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Pampanga Colleges Inc.

Poblacion, Macabebe, Pampanga

Preliminary Examination in World History 1

Direction: Identify and select the correct answer.

1. What are the correct dates for the Middle Age time period?
A.400 bc - 1200 AD C.500 BC - 1500 AD
B.1500 bc - 500 BC D 500 AD - 1500 AD
2. Which is not an accepable term for the middle age time period?
A.Renaissance C.Dark ages
B.Medieval Times D.all are acceptable terms for medival ages
3. Which events mark the beginning and end of the medieval period?
A.the split of the roman empire to the black death
B.The Fall of Roman Empire To The Renaissanc
C.the death of caesar to the voyage of columbus
D.From Viking Raids to the Black Death
4. What was the major event of Early Middle Ages?
A.The Crusades
B.the uniting of Europe by Charlemagne
C.the Black Death
d.The growth of towns
5. Which one of these things did Charlemagne not do during his rule?
A. promoted Education c.Spread Christianity
B. provide unity and a government D. All of the above
for much of western Europe
6. Which of the following things was not done by the Monks?
A.Copying of Texts from the greeks and romans
B. Caring The sick And poor
C.Fighting to protect europe from the vikings
D.providing schooling for chirlden around their monastry
7. .what was the piece of land that a lord gave to a vassla called?
A. A flief
B. a monastry
c. a ransom
D. all of the above
8. What did Alfred the great do that helped him fend off the Viking Attaks in
A.built a strong navy to fight the Vikings At Sea
B.built castles to defend his land and people from viking attakcs
C.Recruit many soldies to fight in his army
D. alfred did all of these things
9. What was the favorite target of the vikings when they raided europe?
c.Big towns
D. All of the Above.
Pampanga Colleges Inc.
Poblacion, Macabebe, Pampanga

10. The People who ownd the land during middle ages were called______?
A.Lord C.Serfs
B.Peasants D.Manors
11. The Social System Or Government System Of exchanging the lands for service
was called?
A.Socialism C.Theoracy
B.vassalism D.Feudalism
12. Which of the following was not a duty of a lord to his Vassal?
A.Provide help if the vassal is attacked
B.give land to a vassal taxes to the vassal
D.all are duties of a lord to his vassal
13. What was the Major Event Of the High Middle Ages?
A.The black Death
B. The Crusades
C.THe viking Invasions
D.Charlamagne uniting much of Western Europe.
14. What was the MAjor Event Of the Late Middle ages?
A. The Ceusades
B.The viking invasions
C.The Black Death
D.none of these
15. What were the Crusades?
A. a series of war against the viking?
B.series of war try to take holy land
C..a series of war to unite Europe
d. none of these things.

Prepared by:

Glennson S. Loyola
John Denver P. Rivera
John Clinton Romero

Checked by:

Joseph Ronillo Viray

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