Vocabulary 2: 1 What Is Being Defined? Write The Word or Words After The Sentence

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Vocabulary 2

1 What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot
1 A person who travels on foot. ________________
2 You use these to row a boat. ________________
3 A person who doesn’t eat meat. ________________
4 A piece of equipment that is used for boiling water quickly.
5 A piece of paper you are given when you pay for something in a shop or
restaurant. ________________
6 A man keeps money and credit cards in one. ________________
7 Someone who brings goods such as drugs or alcohol into a country illegally.
8 The decision a jury has to make in a court. It is usually guilty or not guilty.
9 A person who writes music. ________________
10 A type of book which is about the life of a famous person, but not written by
them. ________________

2 Underline the most suitable word.

0 Anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates should read this book.
1 ‘Put the luggage in the boot/bonnet/bumper and let’s get going!’
2 Before you can get on the train you have to go to the ticket box/agency/office.
3 We had the most amazing six portion/course/food meal at Murat and Demet’s
4 John commanded/demanded/ordered the steak but the waiter brought him pasta.
5 I’m not going to that shop again – their prices/costs/sales are very high.
6 How much did you spend/cost/pay for your new handbag?
7 The kidnapper/hijacker/blackmailer pointed his gun and told the pilot to fly to
8 At the end of the court case the judge/jury/lawyer asked the guilty man if he had
anything to say.
9 Have you been to the new opera? The sculptor/editor/composer was so talented.
10 David can’t come to the party because he’s practising/rehearsing/watching for
his new play.

First Certificate Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 2 (Units 6–10) 1
3 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible . ACCESS
1 I wouldn’t want to be a ________________ because I’d have to be away from
home so much. SAIL
2 He ________________ as he came up to the corner, but he was going too fast
and went straight over the handlebars. BRAKES
3 That soup was very ________________ . Could I have some more? TASTE
4 Katy went on a ________________ course last year to learn how to make
curries. COOK
5 Dan has ________________ his shoes already and is complaining that they’re
too tight. GROW
6 Our holiday was quite ________________ because we took a tent instead of
staying in a hotel and we hired bikes instead of a car. EXPENSE
7 A lot of telephone boxes have been ________________ recently so you can
never find one that works. VANDAL
8 Sarah’s uncle is a ________________ and he’s in prison for burglary and the
moment. CRIME
9 John Irving is my favourite ________________ and I’ve just finished his latest
book. NOVEL
10 The cruise ship that we were on was fantastic – there were different
________________ every evening, including a jazz singer and an amazing
magician. ENTERTAIN

First Certificate Language Practice

Vocabulary Test 2 (Units 6–10) 2

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