Class 6 - English CW 11

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You are Shashank / Sahana. You were made the leader of an organising committee
for an inter-school quiz event which turned out to be successful. Your Principal
congratulated you and the other members of the committee at the school assembly.
Write a letter to your grandmother at Mumbai, telling her about the event and your
feelings at being recognized by your Principal and the others.

Shashank / Sahana
No. 24, Ambedkar Nagar
Chennai 600 063

8th November, 2021

Dearest grandmother
How are you? I hope you are doing well in Mumbai weather.

I am very excited and happy right now. I am writing this to you to share my
happiness with you. Last week my school had organised an inter-school quiz
competition. Six schools from our neighbourhood participated.

An organising committee was formed by our school principal. I was selected as the
leader of the committee. My friends and I chalked out the programme to ensure
that the event is conducted smoothly.
We planned on different things together. Two teams were formed. One team took
care of the arrangement and distribution of snacks, lunch and water for the guests.
Another team was involved in conducting the programme. We decorated the entire
venue and took care of every minute detail, so that nothing is missed out. The
participants and the guests were very well taken care of. The event was a great
Our Principal appreciated us in the General Assembly for the wonderful planning.
It was a great feeling to receive such a shower of appreciation. I wanted to share
with you about this and get your blessings. I could make such a plan only because
of your training. I wish to thank you for all the planning and organising lessons
you have given me. Thank you so much!
Please take care of your health! Meet you soon!
Bye for now!
Your loving grandson/granddaughter

You are Suresh / Seshma. You are the Sports Secretary of your school. Your
Principal asked you to organise an inter-school junior sports meet with the help of
your teachers and your friends. The event turned out to be successful. Write a
letter to your grandfather who is staying in another city, telling the details of how
you planned for the event.


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