Program: B.Ed. Session: Spring 2021 SUBJECT: Assessment Measurement & Evaluation Max Marks: 20 Name: Zainab Javed 1 Semester

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SUBJECT: Assessment Measurement & Evaluation



1ST Semester

Q1 :Define Test, Measurement, Assessment & Evaluation.


A test supposed to be able to measure learning outcome which distinguish the every single student’s
ability between students already mastered and not yet the learning material. Therefore, testing is one of
the powerful tools to measure students’ abilities as well as enhance their attitudes towards learning.

Definition of Measurement

The process of obtaining a numerical description of the degree to which an individual possesses a
particular characteristic.


The quantitative score used for evaluation is called measurement.

The measurement has two essentials

1. Quantitative value

2. Consistent value

Concept of Assessment


The word ‘assess’ comes from the Latin word ‘assidere’ meaning ‘to sit with’.
assessment is supposed to sit with the learner. Something we do ‘with’ and ‘for’ students and not ‘to’


 Feedback regarding Strengths & weaknesses

 Monitoring students' progress.

 Determining one's own instructional effectiveness.

 Teachers' instructional intentions.

 Guiding the growth of individual pupils.

 To diagnose the weakness and strength of pupils.

 To locate areas where remedial measures are needed.

To provide basis for a modification of the curriculum and course

Definition of Evaluation

Evaluation is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to determine the
extent to which pupils are achieving instructional objectives.


It is process of collecting and analyzing data in order to make decisions.


 Decision making

 Grading

 Classification

 Promotion

 Reward and punishment

Q 2: What is the Concept of Essay Type Test. Give its merits and limitations.


CONCEPT of Essay Type Test

 Relatively easier to prepare and administer.

 Can assess an examinee’s ability to organize and present his ideas in a logical and coherent
fashion and in effective prose.

 Can be successfully employed for practically all school subjects.

Merits of Essay Type Test

 Ability to criticize or justify a statement, ability to interpret etc. organizing the arguments for
and against, etc.

 Logical thinking and critical reasoning, systematic presentation etc. can be best developed by
this type of test.

 It helps induce good study habits such as making outlines and summaries,

 The student can show their initiative, the originality of their thought and the fertility of their
imagination, as they are permitted freedom of response.

 The response of the students need not be completely right or wrong. All degrees of
comprehensiveness and accuracy are possible.

It largely eliminates guessing.

Limitations of Essay Type Test

Limited sampling of the content: -

 It means few questions can be included in given test. Example if in one particular book 18
chapter are given, teacher cannot ask question from all the chapters. They have to neglect some

2. Subjectivity of scoring:

 If all students are writing same answer of one question, why they get different marks? In essay
test answer of question are scored differently by different teacher. Even the same teacher
scores the answer differently at different times.

Halo effects:

 It means teacher knows the particular student very well and has good impression because of his
previous paper and writing skills.

3. Skilled Assessor Required

Only a teacher or competent professionals can assess it.

Examiner contaminated by various factors:

 The examiner is contaminated by various factors like hand writing, spelling, grammar etc .

4. Excessive Time

 It requires an excessive time on the part of students to write.

 The speed of writing can influence the performance of the learner. This results in low scores
even if the learner may know the correct answer of all questions.

 It may not provide a true picture of the comprehension level of the leaner. Grammars may get
good marks.

Q3: How can Essay Type Items be scored effectively?


 Suggestions for scoring

1. Prepare on outline of the expected answers in advance, showing what points are required
and the credits to be allowed for each. This will provide a common frame of reference for
evaluating the individual papers

Decide in advance that factors are to be measured. If the ability to organize, to interpret or to
apply the principles is to be assessed, the examiner should not allow him to be biased by bad
handwriting, spelling, sentence structure or neatness

Examination should be scored as far as possible by the one who frames the questions. He is the
person who can give a clear picture of the expected responses whenever more than one
examiner is involved; they should be brought together to develop a uniform scoring procedure.
Model answers and marking schemes may be discussed and finalized in this meeting

Grade the paper as nearly anonymously as possible, the less you know about who wrote an

 Score one question through all of the papers before considering another question. This type of
scoring permits the examiner to concentrate on the answer to a single question and to judge
better the merits of several pupils responses to the same question.
When important decisions such as selection for awards or scholarships are to be based on the
results, obtain two or more independent rating and average them.

 The mechanics of expression (legibility, spelling, punctuation, grammar) should be judged

separately from what the student writes i.e. the subject matter content. Provide comments and
correct answers in the answer book. This will explain the teacher’s, method of assigning a
particular score or grade to particular paper.

Q4: Explain Objective Type Test and its types.


Objective Type Test

Essential Features

 Answer a large no. of questions

 Select one of the limited no. of possible answers or supply a short answer consisting of a word
or phrase

 Freedom of response is completely restricted

 Scoring key previously established by the test maker

 Objective type test gives scope for wider sampling of the content.

 It can be scored objectively and easily. The scoring will not vary from time to time or from
examiner to examiner.

 This test reduces (a) the role of luck and (b) cramming of expected questions. As a result, there
is greater reliability and better content validity.

 This type of question has greater motivational value.

 It possesses economy of time, for it takes less time to answer than an essay test. Comparatively,
many test items can be presented to students. It also saves a let of time of the scorer.

 Brief outlines of the eight main types of objective tests

are discussed ,
The main types are:
(1) Matching Test,
(2) Multiple Choice Test,
(3) True False Tests,
(4) Correct/Incorrect Test,
(5) Simple Recall Test,
(6) Best Answer Test,
(7) Completion Test,
and (8) Classification Test.
 1. Matching Test:
 Under column ‘A’ names of certain books and under ‘B’ names of
certain authors are given. Write down the names of the right
authors under column ‘C.
 ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C

2. Multiple Choice Test:

Below are given a few questions. Against each are given a number of

One of these is correct, Underline the same.

(a) Who was Kalidasa? (King, Poet, Scientist)

(b) What was the capital of Kanishka?

(Pataliputra, Ujjaini, Parashpur)

3. True False Tests:

Certain statements are given below. Against each statement two words
are mentioned.

That is true and false. Underline the correct one.


(a) People used to love their houses during the Mauryan period.


(b) Similar triangles are congruent. (True/False)

(c) Supplementary angles are equal. (True/False)

4. Correct/Incorrect test:
Some sentences are given below. Against each are mentioned two
words that is correct and incorrect. Underline the correct one.

(a) Ram has been absent from the school from last Saturday.


(b) Hari prefers English to French. (Correct/Incorrect)

5. Simple Recall Test:

Write in one word the answer of the following:
(a) What is the per capita income in India?

(b) What is the per capita income in U.K.? ,

(c) What is the exchange value of the Indian Rupee in terms of the

6. Best Answer Test:

Put market against the best answer, (a) Alexander didn’t proceed
further. The reason was that
He didn’t know to route

(ii) His forces refused to go further.

(iii) He was defeated by some king.

7. Completion Test:
Fill in the blank by appropriate word in the following:
(i) To be wealth, a thing must have scarcity, utility and…..

(ii) You should refrain….doing undesirable things.

8. Classification Test:
In each line, underline the word that doesn’t belong to the group.

Harbour, export, import, mountains.

(a) Tulasidas, Kabir, Surdas, Napoleon

(b) Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi

(c) Cat, Horse, Cow, Tree

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