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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 437–443

Vertical dynamic response of a disk on a saturated poroelastic half-space

Jin Bo a,*, Liu Hua b
Institute of Structure Theory, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, People’s Republic of China
College of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, People’s Republic of China
Received 11 November 1998; received in revised form 18 March 1999; accepted 29 March 1999

This paper considers the vertical dynamic response of a disk on a saturated poroelastic half-space. Firstly the pressure-solid displacement
form of the harmonic equations of motion for a poroelastic solid are developed from the form of the equations originally presented by Biot.
These equations are solved by a new method. Then the mixed boundary value problem for the vertical harmonic vibration of a disk on a
poroelastic half-space is studied. The two types of drainage conditions at the surface of the poroelastic half-space are considered: (a) the
surface of the poroelastic half-space is assumed to be completely pervious both within and exterior to the plate; (b) The interface between the
plate and the poroelastic half-space is assumed to be impervious and the exterior region is assumed to be pervious. By using the Hankel
transform techniques, the paper develops the governing dual integral equations. These governing integral equations are further reduced to
systems of standard Fredholm integral equations of the second kind by Abel transform. q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Poroelastic half-space; Rigid disk; Fredholm integral equation of the second kind; Dynamic compliance

1. Introduction considered as partially drained has not been solved. The

main objective of this paper is to solve this problem. Biot’s
The dynamic response of fluid-saturated porous media is equations for dynamic poroelasticity in the frequency
of interest in geophysics, acoustic, and soil and rock domain are reduced to the partial differential equations
mechanics. The first theory of propagation of elastic expressed in terms of three unknowns (the displacements
waves in a fluid-saturated porous medium was established of the solid matrix and the pore-fluid pressure) which are
by Biot [1]. Biot also extended his theory to the cases of solved by a new method. The dual integral equations of the
anisotropic and viscoelastic media [2]. The Green’s func- vertical harmonic vibration of a rigid disk on a saturated
tions for poroelastic full-plane (or full-space) were poroelastic half-space are established according to the
presented by Bonnet [3], Boutin et al. [4], Manolis and mixed boundary value condition. The dynamic compliance
Beskos [5,6] and Dominguez [7]. The poroelastic counter- coefficients for the surface of the fluid-saturated half-space
part of the classical Lamb’s problem was first considered by are given at the end of this paper.
Paul [8,9] by assuming the non-dissipative behavior of the
halfspace. The vibrations due to time-harmonic loads acting
on the surface and at a finite depth below the surface of a 2. Governing equations
poroelastic half-space were considered by Halpern and
Christiano [10], Philippacopoulos [11] and Senjuntichai The motion under consideration is assumed to be time-
and Rajapakse [12]. The interaction of a loaded rigid plate harmonic. It was demonstrated by Bonnet [3] and Cheng et
with a saturated, and layered saturated poroelastic half- al. [17] that there exists a complete analogy between the
space have also been studied [13–16]. coupled, dynamic thermoelasticity and the dynamic poro-
It is worth mentioning that the mixed boundary value elasticity in the frequency domain. By eliminating the fluid
problem for the vertical harmonic vibration of a rigid displacement relative to matrix Bonnet reduced Biot’s wave
impermeable disk on the poroelastic half-space where the equations to the partial differential equations expressed in
drainage conditions at the surface of the half-space is terms of the displacements of the solid matrix and the pore-
fluid pressure. Bonnet and Cheng et al. obtained poroelastic
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 86-21-6501-7470; fax: 1 86-21-6502-
Green’s functions for a full plane and a full space from the
8965. solutions given by Kupradze et al. [18] and Nowacki [19],
E-mail address: (J. Bo) respectively, for thermoelasticity. However, solutions
0267-7261/99/$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0267-726 1(99)00013-5
438 J. Bo, L. Hua / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 437–443

involving poroelastic half-plane (or half-space) cannot be equation can be obtained:

derived by using analogy between the thermoelasticity and
the poroelasticity since the thermoelastic solution for a …lp 1 2†72 e 1 a20 …1 2 rp q†e 2 …a 2 q†72 Pf ˆ 0: …6†
loaded half-space are not available in the literature. There- From Eq. (3), the following equation can be obtained:
fore, a general solution of above equations is necessary.
q 1
At this stage, it is convenient to non-dimensionalize all eˆ2 7 2 Pf 2 P: …7†
quantities with respect to length and stress by selecting the rp a20 …a 2 q† M p …a2 q† f
radius of the disk “a” as a unit of length and the shear Substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (6) yields:
modulus of half-space as a unit of stress. After some manip-
ulations Biot’s wave equations can be reduced to the follow- 74 P f 1 b 1 7 2 P f 1 b 2 P f ˆ 0 …8†
ing dimensionless equations: where
1 2e
72 2 2 ur 1 …lp 1 1† 1 a20 …1 2 rp q†ur …mp a20 2 ibp a0 †…lp 1 a2 M p 1 2† 1 M p a20 2 2aM p rp a20
r 2r b1 ˆ
…lp 1 2†M p
2P f …9†
2…a 2 q† ˆ0 …1†
…mp a20 2 ibp a0 †a20 2 …rp †2 a40
b2 ˆ : …10†
2e 2P …lp 1 2†M p
72 uz 1 …lp 1 1† 1 a20 …1 2 rp q†uz 2 …a 2 q† f ˆ 0
2z 2z
For axisymmetric problems under consideration, it is
natural to introduce Hankel integral transforms with respect
to the radial coordinate as
rp a20 rp a20 …a 2 q† Z∞
7 2 Pf 1 p Pf 1 eˆ0 …3†
M q q P 0f …j; z† ˆ rPf …r; z†J0 …jr†dr:
in which ur, uz and Pf are the dimensionless solid displace-
Application of zero-order Hankel transforms to the partial
ments and the dimensionless pore fluid pressure; a ,
differential equation in Eq. (8) reduces it to ordinary differ-
M p ˆ M=m, lp ˆ l=m, rp ˆ rf =r, mp ˆ m=r and bp ˆ
p ential equation. The solution of the ordinary differential
ab= rm are the dimensionless material parameters, where
equation can be expressed as:
l and m are the Lame constants; a and M are the Biot’s
parameters accounting for compressibility of the two- P 0f …j; z† ˆ A…j; a0 †e2g1 z 1 B…j; a0 †e2g2 z : …11†
phased material; r and r f are the mass densities of the
bulk material and the pore fluid, respectively; m is a where
density-like parameter that depends on r f and the geometry
gi ˆ j2 2 L2i i ˆ 1; 2: …12†
of the pores; b is a parameter accounting for the internal
friction due to the relative motion between the solid matrix Note that the radicals g i (i ˆ 1,2) are selected such that
and the pore fluid. The parameter b is equal to the ratio Re(g i) $ 0. In addition
between the fluid viscosity and the intrinsic permeability q
of the medium. If internal friction is neglected then b ˆ 0. b 1 1 b21 2 4b2
q ˆ rpp a
0 =…m
p 2 p L21 ˆ …13†
 a0 2 ib a0 † is a dimensionless parameter.
a0 ˆ …r=m†va is a dimensionless frequency where v is
the frequency of the motion. For brevity, the time factor q
of eia0 t where t is dimensionless time has been omitted b 1 2 b21 2 4b2
L22 ˆ …14†
from Eqs. (1)–(3) and also from the sequel. e ˆ 2
…2ur =2r† 1 …ur =r† 1 …2uz =2z†. 72 ˆ …22 =2r2 † 1 …1=r†…2=2r† 1 where L1, L2 are the dimensionless complex wave numbers
…22 =2z2 †. associated with the dilatational wave of the first kind (fast
The fluid displacement relative to matrix can be wave), the dilatational wave of the second kind (slow wave)
expressed as: respectively. Substituting P 0f …j; z† of Eq. (11) into the zero-
  order Hankel transform of Eq. (7) yields:
1 2P f p 2
wr …r; z† ˆ 2 1 r a u …4†
ia0 bp 2 mp a20 2r 0 r
e0 …j; z† ˆ x1 A…j; a0 †e2g1 z 1 x2 B…j; a0 †e2g2 z …15†
1 2P f p 2
wz …r; z† ˆ 2 1 r a 0 z :
u …5†
ia0 bp 2 mp a20 2z qM p L2i 2 rp a20
xi ˆ i ˆ 1; 2: …16†
rp a20 …a 2 q†M p
Eqs. (1)–(3) can be solved by a new method which does not
introduce potentials. From Eqs. (1) and (2), the following Substituting P 0f …j; z†of Eq. (11) and e0 …j; z† of Eq. (15) into
J. Bo, L. Hua / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 437–443 439

zero-order Hankel transform of Eq. (2) yields: uz …r; 0† ˆ Dz 0#r#1 …26†

u 0z …j; z† ˆ g1 a1 A…j; a0 †e2g1 z 1 g2 a2 B…j; a0 †e2g2 z where Dz is the dimensionless vertical displacement of the
2 g3 z disk.
1 C…j; a0 †e …17†
The two types of drainage conditions at the surface of the
where poroelastic half-space are given by the following:

lp xi 1 xi 2 a 1 q (a) The surface of the poroelastic half-space is assumed to

ai ˆ i ˆ 1; 2 …18† be completely pervious both within and exterior to the
S2 2 L2i
disk; i.e.
g3 ˆ j2 2 S2 : …19† Pf …r; 0† ˆ 0 0#r,∞ …27†

Note that the radical g 3 is selected such that Re(g 3) $ 0. In

addition (b) The interface between the disk and the poroelastic
half-space is assumed to be impervious and the exterior
S2 ˆ …1 2 rp q†a20 …20†
region is assumed to be pervious; i.e.
where S is the dimensionless complex wave number asso-
ciated with the rotational wave. Making use of transform wz …r; 0† ˆ 0 0#r#1 …28†
form of volume strain e0 ˆ ju 1r 1 …du 0z =dz†, u1r can be
obtained: Pf …r; 0† ˆ 0 1,r,∞ …29†
ju 1r ˆ A…x1 1 g21 a1 †e2g1 z 1 B…x2 1 g22 a2 †e2g2 z 1 Cg3 e2g3 z :
Using Eqs. (24)–(27), we obtain a dual integral equation for
In view of the constitutive equations of poroelastic
condition (a):
  Z∞ D
2ur 2u j 1 s 0z …j; 0†J0 …jr†dj ˆ Dz 0#r#1 …30†
trz ˆ 1 z
2z 2r 0
2u 2ur u
sz ˆ …lp 1 2† z 1 lp 1 r 2 aP f Z∞
2z 2r r js 0z …j; 0†J0 …jr†dj ˆ 0 1 , r , ∞: …31†
the general solutions of Hankel transforms of the total stress
components can be expressed as: Using Eqs. (24)–(26), (28), (29) and (5), we obtain two dual
integral equations for condition (b):
g1 ‰x1 1 …g21 1 j †a1 Š
t 1rz ˆ 2 Ae2g1 z
j Z∞  D D

j 1 s 0z …j; 0† 1 2 P 0f …j; 0† J0 …jr†dj ˆ Dz
g2 ‰x2 1 …g22 1 j2 †a2 Š 2g2 z …g2 1 j2 † 2g3 z 0 D D …32†
2 Be 2 3 Ce
j j 0#r#1
Z∞  D D4  0

s 0z ˆ …lp 2 2g21 a1 2 a†Ae2g1 z 1 …lp 2 2g22 a2 2 a†Be2g2 z j s …j; 0† 1
3 0
P …j; 0† J0 …jr†dj ˆ Dz
0 D z D f …33†
2 2g3 Ce2g3 z :

js 0z …j; 0†J0 …jr†dj ˆ 0 1,r,∞ …34†
3. Governing integral equations 0

The contact between the disk and the surface of half- Z∞

space is assumed to be smooth. The boundary conditions jP 0f …j; 0†J0 …jr†dj ˆ 0 1,r,∞ …35†
at the surface can be stated as follows: 0

trz …r; 0† ˆ 0 0#r,∞ …24† where

sz …r; 0† ˆ 0 1,r,∞ …25† D1 ˆ g1 x1 2 g2 x2 1 g1 a1 …g21 2 g23 † 1 g2 a2 …g23 2 g22 † …36†

440 J. Bo, L. Hua / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 437–443

1 Fourier cosine transform. A21 1 ‰f …r†; xŠ ˆ Dx A1 ‰tf …t†; xŠ

D2 ˆ ‰lp x1 2 a 2 2a1 …g21 2 g1 g3 †Š
2g 3 represents inverse transform of A1, A21 2 ‰f …r†; xŠ ˆ
2Dx A2 ‰tf …t†; xŠ represents inverse transform of A2. Apply-
× {2g2 g3 ‰x2 1 …g22 1 j2 †a2 Š ing Eqs. (43) and (45) to Eqs. (30) and (31), Eqs. (43)–(46)
to Eqs. (32)–(35) we obtain for condition (a):
1 …g23 1 j2 †…lp x2 2 2g22 a2 2 a†} Z∞ D
…37† j 1 s 0z …j; 0†cos…jx†dj ˆ Dz 0#x#1 …47†
1 D
‰lp x2 2 a 2 2a2 …g22 2 g2 g3 †Š
h i s 0z …j; 0†cos…jx†dj ˆ 0 1,x,∞ …48†
× {2g1 g3 x1 1 …g21 1 j2 †a1 0

and for condition (b):

1 …g23 1 j2 †…lp x1 2 2g21 a1 2 a†}
Z∞  D D

j 1 s 0z …j; 0† 1 2 P 0f …j; 0† cos…jx†dj ˆ Dz
21 2 0 D D …49†
D3 ˆ …g 1 j2 †…g2 2 g1 † …38†
rp a20 3 0#x#1
21 Z∞  D D4  0

D4 ˆ {2g1 g2 g3 ‰x2 1 …g22 1 j2 †a2 Š
rp a20
s 0z …j; 0† 1 P …j; 0† sin…jx†dj ˆ Dz x
0 D D f …50†
1g1 …g23 1 j †…l x2 2
2g22 a2 2 a† 0#x#1
22g1 g2 g3 ‰x1 1 …g21 1 j2 †a1 Š Z∞
s 0z …j; 0†cos…jx†dj ˆ 0 1,x,∞ …51†
2g2 …g23 1 j †…l x1 2
2g21 a1 2 a†} 0

D ˆ 22g1 g3 ‰x1 1 …g21 1 j2 †a1 Š jP 0f …j; 0†sin…jx†dj ˆ 0 1,x,∞ …52†

1 2g2 g3 ‰x2 1 …g22 1 j2 †a2 Š we find:

…40† D1
2 …g23 1 j2 †…lp x1 2 2g21 a1 2 a† lim j ˆ l1 …53†
j!∞ D
1 …g23 1 j2 †…lp x2 2 2g22 a2 2 a†:
lim j ˆ l2 …54†
j!∞ D
4. Reducing the dual integral equations to Fredholm D3
integral equations of the second kind lim j ˆ l3 …55†
j!∞ D
We note Abel transform [20] D4
 1=2 Zx lim ˆ l4 …56†
2 f …r† j!∞ jD
A1 ‰f …r†; xŠ ˆ p dr …41†
p 0 x2 2 r 2 where l1, l2, l3 and l4 are complex constants. Based on the
 1=2 Z∞ procedure suggested by Sneddon [21], we define the follow-
2 f …r† ing integral representation:
A2 ‰f …r†; xŠ ˆ p dr …42†
p r 2 2 x2
2 Dz Z1

has the following properties s 0z …j; 0† ˆ F …y†cos…jy†dy …57†

p l1 0 1
A21 21
1 {H0 ‰j A…j†; rŠ; x} ˆ Fc {A…j†; x} …43†
2 Dz Z1
P 0f …j; 0† ˆ F …y†sin…jy†dy …F2 …0† ˆ 0† …58†
A1 {rH0 ‰A…j†; rŠ; x} ˆ Fs {A…j†; x} …44† p l4 j 0 2
this is:
A2 {rH0 ‰A…j†; rŠ; x} ˆ Fc {A…j†; x} …45† Z∞ D
s 0z …j; 0†cos…jy†dj ˆ z F1 …y†H…1 2 y† …59†
A21 21 l1
2 {H0 ‰j A…j†; rŠ; x} ˆ Fs {A…j†; x} …46† 0

where H0 represents the zero-order Hankel transform, Fs Z∞ Dz

jP 0f …j; 0†sin…jy†dj ˆ F …y†H…1 2 y† …60†
represents the Fourier sine transform, Fc represents the 0 l4 2
J. Bo, L. Hua / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 437–443 441

Fig. 1. Dynamic compliance coefficient CV for b p ˆ 0.1.

where H…1 2 y† is the Heaviside step function. Eqs. (48) (or 2 Z∞ D3

K3 …x; y† ˆ sin…jx†cos…jy†dj …66†
Eq. (51)) and (52) automatically satisfy due to Eqs. (59) and p 0 l1 D
(60). Substituting Eqs. (57) and (58) into Eqs. (47), (49) and
(50), for condition (a) we have 2 Z∞ D4
K4 …x; y† ˆ 2 1 sin…jx†sin…jy†dj: …67†
Z1 p 0 l4 j D
F1 …x† 1 K1 …x; y†F1 …y†dy ˆ 1 0#x#1 …61†
0 The force–displacement relationship for the rigid disk
can then be obtained from the resultant contact stress:
and for condition (b) we have
2R Z2p Z1 Z1
Z1 ˆ du rsz …r; 0†dr ˆ 2p rsz …r; 0†dr
F1 …x† 1 ‰K1 …x; y†F1 …y† 1 K2 …x; y†F2 …y†Šdy ˆ 1 ma 2
0 0 0
0 …62†
ˆ 2ps 0z …0; 0†: …68†
Using (57), we obtain:
F2 …x† 1 ‰K3 …x; y†F1 …y† 1 K4 …x; y†F2 …y†Šdy ˆ x 2R 4Dz Z1
ˆ F1 …y†dy: …69†
0 …63† m a2 l1 0

0#x#1 That is:

where …1 2 n†R
aDz ˆ CV …70†
2 Z∞ jD1
K1 …x; y† ˆ 2 1 cos…jx†cos…jy†dj …64†
p 0 l1 D where
2l1 1
CV ˆ
2 Z∞ D2 1 2 n Z1
K2 …x; y† ˆ cos…jx†sin…jy†dj …65† F1 …y†dy
p 0 l4 D 0

Fig. 2. Dynamic compliance coefficient CV for b p ˆ 10.

442 J. Bo, L. Hua / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18 (1999) 437–443

Fig. 3. Comparison of dynamic compliance CV (impervious under the disk).

is the vertical dynamic compliance coefficient for the by a new method. The mixed boundary-value problem for
surface of a saturated poroelastic half-space and n is the vertical harmonic vibration of a rigid impermeable disk
Poisson’s ratio of the solid matrix. on the poroelastic half-space where the fluid boundary
condition at the surface of the poroelastic half-space is
considered as partially drained is solved by using Fredholm
5. Numerical results integral equation of the second kind which is easy to calcu-
late. The numerical results presented in the paper indicate
After obtaining F1 …x† from Eq. (61) or Eqs. (62) and (63),
that the drainage boundary conditions at the surface of a
we can calculate the vertical dynamic compliance coeffi-
saturated poroelastic half-space have a significant influence
cients CV. The selected poroelastic materials are considered
on the vertical dynamic compliance coefficients. The differ-
in the numerical study. The dimensionless parameters of the
ences between the vertical dynamic compliance coefficients
poroelastic materials are l p ˆ 1.5, M p ˆ 10, r p ˆ 0.53, m p ˆ
for conditions (a) and (b) decrease with decreasing the
1.1, a ˆ 0.97. In addition, b p ˆ 0.1 and 10, respectively.
permeability of the fluid in saturated poroelastic half-
The larger the permeability, the smaller the b p is. Figs. 1 and
space (or the increase of b p). The numerical results show
2 show Re[CV] and Im[CV] varying with dimensionless
that the differences can be neglected when b p $ 10.
frequency a0. The influence of drainage boundary condi-
tions on Re[CV] and Im[CV] can be observed. In Figs. 1
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