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5th Mile, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim 737102

CYCLE TEST I Register Number:

Digital Marketing and E-Commerce

Programme & Semester: MBA- III
Date of Exam: 10.09.18
Time :1 Hour and 30 Minutes Max. Marks:50

Part – A (7 x 2 = 14Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
1. Define Direct Marketing?
2. Why we choose social media for marketing?
3. What is Guerrilla Marketing?
4. What is Content Marketing?
5. What is STP?
6. What is PPC?
7. What do you mean by Cookies?

Part-B ( 2 x 10 = 20Marks)
Answer ALL Questions

8. a) Is Guerrilla Marketing effective for small companies? Justify.

b) Define different kind of Viral Marketing strategies.

9. a) Explain the factors which effect social media selection.

b) Explain different types of social media Techniques.

Part- C (1x16=16)
Case Analysis

10. Unilever has found a new way to make ice creams by using an ingredient called ‘ice structureing
protein’ which is widely found in nature expecialy, in fishes which allows them to survive in freezing
arctic waters. Combining ISP with stabilizer technology allows making ice creams that don’t melt so
easily thereby making it more convenient for small children and consumer in hot countries.

In the context of above case:

1. Identify the component of marketing mix being taken into consideration by the company. (5)
2. Explain briefly the function of marketing highlighted here. (5)
3. Which social media is more appropriate for the promotion of ice cream? (6)

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