the [oral return o;i
voiurne w t l ! adequate hear d~ssrpation Ir shall be large enough I:\
p m v ~ d e adequate mounting surface for the hvdraulic system
components. A sight gauge shall be prokided ro indlcare hkgh and
lo\<.fluid levels

jci .A cornbination breather and filler assembly with built-in strainer

shall be supplied and mounted on the riser

(d) Bilflles shall be provided between intake and return lines to

facil~tateseparation of air and foreign maner from the hydraulic
fluid Return oil shall be located at least 150 mm below oil level

(e) C l a n o u t covers of sufficient size shall be provided to allow

access to the interior of the reservorr.

(f) A m k d r u n c/w drain pan shall be provided. Proper design to

facil~tarecollection and removal of sludge ard water at the dram
outlet shall be incorporated.

6. Pumps and Motors

(a) The pump and motor shall be of type most suitable for the
application, taking into account maximum flow rate, pressure
range, available power and duty cycle.

(b) The pump and motor shall be sized to provide suficient volume
of fluid to operate the cylinders as specified at the design speed
and pressure.

(c) The motor shall be three phase totally enclosed fan cooled motor
suitable for outdoor application with at 1- 100% reserve power
over its maximum power requirement.

(d) Flexible coupling of adequate capacity shall be used between

pump and motor. Mounting surface for the pump and motor shall
be rigid to prevent misalignment due to work load and
temperature variation.

(e) All solenoid valves shall be operaled by 24V DC supply and be

provided with emergency manual activators in case of power
failure "Status indicating lights shall be incorporated.

7. Protection m d Monitoring Devices

(a) A pressure relief valve shall be proiided on the discharge side of

the pump.

KL Flood Mirigorion
!-lydrzu i I C nil level and temperature sensors shall be prowcied w:th
iou 11.;-ei a d h12h temperature automauc shut off of !he ?umps 10
preve;?! Samaye and repon the condir~onas an alaril:

Hydrzt!i~cfiirers of recommended filuar~onsize shali he prnwded

fa: t h suction
~ and return line.

Hand lumps for manual operatior? shall be prcv~ded W a

I : ~
submerged suction filter.

Pressure sensors shall be instalied to monitor system pressure and

repon abnormal pressure as an alarm wth autornaric shut off of
power unlt

Gate pcsition and hydraulic system indicat~on shali be

incorporated into the system at the M.C.C. as spec~fiedin detarl In
Specificarion 1403.25. Remote end travel indication by l~rnjtor
proximiry switches and continuous g a e posilion indrcalton by
h e a r transducer and receiver shall be prov~ded.

8. Vaives and Accessories

(a) .All vzlves shall be of type and size most appropriate ro the

(b] Directional control valves of solenoid or pilot operared type shall

he used to direct oil flow to the operating cvlinder.

(cj Pilot operated check valves or other suitable means shall b?

incorporated to ma~ntainintermediate positioning of the cylinder

(d) Flow control valves of the fully adjustable type over the des~red
range of operating speed shall be incorporated for speed

(e) Check ralves shall be provided to prevent reverse flow through

the pump.

(f) All other valves and accessories shall be provided as required to

meet the necessary performance requirements.

(a) All power unit electrically activated devices shall be factory wired
and constructed in accordance with current practices and

(bj Aii ~zcessay electrical controls, operating devices and

monitoriog devices shall be wired to a weatherproof electrical
control enclosure.

(c) Electric motor starbirs 'shall be as specified under Elecrrical

Specification. "Start" and "Stop" push buttons shall incorporate
indicator lights.

Flood M i ~ i g o ~ i o n
I 2 1 "En?r:genc> Stop" button s!lall b e nrav~dedin the control

I Operalor, sequence shall be ro start the electrtc motor firs1

followed by operation of gate by act:\,atlnS "LI?" "Lo\~e:' 3:
"Inching" bunon

I 51 0pe;a:rcn of h e hydraulic holst arm c2.n be'from Locai con;r:)j

panel or "Remote" at MCC or ".4uto h4anualVas specified I C
detall under Section 1402 10 m d 1402.26 of the Speclficatton

1G Posltion indication and Synchronls~ng I

(ai Each cylinder shal! be fitted wlth a posltion ~ndtcatingsystem of

Rexroth Hydraudyne ClMS Mark 11 or l ~ n e a rtransducer thar 1s :
sul~ablefor this lnstallat~onand w t h accuracy better than 1 mrr! i
The unit shall bc robust, shock reslsrant and to be a~ least of LP65 :

(b) The system shall be easy to interface with other system for
measuring, safeguardmg and control functions.

(c) The output signal from this CIMS or transducer untt in analogue
digltal format shall be used to control a proportronal valve to keep
cyl~nderssynchron~zedwithin 25 mm.

(d) The system proposed shall not be affected by electr~cdisturbances

and shall require mJntnium adjustment or callbration.


----- -

Item Descrlphon Particulars

I General

limensions ( L .u W x H )

rotal weight (kg)

3esign standard

rota1 lifhng load including water head (kg)

3ff-seahng pressure

3n-seating pressure

Type (flush bottodstandard invert)

Gate full travel time by actuator (minutes)

No. of turns f?om open to close for manual operation

Permissible leakage at max. differential head

(litrelmin/meter perimeter)

Materials 1 Grades




Seating faces


Thrust Nut

Moulting bolt and nut


i (a) : Make / Model

b Type of zr~closure

'llase - Voltage - Frequency

Weight (kg)

Permissible no. of starts per hour

3utput torque (Nm)

3utput speed (rpm)

Spindle size (mm)

Hand-wheel maximum turning effort (Nm)

State protective devices incorporated

Motor: -
(i) Rated power (kw)
(ii) Speed (rpm)
(iii) Rated current (amps.)
(iv) Efficiency (%)
(v) Power factor

KL Flood - a mT
S C H E D U L E 01;T E C H N I C A L DAT.4

No. Description
1. : Gcneral

(a) I .\.Ianufactureri Type


(b) i Dimensions (w x h x H ) (m)

'Total weight (kg)

Main girder size (mm x I ~ x kdm)


Vertical girder size (mrn x nun x kglm)

Skin plate thickness (mm)

Design standwd

Total lifling load including water head (kg)

Gate lifling speed (mdrnin)

Gate fid1 b-avel time (minutes)

Permissible leakage at max. differential

head (litre/minlm&r perimeter)
Materials / Grades

Gate skin plate

Main gisders and stiffeners

Seals (side and bottom)

Guide & sill plates (material & thickness)

Gate Main Rollers size (&a. X thickness)

Gate Main Rollers (material & no.)


Roller shaft (material & size)

Type of wheel bearings

Guide Side Rollers (material & no.)

: ( a ) : Hoisting capacity ( Y )

!b,) : Lifting <peed (mm /ininure)

(2) ! Wise ropes: -

i (i) blarerial Type
(ii) Diameter (mm)
(ii i) Collsuuction
(iv) Breaking strength (N : mm2)
(v) Length of wise rope (in)
(vi) Finish

Drums: -
(i) Material
(ii) Diameter x Width (mm)
(iii) Winding speed (rpm)
(iv) Groove diameter (rmn)

Transmission shafts: -
(i) Shafting material
(ii) Diarneter(nm~)

Type of couplings

Type of bearings

Central gearbox: -
(i) Make 1 Model
(ii) Kind of gear teeth
(iii) Gear ratio
(iv) Torque rating (Nrn)
(v) Output shaft speed (rpm)


i Item
i--- No. - -.-.----
I General

'otal weight (kg)

/lax,cylinder load (kg) / @ gate angle (deg)

lain girder size (nun x mm x kgfnl)

Jertical stiffener size (mm x mrn x kdm)

;kin plate thickness (mm)

lesign standard

3ate full travel time (minutes)

'ermissible leakage at max. differential head

:litre/min/meter perimeter)
Materials / Grades

Gate skin plate

Main girders and stiffeners

Seals (side and bottom)

Guide & sill plates

Guide Wheels (Rollers)


Roller shaft

Type of wheel bearings

Gate seat


- . _ _ _ _ -
Item i !
; No. ;
Description !
Particulars iI

-foisting capacity oleach cylinder ( 3 )

Zylinder Lifnn@Lowering speed (mm


iydraulic Cylinder

vfake 1 Model

viaterial of Cylinder

Material of Piston

>ength of rod (m)

Power Unit

Maximum System operating pressure (bar)

Setting Pressure for Main Relief Valve (bar:

Pump makdmodelltype

Pump Capacity (ccirev)

Electric motor make/model

Electric motor voltage (V)

Electric motor power (kW)

Electric motor speed (RPM)

Hydraulic Pump speed (RPM)

Type of coupling between pump & motor

Solenoid valve makelmodel

i Item
. Yo Dcscription

i (I! . Check valves nlake'niodel

( n ~ ) Flow cont~olvalve Make / Model

in) - Reservoir blarerial !thickness

(0) Reservoir Dimension (L x W x H)(mm)
Reservoir Capacity (litre)

Suction Filter Make / micron rating

Line Filter Make / micron rating

Pressure line piping Material/Diarneter

Suction line piping Material/Diarneter

Protection and oni it or in^ Devices

(i) Pressure Relief Valve

(ii) Hydraulic oil level sensor


(iii) Pressure sensors MakeModel



Dimensions ( s s h x H )

No. of panel per set

Yeight per panel (kg)

Jiain girder size (mmx tm x kd111)

{ertical stiffener size (rmn x mrn x k d m )

;kin plate thickness (mm)

Iesign standard

'ermissible leakage at max. differential

lead (litre/rnin/m perimeter)

I l a terials l Gmdes

j kin plate

blain girders and stiffeners


Guides & sill (material & thickness)


Side Roller assembly

Type of wheel bearings (if any)

Lifting beam material & releasing


Stop log rack

C O M P O N E N T S O F GA'TE --- C'orr/r/


ck Plates'
Alignment in p l a n c parallel lo n 0 \ ~
Djstancc bctwccn c c n t r c lint o f opc~irl!:
a n d track

Alignrtlcnt i n p l a n e p a r s l l ~ \Lo flo\v
Distancc bctwccn c c n t r c linc ol' o p c n i n g
a n d race or g u i d e
3. Critical Dirncr~sior!~
IS c a l Scats
Aligntlicnt in p l a n c paralici t o flow
Distance bctwccn c c n t r c l i n e o l o p c n i n ~
arid sidc s r a l s c a t
Coplancrnc~ .
Scal S c o t
I i c i g h t above sill
Coplancrness with side s c a l s c a t
i c a l Dirncnsioru
Centre to c c n t r c distancc bctwccrl track
Gates and Hoist
Sistem Pintu Air

Jenis dan Fu GATE

Pintu Air TYPES

I r Lim Lee Thon

C.I. Slide
Slide Gate Gate
H/W Screw Sluice Gate
down Gate Penstock

Slide & Sluice Gate I

Flap Gate

Rubber Flex Valve

Slep 14
T I r n T ~ d ~ f l e'IT-:!
r ~ is slipped over the tlumhlr plate and
sc~tardnit11 s h n l ~ s s l e d cldwp.
m Level

AVIOS Gate Constant D/S Control


- Dam
- Barrage
- Headworks
- Tidal Control
- Regulator
- Intake
- Offtake
- Checks
- Irrigation Control
- Farm turnouts
- Drainage Control



- - ..-.. . - .-. - ,.- .
:Gioufid. Recharging
...L.. .
'j .. ;.: ;-.:
. .
>::,4,.<.%., ,,\y,
o:><ah:a:<l.3 C,.%., ,,,. 0

C"m9 IIW,. 'V.2

. ..4-.:.. . :. . ..7.
.'di.. ..... . ., I I - . , :",


Wire Rope
Hydraulic Cylinder
Chain Link (Atlas)
Armco 4 Hoist

Armco Model 4A Hoist

Armco 9 Hoist

Armco Model 9~ Ho8rl

Hand wheel (AKPA 1)

Engine Operated 1 Hydraulic Power Operated I

Electric Motor Operated Electric Motor Operated

-- --

Electric Motor Barrage Gate Actuator Operated Hoist

VL I V I L n C
Solar Powered Hold System




Manual (handwheel, hoist with gearbox) Lifting device / overhead crane
Engine (petrol, diesel)
Trash screen equipment
Hydraulic power (motor, cylinder)
Standby generator set
AC Electric motor (single, three phase)
Electric Actuator Flow measuring device
DC Electric Motor Automation & SCADkInstruments
Automation (Local, Remote) and equipment

. .
-rash Rake ..
Screen Dragrake Concept
~ u i t u
mrL d ~ ~
Sahlins US and US2 Trash rack rake

Suspended Rake



Article 74: Application

This standard is applicable to all the gates to be used for hydraulic
power stations.

Ezplanat ion:
This article is'intended to clarify the scope of application of this
standard which covers the gatcs to be used for the dam equipment,
intake equipment, sand basins, head races, tanks, penstocks, tail races,
and the like of hydraulic power stations.
In addition to the above mentioned purposcs, gates are widely used
for water control, water utilization, and high tide prevention. This
standard is frequently used for gates used for other purposes than the
hydraulic power generation.

Article 75: D($nition

I n this standard, the word "Gates" (including high pressure va
means the gate leaves (including the bearings), seal guides. gate frames

and anchorages, and hoists, of which principal components are made of

steel materials.
2. I n this standard, the word "High Pressure Valves" means the
valves of which head is more than 25 meters and of which outflow is
more than 5rnJ/sec. ,

Ex pIa?tation:
I n this standard, Gates (including high pressure valves) are those
made of steel (including cast steel), and do not include those made of
wood. Steel stoplogs are to be governed by this standard.
The names of Gates in general use are as follows:
Roller type Fixed wheel gates
Caterpillar gates (roller mounted gates)
Ring seal gates
J e t flow gates
Hinge type Radial gates
Sector gates
Drum gates
. . : Flap gates (flash boards)

.- Visor gates
Slide type Slide gates
S toplogs
High pressure slide gates
. . Ring follower gates * .

Other type Rolling gates

Ring gates
Cylinder gates
Miter gates
These Gates are made u p of, generally, gate leaves, gate 'frames
anchorages, and hoists. The gate leaf consists of the parts on which
direct water pressure is applied, and the bearings through which the
'load applied on the gate leaf is transmitted to the gate irames and
- Seal guides are the part embedded in the concrete and on which
surface the sealing part of the gate leaf contacts to make the gate
Gate frames and anchorages are the part through which the load
-on the gate hearings is transmitted to the concrete. 1Vil;h the esception
of the hinge type gates, the seal guide .and the gate frames are com-
monly cnlled as ''Seal guide".
Hoists are the devices to open or close the gate leaves.
Classification of bearings, seal guides and gate frames is shown in
'Table 6.
2. The high pressure valves to which this standard is applicable
have a diamter of GOO mm or more. The so called high pressure valves
may be classified as follows:
hollow jet valves
needle valves
cone valves
gate valves (sluice valves)
butterfly valves
- rotary valves
Fixed p a r t

Fig. 17 Roller Gatc. Fig. 18 Calcrpillar Gnte (Rollcr

Mounted Gate).

Fig. 19 Ring-Scal Gnte. Fig. 20. Jet-Flow Gate

.:Fig. 21 Radial ~ a 1 e . j Fjg, 22 Hish:Pressure Radial Gate.
, ., ..
. . ., .. ' . . .. .. .-...
..... ... : i

. .
Operating mnchnnisum

Fig. 23 Sector Gate. Fig. 24 Drum Gate.

Fig. 25 Flash Board. . Fig. 27 Slide Gate.

Fig. 2G Visor Gate.

Fig 28 High-pressure Slide Gate. Fig. 29 Ring-Follower Gate.

' /sill
Fig. 30 Stop Log. Fig. 31 Rolling Gate.
AVIS 220.~425 Gates in parallel. Flow : 38 rn .'s (BOISGELIN-CRAPONNE Canal - La CROmE P;iilt,~onW o r b ,

Because of their simple design, single component moving about a n A V I O gnres, for s l ~ l i c e sworking
NEYRTEC A V l O and A V l S axls. c ~ n d e r Iientl. These gales control
automatic gates are o u t s t a n d ~ r i y
the sluice cross-section so as t o
a m o n g the various m e a n s used i n T h e al)sence of a n y auxiliary
rnaintain a conslant level on tlie
c o n t r o l l i n g w a t e r l e v e l s at the transmission systems, relays or
d o w n s t r e a m side for w h a t e v e r
h e a d w o r k s of b a s i n s o r c a n a l servonioiors, makes these gales
f l o w dernand a n d upstream h e a d
reaches. i n t o outstandingly accurate,
sensitive, hard-wearing and
W i t h these gates, the downstrearn
w a t e r level c a n b e kept constant, r e l i a b l e e q ~ ~ i p r n e n tw, h i c h II;is
proved itself an invaluable nsser to A V l S yares serving the same
irrespective of l e v e l c o n d i t i o n s
irrigation system designers. purpose, bu: designed for
u p s t r e a m , t h e d e o r e e of g a l e
continuous canal lengths, i n v ~ h i c h
opening and the f l o w dernand from Consiant-downstream level garcs the level variations upstrearn o f the
downstream , this remarkably manufacturetl o n this principle, arc gale leaf are small e n o u g h to be
constant conlro! i s achieved by a divideti lnlo IWO categories : coy)cd will1 by n s ~ ~ r f a cgalf;.

Constant upstream level control in reservoirs and canals

AMlL gale ~nstalletlIn a short slructure. on an unlmed canal

Purpose Applications and advantages

When installed across the stream, - Offtake equipment '
are maintained under water at
in a canal or river, the A M l L gate - O w i n g to constant water the same constant level during
automatically maintains a constant level in the canal or river, the dry weather as well as during
water level in the upstream reach, divened flow does not depend flood periods.
irrespective of the incoming flow. o n the fluctuations o f the main - A v o i d i n g overflows d u e to
The gate, which is nearly closed at flow. storms or faulty operation.
low discharge, opens progressively - Automatic and accurate opera-
- Owing to level control at the
as the flow increases, and the tion.with no mechanical device :
m a x i m u m elevation, the d l -
head loss at maximum discharge is only one moving par!.
verted flow can reach f u r l h e r .
very low.
d~stances. - Low head losses.
- Maintaining the level of natural - Bottom flow reducing sediment
or artificial lakes by ourflow deposits.
control. Wide rande of sizes meeting
- Protection of the banks. which the mcst varied cases.

1 4 1, rue Rateau - BP 02
'I6i ( 1 ) 48.38 92 09 - T&lccop. ( 1 ) 4O.36.36.17
The gates are welded assemblies
of steel plate, pipes and standard
sections. They require precision
s h e e t - m e t a l work w i t h close
tolerance margins to assure that
the leaf is perfectly cylindrical. All
metal components are protected
against corrosion by hot-sprayed
zinc metallization plus a coat of
primer and two coats of
glycerophthallic enamel paint.
Nuts, bolts and washers are
cadmium plated, plus bichromate
protection, or zinc plated.

Shop-inspection of a D 560 AMlL gate

Installation Hydraulic characteristics

The leaf of standard A M l L gates is The various m o d e l s o f A M l L W i t h respect to the above limit
shaped to a trapezium roughly gates are geometrically similar t o figures, if the upstream level is 2, 5
i n s c r ~ b e d i n half a circle, thus each other and designated by a or 10 % of D higher t h a n the axis,
providing the best flow conditions, d i m e n s i o n i n d e x D, t h a t i s the maximum discharge increases
w i t h clean separation from the roughly the w i d t h i n centimetres respectively by 6, 12 or 18 %,
edges as the gate starts to open. In of t h e w a t e r t a b l e f o r t h e whereas the head loss rises by 4,
addition, to avoid jamming, there is standard trapezium-shaped 1 1 or 20 %.
a small gap between the side sluices.
edges of the leaf i n closed position
The reference levels are assumed Gate selection
and the canal walls ; therefore the
to be read in the axial plane of the
gate cannot be fully tight.
sluice, at a distance from the gate The data required t o select the
The gate structure is made up of a leaf ec,~al to 2D for the upstream g a t e suitable for'a given structure
matching trapezium-shaped sluice level and 40 for the downstream are :
and of upstream and downstream level. e the nominal discharge Q
transitions. I n most cases indeed
The chart on page 4 represents the s the relevant available m i n i m u m
the stream section, whether of
r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n :he head J m .
canal, river or lake out!et, differs
d i s c h a r ~ eand the m i n i m u m head The gate is to he chosen so that its
from the gate sluice section and
loss for each "D" size, assuming head loss at maximum discharge
transitions are required. The table
that the gate is fuily open and be less than the minirnum head.
o n page 7 shows the dimension
maintains the upstream level at Where the gate is followed by a fall,
figures of a particularly effective
short junction structure, designed the trunnion axis elevation. The the rninimum head and the head
both to be of low cost and to chart also s h o w s the limit loss are not to be considered ; in
provide for an effective control of discharge which can flow through this case, the suitable tvpe is that
the level upstream of the section ttie gate, and beyond w t l ~ c hIhe w i t h a limit discharge not less than
transition. It is clear that the gate upstream level w o u l d n o longer be the required discharge.
size should be selected prior to the controlled h o w e v e r l o w the
design of the c i v ~ l engineering downstream level.
works. O n a l o g a r ~ t h r nscale, lije
discharge/head loss diagram IS
very close to a straight line ; the
abscissa of its end point gives the
maximum discharge Q , n a x (L's),
and its ordinate th_p miniinurn head
differential Jm (cm) b e w e e n Ihe
upstream and downstrealrj levels
The gate assemblies are built up of The equipment is protected against
welded plate, tubmg and sections. corrosion by a hot-sprayed zinc-
A l l the gate components, metallizat~onprocess, followed by
especially the moving parts, can be a primer and two coats Of
dismantled for transport purposes, ~ l ~ c e r o ~ h t h a enamel
llic paint.

figure 2
Standard l a y - o u t o f an A V l O gate

A Gate leaf
B Counterweighl
C Float
D Float chamber
E Metal walkway
F Constant d o w n s t r e a m level
G Bearing
H Metal-lined opening.
concreted i n
I Emergency gate
J Stream-lined intake
K Var~ableupstream level
L Walkway
M Enwr!lc:ncy gal(! o l ~ t : ~ I!] jack

Figure 3
figure 3
Standard l a y - o u l o f a n / I S gate

A Gare leal
A ' Darnp~ngtank
B Coonreweight
C F l0;lt
0 Flo;l~ clianit)er
E M c l i l l walkway
M E 7 1 1 FACE PLA;E


TROWELEO S M 0 0 l l l

Rodney Hunt roller gates are advantageous where the mounted in a concrete slot or Rodney Hunt can provide
openings are large, that is, 12 ft. x 12 ft. or over, or as con- a complete steel guide member to which the rails are at-
trol gateson the crest of adam. They are structural steel tached. A stainless steel seal plate is provided on each
with wheels on each side to reduce the operating thrust. side of the opening and across the top where the open-
ing is in a wall. The guides extend the full height of the
The disc or movable part of the gate i s a flat structural gate above the opening, so that the gate can be raised
steel plate reinforced with structural members. The disc completely out of the flow. A structural steel channel or
is designed to limit the deflection of the gate t o 11360 I-beam with astainless steel seating Surface is mounted
of its span when used in open channels and either 114" at the invert to provide a sealing plate.
or 111000 of the gate span, whichever is the smaller,
for gates covering submerged openings. Wheels are The roller gate may be operated by a crank operated
mounted on each side of the gate. The number and size manual actuator, electric motor driven actuator or hy-
of wheels depends upon the size of the gate and the draulic cylinder. The operating stems are stainless
operating head. The wheels are ductile iron or steel steel. When necessary because of the width of the roll-
with self-lubricating bushings operating on stainless er gate, interconnected actuators are used. These in-,
steel axles. A J-seal is attached across the top of the terconnected floorstands or benchstands can be oper-
gate and on both vertical sides of the gate with a con- ated by means of a crank on one of the units, or by an
ventional Rodney Hunt HY-Q seal along the invert for electric motor drive.
flush-bottom closure. The seal is attached to the gate As crest gates on a dam, roller gates are particularly well
with stainless steel strips and attaching bolts and pro- suited because they require less support structure on
vides a tight seal when the gate is in the closed position. each side than do tainter gates, and they will allow some
overflow where necessary. In this application, the gate is
The wheels operate on rails which are mounted in the designed to rise sufficiently high to clear any flood.over-
guide slots at each side of the gate. The rails can be flow conditions.

rollers are attached io a structural rlb w ~ t ha bolt-on axle

One o f three 5-34 ton 12 by 15-foot roller gates r e p l a c ~ n gthree Neoprene J-seal running along the side of the gate butts
badly worn steel gates. against a w ~ d e ,low-un~t-pressureHY-Q seal mounted on the
b o t t o m of the gate. Rubber seals compress tightly to prov~de
maximum water-lightness.
Rodney Hunt tainter gates are normally used to control ed in the concrete walls or by a beam that spans the
the flow over a dam. These tainter gates are heavily opening. The hinge pin is stainless steel supported in
designed for long life and difficult conditions and in- bronze bearings with lubricating fittings provided.
corporate a number of design and installation features. For proper installation, all parts of the gate are field
: The disc or movable part of the gate is a flat steel plate adjustable. The seal on the disc can be moved so that
accurately curved on the required radius. Vertical proper contact with the side and invert seal plates is
T-ribs support the curved plate and are backed by wide obtained. The invert seal plate and both side plates are
flange beam supports that span the complete width of installed in box-outs in the concrete and are completely
the opening. The radial arms attach to these horizontal adjustable to provide accurate seating of the gate. The
supports and extend back to the trunnion. J-seals are trunnion supports are adjustable with adjusting bolts
mounted across the bottom and up both sides of the and lock nuts so that precise location of the hinge
tainter gate disc. Steel or stainless steel plates are pins can be obtained.
embedded across the invert and up both sides of the Operation of the tainter gate is by means of cable
gate to provide a tight seal when the gate is closed. drum hoists designed and built at Rodney Hunt. These
The radial arms are angled toward the center of the are electrically driven and use fully enclosed gear
gate so that they Intersect the horizontal supports ap- reduction units, protected interconnecting shafting
proximately 116th of the way In from each side. Thls with flexible couplings, grooved drums and steel or
provides better support for the gate and helps to resist stainless steel cables. These hoisting units can also
any lateral thrust The trunnions and trunnion base incorporate position indicators, limit switches and
plates are steel supported by steel structures embedd- automatic opening and closing controls.




The side sealing of a tamter gate is obtained by a bulb or J.seal seating The deflection of the Invert seal is limiled by the b o t t o m edge o f
against a stainless steel plale anchored In Ihe concrete. the tainter gale skinplate.
adial Gates
There :LC<: t;vo types of A r m c o R a d i a l G n t c s . T h r a n d bottom scnls wit11 vulc.anizctl corners o ~ - 1.i ( . c.o:tm
ovcrtlou: t y p is designed for one-foot ovcl.llo\v. TIIL: n i c n t l d for i r ~ s t a l l : ~ t i o n\\:I~cI.(.
s w n t c r t i g h t n c . ~is 0 -
breastwai! r;!pe iu designed t o \vithstancl :I 10-loot
. .
h e a d or1 its c i i l . B o t h typcs nrc matlc i n witltlis l1.(:1111
8 t o 23 feet. hcights from 3 t o 7 Icct iliclusivc:.
T h e cciiis a n d bottolns of 11otl1 tyl)cs II;IV(::I 1 1 c . o -
p r e n e w a t e r scal t h a t s c a t s 011 conc1.ct1.. C o t i ~t .i ~t .
surfaces t h a t c o n t a c t this rcil)l,cr scal s l ~ o i ~ l cI Nl .
troweled s m o o t h . T h e breastwall t y p c also II;IS :I
n e o p r e n e t o p seal as s h o w n in t h e d r a w i n g o n p:~gc:
6 5 . T h i s d r a w i n g also sho\vs details of construction
a n d ins:a!.istion f o r both t y p c s of r a d i a l g a t c x
Adj~:si:;l>;c side rubbing plates a11tl "J"-t)-'lx. sitlc,

Cirnensions, r e c o m m e n d e d Iloists, and w e i g h t s o f c o m p l e t e a s s e n l b l y A r m c o Radial Gates

Gate S I X
wath -,
A B c E
( O I I bI c a r ~ r ~length)
Weight irl Pou~ids
Ho~st' 'I
-- overflow breastwall overflow breastwall overflow breast~
96 x 3C 36 45 48 9 9 652 910 6 6
96 x 4:' 48 60 63 9 9 859 1158 6 6
96 x 613 60 75 78 9 9 1017 1414 6 G
96 x 7s 72 90 93 9 9 1266 1785 .6 5
-- 96 x P.d - 81 105 108 9 9 1G38 2047 G 5
120 x 35 36 45 48 9 9 749 1065 G 6
120 x 4 s 48 60 63 9 9 973 136 1 6 6
120 x E l i
120 x 72
-----120 x 83
144x36 36 45 48 9 9 1148 1576 4 2
144 x 48 48 60 63 9 9 1423 1932 11

1 4 4 x F:,
144 x 84
168 jr---- 36 45 48 9 9 1298 1847 4
168 x 48 48 60 63 9 9 1601 2298 4
168 x 6E! 60 75 78 9 9 1931 2543 4
168 x 72 72 90 93 9 12 2278 324 1 4
168 x 84 84 105 108 9 12 2809 3534 4
192 x 36
192 x 48
192 x 66
192 x 72 72 90 93 9 12 2529 3531 4 4
192 x 84 84 105 108 9 12 3112 4170 4A 4A
216 x 36- 36 45 48 9 ,9 1649 2569 4 4
216 x GG
216 x :7
216 x 84 84 105 108 12 12 3886 4786 4A 4A
240 x 36 36 45 48 9 9 1808 3068 4
240 x 4 8 48 60 63 9 12 2265 3817 4 '"4A
240 x 60 60 '75 78 9 12 , 2841 4149 4
240 x 7 1 72 90 93 9 12 3185 4828 4 4A
240 x 84 84 105 108 12 12 4191 5243 4A 4A
'For c o r r p l ~ t r~ n f o r r n a l ~ oon
n hoists. s e e pages 7 4 a n d 7 5
ed Crest

Hinged crest gates are gates that are mounted on the an electric motor driven actuator with a stem is attach-
crest of a dam and are hinged along the invert. There ed to the arm. As the actuator raises and lowers the
are several types of hinged crest gates, but they all arm, the gate is raised and lowered.
lower to open and raise to close.
A hinged crest gate can also be supported by a
All hinged crest gates are fabricated from steel. The number of separate hinges. These consist of a trun-
gate itself can have a straight shape or curved shape nion attached to the concrete at the invert, a matching
to fit the shape of the crest when the gate is in the pair of hinge plates welded to the botlom of the gate and
lowered position. The plate is reinforced with vertical a stainless steel pin which passes through the plates
and horizontal members and is fitted with a single torque and the trunnion. Self-lubricated bronze bushings i n
tube across the invert or a number of separate hinges. the plates are normally used to reduce the friction.
Side seal plates are mounted in the abutments and resil-
ient seals attached to the sides of the movable disc to This type of gate can be operated in several ways. An
seal against these side plates. If the gate is to seal only operating stem can be attached to one or both ends of
in the fully raised position, there will be a raised seat the gate at the top. This could be a screw stem type
attached to the side plates. This seat may be of stain- actuator or a hydraulic cylinder. As the stem is pulled,
less steel. There is a seal across the hinge or invert of the gate rises. The actuator is supported on a trunnion
the crest gate. This can take the form of a bulb or so that it can rotate to maintain the alignment of the
J-seal type seal attached to an angle embedded in the actuator with the moving disc.
invert and seating against a cylindrical surface at the This same kind of gate can be operated by means of
hinge o f the gate. It also can be a strip of reinforced hydraulic cylinders mounted beneath the gate and push-
neoprene that is attached to an angle embedded at ing the gate to the up or.closed position. One, two or
the invert and to the upstream skin of the gate. more cylinders can be used depending upon the length
Where the gate is constructed with a torque tube, the of the gate. The hydraulic piping to the cylinders is inter-
torque tube is supported on bearings at intervals along connected so that the cylinders will move in unison.
the gate. One end of the torque tube extends through The choice of the design o f the crest gate itself and
the sidewall into an operating space in the abutment. the means of actuation normally depends upon the loca-
A stuffing box around the torque tube prevents leak- tion of the gate, the application, the size of the gate
age into the operating space. A hydraulic cylinder or and the head on the gate.

A 25 It. by 8 ft. crest gate of the torque tube design with a hydraul~ccylinder actuator.

Bulkhead gates are large fabricated steel gates Stop logs have been used for many years for control
placed in guides embedded in the concrete and in- of open channel flow. Aluminum is the most com-
stalled by means of ,an overhead crane. A single bulk- monly used material for making stop logs because of
head gate is normally used to close the opening in a its low weight and ease of handling. A resilient seal is
channel but the gates can be designed to stack one on placed along the bottom of each stop log to make a
top of the other,to close a large opening. Lifting eyes tight seal between each section. If low leakage is a re-
are usually provided on the top of the gate to attach quirement, additional seals are placed on the sides o f
the lifting cable. the stop log or in the guides.
Where the bulkhead is not easily accessible, a lift- The guides can be aluminum, stainless steel, or cast
ing device is used to install and remove the bulkhead iron, and are designed for embedding in the concrete
gates. The lifting device fits in the same guides and is or for attaching to the face of the concrete.
provided with a latching device to attach to the bulk-
head. With the bulkhead attached the lifter can be raised Stop logs are put in place and removed by means of a
and lowered by an overhead crane. stop log lifter which fits into the same guides and is
operated by an overhead crane. A latching device i,tf
Bulkheads are usually installed and removed under provided on the lifter to engage and disengage the-
balanced head conditions. stop logs.
If low leakage is not a requirement the gates are nor- The following information is necessary for Rodney
mally furnished with metal-to-metal seats. Where low Hunt to design the stop log.
leakage is desired the gates can be furnished with re- 1. The width of the opening and the height of the
silient seats across the bottom, up both sides and i f channel
necessary, across the top.
2. The depth of water in the channel
If the bulkhead is going to be used to close a submerg- 3. Whether or not low leakage
ed opening a top seal will be required on the disc and is a requirement
a top lintel piece will be required on the frame to pro-
vide a seating surface.
In order to design the bulkhead gate the following
information is needed:
1. Size of the opening.
2. Head that the gate must withstand when it is fully
3. The type of lifting device that is going to be used to
raise and lower the bulkhead.
4. If low leakage is a requirement this should be
5. Whether the gate is to be used in a channel or to
close a submerged opening.

Cross-section of a bulkhead and guide showing the gate, guide Aluminum slop logs with extruded aluminum guides and with the
and seal design. lilting device used to install and remove the logs.
Standard dirwnsions Civil erigiricerincj
The characteristics and If:i~(Iitl<~ Ttw civil engineering rcquirc:nic:nrs
dimensions of both high-head and for structures l o be cql~ippcdwith
l o w - h e a d A V l O gates a n d [ h e AVlO gates, are given for each size
d i m e n s i o n s o f the appropriate of gate, i n the diagrams and t;ll)les
emergency gates, are s h o w n in t h e o n pages 8 a n d 9.
diagrams a n d tables o n pages 6
and 7.

Head loss chart


N.0. .
1 - The operating potnts (Q. J) for a gate should never lie to the r ~ g h of
t its characterist~cline on the c h a n
2 The thicker lines relate to the "high-head" gates whereas the thiner lines relates to the "low-head" gates. except lor p a n superposition. For
V ~ than 30 crn.
example. the characteristic lines of the l o w - h e a t l 110/220 gate a n d of the high-tread 160/200 gate are tdent~calfor J O less
Having selected the basic frame type, it is then necessary to specify One of the following alternatives:-

A Is the Gate to take - ON - Seating pressure?

- OFF - Seating Pressure?
- ON and OFF - Seating
Pressure? Modulating penstocks for flow control purposes,
where the gate may be frequently repositioned
ON-Seating pressure - Pressure forcing the door utilising only a proportion of its full stroke, require
onto the frame. special consideration.
OFF-Seating pressure - Pressure forcing the door The various optional features available will be
away from the frame. quoted upon application.

Seating pressure Off-seating pressure SeatingIOff-seatingpressure

B Is the Gate to have - Standard Invert - (rebate - 'R')?

- Flush Invert?

Standard'lnvert (rebate 'R') Flush Inverts

Standard inverts have bronze facings. These are available with resilient sealing strip to
Seating faces are very carefully bedded onto the give a smooth flow passage at the bottom of the
door and frame surfaces, and secured with gate.
specially designed, long taper countersunk screws
of the same material as the faces. They are
finally mated to each other, resulting in a tight

Please note All Series 60-30 Penstocks
for OFF-seating pressure are
fitted with flush inverts.
Rectangular Penstocks/Sluice Gates - for Wall,
Thimble or Channel Mounting.

Series 160 80
260 - 130
300 - 150
These units are technically similar to series 60 - Generally, all frames will have flat backs for fitting
30 but are robustly designed to accommodate to a wall, but may be modified for use with a
larger heads of pressure and may incorporate thimble when necessary.
boyh top and bbttom wedges in;ertain' instances
where high operating heads are involved. These When used as channel penstocks flush inverts will
will be incor~oratedto ~reventa greater interface be fitted as standard.
deflection t h i n is commensurate Gith the leakage
parameters stated on page 14.
SERIES 160 - 80 On-Seating Pressure 16 metres Off-Seating Pressure 8 metres
Remote Operation - Thrust direct on frame.
Non-rising Extension Systems

Indicating floor pillar Floor pillar with
with handwheel handwheel on wall/coping
Floor pillar with bracket
bevel gearbox ;g
electric actuator 1 Handwheel direct on
stem with guide plate

Cap direct on stem

A Full Frame - 'F' -

Used where thrust reaction is accommodated at
Stem coupling the top of the frame.

Operating stem

Door guide

Door nut .


Non-rising stems rotate through a gunmetal nut

in the penstock door. The threaded portion of
the stem at the bottom is probably immersed in
the water, sewage effluent etc.
Section 1
Remote Operation - Thrust remote from frame.
Rising Extension Systems

1 F I O O ~pillar wlth
handwheel and Hydraulic or
rising extension Pneumatic linear

Floor pillar with Floor pillar

electric actuator with bevel Floor pillar with
and rising gearbox and handwheel and rising
extension stem rising extension extension stem on wall
with protection stem with/witho~ bracket. Withlwithout
tube protection tube. protection tube.

Rising stems are connected to the penstock door

and work through a revolving bronze nut located
in the operating gear. The screw thread at the
top of the stem is generally not immersed and is
readily accessible for lubrication.

Stem guide

v 8

Open Top Frame - (Half Frame) - 'H'
Used where thrust reaction is accommodated at a
point other than the top of the frame.

Door guide

iwater Penstocks Penstocks sluice Gates a

Fixing Methods
Conventional Wall Fixing
Flat back penstock bolted direct to concrete

FIXING BOLTS may be:- Indented

Expanding type etc.
To suit Customers

Channel Fixing
Channel type penstock cast into rebate in
concrete wall.

AWWA Specification C501 Wall Thimble

Flanged back penstock bolted to iron wall
thimble cast into concrete structure. (shown)


Flat Back
Both types are machined on the rear face to bolt
directly to the machined face of the wall thimble



Please note:- that any of our standard units can be

mounted in a channel, but only series 30-30,
Glydaseal and Plastigate are specifically designed
for this purpose.
All other units retain their wall momting
characteristics. Rebates in the channel side walls
will need to be cast large enough to facilitate
normal wall mounting procedures.

hish cff-seating pressure is specified careful

consideraiicm must be given to the method of
fixing the penstocklsluice gate to the structure.
The most reliable method of attaching a
penstocklgate in the circumstances is by use of a
wall thimble.
Wall thimble mounting offers the following
I . Civil constr-uctiori can proceed prior. to
delivery ol penstocklgate, reducing costs.
2. Considerable keyinglanchor area within the
concretc structure.
3. Ease of ;jci:sto~ldgate ereclion a d ~rcl.~!;c;vsl f c r
:?-siting (2; clenning clc.
i3i~:,,;;ic:r P(:t:stocks
. .
iron wall Ihli~,!i?lcs LIII bt:
: f ji:lih(!r
~ ; ! [ j p \ i ~i1.i 'E' ()r 'F' ~ c ~ . i i i!,(i\~J\:~~C
j~i, f ~ r
cir<.~.!!~r (j: r i : c \ a ~ ? , y b ~ \ (jjx:niiiq~,
'F' !;b (.' I lf.,p;
+Type and dimemion suitable for place and
Si3tem Pintu Air function
+Safety against expected loads
+Sufficient water-tightness
GATE DESIGN +Easy and reliable o5eraUon
+High durability '
+No harmful vibration during operation
$Easy maintenance

@5 feet culvert
- 0 to 50 cusecs (0to 1.4 :

@6 feet culvert 50 to 150 cusecs (1.4
to 4.2 d / s )
6P10 to 12 feet open flume 150 to 400- On seabng
Off seatinp
-- --
1.25 I/rnin/m sedl WWhv
6 m had 2.5 I/rnln/rn seal penrneter
cusecs (4.2 to 11.3 d / s )
+> 400 cusecs open flume -
9 rn head 3.0 I/rnln/m sed perimeter
12 rn head 3.75 I/min/rn seal

-- -
15 m head 4.5 I/min/m seal perlmeter
Slide Cate 15 I/rnln/m se3i perimeter

Ovefflow Radial
Gate / Tainter /

Flow Computation
W a t sliding gate (flow 0.8 to 3.1 m3/s)
$Q = c x A x (2gH)m
Q discharge n?/s

c discharge wfficient = 0.8
A area of opening m2
g 9.81 m/s
H differential head m


Constant Head Orifice Radial Gate / Roller Gate

Oflow > 3.0 m3/s
6Q= c * A * (2gH)l12
Q discharge n?/s

c dixharge c M i c i e n t = 0.7
A area of opening m2

g 9.81 m/s
H differential head m
Flow over weir
+Tilting gate, overflow gate
gQ = 1.73 x W x (H)1.5

Q N discharge m3/s
W width of opening m
H N head over welr m

Penstock Gate
$Q = c x A x (2gH)m

Q discharge (m3/s)
c discharge coefficient = 0.7
area of opening (m2)
-- head
9.81 m/s
over aperture centreline (m)

differential watw llevel
Slide Gate
HERCISE $Gate size = 2 m (w) x 2 m (h)
ON @HI = 1.5 m, H, = 1.3 meter
FLOW CALCULA770N @Gateopening height = 1 rn
@c = 0.8
$Calculate Flow Q = c x A x (2gh)lI2

....................... ...
Gombak Barrage .
Submerge Penstock
..,.... ...... .......,...

%lilting gate size = 6 m (w) x 4 m (h) *Gate size = 2 m (w) x 2 m (h)

@When water level reaches 48.1 m, gate $Water height H = 8 m from gate invert
dosed to level of 47.1 m @Gate fully opened
@Water height over gate H = 1.3 m +Calculate Flow Q = c x A x (2gH)lI2
+Calculate Flow Q = 1.73 x w x (H)'n

@c = 0.7
$Determine total flow for 4 gates +Case 1 Free flow of outlet
+Case 2 submerged outlet H, = 4 m

Gate Specif~ation
... $Type of gate based on application and flow i
Penstock Gate Selection
capacity requlrernent ~rdler,tilting, radial, ;
slide, penstock, flap
$Size of gate flow capacity wldth (w) x
height (h) x Head (H)
- @Ske of gate required
+Flow / pressure direction
*Material environmental appfication
@Type of mounhng (wall, thimble,
aluminium, mild steel (grade 43A, K)), channel)
Stainless Steel (304/316),Cast Iron, wooden, + R i n g / Non rising stem
HDPE, Rubber
8 Deflection gab? 11800, gate > 30 m span @Method of operation

*.Corrosion Protection -
1/600,stDp tog 11600, C.I. Penstock 111000
painting, galvanking
+Differential head
Design Standards Design Selection
* Technical StanQrds for Ga&
hpanese StanQrd
ard Pen.skxk-5 - a Gate type (roller, radial, tilting, pensbZk)
9 Design Cfltexla tor Low Head Slide Gate - g Gate size (w x h x ti), (3.6 m x 4.2 m x 4.5 m)
15:5620:1970 9 Hoisting device t y p (spindle, wire rope, hydrwlic
9 Recommendations fw Stiwtmal Design of Padial ainder)
G a b IS:4623:1967 e Power equipment (manual, e\edn'c motor, hflraulic)
Recommendakmfor Sbucbral Deslgn of Fixed
Wheel Gates - 15:4622:1978
@ A W A Standard b r Cast Iron Sluice Gates - A W A
*Opera%l speed
0.3 b 0.5 mlmln (nomral (late o m )

4, 8S 449:Part 2 - Spxification fa the use of Structural
.. 0.1 mlmln (A&nabon)
1.0 m 5.0 mlmin (NavIgaU~Locks)
Bottbm hinge Rap gate clorir?g tlme 10 20 m'n.
Steel In Buildlng
.. Hih p s u m vavah 0.05 * 0.1 +in

4 BS 4:Part 1- Specification for Sbuctllral S W Amatof Clav F max 15 mln., Cbrr H * 30 min.
9 IrrigaUon and Hydraulic Design Vol 11
- Serge
4 lifting Height c l e a r a ~ e1.0 t
a 1.5 m (debris)

Loads Gate Design Loads

....,.... .... ............
Hoist Design
8 Hydrostabc pressure (water pressure)
9 Sediment load (mud/dt)
*Weight of dead load gate, spindle etc
+Wedge load (penstock gate)
+Wave height (wnd / earth quake)
$Dynamic Pressure due to eaith quake *Seal friction
+Snow bad 9Roller/sliding friction
+Ice Pressure
*Wind load rased gate
g Surge Effect (5%)
f Uplift
$V7 brawn (1 0%)

Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure

O Case 1 Height of water = c% Case 2 Height of
Wght of gate
Helght o f gate H
Width of gate bay W
-- water 7 height of gate
+Height of gate h
-UWMth of gate bay w
+ area o f Mangle x &rsity +Hydrostatic Load =
= 'hxH2xdensity +area of load trawlurn
t.bcimutkvd-2~lm t. H 4
xdensty = "hx (H +
H-h) x h x density
+ Cakulate hyd tabc l a
T ' I
Hydrostatic Pressure I Other Considerations

@Heightof gate 4 m -- @Skinplate thickness

N min. 8mm with 1.5

for corrosion
Deflection 1/800 gate; 1/600 stoplog &

+Width of gate bay 5.5 m
gate span > 30 rn [ 6 = 5/384 x wL+/PI]
$Case 1 water level = 4 m
%Case 2
Max. water level 29 m . - .
a Leakage
rubber seal - 0.15 Ilseclrn
pemtcck gate on-seating < 1.25 I/min/rn
- off-seating < 2.5 I/ininlm (H < 6
Gate invert level .- 20 m m)
+Calculate hydrostatic load < 3.0 l/min/m (H < 9

I Spacing of Horizontal Girders

h, = { r/N )AO.SxH


I ....
Determine Centroids of S x t m n s
n, = (2/3X hrA3- hPlA3 ) 1 { hrA2 - hVlA2 ) Exercise
+Gate height (h) = 4.2 m
+Gate width (w) = 3.6 rn
+Upstream water level = 4.2 m
+Downstream water level = 0 m
$Assume 4 girders
5padng of Horkontal Grders h, a { r/N )'QS x H
Cenboids of Sections n,
n, = (213X bA3- h,,"3 11{ hA2- h,.,"2 1
STOP LOG DESIGN STEPS Hydrostatic Pressure
OOMaln lnfonnabon on stoptog helght, wldth
and max. water head
$Determine Design Loads
9 s r O P LOG
*Height of stop log
+ Width ofgate bay
- H

8 Determtne number of stop log leaves 4 Water level = H

+Debenme loading came6 by +Hydrostatic Load
(lowest leaf) =
lowest stop log Leaf
area of load trapezium
+Determine b d m g camed by & glrder x density = l/z /2 (H +
e Detenlne Max. Bend~ngMoment H-h) x h x density
BM(max) = wLA2 / 8


+Select girder section & skin plate Weight = 4.2 rn

thickness and check for bending stress +Width = 3.6 rn
and compare with allowable stress
f,(max) = BM(rnax) / S,
@No, of leaves = 4
+Check for shear +Material MS Gr 43A
$Check for deflection
d(rnax) = ( 51384 )( wLA4 / E*I )
+Check for skin plate stress
@Case 1 UB only --
@Skin plate = 10 rnm thick

@Case2 UB with skin plate

+ Obtdln general infmnabon on gate hdght & width
and max, water head
GA TE DESIGN + Determ~neDeugn Lmds
4. Oetermine spacing of horlmtal g~rders
hr = { h ( ~ 1 ) ~ 2( HA2 - hoA2 )/N JA0.5
4 Determine centroids of rectlons
G = (2/3X h(r)^3 - h(r-1)"3 ) / { h(r)"2 - h(r-1)"2

~6Determine Ioajlng carried by each glrder

d. Determine Mw. BENDING MOMENT
BM(rnax) = wLA2 / 8

Wind Load Wave Height by Wind

.......................... ..........................

+CP 3 Ch V Pt 2 (19720 *Large reservoir

. --
5, bopographlcal factcf
+Determined by Sverdrup-Munk-
.- 5, grovnd roughness, size & helpht k t o r
S, Statlsacal factor
*Dynamic wind prewre q =
gh, = 0.00086 x Vt.' x FO-45
8 F = distance to opposite bank (m)
K = 6.25 x 1W V = wind velocity (27 m/s)

I Wave Height by Earthquake Dynamic Earthquake Pressure

$.Seismic area +Westegaard Formula

@he = (k x Tl6.284) x (g x H)OS
+P, = (718) x (w, x k) x (h x h)0.5
he one half wave height (m) P, dynamk pressure (kgIm2) .
K seismic intenSity of desqn (0.1) K seismic intensity of desGn (0.1)

T seismic period (20 sec) w, density d water (1000 kg/m3)
ti - 9.817 m/s2
water depth frwn reservoir level to
ground (m)
max. water depth in dam (m)
water depth from dam level to point
I Earthquake Inertia Force Sediment Load

@Acts horizontally on gate leaf +Sediment Pressure P, =

. ---
C, x w, x d

9Fi=k x W C,sediment pressure factor (0.4 N 0.6)
m F, inertia force (kg) d depth of sediment (1 m)
w, W - (1-V) X WO
seismic intensity of design (0.1)
weight of gate (kg) .. --
w, demity of water (1000 kg/m3)
w density of sedimentary silt (1650

v -
void ratjo of sediment (0.3 to 0.45)



+Select girder section and check for +Height = 4.2 m

bending stress and compare wrth $Width = 3.6 m
allowable slress
%No. of Girders = 4
Wmax) = BM(max) I Zxx
+Check for shear +Material SS 316
@Checkfor deRection gWnp W = 10 mm thick
d(max) = ( 54384 )('wLA4 / €*I )
$Check for skin plate stress

Force to actuate C.I.PenstockGate


bF= l O O O x f x A x H + 1 . 5 x P 1 + P2
+F = 1 O O O x f x A x H + PI+ P, (moving)
F = force to open slide (kg)
f = friction factor 0.35
A = area of gate opening (m2)
H .= head of water (m)
P, = weight of slide (kg)
P, = weight of stem (kg)
Determination of Stem Diameter

$ Euler Formula P = C n2EA (r/l)

b D = [Mfl F/(CXIXE)]O.~~
+P = axial thrust on stem (N)
c9C = end restraint condition 2
+E = mcdulus of elasticity 205,000N/mm
+A = Area of stem mm
$r = radius of gyration mm = D/4
91 = length of span supports mm
4+F = Factor of safety 5

I Hoist Design
........... ..,......,.,..
- Wire Rope Type I ( Hoist Design - Spindle Type 1
4 Determ'ne Max. Uftjng b a d d e d weight friction + DetermlneM a . Ufting b a d - dead weight frictjon
(seal & rdler), over flow bad (seal & roller), over flow bad
O Determine ternion in W rope + DehYmine Load per spindie
O%kctsu(tabkwirewesizefrwntabie $ Wect WaHe spindle diamebr ard lead from W e
O Determine wire r q x drum size s Detenine stem factw f mM e
O Determine Torque at each drum + oetermlne bqw requlred per spindle = ( 2 ) x (4)
+ Determine $peedof dnrn fmnCmq Speed of gah2 +T~requiredfrOm~=Zx(5)Ifdirect&Z

*Gear R e d W
+DetermlnepowerbreahdrumHP= [ T d x r p m ] /
[ 9550 x efTideno/ ] eff = 95%
x (5) /(mehanical eff~dencyof gearbox) If h-ou$~
Frwn A&tw table se)ect suitable Ach!ahr

+Roller frictlon fr = N*L*D/Z{ul+uZ*d/Z) i $fs = p*l*w*u*n
N - m. of rdkrs -
p hydraulic pressure (H2/2*1000
L bad on roller kg/m2>
D .mller diameter -
I length of seal (m)
u,- coeffilent of rolling fridion
w - width of seal (m)
u, - coeffiaent of sliding Mctlon
d - diameter of bearing
u coefficient of sliding frictjon (0.8)
n no. of seals
+Total load = dead wt. + fs + fr + EXERCISE
Wttmg effort C = Ioad/no. of lifting wire LOAD CALCULATION
$Wire rope safety f a o r = 6 &
@Power= T (Nm)* RPM * &f./ 9550 kw
= T (lb-ft) * RPM * eff.1 5250

.. ... .. ... . .., ... .. . . . . .. . . .. .

Force ta Actuate C.I. Penstock Gate

Spindle support length
.,. ,,.... ....... . ,......
9 F = l O O O x f x A x H + l.SxP,+P,
(starting) @ L = lorn
+ F = 1 O O O x f x A x H + P , + P, (moving) O D = 75 m m
F = force to open dide (kg) +Slenderness ratio 4 r < 200
f = friction factor 0.35
$Radius of Gyration r = 0/4
@Calculate support length
H = head of water (m) N 6 m
P, = weight of slide (kg) from Table
P, = weight of stem (kg) d = 75 mm,
I = 10 m, steel denslty = 7800 kg/@

Power calculation - Al Roller Gate Gate Weight Estjmation (M.S.)

.,, $Gate she = 3600 mm x 4200 mm
*Max. water M = 4200 rnm
8 Dead wt = 2000 kg
Q Seal frlction = SO/o hydraulic load
VRoller frictiOn = 5% hydraulic load
+Gear reduction = 367.5:I,
$Lifting speed = 0.3 m/mln

OCalculate :
Total llbm I&

Wrp load diameter (d)
Drum size 20 x d
Power m-pired
1 Gate Weight Estimation

Radial 6.5 1.5 3.4
Flap 2 2 2
S'iQpl0g 6 5.3 4 x 1.33
. . PARAGRAPH 2 Design

Article 76: Dcsign criteria

The Gates should be so designed as to . be. in conformity with t h e
following conditions:
a. The type and the dimensions should be suitable for the place t o
be installed and for the object to be used.
b. Gates should have suficien t safety against t h e expected load.
c. Gates should have ample water-tightness.
d. Gates should be capable of being easily and positively operated.
e. Gates should have good durability.
f . Gates should not have harmful vibration during operation.
g. Gates should be capable of being easily maintained.

Explanat ion:
1. When designing Gates, Article 84 should be referred to for t h e
load, Article 85 for the combination of the loads, and Article 100 f o r
t h e hoisting load.
2. In order to maintain water-tightness a t t h c Gate;, i t is common
practice to use rubber seals of various shapes. T h e hardness of t h e
rubber seals is Shore hardness 50"-GO".' Gates to be used under high
water pressure have a system to push the rubber seal against the guide
seals for effective water-tightness.
3. Due consideration should be paid to t h e fact that. when Gates
a r e operated, t h e self-weight, friction, up-lif t, down pull and other.
f o r c e s are caused so as to provide hoists with a sufficient capacity f o r
easy and positive opcration.
4. Because Gates a r e to be used for a long period of time. g a t e
leaves, seal guides, embedded parts and hoists should be so designed a s
to withstand corrosion:
5. When designing Gates to be o2erated under high head, d u e
attention should be paid to the influence of the g a t e shape, guide shape,
air supply to the downstream side of the gate leaf on t h e vibration o f .
t h e gate leaf.
6. Special consideration should be paid, due to t h e inherent nature
of Gates, to the easy operation and maintenance.

Article 77: Powcr source for opc,).ation

Gates should have a power source for operation. However, f o r
simple g a t e s manual operating de;ices may be used.

Gates should generally have a power source for quick and positive
operation. Electric motors a r e usually used- as t h e power source.
Internal combustion engines may be used for Gates of such small capacity
dam a s torrent intake dams. I n this instance, the type and the number
of units of the power source should be decided in consideration of t h e
positiveness of the control, frequency of flood, speed of gathering water,
etc. No power source is required for automatic flash boards, of which
operation is made by means of t h e buoyancy, and for small gates of
which operation can be made manually.

Article 78: Emergency closing device:

Emergency closing device should be provided for Gates which require
quick closing operation.

It is necessary to provide s n emergency closing device on t h e hoists
of Gates a t t h e inlets, outlets and water tanks which a r e required t o
s h u t off t h e passing water to minimize the damage when the head race,
penstocks o r turbine generator develops trouble.
T h e emergency closing device lowers the gate leaf by disengaging
it from the power source by means of a clutch, and its lowering speed
is 4-8m/min. Brakes a r e used for controlling the lowering speed, which
may be a hand brake, magnet brake, centrifugal brake, fan brake,
hydraulic pump brake, electric brake, etc.

Article 7 9: Emergem y polce r s o w c e :

Emergency power source f o r operation should be provided for t h e
flood control gates having a possibility of seriously damaging the down-
s t r e a m facilities, should a trouble occur.
. 2. The emergency power source should be capable of being energized
independently of the power supply line.

Article 80: dfate.iials oy ~ h t e s 8

T h e materials to be used for making Gates should conform with t h e
materials shown in Table 7. Thorough study should be made in t h e
e v e n t materials other than those specified in Table 7 a r e to be used.
Gates are, a s i t has been practised, f. of. t h e yield point.
T h e design standard of Gates are to be in conformity with the :
requirements laid down in the Steel Road Bridge Prescriptions and
Welded Steel Road Bridge Prescriptions, Japan Highway Association. I t
is permissible to use, in combination with the above Prescriptions, the
Calculation Standard for Steel Structures, Architecture Institute of Japan,
and t h e similar standards. In those events, however, i t is necessary to
confirm the safety by verifying t h a t t h e calculation falls within the
allowable stress.
Special care should be paid so t h a t no local buckling will occur due
to tension, compression and shearing stresses on the web plates and
flange plates of Gate component members, truss members, and shell
plates of the shell type gates. Regarding bucklin:: length, i t is advisable
. to pay due attention to Explanation of Article 88.
2. Allowable tensile stress of materials not listed in t h e foregoing
table, when such materials are to be used, should be less than j of the
yield point, and should be proportional to the stresses listed in t h e table.
I n t h e event yield point is not stipulated in the applicable JIS, the
stress should be decided in proportion to t h e tensile strength.
3. Joint efficiency a t the welded part should be in conformity with
Article 152.

Article 83: Increasc of Allowable Stresses:

Stresses under seismic conditions should be increased by 50% of
those stipulated in the preceding Article.

Article 84: Load t o be considered:

I n designing t h e gate leaf, i t is necessary to consider t h e self-weight,
statical water pressure, mud pressure, wave pressure, buoyancy,
hoisting force, ice pcessure, seismic acceleration force, hydrodynamic
pressure for seismic, variation of water pressure d u e to flowing water.
and t h e increase of load resulting from t h e vibration caused by the
variation of water pressure.

T h e design standard of Japanese National Committee on Large Dam
should be referred to in order t o obtain the values of statical water
pressure, mud pressure, seismic acceleration force, hydrodynamic pressure
f o r seismic.
T h e static water pressure is t h e force t h a t acts perpendicularly on
t h e surface contacting the g a t e leaf, and should be calculated from t h e
, .
following equation:


P: static water pressure a t an optional point on the contacting surface

w,: weight of water (tonlm') . ., .
H: head (nt) to the optional point on t h e contacting surface from t h e
value obtained by adding t h e wave height to the water level directly
upstream of the gate leaf.
T h e wave height for the purpose of calculating the value H above.
should be t h c "wave height due to wind" for the normal period, and '

should be t h e addition of "wave height due to wind" and "wave height

d u e to seismic".
Followjng equations may be used for obtaining t h e wave height:
. 1) wave height due to wind: -. ..


hw: total wave height (m) '

U: wind velocity (m/sec)

F: distance between t h e shores (km) when it is less than
. 2) wave height - d u e to seismic:

. where

he: half of wave height (m)

. R: seismic coefficient . . . . . .
. .
74 . .

. ... .';.; r: seismic period (sec) .. .

II*:head (m)
The wave pressure is the pressure t h a t acts on t h e gate leaf when
the wave hits the gate leaf, and is caused by superimposed waves and/
or breakers."
The ice pressure should be considered in accordance with the local
conditions, such a s rate of temperature rise, ice thickness, conditions of
reservoir banks, rate of direct sunshine on the iced surface, etc. Fig. 41"
shows an example of the condition.
6 .

Fig. 41 Relation of ice presure between ice thickness.

Variation of water pressure due t o flowing water is the variation

of the w a t e r pressure distribution surrounding the gate leaf depending
upon the shape of gate leaf and seal guides, when the gate leaf is
operated in flowing water, so that the horizontal and the perpendicular
loads on t h e g a t e leaf is different from those in static water. Accordingly,
it is necessary to consider the effect of the variation of water pressure

1) Hydrography formulae, Society of Civil Engineers, 19G3. p. 505-511.

2) Edwin Rose, "Thrust exerted by Expanding Ice Sheet" Proc, of ASCE, p. 574.
M a y 196.4.
Note: T h e both side totally restricting conditions means t h a t the both sidcs of t h e
reservoir is sharply inclined and immohilc. and the hoth side free conditions means t h a t
the inclination of the both sides is 30 gentle t h a t ice edge may rise along the slope.
on the g a t e leaf s t r i n g t h and t h e operating
The increase of load due t o vibration is, according to t h e actual
.results, about 15% of t h e design static load in t h e worst conditions.""~
A r t i c l e 85: Combination of loads
T h e loads dealt with in t h e preceding Prrticlc should be considered
i n ' t h e following combinations:
. a. During normal working periods:
self-weight, static water mud pressure, wave pressure.
buoyancy, variation of water pressure d u e to flowing w a t e r a n d .
load increase due to vibration resulting from t h e above variation,
hoisting force, ice pressure.
b. During earthquake:
. self-weight, static water pressure, mud pressure, wave pressure,
buoyance, ice pressure, seismic acceleratiori force, hydrodynamic
pressure f o r seismic.

A r t i c l e 86: SIlapc of Gate L e a f , Scal G u i d e a n d Embedded Pal?

T h e shape of g a t e leaf, seal guidc and embedded p a r t should be
carefully selected so a s to be a combination of optimum shapes f o r t h e
intended application. ..

Depending upon t h e method of use, ~ a t e as r e exposed to overflow

3) E. Nnudaschcr. I'IIydrodynarnic analysis for High head leaf gates", Proc. ASCE
Val. 90, IIY3. h h y 13G-L.
4) Experiment of discharge a t Kayase Dam, Nagasaki, by Takehito Makita, and others,
"Hydro-Electric Power". No. 33, 1961.
6 ) S. J. Skinner. "Fixcd wheel gates for penstock intakes" Proc. ASCE, Vol. 83, PO
6, Oct. 1957.
6 ) ' H. Rouse. "Engineering Hydraulics", p. 536-5.13, 1950.
7) Vibration manunles f o r civil engineers. Society of Civil Engineers, p. 2.10-146,
.Chapter 9, P3ra. 3, ~ i G a t i o nof hydraulic s t r u c t u r e s and machines due to flowing water.
8) Tosiaki Makihntn, etc. "Alensurement of vibration and a i r supply of the main
discharge g a t e a t Tsuruta Dnrn". Hydro-Electric Power, No. 48, 13GG.
9) Keiji Nnknrnura, etc. "Discharge t c s t of main discharge facilities of Yokoyama
Dam", Hydro-Electric Power, No. 'iG, l3G5.
10) F. D. Campbell. "Vibration Problems in IIydraulic Structures", Proc. ASCE, Vol.
87, Hy 2, Mar. 13G1
11) E. Naudascher. "Vibration of Gates d u r i n g Overflow and Underflow" Proc. ASCE.
.Vol. 87, HY 5, Sept. 1361.
T h e values of standard off-set are a s shown in t h e following table.

Article 87: M a r g i n of S k i n Plates


Steel plates to be used as t h e skin plate should have more than

lrnm margin in t h e thickness against t h e corrosion a n d abrasion. This
Article may be waived when special materials a r e used for making t h e
skin plate or special surface treatment is provided on the skin plate

Explanat ion:
I t is advisable to give a margin of 2-4mm thicknesc for t h e plates
to which access is dificult or which cannot be repainted cleaned a f t e r
erection work is completed.
T h e requirement of this Article may be relased when stainless steel
plates, stainless clad steed plates, bronze plates, or t h e similar plates
a r e used, o r when such exccllcnt antiabrasive paint t h a t will not pccl
off or crack is coated, or zinc galvanization or metal spray is provided
on t h e skin plate, thanks to thcir anti-corrosive properties.
It is also advisable to provide certain margin, a s in t h e case of skin
plates, to those parts where water is in constant contact during opera-
tion of t h e gate.
Article 8 8 : Itfi7tiinztm Thichress a x d Slenderness Ratio
T h e minimum thickness of the steel materials to be used as t h e
main s t r e n g t h members of Gates, including t h e corrosion allowance,
should be more than 6mm for steel plates, and more than 5mm for steel
T h e slenderness 'ratio of t h e main compressive members of Gatcs
should be not more than 120, and t h a t of t h e secondary members not
more t h a n 150.
When calculating t h e slenderness ratio, t h e buckling length of a
compressive member in t h e Rahmen s t r u c t u r e is considerably longer than
t h e distance between t h e panel joints so t h a t d u e attention should be
paid t o t h e buckling length.
The buckling length of a compressive member is the result of
multiplication of buckling coefficient according t o the structure of the
member and the supporting condition a t the member end, with t h e :
member length.1'-16'

Article 89: Dejection due to Bending of Gate Leaf ;.

The deflkction of gate leaf due to bending should be not more than
1/800 of the span, except in special cases.

I n the cases of metal touch sealing gates, i t is advisable that the
deflection be 1/1,000-1/X,000:so as to ensure $ood water tightness. In
the cases of long span gates; of which span ranges between 30 and 50
meters, and when due consideration has been paid for the water-tightness,
stability of structure, vibration, and other points, it may be permissible
to increase the deflection to a maximum of 11600;
In the cases of stop l o g , of which water tightness can be lower
than the normal gates, it is possible to reduce the deflection requirement
to 1/600:
It is, however. not permissible a t all to allow for the reduction in
the deflection requirements as far as such members as radial gate
supports, which may buckle or collapse due to escessive deflection, a r e
. .-

Article 90: Bearing part

The bearing part and the fitting members of rollers and pins of the
gate leaf should be so constructed as to safely and positively transmit
the load acting on the gate leaf to the gate frame or embedded part,
and t o smoothly operate the gate leaf, and to permit easy maintenance.

It is advisable that the bearing pressure on the roller shaft or
&radial gate bearing shaft be less than 150kg/cmz against the projected
area of the shaft. I t is, however, permissible to increase the value up

14) Civil Engineering Hand. Society of Civil Engineers. p. 56-60, 1964.

. 15) Steel structure calculation standard, and Explan3tion thereof, Japan Society of
Architects, p. 100-101, 1%.
16) Kiyoshi Takarnura, etc "Elastic stability of triangle h h m e n " , Gate and Penstock,
No. 52, 19G7.
Explanation: . .
. . . ..
The self weight of the gate leaf and t h e ballast may be reduced,
when they submerge in water, by the weight of water with the volume
corresponding t o the part submerged in water.
I n calculating the friction force, the friction coeficient stipulated
in Table 9 should be used a s a standard value. *

Table 9. Friction Coefficients

Classification of Friction Coefficient

Rolling friction of bearing part roller 0.1

Sliding friction of shaft a t the bearing part 0.2
Sliding friction of m e h l s a t the water tight part 0.3-0.6
Sliding friction of metal and rubber a t the water tight part 1 0.5-0.7 '

Friction whcn roller bearings a r e used on the bearing part s h a f t

(value for the shaft)

Other than the above mentioned load, i t is necessary t o consider

various water pressure caused by the flowing water around the gate
Special attention should also be paid t o the load working on the
u p p e r and bottom faces of the gate leaf due to water pressure, because
. t h e value of such load may become considerable.

A r t i c l e 101: Hoisting Speed

. The hoisting speed of gate leaves should be suitable for t h e applica-

E x p l a i t ation:
In consideration of the effect of hoisting speed of g a t e leaves to
t h e up-down streams by the discharge of water, t h e hoisting speed is
generally s e t a s 0.3-0.5 meterlminute. I n the cases of automatic
control or other purposes where slow hoisting speed is desired, the speed
may be decreased to O.lm/min. The hoisting speed may also be increased
t o lmlmin. depending upon the circumstances.
. For emergency closure, a speed ranging from 4 t o 8m/min. is often
Article 102: Lift - .
The lift of gate leaves should be so determined that the w a t e r
flows unobstructedly when they are lifted to the fullest stroke.

: The flood discharge gates should be so designed to have a clearance.
under their highest position to the flowing water surface so as to permit
free passage of various kinds of goods that may be carried with flooding
water, and the clearance is generally given 1 . 5 meters or more to the
designed flood water level. This is also applicable to the bearing shaft.
position of radial gates.

Article 103: Motor Capacity

Tile motor capacity should be more than 120% of the calculated
hoisting force, and the motor starting torque should be more than 2 0 0 5
of the rated torque.

For the operation of ordinary gates, three phase squirrel cage
induction motors are used. Because unsolved matters are often left in
calculating the hoisting load, an allowance of more than 205% is usually
given to the calculated value.
Chances are that the gates are often left unused for a long period
of time, and are afrected by silting or rusting. Voltage may drop in the
feeding cables due to the starting current. For these reasons, the motor
starting torque is specified to have more than 20076 allowance.
I n cases of using wound rotor induction motors for the purpose of
limiting the starting current, the motor maximum torque may be more
than 200%.

Article 104: Capacity of Emergency Power S o t m e
The capacity of emergency power source should be such that it is
capable of operating the k a t e leaf positively. .

I n the event of using internal ccrnbustion engines. their capacity
should be more than 120% of the calculated operating force.
In the event of adopting generators, their capacity should be
determined in consideration of the motor starting load, voltage drop u p
in equal sections, are & a u n generally as in the first computation, but then, their
The qtnndardization of girder design capablo of being achieved in this ]Donne
r, common centre, instead of being located in d , is no\\. shifted to the point o, which ia
is a-major consideration in m e s s i n g t h e cost of the work, particularly when an order
for a large nrlrnber of gates is contemplnted and the same rollzd section is used for
all of Lhem:
Theorelically, t h e problem of girder spacing cnn then be solved as follows : let
a b i n Fig. 073 be the trinngle representing t h e water prevsure applied to the gate.
Draw a semicircle with a b as diameter. Then 'divide a 6 in equal intervals a a,, a , a,,
a , a , . . . depending on t h e number of girders you intend to use. Through the
points a,. a , , a , . . . draw a s e t of parallel lines a t right angles to ab, and mark the
intersections of these lines with t h e semicircle.

Wo. 6 i 4 .

the meeting-point of the lines dc and ab. The rest of the computation is generally
similar t o t h a t of the upper gate, and does not require t o be explained again.
Instend of using the graphical method, the same result may also be obtained
by calculation, as follo\vs : Let the triangle nbc i n Fig. 675 represent, a s before, the

This w i l l yield n number of points b,, b,, 6, . . . Draw through the point 6 ,
a n , a r c of a circle, t h e centre of which is t h e point (I, and repent the same.operation
for all the points b , , b, . . . The points c,, c, .
' .: picld the posilions of the hori-
zontal lines c,, d l , c, d , . . . dividing the area of the basic triangle in equal parts.
Find the centroids of t h e areas ac,d,; d,c,d,c,, d,c,c,d, . . . and space the girders
accordingly.. T h e distributed water load per unit length of every girder will then
be given by the product of the corresponding area of the dingrnn~n,ultiplied by the
number, N,
specific weight of t h e water. As all these areas are now equnl, each girder will carry dingram of the water pressure. It is required to diridc its area into
an equnl part of the total loading. of parallel strips,. the a r e a s of which must all bc c q d .
For the lower p t e (in the case whcn two lenfv per bay nre provided) the bnsic Transcribing this condition symbolicnlly :
tl~ngrilnlrcprcscnting tho total watcr load \\.ill bc n trapcziuln, nu sho\c-~> 1)y a6r.d in
Fig. 674. I n this case, therefore, the comptltation 1s sliglltly ~rlotlifictl.
tie aecn from t h e diagram, t h c circular nrcs, \vhich nrc used to d i ~ i d ethe tlingrnm
'the pressure-dingram areas o f t h e individual strips of the top gate will be. tpken
p r o p ~ + + i t e l y smaller, t h a n for the lower gat0.l
. It'will be observed t h a t t h e diagrams in Figs. 6 7 3 and 6 7 5 show tll? top girder '

to be located a t a certain depth below t h e water surface, whereas in t h e type of gates

here considered, the t o p girder is either flush with the water aurface or slightly above
Jf n,, n,, n, .
. . represent t h e distancee'from 'the centroidr, of the divisions to. the it, to allow a certain free-board. I t is nlso t o be observed t h a t in such gates the lowest
water surface, t h e n
n, = 3H
(1 - ~)lJS
. .girder ii placed close,to the bo'ttom edge of t h e plating,' whereas according to the
theoretical diagram, i t coincides with the centre of the lowest trapezium (see Fig. 8 7 3 ) .
r N I t iollows t h a t the ider~ltheoretical design method ~ I U be, J ~to a,certain e x k n t .
modified for the purposes of practical application.
Tho follovving enipirical rules will b e found suitable for what is liere de~cribed
as the I' tradtional " Egyptian type :
' (a) The top girder on the upper gate is made a special sectioii of a lighter design,
a n d is altogether disregarded in tlie stress calculation ; thus, the position of the secoud.
girder coincides'with ...-.- the c_enttroidof the upper s&ip_l@ng!e). This is a sound prac-
tical assumption, for, nu already intimated, the t o p girder is subject to repeated shoclis
and generally, the centroid of the. r t h strip will be \\.hen the gate is in course of being raised, a n d is 4130 more exposed to air and sun

n, = 4 8
fall - (r - l)I/:
than the other girders, which causes i t to deteriorate a t a more rapid r a t e than the
rest of the stcel-u-ork.
di7 (b) The lowest benni of .tlie upper gate as.wel1 a s t h e lowest and top beaim of
These formulm frame a simple geometrical interrelation and m a y easily be shown to the lower gate are all supposed to carry only hnif of t h e standard load taken by all
be true.; not,withstanding which, their application t o the practical design of regulator other, intermediate girders.=
gates meets with some di5culties. I t should be rerueinbered, in this connection,'that the bulk of t h e weight of the
The calculation method described is a n essential basis of gate design, but i t is gate is in the skin plate, and not in t h e girders. And, consequently, ronxervetive
not, in practice, a strict law t o be observed to the letter. There are various considera- (or over-conservutive) c~ssuinptionu in girder design have relatively little, or almost
tion~pertaining to the requirements of general rigidity of t h e framework, and t o the no, effect on tllc total cost of the gate.
probability of damage due t o accidental causes, which rriay occasionally impose The design is then done a s follo\vs : First, divide the combined height of the
departures from the described ideal spacing. required obstruction into txvo parts, -4 and B (see Fig. G i 6 ) , so t h a t B is indeed
I t is, however, quite impossible t o give a complete list of such departures, for the total height of tlie lower g n k , n.llile -4 is the height of the upper gate 1nlnu3
they depend laigely on t h e practice of ecery workshop, or irrigation servics ; hoviever the overlap. Supposing there nre 7, intermediate girders in the top gate, divide the
to explain t h e general n a t u i e of t h e difference' between theoretical and practice length ab'into 71. + 1 sections (n ( I , , n, a, . . . in the drauing) so t h a t all these seclions
girder spacings, a n example of a spacing method is given below,. which is sometime should be equal, except the lowest one, which is made half as high as the others.
applied ior-small-gate design on Egyptian regulators.
. T O achieve this, first, di\-ide the length nb into 2n + 1 equal parts, a n d then take.
the first instance the distances between t h e upper two girders, calculated ir double intervals for all sections esccpt the lowest one. \Ye then proceed a s explained
.the manner described, m a y b e found too large for practical design requirements,
while the spacing of the lover ,girders m a y come o u t to be too narrow for Droper
inspection 'and painting. , .
T o ensure t h e required rigidity of t h e g a t e structure, as well as from consid~.rations
releting to t h e span of the plating, in medium-sized regulators on distributai y irrigation
canals, t h e spacing of t h e girders should preferably be from about 50 cm. ( 1 foot
8 inches) t o about 120 cm. (4 feet 0 inches), in the type of gates herein considered..
Hence, i t is aometimes ,found necessary, or ndvisable, to adopt for t h e uppel.'
gate a slightly lighter type-section of girder, a s agninst the lower gate. I n this'case.
when this is done, the respective positions of the top nlrd bottomgirden are d e t e r m i n d
by the edges of the plating.
Supposing the'number o f the i ~ t e r r n e d i a t egirders for the lowor gate, to be rn,
divide the distance bd into m +-
2 sections, in s u c h a way thnt the top and bottom
eectione are half a s p e n t a s aU the 'other.8. The deeign is then carried o u t in the
same way as for t h e upper gate. Bear in mind t h a t the pressure diagram for the
lo-wer gate is a trapezium, and thnt, therefore, the common centre of the arcs I; b,,
C, 6, . . . (see Fig. 676) is in the point a (and not in 6).

If the gate i s provided n t t l i e bottom with a staunching timber, ns is frequently

the case in Egypt, then, i n d.rawing the diagrnln of the watcr pressure, t h e point 4
must be made t o the lowest pos.i,ible position of t h e bottom girder
R S determined by the size of the tirnbcr selected ; nn~rrely,about 3 inches or 8 cm.
nbove the floor level.
If. should be emphasized t h a t thc soliltion tlescri1)ctl is only an example of the
\,urious rr~cthodiof girder spocings u ~ c din practical gate design. Other solutions
nre nlso frequcuLl)f crnnlo)-ecl
13cttcr LO lunlic o u t tlrc poinl of tliis o r g ~ ~ ~ n ctlrvce n l , tlilTcrent gate d e s i ~ q ~are
protl~rccc\in Figs. 677 10 670. Pig. 675 is nti I~yypltairg a l e of t h e cnrlicr t y ~ ~still c,
in opcriltion on mnny rcyulators in tlrirj coirntry: I t is n lower lcuf nnd cor~forn~s
nlmost csilctly willi t h c tlcsign iric1l10tl of Pig. li7G.
. --
On the ollicr hnnd, in 146.. ( i i S ntc h a w n rnorc 1n~r1c1.n EgypLicu, Lypc wl~icllIiatl
firat bccrl used on thc N;rg-l-I;~~nor;rtli ( I ; u ~ ~ : ~ t l - c l - A n));al.r.;lgc,
~i~l) ill IDSS, It wns
4.6. General formulas

Flat s l i d i i l g gates

T o be u s e d f o r d i s c h a r g e s r a n g i n g f r o m 0 . 8 0 - 3 . 1 0

The d i s c h a r g e c a n b e c o m p u t e d f o r m t h e f o r m u l a . :

Q = cba

where Q i s d i s c h a r g e i n m3/sec.
c is d i s c h a r g e c o e f f i c i e n t = 0 . 8 0
b i s w i d t h o f the g a t e
a i s h e i g h t of t h e opening
g i s a c c e l e r a t i o n by g r a v i t y (9.81 m/sec )
H i s d i f f e r e n t i a l head ( 0 . 1 0 m)

n u m b e r of surface' of
Q m3/sec. gates gate H m

par. 4 . 6
T h e s e ga.tes u s e d f o r discharges e x c e e d i n g 3 . 0
e .g. 3 t y p e s of r a d i a l gates can be u s e d :
type I : b = 1.70 m
t y p e I1 : b = 2.CO m
t y p e III : b = 2,50 m .

!.fie l o s s of h e a d is a b o u t 10 c m ; t h e gate is sub-

:merged 1 0 c m .

maximum discharge i s 1 2 0 % of the normal discharge

(to be used ii! case of e n l a r g i n g of c a n a l s after-
wards) .

par. 4.6
Tile tot:el ~ heac! bey;:c,r-n
1 . 0 ~of c a n a l .level a!](r3. farr:, 14itc!-i
is a b o u - t 1.5 cm.

T h e head II w i l l );I:? ! t c p t czr.stzr:t z+, 5 cp,. T h i s

J:!yrris con:; - t a n t ,
Th?? discharge cocr'ficicr.t c .;ari:?s firm 0 . 5 5 to C . 7 2 .
l7ox tkle h e a d g a t e s to be b u i l t , 555 y.ralxe cf c h a s to he
d e t e m n i n e d . k ~ ymeans cjf clirr.?:i< ;:c2s!~renznt.s. A f t e r thi:;
ca.librat:ion, car1 55 .-252
r- .- -~- I-: -. ,.J ~ fljr v.;,xi o u s d . i . s c h a r y e s
and g a t e o p e r l i n c p . An e x ~ q ; . l c .cf ss-c:-. t a b l e is give11
ir: tsble 4 . 1 3 - 1 a n d 4 ; :3-2.
HeadFllg of the l1eightr. of 2::s ,-c-...
' ~ 2 - 5; -..l?q r-lil.1 be done
- .
w i t h t h e aid of t h e scrE;: r=.E 3:::: ::;5 sy:er-t,icn b.-l-erlch,
which is p r o v i d e d xi t!'~5 zr ,-*: -,,:2 - ,-
,- ,.;.-
O p e r a !:ion oE t h e hzadcgs te

~~~~~~~~~r; arid clo..;i,;.,g of t h e f i r i f i c e ? ga.ce al!d tl;c t-urj2aii.t

,crate i.s d o n e w i t h s s;, w r e n c h ( c p c . r a t ~ rw r e n c h ) .
T h i s xrerich fits b o t h; (levices th? <;ai-c~c:
.. ..,.

and .is pi-0v.i ded w i . t ! : ~ 6 coi ci,l.visi~r:!. T h e z e r o ( f i j i\f

t h i s cm scale cc1r:r;l:;rj:;l:c3s wj.";h the -t!;p (11' t!.:e -,- a ,,. 1::2 v ?::;jd

when t h e o r i f i c e q a k c 1.5 c l r ; s f ( j . T h c ? . r ~ f t ~ ri:.i-~.?

? s.:r.enci?
n u s t r e s t on the. Lift.i!.-:g ce\:lce ::,f 7 .
t h e cr.if.i.c;.? i j z t z
alongside tl1.e screw .rc6. A gauqe i s ~r-!:~;.;~l?.cCi
cr! 2;ot.h
sidil-s of t'he c?;:ifice g a t : ; ? ; f _ h ~ _ ~ .a~:e
: ' 1 !-!?t~!c?d c_sal-iq? ~j.i?:~i:-~c~~~il

a n d 9ifi;'qe dcb?r!s!:-rsaei r:_'spe~i-i:.f~:?-*,:.

~ r i eg;lir:j<:,
1.1 I.
~ r - . ) ~ t r ~91:,3):.!-2~
ap;\ ~ \ ft.he .t.;ai_er l e v c ] . i . 1 ) %:le
canne:L :.]car- t t ~ e!lecdqc I.::;. .
T h e g a u g e d o w n . s tre a:!) .i.s idc:! i .-a: ;i:ld ~ : j :!I.
. c n i y I:?? .sset.!
j I. .-turnou:
.. . (irrner! g3:e

i.. .ori1ic.e
....- ( o u t e r ) gate

U .. c~ ' r 2 z
U = discharge in c u m r c s
t i r d i f f e r e n t i a l head o~ o r i ( i c c g a t e (O.O6 m!
*I = a r e a o! the o r i f l n e gatc opening in sq m e t e r s
c ,discharge c & f f i c i c n t i v a r y i n g from 0.65 to 0 . 3 2 )
g a c c e l e r a t i o n d c ~ c! o g r a v i t y (9.0i m/sec2)


Material Strength

SS 316 SS304 Gr 50b Gr 43a

Tensile Strength 53 49 65 53
Yield Strength 21 17.5 35 21
Allowable compressive stress in bending Pbc 10.5 8.8 17.5 10.5
Allowable tensile stress in bending Pbt 10.5 8.8 17.5 10.5
Allowable average shear stress Pq 5.3 4.4 8.8 5.3
Allowable bearing stress pb (80% yield strength) 16.8 14.0 28.0 16.8

Density of steel
Density of cast steel
Density of cast iron
Density of mild steel
Density of neoprene rubber
Kursus Rekabentuk Sistem
Pintu Air

Institut Pembangunan Kompetens&
IPS Malaysia

SMA rojects
Sistem Pintu Air

Applikasi Sistem Pintu

Air dalam Projek JPS
OGOS 2006

Ir Lim Lee Thon

Flood Mitigation Measures -

Structural Measures
Storage Ponds of Flood Attenuation -
Ponds such as disused mining ponds for
flood storage - Gombak Keroh Diversion
Flood Diversion Channel or Tunnel-
excess flood water diverted downstream
through diversion channel or tunnel -
SMART Project
Flood Diversion Channel
and Storage Ponds

Flow reduced from 1


400 : 100-yr ARI discharge

(350): present channel
275 : flood dlverslon
Gombak Diversion Sg Gonlhk

CG! - Gombnk Bnrrab.e (Tilting Gstr) 4 ws 6~4~5.3

0CG3 - Ba Pond Regulating Outlet Gates (Tilt~ngGate)
CG2 - Dtversion Inlet Control Gats (Rodial Cmlc)
0 In 5x4~4
5 nos 6sl.Sx.l.J
0 CC4 - Co trol Gatcs to DBICL recreational Pond (Penstock Gate)
a 2n 32x2
0 CGS - Ba Pond Outlet Control Gates (Penstock Gak)
CI 4 n s 2~2~7.25
o General View Of Tilting Gate.

Hydraulic Power Unit.

Stop Log
- -

General View Of Radial Gate.

:I Radtal Ga e (Bubt Merah Daiu,South)

r - i ,
Radial Gate (Timah Tasoh Dam) Radial Gate (Bukit hfcnh bm.Nortb)

;1 ~ e d e r a View
l Of Penstock / Spindle Drive.

1 L! I Penstock Gate (Bukit MerahJotakt

Typical Debris Removal System
- E' Fixed Type


Additional Pond
Reduce flow from
400 to 350 m3/sec
Stc age Pond &
Di. mion Tunnel
St01 $e Capacity
Holc ~gPond 0.6 M m3
(Kal lung Berembang)
Stor ,e Reservoir 1.4 M mJ
(Tar .n Dcsa)
Tun I 1.0 M m3
Modes Of Operation

German TBM
70 m long
RM 200 Juta
: & Control System
No F 7 -r,?

&qa, t ~ t 3 r

Off Jalan Cheras,

55200 Kuala Lurnpur.
j . Automated twin water - tight flood control gates at both ends of Motorway Tunnel.
; - Ventilation Iescape shafts at 1 km intervals.
; - Cross passage between decks at 250m intervals.
-- -- ---,! t;iv,2i'5;u,3
. .sborfry2g;i(c;-
Length - 9.7km.
-- . .)Liii
-- -.--
! - Equipped with fire fighting equipment, telecomunications and surveillance systeni.
-- .--..... . - - .. .. . ... . . . . .. .

Components Diameter - 13.2m (Outer Diameter)

Tunneling Method Tunnel Boring Machine.
Total length : 11.5km -
Storage Capacity #,000,000 cubic metres.
i Malaysian ~ i ~ h wAuthority
& (LLM)~
' 1
A 3km Motorway Tunnel (witclin the Storrnwater
Tunnel). TBM Type - slurry shield type, a technology
r--^". Prclect: Proymrien.i.
from Germany '

-. -Berhad - Gamuda
lngress and Egress connections to the
Motorway Tunnel linking KL-Seremban Highway. - Largest in South East Asia. i
-. ..Engineering
.---.---- . - ---Group .-
Berhad Joint Venture.;
-.-- . --- ...- ... .,
....-. ........-

Ingress and Egress connections linking the - Second largest in Asia.

Motorway Tunnel to Jalan Sultan lsmail and
Eloldinq Basin
'I Sepakat Setla Perund~ngSdn Bhd ~nassoc~at~on
_ -- -
w~thMM Consultmts (M) Sdn Ohd
- -- - - -- - . - - 1
Jatan Tun Razak.
i Location .
A holding basin at Kampung Berernbang (off
Jalan Arnpang). 1 Kampung Berernbang (behind Gleneagles
------ -- Pif13i-,cf
Stormwater Tunnel - 4 years. ,
A storage reservoir at Taman Desa (ex-mining
Hospital in Jalan ampang).
1 Motorway Tunnel - 3 years. 1
A twin-box culvert to release flood discharge from Surface Area of Pond
storage reservoir to Sungai Kerayong. 10 hectares
An operation control centre complete with
administration, supervision, river management and Storage capacity
traffic management facilities for management, 600.000 cubic metres.
operation and maintenance of the SMART system.
.- -..-- - -- -
..... -. - Yiora<;q:fte-;c;Fvo'r
Ex-mining pond in Taman Desa.

+ To divert flood water away and bypass the city Surface Area of Pond
centre. 22 hectares
To regulate and keep the water level in Sungai
Klang managable throughout the year. Storage Capacity
To improve the efficiency of the hinterland 1,400,000 cubic metres.
...-- .-
..-- -- -. -- --.
drainage within the city. ..
:0[81 Sio~.?,ris!.:$~>ii~:!I'~i &,>L' :.,ii,31f5i-

Motorway Tunnel i 3,000,000 cubic metres. i

To provide traffic relief on the main Southern KLANG
gateway to the city centre from South (KL-
Seremban Highway) and the West (Federal
Highway). '
To provide an alternative traffic dispersal system Connects city centre near Kampung Pandan STOWGE
for this area. j roundabout to KL-Seremban Highway near KAJANG
To reduce travelling time. 1 Sungai Besi. BANG1
! -. - .- _ --- -.-... -. - _ --
.. .- -. - -.- .

designs can be customized by the designers, normally based in overseas. Some of
the components may be manufactured locally under license. The rest of the equipment can be sourced and selected from the
local suppliers or local agents.

4.0 Operation of the Diversion System

4.1 Flow Control System

To enable JPS to control the flow into the diversion channels and ponds and subsequently
to evacuate the water from the detention ponds so as to free the storage for the next flood
event a system of control gates were provided.

Figure 18: Control Gates (CGl to CG5) in The Gombak Diversion Scheme

Figure 18 shows the control gates in the Gombak Diversion Scheme.

CG1 -The Gombak Barrage is a 4 bay (each gate 6m wide x 4m high) barrage
equipped with tilting gates. The gates are normally open to allow water to flow
downstream. The gates are operated LO partially close or completely close the
barrage, if it is found that flow in the river is too high and will contribute to
flooding downstream. These gates regulates rate of flow into the diversion
channel when the inlet gates (CG2 described below) are fully open and the
maximum rate of diversion into the diversion channel is when the flow level at
the inlet gate is at RL 49.90m. f <'
CG2 - The inlet control gates comprises 5 bays of radial gales (each ?q). wide x
1.5m high). Under normal condition, the gates are all closed. The gates are
opened when there is a need to divert water into the Batu Detention Pond via the
diversion channel. These gates are fully closed or fully open. Regulation of
inflow is done through CG1.

CG3 - The regulating pond control gates is an existing control gate and
comprises of a single bay (5m wide x 4m high) tilting gate. Under normal
condition, the gates are all open. The gates are closed when there is a need to
divert water into the Batu Detention Pond via the diversion channel. When these
gates are closed all water entering the regulating pond are diverted into the Batu
Detention Pond via the ogee weir. It is possible to just divert water from Sg Batu
into the pond by closing CG3 without opening the inlet control gates CG2.

CG4 -These are existing control gates and comprises of 2 nos. of penstock gates
(each 2m wide x 2m high), and when opened, these gates releases water from the
Batu Detention Pond into DBKL's recreational pond downstream and finally into
Sg Batu downstream of DBKL's recreational pond. Care must be taken that the
rate of release is not too high, as the released discharge may damage the
recreational pond downstream. There is provision of gates, CG5, under this
project, to release water directly into Sg Batu.

CGS - These are control gates (4 nos. of 2m wide x 2m high penstock gates) to
be constructed as the main water release outlet fiom the Batu Detention Pond
into Sg Batu. Unlike CG4, these gates discharges directly into Sg Batu
downstream. These are larger gates and operation wise, it is intended that the
release rate does not exceed 60 m3/s, which is the capacity of Sg Batu
immediately downstream of these gates. When water stored in the pond is at its
full operating level of RL 4.5.30m, full opening of all gates will result in higher
discharge than the permitted 70 m3/s. Therefore, the recommended gate openings
will initially be small and the openings will inaease in steps as water level in
Batu Pond drops.

Figure 22 shows the control gates in the Keroh Diversion Scheme.

KC1 -These are barrages comprising 3 nos. of 6m wide x 4m high tilting gates.
These gates are normally fully opened to allow water in Sg Keroh to flow
unhindered downstream. The need to close these gates partially or completely
arises if there is a need to divert flow from Sg Keroh (into the Keroh diversion.
Channel and finally into the Jinjang Pond flood storage) to prevent flooding
down'stream. KC1 is a regulating control gate and will be used to control the rate
of diversion into the Jinjang Pond.

Figure 19: Control Gates (KC1 to KC4) in The Keroh Diversion Scheme

KCZ- These comprises 3 nos. of @by 1.5m radial gates. These gates are normally
fully closed. These gates will be opened when there is a need to divert flow from
Sg Keroh (into the Keroh diversion Channel and finally into the Jinjang Pond
flood storage) to prevent flooding downstream.

KC3 - These comprises 3 nos, of 2m by 2m penstock gates to regulate outflow from the
Nanyang Pond into the Jinjang Pond.

KC4- These comprises 4 nos. of 2m by 2m penstock gates. To store water in Lhe

Jinjang Pond, these gates are closed. To release water, these gates will be opened.
The opening of these gates will be regulated to control the release, so that it does
not exceed 40 m3/s.

Operation Modes

The operation of these gates needs to be coordinated. Details are described below:

Gornbak Diversion
'. .
For the Gombak Diversion scheme, CG2, CG4 and CG5 will under normal times be fully
closed while gates CG1 and CG3 will be fully opened. Critical water levels will be
established for the Sg Gombak and Sg Batu. These critical levels are indications of the
amount of flood discharge going downstream into the City center and if the water level
exceeds this critical level, the operators of the diversion scheme must be alerted of the
need to divert water to the poiid.

Once it is decided that Sg Gombak flow needs to be diverted, the sequence of gate
operations is important. For instance, when the decision to divert flow from Sg Gombak
is reached, CG3, the outlet of the regulating pond must be fully closed. Next, CG2, the
inlet control gate for the diversion channel will be fully opened to accept water from Sg
Gombak. Next, the barrage gates CG1, will be operated to regulate flow into the
diversion channel.

There may be instances when the water level of Batu River hitting the critical level while
the level of Sg Gombak is still below the critical level. In this case, the diversion can be
operated for Sg Batu alone. This is done by closing the regulating pond outlet control
gate CG3,

When the flood has subsided, operations lo release water from the pond will commence.
The gates should first be set to the default setting which is CG2, CG4 and CGS fully
closed while CG1 and CG3 starts opening to reinstate the pre-diversion flow directions in
the river while at the same time ensuring that the opening of these gates CG1 and CG3
does not cause excessive flow downstream. The indica~orof the limit of flow allowable
downstream will be the water level downstream of these gates. Next, CG5, the Batu
Detention Pond outlet gates will be operated to release water from the pond. Again, to
avoid the act of releasing water causing flooding downstream, the release will have to be
regulated. CG5 will manage to drop the water level in the pond to RL 39.00m.

4.2.2 Keroh Diversion

For the Keroh Diversion Scheme, the gates KC1 and KC4 will be opened during normal
time. KC1 is the barrage gate across Sg Keroh and it should be open, to allow normal
flow through. KC4 is the outlet of the Jinjang Pond and should be open to keep the pond
level at dead storage level.

The ~ i n j a Pond
n ~ is an inline pond for Sg Jinjang and therefore continually receives flow
from the river and therefore KC4 must be open, to allow the flow to pass through
unhindered during normal operations. KC3 is the inlet gate for the Keroh Diversion
Channel and therefore will remain closed to prevent water from being diverted to the
Jinjang Pond. Local drainage that used to flow towards the Sri ~ e ~ a m bPond
u t will now
flow toward the Jinjang Pond.

When flood flow occurs, the water level in Sg Keroh will rise and if the level exceeds the
critical level signaling possible flood problem downstream if allowed to flow through,
then the flood diversion operations will be activated. To divert flow towards the Jinjang
Pond, gate KC2 will be fully opened. At the same rime regulation of flow through the
Jinjang Pond outlet at KC4 will start. KC4 will start throttling the outflow into Sg Jinjang
to a preset allowable discharge. The amount of flow to be diverted is also regulated. This
is done by varying the level of the tilting gate. The criterion is - the flow downstream of
the barrage must be maintained below the critical level.

Sg Jinjang inflow is regulated by KC3. During normal times KC3 is fully open to allow
as much flow as possible to flow through, thereby, reserving the flood storage of the
Nanyang Pond for a flood event. However, as flood is being diverted into the Jinjang
Pond, the Jinjang pond level rises. A critical level will be assigned to signal that Jinjang
Pond storage is being rapidly used up and that will require the gradual closure of KC3.
Nanyang pond storage will be utilized to reduce now into the Jinjang Pond.

After the flood, the water stored in the Nanyang and Jinjang Ponds will be released. The
barrage KC1 will be open and the inlet control gate KC2 closed. KC3 will be open and
KC4 will be regulated to discharge water downstream inlo Sg Jinjang at the permissible
maximum rate of discharge.

43 Central Control Centre

The need to ca-ordinate gate operations means that a centralized control is necessary.
Provisions have been made to house the centralized control center (CCC) in the IPS
Office complex at the Batu Pond area. The building to cater for the CCC is an extension
of the present office space.

In the CCC, the operator of both schemes would be able to receive real-time data on the
. water levels at various locations along the scheme. Water Level Stations are required at
the following locations:

For the Gombak Scheme:

For the Keroh Scheme :

6 WL15 At Jinjang Pond

7 WL16 Along Sg Jinjang downstream of the outlet KC4
-8 WL17 At Nanyang Pond
9 WL18 Downstream of Nanyang Pond outlet KC3

Besides these stations, another useful water level station would be the one located at
PWTC (WL19) since PWTC is an important landmark, which is supposed to benefit horn
the operation of flood diversion schemes. The water level at WL19 would be another
useful indicator of the need to initiate flood diversion as the area at WL19 (PWTC) and
hrther downstream are the direct beneficiaries of the diversion schemes.

Gate operations under local control is dependent on the water level at the main rivers
namely Sg Gornbak and Sg Keroh. Operation is made simple and the operation
procedure recommended was tested using several design flood events.

3.1 Control Philosophy

3.1.1 Diversion Gates

. .

Figure 3.1 Locations of Control Gates and Wafer Level Stations in the Diversion Scheme

The operations of Gombak control gates CGI, CG2, CG3, CG4 and CG5 will be controlled
by the SCADA system while in "SCADA Mode", based on the water levels WLl and
WL20 recorded at upstream of the Gombak Barrage and the water levels WL7 recorded at
Batu Pond and WL19 located at PWTC to perform a water diversion or discharge operation.

Two water level stations ( W L and~ WLZO) are provided for dual redundancy in case one of
[he level sensor stations fails to operate. Two level sensors are also provided at WL19 for
dual redundancy purpose. Should the redundant level sensors differ in reading by more the
0.1 m, an alarm will be provided at the MCC.

During normal times, CG I and CG3 will be fully opened while CG2, CG4 and CG5 will be
fully closed. The SCADA system outstation 0.52-RS and OS27-MS located at the Gombak
Barrage shall continually~monitorthe water level at WLI & WL20 which is located just
upstream of the barrage. When the water level at WLI or WLZO rises to 48. I m or higher
Figure 3.2(a) Gombak MCC SCADA System Configuration

Gombak MCC will also poll the Keroh LCC data for viewing and further processing via
Telekorn Streamyx ADSL network. For the backup purposes both Gombak MCC and Keroh
LCC are provided with 1 1 Mbps backup wireless Ethernet link. In the event the Telekom
, Streamyx ADSL network fails i t may still communicate via the broadband wireless network.
For more detailed information, please refer to Gombak and Keroh Wan Setup Configuration
in Figure 3.2(b) below. .

Figure 3.2(6) Gombak arid Keroh W a n Selup Configc~mtion

Each outstation has a PTZ Camera driven by PELCO-D protocol, allowing the visual
inspection and surveillance remotely from the Gombak MCC. The operators will be able to
view video feed from cameras located at the outstations. The operator is able to pan, tilt and
zoom the camera from the master control centre.
. . ..... . . : . . . . . . . .
.:.: . . . . 7:

All alarms....... shall be .displayed on the MMIs and logged onto the eventlalarrn printer while
~~~~~~~~~~~~~mi shdlinaddition be sent as Short Message Service (SMS) to designated JPS . . . .
, p e r s o n ~ e l : v i a . ~ ~ .can ~ e be
~ ~printed
r t s via repodgraphics colour laser printer based on . . .
dem?.ind.::.r;: ,.!;:.'.:<;<:;<..!..
. . .:,:. . . .
. =
.. ";-i >:;.;I;.:
.. . . . ...\...... ...:. . . ., : ;,.\: . :-.:...:,

For the backup purposes some outstations located a -significant distance away from the
Gombak, . . . MCC-
... are provided with wireless Ethernet bridges. . I n the event the fibre optic
~ t h e r n eiing'failstheie
t outstations may stillcommunicate with the MCC via the broadband
wireless . network.
. . . .. . . .
. .- . . . . . . ., ,
1. - : : ?
. . . . . .
.: . . . . , . I
; . . .
: :
: ; ....... ; . , - : ......... .:.. ...

: ' . : ' . . . . ?,' . ;;,. ........ . . . .. , ?_. .... :' .. : -. ,,;-. .'.
Selected 'data from;thi SCADA: +item s u c h as &&i

l G e l i & d flow rates shall also be

relayed .to. .the National Flood Forecasting Centre at JPS Arnpang via e-rnail. The data shall
. :..I:.
be t r a n s m i t t e d i " ~ ~ ~ : ( & m r t iseparated
'i . . variable) file following the standardised format as,
pro~id<d~b~::Jp-s~;;;~x>~ <: ;.;-.:: . ,:,

;. :',:,:.-:c
., ............ : .
. ., 1 .... : ;;;:,<.:; .: ,.;:.::.

The functions of the 16 RTU based outstations under the Gombak Scheme are described
..- :
...-. . . .
_' '

3.2.1 OSI-CS '

OS I-CS i s connected to OS2-RS, 0S3-RS and 0S4-RS and 0s-27-MS RTUs via IObase2
Ethernet (thin Ethernet). An Ethernet switch located in the OSI-CS RTU provides the
Ethernet interface to the wireless Ethernet Bridge, fiber optic (FO) Rail Switch, 0S2-RS,
OS3-RS, 0S4-RS and 0s-27-MS.

OS I-CS group is connected with self managed wireless 1 1 Mbps Ethernet link
communication to the Gombak MCC as secondary communication link for redundancy.
personnel via GSM. Reports can be printed via repodgraphics colour laser printer based on

For the backup purposes some outstations located a significant distance away from the
Keroh LCC are provided with wireless Ethernet bridges. In the event the fibre optic
Ethernet ring fails these outstations may still communicate with the LCC via the broadband
wireless network.

For more detailed information, please refer to Keroh LCC SCADA System Configuration in
Figure 4.2 below.


Figure 4.2 Keroh LCC SCADA System Configwalion

The functions of the 13 RTU based outstations under the Keroh Scheme are described
Kursus Rekabentuk Sistem Pirttu Air

Pengairan dan Salirart

Institut Pembangunan Kompetensi,
JPS Malaysia

Structural Mechanics
Sktem Pintu Air .Centroid of objects
Moment of Inerba (I,, I ,
Sechon Modulus (Z)
STRUCTURAL Bending Moment (M)
MECHANICS Deflection of beam (6)
Radius of gyration (r)
Slenderness Ratio (Ilr)

-.I. Centre of Gravity (Centroid)

-1. Centroid of Compound Object

"'&': &"
Centre of Gravity (Centroid)
-- -- - -
Body 4-.
l,. .J
-- -- - of Inertia ,

Rectangle about neutral axis
1/12 w3

.. 1,= 1/12 dt9

Rectangle about one edge

..- I,, = 113 bd'

5, 113 d@
Principle of parallel axes
In = In + AH2
,I Moment of Inertia

Triangle about neutral axis Rectangular block b = 10 cm, d = 20 cm

I, = bd3/36
Triangle about base
.hN = bd3/12


..- -;I-
."I '?
Exercise Exercise
Find I,and F, for 1section as shown u I and t, for compound girder as shown
Find ,

.T~: .c+ Section
Modulus -,1
-.c r ? ~ Maximum
-- - - --- - .-
i, jl
.A -

Section Modulus Z = I, / y Slmply supported bean with point load

Max bendmg moment M = f Z at mlddle of beam
f = max perrnissitk bending stress
Max bendlng m n t for uniformly .. --
Max deftection d = PP/48EI
P point load (kg)
distributed load = wL2/8 (kg-m)
W - udl (kg/m) .-
I length of beam (m)
E Young's modulus of elastlcrty (21,000

I* mrnent of inertia
I Maximum Deflection
Simply supported beam with uniform
I --
A simply suppxted beam of 4 m w~dth
Uniform bad of 1000 kglm
Ma% deflection d = 51384 w13/EI

. --
rn Determine rnax BM
s w udl (kglm) Albwable stress in bending = 10.5 kglmm*
I N length of beam (m) Determine section modulus Z
E Young's modulus of elasticity ( 2 1,000 0 Find suitable UB from Table

.- kg/mm2)
I moment of inertia
Determine actual bending stress and

--I, Least -Radius

. .-.
of Gyration
= Lean radius of Gyration (r)
= -@eastmoment of InertidArea of cross-section)
r = d(lJA)
&ndemes mtion = W e a v e lengtt\ of
column/least radius of Gyratjon
= I/r
For round bar h=I,= nd4/64& A = nd2/4;
r = d/4
In centre of gravity problems it is usually convenient t
choose two axes A-A and B-B at one extreme edge of th
Let ?. be the horizontal distance of the centre of gravity
the whole figure from A-A and 7 be the vertical distance
the centre of gravity from axis B-B. The positions of th,
centre of gravity of the three separate parts of the figure a*,
shown in Fig. 8.5.
Taking moments about axis A-A

Taking moments about axis B-B

Figure 8.10

T h e centre of gravity is in the position indicated by Fig. 8.9

Figure 8.9 and is within the thickness of the body halfway between the
front and back faces

Use of the Link Polygon

Students who prefer a graphical method of solution to a

calculation method can use the principle of the link polygon
to obtain the position of the centre of gravity. T h e graphical
solution of the previous problem is shown in Fig. 8.10, where
the body is drawn to scale.

Example 8.3
A compound girder is built up of a 2 5 4 146UB37
~ steel
beam with one 250 mrn x 24 mm plate on the top flange only.
T h e area of the steel beam alone is 4750 mm2. Determine the
position of the centroid of the compound girder (Fig. 8.11). The moment of inertia o r , m o r e appropriately in the case of a
.i beam section (which; as stated earlier, is a plane figure
Figure 8.11
without weight), t h e second moment of area of a shape, is a
property which measures the eficiency of that shape in its
1 The compound section is symmetrical about the vertical
resistance t o bending.
axis Y-Y, so the centroid must lie on this line.
Other factors besides shape enter into the building u p of a
2 T h e addition of a plate to the top flange has the effect of
beam's resistance to bending moment; the material of which
moving the centroid (the X-X axis) towards that plate, and
a beam is made has a very obvious effect o n its strength, but
taking moments about line B-B at the lower edge of the
this is allowed for in other ways. T h e moment of inertia takes
no regard of the strength of the material; i t measures only the
Total area of section XY = (area of UB x 128 rnm) manner in which the geometric properties or shape of a
+(area of plate X 268 rnm) section affect its value as a beam.
A beam such as the one shown in Fig. 8.12 may. in theory,: When again the same four angles are used with a plate
be used with the web vertical or with the web horizontal, and ' placed between them as in Fig. 8.16, the Ranges are moved
it will offer much more resistance to bending when fixed as in even further from the neutral axis, and the eficiency of the
( a ) than when as in ( b ) . This is because the moment of inertia shape is much greater. Large deep girders are built up in rhls
about the X-X axis of bending is larger than thz moment of way when very heavy l o a d s h a v e to be supported.
inertia about the Y-Y axis. When a shape such as that shown In Fig. 8.15 is being
These axes of symmetry X-X and Y-Y are termed the designed, it will be found that doubling the area of the p a t ~ g e
principal axes and they are in fact axes which intersect at the . Figure 8.15 will approximately double the flange's efficiency, but doubl-
centroid of the section concerned. ing the depth d as in Fig. 8.16 will increase the efficiency by
It will normally be necessary to calculate the moments of 4, i.e. 22. The efficiency of the flange, then, varies directly as
inertia about both these principal axes, and these are usually its area and as the square of its distance from the cenrroid.
described as I,, and I,,, the moments of inerria about the
X-X and Y-Y axes respectively.
The manner in which the "build up" of a shape affects its Calculation of the Moment of Inertia
strength against bending must-to be understood
completely-involve [he use of calculus, but it may still be In order to measure the increase in efficiency of a secrion as
made reasonably clear from fairly simple considerations. its area and depth increase, the moment of inertia isecond
The term moment of inertia is itself responsible for a moment of area) is calculated, and this property does in facr
certain amount of confusion. Inertia suggesrs laziness in some measure both the direct increase in area and the square of
ways, whereas in fact the true meaning of inertia may be the increase in depth.
described as the resistance which a body makes to any forces T o determine the moment of inertia of the rectangle shown
Figure 9.12 or moments which attempt to change its shape (or its motion in Fig. 8.17, it will be necessary to divide the shape into a
in the case of a moving body). A beam tends to change its ! Figure 8.16 number of strips of equal area as shown.
shape when loaded, and inertia is the internal resistance with The area of each strip will be multiplied by the square of
which the beam opposes this change of shape. The moment the distance of its centroid from the centroid of the whole
of inertia is a measure of the resistance whlch the section can section. 'This in fact amounts to assessing its second moment
supply in terms of its shape alone. or, in other words, forming a factor which measures ~ t sarea
directly and the square of its distance from the axis of

Good and Bad Beam Sbnpes bending.

The sum of all such products a-X y' will be the moment of
In order to make the best use of the beam material, the inertia (second moment of area) of the whole shape about the
"shape" of the section has to be chosen with care. Certain axis X-X.
shapes are better able to resist bending than others, and in Area a X y' is the moment of inertia (second moment of
general it may be stated that a shape will be more efficient Figure 8.17 area) of the shaded strip about axis X-X. T h e sum of all such
when the greater part of its area is as far as possible away products equals total I,, of section.
Figure 8.13 from its centroid.
A Universal Beam (UB) section (Fig. 8.13), for example has I 1

its Ranges (which comprise the greater part of its area) well t Assume a rectangle to be as shown in Fig. 8.18. 180 mrn
wide and 3 2 0 mm in..deprh. Fig. 8.18 shows [he section
away from the centroid and the axis of bending X-X, and is
in consequence an excellent shape for resisting bending.
Fig. 8.14 shows a shape built up by riveting together four
t divided into 8 strips each 4 0 mm deep, each strip having an
area of 7200 mm'.
T h e sum of all the products
angles. T h e bulk of its area (shown shaded) is situated near to
the centroid, and the section is not a good one horn the point
of view of resistance to bending about the X-X axis.
L a y 2 = 2~~ a ( ~ : + ~ : + ~ : +.) . .
If the same four angles are arranged as shown in Fig. 8.15,
= 2 x 7200(202 6 0 2 + 1 0 0 2 + 140')

however, then the bulk of the area has been moved away = 14 440 x 3 3 600
from the axis of bending X-X, and the section-which now = 483.84 x lo6 mm" units
resembles roughly a UB form-is a good one, with a high
Figure 8.14 resistance to bending. Figure 8.18
Prop, . .-2f Se - .. 127

This is the approximate value of the I,,, o r moment

inertia about the X-X axis, but the exact value of this fact
will of course depcnd upon the number of strips into whi
the shape is divided. I t can be shown that if b is the width
the rectangle and d is the depth, then the.exact value of I,,
given by

In the case above this is (al

&x l S 0 x 320' or 4 9 1 . 5 2 ~10%mmJ units Figure 8.20

The units o f the answer are important, and it should b
appreciated that, as an area (mm') has been multiplied by
distance squared (y'), the answer is the second moment c Rectangle, about one edge:
area or more simply the moment of inertia of the shape. an
is measured in mrn" units. = f bd3
I,, = f d b 3
For those students who have an elementary knowledge 0
calculus, the foregoing approximate derivation of &bd3 wil
appear somewhat lengthy, and the exact value is obtained b;
integrating as follows.
Consider a small strip of area of breadth b and depth dy a1
Y Triangle:
a distance of y from the neutral axis as shown in Fig. 8.19
I The moment of inertia of this strip (shown shaded) is I,, about neutral axis = bd3/36
(its a r e a ) ~ ( ~ ) ~ = b y'=
x d ~b x y 2x d ~ I,, about base = bd3/12
T h e second moment o f half of the rectangle is the sum of
. all such quantities by'dy between the limits of y = O and
I y=id

Principle of Parallel Axes

Fig. 8.21 shows a simple rectangular section of s a e b X d. T h e

I, of the rectangle is of course as previously shown &bd3. It
I,, of the complete rectangle = -
x 2 =-
will b e seen however that there a r e times when the moment
of inertia of the rectangle about some other parallel axis such
Similarly of course, as 2-2 is required, and the I,, will obviously be greater than
Fipure R . 19 the I,,, since larger distances a r e involved in the summation
I,, of the rectangle = - Figure 8.21 AH2.
12 T h e rule for use in these cases may b e stated as follows:
T o find the moment of inertia of any shape about an axis
2-2,parallel t o the neutral axis X-X and at a perpendicular
The values o f the moments o f inertia of a number of distance of H away from the neutral axis, the amount AH'
common. shapes are listed below for reference (Fig. 8.20). (area of shape % distance H squared) must be added to I,,.
F o r example, in the case o i the rectangle shown in Fig.
Rectangle, about neutral axes: 8.22,
H - Wmm

Irr3 & b d 3 = 150 12loo3

. = 12.5 x 106m m 4 units
Figure 8.22
' 128 Strucrural M e c h a n ~ c s

T h e I,, about the base (where H = j 0 mrn) is

I,, = I,, AH^ = 12.5 x lo6 t 15 000 x SO'
= (12.5+37.5) x lo6 Y -- I = 32.06 x lo6 m m J
=SOX lo6 mm' units T h e method shown above is accurate and can be used [or
Nore: This particular case could have been derived directly steel girders built up by welding together plates of rectangu-

lar cross-section. It should be noted, however, that for struc-

f r o m the formula of f b d 3 given in case ( b ) of Fig. 8.20.
Figure 8.25 tural rolled steel sections t h e m o m e n t s of inertia can be
j b d 3 in this example is f x 1SOx loo'= 50X 106 mm' units. found tabulated in handbooks. Examples o f such tables are
Y given o n pages 158-161 and the given moments of inerria
zomm take into account the root radius, fillets, etc.

T h e principle of parallel axes may be used t o calculate the = 120x.o

values of the moments of inertia of structural sections like = 2400mrn2

the I-beam shown in Fig. 8.23.

The web has its centroid o n the X-X axis of the beam and
the I,, of the w e b thus equals A teesection measures 140 m m x 140 m m x 20 m m as shown i n
. ._
' ii
Fig. 8.26. Calculate the I,,.
& c~ 1 2 ~ 4 0 0 ~ = 6 4 ~ 1 0 ~ r n m "
TheSmoment o f inertia of o n e flange about 11s own axis (F-F) Sohion Taking m o m e n t s of a r e a s a b o u t t h e base 10 deer-
is :: mine the position of the neutral axis X-X:

!- 1 4 0Ik m
/ ( (2400+ 2800)f = 2400 x 80 + 2800 x 10
and from the principle of parallel axes, the I,, of the one
flange is
i =(192 +28) x lo3
Figure 8.26 5.2 x lo3 = 42.3 m m
I,, = 0.23X 106+200X21X2122
= 215.96 x lob rnm"
I, of vertical rectangle

T h e total I,, of the two Ranges plus the web is

Total I,, = ( 6 4 + 2 x 2 1 6 ) x 10' mm"
= 496 x l o 6 mmJ
I, o f horizontal rectangle
A n alternative method of calculating the moment of inertia
about X-X is t o calculate the I,, of rectangle ABCD and
subtract t h e T,, of the two rectangles EFCH (Fig. 8.24).
Total I,, = 6 x 200 x 44S3 - & x 2(94 X 400') Total I,
= (1498.59- 1 0 0 2 . 6 6 ) ~
= 496 x 106 rnm'
Nore: Particular c a r e should b e taken in using this method
of the subtraction o f moments of inertia to see that all the
rectangles concerned have axis X-X as their common neutral Example 8.6
T h e I,, of the above beam section may most easily be Calculate the I,, a n d I,, of rhe section shown in Fig. 8.27.
calculated by adding the I,, of the three rectangles of which
the joist consists, as shown in Fig. 8.25, because axis Y-Y is Solution Taking m o m e n t s of a r e a a b o u t the base to find
Figure 8.34 their common neutral axis. the distance ' 2 t o the neutral axis X-X:
But E and R are constants (I e only a and y 2 vary) a '" 3 t . ~ C l l V NMODULUS: 1) SYMMETRICAL
slnce ln deslgn the moment of resistance IS made equal to th; SECIlONS
bending moment (usually the maxlmum bending moment,
Mm& 9 In equation (5) the factor I / y is called the section modulus (or
modulus of section) and is usually denoted by the letter 2.

Where a beam is symmetrical about its X-X axis, as in the

E case of those shown in Fig. 9.9, the X-X axis is also the
Safe b e n d ~ n gmoment =-X the sum of all the a y 2
R neutral axis (NA) of the beam section, and so the distance y
to the top flange is the same as that to the bottom flange,
But as was already stated in Chapter 8, the sum of all the hence
ay" i.e. 1o y 2 , is the moment of inertia or second moment of
area of the shape, I. S o i t may now be written

Figure 9.9 Now, for a rectangular section, I,, = & b d 3 , and so

Referring again to equation (31, fly = E I R and substituting

fly for EIR in equation (4),
In the case of rolled steel sections the values of Z (i.e. Ily)
are normally taken directly from tables similar to those on
pages 1 5 9 and 1 6 1 (Elastic Modulus column) but the following
examples include some in which the values are calculated.
Finally, the main formulae arising From this theory may be
stated as follows:

A timber beam of rectangular cross-section is 1 5 0 mm wide

and 300 mm deep. T h e maximum allowable bending stress in
tension and compression must not exceed 6 N/mm2. What
and the most important portion consists of the first two terms maximum bending moment in N m m can the beam safely


Section modulus Z = a b d 2 = i x 1 5 0 x 300'

In the above formula f is the permissible bending stress for
the material of the beam. For the most commonly, used steel , = 2.25 x lo6 mm3 units
(Grade 43), f is taken as 165 N/mmz, whereas the value of ! Safe allowable bending moment M,, = fZ= 6 x 2.25 x l o 6
for timber ranges between 3 N/mm2 and 12 N/mm2 depend- = 13.5 x l o 6 N mm
ing o n the species.
These values, however, apply only in those cases where the
compression flange of the beam is adequately restrained Example 9.2
laterally to prevent sideways buckling. For beams which are
not restrained laterally, the above values have to be approp- A timber beam has to support loading which will cause a
riately reduced. This is outside the scope of this textbook and maximum bending moment of 25 X lo6 N mm. T h e safe bend-
it can be assumed that all the beams dealt with in this chapter ing stress must not exceed 7 N/mm2. What section modulus
are adequately supported laterally. will be required in choosing a suitable size section?

Vhen x a q
24 a N
6m2+mfi+ny -n fi
w h e n m=x/k and n = o / ~
dmax.oho s dccurs within' Fbr central deflection
1.0774L of I& centre of the be01 add the values for cod, P.
Vhzn b 2 a.
derivod from the formula
in the adjacent d i o g ~ a m .
This volue is ol& withh
2-5% of the maximum volue.
DS 4 : Part 1 : 1972 l3S 4 : Part I :

T ~ L 5.

Dclrtl~ Arcn

Moment of
Radius of
or betwce~ of -- 1 15 I f -I-
? 2-Nominal
Scrlnl size

f X-X
- I About About
Y -Y
X-X I About
Y-l. I About
Y -Y

Inn cml cm ' cm' mrn

. .
791.5 493.9 717325 42481 920 x 420
791.5 436.9 623 866 36 251 911 X 418

819-2 368.5
819.2 322.5
819.2 284.9
819.2 256.1

BS 4 : Part I : 1972

TABLE 5. UNIVERSAL BEAMS ( c o ~ ~ t i n u e d )

of --
Momcnt of
Ilndlus of
I Elnstlc

sectlox sectiorr -1 seclioli
D D Web About About About About About
Surlnl ulro MUU/U~IIL
1~r1giI1 Y-'Y X-X
-- I

rnm (in) kg/m (Ib/ft) mm mm mm cm'

CN' ~111' cm j crn ] cm' rnm

230.1 13.1 178.2 111 673 4 253 617 X '230

229.0 11.9 159.4 98 408 3 676 612 X 229
228.2 11.2 144.3 87 260 3 184 607 X 228
227.6 10.6 129.0 75 549 2 658 602 x 228
-- -
178.4 10.6 115.9
177.8 10.1 104.4
-- -
333.6 16.7 269.6
331.7 14.9 241.2
330.2 13.4 212.7
-- -
211.9 12.8 155-6
210.7 11.6 138.4
21&1 10.9 129.1
209.3 10.2
208.7 9.6
165.6 9.3
165.1 8.8
192.8 11.4
192.0 10.6
191.3 9.9
190.5 9.1
189.9 8.5

'These are new lightweight sections not previously included in BS 4 : Part 1 : 1962.

BS 4 : Part 1 : 1972 DS 4 : Part I : 1972

of -
Morncnt of
lladius of
I Plustic

Serial sue

Mass/unit lengtl
B Web
r fillets
Y -Y
t 1 .ygt About
-- --
mm (in) mm cm' ( a cm' cm cm

404~4 - 104.4 36 16L 18.6 3.24

404.4 94.9 $2 38( 18.5 3.18
4054 85.3 28 52: 18.3 3.12
407.7 75.9 25 46l 18.3 3.23
407.7 66.5 21-34! 17-9 3.11
3574 94.9 27 27: 17.0
357.4 85.4 24 27! 16.9
357.4 76.1 I 21 52( 16.8
3574 68.3 1 8 57( 16.5
-- -
357.1 94.8 26 931
357.4 85.3 23 19t
357.4 75.8 20 61f

' 1560.
12 408

21 276
1 8 632
1 6 046

1 9 483
16 038
i, 14118
12 052

*Tllcsc arc new lightweight sections not previously rncluded in BS 4 :Part 1 : 1962.
BS 4 : Part 1 : 1972 BS 4 : Part 1 : I 9 7 2 '

TABLE 5. UNIVERSAL BEAMS (cotr/itrued)

DESIGNATION Thickness Kndius of Elastic Ylnstic
0f --
gyration modulus modulus
1 Nomid

Scrial size

B Flange
r fillets
I A;-yt

mm (in) mm mm mm mm crnl crn' cm' cm

356 X 127 352.8 126.0 10.7 1032 49.3 1 0 054 333 14-3
(14 X 5) 3485 125.4 8.5 10.2 41.7 8 167 257 14.0

166.8 8.9 988 13.1

165.7 8.9 825 13.0
165.1 - 8.9 691 12.9


NUI'E. l'lw culculutcd vnhlcs spccillotl in this t u l h uro pmirelly bnscd on I I I I ~ V C ~ SbI cI ~u ~ n sI I I ~ V I I I ~ ,I 1 ~ ~ o f ~ ( O~ 2" 52'.
1 t l l l )~ cllllgle ~ A I I I ~ I I I CY X C C ~ LJIZS 010 nit11 x 305 111111 (24 Oi x 12 111) UIMJ
lorser sizes uro now produced only with parollel Ilungcs und thcsc lluvc p r o p c r t i c ~which ur.c not II1fcriOr (0 ( I ~ O S C~ ~ ~ ~ c ifor
l i etho
d tupcr llunyc bcc~lns.Uotli tupcr u11J pumllol fluclpc, bcunlr colllply
with the requirements o f this British Standard.
Kursus Rekabentuk Sistem Pintu
Pengairan dan Saliran

Institut Pembangunan Kompetensi,

JPS Malaysia

Hoist System Design

T h secr~cnp r w d e s geie:al ~nfcrmar~on on a variety 3f !epics u s e i ~ :n
l the se:ecticn
ai.0 ap;caiion of S ~ r x n - H a t i e ypms:ocks


Sirno~i-Hartleyracuiaz!ures a full range cf penstocks in acco:dar,ce . w h BS 7775 as
desc:&d n rhls pi'blicat~on and In addi!ion they can be prcvided ro nee! nternat~cnai
sianaards and codes of practice

AVthVA C531-92is an niernat~ocallyiecagnisel s!ar;dard specifyna mate;ia!s, design

ir,s;alIation and pedcrmmce crit%!a for slu~ceyates manufactured :;om casi iron
To iomply with the dmanding iequlrernenrs of AWWA C X l - 3 2 Simon-Hanley has
d e s i y e d , developed and patenied a means of jecuring sluice gate sealmg faces to
frames and Gales wh~chreplaces the converhonal methods of fixing
"Lists the component apphcat~on,m a t e r ~ a ai n 3 B r ~ t ~ s h
For cast iron penstockslsluice gates -
Series 30-30, 60, 60-30, 90-60, 160-80,
Standard references used In the constructron of our cast
70-50 GlydasealTM
Iron. ~ o p l a s t and
~ f Plastigatem products

- PREPARATION AkD Frames, sates, guides

and wall thimbles
Cast iron BS 1561 min. 250

' PROTECTIVE COATING ThmsVoperating nuts Phosphor bronze BS 1400 PBlC

and drive sleeves Gunme!al BS 1400 LG2
SpeciGes the product range with the appropriate material, ' High !ens~i. brass BS 1400 ii%l
preparation and coating for standard paint systems. Aluminium bronze BS 1400 A81
Aluminium bronze BS 1400 A82
Operating stems, sealing Manganese Sronze BS 2874 CZ114
faces and fasteners Phosphor bronze BS 2874 P8102
SIZE AND FLOW Aluminium bronze BS 2874 CAI04
Stainless steel
BS 2874 PB102M
BS 970 ptl-303
Provides useful information regarding size flow and size BS 970 ptl-304
BS 970 pt1-316
characteristics, leakage and 'discharge rates for penstocks.
Flush inverts all types EPDM
and sealing faces on
GlydasealR" doors
CIVIL WORK LOADING Sealing face on Rigid Ihemo plastic
Ouilines a method of calculating approximate vertical reactions GlydasealTMirame
on civil work for penstocks ' These materials are subjecled to de-slum~n;umisalionor
de-zincificationin some conditions.


AND TORQUE For fabricated penstocks -
Used in conjunction with "Determination of stem diarnetef PlastigateTM50-40, Coplastix@20-20 and
enables Ihe operating torque to be calculated for actuator and 50-40, FabrigateTMseries 40-40 and
Ham Baker StainlessTM100-100
gearbox sizing. The methods described in this section provide a
more accurate vertical reaction than the approximation above.

Frames Mild steel - 8 s 4360 GR.43A

Stainless steel BS 1449 pQ-304
DETERMINATION OF 8 s 1449 pt2-316
STEM DIAMETER BS 970 ptl-304
as 970 pt1.316
Details the method of calculating the stem diameter using the Gates 20-20 Composite
Plastic or Slainless s:eel
maximum operating thrust. 50-40
Sandwich Construction
40-40 Stainless steellMild steel
100-100 Stainless steel
ThrusVoperating nuts Gunmetal BS 1400 LG2
& drive sleeves Aluminium bronze BS 1400 A8112
Operating stems Stainless skeel BS 970 pll-303
BS 970 pil-316
Fasteners Sla~nlesssteel ES 6105
1981 A4
Sealing faces:-
For wall penstocks Low friction Polyolefin
in an EPDM housing or
resilient low-iriction seal
For channel penstocks EPDM wiper seal or
resilient low-fnct~onseal
Flush invert EPDM
Headstocks, guides Cast iron BS 1561 min. 250
Fluid Control Mild steel 8 s 4360 Gr 43A
The preparation and protective coatings listed are Simon-'-iartley standards. Insideloutside United Kingdom, alternative preparations can
be offered on request.

SEWAGE. Mild Steel 1. Grit blast to near white

Ealow FloorlOperating Level 2. Zinc spray 75 microns
3. Mist coat to obtain continuous film for
subsequent paint applications
4. Apply epoxy 2 pack epoxy coal tar
minimum D.F.T. 125 microns
"TABLE ViXER: Mild Steel 1. AS F S i
Beiow Fioor/ Operating Level 2. As PSI
3. Apply final m a t bitumastic
minimum D.F.T. 125 microns
SEA WATER: Mild Steel 1. A3 PSI
eelow FloorlOperating Level 2. Apply minimum D.F.T. 50 micron of 2 pack
epoxy Zinc Phosphate primer
3. Apply minimum 250 D.F.T. microns of epoxy
2 pack coal tar
Cast lron Below Floor LsvellOperating Level 2. Apply minimum D.F.T. 15 micron of primer
3. Apply final coat hitumastic minimum
D.F.T. 125 microns (N.W.C. approved)
Cast lron Above FIoor LeveIlOperating Level 2. As PS4
3. As PS4 D.F.T. 50 microns


Althougn throughout lhis publication rec!angular penstocks/siuice 1. Where gates are fully submerged they generally behave in a
gates are generally indicated as having a square orifice, in pracilce manner predicted by the discharge iheoty for an o n k e with
many of the units supplied are either wider than ihey are deep typical overall velociv and contraction coefficients of 0.70. The
or vice versa. Therefore, below are the preferred proporlions for discharge capaciiy of the frame aperture at varying stages of
units of ihis type:- For rectangular opening penstocks BS 7775 opening can therefore be closely approximated iron:-
recommended the ratio of width to depth should be as follows: q = 0.7A
Where: q = Discharge rate - m31sec
A = Aperture area - m2
H = head over the aperture centreline - m
g = 9.51 mls2 (see page 10 for graph)

2. When undertaking hydraulic calculations, standard formulae

frequently express relationships in terms of diameter. In order
to extend the use of these formulae to pens:ocks with square
or rectangular openings, it is necessary lo derive an
equivalent hydraulic diameter. This can be established by
VERTICAL HORIZONTAL relating the wetted perimeter of the aperture with the cross
sectional area. Fcr a fully submerged aperlure the equivalent
hydraulic diameter can be defined from:-
The aperture size and configuialion of a penstock is frequently
deiermined by the dimensional proportions of the waterway it is
required to control. A penstock is, however, a consiituent part of
A partially submerged aperture will have an equivalent diameter
the waterway and its hydraulic characteristics cannot always be
in hydraulic terms of:-
ignored when calculations are undertaken to determine 2 system
head loss.

The wide ranging size of gates and the number of constructional Where. d, = the equivalent hydraulic diameter
. .
variations enable only approximations to be made using w = aperture width . --,

empir~calformulae. h = depth of flow passing through the aperture

3. When it is required to re!ate a pens:ock to an equivalent Off-seating duty
length of pipework for integration into an overall hydraulic Up to 6M head - 2.5 litreslminutelseal perimeter (metres)
cslculation this can be found from:- Up to 9M head - 3.0 litreslminutelseal perimeter (metres)

Le = F.d, Up to 12M head - 3.75 litreslminutelseal perimeter (metres)

Up to 15M head - 4.50 litreslminutelseal perimeter (metres)
Where: Le = the equivaient length of pipework
Leakage rates for oif-seating duty over 15M will be advised
d, = the hydraulic diameter
on request.
F = the factor
The above figures are based on the rates indicated in the
A W A C501 and 8S 7775 standards,
Door Sa!ting open opcn 314 open 1k open 1k
F. factor 6 40 200 800 b) GlydasealTMPensiocks (piasiiclresiiient seats)
GlydasealTUpenstocks for all practical purposes can be
assumed to be drop-tight at their working pressure if
Weir Penstocks behave generally in their discharge capability installation had been correctly carried out. Experience has
as a rectangular weir with partial end contractions, the extent shown that there is no apparent difierence in leakage
of contraction being influenced by the civil engineering design between units subjected to seating or off-seating duties.
of the up-$ream port being controlled. A close approximation 'Type' tests have shown the leakage from a Glydasealm
can be found from:- unit has been found to be 1% of that allowed lor in ihe
Q = 1.73 WH' j American Water Works Association Specification -
A W A C501-92.
Where: Q = Discharge rate - m'lsec
However for practical purposes an average criterion would be
W = Width of opening - m
0.13 litreslminutelseal perimeter (metres).
H = head over weir - m
PlastigateTMand Coplasti? Penstocks
A free fall over the weir in the order of 8Cmm from its lowest
(resitienfflow friction)
setting to the downstream top water level and the head up
PlastigateiM and Coplasti? penstocks give a tighter
stream is recommended to be four times the depth of flow at the
seal than conventional metal seated penstocks if installalion
weir crest.
has been carried out correctly. An average criterion would be
0.33 litreslminulelseal perimeter (metres).
Simon-Hartley penstocks/sluice gates will be virtually drop-tight at
their working pressure if installation has been carried out correctly.

Units subjected to. sealing pressure are expected to seal tighter

than those used for off-seating duties; a common question voiced
by engineers is "What amount of leakage should we expect or
should we specify as a maximum for penstockslsluice gates?"

Such a question is dificult to answer directly, in that the

responsibility lies primarily with the installing contractor and not
ihe manufacturer. Present day designs and manufacturing
procedures produce units which ar? viriually drop-tight. However,
distortion of the door frame at the time of installation is the
determining factor.

An average criterion for leakage would be -

a) Conventional penstocks (metallmetal seats)
On-seating duty
1.25 litreslminutelseal perimeter (metres)


CIVIL WORK LOADING The friction factor (fj between the door on the seats may be
The thrust generated during opening or closing of the penslock taken as 0.35 for seating and off-seating penstocks.
can be iransferred to the supporting structure in two ways. The force to overcome the frictional effect of the wedges is
1. Locally in the penstock. accounted for by empirically assigning a factor of 1.5 to the
2. Remotely at the floor, coping or corbel level. mass of the dooc

Thrust iubes can be introduced between the operator and the The mass of the door can be provided by the penstock
penstock frame to enable the operating thrust to be transferred manufacturer; however, a stem mass must be estimated in the
to the penstock for remote operation. initial calculation to determine the thrust. Re-calculation will be
necessary f a an accurate thrust value wnen ine stem diameter
FOI. iower operaiing duties and sma!lor sized penstocks wall
has been determined.
brackets can be supplied to transfer the thrust to the coping.
However, for larger and higher duty penstocks we recommend
that a corbel is constructed.

The method of calculating the vertical reactions on civil work
demonstrated on the previous page is an approximation and
satisfactory for the purpose intended.

However, calculation of operating torque and thrust must be

more precise for determination of actuator or gearbox sizes.

The maximum thrust is required from the operator during

off-sealing and raising the door; this is due to the frictional effect
of the wedges and liking the mass of the door and stem.

In c~dsing,or normally the downward movement of the door,

the mass of (he door and stem act in the direction of the
motion and reduce the force required when compared to the
unseating condition.

The force required to ac!ivate the gate is, in part, empirically

determined. The mass of the door-and stem, the head of water
on the door at the centreline of the opening, and friction of the
door against the seats and wedges are required to calculate the
force to open the gate.

Ihese factors can be presented as follows:-

F = 9.81 [f.A.H. + (1.5 P, + P)] (EQUATION 1)
F,=9.81 [f.A.H. + (P, t P,)] (EQUATION 2) DETERMINATION OF
Several factors govern the size of an electric actuator or
F = Maximum force'(thrust) required to open door,
gearbox: that is, the thrust, torque, stem diameter etc.
in kilo newtons (kN)
The operating thrust 'P' has been determined earlier;
f = Friction factor between the door and seats,
the maximum (off-seating) head value (H) should be used in
0.35 (metal seats)
the stem diameter calculation.
A = Area of aperture, in metres (M)
H = Head of water at door centreline, in metres (M) The basis of the calculation method is the Euler Column
P, = Mass of door, in tonnes (1) Formula for critical buckling load:-
P, = Mass of stem, in tonnes (t) (EQUATION 3)
P = C $ EA (dl)'
Where: yo complete the torque calculation the th;e.d lead and profile is
P = Axial thrust on stem in nelwtons (N) required to determine the thread efficiency.
C = End restraint conditions Tan cc
Thread efficiency e = (EQUATION 6)
E = Modulus of elasticity in ~ l m m ~ Tan ( a: + kg)
A = Area of stem in mm2
r = radius of gyration in mrn
lead of thread
I = length of span between supports ic mm Tan cc = (EQUATION 7)
n x effective diameter
Ciearly the Euler Column Formula, equation 3 in the format
presented, is unsuitable for stem diameter calculation. , Tan 0 = 0.15 for lubricated stems (rising type) or
However, with trailspositicn 2nd manipuiation equatm 4 can be 3.23 for unlubricated stems @on-rising type)
derived as follows:- K = l
cos L1

Where: I3 = half the included thread flank angle, this is a

constant applied to Tan "0
Where: O= Stem diameter in mm
P = Axial thrust on stem in newtons (N) So T= PL - (EQUATION 8)
C = End restraint conditions, a value of 2 is
recommended Where: T = Torque at stem in Nm
I = unsupported length in mm P = Total thrust in N
F = Fzctor of safety (min. of 5 recommended) L = Lead of thread in metres (m)
E' = Modulus of elasticity in ~ l m m ' e = Efficiency of thread
Equation 4 will provide a theoretical stem diameter. However, Calculation of the maximum thrust (eq.l), stem diame:er (eq.4)
b pracfica~purposes the next largest bar size available should and the operating torque (eq,B) enables [he sireof ihe actoator
be used. or gearbox to be determined. The rated output from the operator
The stem slenderness ratio must be less than 200 (.SR < 2001, should be converted to thrusi by iransposition of eql~ation8, and
this can be established using equation 5: the stem diameter confirmed by completing a calculation using
(EQUATION 5) equation 4 again. The rated torque can be used for civil w ~ r k
unsupported length 1 41 loading calculations wiih the appropriate factors of safety with
Slenderness ratio (SR) = =-or -
radius of gyration increased accuracy over the method demonstrated previously

The radius of gyration - IS valid for circular sections:
The unsupported length is the distance between fixed ends of
the stem or support bracket spacings; sufficient spacing should
be allowed for the door travel on rising stem applications.

Determination of Torque
Determination of the operating torque depends upon several
fac!ors. Some have already been calculated: that is, the
operating thrust and the stem diameter.

-I S 0 9001 e

Xegiskation number 15i51


FC02 E.8O.E. 01/99 .

ST4 7BH, England
Simon-Harcky, Gamm Screec, Ecruciah k c on T c e n S~atTods~ire
Tel: +44 (0)1782 202300 Fax: +44 (011782 260534

Owgned and Produced by Trinity Design Consulfdnls. Sunon Coldfield. -

The mffffla1,on contained m lhrs leaflel u coned al bme 01 pg lo press, buf ~ n n o n : ~ a r M ereserves
y !he nghl lo ailer wdhoul nolice any inlonnaf~onshown.
Long, trouble free performance of a gale and Rodney Hunt sterns are used to operate cast-
hoist installation depends on the quality of the iron, bronze mounted sluice gates, (abricated
accessory equ~pmentw h ~ c h1s used These ac- metal gates and timber gates. They are nor-
cessorles Include operatmg stems, stern cou- mally stainless steel, but can be furnished as
plrngs, stem gu~des,stem covers, wall brack- bronze or cold rolled steel. The ihreaded
ets, handwheels, cranks and stem stufflny stems have accurate machine cut threads of
boxes 29" acme type. All Rodney H m l sterns are
All Rodney Hunt accessory equ~pmentIS o f the sized to withsta~idthe expected output of the
same hlgh qual~tyas the slulce gaie and floor floor stands with which they are used.

- b STEM

1 4 2 '-7 2 06
.. . ..
.. . . -
. .

Gwen: Sluice Gate 2 m x 2m at water level and elevations as shown

Determine: Spindle diameter, Torque to operate gate and suitable Actuator


Figure Dl. Sluice gate and operator

Sizing guide for
electric actuators

Publication number AE210.2

Date of issue 03/00
Rotork actuator output performance is Self-locking characteristic is started, e g. by handwheel, stem thrust
contractually defined i n terms of torque I n order that the valve should remain locked from the valve may cause motion t o
and speed at a specified supply voltage in position when no motion is required, continue, and then to the threshold of
and frequency, while subject to thrust whether in motor or manual drive, the stem Static Reversibility, when stem thrust from
reaction if the torque is applied t o a thread or quarter turn gearbox must be the valve may start stem nut rotation.
threaded stem nut. For new motorized irreversible. Figure 1 indicates the maximum Because Rotork actuators use an independent
valves, i t is the valvemaker's responsibility thread lead which may be used with a given manual drive, no reliance may be placed on
to specify the operation force required by stem diameter f r o m Rotork experience. motor worm gear inefficiency t o achieve
the valve under the specified servlce As the lead is increased, the thread stem locking; the thread should be in the
conditions in terms of torque or thrust. efficiency increases, firstly t o the threshold 'safe' area of the graph.
or alternatively t o confirm his acceptance of Dynamic Reversibility, when, if motion
of Rotork's estimate g f performance
requirement from given valve and service
Quarter-turn valves
I f Rotork are t o supply the actuator1
gearbox combination, the valvemaker must
specify torque required at valve stem. I f
Rotork are t o supply the actuator only.
the valvemaker must specify input torque
required and where important, the actuator
speed or travel time.
Screw-operated valves (gate and globe)
The size of the actuator required to operate
any given valve is determined by four
1 Stem thrust .
2 Rising stem diameter
3 Stem torque
4 Operating speed or time
The actuator may be sized from the above rim d w t e r n.
data if given, or b y using the calculation
method given overleaf. The calculation Figure 1, Guide t o stem thread reversibility
requires more details of the valve design. based on helix angles of for
which can be obtained from the valvemaker static and 6Ofor dynamic reversibiliw using
or by measuring an existing valve. ground aluminum bronze nuts on steel
Large Gate valves and Penstocks threaded stems.
Stem thread efficiency must be taken into Rotork stem factors and satisfactory service experience indicates
account when motorizing large screw- Seating torque is determined from seating their reliability. To increase confidence
operated gates. While a tern of, say, 3" thrust, taking into account the stem thread further, tests have been carried out on t w o
(76mm) diameter w i t h /5 (IOmm) lead
and coefficient of friction at the nut. random examples of threaded stems such
may be satisfactory for slow hand The former is dimensional, the latter can as may be used in typical fast-acting wedge
operation or short stroke power operation, only be an estimate, on which stem factor gate valves i n nuclear service. The tests,
the continuous energy dissipation from (torquelthrust) tables are based. Rotork summarized here, indicate the
motor operation through a long stroke with has used the same conversion tables appropriateness of the standard Rotork
heavy gate may cause overheating and deriving torque from thrust for 20 years, Stem Factors.
rapid wear of stem nuts. Doubling the lead
more than halves the power loss for the Stem Factor Test Summary (from Rotork Technical Report TR209 of April 1975).
same travel time, t h r o u ~ hincreased Divide torque i n Ibf f t by thrust in Ibf t o
Object of Tests
efficiency. Use a lead approaching % stem To determine actual stem factors of two obtain stem factors.
diameter where possible. The total thrust
typical threaded stems with appropriately Results Average Stem Factors
used f o r actuator sizing must not be less
tapped aluminum bronze drive bushings, Stem 1 Stem 2
than three times the weight of the gate.
with simultaneous measurement of torque / 3 ( ll/z"-'13
( ~ - ~ ") ")
Speed specification input and thrust output under varying
Because actuator gear ratios give speed (a1 Greased stem 0.01 41 0.0095
conditions o f lubrication. 0.01 19
'steps'. the nearest standard speed to that (b) Dry stem 0.028
Test facility (c) Wet stem 0.028 0.01 17
requested will be offered. Where i t is vital Rotork Development Department 'bump'
that the travel time should not be less than, (d)Oiledstem 0.016 0.0088
test rigs with means for varying the
or more than the stipulated figure, this structural resilience from that of large Variation o f stem factor due t o change of
should be stated. low pressure t o smaller high pressure torque setting from maximum was generally
N8: Operating speed varies slightly with load wedge gate valves, equipped with threaded within 4 10%of average factor shown.
as with all cage motor drives. Multiply steel stems strain-gaged for torque and Rotork Published stem factors
catalog speeds by 0.94 when calculating thrust, with strain readout b y U V recorder. For 2" - 'h Stem = ~ 0 1 9

travel times for fast acting valves. One stem of 2" diameter and 2 x %" thread F O 11/2'.
~ -%..Stem = -011
High operating speeds (2/3" lead) powered by a 90A actuator at
To double the speed of an actuator for a 96 rpm, one stem of 1'12" diameter, 1' 3 /3" Conclusion
given torque, also doubles the horsepower. pitch and lead powered by 16.4 actuator Lubrication, or lack of it, causes a much wider
However, b y doubling the lead of screw, at 72 rpm. variation of stern factor than load or resilience,
double the speed of valve operation can be Test procedure owing to the change in thread efficiency. Rotork
achieved whilst retaining the same actuator Operate each actuator several times t o trip pubhshed stem faclors are conservative for
rpm and w i t h only a 25 t o 30% increase i n at each of f ~ v etorque switch sftings at greased stems (.019 compared with .014, -011
torque and horsepower. each change of rig resilience, recording compared with ,0095). and thus allow for some
NB: T o keep the drive self-locking the lead torque and thrust simultaneously for each deterioration. Greater conservatism is unwise
should not exceed one third of the diameter under four different lubrication conditions. because valves with properly greased stems
of the stem. A Greased with Aeroshell Grease Grade 8 would be overstressedby actuators sized for poor
B Degreased, dry lubrcation.
C Degreased, wet (water lubricant only) It is the responsibility of the user to insure
D SAE 80EP gear oil that adequate stem lubricat~onis maintained.
king calculation for screw operated valves

nforrnation required Examples (Actuator performance based o n publication AE210)

Bore diameter at seat (use true figure i f k n o w n ) 12 inch 3 inch ( l h " l i f t ) 16 inch
? Differential pressure, using 30 psi m i n i m u m , and line 200 psi 2250 psi diff, 25 psi
psi i f higher 2500 line
3 T y p e of valve and service Wedge gate, o i l Globe, steam Water
1 Stem diameter and lead of screw thread I%,, x %'. 1'I?''x 114 " 2" x 1/2" inside screw
(pitch x number of starts) rising rotating rotating
5 Travel timelspeed i n inches per minute ( i f critical) A b o u t 1 minute 1 2 per minute

Method. Having obtained t h e above information proceed

3s follows:
4 Obtain bore area Table 1 (area cm2 x 0.155 = in2) 113sq i n 7.06 sq i n 201 sq i n
3 Differential psi (kglcm2 x 14.22 = psi) 200 psi 2250 psi 30 psi minimum
2 Obtain valve factor Table 2 0.35 1.15 0.35
D M u l t i p l y A x 8 x C t o obtain n e t thrust Ibf 7950 Ibf 18200 Ibf 21 10 Ibf
F o r rising stem valves: Yes No No
A d d gland friction thrust Table 3 plus piston effect 1500 Ibf -
for line pressures over 1000 psi
F D + E gives total thrust (kg = Ibf x 0.454) 9450 Ibf 18200 Ibf 21 10 Ibf
G Obtain stem factor K Table 4 0.014 0.01 2 0.01 7 x 1.5 = 0.0255
H F x G gives torque Ibf f t ( k g m = Ibf f t x 0,138) 132 Ibf f t 218 Ibf f t 5 4 Ibf f t
f o r rotating stem valves: No Yes Yes
J A d d gland friction torque Table 3 - 1 5 0 0 .~7 5 + 1 2 = 9 4 1500x 1 f 1 2 = 1 2 5
I< J + H gives total torque (rotating stem) - 312 Ibf f t 179 Ibf f t
L Actuator r p m = Speed in inches per m i n + lead of screw 1 2 " l m i n f '/I 12"lmin + '12
= 36 r p m = 24 r p m
M Select the smallest actuator capable o f : Size 16AZ w i l l Size 30A w i l l Size 16AZ w i l l
1 Accepting the rising stem diameter provide 190 Ibf f t at provide 400 I b f ft provide up 'to
2 Taking the thrust where applicable 36 r p m 50 Hz, at 1 8 o r 2 4 r p m 225 lbf ft at 24 r p m
3 Providing the required torque 43 r p m 60 H z t o 50 Hz, 21 o r 29 50 Hz, 21 or 29
4 Providing the required speed o f operation operate the valve r p m 60 H z r p m 60 Hz
i n about 1 minute

Table 1 Bore areasfor valve size i n inches, f u l l bore assumed

Size Area Size Area Size Area Size Area Size Area Size Area
2 3.1 4 7 38.5 14 154 24 452 36 1018 60 2827

Table 3 Gland friction thrust and torque and stem piston effect.
Gland packing adds a f r i c t i o n thrust t o rising stems. a friction torque
below above below above t o rotating stems. Line pressure X the area of t h e stem through the
750°F 750°F 1OOO°F 1OOO°F gland tends t o open the valve, T h i s piston effect is significant for
Parallel slide and .25 .3 .35 .45 rising stem gate valves at line pressures o f 1000 psi and above, and
flexible or double must be added t o friction thrust. ( F o r globe valves, the stem area
disc is included w i t h the disc area, so piston effect can be ignored).
S o l i d wedge gate .35 .4 .45 .5 F r i c t i o n thrust: 1000 lbf u p t o 1" diameter, 1500 lbf u p
Screw d o w n (rising stems) t o 2" diameter, 2500 Ibf for larger stems.
globe above 2 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Screw d o w n Piston effect: I f line pressure exceeds 1000 psi, add
globe below 2" 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 (rising stems) t o f r i c t i o n thrust:
Line psi x area o f stem through gland.
F o r inside screw valves and exposed sluice gates see notes b y Table 4.
F r i c t i o n torque: F r i c t i o n thrust x stem radius at gland.
Table 4 Stem factors f o r singk start threads (see notes) (rotating stems)

factor is Ibf. ft. torque per Ibf. rhrusr, based on formulag24 (COS - tan
ices tan
@ a p, for acme thread, where D = Mean stem diameter = Nominal dia. - 0.5 x Pitch (inches).

0 = Thread angle = 14%' for Acme, tana = _r_, p = coefficient of friction = 0.14.
- - - - -~

Lead* Stem 0 ins

ins % 1 1 1% 1% 2 2 2% 2% 3 3 3% 3-4 4 4 4% 4% 5 5 5% 6 6%
'/a ,006 ,007
'15 ,007 ,008 ,010 -011
1'4 ,007 ,009 .010 ,012 ,013 .015 ,016 ,018 ,019 ,021 .022
7 ,008 ,009 ,011 ,012 .014 ,015 ,017 .018 ,020 .021 ,023
'13 ,008 .010 ,011 ,013 ,014 ,016 ,017 ,019 ,020 ,022 -023
'15 .009 .010 ,012 ,013 ,015 ,016 .018 ,019 .021 4322 ,024 .025 ,027 .028 .030 ,031 ,033 .034 ,036 .037 ,040 .
'17 -012 ,013 .014 ,016 -017 ,019 ,020 .022 ,023 ,025 ,026 -028 ,029 ,031 ,032 .034 ,035 ,037 ,038 .041
'A ,016 ,019 ,020 ,022 ,023 ,025 ,026 4328 ,030 ,031 .032 .034 -035 -037 -038 ,040 .041 ,044 -047
1 '020 .023 .024 ,026 .027 .029 .030 ,032 4332 ,035 ,036 .038 ,039 .041 ,042 .044 ,045 ,048 ,051
1'12 ,040 ,042 ,043 ,045 ,046 ,048 .049 ,051 0 5 2 ,055 ,058
2 ,048 .050 ,051 .053 ,054 -056 ,057 .059 ,062 ,065
Single start threads assumed up to K", two start up to 1" and three start threads above. For two start K" or below multiply by 1.05.
Notes on stem factors:
1. For inside screw threads multiply factors by 1.5.
2. For exposed sluice gates (penstocks) multiply factors by 1.25, and insure that thrust estimate is a minimum of three times the weight of the gate.

Rolork Controls Lim~ted Rotork Controls (Canada) Ctd Rotork Controls Inc
Bath, B A l 3JQ 9.820 - 28th Street NE 19 Jet View Drive. Rochester
ENGLAND Calgary, Alberta T2A 6K1. CANADA NY 14624. U.S.A.
telephone 01225 733200 telephone (403) 569 9455 telephone (716) 328 1550
fax 01225 333467 fax (403) 569 9414 fax (716) 328 5848
email email info@rotork corn
APPENDIX D. Force Required to Actuate Cast-Iron Penstock
This appendix is for inJormarion only and is not o porr of rhis J U ? Srandovtl $pec5/icotion.

The maximum force required to actuate a penstock occurs during the unseating and raising of
the weight of the slide. In h e closing, or normally the downward motion o l Ihc gate, the weight of rhc
stem and slide act in the direction of motion and reduce the forced required.
The forced required to actuate the slide is, in part, empirically determined. The weight of the
slide and stem, the head of water on the gate at the centerline of h e opening and the friction of the
slide againts the seats and wedges are required to calculate the force to open the gate. These factors are
normally presented in the following manner :

F = total maximum force required to open slide, in pounds (kilograms)
j = friction factor of slide againts seat
A = area of gate opening in square feet (square metres)
H =head of water at gate centerline, in feel (metres)
PI = \\:eight of slide, in pounds (kilograms)
PI = \veight of stem, in pounds (kilograms)

The friction factor j between the slide and the seats may be takcn as 0.35. The \\,eight of Lhe
stem and slide should be obtained from the manufacturer of the gate. I[ has bcen gcncral practice ro
reduce the weight of the slide or stem because of the buoyant effect of the \vatu.
The force required to overcome the frictional effect of the utdgcs i s accountcd for bg
empirically assigning one half of the weight of the slide.
Once released from the wedges, the force becomes

F1 = 6 2 . 4 x / x A x H + P I + P I +P, (Eq A.2) ,

([metric] FI = 1 0 0 x j x A x H + PI + PI + P3

Where :
F,= total maximum force required fdr sustained effort on the actuate;, in pounds (kilograms)
P l = 6 2 . 4 x H x a x c, in pounds
([metric ] P, = 1 0 0 x H x a x c, in kilograms)

a = cross sectional area of gate disk (gate width x bottom rib plan dirncnsion),square
feet (square metres)
c= coefficient

P3 accounts for the aspiration downward force when the gate is slightly open. It is significant
only on large gates and higher heads. The coefficient varies with the shape of the gate lip. D o w n \ \ ~ d
pull may be greater (ban the weight of the gate and under some conditions it may be negative,
indicating an uplift. The c coefficient of 0.5 for bullnose shapes and 1.0 for standard bottoms.
The above forces are based on the use o f a handwheel, crank,or electric-motor-actuated gate
where the lift nut turns around a threaded rising stem or where the threaded stem turn inside a thrust
nut on non rising stem applications.
. ,. .. . When cylinder actiiators are employed, it is suggested that the tohl forces calculated above
are to be multiplied by a 1.3 safety factor when starting the gate horn closed to open.
IQ 3 phase performance summary

Performance data
Actuator output speeds

rpm a t 50
rpm at 60
Hz 21 1 96

Actuator size Torque** Nm Ft Ibf

. . ..... , -

1500 1500 1250 iooo 1000 '; :' 750 640* 540'

Due to the effects of mertia and dr~venut wear, speeds not recommended for direct mounted gate valve applications.

" Torque rating is maximum torque setting in both d~rect~ons

Stall torque will be 1.4 t o 2.0 tlmes this value depending on speed and voltage
@ If maximum torque is requ~redfor more than 20% of valve travel, refer to Rotork.
IQ motor performance data

For 415V 3PH 50HZ

Actuator rpm Motor Locked Locked Rated Average Nominal AVERAGE LOAD
Size poles rotor rotor torque load 'Kw Power Etfy
current. A PF: current. A current. A factor %
10 18 4 1.2 0.86 0.4 0.4 0.05 0.50 35
24 4 1.5 0.86 0.5 0.5 0.05 0.50 28
36 4 2 0.86 0.7 0.6 0.07 0.45 36
48 4 2.5 0.86 0.85 0.7 0.10 0.45 44
72 4 3 0.81 0.9 0.6 0.13 0.50 60
96 4 4 0.82 1.25 0.8 0.17 0.45 66

All above motor data is approximate

(API 9A)

6 x 19 Classification Wire Rope, Bright (Uncoated) or Drawn-Galvanized Wire, lndependent Wire-Rope Core

'h 13 0.46 0.68 23,000 102 10.4

9/16 14.5 0.59 0.88 29.000 129 13.2
5h 16 0.72 1.07 35,800 '159 16.2
3/4 19 1.04 1.55 51.200 228 23.2
'/s 22 1.42 2.1 1 69.200 308 31.4
1 26 1.85 2.75 89,800 399 40.7
1 '/a 29 2.34 3.48 113,000 503 51.3
1 l/r 32 2.89 4.30 138,800 61 7 63.0
1 =/a 35 3.50 5.21 167,000 743 75.7
1M 38 4.16 6.19 197,800 880 89.7
I S/0 42 4.88 7.26 230,000 1020 104
1 3/4 45 5.67 8.44 266.000 1180 121
1% 48 6.50 9.67 304.000 1350 138
2 52 7.39 11.0 344,000 1530 156

NOTE: Galvanized rope strength 10% lower than listed.

(API 9 A )

6 x 37 Classification Wire Rope, Bright (Uncoated) or Drawn-Galvanized Wire, Independent Wire-Rope Core

'12 13
=I16 14.5
5/e 16
314 19
/'a 22
1 26
I '1s 29
1 lh 32
1 J/a 35
1'h 38
1s/a 42
13/c 45
1/'a 48
2 .52
2 'la 54
2 '/4 58
2 60
2% 64
2 5/a 67
2 3/4 71
2 /'a 74
3 77
3 '1s 80
3 'A 83
3 Ye 87
3% 90
3 Y4 96
4 103

NOTE Galvamzed wire rope slrengrh 10% lower than lisied

Spindle Hoist Design Steps

1 From gate size obtain gate weight (P,) from Table

2 Select suitable stem size (0) from Table

3 Determine length of stem required (from levels given)

4 Obtain weigth of stem (Pz) from dia. and length

5 Determine hydraulic head (H) from water level and gate centre line

6 Determine Force to activate gate (F)

F = 1000'f*A4H+(1.SPf+P2)
f = 0.35 (metal seats)
A = Area of aperture

7 Check on suitable stem dia. (D) selected in (2)

D = [~~*F*I~*F,Y(c'~~*E) (mm)
F = Axial thrust (N)
F, = Factor of Safety = min. 5
C = end constrain condition = 2
I= unsupported length (mm) (take gate height as min.)
E = Modulus of elasticity (205,000 Nlmm)

8 For stem diameter & lead (normally 0.5"),obtain stem factor from table

9 Determine Operating Torque T

T = F x Stem Fador

10 Allow for 20% reserve torque or as specified & determine actuator torque required

11 Determine stem rotating speed from gate operating speed & thread per inch

12 From actuator catalogue select suitable actuator with torque and rpm as determined

13 Determine actual gate operating speed & gate openinglclosing time

Note: Use consistant units (metric or British)

Is?UiJ;-K!RN GEAR OPERATORS :::.~!(-ff<;z.t<> !i$<<i,(!\,. . ; . . . . .
SpUr; :.2:-i;v:-
.>;?;ir ,,;: ,- v..... . .. .
W ~ t hmore than 2 0 years experience in actuated valve and
damper control and instrumentation. Deeco has developed Totally enclosed gearing
three ranges of Gear Operators - SPUR (IS). BEVEL (10) and Grease f~lledfor life and fully sealed
WORM (IWI. Cornprehens~vegear ratlos
The SPUR (IS). BEVEL (10) and MUTLI-TURN WORM (MTW) - Removable output sleeve fnctltty
Gear Operators are for use on gate, globe, sluice and penstoch Optional input flanges for nioturisatiolr
valves; as well as other applical~onswhere screwed or keyed
shatrs are used to operate equipment.
- Optional facility to mount aur~l~aryspuribevel input reducers
Optional rwo-speed spur input drwe
- Varlety of handwheel sizes available
Spur and bevel cwnbmatms avatlal,le
Exeeco Gear operators are versatile. economical, and
manufactured from h g h quality materials. A programme of.
conlinuous product development together with life testing of
units at Exeeco's works, ensures that maximum performance,
quality and rel~abilityare consistently maintained. Substantial torque range (up to 10646 N ~ l ~ 8 0 0 U I bf~s

851 registered and wirh accreditation to 8 s EN IS0 9001. Substantial thrusl range (up to 1557 hN!350000ll1s1
Exeeco strives to provide the valve industry with the highest Pinions mounted on ball bearlngs
quality standards of engineering and service. It is upon this Optional twin pinion units to lacillrate s e c o n d q drlve
commitment that Exeeco's reputation has been built.
Standard ratio, torque, thrust and splndle acceptances cover
all valve requirements. Deeco gear operators have been
des~gnedand produced for almost every application, including

low and high temperature, submersible duty, buried service,

marinised duty, A W A specification and specla1 indication.

Output sleeves are made from materials compatible with valve

stems and are easily removable for machining to customer
requirements. A range of auxiliary input gear reducers is
available to decrease operating effort (see combinations on
hack page).
Exeeco gear operators are suitable for both manual and
motorised use. Input and output flanges are supplied to ISO.
DIN or Amencan standards. However, the flexibilin/ exists lo
cater for variation in valve design and construction.

Catalogues wlth sizing details are available for each range of

Exeeco gear operator. Please contact at7Exeeco office for
further information.
~ -~

GEARBOX TYPE IB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1:l 0.85 125 (170) 280 (380)
2:l 1.70 280 (380)
3: 1 2.55 625 (850) 1250 (1700) 1875 (2550)
4000 (5423)
500 (680) 1000 (1355) 1500 (2033) 8000 (10846)
L ~ fSt & ( ~ mFOR

8.1 6.80
MAX L b s x l 000 5 12 40 12 40 80 100 150 250 350
THRUST (KN) (22) (54) (178) (54) (1 78) (356) (445) (670) (1 112) (1557)
MAX BORE 25 40 52 40 52 52 65 65 76 76 90 90 110 120
ACCEPTANCE THREAD 27.5 45 55 45 55 55 73 73 86 86 100 100 120 150
IN mm
INPUT FLANGE FIO / F14 F10 / F14 / F16
OUTPUT FLANGE F07 F10 F14 F10 F14 F14 F16

APPROX. Lbs 22 36 40 36 44 62 78
WEIGHT I Kg 10 1 16 1 18 1 16 1 20 1 28 1 35
6 x 19 and 6 x 36 construction groups (6s 302: 1987)

Nomtnal Minimum breaking force Minimum breaking load Approximate mass

diameter (In0Nlmrnz tensile grade) (1770 NImm2 tensile grade)
Fibre cored Steel cored Fibre cored Steel cored Fibre cored Steel cored
mm kN kN t t kg1100 m kg1100 m
3 4 89 5 29 0 50 0 54 3 11 3 43
4 8 69 94 0 89 096 1 5 54 6 10
5 13 6 14 7 1 39 1 50 : 8 65 9 53
6 19 6 21 2 2 00 2 16 12 5 13 7
7 28 6 30 9 2 92 3 15 17 7 19 5
8 37 4 40 3 3 81 4 11 23 1 255 4

9 47 3 51 0 4 82 5 20 29 2 32 2
10 58 4 63 0 5 95 6 42 36 1 39 8
11 70 7 76 2 7 21 7 77 43 7 48 2
12 84 1 90 7 8 57 9 25 52 0 57 3
13 98 7 106 10 1 10 8 61 0 -67 3
14 114 124 11 6 12 6 70 8 78 0
16 150 161 15 3 16 4 92 4 102
18 189 204 19 3 20 8 117 129
19 21 1 227 21 5 23 1 130 144
20 234 252 23 9 25 7 144 159
22 283 305 28 8 31 1 175 193
24 336 363 34 3 37 0 208 229
26 395 426 40 3 43 4 244 269
28 458 494 46 7 50 4 283 312
32 598 645 61 0 65 7 370 408
35 716 772 73 0 78 7 442 488
36 757 81 7 77 2 83 3 468 516
38 843 91 0 85 9 92 8 52 1 575
40 935 1008 95 3 103 578 637
44 1131 1220 115 124 699 771
48 1346 1452 137 148 832 917
52 1579 1704 161 174 976 1076
54 1703 1837 174 187 1053 1161
56 1832 1976 187 201 1132 1248
60 23 03 2268 214 231 1300 1433

NOTE 1 3 mm to 8 mm rope IS not available In the 6 x 36 constructlon group

NOTE 2 56 mm and 60 mm ropes are only ava~lable~n the 6 x 36 constructlon group
NOTE 3 The values for 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm ropes are based on 6 x 19 cross-lay constr~ctlon

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