Hellenic American Union ECPE Practice Examinations: Book 1-Exam 1

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Hellenic American Union

ECPE Practice Examinations
Book 1-Exam 1
A. Write the English equivalents

1. αποφασιστικότητα :……………………………………………
2. επίλυση, απόφαση :……………………………………………
3. κόβω το δρόμο, :……………………………………………
4. ξαφνικά αυξανόμενος :……………………………………………
5. ενδεχόμενο :……………………………………………
6. εξαπλώνομαι :……………………………………………
7. καταδικάζω :……………………………………………
8. έλευση :……………………………………………
9. προσαρμόζομαι :……………………………………………
10.προσέγγιση :……………………………………………
11.πετάω, ξεφορτώνομαι :……………………………………………
12.που προκαλεί διαμάχη :……………………………………………
13.ιστορικός (επίθετο) :……………………………………………
14.διαχωριστική γραμμή :……………………………………………
15.επίγνωση :……………………………………………

B. Write the Greek equivalents

1. reimburse :……………………………………………
2. degraded :……………………………………………
3. disorder :……………………………………………
4. shattering :……………………………………………
5. comprise :……………………………………………
6. repercussion :……………………………………………
7. compound :……………………………………………
8. deprive :……………………………………………
9. fuse :……………………………………………
10.deride :……………………………………………
11.resume :……………………………………………
12.insolent :……………………………………………
13.reluctant :……………………………………………
14.reflection :……………………………………………
15.outstanding :……………………………………………

C. Complete the sentences with the following words. There are four
extra words you do not need to use.

across-go through-embargo-pack-scorched-conduct-heap-

1. After the fire the earth was ……………………………….. and

nothing would grow.
2. Callas had a ……………………………………voice that set her apart
from other opera singers.
3. Hundreds of workers at the factory are now facing
4. I ……………………………………….. my bag but couldn’t find my
bus ticket, so I had to pay a fine.
5. My mum’s always upset when she sees my clothes lying in a
……………………on the floor.
6. The new measures should be ………………………………right
7. The court’s decision would set a ……………………………… for
other similar cases.
8. There are …………………………….. differences between men’s
and women’s way of thinking.
9. Plastic cannot ……………………….. electricity, but copper can.
10.Most doctors say that ………………………….is better than cure.
D. Choose the correct answer and translate in Greek
1. Most universities in the UK are ………………………..
a) self-centered :…………………………………………
b) self-directed :…………………………………………
c) self-regulated :…………………………………………
d) self-disciplined :…………………………………………

2. The old building was ………………………because it was about to

a) dismantled :……………………………………….
b) demolished :………………………………………
c) demobilized :………………………………………
d) disintegrated :………………………………………

3. It’s impossible to predict the ……………………… of the elections.

a) outcome :…………………………………………
b) outlook :………………………………………….
c) review :………………………………………….
d) prospect :………………………………………….

4. A …………………….of wind wrenched the umbrella away from me.

a) rumble :…………………………………………
b) gale :…………………………………………
c) stroke :…………………………………………
d) gust :…………………………………………

5. Employees who are ………………………..are not easily exploited by

their employers.
a) thrifty :…………………………………………
b) assertive :…………………………………………
c) obstinate :…………………………………………
d) extroverted :…………………………………………

6. If repayments are not made in a ………………………….. manner, it

could lead to penalties.
a) promptly :…………………………………………
b) precisely :…………………………………………
c) timely :…………………………………………
d) vaguely :………………………………………….

7. Plans to build a new hospital in our town are ……………………

a) holding sway :…………………………………………
b) in tandem :…………………………………………
c) in advance :…………………………………………
d) in the pipeline :………………………………………….

8. When people ……………………….the past, they don’t move with

the times.
a) switch to :…………………………………………
b) cling to :…………………………………………
c) die out :…………………………………………
d) come to light :…………………………………………

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