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| oR oe ‘Shop No. 80, Ground Floor, Adjacent to Kotak Mahindra Hani, O10 Rajeadra Nayar, Delhi-110060, Ph 011-45561206 UPSC MAINS TEST SERIES-2018 (zeigen gra I HEMT /To be filled by the candidate) —laupt Din dels HH Din dials contact No. : nt atta ET aH /Nawe O€Eismtsaiion ;———— PSR beste 0 Candidate Nam! ‘adler a wre /Mediam OF The Exam ;—— Sg Sy = CSE Prelims-2018 Roll No. —O£1 08 ‘Online Login 1D for Unique Portal Political Science Comprehensive Test-I Paper-II (Comparative Politics and International Relations) ‘iter awa: ate dz afin star: 180 me Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 ‘AAA ATRWGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Fe vera aat (wate) gre 46.04 ye 81 afeeen se AA Sarat arg Bee ae te a i fe ya wee Hag ge aera GRR era weer Gam teray wg ge area TE Tr wel BL BT BA fen & ga wee ae ete ore ‘This Question-com-Answer (QCA) Booklet Contains S64 pages. tmmedtately on receipt of the booklet, please check that this QCA booklet doesnot have any misprint or torn or missing pages ar items, ei, Hf 0, ets replaced by a fresh QCA booklet cpoitane wat amr see 32 Bae, Fe TE Ue Te aT oe fae me orga St oS we Sl Candidates must read the istruetions on this page and the following pages carefully hefore attempting the paper “pear rl sre a arcane or ff orga re ee er ee es fe cara WA fora) ordfea tera & are fers ay sar & fog wg ote waa al farn wT weet 21 Candidates should attempt all questions strictly in accordance with the specified instctions and inthe space pruseribed under each question fa the booklet. Any answer written ouside the space alloted! may not be fiven cet. tren rn, wapegfiecen ss sition ofr gs oer fora erren (Prion) tages war ssttea wer an GA & aula aren ats ow aa Sa wet 2 Question Paper in detachable form is avaiable atthe end of the (QCA) booKlet and can be removed and taken by the candidates conclusion of che exam. (Gafizan grr FR ar & Fa /To be filled by candidate) Jos Vo goonies can gfe per he Roll No, ‘Answer Book Serial No 25D — Ge ~ Ekta rsp pee Be Se reat — DIKE fpaget tm neice “thenny 1.8 An iting usin att 18 od Globaljem denoter the stream sh hough in which the vadew political ewonamie ment are theerettsed sen Vn the global uentect- while Glabal is a proce of Intenonnetdner ameng state people, ewonomie fever gating eh Globalism can be exemplitied Hhmagh comceph of Virals oanas ferrpvam pandumier de, while Glebatiaatton off bee pur trmugh aie of iatusnatl- ona! ermantealon, Nie, INGOE de Globalism B has its aco in he grdueipl ebbanarion ad down by liberal scholaw ef, {nternatimal hears - EE | BE UnIguE Globalism maker to learn te aviour conception tnmugh prem of World on que enbiry’ and dwoid ck stadtst deliberation like Gtobaticatter Though the recent protectant polide of western cuntrie tke "Armert dedevanes 6} auisalton 5 the Grasr—nationsl notre of coda, aoromic ice politica), digital joctre compa tne fr ase e sedel aentist 1 anauye threugh falgbalised' context for ccluttons There Is wide debote ever the world ord emerging in prskecld war oe The end of USSR giver bh iim Hoge le tan be witnessed threugh He momen jauording Wd tmublipte pouras Wee Ching, Indfa,furte, th duline eh UF Japan de. alerg 4 hegemony. Hence domus Ps Huntington deviby wis orda of she rise of vorour institutions ~ pure, UN Bodies, vartzur norms, onenton gh. deseibe the Wbera) notion of a insti uti enalisin, to ges strengtned due t non-werton ted Institution - NOB, ANE && out peiut tu ao Tes tontouns visible pene oe Seep tara ieee ES, iste re hepiioks Peele ease! a, nau ee) — a and interes In the globel polite We tan be witnered Mrough {dear oh human ghts, densest aclegizm , nuclesr non-prslifeatton ett wa, the increased fe on stah ted pelitfes Ip international cttup Hite the ‘world erde’ towors ealish discourse Net. Fre tantoue ef emerging world ordat franscend beyond stars dye fp Hist of neh-state adtow tke Néos Pines, trans natlenal ture Hots de Hence, iF would not be wrong fe hae i fpormcong Braid doused L Petenmtetniien inditterent torent ae ft nee en hen The post stauchwralst appre ain is foundational appacauh scotad in According fo postmodern sunclon ro Yreouy cn claim the qbsehate tro and desuibe ee abeur the ath apse fo) oF textual metho de exons ntfon deuide | pouble teadin go lean the International polls feng with thir apprah, viridas he WutAur ef toy Tre tradittonal ichard_AEhley fmureny par mmeorises He pols that brachy fi te describe in unilateral The stholow like Reb wal De, Demian Giticise the ertablisned FE disiourer for blared theerter and incomplete Hheotes The approadh hor been ultirsed by beminist of tie stream tp anatye fre gendy dicount . Aucrding te Gudith Batten | gerd word and ured fe establish tne subjer| identities For eccicistng po: The appran intiuenced varie sun at post so! ave theorer making Alsupline Indust ve Hower, thutwnolaw hove been cltigieed by cholo tite Keansth waite ep Pr tot ert roca Lcaibiciaed a jae eg Stine a cote bang et European Union is a medel ef “gupranational, thurten built pon the er Fanerionalism & institullonaltom prindpte of Wberal schecl of ® rer hase various Urallenger been emerged in EV due to changing realities. geo political & gue uenom ly Beenie (e ha pur the quution man an gustainabilily oh tarepean bls Ve hae par ime x Immigration Rea on, tenon fd ta renophoble attitide among tuopeors ( Right=wing Wdeeloga~ Thane 2 emaguce wing partie among various ok Hare the autnoniy " Ev wuntes challenging jogo ee mm eats “cog io mociegigdhla dtc, Me ) Genomic issues The eastern european a Wwuntie are dwindling due te austuiry measures while alt w concan avout me slow countrie unemployment en guewth (5) _Recugart fucia = Russian aggremive policy In Georgia, Ukraine ch have “ (reared tensions among counter For seeunity, ae ae ( atten stain Medd > The sire in multivalterad identities & their agenda for gacup alghts have quesHoned sachs neat ET) eae by Uarepean count lo) Retreat of US > US rereat from NATS| G# unduline the emugeny tn Front of fe atrengtiven inst nutton and depen trough cemprohein, de Nseartty? treoir have been changed bebe Hemal_seer 10 = Soy | tes ae of stot the tem tomy rs plead: weak state Whe Syria tats In Pre Afghanistan, ete hu atop underlined the The ail nobility oh sepapowes, To Brn of such disashour Hereabs As the pasblen Is ik reqder the glob — Bang Jon etek Rotise ~ Atleuased iy tae ader Libel — Covelders “tention a oni at a eae aees © Gikicartredvras, eee g Spe Cee = ac crests tessasian Preauy should ge, vie wy Howuve, the solutten ir not « UN Gineral asrembly have passed the reed eh Cemprehenst ve glebal shategy agaivah Yerrcvinn in aane fur, rene Ye divergunce due fe dibgerent interpres < tation ova dufinitten of Fervortnm This deffnitions ae pur up by vartaue Sharer cusraing the nantre of threat ashe | (MA Peter and not auerdtug fe geal comprehen fan In Wiis tontext, the comprehen cenvention on Internat mal Toran 11 neds tbe dliuussed Mrroagh phim | ol, ‘human stuurtiy' and global ruponsibitity te protect Jos anmerie tiie gonnin abe sven gwss-s0 foe The tecenh pimstes summit wos tonducred in Kotrmand whae all the Fe counties of subregion The dedaranon undesined The prspap A tonemle we-oputalt connectivity physical & digital, saritio seunity, people te people contain et oweva , thet one tome fallouts ty ge sunimit The DIOSTEs MUTE) cqucise (MILEX), whith followed tng cammit, wondusred in tale poo ger partiupation from Thad | pote Uountriee sent ther sbeuival fuse This approou shows the Jack 2 on enamels & Aivermencer fomong the courtier eae The BimsTe® meet could not postulah the comprehensive appioann for fermen, extremism, rad{catiem fn the region The \wunhies avoidite boing the dialogue regarding Myanma- fohingya crisis and thug showed the inability eh membos te addrur the human ghtz_vielationr ia Ime region Howeve, the progrer of pierce in ruenh litte poled door give glimpse of bHght prospeus fey Fuhure aub-regional integratioy — BEMATES foo Gil: Ents by aes; Vita fpcibatabion; Consensus om Th me 10M BRICSSuMmir at resloug, host wuntay soutn Alice like Joho wuelwmed pon-BRlcs untie eating , Turkey a. Ve empha viton of BRIS unt 1p + ppreah tre “ go bujend and sign’ BRI The Initiative giver on eapresston 1 in te fe for the multipolar recent futuce 40 be tespearel by BRIG. The approach haps 10 bung noe egitimany and gcceprancy pouging of © major plays, ia. werd polities cre Initiative alse shal Ugh? on dieramvsbauton with Werk led grouplugs gush or G20, intHTunonr ewun ae Ime, WE Oke man This oxpech emphariae en willingren|aey oh RIGS membar fo help for vse 2h all and FeroWe fo establish the nate bosed erdes Thur BRICS + iniHottve leads fp thuiston democrate jnsHtutton bulldiig os & model for future governance insti Furtous Howeve, the diverguner among PRICE counties ova BRI, New ,unscer| have limited thelr succerrer. Ut 2 ebhet In BRiar ene ae isha Reh Iriiores ean REM criti oh a ee lg teas piel ier me pe eRics, BY Aetpimein Tre We ane Concers Gea ice Ue tno a ir EE cy PMR wd RE © India. her long coarhine of Yoo0km which shapw ber geo-econemtc & geo political in te around bee segion pujend this, Inata willing Dapmaman ci) poulie tegtor emaphosiae on _capoulry. building In ‘Hime realm wr Howeve, India still 10 yn to go in mositime aritecture Pi6 fe Adenival Arun Prakash, pulr Head Valk oe Jodian national & global into in tong mn eer i eee novel copasity , tecrase naval defence expenditure which lags benind the hrategy would hor entiraing Cnina in Indian Ocean region — Chinese Lnplucniee - Sting ¢ pestle / Saar 2 tinh iacgramsetges e — Manitkime terseriam (24/11) 2 Godin ccs p Tak y Pa pe ate ag Hh tan (fareiaorie: Wish’ /cuperpsusay, uly Enel Is also equal need fe rome regional StuHly arhiteamre along with littoral neigh boun wuntaiw ond tended prety Mester Indie lage in daiveing tne teommitimenls Hence, Phere is 5 th expedite. en building extra-ber tril _plorjgrmne ~ EABAKE FORT Gndonata, Changi aval bare (Slagapore) Dug ort Faultly Loman) with repid pace ace! vapid Thur, tonsideing He importance ol pers 32 pall al exigencies, India har fo expedite for strengthening Viue wate nay, reglowal sanlry Famuverbe aloug with ike minded Indios: Yorelge polly bar been giving The Importance f> Subsnarteut ltonteing jane To. pele polly Tamil quetiow Howeva, the tonce fpr subnartanaldiltin diplom apace har nok bun on cory task & 6 oval ah coalonge Tista_wata-shoring agreement ete wndustn duc to by eeoveaniment of (ould ner em strong opposition West Benga le te te be noted thar the foreign ofjolir 1s union Jak wiAlat ip ‘ine Yodan consti butions Calerges — 7 schehate & cevtralitod uetine 4 FP ~ tak { inatitutional mechanitny sequin Caio § Cnahian Tes ten eral che noe’ ee beidetamee’ fe, tae ty Uti pane Ustoral woncens , changing nature a have been wmpelled fo g2 auem ma, the stahe in their diplomay the union government Bue te differences in opinions, differnt partie ot centre state hore rd to litte succem In the aubnatton ~ ad di plomay In the otha way sound, Here fs wsing trend te ge ahead fer corse-berda engagemast by stakes in the apiait of W-epaative fade rato eg Kemla exportiyg Gshad ty Eeuyecele Thus, here Is need fy chart out] the poli) fromewerk by wnsensus in this area for autonomy of federal lnlts and ove g.cutn of cuntny, a

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