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A Worshiper’s Quiet Time

One of the habits that help build a spirit of worship in us, is the habit of having a quiet time in
God’s presence. Many, if not all people whom God has used in a great way, have always set
apart a time where they discipline their mind to a focused period, focusing on God and His word.
Let us look at the man Jesus Christ:

Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and
went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

It was Jesus’ custom to start every day in a solitary place in quiet meditation. There is
something about the quiet time. It is not so much about the quietness of the environment, but
the quietness of the soul and mind. This is a time where you quieten the mind from the noises
within, and you focus on God. You pick a scripture, you pick an idea, and ponder on it in a
relaxed environment.

Having a quiet time is one way of dying to self. This is because as you meditate on God’s word
in this time, your mind is put to death so that it no longer focuses on issues of self but divine
issues. As a result, you become open to God’s inspired messages and His power so that He
can use you effectively.

As a worshiper, be committed to developing the habit of quiet time. Decide where and when you
will meet with God in quiet mediation and your life will never be the same again.


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