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Maintenance & Troubleshooting Guide

This maintenance manual has been developed to be used only with Jaguar Land Rover Authorized TOUGHBOOK®
Models CF-19 (MKII-onward) and CF-53 (MKI-onward). Model Information may be found above the keyboard as
well as on the product sticker located at the bottom of the PC.
Updated April 26, 2012 1 IDS Maintenance & Troubleshooting Guide v2.2
IDS / SDD Maintenance Guide
REGULAR MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 4
HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Care Instructions for IDS Hardware .................................................................................................................... 4
SDD SYSTEM MAINTENANCE – VIA SYSTEM INFORMATION TAB .......................................................................................... 5
System Information Overview: ............................................................................................................................ 5
PC System Status: .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Network Status: ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Software Update Status: ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Vehicle Communications Interface Status: ......................................................................................................... 9
SDD SYSTEM MAINTENANCE – ADDITIONAL MANUAL PROCESSES ...................................................................................... 10
Battery Recalibration ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Lap Top Battery................................................................................................................................................. 11
Touchscreen Display Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 12
Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 and CF53 AC Adaptors ..................................................................................... 13
Utilization of the USB Fly Lead Supplied with IDS ............................................................................................ 13
VCM Recovery Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 14
Legacy T4 Cables Part Number Cross Reference - Old / New ........................................................................ 15
SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
SDD JAVA software version requirements ....................................................................................................... 16
Updating SDD Operating Software ................................................................................................................... 16
Background Download of New DVD Content/DVD Software Updates ............................................................. 23
Vehicle Calibration and As-Built File Management ........................................................................................... 23
SPA Pinpoint Tests No Longer Require Manual Installation ............................................................................ 27
IDS - Installation of Unapproved Software ........................................................................................................ 27
IDS/SDD Authentication Process ...................................................................................................................... 27
IDS Connectivity Activation - Dealer Details Incorrect ...................................................................................... 31
T4 Legacy CD Install to IDS Hard Drive ........................................................................................................... 32
T4 / IDS Software Installation ........................................................................................................................... 32
Phoenix Recovery / Rebuild Procedure for Panasonic CF-19 (MarkII) TOUGHBOOKR .................................. 33
Recovery / Rebuild Procedure for the Panasonic CF-19 (MKIII and MarkIV) TOUGHBOOK .......................... 36
Recovery / Rebuild Procedure for the Panasonic CF-19 (MKV) and CF-53 (MKI) TOUGHBOOK® with WIN7
and IE8. ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
IDS Activation - Internet Service Provider......................................................................................................... 42
CONNECTIVITY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 45
WIRELESS REQUIREMENTS FOR WORKSHOPS....................................................................................................................... 45
Wireless IP Addresses: ..................................................................................................................................... 45
Wireless Security – Recommended Settings: ................................................................................................... 46
Firewalls: ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 1 - Applications Requiring Firewall Exceptions ....................................................................................... 47
Table 2 – JLR Web Based IDS Resources Requiring Firewall Exceptions ...................................................... 48
Antivirus Software ............................................................................................................................................. 48
IDS/SDD Anti-Virus requirements ..................................................................................................................... 48
Additional Anti-virus requirements for VCI operation: ....................................................................................... 49
Connectivity Bandwidth: .................................................................................................................................... 49

This maintenance manual has been developed to be used only with Jaguar Land Rover Authorized TOUGHBOOK®
Models CF-19 (MKII-onward) and CF-53 (MKI-onward). Model Information may be found above the keyboard as
well as on the product sticker located at the bottom of the PC.
Updated April 26, 2012 2 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc
HARDWARE / SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 50
Approved / Supported Hardware and Software Combinations ......................................................................... 50
3rd Party Software.............................................................................................................................................. 51
CONTACTS.............................................................................................................................................................. 52
IDS Support (Non-Connectivity issues) ............................................................................................................ 52
Connectivity issues to the Jaguar Land Rover Diagnostic Servers .................................................................. 52
MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST ................................................................................................................................. 53
IDS TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ......................................................................................................................... 54
HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................................................. 61
CONNECTIVITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 64

Updated April 26, 2012 3 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc


Care Instructions for IDS Hardware
General guidelines for care of IDS equipment; this information is based on feedback from users of IDS and should
be communicated to all users of the IDS system.
• All IDS cables should be put in a safe position when working on vehicles, and stowed away in cabinet
when not in use.
• The VCM/DLC cable terminals should be regularly checked for damage to pins. Ensure Pins 1 & 9 is
removed from the cable end that connects to the DLC socket on the vehicle. These pins are not to be
used on Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles and can cause damage to the VCM (see pages 19 & 20).
• The USB/VCM cable should also be inspected regularly for signs of crimping, especially around the cable
protectors. Damage to this cable will directly affect communications to the vehicle. Damaged cables
should be replaced.
• Ensure the power supply for the CF-18 is not used to charge the CF-19 (see page 18).
• Avoid installing software not supplied by Jaguar Land Rover onto the IDS – including updates to Internet
Explorer. Installing additional software may interfere with the running of IDS. All required software is
supplied with the Toughbook.
• The Toughbook screen should never be leaned on – pushing back on the CF-18 screen while the laptop
is mounted on the WEB-182 docking station can interrupt communications to the USB ports on the
docking station and any devices attached to these ports, such as the VCM or DVD drive.
• The center touch pad should be used with care; damage to this will cause the mouse to deviate on the
• The USB Protector cables, part number CF-K18CB002, should be used to protect the USB ports on the
Panasonic Toughbook, especially when the laptop is used away from the docking station (see page 18).
• Care should be taken when plugging devices into USB ports. The ports will be damaged if forced. This
damage may not be covered by warranty.
• Pens or other equipment should not be used on the Touchscreen as this may damage the screen.
DVD Drive
• Ensure that the DVD disc drive and cabinet door are kept closed to reduce the risk of dust and moisture
entering the DVD drive.
• All DVDs should be kept in the cases to prevent scratching and scuffing. Scratched or scuffed DVDs /
CDs should be replaced.

Updated April 26, 2012 4 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

SDD System Maintenance – via System Information Tab
SDD users responsible for system maintenance will need to become familiar with the SDD Settings > System
Information tab within SDD.

In depth information about the SDD Hardware, Software, Networking and Operating System can be reviewed
upon accessing the Settings > System Information Tab.

A simple graphic interface with individual status indicators are provided to guide SDD users towards areas of
operation and maintenance that require attention. This interactive tool along with a scheduled maintenance
routine will ensure users will obtain the best performance when working with SDD.
System Information Overview:

The following screen provides a high level status of the 4 key areas of the SDD diagnostic platform.

• PC System Status
• Network Status
• Software Update Status
• Vehicle Communications Update Status

When the SDD platform is fully updated and conforming to current functional standards, each item on this
summary screen will display a green check mark. If one or more of these items require attention, an alternate icon
will be displayed.

When a red X is displayed, immediate attention is required.

When the "?" icon is displayed, that item should be reviewed and preferably corrected to ensure your system fully

Upon review of the high level system status, if any deficiencies are indicated, clicking the "Details" hyperlink in the
"More Information" column will bring you to the corresponding display of details within that section.

When reviewing section details for PC System, Network, or SDD updates, users will see a similar listing to the
overview with status icons for each detail item in that section.

The details for Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI) will display a list of currently available VCI devices for that
SDD platform, along with a list of vehicle supported and the option to select the desired VCI device to be used
with SDD.

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The following screen shots and notes represent the details and functions provided under each high level section
of the SDD System Information display.
PC System Status:

For each section of the PC System Details, the user is provided the Recommended value (where applicable) , the
Actual value detected, a Status Icon.

Additionally, when action is required, the Required Action column will display advice and usually a hyperlink to
more details. For maintenance items that require attention, in addition to information and advice, the hyperlinks
can be used to launch the required function. Simple on-screen text can be followed to complete these tasks.

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Network Status:

The Network Status details will list all of the internet based resources that SDD relies upon for various
information, maintenance tasks and remote support. Also, at the top of the network resource listing is the status
for SDD's ability to communicate with the "local gateway". Before SDD can be expected to connect with internet
based resources hosted by Jaguar Land Rover, SDD MUST be able to connect with the local gateway within your

In most cases, when SDD is properly enabled for connectivity, no problems will be reported under the Network
Status category.

Local IT infrastructure must be properly configured to allow network traffic to flow freely between each SDD unit
and the listed internet resources. SDD users that discover one or more of the Network Status items require
attention must first contact local IT support to discuss the concern.

As an aide to users that must work with 3 party or other off-site IT support representatives, the actual URL/Web
Address for the broken links are listed to the right of the status icon. This information may be requested by local IT
support to begin troubleshooting the failure. Below the listing of the monitored internet resources are a few key
details about the current network interface settings on this specific PC. This information may be required by your
local IT support representative when requesting assistance.

To ensure the most rapid solution to any connectivity concern the local IT staff should be provided with the details
for Connectivity Requirements, included in this publication.

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Software Update Status:

The details of the SDD software maintenance include Days from Last Update, SPA Pinpoint Test Version,
Calibration and As-Built Version, and current status for any automated background updates in progress.

Upon review of these details, where action is required, advice and hyperlinks will be provided in the right hand
column. Users can use this information and tools to quickly check and update the SDD Software as required.

If additional information is required to perform SDD Software updates, refer to the appropriate chapter in this

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Vehicle Communications Interface Status:

The details for the Vehicle Communications Interface (VCI) Status are slightly different than the other 3 sections.

For this section, the details will include a listing of all supported VCI devices that appear to have the required
drivers installed for that hardware to operate with SDD.

Since the VCM is the default VCI device for use with SDD, the drivers for this device are included with the IDS
DVD releases, and should always appear on this listing.

Since all other approved VCI devices are provided by 3rd party vendors, the drivers for any of these devices are
provided by their manufacturer and must be obtained and installed independently of the IDS software. Instructions
for the installation of VCI device drivers are usually included with the VCI hardware, users must refer to individual
device literature for details.

Once a VCI device driver has been installed on your IDS system, the SDD VCI Status details should offer that
device for selection as the active VCI interface.

If any VCI devices other than the VCM are available, they will be listed here with details about vehicles supported.
When users wish to select an alternate VCI device for use with SDD, the "Select Device" hyperlink can be used to
initiate that process. On-screen instructions will be provided to complete the task.

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SDD System Maintenance – additional manual processes

Battery Recalibration

Battery Recalibration
As the battery deteriorates, the remaining battery capacity may not be displayed accurately. In this situation,
select ‘Battery Recalibration’ from the IDS Configuration menu to recalibrate the battery.
During battery recalibration, the following actions are carried out:
• Battery will be charged (providing it is not already fully charged)
• Battery will be discharged
• Computer will shut down
• Battery will be charged
NOTE: The calibration procedure also recalibrates the battery power meter to ensure its accuracy.
It is recommended that battery recalibration be carried out monthly. Battery recalibration may take up to 14 hours
to complete and should be carried out overnight when IDS is not in use. Battery recalibration can only be carried
out when IDS is connected to an AC power supply.

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Lap Top Battery
Battery Power Status
The condition of the internal battery can be viewed in the ‘Power Options Properties’ window by selecting the
‘Power Meter’ tab. The current power source and the percentage of battery power remaining will be displayed.

The battery condition can also be displayed by selecting ‘Fn’ and ‘F9’ on the keyboard.

Battery Power Display

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Touchscreen Display Calibration


Perform the touch screen calibration as follows,
1. Click [start] - [All Programs] - [Fujitsu Touch Panel (USB)] - [Touchscreen Calibration Utility]
The calibration screen will appear.
2. Using the stylus, touch the center of each of the 12 '+' target marks one by one until it blinks
3. Click [Calibration]
4. Click [Save & Exit]

Panasonic TOUGHBOOK CF-19 (MKV) and CF-53 (MKI)

Perform the touchscreen calibration as follows,
1. Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Hardware and Sound] - [Tablet Calibration] the calibration screen appears
2. Using the stylus, touch each of the 09 '+' target marks one by one until it moves to the next location
3. Upon completion a pop up will confirm the calibration, click [OK].
4. The window will automatically close

Updated April 26, 2012 12 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 and CF53 AC Adaptors
The Toughbook version is clearly marked above the F3 key (CF-19) or above the F8 key (CF-53) below the

CAUTION: The CF-18 AC Adaptor is not as powerful as that supplied with the CF-19 or the CF-53. Using a
CF-18 Power supply on a CF-19 or CF-53 will overload it and may cause the unit to overheat.
The CF-19 and CF-53 have different power requirements than the CF-18 and therefore is supplied with a more
powerful charger.
o CF-18 AC Adaptor - Current Rating 2.75A
o CF-19 AC Adaptor - Current Rating 3.75A
o CF-19 AC Adaptor - Current Rating 5.00A (MKV ONLY)
o CF-53 AC Adaptor - Current Rating 7.05A
A CF-18 power supply is must not be used to power a CF-19 or CF-53 Laptop. If any combination of
laptop is in use in your workshop, ensure that the CF-18 AC adaptor is clearly marked and not used to
power the CF-19 or CF-53.
You should only use the power supply that came with the laptop being used.

Utilization of the USB Fly Lead Supplied with IDS

To avoid damage to the internal USB ports on your Panasonic ToughBook, It is recommended to always use the
Short USB Fly lead supplied with your IDS Kit. The Fly lead, once secured to the side of the ToughBook USB
Port allows you to make and break connections at the end of the fly lead rather than at the internal USB Port. The
Fly Lead protects the USB port from excessive wear & tear, as well as prevents dust, dirt or water ingress. This is
especially important when going mobile with the IDS or using the USB port to upload patch files (Retailers NOT
connected to IDS connectivity project).
USB Fly Leads cable can be purchased through SPX at 866-628-5508 using part # CF-K18CB002 - USB

CAUTION: Damage to the USB Ports caused by failure to use the fly lead will not be covered under

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VCM Recovery Procedure
If communication failure to VCM from the Panasonic unit or vehicle becomes evident a VCM recovery procedure
may be required. To enter the recovery program press the windows key, select all programs then select JLR -
IDS - VCM recovery tool.

It will then be necessary to power the VCM from a power supply. The power supply to your Panasonic unit will fit
the VCM, leaving your unit to work from its battery supply.

Updated April 26, 2012 14 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Legacy T4 Cables Part Number Cross Reference - Old / New
The Legacy T4 Cables that come with the IDS kit supplied by SPX have been assigned new part numbers for
identification purposes in the event a warranty replacement is required. Please note the RDS software and cable
guide refer to the cables using the original part number & description; no other differences other than the part
number exists. All cables have both part number identifiers on them for cross reference purposes. Refer to the
cross reference matrix in identifying the cables by part number and function.

New Part Number Old Part Number Description Comments

LRT5000 A DTC5000A T4 Land Rover Kit for IDS

LRT5001 A DTC4002B T4 Diagnostic Port
LRT5002 A DTC4005BB T4 Documentation pack
LRT5003 A DTC4004A T4 System cables
LRT5004 A DTC4007B T4 VCSI Extension
LRT5005 A 5063-3238 Roving Probe Kit 2
LRT5006 A DTC0008B MEMS Adaptor
LRT5007 A DTC0013B Extension Cable (Transducer)
LRT5008 A DTC0020A 14CUX Adaptor
LRT5009 A DTC0021A ABS Adaptor
LRT5010 A DTC0022A Air Suspension Adaptor
LRT5011 A DTC0023B AIRBAG Adaptor
LRT5013 A DTC0033A Power Lead Extension
LRT5014 A DTC0036A Probe Kit
LRT5016 A DTC0051A Transfer Box BOB
LRT5017 A DTC0057A J1962 A/B (Dongle)
DTC0070A T4 Blue / Grey switchable J1962
LRT5018 A DTC0061A J1962 (Blue) Replaces all Three Cables
DTC0064A J1962 (Grey)
LRT5019 A DTC0062B J1962 (Green)
LRT5020 A DTC0063A J1962 (Black)
LRT5021 A DTC0065A J1962 (Red)
LRT5022 A DTT0001A Pressure Kit
LRT5023 A DTT0002A Current Clamp

Updated April 26, 2012 15 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc


SDD JAVA software version requirements

Sun Microsystems claims most JAVA versions they release are "backwards compatible", and it's generally
acceptable to run the most recent version of JAVA on most PC systems that use JAVA.

However, development and testing of SDD software is currently being done with JAVA version 6, update 26, and
this is the "preferred" version of JAVA to be installed on all Jaguar Land Rover IDS diagnostic equipment.

To ensure the best possible performance of your IDS systems, observing this JAVA version recommendation is
highly advised.

Updating SDD Operating Software

The system will normally prompt you automatically when a new patch is available. These will be updated normally
every two weeks. If required, this Document will take you through a step-by-step procedure to update and install
new patches manually. Always ensure a hard drive defragment is done when an update to SDD has been carried
From the main screen select SDD, this will then launch SDD operating platform.

Select to launch SDD

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This will now launch SDD operating platform

Select 'Continue'

Select 'Settings'

Updated April 26, 2012 17 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Select Utilities

Select 'Software Update' to

force IDS/SDD to check for
new DVD content and DVD

Updated April 26, 2012 18 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

If there is a new Update available, 'IDS Software Update Available will be displayed as below.

Select 'Yes'

Follow remaining onscreen instructions to complete this task.

Updated April 26, 2012 19 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

This window will
automatically appear.
Select 'Yes' and then 'Finish'.

Once the Toughbook has rebooted, select 'SDD' Configuration tab.

Select 'SDD'

Updated April 26, 2012 20 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Select 'Defragment'

Select 'Defragment'

Updated April 26, 2012 21 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Leave the system to run until it has completed the Defragmentation. Once completed, a prompt will be displayed.
Return to the SDD front screen; SDD is now ready for use.

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Background Download of New DVD Content/DVD Software Updates
New functionality has been released with DVD 121.10 software update. This update will automatically download
new DVD Disc content / DVD updates directly to your Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) running IDS / SDD
software, when available. This process is known as 'Background Downloading', which allows you to continue to
use your IDS to diagnose vehicles while a download continues silently in the background. This will help optimize
internet connection speeds and improve the download reliability.
The background download process uses an integrated download manager tool to manage your internet
connection during the download of updates. This tool can pause downloads as required and resume them again
where it left off, once the network connection becomes available.
This new process speeds up the install process by already having the update downloaded to your IDS and
reduces the number of interactions required between the user and the operating system.
Once an update has been downloaded, the system will prompt the user to install the update. If the user chooses
not to install the update immediately, the system will prompt again to install it when the machine is rebooted OR
once a day if it is not rebooted. Downloaded updates will auto-install after seven days.
New functionality has been also been added to the Settings – System Information Tab. Refer to
the related section of this document to learn about how the revised System Information tab
functions to support software updates.
Vehicle Calibration and As-Built File Management
This document provides additional information for effectively managing the IDS system's collection of vehicle
calibration and as-built file resources, and includes technical details not otherwise explained in the release notes.

When working with IDS using the Symptom Driven Diagnostic software, users are often instructed to confirm that
the system is up-to-date with the latest calibration and as-built data. On a very high level, this can be directly
determined by reviewing the System Information tab as per that section of this document.

While this information reports when SDD is COMPLETELY up to date to a specific file version, it DOES NOT
confirm that every file included with that version currently resides on this machine. This report only confirms that
this system is 'AWARE' of what files are required to correctly configure and program vehicles. (this report only
confirms that this system has the latest file database to correctly select vehicle software, but may or may not have
all the files required to complete the job). When files are needed to complete a job, the diagnostic system will
interactively download individual files as required.

At the start of every module programming/configuration routine using SDD, the diagnostic software will resolve
the vehicle software required to complete that specific programming task and check its current inventory of
vehicle software and as-built data. If any files required for the current task are not currently available on the hard
drive of the IDS being used, SDD will attempt to update its vehicle software inventory to complete the job.

When the IDS system has a live internet connection to the Jaguar Land Rover DSFM server, files will be
automatically downloaded for the user directly to the IDS hard drive by simply following the on-screen instructions.
If SDD is unable to detect a live connection to the DSFM server, the user will be prompted to both check and
restore the connection or will be offered the option to download the required files manually. Manual updates
require using a USB memory device and an alternate PC that does have a live connection to the Jaguar Land
Rover DSFM server. SDD will provide detailed on-screen instructions to complete the manual update if this
option is selected.
Best Practices:
As explained in the release notes for DVD118.5, IDS systems that are correctly activated for connectivity, and re-
booted at the end of the working day, will receive fully automated updates overnight. IDS equipment that is
maintained using this process will always have the latest and most up-to-date inventory of individual vehicle
calibration files and as-built information. Having a complete inventory of files will ensure technicians will have the
fewest interruptions and delays to interactively download files while working with SDD.

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Forcing a manual update of calibration and as-built files can be used to determine the current file inventory status.
When a manual update is performed, the software management wizard will report exactly how many files are
missing and are required for installation. If the manual update is completed, the file inventory will be fully up-to-
date at the time it was performed.

Having the vehicle calibration and as-built file versions correctly updated to the current levels will ensure that only
the correct software is selected and installed in customer vehicles. However, unless the complete calibration and
as-built file inventory is also maintained, technicians will encounter delays to interactively download files as
required. The screen shots on the next page will help illustrate how the file inventory can be checked by forcing a
manual update.

When the calibration or as-built file updates are selected, the software management wizard will guide you through
the steps required to complete the update. As the prompts are followed, the screen above will be displayed. By
default, the 'Select all vehicles' option will be ticked; however, users can also select which vehicles they prefer to
update. It is recommended to select all vehicles except Land Rover Defender (not currently available in NAS
market). For non-dual-branded dealers / retailers, users can also limit the updates to include only Jaguar OR
Land Rover models to save time.

Once the desired options are selected and the 'next' button is clicked, the wizard will calculate how many files are
missing from the current inventory. This can be seen in the next screen shot.

NOTE: Selecting the Calibration or As-built files separately does not download the latest Software Status File.
Select the 'Combined as-built and calibration file update to obtain the latest Software Status File.

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As shown above, the wizard has determined that seven (7) files are missing from inventory and will take
approximately 7.5 minutes to complete the download of these files.
It may not be practical to download all the files at this time; the option exists to cancel the download. Using this
method, use the wizard to determine how 'well stocked' the calibration and as-built file inventory is on any IDS

NOTE: This check is done against all vehicle software for all global markets; a limited number of missing files
may or may not have a negative impact on your specific system.
If the wizard determines that your system is fully up-to-date and the entire inventory of calibration or as-built files
is present on this system, the screen shot on the following page will display 'No missing files were found for the
vehicle(s) selected'.

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When viewing the information on the 'System Information' tab on SDD, it is only possible to confirm if the system
is up-to-date with the correct vehicle software and as-built 'lookup' databases. By ensuring your system is up-to-
date with the correct version numbers, SDD will be configured to select the correct vehicle software for module
programming and configuration.

While it is possible to confirm the databases are fully up-to date, the actual inventory of vehicle calibration and as-
built files may or may not be complete even when the file versions are at the latest level.
When working with SDD, the diagnostic software will always prompt the user to download any files required to
complete a task. To minimize the delays encountered in the service bay, ensure all IDS equipment in service to
receive fully automated downloads overnight as per the instructions in DVD118.5 release notes.

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SPA Pinpoint Tests No Longer Require Manual Installation
The Single Point Authoring (SPA) Pinpoint Tests are now included in the automated 'locate, download and install'
processes starting with DVD124. You will still be able to use the IDS while the file is being downloaded in the
If the IDS was restored using the Phoenix Recovery Process, then you would want to manually download the SPA
package for the latest DVD from the manual software download webpage, found at

IDS - Installation of Unapproved Software

IDS is an important piece of workshop diagnostic equipment used to diagnose and repair customer vehicles.
IDS relies on certain parameters being set in a particular way for it to work correctly. These settings include
firewall and network configurations which can be installed/altered when trying to connect IDS to the dealer
Also, certain anti-virus, firewall, and other third-party software can stop the IDS software functioning correctly.
If any problems are experienced with the function of IDS, please ensure that any non-approved software is
removed from IDS and then try again.
SPX Hardware Support will check for non-approved software and altered network settings when investigating any
IDS issues.

IDS/SDD Authentication Process

Please be advised that with the release of IDS-DVD122, each Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) running
IDS/SDD software will be required to be authenticated. The authentication process will confirm that each IDS
machine is associated with an authorized Jaguar dealer who possesses a valid software license agreement.
Authentication Process Overview
• When DVD122 or any consecutive DVD, is loaded for the first time, IDS/SDD will attempt to log into the
TOPIx server.
• This log in will require the user to enter their WSLx User Name and Password. This information will allow
the system to authenticate the machine.
• The authentication process needs to be completed once on each IDS/SDD machine every time new DVD
content is installed. Example: updating from DVD122 to DVD123 (excludes DVD Software updates
example DVD121.00 to DVD121.01, 121.02 etc).
There are two possible authentication options – ‘Online’ and ‘Offline’. The Offline process allows users to
authenticate machines when the local network is unavailable, i.e. router failure, allowing you to use the tool until
your system is back online.
NOTE: If performing the authentication after a complete system recovery, it may be common to have the 'Network
connection not detected' message displayed. If so, then authenticate manually as per the flowchart and correct
your network settings after SDD has been authenticated. Refer to page 34 of this document.

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IDS/SDD Software Authentication Process

After IDS/SDD has finished loading, a Update Complete Message Box will be displayed,
Select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now

Which message is
being displayed after

Network Connection Not Detected Message

User Authentication Screen is displayed
Box is displayed

Input your GTR/TOPIx User Name and

password then click identify(2) Click Continue
Note: These details are case sensitive and
must be typed exactly as the appear

Input the manual authentication code

obtained from GTR/TOPIx(1)
Note: These details are case sensitive and
User Authentication
Successful Message must be typed exactly as the appear


User Authentication
Successful Message
Disconnect access to the internet by turning
the wireless card off.
Contact the Jaguar or
Land Rover HelpLine

1. Manual Authentication code – Refer to the following documents, Jaguar Service
Alert – JA10TE-16 and/or Land Rover Service Alert - SA10TE-16
2. Issues with the online authentication process. Unrestricted access for URL’s refer
to the following documents, Jaguar Service Alert – JA10TE-17 and/or Land Rover
Service Alert SA10TE-00

Updated April 26, 2012 28 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Updated April 26, 2012 29 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc
Updated April 26, 2012 30 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc
IDS Connectivity Activation - Dealer Details Incorrect
If IDS provides incorrect dealer information while you are activating your machine, please check that the details
refer to the correct Dealer Code/Brand Number.
If this Dealer Code/Brand Number is correct but incorrect out-of-date contact details are displayed, please
continue to activate the machine; this information cannot be updated manually.
In order for us to update our records, please submit the following information to the Global Diagnostic Support
(GDS) team. IDS may instruct you to contact Jo Gutteridge. Please ignore this and contact GDS directly.

Dealer Code / Brand #
Dealer Name
Dealer Address Line 1
Dealer Address Line 2
Dealer Address Line 3
Zip Code
Service Department Telephone #


Tel: 011 44 1926 69 1555
Fax: 011 44 1926 69 1952

Updated April 26, 2012 31 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

T4 (Land Rover Only)
T4 Legacy CD Install to IDS Hard Drive
A new feature of RDS 7.00 introduced as part of the IDS program allows the latest T4 Legacy Diagnostic CDs to
be run from the hard drive of the IDS Laptop. This allows T4 Diagnostics to be run without a disc in the DVD
drive. Instructions are included in the IDS User Guide and attached for reference.
For further support please contact your local Diagnostic Support.
NOTE: This application MUST not be used on non-IDS machines; i.e. Dell C Series
T4 / IDS Software Installation
To carry out a software update simply insert the latest IDS disc into the DVD drive and follow the on screen
instructions. A new feature of RDS 7.00 is the ability to copy the latest T4 Diagnostic CD to the hard drive of the
Panasonic Toughbook. This allows T4 Diagnostics to be run without a disc in the DVD drive.
Copying discs to the hard drive
From the IDS Main Menu, select the CD Install icon. IDS will then scan the system for a valid image. Select the
source of the data to be copied, CD or USB drive, and then select the Green ‘Tick’. Once installation to the hard
disc is completed successfully, a confirmation message will appear
Running T4 from the hard drive
To run T4 from the hard drive:
• Select 'T4' from the IDS Main Menu
• Select the correct CD image
NOTE: Only the latest CDs can be installed to the hard drive; if an older disc needs to be used, then this can be
run from the CD drive as normal.
Legacy T4/RDS software does not communicate with vehicles
Please refer to the 'Connectivity' document on line for this issue.

Updated April 26, 2012 32 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Recovery Process
Phoenix Recovery / Rebuild Procedure for Panasonic CF-19 (MarkII) TOUGHBOOKR

Step 1 DVD 124 (onwards) Back Up Utility for Internet Explorer 6.0 Settings
1. From the Windows ® Start Menu, select All Programs > JLR > IDS > Backup Restore
2. When the Backup / Restore Settings wizard is displayed, select "Backup" and click "Next >"
3. When the Backup confirmation information is displayed, click the "Backup" button in the center of the
wizard. (NOTE: the details pictured in this window will be different for each facility / machine.)
4. The wizard will then display a typical "File Save" dialog window allowing the user to select a location and
file name to store the Internet Explorer Settings Back-up File. NOTE: DO NOT STORE BACK-UP FILES
Recovery" PROCESS. Save these back-up files on a removable USB flash drive, then select "Finish".
Note: For further information on the Back Up/Restore Utility, please refer to bulletins 1-237NAS for Jaguar
and STE-11-01 for Land Rover
Step 2 - Back up Connectivity settings - The Intel Pro wireless adaptor includes a set of tools that allows you to
copy / backup your wireless settings. This allows you to transfer the wireless settings to another IDS or keep the
settings as a backup. The profile file contains the security information allowing the imported profile to connect to
your Access Point. For information on how to add a password to the profile, refer to the Help section of the Intel
pro Wireless adaptor on IDS. This back up will be required to restore your wireless settings at Step 6
1. Press the Windows key then select All Programs followed by Intel PROSet Wireless and then Intel
PROSet Wireless from the drop down menus.
2. From the menu bar Select Profiles followed by Import/Export
3. Select the profile you want to copy/backup from Export Profiles
4. Select Browse from Export Profiles
5. Browse to the location you want to export the copy/backup to and select Open
6. Select Export from Export Profiles
7. The Intel PROSet/Wireless dialog box appears to confirm a successful export, select OK
8. Close the Intel Pro Wireless adaptor by Selecting Close
NOTE: This process restores only the wireless card settings. If required, advanced configuration setting
for Internet Explorer will require manual configuration as per local IT guidelines.
Step 3 - Download the latest Full DVD and software updates to a Flash drive. All files can be downloaded
manually at These will be needed to re-install SDD.
Step 4 - Perform Phoenix Recovery
1. Press the Windows Start button on the keyboard
2. Select All programs
3. Select Phoenix cME
4. Select Phoenix Firstware Recover Pro 2004
6. Highlight the static restore point at the bottom of the list (0)
7. Click on restore from the top menus (ALT+R)
8. Select restore
9. It should now say... 'you have chosen to restore only C:'
10. Select Next and then OK
11. Windows will now restart & reinstall.
12. The Process should take approximately 30 minutes.

Updated April 26, 2012 33 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Jaguar-only laptops: go to Step 6
Land Rover-only or Dual-Branded laptops: continue with step 5
Step 5 - Land Rover-only retailers and Dual-Branded Dealers need to load T4 Legacy software BEFORE loading
NOTE: Failure to load T4 Legacy software before loading SDD software will result in corruption of SDD.
For T4 installation you will need the following CDs:
• RDS7.00L (Rover Diagnostics System)
• Range Rover 21
• Freelander 36
• Archive 24
• T4 loop Back Tester (Optional but needed to test a failed docking station along with the loop back cable)
NOTE: if unavailable, new T4 CDs are available for purchase through SPX (866-628-5508).
T4 Installation Procedure:
To Set the Z:\ Drive
1. Select the Z:\ Drive icon from IDS Configuration Manager.
2. This will start Computer Management.
3. In the left hand pane of Computer Management, select Disk Management from the Storage section.
4. Right Click on the CD drive in the lower right hand pane.
5. Select Change Drive Letter and Path, select [Change] button.
6. Set the CD drive by selecting Z from the list.
7. Once selected, press the [OK] button.
Install the T4/RDS7.00L (Rover Diagnostics System)
1. Insert the RDS7.00L into the CD drive. If the CD doesn't auto run, go to the Z:\ drive and run the setup
exe file.
Copying discs to the hard drive
1. From the IDS Main Menu, select the CD Install icon. IDS will then scan the system for a valid image.
2. Select the source of the data to be copied, CD or USB drive, and then select the Green Tick.
3. Once Installation to the hard disc is completed successfully, a confirmation message will appear.
4. Follow this procedure for the remaining discs.
NOTE: Store the CDs in a secure place for possible future use.

Step 6 - As per Step 2 you will now restore the wireless settings that you copied to the flash drive.
1. Press the WindowsTM key then select All Programs followed by Intel PROSet Wireless and then Intel
PROSet Wireless from the drop down menus.
2. From the menu bar, select Profiles followed by Import/Export
3. Select Import from Import Profiles
4. Browse and locate the profile to import (either '.profiles' or '.p50file') and then select Import.
5. The Intel PROSet/Wireless dialog box will appear to confirm a successful import; select OK
6. Select Close
7. The newly imported profile will now appear in the Profiles list, the Intel Pro Wireless Adaptor should
automatically connect to the Access point. If it doesn’t connect, select the profile and then select connect.
8. Close the Intel Pro Wireless adaptor by selecting Close
NOTE: This process restores only the wireless card settings. If required, advanced configuration setting
for Internet Explorer will require manual configuration as per local IT guidelines.

Updated April 26, 2012 34 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Step 7 - Install the latest Full DVD and all software updates from the flash drive.
Step 8 - Reboot laptop, launch SDD to perform the SDD Authentication process; see page 34.

Step 9 - DVD 124 (onwards) Restore Utility for Internet Explorer 6.0 Settings
From the Windows ® Start Menu, select All Programs > JLR > IDS > Backup Restore
When the Backup / Restore Settings wizard is displayed, select "Restore" and click "Next >"
When the "Restore Settings" wizard prompts for a file location, either manually type the file location, or click
"Browse" to search for a file. IF "Browse" is selected a typical "Open File" dialog window will be displayed
allowing the user to browse for the location of a settings backup file on the removable storage device. (USB
memory stick) After the file is located and selected, click "Next >"
The Restore Settings wizard will display the details found in the backup file selected to complete the restoration. Once
these details are displayed, you can execute the restoration by clicking the "Restore…" button at the center of the
wizard. Once confirmation of the restoration is given, click "Finish" to close the wizard.
Step 10 - After the Authentication process has been completed, you will need to load the latest Single Point
Authoring (SPA) Pinpoint tests manually (see page 34) as well as calibration files and as built files using
the SDD system utilities.

Updated April 26, 2012 35 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Recovery / Rebuild Procedure for the Panasonic CF-19 (MKIII and MarkIV) TOUGHBOOK
Jaguar Land Rover Dealers who may need to recover the IDS/SDD CF-19 (MKIII) TOUGHBOOK to original
factory condition will need to perform the following procedures in the proper order.
NOTE: Please read ALL instruction BEFORE removing / installing any software to ensure all necessary items are
available to recover the laptop.
To properly identify that you are working with a CF-19 (MKIII), look for a white label with letters and bar code
affixed to the bottom of the laptop. The first line will start with CF-19, if the next letter after CF-19 is K, L, N, M, P,
or Q, the unit is a CF-19 (MKIII).
NOTE: All CF-19 laptops prior to MKIII must use the Phoenix Recovery software already on the laptop.
Jaguar and Land Rover Laptops

Step 1 DVD 124 (onwards) Back Up Utility for Internet Explorer 6.0 Settings
1. From the Windows ® Start Menu, select All Programs > JLR > IDS > Backup Restore
2. When the Backup / Restore Settings wizard is displayed, select "Backup" and click "Next >"
3. When the Backup confirmation information is displayed, click the "Backup" button in the center of the
wizard. (NOTE: the details pictured in this window will be different for each facility / machine.)
4. The wizard will then display a typical "File Save" dialog window allowing the user to select a location and
file name to store the Internet Explorer Settings Back-up File. NOTE: DO NOT STORE BACK-UP FILES
Recovery" PROCESS. Save these back-up files on a removable USB flash drive, then select "Finish".
Note: For further information on the Back Up/Restore Utility, please refer to bulletins 1-237NAS for Jaguar
and STE-11-01 for Land Rover

Step 2 - Back up Connectivity settings - The Intel Pro wireless adaptor includes a set of tools that allows you to
copy / backup your wireless settings. This allows you to transfer the wireless settings to another IDS or keep the
settings as a backup. The profile file contains the security information allowing the imported profile to connect to
your Access Point. For information on how to add a password to the profile, refer to the Help section of the Intel
pro Wireless adaptor on IDS.
This back up will be required to restore your wireless settings at Step 7
1. Press the Windows TM key then select All Programs followed by Intel PROSet Wireless and then Intel
PROSet Wireless from the drop down menus.
2. From the menu bar select Profiles followed by Import/Export
3. Select the profile you want to copy/backup from Export Profiles step 1
4. Select Browse from Export Profiles step 2
5. Browse to the location you want to export the copy/backup of the profile to and select Open
6. Select Export from Export Profiles step 3
7. The Intel PROSet/Wireless dialog box appears to confirm a successful export, select OK
8. Close the Intel Pro Wireless adaptor by selecting Close
NOTE: This process restores only the wireless card settings. If required, advanced configuration setting for
Internet Explorer will require manual configuration as per local IT guidelines.

Jaguar and Land Rover Laptops

Step 3 - Download the latest Full DVD and software updates to a Flash drive. All files can be downloaded
manually at These will be needed to re-install SDD.
Step 4 - Locate the Silver Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Recovery DVD that came with the laptop as this will be
needed to restore the system back to factory conditions. Insert the DVD and follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: Store the DVD in a secure place for possible future use.

Updated April 26, 2012 36 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Jaguar and Land Rover Laptops
Step 5 - Running the Panasonic laptop script tool, will configure the following:
1. Set the IDS main menu to load at boot up
2. Install PDF Printer
3. Set Power settings to prevent laptop loosing vehicle communications during configuration
4. SDD branding of Panasonic laptop
5. Prevent windows network setup wizard from loading if network connection has not been configured
6. Install Acrobat Reader
To configure the Panasonic laptop, please follow steps below:
1. from
Save this file to a memory stick
Transfer memory stick to the new Panasonic laptop
Press the windows start button
Select my computer
Download Highlight the memory stick drive and press enter
Right click on the file and select Extract All
Click next
Click next
Click finish
This will create a new directory on the memory stick, 'Panasonic_New_Laptop_Configuration', which will open
Double click on Setup
Once this has completed, the machine will reboot
Jaguar-only laptops: go to Step 7
Land Rover-only or Dual-Branded laptops: continue with step 6
Step 6 - Land Rover-only retailers and Dual-Branded Dealers need to load T4 Legacy software BEFORE loading
NOTE: Failure to load T4 Legacy software before loading SDD software will result in corruption of SDD.
For T4 installation you will need the following CDs:
• RDS7.00L (Rover Diagnostics System)
• Range Rover 21
• Freelander 36
• Archive 24
• T4 loop Back Tester (Optional but needed to test a failed docking station along with the loop back cable)
NOTE: if unavailable, new T4 CDs are available for purchase through SPX (866-628-5508).
T4 Installation Procedure:
To Set the Z:\ Drive
8. Select the Z:\ Drive icon from IDS Configuration Manager.
9. This will start Computer Management.
10. In the left hand pane of Computer Management, select Disk Management from the Storage section.
11. Right Click on the CD drive in the lower right hand pane.
12. Select Change Drive Letter and Path, select [Change] button.
13. Set the CD drive by selecting Z from the list.
14. Once selected, press the [OK] button.

Updated April 26, 2012 37 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Install the T4/RDS7.00L (Rover Diagnostics System)
2. Insert the RDS7.00L into the CD drive. If the CD doesn't auto run, go to the Z:\ drive and run the setup
exe file.
Copying discs to the hard drive
5. From the IDS Main Menu, select the CD Install icon. IDS will then scan the system for a valid image.
6. Select the source of the data to be copied, CD or USB drive, and then select the Green Tick.
7. Once Installation to the hard disc is completed successfully, a confirmation message will appear.
8. Follow this procedure for the remaining discs.
NOTE: Store the CDs in a secure place for possible future use.

Jaguar and Land Rover Laptops

Step 7 - As per Step 2 you will now restore the wireless settings that you copied to the flash drive.
1. Press the WindowsTM key then select All Programs followed by Intel PROSet Wireless and then Intel
PROSet Wireless from the drop down menus.
2. From the menu bar Select Profiles followed by Import/Export
3. Select Import from Import Profiles
4. Browse and locate the profile to import. The profile extension is either 'profiles' or '.p50file' and then select
5. The Intel PROSet/Wireless dialog box will appear to confirm a successful import, Select OK
6. Select Close
7. The newly imported profile will now appear in the Profiles list, the Intel Pro Wireless Adaptor should
automatically connect to the Access point. If it doesn’t connect, select the profile and then select connect.
8. Close the Intel Pro Wireless adaptor by Selecting Close
NOTE: This process restores only the wireless card settings. If required, advanced configuration setting
for Internet Explorer will require manual configuration as per local IT guidelines.
Step 8 - Install the latest Full DVD and all software updates from the flash drive.
Step 9 - Reboot Laptop, launch SDD to perform the SDD Authentication process, see page 35 of this document.

Step 10 - DVD 124 (onwards) Restore Utility for Internet Explorer 6.0 Settings
From the Windows ® Start Menu, select All Programs > JLR > IDS > Backup Restore
When the Backup / Restore Settings wizard is displayed, select "Restore" and click "Next >"
When the "Restore Settings" wizard prompts for a file location, either manually type the file location, or
click "Browse" to search for a file. IF "Browse" is selected a typical "Open File" dialog window will be
displayed allowing the user to browse for the location of a settings backup file on the removable storage
device. (USB memory stick) After the file is located and selected, click "Next >"
The Restore Settings wizard will display the details found in the backup file selected to complete the restoration.
Once these details are displayed, you can execute the restoration by clicking the "Restore…" button at the center
of the wizard. Once confirmation of the restoration is given, click "Finish" to close the wizard.
Step 11 - After the Authentication process has been completed, you will need to load the latest Single Point
Authoring (SPA) Pinpoint tests manually (see page 34) as well as calibration files and as built files using the SDD
system utilities.

Updated April 26, 2012 38 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Recovery / Rebuild Procedure for the Panasonic CF-19 (MKV onward) and CF-53 (MKI onward)
TOUGHBOOK® with WIN7 and IE8.

Jaguar Land Rover Retailers who may need to recover their Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 (MK5 onward) or CF-
53(MK1 onward) to original factory condition will need to perform the following procedures in the proper order.
This should be done by a qualified IT person or suitable personnel with the knowledge to successfully complete
the tasks below.

NOTE: Please read ALL instruction BEFORE removing / installing any software to ensure all necessary items are
available to recover the laptop.

Jaguar and Land Rover

Step 1- Back Up Utility for Internet Explorer Settings. You will need a USB flash drive to complete this task

• From the Windows ® Start Menu, select All Programs > JLR > IDS > Backup Restore
• When the Backup / Restore Settings wizard is displayed, select "Backup" and click "Next "
• When the Backup confirmation information is displayed, click the "Backup" button in the center of the
wizard. (NOTE: the details pictured in this window will be different for each facility/machine.)
• The wizard will then display a typical "File Save" dialog window allowing the user to select a location and
file name to store the Internet Explorer Settings Back-up File and then select "Finish".


Note: For further information on the Back Up/Restore Utility, please refer to bulletins 1-237NAS for Jaguar
and STE-11-01 for Land Rover

Step 2 - Back up Connectivity settings - Saving wireless settings on WIN7. You will need a USB flash drive to
complete this task.

• Press the "Windows" key and select "Control Panel"

• Select "Network and Internet"
• Select "Network and Sharing Center"
• Select "Manage Wireless Networks"
• Right click on each wireless network and select "Properties"
• On pop up window select "Copy This Network Profile to a USB Flash Drive", follow the on screen

Note: If more than one network is listed, you will need to repeat this process for each.

Note: This process restores only the wireless card settings. If required, advanced configuration setting
for Internet Explorer will require manual configuration as per local IT guidelines.

Updated April 26, 2012 39 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Windows 7 machines now contain a hidden recovery partition as supplied from SPX. The recovery partition
contains the media backup for the original factory condition. The Recovery Console partition has been designed
to remove the need for Phoenix Recovery or an external DVD disc.

Step 3 - In order to access this tool the following should be followed:

• Press the Power button to start the Panasonic Toughbook

• Press <F2> key when you see the Panasonic Logo and the text Press F2 for setup
• On the BIOS main screen, move the cursor to Exit with Arrow Right key, Move the cursor with Arrow
Down key to Repair Your Computer and press <Enter>. DO NOT change any of the BIOS settings;
unexpected changes may have adverse effects.
• Click "Reinstall" Windows and click "Next".
• Click "Yes", I agree to the provisions above and wish to continue and click "Next".
• Select the settings and click "Next". Reinstall Windows to the whole Hard Disk to factory default. At the
confirmation message click "YES"
• Select the required language and OS (English 32bit) and click OK.
• Once the installation has completed, click "OK" to turn off the computer.
• Press the Power button to start the Panasonic Toughbook and follow all user prompts for personalization
Note: Do not use "SDD" when setting up the "user name" and "computer name".
Note: During personalization, skip the wireless setup as you will be re-installing these in step 6.


Jaguar and Land Rover

Listed below are the required steps in-order to successfully install the Panasonic Configuration Script,
Install SDD and T4 (Land Rover Only) after the recovery.

Before following the process steps below please ensure you have downloaded the required files from
• IDS_DVD***_FULL.exe
• All Software updates listed for the IDS_DVD***
• VDF_DVD***_V*.exe
• SPA_DVD1**_V*.exe
• Offline Authentication code. This can be found on TOPIx, under Dealer, SDD

Step 4 - Instructions for running the Panasonic Script and Installing SDD and T4 (Land Rover Only) on a
recovered machine

• Download and extract the Panasonic Configuration Script on to the target desk top
• Run CreatePowerScheme file from within the extracted folder, accept the pop message.
• Select ok to reboot the Panasonic Unit

Note: A window will appear on re-boot please do not close this as the Panasonic Script is Installing the
required components (this will take a few minutes). The PC will re-boot after completing the installation

• Run the current FULL IDS_DVD***_FULL.exe Installation file - be sure to perform the offline
authentication process and set your retailer information prior to installing any Software updates.
• Reboot the Panasonic Toughbook
• Install DVD Software Updates in numerical order, reboot after each install.
• Run the current VDF_DVD***_V*.exe Installation file
• Reboot the Panasonic Toughbook
• Run the current SPA Pinpoint tests
• Reboot the Panasonic Toughbook. After reboot please allow any firewall pop-ups full access

Updated April 26, 2012 40 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Note: If you are installing T4 (Land Rover Only), proceed with RDS 7 install. If NOT, proceed to Step 5

• Insert RDS 7 – Auto Run RunProgs.bat

• Accept Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1
• Set CD Drive letter Z – And Manually reboot the Machine (Do not proceed with installing T4 at this
• After reboot, Install RDS 7.00 from the presented SDD menu
• The machine will reboot (please eject the T4 disk from the drive) you may get an error message on start
up, this can be ignored.
• Please navigate to your desktop and run the CreatePowerScheme file from within the extracted folder.
• Select ok to reboot the Panasonic unit (After reboot, please allow any firewall pop-ups full access)

If any Microsoft windows appear requesting the user to either open or cancel the security file please un-
tick all boxes requesting "Always ask before Opening this file" and proceed to open the file.

Note: A window will appear on re-boot please do not close this as the Panasonic Script is Installing the
required components (this will take a few minutes). The PC will re-boot after completing the installation.

Jaguar and Land Rover

Step 5 - As per Step 1, you will now restore the Internet Explorer Settings saved using the Back up / Restore

• From the Windows ® Start Menu, select All Programs > JLR > IDS > Backup Restore
• elect "Restore" and click "Next >"
• After the saved file is located and selected, click "Next >"
• Once these details are displayed, you can execute the restoration by clicking the "Restore" button.
• Once confirmation of the restoration is given, click "Finish".

Step 6 - As per Step 2, you will now restore the wireless settings that you copied to the USB drive.
• Plug in the USB flash drive in the laptop
• Run the "setupSNK.exe" file on USB flash drive
• When the Wireless Network Setup Wizard launches, click "Yes"
• When completed, click "OK"

Updated April 26, 2012 41 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

IDS Activation - Internet Service Provider
You must have your IDS connected to your dealer network in order to activate IDS. If you have not already done
so, connect IDS to your dealer network via a wireless connection.
Activating IDS for patch download
Start the IDS laptop
Select 'SDD' at the 'Welcome to SDD Main Menu' screen.
Select 'Settings' tab.
Select 'Dealer Information' sub tab.
Make sure Dealer Name, Global Code and Country are set correctly. Note that dual-branded Dealers may have a
common global code and when searching for your dealers address you must use the physical address of the
Select 'Save'

Verify that your Dealer information is

correct. If you cannot locate your
Dealer information or find that it is
incorrect, please refer to page 39 of
this document.

Updated April 26, 2012 42 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Select 'System Utilities' sub tab, then select 'Network Options'
If not previously setup, the 'Select LAN' screen will come up, if it does, select 'Internet Service Provider' and then
This setting can be changed at any time by selecting 'Reset network type'.

The 'Internet Service Provider' Dialog box will appear. Select 'Activate'. If the 'Activate' button is grayed out, your
Internet Connection has not been configured correctly; contact your local IT staff.

Updated April 26, 2012 43 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

You will get a message noting that 'Connectivity activation successfully completed'.
If you do not get a successful activation, then SDD was unable to establish a suitable connection to the Jaguar
Land Rover networks. Contact your local IT representative or the person who configured the wireless connection.

Updated April 26, 2012 44 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Connectivity Requirements
Since the inception of IDS connectivity in 2007, the functionality and dependency upon web based resources to
support the diagnostic tool have expanded considerably.

In 2012, this expansion will continue. Beginning with DVD1xx, IDS units and the SDD diagnostic application will
become dependant upon "constant interaction" with JLR hosted web based resources such as TOPIx to function

Wireless Requirements for Workshops

How can a limited wireless workshop connection impact SDD?
Full internet coverage throughout workshops enables SDD to function as intended; a wireless distribution system
enables the interconnection of SDD to seamlessly communicate with TOPIx an d other JLR hosted web based
resources. As connectivity dependency is increased in the coming months, basic DTC helptext, pinpoint tests,
bulletins and SSM's previously hosted on the local IDS harddrive, will only be available to users on-demand via a
live internet connection to JLR hosted resources. Users without a live connection for IDS/SDD will see extensively
reduced diagnostic functionality.

What needs to be done?

Ensure that your workshop’s facility has 100% coverage of internet-ready wireless in order for SDD to
communicate with the TOPIx databases. The access point should be located such that there is a good wireless
signal in all parts of the workshop where SDD may be used. An additional access point may be needed to
achieve this.

Initial set-up: ( to be performed by qualified IT personnel @ your facility)

• Establish a secure wireless connection from each IDS laptop to your local network.
• Configure internet explorer for internet access
• Using the system utilities within the SDD application:
o Test and activate the tester for connectivity.
o Verify the network status displays green checks for all internet based resources
• Verify your retailer infrastructure and network security conforms to the specifications that follow

Wireless IP Addresses:

NOTE: Land Rover T4/RDS software has unique IP Address considerations. Failure to follow these
guidelines will result in IP address conflicts that will inhibit diagnostic communication with Land
Rover vehicles using the T4/RDS environment.

Any DHCP or Static IP addressing is acceptable for use with IDS/SDD diagnostic platform. However, when the
IDS laptop is equipped with legacy Land Rover T4/RDS diagnostic platform, there are hard coded IP addresses
utilized by that application and hardware.

During the installation of T4/RDS software, the IDS laptop's hardwired NIC will have the IP address
assigned, and the T4 communications/docking station will have assigned. These default settings
cannot be changed easily and it is highly recommended that the IP address range IS NOT used
when establishing a wireless connection for IDS laptops equipped with the legacy Land Rover T4/RDS diagnostic

For additional assistance with managing IP address conflicts on IDS laptops equipped with Land Rover legacy
T4/RDS diagnostic platform, contact the SPX hardware support helpline.

Updated April 26, 2012 45 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Wireless Security – Recommended Settings:

While specific wireless security settings are not known to have any negative impact on IDS/SDD, the following
settings have been used successfully during all pilot programs during IDS connectivity roll-out in 2007. These
settings are highly recommended unless your retailer infrastructure has other specific requirements.

SSID: Do Not Broadcast

Security Type: WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
Data Encryption: AES – CCMP
Access Control: Via specific inclusion of MAC Addresses


Background info: SDD operates as a complete client / server application resident on the local PC, and uses
Internet Explorer for the client side of that application. Additionally, the VCM hardware interface between the
laptop and vehicle is connected via an Ethernet to USB cable, and all vehicle communications are routed on a
LAN connection that may be compromised by local firewall settings. When configuring the Internet Explorer
internet connection via proxy, it's highly recommended to bypass the proxy for local addresses.

Failure to comply with the following guidelines may have significant negative impact on the performance of the
SDD platform.

How can firewalls impact SDD?

Hardware or software firewalls can prevent SDD from operating by:

1. Blocking local applications on the IDS / SDD machine required for SDD operation - SDD operates a local
(PC based) server and requires exceptions within any local or proxy firewall software to allow it to function
correctly. SDD automatically configures the MS windows firewall during installation, but if third-party firewall
software is installed, this will attempt to block SDD software components from running.

NOTE: SDD may also fail to function properly if the application is started immediately after powering up
or restarting the computer on which a third-party firewall is installed. The third-party firewall must be
allowed to fully initialize prior to starting SDD. In general, the third-party firewall should be fully
initialized once the associated icon appears in the taskbar.

2. Blocking access to internet based servers required by SDD to receive updates and return vehicle feedback
data - SDD requires access to a number of internet sites to download vehicle calibration files and SDD
software updates. These updates are required for the proper operation of SDD, failure to receive these
updates may invalidate warranty work.

What needs to be done?

NOTE: This will require administrator access to your Hardware or Software Firewalls.

1. Allow local exceptions related to SDD operation when prompted - after installation of a third-party firewall any
attempt to run an SDD or IDS component should cause the display of a notice (initiated by the third-party
firewall) that the SDD or IDS component is requesting firewall access.
You must allow all firewall exceptions; these should be ‘allowed’ as exceptions when first running SDD.
The number of requests will vary depending on the specific third-party firewall installed. Some third-party
firewall software will make 10 or more requests.

NOTE: In some case a third-party firewall will not notify the user when it is blocking applications, this
may cause SDD to hang / Freeze.

Updated April 26, 2012 46 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

2. Manually enter all exceptions into firewall application - see the list of ‘Applications Requiring Firewall
Exceptions’ in Table 1 for a list of the noted applications. Enter these as exceptions into the firewall
application to ensure that SDD functions properly.

Table 1 - Applications Requiring Firewall Exceptions

Note: All File name paths in this list begin with C:\Program Files\JLR\IDS
Apply IDS Patch …\Runtime\PatchApply.exe
C402 Cable Test Application …\Runtime\probes\C402.exe
C403 Cable Test Application …\Runtime\probes\C403.exe
C404 Cable Test Application …\Runtime\probes\C404.exe
C407 Cable Test Application …\Runtime\probes\C407.exe
C412 Cable Test Application …\Runtime\probes\C412.exe
C413 Cable Test Application …\Runtime\probes\C413.exe
CodeServer Daemon …\Runtime\CodeServeD.exe
Engineering Feedback …\Runtime\EngineeringFeedback.exe
LVP Check Test Application …\Runtime\LVPCheck.exe
Manual Update …\Runtime\ManualUpdate.exe
System Diagnostic Application …\Runtime\SystemDiagnostic.exe
System Page …\Runtime\SysPage.exe
Tabman Executable …\Runtime\Tabman.exe
TDS Network Configuration …\Runtime\TDSNetConfig.exe
Testman Executable …\Runtime\testman.exe
Update Database …\Runtime\RtdbUpdate.exe
VCL Communications Layer …\Runtime\VCL_PC.exe
VMM System Diagnostic
XML Registry Daemon …\Runtime\XMLRegistryD.exe
Java (v6 is approved for SDD) C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe

3. Enable minimum internet access - in order for IDS / SDD to download software updates and upload feedback
data, IDS / SDD requires access to a number of internet sites. Below is a list of the address that IDS / SDD
requires full access to. When configuring an Internet Explorer internet connection via proxy, it's highly
recommended to bypass the proxy for local addresses.

NOTE: Table 2 on the following page includes the top-level websites/domains for JLR hosted internet
resources that require firewall exceptions to ensure optimum performance. IDS / SDD require access to
all associated sub sites (all addresses within the master site including sub-domain addresses).

Updated April 26, 2012 47 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Table 2 – JLR Web Based IDS Resources Requiring Firewall Exceptions

Software Update / Calibration File / Technical Resources

Patch servers and WebEx support

Antivirus Software

How can antivirus software impact SDD?

It is advised that any antivirus software scanning the local IDS / SDD machine and local Network
connection (uploads/downloads) directly affects the overall performance of SDD and can, in some
cases, prevent the correct operation of the SDD tool by inaccurately identifying core SDD files and
vehicle calibration software as potential malicious software.
Aggressive antivirus software will cause extreme performance degradation on SDD machines; antivirus
software acts to monitor all files on the local machine, due to the large number of vehicle calibration
files that make up the SDD tool, antivirus can restrict:
• SDD loading and navigation speeds
• Downloading speed of Software updates
• Downloading speed of Software Management file and Calibrations
• Vehicle communications and programming
• Inaccurately identify / Corrupt / Damage vehicle calibration files
SDD will run alongside antivirus applications; however, due to the volume of files being accessed on
the machine during the normal operation of SDD, the speed of the machine will be extremely
compromised if the exceptions below are not fully implemented

IDS/SDD Anti-Virus requirements

NOTE: This will require administrator access to your antivirus application of the local IDS / SDD
machine and any server-based antivirus.

1. Enter local exceptions for antivirus scanning - antivirus software will permit certain folders (directories) to be
omitted from antivirus scanning; the following folders should be disabled (omitted) from the scan to minimize
the possibility of issues occurring with SDD operation:

• C:\Program Files\JLR\*
• C:\Programdata\JLR\* (Windows 7 only)
• C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\JLR\* (Windows XP only)
• C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\* (Java v6 is approved for use with SDD)
• All sub-folders of the above

Antivirus scanning of files being downloaded or uploaded from the list of web addresses listed
previously for firewall exceptions will cause extreme performance degradation, extending download

Updated April 26, 2012 48 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

times and potentially preventing updates to IDS / SDD system. To ensure best results when accessing
JLR Hosted Internet resources, Antivirus scanning of URL's listed on page 5 should be eliminated or
minimized as much as acceptable within your local IT security policy.

NOTE: It is also possible within antivirus applications to pop-up local alerts; please ensure that the
antivirus software is not generating alerts for IDS / SDD-associated programs located in the folders
listed above.

Additional Anti-virus requirements for VCI operation:

Should you have purchased a VCI device alternate from the VCM, you will also need to exclude its
installed drivers from the anti-virus scan.

Diagnostic Associates (DAVINA2/DA-Dongle)

• C:\Program Files\Diagnostic Associates Ltd\*

Drewtech (Mongoose JLR/MongoosePro JLR)

• C:\Program Files\Drew Technologies, Inc\*


• C:\Program Files\SPX\*

Connectivity Bandwidth:
NOTE: The info that follows is based on connectivity standards at time of publication. Always
refer to the current JLRNA Franchise Agreement documentation for any modifications to this

Each IDS system will require a constant wireless connection to the internet, and is expected to
have a minimum T1 (1.5 Mbps) bandwidth.

Retailers must consider specific local conditions for number of users and usage patterns when
selecting a broadband service capable of providing T1 connection speeds for all IDS
equipment in use in the workshop.

Important Notes: Unique IDS requirements for consideration by local IT staff when selecting /
reviewing broadband service providers.
• Since all JLR hosted internet based services to support IDS are exclusively located on
UK servers, the quality and bandwidth of the transatlantic connection provided by your
specific internet service provider must be considered. For purposes of evaluating the T1
requirement for IDS systems in the workshop, "internet bandwidth speed tests" must
always be conducted against public test sites hosted some where in England for
effective benchmarking.
• Additionally, there have been a few cases where an internet service provider may detect
normal IDS file downloads as "unacceptable use" violating a "file sharing service" clause
in the internet service level agreement for your facility. It is not unusual for a service
provider to censure and cap bandwidth under these circumstances.

Updated April 26, 2012 49 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Hardware / Software Requirements

Approved / Supported Hardware and Software Combinations

IMPORTANT: The following hardware and software combinations are mutually exclusive. Later Internet
Explorer software and Operating Systems are NOT approved for use with IDS on older Toughbooks.


CF-18 MK4*
Microsoft® Windows XP® Professional Service Pack 2
CF-19 MK1*, CF-19 MK2, CF-19
with Internet Explorer 6
Microsoft® Windows XP® Professional Service Pack 3
CF-19 MK4
with Internet Explorer 6
CF-19 MK5 Microsoft® Windows 7 Professional 32Bit
CF-53 MK1 with Internet Explorer 8
* to be phased out in 2012 Q1

NOTE: The TOUGHBOOK® Model number is displayed on the underside of the

TOUGHBOOK® on a white label; the first letter after the hyphen in the model number
determines the MK number as per the table below.

Older specification – soon to be phased
CF18-K/Lxxxxxx CF-18 MK4
Older specification – soon to be phased
CF19-C/D/Exxxxxx CF-19 MK1
Intermediate specification – still
CF19-F/G/Hxxxxxx CF-19 MK2
Intermediate specification – still
CF19-K/L/Mxxxxxx CF-19 MK3
CF19- Current / Optimal specification
CF-19 MK4
CF19-A/Bxxxxxx CF-19 MK5 Current / Optimal specification
CF53-AAxxxxxxx CF-53 MK1 Current / Optimal specification

Updated April 26, 2012 50 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

3rd Party Software

IMPORTANT: Installation of 3rd party software on IDS Toughbooks may create conflicts with

IDS/SDD software and critical system settings.

• Do not install 3rd party software or Internet Explorer "Plug-ins".

• 3rd party Anti-virus and Firewall software may be installed if configured as per the

specifications in this document, but no specific security products are endorsed by JLR

for this purpose, and network based security products are preferred.

Updated April 26, 2012 51 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

IDS Support (Non-Connectivity issues)
The IDS/SDD hardware and Windows Operating system will continue to be supported by SPX. Any call taken by
SPX that is determined to be outside their area of support will be redirected back to Jaguar Land Rover Helpline.
SPX may however direct any caller to the existing troubleshooting material.
Common issues supported by SPX:
• Error while booting laptop
• Error / unable to launch SDD
• VCM / VMM failure / complete vehicle communication failures
• Laptop functional issues, i.e. touch screen, keyboard, etc.
Please use the contact numbers below if assistance is required from SPX relating to your IDS/SDD Diagnostic


Canada / USA: 866-628-5508
Jaguar: Select Option 1
Land Rover: Select Option 2

All other issues should be directed to the appropriate Jaguar Land Rover Helpline.
Common issues supported by Jaguar Land Rover Helpline:
• 'No software available for this variant' message
• Programming of a module failed
• Unable to complete PDI or other setup procedure


Jaguar Technical HelpLine Land Rover Technical HelpLine
1-888-524-3577 1-888-577-8577
Select Option 2, then Option 4 Select Option 3, then Option 4

Connectivity issues to the Jaguar Land Rover Diagnostic Servers

If problems are encountered with connectivity to any IDS/SDD machine, Jaguar Land Rover provides technical
support to Dealers by contacting 201-760-8504. Only qualified IT personnel may utilize this support. Non-
qualified individuals will be turned away. Support is provided Mon - Friday 9:00 AM- 4:30 PM EST. Any
messages left after outside these hours will be returned the following business day. Any and all issues involving
the Dealers internal infrastructure must be resolved locally.
Common Connectivity issues:
• File download failures (As-built, Calibration, patch files)
• Unable to activate IDS/SDD for Connectivity
• Unable to update the vehicle software status package

Updated April 26, 2012 52 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Maintenance Checklist

Dealer / Retailer Name / Code:

IDS Serial #:

VCM Serial #:

VMM Serial #:


Check integrity and operation of IDS cart

Check integrity and operation of power cords / power strip
Check integrity and operation of the IDS docking station
Check appearance and operation of DVD disc drive
Check appearance and operation of VCM
Check for damaged or missing VCM cables
*Check appearance and operation of VMM
*Check for damaged or missing VMM cables
**Check appearance and operation of T4 docking station
**Check for damaged or missing T4 cables
Inspect all USB ports for damage
Inspect USB fly lead for damage
Inspect all sealed port and connector covers
Inspect and clean LCD Touch screen (See Owner Manual)
As per 1-223NAS Jaguar / STE09-06 Land Rover bulletins, IDS Vehicle Software Files will be delivered automatically
to a networked and activated IDS/SDD system. As part of IDS/SDD maintenance, vehicle calibration and as built file
status should be confirmed whenever a Software update release note is published. Units that fail to update
automatically must be updated manually. These updates should be performed prior to the steps below.
Perform Touch Screen Calibration
Perform ScanDisk
Perform Disk Cleanup
Perform Defragmentation
Perform Battery Calibration

Date of Actual Inspection:

Initials Of Individual Performing Check:

*Jaguar Dealer only
** Land Rover Retailer only

Updated April 26, 2012 53 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

HARDWARE ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
Visual Inspection: .............................................................................................................................................. 55
Diagnostic Cable pin-out chart .......................................................................................................................... 55
VCM basic troubleshooting. .............................................................................................................................. 56
USB Fly-leads ................................................................................................................................................... 60
Battery and Power Supply Checks ................................................................................................................... 60
Touch Screen Calibration.................................................................................................................................. 60
PC Boot / Operating System Failure ................................................................................................................. 60
SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................................................. 61
General checks & best practices ...................................................................................................................... 61
Unable to launch SDD (File Corruption Remedy) ............................................................................................. 61
Lock-up / Frozen ............................................................................................................................................... 62
System Error Messages .................................................................................................................................... 63
CONNECTIVITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 64
End user checks................................................................................................................................................ 64
IT support staff reference info ........................................................................................................................... 65

Updated April 26, 2012 54 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Visual Inspection:
Whenever hardware failure is suspect, the troubleshooting process should begin with a general physical
inspection of hardware components. Damaged cables and connectors can create both permanent and intermittent
failures. Any components showing signs of wear or damage should be carefully tested and replaced if there is any
evidence of failure.

VCM connectors must be stable and secure, also inspect for bent terminal pins, or faulty locking tabs etc. (See
diagnostic pin-out chart section for details on making DVOM checks on the diagnostic cable.)

USB connections at the laptop should be clean and retain the mating cable securely. (See section about USB fly
leads below for more info.)

IMPORTANT: The VCM to USB Ethernet cable which connects the VCM to the laptop cannot be tested with a
DVOM test meter. It is however possible to connect this cable's USB lead into ANY Windows based PC to
validate basic operation. When connected to any standard PC, this cable should trigger a typical "plug-and-play"
hardware detection and installation process and be recognized as a "USB to Ethernet Adapter". If the "plug-and-
play" detection is not triggered, then suspect the cable to be faulty. While it is possible to have failure modes that
cannot be detected with this process, failure to trigger the plug-and-play routine can be used to effectively confirm
a complete failure of the cable.

Diagnostic Cable pin-out chart

Use the following images of the IDS main diagnostic cable which connects the VCM to the vehicle's diagnostic
port when a cable failure is suspected.

Basic continuity checks should be performed using a DVOM to confirm there are no open/shorted circuits in this
cable. Be sure to accurately test each of the 14 pins/circuits used in this cable, by cross- referencing the numbers
assigned in each picture. (A full-page version of this image appears at the end of this document)

Updated April 26, 2012 55 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

VCM basic troubleshooting.

LED Check

The VCM unit has five LED status indicators that are visible through the plastic cover of the expansion slot.

The LED status indicators allow the user to visually observe the operation of the VCM. Refer to Fig A above for
the location of the LED status indicators on the VCM.

TABLE 1: Initial boot-up sequence as VCM is powered up.

Once fully booted, the LED status should remain as outlined in Step 5 in Table 1.

Note: The "Vehicle Link, LED #1 will only be blinking when IDS is actively communicating with the vehicle.

Updated April 26, 2012 56 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

TABLE 2: LED sequence during normal VCM software update operation.

This may be observed during the use of the VCM recovery tool.

After successful VCM software update, the LED status should remain as outlined in Step 9 in Table 2.

Note: The "Vehicle Link, LED #1 will only be blinking when IDS is actively communicating with the vehicle.

Abnormal VCM LED patterns:

VCM will not • Make sure that secure cable connections are made between the VCM, Power Supply Unit
power On. (when available) and vehicle

(No LED's • Make sure that the cables do not have any bent, broken, missing, dirty/corroded cable
Illuminated) connector pins

• Make sure that the VCM unit does not have any bent, broken, missing, dirty/corroded
connector pins

• Make sure the VCM is powered from the vehicle DLC or the power supply unit

• Verify battery voltage from the vehicle DLC going to the VCM is sufficient (12.6V nominal)

VCM powers On, • Cycle (remove/connect) the power to the VCM

but operates
abnormally • Make sure that the VCM performs the power ON boot-up successfully. Refer to the LED
(LED pattern is Status Indicators section, Table 1
NORMAL as per
Table 1, step 5) • Make sure that the VCM is loaded with the latest software by carrying out the VCM
Recovery procedure.

• If the VCM power on boot-up fails, contact the SPX Hardware Support Helpline.

- table is continued on the following page.

Updated April 26, 2012 57 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Abnormal VCM LED patterns: (continued)

VCM operates • Make sure that the VCM is loaded with the latest software by carrying out the VCM
abnormally. LEDs Recovery procedure.
1, 3 & 5 are Off,
and LEDs 2 & 4 • If the VCM is loaded with the latest software, and the problem persists, contact the SPX
are On Hardware Support Helpline.

All Other failure • If the VCM is loaded with the latest software, and the problem persists, contact the SPX
modes / LED Hardware Support Helpline.

Updated April 26, 2012 58 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Review SDD System Information Tab
While there is a basic VCM connection Icon visible at the top of the SDD screens, additional info about the VCM
is displayed on the SDD System Information Tab. While the details on this screen may change from time to time
based on current VCM firmware levels etc, it provides a basic heath check for the VCM to SDD linkage.

When this information is present for viewing, this is a general indication that the VCM and SDD software are
working correctly. Under these conditions, consider the vehicle or diagnostic software as primary source for a
vehicle comms failuire

When SDD is unable to display these details while the VCM is connected and fully powered up, there may be a
software or VCM / cable failure.

VCM related Task Manager Checks.

When a fully powered VCM is unable to trigger the VCM icon on SDD, and/or the VCM details are not displayed
on the SDD System Information Tab, the following checks should be made and noted before contacting the SPX
hardware support helpline.

Check whether TDSNetSetup.exe & TDS Netconfig.exe processes are running in task manager;

CTL+ALT+DEL – to open the task manager (pictured below)

Click the "Processes" tab
Click on "Image Name" to list alphabetically.

If both TDSNetSetup.exe & TDS Netconfig.exe are NOT running, try re-booting the PC and try again.

If VCM comms have been restored after a reboot, then situation resolved. If not then review this list again.

When having issues with VCM and these applications ARE shown in the task manager, confirm your firewall and
anti-virus applications are configured correctly (contact your local IT as required) before contacting the SPX
hardware support helpline.

If having problems with VCM, and these processes are NOT displayed after a re-boot contact the JLR Technical
Helpline for IDS software support.

Updated April 26, 2012 59 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

USB Fly-leads
USB fly-leads are supplied for the IDS toughbook to eliminate wear and tear on the toughbook's internal USB
ports. During normal use, USB flash drives, VCM cable and other USB based peripherals are only to be
connected to IDS via the fly-lead connection or to the toughbook docking station.

For diagnostic purposes, it is permitted and advisable to temporarily eliminate a USB fly-lead as a potential
source of failure. If failure symptoms can be eliminated with the exclusion of the USB fly-lead from the connection,
immediately contact SPX to purchase a replacement. To prevent damage to the toughbook's on-board USB ports,
DO NOT operate any IDS laptop for an extended period of time without the required USB fly-leads.

Battery and Power Supply Checks

Once fully charged, the IDS system should be capable of sustaining operation for approximately 3-4 hours with
on-board battery power alone. If unable to attain 100% charge, or if a fully charged battery is depleted rapidly, a
battery calibration should be performed using the calibration utility on the SDD Configuration Menu. (For more info
refer to the IDS Maintenance Guide.) Batteries that fail to perform effectively following a calibration should be

A/C Power supply units are unique for CF18 vs CF19. Despite the fact both systems share a similar design socket
for the power supply connection @ the laptop/docking station, the power output/requirements for each laptop

If there are any concerns that the laptop power supply is not effectively charging the batteries etc, first confirm the
correct power supply is being used. (Refer to the IDS Maintenance Guide for more info regarding the IDS laptop
AC Adapters)

If the power supply is connected to the docking station, providing a power supply to the laptop through the
docking ports, the power supply operation should be tested using a direct connection to the laptop. When power
supply related failures can be resolved with the docking station by-passed, suspect the docking station or
connections with the laptop docking port as part of the failure.

After performing basic battery/power supply checks above, contact SPX Hardware Support Helpline for additional
troubleshooting/repair service assistance. NOTE: Laptop batteries are only warranted for a limited time, and are
otherwise considered consumable items. Refer to the warranty details in the IDS Launch bulletins for more info.

Touch Screen Calibration

The IDS System touch screen may require a periodic calibration, most often this is required after a complete
system recovery, but may be required at any time as the hardware ages.

The touch screen calibration utility is located on the SDD Configuration Menu, for more info refer to the IDS
Maintenance Guide.

If unable to attain or maintain a functional calibration of the touch screen operation, contact the SPX hardware
support helpline to resolve the condition.

PC Boot / Operating System Failure

PC boot and Operating System failures in the context of the IDS system includes any and all failures that prevent
the SDD Main Menu from being displayed correctly after a re-boot of the system. Also, any errors displayed
before the SDD Main Menu is finally displayed are almost always attributable to PC boot and Operating System

Failures of this type often indicate a significant corruption of the system BIOS or Operating System file structure,
and possibly failed hardware. Contact the SPX hardware support helpline for assistance with failures in this

Updated April 26, 2012 60 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

General checks & best practices
The software environment that defines the SDD Diagnostic system is comprised of software distributed by JLR,
Sun Microsystems (JAVA) and Microsoft (Windows XP operating system) software distributed by Microsoft.
Changes or defects within either of these software systems can manifest as negative functionality when using

Always ensure your IDS system is fully compliant with currently published standards and software version
requirements. Refer to the IDS Maintenance Guide for more info.

Unable to launch SDD (File Corruption Remedy)

Under certain circumstances, critical files needed to start SDD can become corrupt, preventing access to the VIN
entry screen required to begin a diagnostic session.
One of the following failure modes might be seen when SDD is first launched.

• A pop-up error stating "the Registry.xml file must have top-level element" is displayed
• A Critical Error message is displayed in the main SDD window.

IMPORTANT: Other error messages, or similar messages occurring after a session has been started successfully
are not expected to be addressed with this remedy.

• Access the following URL

• In the file download text box enter

• Click the download button
• Save the zip file to your PC
• When complete, extract the file within named "Delete Corrupt files.bat" to a USB flash drive
• Reboot the afflicted IDS laptop.
• Insert the USB flash drive, then browse to and double-click on the "Delete Corrupt files.bat". This will
execute the script to purge the corrupted files.
• When the script is complete, launch the JLR SDD application.
• Follow the prompts to set your dealer information
• Access the system utilities tab, and launch the Network Options tool.
• If prompted, select the correct internet connection type for your location.
• Click the "Activate" button at lower left, wait for confirmation prompt.
• Click the "Test Network" button. (If negative results reported, check with local IT staff.)
• SDD should be ready to go, just verify that you have the current software level, calibration, as-built files,
and SPA pinpoint tests as per the current release notes.
• Return to the vehicle tab and attempt to begin a new SDD diagnostic session.

If you have any problems running this script or this does not rectify your problems, contact the Jaguar or Land
Rover Technical HelpLine for further assistance.

Updated April 26, 2012 61 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Lock-up / Frozen
While using SDD, dependant on the diagnostic function being used, the on-screen reaction to user input can vary.
In most cases, reaction to user input will be obvious and immediate. In other cases, there may be a short delay
since computers will often execute processes in the background without a visual indication on-screen.

In extreme cases, extended delays from when user provides input until the screen displays advance can be
experienced, or the screen may advance initially, but give no direct indication of progress as work is performed in
the background. Under these conditions, users often mistake an extended delay for what is commonly referred to
as a "Locked-up" or "frozen" condition where the system is rendered completely un-responsive. The following
guidelines apply under these circumstances.

1. Do not click buttons, tabs or links repeatedly as this can cause the system to repeat commands etc and
may compound the situation further. Repeated inputs while waiting for the SDD application to advance
can actually induce failures and lock-up conditions.
2. Be patient, and take the time to observe the Hard Drive Activity Indicator LED. When the application or
operating system is actively working in the background, this indicator will be flashing rapidly. Do not
make additional inputs while the system is showing activity on the hard drive.
3. If the screen display has not advanced for a period of time after an input, and the hard drive LED is
mostly inactive/dark, the input should be repeated another time.
4. If the system does not respond, then try an alternate input option if possible. (continue/abort, or yes/no,
OK/exit etc.)

IMPORTANT: When unable to resolve a "locked" or "frozen" condition, ALWAYS attempt a controlled shut down
of the SDD and Windows system. Failure to shutdown SDD properly will lead to degradation of the system,
through file fragmentation and potential file corruption.

Under circumstances when SDD is determined to be "locked" or "frozen" the following shutdown process MUST
be employed.
1. Press the CTRL+ALT+DELETE to display the Task Manager.
2. At the top of the Task Manger window, use the menu to select Shut down > Restart.
3. Allow the system to re-start.

If this fails to re-start the system, then repeat the process a second time, if still unable to restart the system using
this method, then as a last resort hold the laptop power switch in the off position for several seconds until the
system has powered down, then restart manually.

Updated April 26, 2012 62 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

System Error Messages
System error messages come in many forms, and can be generated by many sources. These can be broken
down into two main categories as follows.

1. SDD software errors

2. External / Supporting application errors.

SDD Software errors are usually displayed directly within the SDD graphical interface, either as a message
displayed within the main SDD application, or as a pop-up message formatted with a font, color scheme and
window frame consistent with the SDD environment.

Errors of this category are typically the direct result of a vehicle or diagnostic software related failure. Users
should always exit the application and re-boot the system before repeating the failed process since re-booting the
laptop may resolve issues created by temporary conditions. If the process continues to generate errors, record,
print, or photograph the message(s) on screen, then contact the JLR Technical Helpline for assistance. Be
prepared to submit session files and e-mail along with the error message details for review.

External / supporting application errors are typically displayed in a pop-up window formatted with a border and
font consistent with the Windows environment. In most cases these will have a default Windows XP "blue" color
scheme and include the typical "red with white X" button at top right to close the pop-up.

Errors of this category are usually associated with some other support application associated with SDD that
performs background tasks such as the "Software Management Wizard" called by SDD to perform system

In most cases, users should report these failures to the JLR technical helpline, unless the laptop or SDD
application is having general failures preventing basic operation of the laptop or SDD. Generally dysfunctional
systems that are displaying this style pop-up error message often have system level faults and should be referred
to the SPX Hardware Support helpline.

Updated April 26, 2012 63 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

End user checks
Under most circumstances, all IDS connectivity issues must first be investigated by retailers local IT staff before
assistance from JLRNA is sought out.

There are however some quick tests and functions available to IDS users that may be used to resolve
connectivity issues without involving local IT support.

There are many connectivity related IDS support functions that can be interrupted or fail when the connectivity link
to the JLR internet servers is broken. If any of the following issues arise, continue with the end user checks in this

Connectivity Failures:

• Software Update fails

• Calibration and/or As-built file update fails
• Transfer diagnostic sessions to JLR fails
• Unable to access Topix log-in screen from SDD Main Menu
• SDD Connectivity Icon indicates the connection is broken (Red or Yellow states)

End User Checks: (refer to IDS Maintenance Guide and Connectivity Bulletin for more info)

• Verify that your dealer details are entered accurately. To be sure the information is correctly registered;
always select "SAVE" after viewing or correcting this data.
• Access the Network Options function and execute the "Activate" function.
• From the Network Options, also execute the "Test Network" function and note the results. This info will be
helpful if your issue needs to be escalated to your Local IT support personnel.
• From the SDD System Information Tab, click on the Network Status link to view a list of all IDS related
network resources. URL's for resources that this IDS cannot currently access will be displayed, this
information should be relayed to your IT staff for review when connectivity issues arise in the workshop.

Updated April 26, 2012 64 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

IT support staff reference info

When your service department requires support for connectivity issues, the results of the "Test Network" function
should be requested. This is a simple test to quickly define if the problem is detected before or after the local
gateway. IMPORTANT: Your local network must support ping requests for this basic self test to function correctly.

Since JLRNA does not supply a turn-key solution for connectivity, the local infrastructure requirements will be set
and controlled locally. If you need local IP address info etc, you must contact the network admin for your facility.

There are several connectivity related technical publications available to retailer service departments as reference
documentation for local IT support. Please ensure that the following documents listed on the following page have
been reviewed before seeking technical support via the JLRNA IDS Connectivity Helpline.

Updated April 26, 2012 65 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

IMPORTANT: Always check for updated content in these documents by accessing the latest version on-line.
Printed materials may be superseded.

Communication Jaguar Publication Land Rover

Communication Title
Type Number Publication Number

Automated Patch
Installation - IDS
Diagnostics > Patch "Connectivity" "Connectivity"
Connectivity Project
Files (TOPIx) (TOPIx)
(Connectivity set-up and
troubleshooting info)

New IDS Vehicle

Bulletin Software Management 1-223NAS STE09-06
(JBN-Product Support) (InfoTrail)

SDD Intro / DVD over the 1-225NAS STE09-10

web Intro (JBN-Product Support) (InfoTrail)

Bulletin DVD119 Release Note DVD119-00 DVD119-00


Changes to Windows /
SSM Internet Explorer by 42766 42765
installing DVD119

IDS-SDD Transition 42753 42752

Guide (TOPIx or EPQR) (TOPIx or EPQR)

Bulletin DVD121.02 Release Note DVD121-02 DVD121-02


SDD Anti-virus and 1-235NAS STE10-03

Firewall requirements (JBN-Product Support) (InfoTrail)

Retailer IT staff that require additional technical support beyond the scope of these publications are advised to
contact the JLRNA IDS Connectivity Helpline.

IMPORTANT: Since JLRNA does not supply a turn-key solution for connectivity, the local infrastructure
requirements will be set and controlled locally. For this reason, the JLRNA Connectivity Helpline cannot resolve
end user's issues, and this helpline will be restricted to retailer IT support staff only.

JLRNA IDS Connectivity Helpline = (201) 760 - 8504

Updated April 26, 2012 66 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

Updated April 26, 2012 67 IDSMTG_v2.2.doc

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