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☺ English pronoun Verb to be Possessive

she is her
He is his

Como pedir en un restaurante

it is its
you are your
we are our
♥ Reservar por telefono: they are their
Customer: Good afternoon, I’d like to book a table for this evening at i am my
8:30 ( half past eight) if possible.
Waiter: How many of you are there?
Customer: Just me, table for one please.| but if we go with another person
we can say table for two please.
Waiter: Under the name of?
Customer: It’s Lucia.
Waiter: Ok mrs, that’s all booked for you.

Llegada al restaurante
Si es por la mañana decimos
Con reserva morining
• Good evening, I have a reservation for two under the name of Lucia. Si es en el medio dia decimos noon
• Hello, I’ve booked a table for 9:00 p.m under Lucia Si es por la tarde es afternoon
.Nunca usamos goodnight cuando llegamos y queremos saludar Si es por la noche tarde usamos
Solamente lo usamos cuando nos despedimos evening
Sin reserva:
Do you have a table for one by any chance?
Do you have any tables available for this evening?

♥ Empezar a ordenar.

Pedir bebida
• Could I have a beer please?
• I think I’ll have the red wine.
• Just water for me, please.

Pedir comida
• To start I’ll have the apple and cheese salad.
• Could we/I get some guacamole to share?
• I think I’ll go for the cod with chips.
• For me the leek and potato soup./cuando la otra persona pide y despues
• Pedimos nosotros.
• And for the main course cod with tomato sauce and chips.
• Si todavia no estamos listos para pedir respondemos
• "not quit yet sorry I just need a bit more time, If I could have just a couple more
minutes." cuando estemos listos vamos a decir "yes I think I'm ready now"
Hacer preguntas sobre los platos
Does the steak come with salad?
Does the soup have garlic in it?
Si tienes algún tipo de alergia o no te gusta algún ingrediente:
• Could you please remove the nuts from the salad?
• Is it possible to have the rice with no prawns in it?
• I’m allergic to peppers, is it possible to remove them?

Si quieres pedir algo más

Excuse me
• Could I have some more water please?
• Can we have another teaspoon, please?
• Is it possible to have some salt, please?
• Can we order another piña colada?
Después de comer
Te suelen preguntar: Can I get you anything else?
• Queres un postre → Could I have a look at the dessert menu(para los
postros) please?
• Si no te hace falta nada más → No, we’re fine thank you.
• Solo la cuenta → Can I get the bill please?
• Ha sobrado comida y quieres que te la pongan para llevar → Could you put this in
a doggy bag for me please?

¿Qué tal ha ido todo?

Y para acabar, si es un buen restaurante, te suelen preguntar: Was everything ok for
Todo bien:
• Everything was delicious.
• It was lovely, thank you.
• It was absolutely fantastic! Compliments to the chef.
Algo ha ido mal:
La carne estaba dura → The steak was a little bit tough.
La pasta estaba demasiado hecha → The pasta was slightly overcooked.
El pescado estaba crudo → The fish was a bit raw.

Quick Notes página 1

La carne estaba dura → The steak was a little bit tough.
La pasta estaba demasiado hecha → The pasta was slightly overcooked.
El pescado estaba crudo → The fish was a bit raw.

Como pedir en un lugar de comida rapida

 Yo voy a pedir… = I will have the …

 Yo quiero el = I'd (d es la abreviatura de do) like the …
 ¿Me trae el… por favor? = Please can I have the…
 Me gustaría… = I would like…

☺ ¿Cómo pedir comida en inglés para llevar?

“Can I get this to go?” – “¿Me pones esto para llevar?”
“I’d like the Spaghetti and Meatballs, to go please.” “Quiero los espaguetis con
albóndigas, para llevar por favor.”
“Can I have the Fried Rice and Egg Rolls? Take out.” – “¿Me pones el arroz frito y los
rollitos de primavera? Para llevar.”

Quick Notes página 2

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