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Important QP- Constitutional Law-I

1. Explain freedom of speech & expression under Constitution of India.

2. The right to life of a person can be restrained only according to procedure established
by law. Explain with decided cases.
3. Explain the concept of Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) & its salient
4. Short Note: Double Jeopardy
Fundamental Duties
5. Indian Constitution is both rigid & flexible. Explain this with reference to Art 368 of
the Constitution
6. Discuss the value enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution. Is Preamble part of
7. Explain right to religion under Indian Constitution
8. What are the safeguards provided to the accused persons under Art 20 of the
9. Examine the salient features of Constitution of India
10. Explain the significance of DPSP
11. Discuss the scope of Article 21 with decided cases
12. SN : Citizenship
Doctrine of Severability
Fundamental Duties
13. What is meant by Citizenship? Modes of acquisition & termination of citizenship
14. Note on Constitutionalism
15. Can Preamble be amended?
16. Define the term ‘State’. Explain with the help of judicial decisions the need for
widening the definition of ‘State’
17. Art 14 permits reasonable classification but prohibits clas legislation. Explain the test
& grounds of classification with the help of decided cases.
18. Write a note on ‘ Doctrine of Severability’
19. Discuss the provisions of Art 16 of the Indian Constitution relating to opportunity for
all citizens in matters of employment or appointment under the State.
20. Explain the different dimensions of Freedom of Speech & Expression with the help of
decided cases.
21. Brief note on Constitutional Provisions on ‘Untouchability’ – Art 17
22. “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to
procedure established by law”. Explain the statement with reference to various facets
of life & liberty.
23. Explain the constitutional safeguards available to an accused person under the Indian
24. Short Note on Preventive Detention Laws
25. Explain Various Types of writs contemplated under the Indian Constitution
26. Critically explain the controversy between Fundamental Rights & DPSP
27. Define State under Art 12
28. Explain Right to freedom of profession, occupation, trade or business under Art 19(1)
29. Discuss the right to life & personal life with decided cases.
30. Explain the freedom of religion & restrictions on it
31. SN- Preamble, Doctrine of Eclipse
32. Define the term law under Art 13 with decided cases
33. Art 14 is the basic structure of Constitution. Refer to decided cases
34. Narrate the safeguards available to the accused persons under Art 20 of the
35. Concept of DPSP & its features
36. Right to practice , profess & propagate religion does not mean right to convert others
to one’s own religion.- Forced conversion not allowed- Rev Stainislaus v State of MP
AIR 1977 SC 908
37. SN: Right to Education
 National Anthem Case- Bijoe Emmanuel v State of Kerala – National Anthem
Case – Art 51- A (a)- Prevention of Insults to National Honor Act, 1971

 Locus Standi & Writ of Certiorari

 Right to property- Constitution (44th Amendment) Act, 1978- Abolished the Right
to Property.- Art 19(1)(f) & Art 31

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