Learning Contract Worksheet Section 3

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Learning Contract Worksheet

Print out this sheet and fill it in. Please be honest with yourself! No one else will see this.

Section 3: Confidence in Ability Better Neutral Worse

How confident are you with regards to your

studying ability?
Highly Not very
High confidence indicates that you believe that Neutral
confident confident
your studying ability is sufficient to consistently
achieve your academic goals, both short-term
and long-term.

How confident are you with regards to your time

management and ability to keep your
productivity optimum?

High confidence indicates that you believe that Highly Not very
your time management and productivity related confident confident
skills are sufficient to consistently overcome
procrastination, demotivation, and time
management related barriers, both short-term
and long-term.

How well do you think you know your studying

skills and studying ability, as well as how to
improve moving forward?
High level of Some Low level of
insight insight insight
This question is asking you about how high your
level of self-insight is, or how well you know
yourself and your abilities/skills.

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