Educ 11 The Teacher and The School Curriculum

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Course Details


COURSE NAME The Teacher and the School Curriculum
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course includes the fundamental concepts and principles in curriculum and
curriculum development as foundation to engage prospective teachers as
curricularists. The more active role of the teacher in planning, implementing,
and evaluating school-curriculum as well as in managing school curriculum
change vis-à-vis various concepts to teaching-learning and curriculum reforms
shall be given emphasis.
NUMBER OF UNITS 3 units (Lec.)

B. Course Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. define curriculum and curriculum design
2. analyze the different types of curriculum and curriculum design
3. discuss different curriculum foundations and curriculum conceptions, sources and influences
4. analyze different levels of curriculum planning
5. identify different roles of teachers and school administrators in curriculum planning
6. analyze different curriculum models
7. examine the strength and weaknesses of a curriculum
8. identify curriculum workers and levels of curriculum implementation
9. discuss the factors to consider in implementing curriculum
10. analyze different curriculum evaluation models
11. identify several factors that are considered in evaluating curriculum in the Philippine context
12. define curriculum innovation and different types of curriculum innovations
13. discuss the roles and importance of teachers in curriculum planning and evaluation
14. discuss the roles and importance of teachers as curriculum leaders in the K-12 education Program
15. discuss the process for unpacking curriculum standards and competencies
16. experience unpacking curriculum competencies to identify appropriate instructional strategies and
assessment tools
C. Course Outline

1-2 Understanding Curriculum
1. Definition and types of Curriculum
2. Curriculum Foundation
3. Curriculum Conception
4. Elements of Curriculum
3-4 Curriculum Planning
1. Curriculum Sources and Influences
2. Curriculum Influences
2.2.School Vision, Mission, and Core Values
2.3.Faculty Members
2.4.School Administrators and Board of Trustees
2.5.Accrediting Agencies
2.6.Government Policies and Agencies
2.7.Market Demands
2.9.Church and other resources
5-6 Curriculum Design
1. Definition
2. Different Types
3. Things to Consider
7-8 Curriculum Development
1. Different Curriculum Development Models
2. Analysis of Curriculum Models
9-10 Curriculum Implementation
1. Curriculum Workers
2. Levels of Curriculum Implementation
3. Things to Consider in Curriculum Implementation
11-12 Curriculum Evaluation
1. Purposes of Curriculum Evaluation
2. Curriculum Evaluation in the Classroom
3. Curriculum Evaluation in the School
4. Models of Curriculum Evaluation
13-14 Curriculum Innovation
1. Standards-Based
2. Multicultural
3. Indigenous
4. Brain-Based
5. Conflict Education
6. Differentiated
7. Outcome-Based Education
8. Transition Curriculum
15-16 Teachers as Curriculum Leaders
1. Key roles of Teachers as Leaders in Curriculum Processes
2. Exercising Curriculum Leadership in Selecting Textbooks and other
Instructional Materials
3. Developing Teachers as Curriculum Leaders
17-18 Unpacking Curriculum Standards and Competencies
1. Definition of Curriculum Standards and Competencies
2. Examples of Curriculum standards and Competencies
3. Other Techniques for Unpacking Curriculum Standards and

D. Suggested Teaching Strategies

 Lectures, Forum, Class discussion, Group sharing, Oral reports, Role-Playing, Movie/ Film Viewing
E. Suggested Assessment/Evaluation
 Quizzes, Performance task, long exams, major exam
F. References
The Teacher and the School Curriculum: A Guide to Curriculum Development Practice, Greg Tavios Pauvalen

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