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Rafer, Sophia A.

1_1=Magellan 2_2= Lapux2


1. Before reading this account, write down three to four (3-4) first impressions on the
following individuals and/or events:

a. Lapu-Lapu b. Ferdinand Magellan c. B/Visaya d. Mactan e. Circumnavigation

When I was in fifth grade, we covered Lapu-Lapu and Spanish colonialism,

so I had some background knowledge of these people and events. According to what
I've learned about Lapu-Lapu, he is a renowned Mactan hero, a valiant Datu, and the
hero who defends Filipinos from Spanish colonizers. On the other side, Ferdinand
Magellan is a Portuguese navigator, explorer, and the first man to go to and visit the
Philippines. People who live in the Visayas are known as Visaya or Bisaya. Visayas
speak Cebuano or Bisaya. Bisaya can also be a native language in the Philippines that is
spoken by the majority of the population. Lapu-Lapu was born and raised on the island
of Mactan, which is located off the coast of Cebu. It is also one of the country's most
popular tourist destinations. Circumnavigation is an action of traveling around the
world, the first recorded circumnavigation of the Earth was the Magellan-Elcano
expedition and has a huge contribution in terms of studying the earth’s circumference
and its time zone.

2. Research and present a biographical entry of Antonio Pigafetta. Cite your sources
properly. Pinpoint at least three (3) biases the chronicler/writer
exhibited/presented/showed upon reading the account.

● MacDonald, F., & Bergin, M. (1906). Magellan: A Voyage Around the World.
Franklin Watts.

Pigafetta's journal was most likely written to glorify either Magellan

or the Spanish because they were both supported by the Spanish, or Italian
because of his own ancestry. In particular, he claims in his biography that
Filipinos were astonished by them and embraced them warmly and that they
easily persuaded Filipinos to accept them, without mentioning that they devised
strategies and fooled them in order to persuade Filipinos to accept them. Also,
Rafer, Sophia A.
1_1=Magellan 2_2= Lapux2

Pigafetta's biographical entry is only from his perspective and how he sees
Filipinos; he did not include other people's perspectives or even Filipino
perspectives, such as the attires and houses; he describes Filipino attires as
naked and houses as poor because they were not built with bricks and cement,
which they have in their country. However, he did not realize that there are
specific reasons for this. The main reason is that the Philippines is located near
the equator, which means that hot weather is common in our nation. This is the
primary reason why Filipinos dress in this manner and why bamboo with nipa
roofs houses are constructed. His judgment of Filipino indigenous beliefs as
inferior is undoubtedly due to their Christian worldview. Not appreciating the
uniqueness of another country's beliefs and culture.

3. Pinpoint eight (8) cultural practices the chronicler observed and recorded. From these
practices, classify them accordingly as: a. continuing or still existing, and b.
discontinued or extinct

TIn Pigafetta's biography about Magellan's voyage around the

world, he mentions a number of cultural customs. The first is the
utilization of coconut; it was reported that the coconut or palm tree is
abundant on the island and that it has numerous uses, including vinegar
and liquor. The second is indigenous people's tattoos, which Pigafetta
characterizes as "painted on their body." He observed that majority of the
women and men had tattoos. Large earrings were also popular at the
time, as was the drinking ceremony, where he depicts the attendees as big
drinkers. It was also reported that Filipinos believe in Abba, which is what
they refer to as their God. The indigenous people's clothing was also
addressed, with the majority of them virtually half-naked, with barely half
of their bodies clothed. For the Filipino native, a sanduguan (blood
compact) is required to express friendship or a treaty of agreement.
Finally, he depicts the rich lifestyle of the Datu and King in the Philippines,
Rafer, Sophia A.
1_1=Magellan 2_2= Lapux2

stating that the king's plate is mostly made of gold, that he wears a
gigantic golden earring, and that even his teeth are covered in gold.

Coconuts, tattoos, drinking rites, and King or Datus's rich lifestyle

are all still important today. While many of us Filipinos use coconut oils to
moisturize our bodies and promote hair development. We also have
lambanog, which is a well-known coconut-based liquor. Filipinos are still
considered to be strong drinkers, with certain drinks consumed when
there is a reason to celebrate and others consumed simply for enjoyment.
Tattoos, whether traditional or contemporary, are still prevalent in our
society. Especially Wang Od's tattoos, who is considered our country's
national artist and the country's oldest tattoo artist. Datu's still exist in
some sections of Northern Mindanao, and the majority of them continue
to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle, much like Datu's did in the past. On the other
side, sanduguan and believing in Abba are no longer practiced; instead, we
now have laws that allow us to legally signify agreements, and the majority
of Filipinos are Catholics, Christians, and Muslims.

4. Describe how the chronicler described the following items and places:

a. Samar b. coconuts c. gold d. the deities/supernatural beings the natives worshipped

e. the peoples/natives Pigafetta et al encountered

Samar is noted as having a high mountain. It was also abundant in

crops such as rice, maize, breadfruit, and a variety of others. He also
described the Samar houses, which were supported on frames and
covered. Pigafetta believed it looked "like a haystack." "A palm that bears a
fruit" known as Coconuts was widely and efficiently used by the Filipinos.
It can be used to make oil, vinegar, and even liquor. And that gold was
plentiful in our land since practically all of the indigenous people, notably
Rafer, Sophia A.
1_1=Magellan 2_2= Lapux2

the Datu and Kings, wear enormous golden earrings and have most of
their jewelry and apparel wrapped in gold. It was also stated that before
Christianity was introduced to the Philippines, native Filipinos worshiped
had no other form of worship but raising their clasped hands and faces to
the sky, and calling their god "Abba." According to him, most indigenous
tribes have enormous holes and piercings in their ears that can fit an arm
through. He also highlights that indigenous people's clothing is almost
half-naked, and their hair is black and silky, especially the women's hair,
which he claims can reach the ground.

5. Find out who was serving or acting as Magellan’s “interpreter” to the chiefs and/or
natives whenever the Spanish group arrived and stayed in different islands. Again, look
up the “interpreter’s” profile with citations.

According to Historiafactory, V. A. P. B. (2016, June 20). When a Spanish

group arrives on a different Island, according to Antonio Pigafetta's biography,
there is an interpreter for the chiefs or natives. Enrique de Malaca was the
interpreter who served as a bridge between Datus or King and their Captain.
Enrique was a Malay from Sumatra who lived in Melaka, according to Pigafetta.
Enrique was one of the city's defenders during the Portuguese invasion of Melaka
in 1511. He was kidnapped by the Portuguese and sold into slavery by Magellan's
crew. Enrique was a crucial individual for Magellan since he had an excellent
understanding of navigation and could converse in Malay. After the acquisition of
Melaka, he needed an interpreter and a navigator to continue his expedition to
other parts of Southeast Asia. If he made his way home after Magellan’s death,
indeed, he was the first man who circumnavigated around the globe rather than
their captain.

7. Go back to your #1 impressions and compare to Pigafetta’s views. Give two (2)
similarities and two (3) differences on each item.
Rafer, Sophia A.
1_1=Magellan 2_2= Lapux2

Returning to my initial impressions of Lapu-Lapu, Ferdinand Magellan,

B/Visaya, Mactan, and the Circumnavigation, Regarding Magellan, Bisaya, and
circumnavigation, we have some similar viewpoints. Magellan, according to him,
was the first person to journey around the world, and circumnavigation is the
process of traveling around the world using ships and navigation, which is also
true for me. However, we have a lot of different perspectives, especially on how
he regards Magelans as their hero and best Captain because if there is anyone in
his life who is a strong leader, it is none other than Lapu-Lapu. He claims that
Magellan is a wise commander, but after reading it, I realized that he isn't, since
he is the cause why most of their troops were killed as a result of him initiating a
conflict. For me, Lapu-Lapu is an intelligent leader since he planned his and his
forces' movements in the battle of Mactan.

8. Does your image on Lapu-Lapu and/or Ferdinand Magellan change or remain after
reading this account? And what is more significant in your view in commemorating, the
First Mass or the Mactan Battle of 1521? Defend your respective answers.

Yes, my perspective has shifted significantly after reading

Pigafetta's biography. Lapu-Lapu, in my opinion, is a superior individual,
whereas Magellan is a manipulative and deceiving individual. I've read
accounts of Magellan manipulating indigenous peoples and threatening
them in order to force them to accept their religion. I know for sure that
bringing religion to Filipinos and convincing them that it is necessary for
their salvation and a good existence is simply his technique of deceiving
and colonizing the Philippines. In the Mactan Battle, I also notice how
impulsive and egoistic Magellan is when he refuses to cooperate with the
Christian king and tells them to leave his men and watch how they battle.
As a result, they lose the battle of Mactan. For his bravery and wisdom, I
developed greater regard for Lapu-Lapu. He did not allow Magellan to
Rafer, Sophia A.
1_1=Magellan 2_2= Lapux2

deceive his people, and he believed that they were brave and wise in
battle. The significance in recalling the First Mass and the Mactan Battle
of 1521 is not only for educational purposes but also to open our eyes that
we shouldn’t trust anyone even if they propose a good and friendly
proposal for our country. It is time to stop being naive and start standing
for rights and be brave enough to fight for them.

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