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ADJECTIVE (Kata sifat)

Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They give you more information about people, places, and things.
(Kata sifat mendeskripsikan kta benda dan kata ganti yang memberikan informasi tentang orang, tempat, dan
EXAMPLE (Contoh):
en Mobil itu sangat mahal Mereka sangat tua.
si (The car is very expensive.) (They Are Very OLD)
Old : tua
= mahal

Kinds of Adjectives (Jenis-jenis kata sifat)

I. Some adjectives tell about the size of people or things. (Menggambarkan tentang ukuran).
a big house a long bridge tiny feet
a large army a high mountain big hands

II. Some adjectives tell about the color of things. (Menggambarkan warna).
a red carpet a gray suit a brown bear
a white swan an orange balloon green peppers

III. Some adjectives tell what people or things are like by describing their quality. (Menggambarkan Kualitas)
a beautiful woman a young soldier a flat surface
a handsome boy an old uncle a hot drink
a poor family a kind lady a cold winter

IV. Some adjectives tell what things are made of. They refer to substances. (Menggambarkan Sesuatu terbuat
dari apa)
a plastic folder a stone wall a clay pot
a paper bag a metal box a glass door
a cotton shirt a silk dress a concrete road
a jade ring a wooden spoon a porcelain vase
V. Some adjectives are made from proper nouns of place. These adjectives are called adjectives of origin.
(Mengungkapkan asal/berasal dari).
a Mexican hat a British police officer
the French flag a Filipino dress
an American custom Washington apples

Exercise 1
Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.
1. There is an empty room upstairs. 6. Many people exercise to keep healthy.
2. It’s a hot summer. 7. I think these eggs are rotten.
3. You are so kind. 8. We are all bored. There isn’t anything to do.
4. Don’t be crazy. 9. The pupils don’t find the joke amusing.
5. This park is clean and green. 10. James was absent because he was ill.
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives from the box.
hot large short free ugly
high sweet poor playful clever
1. The candy is very _________.
2. It’s very _________ in summer.
3. The company is giving away _________ gifts to its customers.
4. They live in a _________ house.
5. Jean is wearing a _________ skirt.
6. The climbers are climbing up a _________ mountain.
7. These puppies are very _________.
8. Many _________ people have no home.
9. David is a ____________ student.
10. Joko has an __________ face.
Exercise 3
Find the synonym words (=same meaning)!

1. ______________ = _______________ 6. ______________ = _______________

2. ______________ = _______________ 7. ______________ = _______________
3. ______________ = _______________ 8. ______________ = _______________
4. ______________ = _______________ 9. ______________ = _______________
5. ______________ = _______________ 10. ______________ = _______________

Exercise 4
Find the antonym words (= opposite meaning)!
1. ______________ X _______________ 6. ______________ X _______________
2. ______________ X _______________ 7. ______________ X _______________
3. ______________ X _______________ 8. ______________ X _______________
4. ______________ X _______________ 9. ______________ X _______________
5. ______________ X _______________ 10. ______________ X _______________
Excercise 5 (Find the Indonesian!)

Happy Sad Angry Sleepy

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

Bored Hungry Thirsty Tired

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

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