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MATRIC NUMBER: D20181081732

1. Find the meaning and give example for the following control features:

a) Menu bar
A row or strip of menu items titles that, when clicked, display dropdown menus
of others items or commands. A menu bar integral graphical user interface (GUI)
component for a variety of software applications.

b) Toolbar
Called bar or standard toolbar is a row of buttons, often near the top of an
application windows, that control software functions. The boxes are below the
menu bar and often contain images corresponding with the function they control.

c) Command button
Command button is a clickable image object used with graphical operating
d) Dialog box
Common type of window in GUI of an operating system, dialog box display
additional information, and asks user for input.

e) Text box
section or object on a page that allows a user to enter text. Text boxes are often
used on the Internet for pages that require input from a user.

f) Toggle button
Toggle button is a graphical control element that allows user to make a choice
between two mutually exclusive states (ex: ON/OFF). Toggle button have
similar functions as checkboxes, but unlike checkboxes, toggle button usually
has an immediate effect on the application or system.
g) List box – scroll bar
List box is used to display all the available choices. If the list does not fit in the
box, a scroll bar allows user to move through the available choices.

h) Drop-down list box

A drop-down list is a graphical control element, similar to a list box, that allows
the user to choose one value from a list. When a drop-down list is inactive, it
displays a single value. When activated, it displays (drops down) a list of values,
from which the user may select one.
i) Option button, or radio button
A radio button, also known as an option button, is a graphical control element
that allows the user to select only one of a set of mutually exclusive options. A
radio button's singularity distinguishes it from checkboxes, which allow the user
to select and deselect an unlimited number of items.
Radio buttons are arranged in groups of two or more and displayed on
screen as, for example, a list of circular holes with white space (for unselected)
or a dot (for selected). Normally, each radio button is accompanied by a label
that describes the option that the radio button represents. When the user selects
a radio button, any previously selected radio button in the same group is

j) Check box
A checkbox is a graphical widget that allows the user to make a binary choice,
that is, a choice between two mutually exclusive options. For example, on a
simple yes/no question, the user may be required to answer 'yes' (checked) or
'no' (not checked).
A series of checkboxes, each with a binary choice between two options,
is frequently presented. The user can then choose from a number of options. In
contrast, a radio button allows you to choose only one of several mutually
exclusive options.
k) Calendar control
If a user needs to enter dates, then provide calendar control that allows user to
select a date that the system will use as a field value.

l) Switchboard
A form that allows you to navigate around your Access database. The
switchboard is made of buttons that you click. You can program these buttons
to open forms, reports, queries, etc.

2. Explain about the following output report. Give example of each report.

a) Detail reports
Detail report produces one or more lines of output for each record processed.
Detail report can be lengthy because it contains one or more lines for each
Example: a listing of all customer
b) Exception reports
Exception report displays only those records that meet a specific condition or
conditions. Exception reports are useful when the user wants the information
only on records that might require action, but does not need to know the details.
Example: a count of customer by region

c) Summary reports
a report that summarizes data from several transactions and presents the results
in a condensed document.
Example: a listing of customer with past due account

3. Define the following eight types of data validation rules.

a) Sequence check
A type of data validation check that is used when the data must be in some
predetermined sequence. If the user must enter work orders in numerical
Example, then an out-of-sequence order number indicates an error. If the user
must enter transactions chronologically, then a transaction with an out-of-
sequence date indicates an error.

b) Existence check
A type of data validation check that is used for mandatory data items.
Example an employee record requires a Social Security number an existence
check would not allow the user to save the record until he or she enters a suitable
value in the SSN field.

c) Data type check

A type of data validation check that is used to ensure that a data item fits the
required data type.
Example, a numeric field must have only numbers or numeric symbols and an
alphabetic field can contain only the characters A through Z or the characters a
through z.

d) Range check – limit check

A type of data validation check that tests data items to verify that they fall
between a specified minimum and maximum value. The daily hours worked by
an employee. Example, must fall within the range of 0 to 24.

e) Reasonableness check
Identifies values that are questionable, but not necessarily wrong.
Example, a daily hour worked value 0f 24 passes a 0 to 24 range check, however
the value seems unusual and the system should verify it using a reasonableness
f) Validity check – referential integrity
Validity check can help avoid data input errors. It used for data items that must
have certain values.
Example, verifying that a customer number on an order matches a customer
number in the customer file.

g) Combination check
Combination check performed on two or more fields to ensure that they are
consistent or reasonable when considered together. Even though all the fields
involved on a combination check might pass their individual validation checks,
the combination of the field values might be inconsistent or unreasonable.
Example, order quantity limit is 50, unit price range from $1-$80, order from 1-
100 accepted. Order of 50 for $80 passes individual limit check on order but fail
combination check for total price.

h) Batch controls- hash totals

Batch controls are totals used to verify batch input. Batch controls might check
data items such as record counts and numeric field totals. Unlike the other
validation checks, batch controls do not identify specific errors.
Example, sum of customer account numbers

4. Describe the following types of codes. Give example for each type of codes.

a) Sequence codes
Identifies a person, place or thing in order to keep track of it. A number that is
assign to something if it need to be numbered.
b) Block sequence codes
An extension of the sequence code.

c) Alphabetic codes
Uses alphabet letters to distinguish one item from another based on a category,
an abbreviation, or an easy-to-remember value, called a mnemonic code.

d) Significant digit codes

Significant digit codes distinguish items by using a series of subgroups of digits.
e) Derivation codes
Derivation codes combine data from different item attributes, or characteristics.
Most magazine subscription codes are derivation codes.

f) Cipher codes
Cipher code may be used to conceal or disguise information. Used a keyword
to encode a number.

g) Action codes
Action codes indicate what action is to be taken with an associated item.
a student records program might prompt a user to enter or click an action code
such as D (to display the student's record), A (to add a record), and X (to exit
the program).

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