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Rocks and Rock Types

Points to remember:
1. Earth's crust is hard and made of --- rocks and soil
2. Places where rocks are found ---on and below the land surface
3. Different types of rocks --- a)Igneous rock or primary rocks
b)Sedimentary or secondary rocks and 3)Metamorphic rocks
4. Examples of igneous rocks ---basalt, pumice, granite, dolomite, etc.
5. Use of diamonds ---in ornaments
6. Place where laterite is found --- South Konkan
7. Examples of sedimentary rocks--- sandstone, limestone, shale, coral,
8. The buried remains of dead animals or plants when subjected to
heavy pressure leave their impressions in the rocks. At times, the
buried animals or plants get petrified in it leading to its formation ---
9. Characteristics of igneous rocks --- formed out of material from the
interior of the earth, hard, heavy and homogeneous
10. Use of coal--- fuel

Exercises (Textbook pg no. 44)

A) How is sand that flows in a river formed? Collect some

information about where the sand comes from.
Ans: i) Moving streams are so powerful that they can wear away rocks.
ii) Rocks on higher land get eroded due to the strong current of the streams
and they in turn get carried away into the sea.
iii) Silt too is brought down from the mountain top from where the streams
iv) Most of the sand in the river is silt carried by the streams and the
weathered material from inland rocks transported by the streams.
v) The moving soil and rock with the stream termed as erosion can be
summed up as a cause of sand formation in a river.
B) Which of the following monuments are built in igneous rocks?
1. The Taj Mahal 2. The Red fort 3. Fort Raigad 4.Ellora Sculpture
Ans: Ellora Sculpture and Fort Raigad.

C) Find the differences between-

1. Igneous Rocks and Sedimentary Rocks

Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks

1.Igneous rocks are 1. Sedimentary rocks are
formed by cooling down formed through
and solidifying molten deposition and
materials from the compaction of sediments,
interior of the earth. especially rock particles
carried by rivers,
glaciers, wind, etc.
2. Igneous rocks are 2. Sedimentary rocks
hard, heavy and are light in weight
homogeneous. and brittle.
3. Igneous rocks do not 3. Sedimentary rocks
contain fossils. may contain fossils.
4.Igneous rocks are 4. Sedimentary rocks are
referred to as primary referred to as secondary
rocks. rocks.
5. Examples of igneous 5. Examples of
rocks are basalt, pumice, sedimentary rocks are
granite, dolomite, etc. sandstone, limestone,
shale,corals, etc.
2. Sedimentary Rocks and Metamorphic Rocks

Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks

1. Sedimentary rocks are formed 1. Metamorphic rocks are
through deposition and formed out of recrystallization
compaction of sediments, of the original rocks due to
especially rock particles carried by tremendous heat and
rivers, glaciers, wind, etc. pressure.
2.Sedimentary rocks are light in 2. Metamorphic rocks are hard
weight and brittle. and heavy.
3.Sedimentary rocks may contain 3.Metamorphic rocks do not
fossils. contain fossils.
4. Examples of sedimentary rocks 4. Examples of metamorphic
are sandstone, limestone, rocks are marble, diamond,
shale,corals, etc. amphibolite, gneiss, slate, etc.

3. Igneous and metamorphic rocks

Igneous Rocks Metamorphic Rocks

1.Igneous rocks are formed by 1. Metamorphic rocks are formed
cooling down and solidifying out of recrystallization of the original
molten materials from the interior rocks due to tremendous heat and
of the earth. pressure.
2. Igneous rocks are hard, heavy 2. Metamorphic rocks are hard and
and homogeneous heavy.
3. These rocks often contain 3. These rocks contain crystals of
crystals of different minerals. the original rocks.
4.Examples of igneous rocks are 4. Examples of metamorphic rocks
basalt, pumice, granite, are marble, diamond, amphibolite,
dolomite,etc. gneiss, slate, etc.
D) Which types of rocks are predominantly found at the following
1. Central Maharashtra - basalt rock
2. South Konkan - laterite and granite rocks
3. Vidarbha - basalt, granite and sedimentary rocks

Extra Questions-Answers
Q.1. Fill in the blanks.
1. Rocks are a mixture of different minerals formed by natural processes
in the lithosphere.
2. We get fossils in sedimentary rocks.
3. Igneous rock is referred to as a primary rock.
4. Water percolating through rocks dissolves the soluble minerals
leading to weathering of rocks.

Q.2. Name the following.

1. Major Rock forming minerals - silica, aluminium, magnesium, iron

2. Hard, homogeneous rocks - igneous rocks

3. Rocks with no fossils - igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks

4. One activity which leads to increased pressure and heat in the

region - volcanic eruption

5. Examples of igneous rocks - granite, basalt, pumice, dolomite, etc.

Q.3 Answer the following in one sentence each:

1. What are rocks?
Ans: Rocks are a mixture of different minerals formed by natural processes
in the lithosphere.
2. What are you igneous rocks?
Ans: When the molten material known as magma within the earth's crust
and lava on the earth's surface cools down, it solidifies giving rise to
igneous rocks.

3. What are fossils?

Ans: Petrified impressions of the buried remains of dead animals or plants
in the rocks are called fossils.

4. Why does Maharashtra not have a large reserve of mineral

Ans: Maharashtra does not have a large reserve of mineral wealth due to
the thick and extensive layers of basalt rocks.

5. Out of which rocks do the metamorphic rocks form?

Ans: The metamorphic rocks form out of igneous rocks and
sedimentary rocks.

6. Of which things is the earth's crust made of?

Ans: The earth's crust is made of rocks and soil.

7. On which factors do the properties of rocks depend?

Ans: The properties of rocks depend on the constituent minerals and their
proportion as well as on the formation process.

4. Answer in brief:
1. What leads to development of sedimentary rocks?
Ans: i) Due to continuous variations in the temperature, rocks develop
ii) Similarly, the water percolating through rocks dissolves the soluble
minerals leading to the weathering of rocks.
iii) They get disintegrated or decomposed i.e. reduced to pieces.
iv) One after the other, layers of sediments get deposited in low lying areas.
v) The upper layers exert heavy pressure on the lower layers.
vi) This leads to compaction of materials and development of sedimentary

2. Write in brief about the formation process of igneous rocks.

Ans: i) When the molten material known as magma ( within the earth's
crust) and lava (on the earth's surface) cools down, it solidifies.
ii) The process of solidification gives rise igneous rocks.

3. Write in brief about the formation process of metamorphic rocks.

Ans: i) Due to a volcanic eruption and other earth's movements, the
igneous or sedimentary rocks are subjected to tremendous pressure and
ii) As its effect, nature and chemical composition of the original rocks
iii) The crystals in the original rocks get recrystallised/ metamorphosed
leading to formation of metamorphic rocks.

4. Explain in brief the distribution of major rocks in Maharashtra.

Ans: i) Basalt rock formed out of volcanic eruption has spread over a vast
region of Maharashtra.
ii) Granite rock is found mainly in the eastern parts and in South Konkan.
iii) Laterite is found in South Konkan in the districts of Sindhudurg and
iv) Sedimentary rock is found in Nandurbar, Dhule, Jalgaon, Buldhana,
Akola and Amravati districts of Maharashtra.

5. What rock was used for building the forts in Maharashtra? Why?
Ans: i) Basalt rock was used for building the forts in Maharashtra. ii) Basalt
Rock appears hard and homogeneous.
iii) Therefore, to increase the security of the fort, it was used for building the
forts in Maharashtra.

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