Plant: Vases Come in Different Size, Shape & Colour. For A One or Two Stem

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I love growing plants in water. Its quick slow but fun at the same
time. There are many benefits of plants growing in water.

1. Plants that grow in water need less care.

2. Less mess
3. Fewer pests.
4. Get MORE plants
5. Elegant displays.

Anything like a bottle, glass, vase can be used to grow plants in

water. Always try to match the size of the container using to grow
the plant in to the size of the plant.

Vases come in different size, shape & colour. For a one or two stem
plant use narrow neck vases to keep the plant upright.

Jars are in everyone’s kitchen. There is no problem in growing plants

in jars, in fact growing plants in jars makes it look very classic.
Glasses again is in everyone’s kitchen and why to throw a glass
when we can use them to grow plants!

Test tubes well we don’t find test tubes in our house but yes you
can bring it from a sciences lab or buy it online (easily
available). The tubes make excellent plant propagators when you’re
rooting cuttings in water or you can display a collection of single


1. Pick a plant that can be grown in water.

2. The best way to get started is with a fresh stem or leaf cutting,
depending on the type of plant for most species the cutting should
have several leaves. Clip the stem just below a leaf node. It should
have several leaves, but remove any that would be underwater.
3. Place the stem or leaf in fresh water.
4. Move the container to a spot that offers bright, indirect light. Avoid
areas of your home located near a heat source like a fireplace,
woodstove, heat pump, or radiator.
5. Also remember to change the water in every 4 to 5 days.
Here are some suggestions of some plants to grow in water

1. Money plant
2. Spider plant
3. Snake plant
4. Spiderwort
5. Lucky Bamboo
6. Coleus
7. Pothos
8. Arrowhead
9. Wandering Jew
10. Impainents

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