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Effectiveness of Mesotherapy on Body Contouring

Seung Ha Park, M.D., Ph.D.
Background: Despite the increasing interest in mesotherapy as an alternative
Deok Woo Kim, M.D. method for body contouring, there are few reports of its safety, efficacy, and
Min Ah Lee, M.D. mechanism of action. A clinical examination was performed to evaluate the
Sang Chul Yoo, M.D. efficacy of mesotherapy for body contouring.
Seung Chul Rhee, M.D. Methods: Twenty women were enrolled in this prospective, case-controlled
Sang Hwan Koo, M.D., Ph.D. study over a 12-week period. The authors injected a mixed solution (i.e., am-
Geun Hye Seol, R.N. inophylline, buflomedil, and lidocaine) into the superficial dermis of the medial
Eun Young Cho, A.N. aspect of one thigh weekly using a mechanical delivery gun. There was no
Seoul, South Korea treatment to the other thigh. The change in the fat level was evaluated by
measuring the girth of the thighs and by computed tomographic scanning. The
lipid profiles were checked to determine the effect of mesotherapy on lipid
metabolism, and questionnaires were used to determine the satisfaction rate of
the patients.
Results: The loss of thigh girth on the treated side was not significantly different
from that of the untreated side. The computed tomographic scans showed no
statistically significant difference in the cross-sectional area or thickness of the
fat layer between each group. There were no statistically significant changes in
the lipid profiles except for the triglyceride level. A questionnaire asking about
the effect of mesotherapy indicated poor patient satisfaction.
Conclusion: Mesotherapy is not an effective alternative treatment modality for
body contouring. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 121: 179e, 2008.)

esotherapy is a recently introduced treat- traditional mesotherapy formulations might be ef-
ment that involves the delivery of phar- fective, there have been no peer-reviewed clinical
macologic drugs or substances into the trials that have critically evaluated the efficacy of
mesoderm, which is the layer of fat or connective these localized injections for body contouring.2
tissue under the skin.1 Mesotherapy using differ- Therefore, this study performed clinical trials to
ent substances has been advocated by some to determine the effect of mesotherapy on body con-
treat a variety of conditions as varied as chronic touring.
pain, psoriasis, cellulite, weight loss, and local obe-
sity control. In particular, mesotherapy has been PATIENTS AND METHODS
advocated by some doctors or physicians and used This randomized, prospective, clinical trial
as a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction for sev- was carried out on volunteers who had localized
eral years. The pharmacologic drugs or substances obesity but no cellulite on their thighs and were
most frequently injected for body contouring are younger than 40 years (range, 22 to 40 years).
phosphatidylcholine, isoproterenol, aminophyl- Twenty female patients were enrolled in this study.
line, caffeine, L-carnitine, buflomedil, calcitonin, All the volunteers provided written informed con-
and others. Despite the number of anecdotal re- sent and accepted the possibility of side or adverse
ports and data suggesting that the components of effects, including infections, pain, and unreliable
or ineffective result associated with the procedure.
From the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, This study was approved and granted by the uni-
Korea University Medical Center. versity research committee (institutional review
Received for publication November 7, 2006; accepted Jan- board) in December of 2005. The study was also
uary 24, 2007.
Presented at the 60th Congress of the Korean Society of Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgeons and the 24th Congress of the
Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, in Busan, Ko- Disclosure: None of the authors has a financial
rea, May 25, 2006. interest in any of the products, devices, or drugs
Copyright ©2008 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons mentioned in this article.
DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000304611.71480.0a 179e
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2008

carried out in accordance with the International every month to determine the lipid profile during
Conference of Harmonization good clinical prac- the follow-up. The girth of both thighs was mea-
tice guidelines. sured at the upper, middle, and lower third por-
tions using a measuring tape, and the average was
Sample Preparation calculated to two decimal places and rounded off
One of the medial thighs of each patient was to one decimal place. To eliminate any interob-
selected randomly for mesotherapy, with no in- server difference, the same nurse, who was blinded
tervention being performed on the other. A 5-ml to this study, measured the girth of the thigh be-
solution containing 2 ml of aminophylline (25 fore treatment. The circumference of the un-
mg/ml), 1 ml of 1% lidocaine, and 2 ml of bu- treated thigh of each patient was also measured.
flomedil (10 mg/ml) was prepared. Before the Computed tomography was performed on 10 of
procedure, the patient received an ice massage to the 20 patients before and 1 to 2 weeks after the
reduce the level of pain. An imaginary straight line end of the clinical trial. The change in the amount
connecting the symphysis pubis to the medial mar- of fat was measured by calculating the cross-sec-
gin of the patella was drawn, and a 10 ⫻ 10-cm area tional area of the total fat and the thickness of the
was made, in which the center was the point di- fat layer from the medial margin of the adductor
viding the line by two-thirds. The solution was longus muscle to the skin. At the same time, the
injected into the superficial dermis every 2 to 4 changes in the blood lipid profiles such as triglyc-
mm2 using a mechanical delivery gun for meso- eride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-
therapy (Pistor4; MI-Medical, Chanac, France). The density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol,
treatment was repeated in the same thigh at every phospholipid, total lipid, and free fatty acid were
week for 3 months (Figs. 1 and 2). also checked. A questionnaire was given to the
subjects to inquire about their experience with
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Mesotherapy mesotherapy. Two women did not answer the
on Body Contouring questionnaire and 18 women replied as to how
The patients were monitored every month to much they were satisfied with the final results. This
measure the girth of both thighs. In addition, the was presented in the form of a Likert-type scale
body fat composition was analyzed (InBody 4.0; ranging from 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to 5 (ex-
Biospace, Seoul, Korea), and blood was sampled tremely satisfied). The women were also asked

Fig. 1. A 10 ⫻ 10-cm square was drawn (arrow) on the medial thigh, and mesotherapy was
performed with a mesogun. Photographs obtained before treatment (left) and 3 months after the
mesotherapy (right).

Volume 121, Number 4 • Mesotherapy for Body Contouring

Fig. 2. Computed tomographic scans of both thighs for measuring the cross-sectional areas and thick-
ness of fat.

whether they would recommend mesotherapy to Although not statistically significant, there was a
others. 0.6-cm decrease in the girth of the thigh in the
treated areas and a 0.3-cm decrease on the con-
Statistical Analysis tralateral side (Table 2).
All the data were coded in a standardized for-
mat and analyzed using SPSS version 12.0 (SPSS,
Inc., Chicago, Ill.) The descriptive statistics given Cross-Sectional Area and Thickness of the
are the mean and SD. The statistical significance Fat Layer
for the changes in the girth of the thigh, the cross- The computed tomographic evaluation pro-
sectional areas of the fat layer, and the thickness vided more detailed information about the effect
between the treated and control sides was evalu- of mesotherapy. The cross-sectional areas of the
ated using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. A com- treated thigh decreased by 3.8 cm2 (average),
parison of the blood lipid profiles between pre- whereas that of the contralateral side decreased by
treatment and posttreatment sample was also 2.5 cm2 (average). The thickness of the fat layer
performed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. decreased by 0.03 cm on the treated area and
The reported p values were two-sided, and a value increased by 0.05 cm on the contralateral side.
of p ⬍ 0.05 was considered significant. However, there were no statistically significant dif-
ferences in either of the cross-sectional areas or
RESULTS the thickness of the fat layer (Tables 3 and 4).
Change in Girth of the Thigh
Although the measurements were obtained on
the fourth, eighth, and twelfth weeks during the Blood Lipid Profile
follow-up period, only the latest measurements are There were some patterns in the decrease in
reported because the measurements taken at the the amount of low-density lipoprotein choles-
fourth and eighth weeks were similar to those terol, total cholesterol, total lipid, free fatty acid,
taken before treatment. There was little change in and triglyceride. However, among these, only
body weight and the amount of body fat observed the change in the triglyceride level was signifi-
in the subjects throughout the study (Table 1). cant. (p ⫽ 0.04) (Table 5).

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2008

Table 1. Patient Summary and Thigh Girth Measurement before and after Mesotherapy
Before Treatment After Treatment

Circumference* Circumference

Sex/Age BW BFP Treated Untreated BW BFP Treated Untreated

Patient (yr) (kg) (%) (cm) (cm) (kg) (%) (cm) (cm)
1 F/35 58.8 28.2 41.3 54.6 59.1 28.2 55.0 54.9
2 F/31 65.1 33.2 63.3 61.5 65.7 32.9 62.5 61.7
3 F/39 62.3 34.5 57.5 55.8 61.7 35.3 55.2 55.4
4 F/22 58.4 34.0 54.4 54.2 59.1 33.5 55.6 55.1
5 F/34 57.1 36.6 52.5 51.7 57.9 38.1 51.6 52.9
6 F/39 61.3 33.9 54.9 54.2 61.8 32.7 54.3 55.4
7 F/23 70.4 34.4 58.5 57.4 72.3 35.7 57.1 55.6
8 F/35 58.8 32.7 51.9 51.7 58.3 33.1 54.2 53.0
9 F/30 75.1 43.7 58.9 59.5 68.5 38.0 55.2 53.4
10 F/35 57.5 30.3 52.0 50.6 58.7 33.1 53.5 51.7
11 F/26 61.2 30.8 56.2 57.0 61.2 32.1 56.6 57.4
12 F/40 68.5 37.5 56.8 55.9 64.2 35.9 54.5 53.8
13 F/24 57.1 32.3 56.4 56.4 56.9 31.7 56.3 55.6
14 F/25 61.7 61.0 60.4 61.4 58.5 43.5 58.4 59.0
15 F/29 80.4 44.1 64.5 62.5 83.8 42.3 63.9 64.1
16 F/26 51.6 27.4 50.5 51.7 51.5 24.9 49.2 51.9
17 F/31 66.6 34.0 57.6 55.9 67.7 34.6 57.6 56.9
18 F/24 72.1 38.0 61.6 59.9 70.2 36.0 59.7 60.2
19 F/37 55.7 30.1 53.1 51.7 55.6 33.3 53.9 52.3
20 F/27 47.4 29.5 50.8 51.9 48.0 30.0 49.6 50.5
Average F/31 62.4 35.3 56.3 55.8 62.0 34.2 55.7 55.5
BW, body weight; BFP, body fat percentage.
*Average values of upper, middle, and lower circumference of thigh.

Table 2. Changes in Thigh Girth after Mesotherapy They regarded mesotherapy as being not so ef-
(n ⴝ 20)* fective (67 percent) or ineffective (33 percent) in
Thigh Girth reducing the girth of the thigh. There were no
volunteers who wanted the same treatment on the
Before After contralateral side of their thigh, and none would
Treatment Treatment recommend this treatment to others as a body
Thigh (cm) (cm) Change† p‡
contouring procedure.
Treated side 56.3 ⫾ 4.1 55.7 ⫾ 3.7 –0.6 ⫾ 1.5 0.380
Untreated side 55.8 ⫾ 3.7 55.5 ⫾ 3.5 –0.3 ⫾ 1.8
*Values are reported as a mean ⫾ SD.
†Calculated by the girth of the thigh after treatment minus the There are a large number of protocols or treat-
pretreatment value. ment formulas used in mesotherapy. Because each
‡Obtained by using the Wilcoxon signed rank test to compare the
change in girth of the treated side with that of the untreated side. protocol differs from doctor to doctor, it is not
possible to test the effect of each formula as a
standard protocol for injection lipolysis. The pro-
posed current cocktail formulas or protocols for
Questionnaire lipolysis can be found at web sites such as http://
Regarding the level of satisfaction with the
effect of mesotherapy, all of the patients answered ACSM_Body_contouring_pg142-143.pdf (e.g.,
with a Likert-type scale as either 4 (very dissatis- phosphatidylcholine, hyaluronidase, aminophyl-
fied) or 5 (extremely dissatisfied). Eighty-nine per- line, artichoke extract, collagenase, melliotis,
cent of patients confessed that they had been at- L-carnitine, pentoxifylline, buflomedil, and oth-
tempting to quit the treatment before the end of ers). Although there are few reports on the effec-
the experiment. The reasons for attempting to tiveness of each formula used in injection lipolysis,
quit the therapy during the treatment course were aminophylline and buflomedil are common in-
pain (56 percent) and the negative expectation gredients in mesotherapy used for lipolysis, irre-
regarding the effect of mesotherapy (44 percent). spective of the addition of other pharmacologic
In terms of the subjective scales regarding the agents.
effectiveness of mesotherapy, all of the patients In adipocytes, the effects of catecholamines
expressed negative thoughts about mesotherapy. and the mechanisms that mediate them have been

Volume 121, Number 4 • Mesotherapy for Body Contouring

Table 3. Cross-Sectional Fat Area Measured by Computed Tomography and a Comparison of the Changes after
Mesotherapy between the Treated and Untreated Control (n ⴝ 10)*
Mean Fat Area (mm2)

Thigh Before Treatment† After Treatment† Change‡ p§

Treated side 15,121.3 ⫾ 3010.5 14,742.0 ⫾ 2816.6 –379.3 ⫾ 1244.0 0.285
Untreated side 15,006.4 ⫾ 2868.5 14,756.2 ⫾ 2996.1 –250.2 ⫾ 1243.0
*Ten patients were chosen randomly using a table of random sampling digits.
†Values are reported as the mean ⫾ SD.
‡Calculated by the girth of the thigh after treatment minus the pretreatment value.
§Obtained by using the Wilcoxon signed rank test to compare the change in girth of the treated side with that of the untreated side.

Table 4. Fat Thickness Measured by Computed Tomography and a Comparison of the Changes after
Mesotherapy between the Treated and Untreated Control (n ⴝ 10)*
Thigh Girth (cm)

Thigh Before Treatment† After Treatment† Change‡ p§

Treated side 2.66 ⫾ 0.57 2.63 ⫾ 0.63 –0.03 ⫾ 0.24 0.474
Untreated side 2.68 ⫾ 0.52 2.73 ⫾ 0.67 0.05 ⫾ 0.36
*Ten patients were chosen randomly using the table of random sampling digits.
†Values are mean ⫾ SD.
‡Calculated by girth of the thigh after treatment minus the pretreatment value.
§Obtained by using the Wilcoxon signed rank test to compare the change in the girth of the treated side with that of the untreated side.

Table 5. Changes of Lipid Profiles after Mesotherapy (n ⴝ 20)

Before Treatment After Treatment Change
Lipid (mg/dl) (mg/dl)* (mg/dl) p†
Total cholesterol 179 ⫾ 28.0 168.8 ⫾ 22.5 –7.1 ⫾ 14.8 0.206
HDL cholesterol 65.9 ⫾ 12.6 66.0 ⫾ 13.3 0.1 ⫾ 6.5 0.779
LDL cholesterol 107.4 ⫾ 17.0 99.0 ⫾ 15.7 –8.4 ⫾ 11.1 0.068
Total lipid 604.6 ⫾ 82.4 582.0 ⫾ 62.0 –22.6 ⫾ 40.8 0.123
Phospholipid 195.1 ⫾ 31.8 196.9 ⫾ 20.2 1.8 ⫾ 20.4 1.0
Triglyceride 78.6 ⫾ 17.2 68.4 ⫾ 19.5 –10.3 ⫾ 11.2 0.042*
Free fatty acid 155.0 ⫾ 22.8 148.0 ⫾ 25.7 –7.0 ⫾ 15.6 0.183
HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein.
*Blood sampling was carried out on all the patients at every monthly visit for the mesotherapy treatment and 1 to 2 weeks after the end of
the clinical trial. Time-series analysis showed that the lipid profiles had no statistical patterns or significance among the acquired samples. The
last result of lipid profiles is described.
†Lipid profiles of pretreatment and posttreatment samples were compared by using the Wilcoxon signed ranked test. The results show a
significant difference (p ⬍ 0.05).

examined extensively. Lipolysis is signaled by ␤-ad- level, which in turn, activates the hydrolysis of adi-
renergics. An antilipolytic signal is transduced by pose tissue triglycerides.4 The latter drug used in this
␣2-adrenergics.3 Therefore, compounds that pro- study, buflomedil hydrochloride, is a vasoactive drug
mote ␤-adrenergic activation and ␣2-adrenergic that is considered to have a lipolytic or mesodrainge
inhibition might increase the rate of lipolysis in fat effect by inhibiting the ␣-adrenoceptors.5 However,
cells.1 there is some controversy regarding the effect of
Aminophylline and buflomedil were used as aminophylline. There was an experimental report
pharmacologic drugs in this clinical trial because demonstrating an increase in the plasma free fatty
they are commonly used in mesotherapy by gen- acid with an intravenous aminophylline injection.4
eral practitioners. Although the mechanism of Greenway et al. reported that after administering
mesotherapy has been suggested to be a mixed a 10% aminophylline ointment with a calorie-
mechanism involving mesolipolysis, mesodrain- restricted diet, the patient’s weight decreased by
age, and mesodissolution, the former is consid- 3.3 ⫾ 2.2 kg and the thigh girth was decreased by
ered to involve xanthine derivatives and ␣2-adren- 0.77 ⫾ 0.66 cm (p ⬍ 0.001 by analysis of variance).6
ergics by inhibiting phosphodiesterase, increasing However, Kim et al.7 reported no fat-reducing ef-
the intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate fect after a subcutaneous injection of aminophyl-

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2008

line to the abdomen in a rat model. Nevertheless, (30 percent) whose thigh circumference actually
there are many practitioners who use aminophyl- increased after mesotherapy.
line empirically either orally or through the sub- It is possible that abdominal fat is different
cutaneous route to control obesity, without pro- from thigh fat. Matarasso and Pfeifer1 showed that
viding any reliable data. adipocytes in the thigh regions contain more ␣2-
There are several radiographic methods for receptors. Therefore, fat in this area is believed
measuring the subcutaneous fat thickness.8 –11 Sei- to be more resistant to lipolysis. However, one
dell et al.12 reported that the subcutaneous adi- experimental study, in which aminophylline was
pose-tissue areas measured by magnetic resonance injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the ab-
imaging are almost identical to those obtained by domen, also concluded that a subcutaneous in-
computed tomography. In contrast, they showed jection of aminophylline is not effective in reduc-
that movement artifacts are a larger problem with ing the amount of regional and systemic fat.
magnetic resonance imaging than with computed Another possible limitation is that this study was
tomography. Accordingly, considering cost-effec- not a double-blind or true case-control study.
tiveness, computed tomography was used for the However, the authors believe such a study may not
fat thickness measurement, even though there are be adequate because it may add a new confound-
some disadvantages of exposures to radiation and ing factor: the possibility of inflammation-medi-
scarce presence of the beam-hardening effect. ated fat necrosis or resorption if a placebo is in-
Although there is a preliminary report contra- jected into the skin.16
dictory to this result,13 there was no body contouring Mesotherapy, in general, is classified accord-
observed in this study. There were no statistically ing to the depth of the injection into the epider-
significant changes in thigh girth, cross-sectional mic, intradermic superficial, and intradermic lay-
area, or laboratory values for the lipid profile except ers. The intradermic superficial method, using a
for a decrease in the triglyceride level in the blood, mechanical delivery gun, was adopted for meso-
which might be an indirect effect of the method therapy, which is known to produce only slight
of aminophylline absorption into the systemic pain during the procedure.15 However, most pa-
circulation.14 tients (56 percent) experienced severe pain dur-
Some mesotherapists suggest that mesotherapy ing the procedure, even though lidocaine had
for local obesity has little effect without a calo- been added to the solution and a cold massage was
rie-restricted diet and an adjuvant exercise performed before the procedure. Accordingly, it
program.15 In addition, some insist that the mech- is believed that the pain developed as a result of
anism for the effect of mesotherapy is too com- the mesotherapy itself and was not caused by the
plex. However, it is unclear whether any positive surgeons. Therefore, a topical anesthetic cream
result for mesotherapy with a calorie-controlled might be helpful before these procedures.
diet and exercise program is attributable to the There are no clinical reports demonstrating
mesotherapy itself or to the other components of the effectiveness of mesotherapy for body con-
the treatment. The authors believe that medical touring in the Korean or English literature. The
practice should not be based on an uncertainty U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not ap-
principle. Some may insist that the present study proved the subcutaneous use of the medications
was inaccurate because mesotherapy depends on commonly used in mesotherapy. Moreover, there
the therapeutic skill of the clinician. However, are many reports showing unexpected infections
practitioner-based bias did not occur because a or adverse reactions to mesotherapy.17–21 Rohrich22
consistent power and depth were achieved in this reported that the physician’s duty is to provide pa-
study using a mechanical delivery gun. Neverthe- tients with safe, proven methods of medical care; this
less, the relatively small sample size might have is a statement with which the authors absolutely
affected the statistical power of the data. Although agree. Therefore, more clinical trials will be needed
use of an appropriate statistical methodology does to demonstrate the effectiveness of mesotherapy.
not fully overcome this limitation, use of the Wil-
coxon signed rank test, which is a nonparametric CONCLUSIONS
test, reflects the study’s characteristic at least in Although there are a few reports showing that
part. There was a nonspecific decreasing pattern mesotherapy is partially effective for some medical
of average thigh girth or lipid profile, but this is conditions,23,24 there is a recent report showing
believed to be a temporary disuse phenomenon or that mesotherapy does not provide any significant
the result of the systemic absorption of the phar- benefit.25 Mesotherapy was not found to be an
macologic agents. Moreover, there were six cases effective treatment modality for controlling local

Volume 121, Number 4 • Mesotherapy for Body Contouring

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