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Personal Development for Leadership and Strategic Management


haitham khodary

Task (1)
(A) Essential Leadership and Knowledge for the achievement of organizational vision and
First of all, we need to understand the difference between Management and Leadership;
It is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using
available resources efficiently and effectively.
It is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others towards the
achievement of a goal.
The Leader should have The key qualities of Leadership to guide him to be an Effective Leader,
for example, but not limited to:

 The Leader must have a vision for evaluating the actions required to implement the
 The Leader must be a Decision maker, not only a decision taker but also know how to
make the right decisions at the right time.
 The Leader must have politically aware, which is considered one of the most recent skills
required for the great Leader to help his social influence with others.
 Self-confidence
 Good Resources allocator
 Good coach and mentor
 Self-awareness
 Adaptable
 Sociable communicator
 Analytical
 Have Empathy
 Open-minded
At the same time, other factors impact the achievement of organizational vision and strategy,
which is the Environmental Factors.
It can be External Factors or Internal Factors; Therefore comes the importance of doing the
Environmental scanning to help the Leader evaluate these factors.
Environmental Scanning:
The monitoring and evaluation of information of the organization's environment that is relevant
to the organizational development of strategy

External Environmental Factors

Internal Environmental Factors
1. Natural Physical Environment
1. Organization Structure
2. Societal Environment 2. Organization Culture
3. Task Environment (Government- 3. Organization Physical Resources

(B) Theories for Leadership and Management:

1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Maslow argued that people had to have their physical needs substantially satisfied
before they worried seriously about security. When they had their security needs
substantially met sated, they became more concerned about social interaction.
However, when they get to the highest level, self-fulfillment, it does not work the same.
People at the self-fulfillment level never get sated. They seek more self-fulfillment.
2. Theory X, Y & Z
- These theories include Douglas McGregor for X and Y and Dr. William Ouchi and W. J.
Reddin for Z. They describe how management style is influenced by managers'
perceptions of their employees. Theory X considers the positions for employees dislike
and try to avoid work, so management needs to control, motivate and closely supervise
the workforce. Theory Y maintains that employees are self-motivated, enjoy work under
conducive conditions, and seek opportunities to excel. Therefore, theory Y managers
establish a climate of trust with the workforce, involving employees in decision-making,
allowing them to exercise their talents and seek further responsibilities. Finally, theory Z
derives from theory Y, promoting employee loyalty, concern, and security, both in and
out of work.
3. Traits Theory (Kirkpatrick and Locke) (1991)
- They argued that key leadership traits include: Drive, a broad term that includes
achievement, motivation, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative. Leadership
motivation the desire to lead but not to seek power as an end in itself.
4. Leadership Styles:
- Autocratic
- Democratic
- Consultative
- Delegative
- Situational
It is realized that this analysis is not without complexity or controversy. It would be simple if we could
boil it all down to a specific theory, put on our favorite managerial helmet, and watch the revolving door
of human capital spin until we get the right people to fit our workplace culture. However, dumbing
down our perceptions of the complexity of human relationships is inefficient and wasteful. Instead, we
can have a general framework for culture in an organization. However, effective management will also
establish individual relationships, establish individual expectations, and establish individual parameters.
In essence, manage the spectrum of motivation.

(C) Key Qualities Ranking:

Ranking Key Qualities Justification

1 Communicator Communicating content and strategies internally and externally. In
addition, successful communication requires a diplomatic touch-this
too is an important leadership quality.

2 Role Model Leaders also function as role models. The Leader who need something
from their employees that they will not do quickly lose their credibility.

3 Good Allocator Making decisions and assume responsibility, and delegating the tasks.
for Resources Motivating the employees and ensure their loyalty.
4 Motivation Motivating employees, inspiring them. (Only motivated employees are
good employees).

5 Recognize and Managers with leadership qualities have a keen sense of how people
foster potential tick: they recognize special abilities and know how to use them for the
company. Instead of being scared of potential competitors, such
managers encourage talented and motivated employees to transform
them into new leaders.
6 Tolerate We should show a certain degree of tolerance for mistakes. Instead of
mistakes getting angry and criticizing, we should work together to analyze
mistakes, not to repeat them.

7 Flexibility Adjust the leadership style to suit the situation and having this
flexibility to use the different leadership styles

8 Set goals and Set goals for the employees with clear explain what exactly needed
expectations from their side and what is expected. By setting clear goals, realistic
deadlines can expect good results.

9 Self-re-flexion Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, even supervisors. The more
aware of his abilities and the more open they are, the more successful
he will be as a leader.

10 Authenticity Being yourself as a leader by choosing the suitable Leadership style

matching your character

(D) Leadership and Management Knowledge and Skills

Organizational Operations Organizational Strategy
Communicator Visionary
Time Management Analytical
Flexibility Tolerate mistakes
Motivation Good Allocator for Resources and
Role Model Role Model
Set goals and expectations Recognize and foster potential
Task 2
(A) Analysis For My Personal Leadership and Management Skills

1. Motivation
1. Communication
2. Analytical
2. Political
3. Time Management
3. Change Adaption
4. Set goals and expectations

(B) Objectives:

 To improve my communication skills by the end of Q4 2021 to have the ability to explain
my thoughts and ideas to others. Learn how to Listen to others, asking questions to
better understand. Collaborate Well with Remote Teams.
 To improve my political skills by the end of Q3 2021 to enhance my interpersonal
influence, social astuteness, networking ability, and sincerity.
 To improve my change adaption skills by the end of Q1 2022, to help me for learning the
importance of adapting to organizational change and the essential skills needed to
handle it.

(C) Personal Development Plan:

Skills Planned Training Program

Communication Communication Training Program

Political Skills Political Skills Training

Change Adaption Adapting to Change Training
(D) How is achieving the objectives and Personal Development plan support the
Organizational Vision and Strategy:

1. Communication Training Program:

This course will help apply the organization's vision and strategy by having better
communication skills with all Internal and External stakeholders.
It also enhances collaboration with remote teams, especially with the current world situation of
COIVD-19, and starts depending on virtual communication and managing remote teams.
This helps to better understand the organization's vision and strategy with the team and keep
them engaged.
2. Political Skills Training Program:
The political skills training program will help address perceived organizational support, job
satisfaction, and intention to quit; bottom-line to find the moderation effect of psychological
empowerment on prescribed relationships.
Leader political skill is positively associated with organizational commitment, mediated by
subordinate perceptions of ethical Leadership.
The psychologically empowered and dedicated towards the organization, have the degree to
influence someone, having self-efficacy, and are self-determined.
All this will help apply the organizational vision and strategy and increase the team's influence
with fewer stress levels while applying the goals set to achieve the organizational strategy.
3. Adapting to Change Training Program:
The change can be unsettling, but learning how to adapt to changes occurs inside the
organization. The changes create an uncertain period during the adaption until you understand
what these changes will help the organization.
You will find out how to trigger Organizational Change and explore it. There are stages of
reacting to change that people go through when dealing with changes in the organization.
You need to be resilient and adapt to the new opportunities it presents. It's important to not
just survive Organizational Change. With resilience, flexibility, and perseverance, you can help
the organization apply the organization's vision and strategy.
Task 3
(A) Developing and Communicating Organizational Vision
There is a lot of factors affecting the development and creation of the organizational vision, and
we can categorize to the following:
1. External Environmental Factors:

 Economic
 Political
 Legal
 Demographic
 Social
 Competitive
 Global
 Technological
The Following is major factors for the Internal Environmental Factors affecting the organization
development and creation for the vision:
a. Economic:
The most external factor influence the success of any organization is the Economy situation. In
addition, sub-dividend factors affect the economy, such as the interest rate fluctuation, the
crisis that affects buyers' consumption, and the profits of businesses.
Some conditions change over the economy as it goes through expansion and contraction. For
example, a healthy economic condition can be favorable for business development opening
new possibilities for investment. On the other hand, non-healthy economic situations affect the
business scale, capital shortage, or bankruptcy.
Therefore, considering the Economic situation during developing and creating the
organization's vision is the main external factor impacting the organization's vision.
b. Legal:
The Government rules and regulations play an integral role in the development of the
organization's vision.
For example, Singapore's rules and regulations banned chewing gum. Therefore any business
plan for the organization must check what the laws prevent of some certain industries.
Some industries receive support from local government as per their rules and regulations,
which positively impact Business and opening new opportunities for investment.
c. Competition
Competition exists in any field of our life, even in Business. However, when it comes to
competition, entrepreneurs may thrive on being successful or be hurt to lose their position in
the marketplace.
For the good side, competition brings about innovation, better customer service, complacency,
core market understanding, and understanding of your own Business- your strength and your
On the downside, if you are not prepared to change in the competitive market, your company
may be negatively influenced due to scaring investors, market expectations increase,
competitive price, and customer disloyalty.

2. The Internal Environmental Factors:

 Plans & Policies

 Value Proposition
 Human Resource
 Financial and Marketing Resources
 Task Executions or Operations
 Corporate Image and brand equity
 Interpersonal Relationship with employees
 Organizational structure
 Plant/Machinery/Equipment
 Labor Management
 Technology Resources
 Quality and size of Infrastructure
 Financial Forecast
 The founder's Relationship and their decision-making power.
The Following is major factors for the Internal Environmental Factors affecting the organization
development and creation for the vision:
a. Human resources
Businesses built on ideas and digital skills - rather than physical resources are increasingly
where economic value is realized. Therefore, the organization should deal with its treasure
(Human Resources). Evaluating their practical skills, performance, and attitudes toward work. If
you have motivated and skilled human resources, they consider as the main assets of the
The Leader should have strategic and effective human management for organizational benefits,
which will implement the organization's vision and implementation of the assigned tasks.
b. Capital resources
The Business grows, and sustainability depends on the Financial capital of the organization.
Therefore, the Leader should take financial capital to invest intangible assets and other
resources, such as employee training and marketing.
The organization to maintain the budget required for achieving the organization's vision
through other funding resources.
c. Operation efficiency
The practice of improving all internal processes for the production of the organization's services
or products.
The operational efficiency is directly affecting the organization's success in the marketplace.
d. Organizational structure
Having a suitable organizational structure help to set the targets required to serve the
organization's vision. However, whether the organization structure is a centralized system or
decentralized, the most important thing is how effective the structure is when applied to the

(B) The Approaches of Developing and creation of the Organization Vision

There are several approaches for the creation of the organization vision; we will start assessing
the different approaches for creating the organization vision as follows:
1. Bottom-Up Approach:
 This approach depends on encouraging the staff from the low level of the organization
to share their thoughts and ideas for the organization vision and take it up to the top
management level; this approach increases the loyalty for the staff to the organization,
give them more understanding of the organization vision, and let them feel like real
partners for the organization.
2. Third-Party Approach:
 This approach depends on that organization to hire a specialist third party to develop
the shareholders/ Owners of the organization into a Vision statement and support for
putting the targets required to achieve this vision.
3. Committee Board Meeting:
 Designate representatives from Board levels of your organization to participate in a
vision development task force.
4. Vision Quest:
 By holding large group visioning sessions using various techniques ( Brain Storming –
Creativity techniques - Lateral thinking techniques)
5. Survey:
 Conduct an organization-wide survey requesting Input for the company vision.

(C) The Key Factors which impact the communication of Vision to External stakeholders

First, we need to know who is the Stakeholder;

Stakeholder Management is considered one of the most important knowledge areas for
managers to achieve the organizational Vision and Strategy.

Therefore, The Manager first needs to identify all stakeholders ( Internal – External ) for the
organization and sort them out, then we need to collect the information about them and list
them within categories.

As identifying the Stakeholder completed, we start distributing the Stakeholder based on their
Power and Interest into a Map.

Stakeholder Mapping is an exercise to help you to determine who your stakeholders are and
how much engagement communication or consideration they need.

By Mapping and prioritizing your stakeholders, you can focus your attention in the most
impactful way to achieve the organizational goals.

Based on the developed Map, we can start setting out the communication channels, Methods,
and information required to be shared with each Stakeholder as we categorize them into four
1. Low Power with Low Interest: Least important and minimal effort and information need
to be shared.
2. High Power with Low Interest: Keep satisfied and meet their needs and share the
information required.
3. High Power with High Interest: the high-high situation consider as the key player for the
organization who we always need to keep them informed and working closely with
4. Low Power with High Interest: we always need to keep them informed.

As we keep this Map updated (Dynamic Map), auditing the Stakeholder engagement and
evaluating the effectiveness of the communication plan we set up for the External Stakeholders
and their engagement for our Organization's Vision will facilitate achieving the organization's

(D) Internal Stakeholder

Meanwhile, as we successfully communicate the organization's vision with External
Stakeholders, we need to know the key factors need to gain the commitment of internal
stakeholders when communicating vision, as follows:

Key Factors Evaluation

Effective When you communicate the vision with the Internal Stakeholders, you
Communication need to speak their language. By Simplifying the Vision into goals and
benefits for both sides of the organization and them (Task-Oriented
and People-Oriented)
Setting Goals Setting Goals that are challenging for the team which will motivate
them, make it hard to achieve but not impossible
Participation Keeping the engagement for all Internal Stakeholders and
participating in setting goals for themselves and share them in all
events impacts the organization's in both cases, Good and Bad. This
gives them more loyalty to the organization's vision and increases
their belief in it.
Motivation Keep them motivated with the set goals by applying a rewarding
system and feeling appreciation for their efforts.

Task 4
(A) The Benefits of The Control Process in the Achievement of Personal and Organizational
The Control Process:
After setting the organization's Vision and Mission, we start setting goals and objectives, SMART
(Specified – Measurable – Accountable – Related - Time).
By Setting out the KPI's and Targets, we can start the Control process, which includes the
following actions:
1. Measuring (The Performance achieved)
2. Comparing (The planned against Actual)
3. Taking action ( Verifying the Gap and make the decision accordingly)
When we start the control process:
1. Input (Feedforward -Control) Forestalls the problems.
2. Processes (Concurrent-Control) Apply the corrective actions as problems occurred.
3. Outcomes (Feedback-Control) develop the corrective actions required as per the results.
Types of Strategic Control:
There is three Major Strategic Control for the organization's as follows:
1. Financial Control:
For effective control, you can create financial goals (returns to shareholders, growth,
profitability) and then compare the actual achievement of those goals.
2. Operational Control:
There are two forms of behavior control

 Screening control
 Position control.
Screening Control: meeting standards for product or service quality during the actual
production process/performance process.
Position Control: related to the quality of products after completion of the transformation

3. Behavior Control:
There are two forms of behavior control

 Standardization
 Operating Budgets
Standardization Inputs, conversion activities, and outputs can be standardized in a business
unit. Implementation of strategy requires a control system that reflects the organization's
Managers should guarantee that control of finances and output is accompanied by behavior
controls to achieve goals.
The Operating Budget includes the allocations of resources that need to be used for achieving
goals by managers. Most commonly, managers at one level allocate to managers at a lower
level a specific amount of resources to use to produce goods and services.
Managers' efficiency .depends on to what extent they can stay within the allocated resources
and the budget.
The Benefits for The Control Process:

 Personal Development Strategy:

The control process will allow you to know if the development plan is suitable for developing
your skills or revisiting the strategy itself.
It will help to evaluate the efforts you are spending on achieving the plan.

 Organization Strategy:
The Control Process will help to measure the actual performance based on the achievements,
and comparing it with the goals set as the plan will give the sign is we are achieving the
organization vision or not accordingly we set the corrective actions required and start applying
it, and recheck the outcomes and reevaluate the corrective action based on the results.

(B) Source of Information for the Personal Development Plan

The following Triggers can be used as Control points to evaluate the efforts spend on the
personal development plan, which can be Internal or External:
a. Internal:

 Effectiveness
 Efficiency
 Employee Statuscation
 Effective Communication
 The Productivity
 Team Success
 Waste Effeiecny for Resources
b. External:

 Customer Satisfaction
 Environmental Analysis

Task 5
(A) Report for The Progress of the Personal Development Plan

# Planned Actual Corrective Action

Communication Training Program
Objectives improve my communication The flow of information Need to give more
skills by the end of Q4 2021 to becomes smoother. focus on the creation
have the ability to explain my Collaboration with remote of communication
thoughts and ideas to others. team enhanced. channels with external
Learn how to Listen to others, Maintains engagement with stakeholders
asking questions to better stakeholders.
understand. Collaborate Well Team satisfaction increased
with Remote Teams
Political Skills Training Program
Objectives improve my political skills by Start Building strong relations Keep training and
the end of Q3 2021 to with stakeholders by analyzing focusing on Social
enhance my interpersonal the situation and learning astuteness and
influence, social astuteness, when and how to talk, learn expanding the
networking ability, and how to listen to others, and networking
sincerity accept the difference.
Adapting to Change Training
Objectives improve my change adaption Start having more flexibility for Give more focus on
skills by the end of Q1 2022, to understanding the change and team adaption and
help me for learning the transfer the importance to the spend more effort on
importance of adapting to team and get their alignment self-adaption
organizational change and the and resilience for the changes
essential skills needed to
handle it.

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