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Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity

Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan

Module Title & CG Code: Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersions

CS_RS12-Id-e-1; CS_RS12-Id-e-2;

CS_RS12-Id-e-4 and CS_RS12-Id-e-5
Teacher’s Name: Rey-Ian A. Romualdo

Session Number: Third Quarter/Unit 1-Lesson 2

Time Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes

CONTENT: Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the period, the students can:

1. designs a research useful in daily life
2. describes background of research
3. writes a research title
4. states research questions
5. indicates scope and delimitation of study
6. cites benefits and beneficiaries of study
7. presents written statement of the problem


Components of the research problem write-up

The research problem is included in the introduction section of

a research consists of three components, namely: the
context, the rationale and the significance of the research

The context or background show how the problem is

formulated. It places the research problem within a bigger setting.
The rationale of the study indicates the major purpose and the
specific objectives for the conduct of the study. It shows in a more
specific manner what is being investigated. This could be stated
using broad statements like

-the purpose of this study is to investigate effective approaches to

diminishing math anxiety among students
-the purpose of this study is to identify factors predicting customer

Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity
Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan

Identifying the topic area for research

Research begins with an inquiry (a question, a problem or an issue) which leads further to a
discovery (an answer, a solution or a clarification). In arriving at a discovery, the person must be
guided by the standards in the discipline (theories, concepts, principles, models) so that the research
will be valid, scientifically done and acceptable in the field.
Finding a topic research on is quite difficult for students. Although there are no particular rules in
identifying a topic for research, certain suggestions can help.

1. Researcher’s observations, interests, and experiences

Beginning researcher can make use their own experiences, in whatever environment that may be as
a fertile source of topics for research. Realistically, you have to select something that you are
interested in, since you are going to commit yourself to a significant investment of time and energy.
Thus, if you are not personally interested, it will be difficult to sustain the effort needed to complete
the research with any measure of quality or validity.
2. Deductions from theories
The close connection between theory and research cannot be denied. The main purpose of research
is for theory testing and theory generation. There is an interactive relationship between theory and
research in the sense that it is theory which dictates what data is to be collected while the research
findings provide challenge to be accepted theory.
3. Read literature
The things that you have read empirical researches related to your chosen topic can be a good source
of research problems. These researches may be done again or replicated, with some either
in the subjects of the study, the measures, procedures and interventions. The process of replicating
makes us confirm the findings of earlier studies, extend the validity of the research findings to a
different locus or group of participants using different methods of measurement, determine trends or
changes over time and develop more effective interventions.
4. Clarification of contradictory finding
Contradictory or conflicting results across previous researches can be easily identified through the
tabular rennaissance developed during the review of related literature. These situations can be
very good source of research problems.

Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity
Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan

Writing the research hypothesis

The theory, concepts, and hypotheses of the paper are definitely

related with one another.
So how should you write your hypothesis? The following are
1.Your hypothesis must be clearly written. It must address one
problem or issue at a time. This applies to whether your study is a
test of relationship or difference. You may start with the
independent first, and then conclude with the dependent variable.
2.If you are doing a test of relationship, the type of relationship must
be provided in the hypothesis. They must show the
relationship between the concepts or variables in the study. You What sources are needed
must provide the indicators of your variables so that the levels of in the selection of a relevant
research topic?
measurement are defined.
3.Choose a form of hypothesis based on the type of study. There
are two types: null and alternative.

Can observations be a good starting point in the selection of a topic? Why or why not?
Should topics be given preliminary titles? How important are these?
__________________________________________________________ ___.

How to Pick a Topic?

Research topics can come from a myriad of sources: an interest in a

particular field, discussions with peers and academics and existing literature.
Picking a topic is a dauting task for many students and even established
researchers because it is often difficult to choose a topic in an area you are not very
familiar about. Given this, a great deal of reading and exploring are needed to
determine a very specific topic. So how do you select a topic worth researching,
then? Look at the basic types of sources first:
1.General (article, monographs, books, and other documents)
2. primary(journals)
3. Secondary(textbooks)
Now that you know where to find materials, the following could help you choose a particular
topic to work on:

Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity
Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan

1. Think about past discussions in class and list which of these you found to be
interesting. Usually, class discussions are broad, so this is a good starting point in
narrowing down to what interests you. The same goes true with issues you have
observed or watched in the news.
2. Do a library search about your topic by visiting academic journals you school
has a subscription of. You may also check books, theses, government documents,
statistics, and newspapers. Take note that this is just a preliminary selection of your
topic as you might find later on that there’s a need to further narrow it down. In this
case, you have to read initial articles until such time that it’s specific and suitable
enough. Search and research.
3. Give all topics that are considered a preliminary title and provide a brief
description of the content and the plan of how the topic could be developed. It would
be better if you choose just a few topics could be in your list for this step. What are
some of the initial problems that the study will try to answer? Although a topic may
change, record your thoughts about it so you can track how the topic has evolved.
Remember, you will need this in narrowing down your topic and in finally deciding
what to work on. The more well-defined your problem is, the better and easier for
you to select the literature to be reviewed.
4. Consider the implications of your choice in selecting and finalizing a topic.
What problems does it intent to explain? Is it significant enough to contribute new
knowledge in the field? Can data be gathered locally? If the topic involves the use
of technology, will this be readily available? These questions will help you ground
your research further, whether theoretical or methodological.
Writing a Research Title

The research title is an important part of your paper, as it provides a brief description of what
your study is all about: from the issue to the sample, theory, and data analysis. Your titles can be
revised as your project develops. As such, you have plenty of working research titles until you decide
on the final one.

The following are some of the reminders in writing your research


1. Set a 10-12-word limit for titles

2. Summarize the main idea or issue, if not the argument of the
3. Identify the primary variables and the relationship among
them, as well as the theoretical issues underlying these
4. Identifying the population(s) used.
5. Do not use words such as “study of” or “an” experimental
research in “as these words or phrases are redundant.
6. Only include words that provide important and sufficient
information about the research.

Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity
Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan

After forming a working research title, the next section to write is the SIGNIFICANCE OF THE

In this section, you are expected to write the importance of the

study. Your study should specify the role of your study to
different groups of people.

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

The results will provide the students with some knowledge on
cutting classes and how it can be avoided. It will give the students a realization that cutting is not
useful to both the student and the people around him. At the end of this study students would finally
know why cutting classes have been a major problem to the society.
The given data would guide the teachers on what to do with the students that cut classes. The
teachers would be able to understand on why some students skip classes and later on, help them.
Like the teachers, the parents too will understand why their children skip classes through the given
data. The given data would help them formulate some preventive measures to help their sons from
skipping classes. The findings would also help them learn the actions of their children.

Nature and Background of the Study

1. Definition- you may define the concepts or constructs included in your study. Do not forget to
cite the reference from which you have gotten your definition.
2. Causes and effects- when discussing the research problem at hand, you may highlight its
causes and effects to the concerned subjects.
3. Methodology- you may cite the methods used in other researches to address the problem at
4. Historical background- you may mention previous and notable researches from which your topic
is based.
5. Problems/issues. Current issues or problems regarding your specific topic should also be seen
in your background.
6. Comparisons of ideas/methods used. You may compare and contrast the ideas and methods
indicated in previous researches related to your topic.
7. Advantages and/or disadvantages. You may highlight the need for further investigation of your
topic by presenting its advantages and disadvantages as cited in previous researchers.

Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity
Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan

Scope and Delimitation

It describes the scope of your research and some limitations such as the time allotment,
limited instruments and your sample size You may use the following guidelines

• Use only two to three paragraphs

• Write only the range of topics being studied
• You may include the time frame, sample size, and limitations of the methods to be

Out of 189 second year accounting students of Saint Mary’s University, 100 students were
used as a sample in conducting the survey.
This study limits its coverage on the second-year accounting students only. Its main purpose
is to identify the common problems that they encounter and to propose possible solutions
regarding this problem.
This study considers every aspect of students’ personal information that has an impact on
their academic performances such as their parents educational background, their parent’s
income, their gender, age and home location. Each of the respondents are given same
questionnaires to answer. And this study focuses on the current second year students of the
present school year, 2008-2009.

Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity
Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan

Tips on Writing a Problem Statement

A problem statement is basically a statement that illustrates a clear vision and the overall method
that will be used to solve the problem at hand. Usually used when doing research, a problem
statement discusses any foreseeable tangible or intangible problems that the researcher may face
throughout the course of the project.

Here are several key tips for writing a problem statement:

1. Write out your vision.

In order to decide what must be done when solving the problem, it is important to understand the
vision. Be sure to include the benefit of solving the problem. Take the time to write your vision
clearly and concisely.

2. Write out your issue statement.

Write an issue statement that describes the problem and why solving the problem is important. This
two-sentence statement simply describes the problems that you are encountering and specific
issues related to the problem.

3. Organize your method.

Writing out the method that you plan to use to solve the problem is a crucial part of writing out your
problem statement. It is through your method that you convey the steps that you will take in solving
the problem

4. Use your "W’s."

Think back to grade school and you will recall how your English teacher probably taught you about
the five "W’s" - who, what, where, when, and why - questions that you need to answer when
writing an essay. As you proceed to write your problem statement, you should incorporate the five
Ws, and answer them completely.

• Who the problem affects?

• What the outcome would be if the problem was not solved
• Where the problem is taking place
• When the problem needs to be fixed
• Why is it important for the problem to be fixed?

Ninoy Aquino Road, Brgy. Lanao, KidapawanCity
Tel. No: (064) 521-3830 KdciKidapawan


1.What research area are you most interested in? think about your interests in both social and
natural sciences. Are you into economic, psychological, political, social, or sociological research?
How about in the natural sciences? Are you into applied or life sciences? What issues would you
like to work on?


2. You are a psychologist whose interest is on adolescence. The topic that you have chosen for your
research is the struggles that adolescents are experiencing at home, at school, and with peers. Write
the introduction of your paper. Be guided by the subsections of the introduction cited in this module.
Your written work will be evaluated by your research supervisor based on the appropriateness of ideas
that you will include in each subsection. The relevance of the data to your topic will also be checked.
Observe clarity and coherence in writing your introduction.


Diwa Senior High School Series: Practical Research 2 pages 21-34



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