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Learning Contract Worksheet

Print out this sheet and fill it in. Please be honest with yourself! No one else will see this.

Section 1: Current fitness Better Neutral Worse

How many hours do you study per week on

<15 15 to 30 >30
average (excluding school)?

What percentage of your studying time is spent

<20% 20 to 50% >50%
writing notes?

How often do you ask questions during class or

Very often Sometimes Rarely
in self-study (either out loud or in your head?)

How often do you think about the efficiency of

Very often Sometimes Rarely
your studying technique?

Do you make daily schedules, including time

Always Sometimes Never
allocated for studying and other activities?

How much of your total year’s studying is done

<10% 10 to 30% >30%
during the few weeks before exams?

How often do you revise material you have

Weekly Monthly Rarely
studied before?

Do you use flashcards? Regularly Sometimes No or rarely

Do you prestudy material before learning it in

Always Sometimes Never/Rarely

Do you revise your material on the same day that

Always Sometimes Never/Rarely
you first learn it in-depth?

Do you try to use other studying techniques that

Often Sometimes Rarely
might be more effective or efficient?

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