Class 8 History Chapter 8

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Class 8 Social Science (History)

Chapter 8 Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation

Que1. Match the following:


Que 2. State whether true or false

1. James Mill was a severe critic of the Orientalists.- True

2. The 1854 Despatch on education was in favour of English being introduced as a medium of
higher education in India.- True
3. Mahatma Gandhi thought that the promotion of literacy was the most important aim of
education.- False
4. Rabindranath Tagore felt that children ought to be subjected to strict discipline.- False

Que 3. Why did William Jones feel the need to study Indian history, philosophy and law?
Ans: 1.William Jones came to represent a particular attitude towards India. He shared a deep
respect for ancient cultures, both of India and of the West.

2.Jones and Colebrooke felt that India had attained its glory in the ancient past. It declined
later on. In order to understand India, it was necessary to discover the sacred and legal texts
produced in the past.

3.These texts would reveal the ideas and laws of Hindus and Muslims and would form the
basis of future development.

4.Jones and Colebrooke believed that their project would help the British learn from Indian
culture. Indians would also rediscover their own heritage. In this way the British would become
guardians and masters of Indian culture.

Que 4.Why did James Mill and Thomas Macaulay think that European education was essential in
Ans:1.James Mill was the strongest critic of the Orientalists.
2.He declared that the British should not teach what the natives wanted, or what they
respected, in order to please them and “win a place in their heart”.

3.Indians should be made familiar with the scientific and technical advances that the West
had made, and not the sacred literature of the Orient.

4.Macaulay urged the British government in India to stop wasting public money in
promoting Oriental learning, for it had no practical use.

5.He felt that knowledge of English would allow Indians to read some of the finest literature
the world had produced; it would make them aware of the developments in Western
science and philosophy.

6.The teaching of English could thus be a way of civilizing people, changing their tastes,
values, and culture.

Que 5. Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children handicrafts?

Ans: Mahatma Gandhi wanted to teach children handicraft because of the following reasons:

 People would work with their hands.

 The craft would develop their minds.
 It would also develop their capacities to understand.

Que 6. Why did Mahatma Gandhi think that English education had enslaved Indians?
Ans: 1.According to Mahatma Gandhi, colonial education created a sense of inferiority in the
minds of Indians. He said it made them see Western civilisation as superior which destroyed the
pride they had in their own culture.
He said: It was sinful—it enslaved Indians—it cast an evil spell on them.

2.Charmed by the West, appreciating everything that came from the West, Indians
educated in these institutions admired British rule.

3.Mahatma Gandhi wanted an education that could help Indians recover their sense of
dignity and self-respect.

4.Mahatma Gandhi -strongly was in favour of Indian languages to be the medium of


5.Education in English crippled Indians and distanced them from their own social
surroundings. This made them “straneers in their own lands”. Speaking a foreign tongue
(language) despised local culture.

Mahatma Gandhi further said that western education focused on reading and writing rather
than oral knowledge;

 It valued textbooks rather than life experience and practical knowledge.

 He said education should develop a person’s mind and soul.
 Literacy or simply learning to read and write—by itself did not count as education.

People had to work with their hands and learn a craft. They should know how different
things operated.
Question 1.
Choose the correct option.
(i) The ideas of William Jones were supported by
(a) James Mill
(b) Thomas Macaulay
(c) Charles Wood
(d) Henry Thomas Colebrooke

(ii) A madrasa was set up in Calcutta in 1781 to promote the study of

(a) Urdu
(b) Arabic
(c) Ancient history of India
(d) Muslim religion

(iii) Who attacked the Orientalists?

( a) James Mill
(b) Thomas Macaulay
(c) Both (a) to (b)
(d) None of the above

(iv) The name associated with the establishment of Serampore Mission

(a) Thomas Macaulay
(b) Henry Thomas Colebrooke
(c) William Carey
(d) William Jones

(v) William Adam toured the districts of

(a) Bihar and Orissa
(b) Bihar and Bengal
(c) Bengal and Rajasthan
(d) Orissa and Madhya Pradesh
(i) (d), (ii) (b), (iii) (c), (iv) (c), (v) (b).

Short Answer Type Questions

Que 1.Name the different languages that William Jones studied.
Ans:Greek, Latin, English, French, Arabic and Persian.

Que 2. Why was Calcutta Madrasa set up?

Ans: Calcutta Madrasa was set up to promote the study of Arabic, Persian and Islamic law.

Que 3.Why was the Hindu College established in Benaras?

Ans: The Hindu College was established in Benaras to encourage the study of ancient Sanskrit
texts that would be useful for the. administration of the country.

Que 4.Name two individuals who sharply attacked the Orientalists.

Ans: James Mill and Thomas Babington Macaulay.
Que 5. What did Thomas Macaulay urge the British government in India?
Ans:Thomas Macaulay urged the British government in India to stop wasting public money in
promoting Oriental learning for it was of no practical use.

Ques 6.How were Oriental institutions like the Calcutta Madrasa and Benaras Sanskrit College
viewed by the British?
Ans:These Oriental institutions were viewed as temples of darkness that were falling of
themselves into decay.

Que 7.Name the places where the British established universities.

Ans:Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

Que 8.Where were classes held under the system of pathshalas?

Ans:Classes were held under a banyan tree or in the comer of a village shop or temple or at the
guru’s home.

Que 9.What type of education was given to the children in pathshalas?

Ans:Children were given oral education in pathshalas.

Que 10.Why were classes not held during harvest time?

Ans:It was because rural children had to work in the fields during harvest time.

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