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He speaks English very well. (costruzione della frase 1) Posizioni del verbo e del complemento oggetto: ed Sue (Bought) BmEHEWSHGES yesteray. soggetto verbo xgetto Dinorma toggetto ¢ subito dopo il verbo: Sue bought some new shoes yesterday (mon Sue bought yesterday some new shoes) SUE (soggetto) SOME NeW SHOES (complemento oggetto) verbo + complemento oggetto Hespeaks English very well (non He speaks very well English) like Italian food very much. (non like very much ...) Did youwatch TV all evening? (ron Did you watch all evening ...2) Paul often wears a black hat. (ron Paul wears often ...) Weinvited a lot of people to the pzrty. opened the door quietly. Why do you always make the same mistake? lim going to borrow _some money from a friend, La costruzione italiana é pit libera. Tra il verbo eil complemento oggetto si trovano spesso altri complement He speaks English very well. Parla molto bene ingles. Paul often wears a black hat. Paul porta spesso un cappello nero lopened the door quietly. Ho aperto piano la porta. Posizioni dei complementi di luogo e di tempo: ———_ Lisa goes RSithe MARY) (nan Lisa goes every day to the gym) g ea even 8% ry day sym) luogo tempo Di solito il complemento di luago (to the gym) precedeil complemento ai tempo (every day) lwogo tempo We went toa party last night. eri sera siamo andati a una festa. Willyoube at home this evening? Sarai/Sarete a casa stasera® usually go to bed carly, Di solito vado a letto presto Wearrived attheairport at Zoclock Samo arrivat alaeroporto alle 7.00 Theyvelived inthe same house for 20 years. Abitano nella stessa casa da 20 anni. Joes father has been in hos } since June. Ii padre dijoe & alfospedale da giugno. ‘Molto spesso le espressioni di tempo (yesterday / tomorrow / on Thursday ecc.) si trovano in posizone finale. Initaliano ® molto frequente il contrari: | went to the cinema yesterday. leri sono andato al cinema, She doesnt work on Fridays. Il venerdi non lavora met Ben last week. La settimana scorsa ho in:ontrato Ben (rine dele dorande- Unis 46-48 aways usualy often cc. UNTEG TCIZI Correggi le frasi sbagliate. Per le altre scrivi OK. 1 Did you watch all evening TV? Did you watch TV all evening? 2. Sue bought some new shoes yesterday. OK, 3 like very much this picture, 4 Tom started last week his new job. 5. I want to speak English fluently. 6 Jessica bought for her friend a present. 7 Idrink every day three cups of coffee 8 Dont eat your dinner too quickly! 9. | borrowed from my brother fifty euros. Scrivifrasi di senso compiuto riordinando le parole date. 1 (the door / opened J | / quietly) opened the door quietly. 2. (anew phone / last week // got) I 3 (finished / Paul / quickly / his work) 4 (Emily / very well / French / doesnt speak) 5 (alot of shopping / did / | / yesterday) 6 (London / do you know / well?) 7 (we / enjoyed / very much / the party) 8 (the problem / carefully / / explained) 9) (we / at the airport / some friends / met) 10 (did you / in England / buy / that jacket?) 11 (every day / do J the same thing / we) 12. (football / don't lke / very much /1) Scrivifrasi di senso compiuto riordinando le parole date. 1 (tothe gym / every day / goes / Lisa) Lisa goes to the gym every day. 2 (atthe hotel /|/ early / arrived) I 3. (goes / every year / to Italy / Julia) Julia 4 (we / since 1998 / here / have lived) We 5 (in London / Sue / in 1990/wasborn) Sue 6 (didnt go / yesterday / Paul | to work) Paul 7 (toa wedding / last weekend / went / Helen) Helen 8 (I/inbed / this moming / my breakfast / had) 1 9 (in September / Amy / to university /is going) Amy 10 (1//a beautiful bird / this morning fin the garden / saw) I 11 (many times / have been / my parents / to the United States) My 12 (my umbrella /|/ ast night / left / in the restaurant) I 13 (to the cinema / tomorrow evening / are you going?) Are 14 (the children /1/ took / this moming / to school) \ Traduci in inglese. 1. Domenica scorsa siete andati allo 200? 2. Hai incontrato tua moglie prima o dopo il 2003? 3. A mia madre non piace molto il formaggio. 4 I giornali dicono tutti i giomni le stesse cose 5. miei genitori vanno tute le domeniche in campagna 6 Due giomnifa Marco ha visto tuo fratello a Venezia 7__Di sabato vado sempre con i miei amici allo Sports Club. 8 I mese prossimo a Milano ci sara un grande concerto. 9 Lucia parla te lingue, ma non parla molto bene ringlese fluently = ccorrentemente in prestito 203 i

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