Phrasal Verbs List

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Phrasal Verbs List ( Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. Think of ‘mem os you would any ther English vocabulary. Study them as you come acrose them, rather than trying to ‘memorize many at once, Use thelist below as a reference ide when you find n expression that you Gon recognize. The examples wil help you understand the meanings. Ifyou tink of each grasa verb as @ Separate verb with a specific meaning, you will beable to remember more easly. Like mony other verbs, ‘phrasal verbs aften have more than one meaning, ‘This list shows about 200 common phrasal verbs, with meanings and examples. Only the most usual ‘meanings are given. Some phrasal verbs may have adsonal meanings. See also our pages with 1000+ Phrasal Verbs, with deiitons, synonyms, explanations, sample sentences, collocations and quizes (with answers). {As well as learning their meanings, you need to learn how to use phrasal verbs. Verb Meaning Example ask someone out [vite ona date Brian asked iudy out te dinner and a movi, ‘ask around [ask many people the same asked around but nobody has seen my ‘uestion wallet, ‘add up to something [equal Your purchases add wp to $205.32, back something up | reverse Youll have t back up your car zo that can act out back someone up [suppor My wife backed me up over my decision to uit my job. blow up ‘eolode "The racing car Blew up after erased nto the fence, blow something up [add air We have to blow 50 balloons up for the party. break down sop functioning (vehicle, machine) | Our car broke down atthe side ofthe highway in the snowstorm, ‘The woman broke down when the police ‘break down get upsat told her that her son hd died, break something | dvde into smaller parts ‘Our teacher broke the fal project down down Into three separate part, breakin orcs entry to building Somebody Broke In ast night and stole our stereo. break into something | enter forlaly The fremen had t Break into the room to rescue the chilren ‘break something in | wear something a few times so |T need to Break these shoes In before we ran that k doesn't leok/feet new [next week. breakin interne [The TV station broke int report the news of the president's death My boyfriend and I brove up before I moved break up [end @ relationship tovamertes break up Start laughing (Informal) ‘The Kids just broke up as soon as the down started taking. break out escape "The prisoners broke out of jo when the uards waren king break out in develop» skin condition broke out Ina rash ater aur camping tip. something bring someone down make unhappy This sad musics bringing me down, bring someone up ries child My orandparents Brought me up after my parents ded, Ding something wp Start talking about subject My mother walks out of he room when my Father brings up sports, bring something up omit He drank so much that Fe Brought his dinner up In the tot ‘Phone many diferent places/people We called around but we weren't able to tnd the car part we needed. «all someone back return @ phone call 1 ealled the company back but the offices were closed for the weend ‘all something oft cancel Jason called the wedding off bacause he wasn't in love with his flancé. 88k or an answar oF opinion "The professor ealled on me for question f. ‘We called on you lastnight but you werent call|on someone | visit someone home. ‘all someone up| phone [Give me your phone number and I wil eal You up when we are in tewn. You are stil mad. You need to ealm down, ‘down ‘elox afer baing anary before you drive the car, not eare for ot lke (formal) don't eare for his behaviour, Someone/something catch up [act to the same point as someone | Youll have to run faster than that you want else to catch up with Mary ‘check In arive and reister at a hotel or | We wil get the hotel keys when we check in airport check out eave hotel You hava to cheek out ofthe hotel before 11:00 A, ‘check Took at earaflly, vestigate The company checks out all new employees someona/something ‘check out Someone/something Took at (informal ‘Check out the crazy hair an that guy! ‘She cheered up when she heard the good cheer up become happier cheer someone up __| make happier T brought you some flowers to cheer you up. hip tn ete Tf everyone ehips In we can get the Kitchen painted by noon. wn something up| tidy, clean Please clean up your bedroom before you go outside. find unexpectedly ‘ eame across these oll photos when I was tidying the coset something ‘come apart separate ‘The top and bottom come apart if you pull hard enough, ‘come down with | become sick My nephew eame down with chicken pox this weekend Something ‘come forward volunteer fora task or to ive [The woman eame forward with her evidence husband's ager prints ‘come from ‘originate In The ar of origami comes from As somewhere ‘count on rly on ‘Tam counting on you te make dinner while Someona/something am out. ross something out [raw 2 line trough Please cross out your old address ond waite your new one ‘cut back on something consume less My doctor wants me to ext back on sweets ‘2nd fatty foods ‘et something down ‘make something fll othe ground We had to cut the old trae in our yard down after the storm, Your father eut im while twas dancing with ‘eat in Interrupt your unde cut in ull in too closely in Front of ‘The bus driver got angry when that car eut another vehicle ce ‘eat in stort operating (of an engine or |The ar conditioner cuts in when the electrical device) temperature gets to 22°C cut something off | remove wth something sharp | The doctors eut off his leg because k wos severely injured ‘cut something off stop provging| ‘Te phone company eu eff our phone because we al’ poy the bil ‘eat someone off tke out of a wil My grandparents eut my father off when he remarried. ‘cut something out remove part of something (usually th scissors and paper) Teut this 0d out of the newspaper: do someone/something beat up, ransack (Br, informal) "e's lucky tobe alve, His hop was done over bya street gong, do something over do again (WAmer) My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she does ike my tople Its time to do away with al ofthese old tax do away with discard Something records ‘do something up | fasten, close ‘Do your coat up before you go outside, e's snowing! ‘wear nice elehing Tis @ fancy restaurant «0 we have to dress: up. ‘move back In @ postion/group randrea aroppe she fll of her bike. 1k third place when ‘drop in/by/over come without an appointment 1 might drop in/by/over for tea sometime tis week ‘drop | someone/something otf ‘ake someone/something somewhere and leave then/it there’ have to drop my sate off at work before T T dropped out of Science because it was too Unattached ‘drop out ‘ult cass, school ete iat, ‘eat out ‘eat at a restaurant 1 dont fea ike cooking tonight. Lee's eat ‘end up ‘eventual reach/da/decide ‘We ended up renting 2 movie instead of ‘going to the theatre. fall apart ‘break into pieces My now dress fell apart in the washing machine. ‘all down all tothe ground The picture that you hung up last nlght Fell down thls morning. Tall out Separate from an interior ‘The money must have fallen out of my pocket Fait out (of har, teeth) become loose and _| His oir started to fall eut when he was only 35. ‘igure something out ‘understand, find the answer need to figure out how to ithe plano and the Bookshelf inthis rom, il something in to write information in blanks ca) lease fil in the form with your name, edaress, and phone number. something out to writ information in banks Wamer), The form must be filled out in capital eters, always fill the water jug up when iis ‘A something up | filto the top jempty. ind out ‘aiscover We don't know where he ves. How can we find out? ‘ind something out | discover We tied to keep the time ofthe party @ secret, but Samantha found tout, ‘et something across/over ‘communicate, make Understandabie 1 tied to get my point aeross/over to the sudge but she woulan' len ‘get along/on ike each other 1 was surprised how well my new giriiend and my sister got along/on, get around have mobitty My granafather con get around fine in his en wheelchair getaway 0 on 8 vacation We worked so hard this year that we had to et away fora week. ‘get away with Something Go without being noticed or punished Jason always gets away with cheating in his ‘mathe tests ‘get back We got back from our vacation last week, ‘get something back ‘eceive something you had before Uz nay got har Science notes back from ‘get back at someone retalae, take revenge: My sister got back at me for stealing her shows. She stole my favour hat ‘get back into something ‘become interested in something again “finaly got back Into my novel and finished c ‘get on something step onto a vehicle We're going to freeze ov here you don't let us get on the bus. [get over something Tecover from an fines, oss, icy 1 just got over the fu and now my sister has ‘et over something ‘overcome a problem The company wil have b cose Ie ean’ get lover the new regulations ‘et round to nally fd time todo (NAmer | Idont know when Tam going fo get round Something {got around to something) to writing the thank you cad, ‘get together ‘met (usually for socal reasons) | ets get together for & BBQ this weekend jet up et out of bea 1 got up early today to tudy for my exam, get up and You should get up and gve the elderly man your seat. sive someone away ‘reveal hidden information about Hs wife gave him away tothe police, ‘give someone away take the bride to the altar My father gave me away at my wedding. give something away My ite sister gave the surprise party away by accident ‘lve something away give something to someone for free “The library was giving away old books on Friday. ‘give something back Tetum a Borrowed fem TThave to give these skates back to Franz before his hockey game. reluctantly stop fahting or arguing My boytriena dant want go tothe ballet, but he finally gave in, ‘ive something out ve to many people (usually at no cost) They wore giving out fre> perfume samples at the department store ‘lve something up quit a habe Tam giving up smoking as of January 1s, ‘ive up stop ving My maths homework was oo dificalt so 1 jaave up. {90 after someone folow someone My brother tried to go after the thle in his {90 after something {ey to achieve something went after my cream and now tam = publishes writer ‘90 against someone | compete, oppose ‘Wie are golng against the best soccer team In the ety tonight ‘90 ahead Sart, proceed Please go ahead and at before the food gets col, ‘99 back raturn to @ place have to go back home and get my lunch, (90 out leave home to go en a soctal event | We're going out for dinner tonight. {99 out with someone | date esse has been going out with Lake since they met last winter {90 over something review lease go over your answers before you submit your tee 90 ove sit someone nearby haven't seen Tina for along time. 1 think {90 over for on hour or twa, ‘9° without something | suffer lack or deprivation ‘Vinen Twas young, we went without winter Doots. ‘grow apart ‘stop being fends over time My best end and 1 grew apart ater she changed schools ‘row back reorow My roses grew back tis summer, ‘row up ‘come an adult ‘Wen Jack grows up he wants to be @ fireman ‘row out of et 100 big for Elzabeth needs a new par of shoes because something she has grown out af her oi ones, ‘row Into something [grow big enough to ft This bike is too big for hin now, but he should grow Into It by next year. ‘hand something | ave something used to someone handed my old comic books down to my tele cousin. Ihand something im [submit T have to hand in my essay by Friday, hhand something out [to distribute to a group of people Wie will hand out the inviations atthe door, hhand something over | give (usually unwilingly) The police asked the mante hand over his wallet and his weapons Stay postive (NAmer. informal) Hang in there. Fm sure youll find a job very hang in vrang on walt a short ie (informal) Hang on while T rab my coat and shoes! hang out spend time relaxing (Informal) | Instead of going tothe paty we are just going to hang out at my place. ‘hang up ‘eda phone call He didnt say goodbye before he hung up, hola prevent fom doina/gaing Thad to held my dog back because there someone/something ack was a eatin the park. ‘hold something back hide an emation Jamie held back hie tens at hi arandtathers funeral. wait a short time Please hold on while Itransfer you ta the Sales Department Hold onto your hot because Ws vary windy hold onto old femly using your hands ar [someone/something | arms outside, ho rob ‘Aman in black mask held the bank wp this someona/somethingup keep on doing something ‘continue doing Ke ai ‘on string unl Be liquid comes toa keep something from ot tel We kept our relatonshis from our parents fortwo years. keep /someone/something out stop trom entering Try to keep the wet dog out ofthe living keep something up [continue atthe same rate if you keep those results up you wil get nto 8 great college. Tet someone down fallto support or help, lsappoint T need you to be on time, Dont Het me down this ime. Tet someone in tow to enter ‘Con you let te cat in before you go to school? T cant log in to Faceboak because Ive Tog in (or en) Sign In ( a website, database ste) forgotten my password Tog out (or off) sign out (of @ website, database | f you dont lag off somebody could get into e) vyour account. Took after Take care of Thave to look after my sick grandmother, someone/something Took down on think less of, consider inferior | Ever since we stoe that chocolate bar your someone dad has looked down on me. Took for fey to tnd Tm looking for a red dress forthe wedding | someane/something Took forward to [be excited about the future Tm looking forward tothe Christmas something break Took into something Investigate We are going to look inte the price of snowboards todey. Look outl That cars gong f At yout Took out be careful, vilant, and take rotee Took out for be expecially vigilant for Don't forget to look out for snakes on the [someone/something hiking tral Took something ever check, examine ‘Can you look over my esay for spaling mistakes? Took something up Search and fad information la @ Foference book or database Wie can look her phone number up on the Internet, look up to someone have alot of respect for My tle sister has alzys looked tp to me. ‘make something wp Invent, lie about something osie made up a story about why we were inte make up Forgive each other We were angry last igh, But we mn at breakfast we ‘make someone up apply cosmetics to My sisters made me up for my graduation arty. Tmxed up the twin! rames againi eople ‘mix something up __|eonfse two or more tings pass away ae His uncle passed away lastnight after ® long tines. pass out aint was 60 hot in the church that an elderly lady passed out. pass something out [give the same thing to many | The professor passed the textbooks out before cass, pass something up ‘ecine (usualy something good) | passed up the job becuse Iam afraid of change pay someone back return owed money Thanks for buying my Heke. 1 pay you back on Friday. ay for something be punished for doing something bod “That buly wil pay for boing mean to my Intl brother, Tpleked out three sweaters for you to ty Surface or oor lek something eut | choose point Inleate with your Nager Tl polnt my boyrend out whan he runs by Someone/something put something ‘But what you are holding on a | You can put the groceries down on the tchen counter, ‘put someone down Insult, make someone feel stupid ‘The students put the substitute teacher down because his pants were too short. We are putting off our tip unt January Someone/something thing put sometning off | postpone because ofthe huscane put something out | extinguish The neighbours put the fre out before the frcmen aeved ‘put something assemble Thave to put the erib together before the ogether baby arrives, put up with Tolerate 1 don't think ean put up with vee small Someona/something ehldren inthe ear. Put something en | put dothing/accessories on your | Don’ forget to put an your new earrings for body the party ‘run into meet unexpectedly Tram Into an oldschool fend atthe ral Someone/something run over ‘rive a vehicle over a person or | accidentally ran over your bicycle in the driveway, Lot's run over/through these lines one run over/through | rehearse, review Something more time before the so, run away leave unexpectedly, escape The child ran away fom home and has been missing for tivee dys run out have none le Vie ran out of shampoe so I had to wash my hale with s00p. ‘gend something back return (osualy By mall iy liter got sant back to me because | used the wrong stamp. ‘set something up ‘range, organize ‘ur boss set a mecting up with the president ofthe company, ‘set someone up| trick, trap ‘The police setup the car thst by using = hidden camera, [shop around [compare prices T want to shop around litle before f decide on these boots, show off ‘act extra spacial for people He always shows off on his skateboard watching (asually boastful) sleep ove stay somewhere forthe night | You should sleep over tonight W the weather (informal) Is too bad to drive home. ‘sort something out organize, resolve a problem We need to sort the bik out before the first ofthe month ‘stick to something ‘continue doing something, lime yourself to one particular thing You wil tose weight i you stek tothe dit ‘witch something off stop the eneray flow, turn of | ‘The ligh’s too bright. Could you ewiteh ie oft ‘switch something en Start the energy flow, turn on We heard the news as soon as we switched ‘on the car radio. ‘ake after someone resemble a femily member take after my mother. We are bath Irnpatient take something apart Purposely break into places He took the car brakes apart and found the problem. ‘ake something back return an tem have to take our new TV back because it doesnt work take off stor to ty My plane takes off in five minutes. ‘ake something off Temove something (usually thing) “Take off your socks and shoes and come in the te! take something out Femove fom a place or thing ‘Can you take the garbage out tothe street for me? ‘ake someone out ay for someone to go somewhere with you "My grandparents took us out fr dinner and tear something up ip into places | 1 tore up my ex-boyfriend's letters and gave them back to him. think back Temember (often + t, sometimes Fon) When I think back on my youth, 1wish Thad studied harder. have to think this js offer ever before I think something over | consider make my fal decision, ‘hrow something | dispose of ‘We threw our od furniture away when we away won the lottery ‘turn something down ‘decrease the volume or strength (heat, ight ete) Please turn the TV down while the guests are here. ‘turn something down refuse T turned the job down because I don't want ‘turn something aff ‘0p the energy flow, switch off Your mother wants you to turn the TV off and come for dinner turn something on ‘Star the eneray, witch on e's too dark in re, Les turn some lights ‘uum something wp increase the volume or trength heat tight ete) Can you turn the music up? TAs Is my tavourte song ‘Our cat turned up after we put posters up all ‘ry something out turn up ‘appear suddenly over the neighbourhood, ‘ry something on | sample clothing [Tm going to try these jeans on, but I don't think they wil rest Tam going to try ths new brand of detergent ‘use something up Tish the supply “The Kids used all ofthe toothpaste up so we ‘eed to buy some more, We have to wake up ey for work on wake up stop sleeping Monday. warm Increase the temperature ‘You can warm your feet up infront ofthe Someene/something replace. warm up prepare body for exerase 1 always warm up by dang sit-ups before 1 90 fora run ‘wear off fade away ost of my make-up wore off before 1 got to tne party. work out exerci T work out atthe gym three times a week, ‘work out be success (ur plan worked out fins work something out ‘make a calculation We have to work out the total cost before we buy the house. Br-£. British English; N.Amer.: North American Phrasal Verbs Quiz > Phrasal Verbs Reference HHuncreds of phrasal verbs listed In Englishcub’s language reference. With definitions, example sentences, ‘quizzes and answers,

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