P:本金/Principal r%:利率/Interest rate r% p.a.:年利率/Interest rate (per annual) n:期數/Number of period I:利息/Interest A:本利和/Amount T:時間/Time of deposit

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Percentage (II)


1. Simple interest 單利息

2. Compound interest 複利息


1. P:本金/Principal
2. r%:利率/Interest rate
3. r% p.a.:年利率/Interest rate (per annual)
4. n:期數/Number of period
5. I:利息/Interest
6. A:本利和/Amount
7. T:時間/Time of deposit

Simple interest 單利息

單利息的計算公式是 :

單利息 = 本金 X 利率 X 時間

Simple interest = P X r% x T


銀行存款的單利率為每年 5 (5% p.a.)。小明把$10,000 元存放於銀行 3 年。求 3 年後所得利


1. Find the simple interest and the amount on $250 000 at 3% per annum for 5 years.

2. What is the simple interest on $300 000 at 2.5% p.a. for 223 years?

3. Find the simple interst on $700 000 for 3 years at 4% per annum.

4. A man depositis $300 000 in a bank at 6% p.a. for 8 months.

(a) What is the simple interest?

(b) What is the amount received by him?

5. Mr. Chan deposits $1 500 000 in a bank. The bank pays 2.5% p.a. simple interest.
What is the amount received by Mr. Chan after 18 months?
6. Find the amount owed at the end of 6 years by a man who borrows $5 500 000 at
3.5% p.a. simple interest rate.

7. A man invests $800 000 at 4% p.a. simple interest rate and $600 000 at 6% p.a. simple
interest rate. What is his total annual interest on these investments?

8. (a) A man deposited $50 000 in a bank at an interest rate of 6% per

annum simple interest. After several years, he got back $65 000. Find the
time taken.
(b) If he put $50 000 in another bank at an interest rate of 5% p.a.
simple interest. After 2 years, find
(1) the total simple interest, and
(2) the amount he would get back from the second bank.
3. Compound interest 複利息
4. Compound interest 複利息



Amount = P X (1+ r %)n

Example:某銀行以複利息每半年計算利息一次,年利率為 5%。小明把$10,000 存入銀行,

為期 3 年。求所得的利息和本利和。

1. Calvin deposits $12 000 at a bank at an interest rate of 6% p.a. compounded

half-yearly. Find the interest he will get after 2 years. (Correct your answer to the
nearest dollar.

2. Suppose $2000 is deposited in a bank at an interest rate of 6% p.a. for 9 months.

Find the amount and the compound interest if the interest is compounded

3. $3 000 is deposited for 5 years at an interest rate of 10% p.a., find the difference
between the simple interest and the compound interest compounded yearly.
4. Samuel borrows $10 000 from a finance company and he repays the amount
after 8 months. Accordingto the methods of calculating interest of three finance
companies below, arrange the amount ofrepayments in ascending order.
a. Finance company S : Interest rate is 18% p.a., compounded monthly.
b. Finance company Q : Interest rate is 28% p.a., compounded every four
c. Finance company R : Interest rate is 22% p.a., compounded every two

5. Find the amount for a principal $20 000 after 3 years at an interest rate of 15%
p.a. compounded yearly.
6. Susan deposits $320 000 at a bank at an interest rate of 8% p.a. compounded
(a) Find the amount she will get after 1 years.
(b) Find the interest she will get.
(Correct your answers to the nearest dollar.)

7. Mr. Law borrows $15 000 from a bank for a period of 1 year.
(a) If the interest rate is 12% p.a., find the simple interest.
(b) If the interest rate is 10% p.a. compounded half-yearly, find the interest.
(c) If the interest rate is 10% p.a. compounded half-yearly and he repays $5 000
after year , find the interest.




1. Mr. Ho borrows some money from a bank at an interest rate of 20% p.a.
compounded half-yearly.If the amount is $531 468.3 after 3 years, how much is
the loan?

13. Miss Cheung deposits $20 000 at a bank. The interest is compounded every four
months and an amount of $21 854.54 will be earned after 1 year. Find the
interest rate per annum.
增長及遞減 (Growth and Depreciation)

增長是值一個數值 x,每隔一固定期固,該數值會增長 r%。增長後會變成一個新值,再按增


遞減是值一個數值 x,每隔一固定期固,該數值會減少 r%。減少後會變成一個新值,再按遞



1. The number of a certain bacteria increases by 10% per hour. If there are 80 000
bacteria, find the difference between the numbers of bacteria 2 hours ago and 2
hours later. (Correct your answer to the nearest integer.)

2. The value of a flat is now $3 600 000 and it depreciates 5% p.a. Find its value
after 2 years.
3. A plant is 10 m tall. If the height of the plant increases 10% p.a., find the height
of the plant after 2 years

4. A car depreciates 20% each year. If the value of the car is $150 000, find its value
after 4 years.

5. The monthly salary of an employee is $26 000. It is increased by 5% this month

but it will be decreased by 5% next month.
(a) Find his monthly salary next month.
(b) Find the percentage change in his monthly salary.
6. 27. Mr. Wong bought a car 2 years ago. The car depreciates 15% p.a. If the value
of the car is $289000,
(a) find the value of the car after 3 years. (Correct your answer to the nearest
hundred dollars.)
(b) find the price of the car 2 years ago.
More Question about percentage:

1. The length of a rectangle is increased by 25% and its width is decreased by 15%.
Find the percentage change in its area.

2. Each side of a cube is decreased by 10%. Find the percentage change in its

3. Mr. Chow deposited some money at his bank account. If the interest rate p.a.
was decreased from 8% to 5%, he would get $5 100 less as simple interest each
year. Find the principal.
4. A certain green tea is mixed from Brand A tea and Brand B tea in the ratio of 1 : 2.
The prices of Brand A tea and Brand B tea are $36 per kg and $24 per kg
respectively. If the prices of Brand A tea and Brand B tea are increased by 10%
and 5% respectively, find the percentage change in the price of the green tea per
kg. (Correct your answer to 3 significant figures.)

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