Community Health Nursing

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To obtain a 100% population count of the community, Nurse Sid

should need to do a:
Situation 1.Community Health Nursing is a unique blend of nursing A. Survey C. Census
and public health practice woven into a human service that properly B. One to one interview D. Sampling of the population
developed and applied has a tremendous impact on human well Answer: C
being. Rationale: The assessment process involves the collection of
1. The primary goal of Community Health Nursing is to: relevant data. It employs various methods to collect data. A
A. Support and supplement the efforts of the medical census is the procedure of systematically acquiring and
professions in the promotion of health and recording information about the members of a given population.
prevention of illness It is a regularly occurring and official count of a particular
B. Enhance the capacity of individuals, families and population. It obtains a 100% population count of the community.
communities to cope with their heath needs (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
C. Increase the productivity of the people
D. Raise the level of health of the citizenry 7. Which of the following is a well-stated objective in a community
Answer: B health nursing care plan?
Rationale: The primary goal of Community Health Nursing is to A. To increase the number of mothers coming for prenatal check-up by
help communities and families to cope with the discontinuities of 25% in 6 months time
health and threats in such a way as to maximize their potential B. To increase the number of home visits by 50%
for high level wellness, as well as to promote reciprocally C. To increase the coverage for immunization in 1 year time
supportive relationship between people and their physical and D. To increase the number of children receiving food assistance
social environment. (Community Health Nursing Services in the Answer: A
Philippines) Rationale: A well-stated objective should be SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound).
2. The context of Community Health Nursing is based on the
nurse's evaluation about the: 8. Identification of health risks in the community is a step in
A. Existing health problems and needs of the people formulating a community health diagnosis. Which of the following
B. Current health status of the people methods Nurse Sid should do to best facilitate the identification
C. Department of Heath (DOH) goals of health risks threatening the community?
D. Devolution of health A. Assess community resources and industries available
Answer: A B. Familiarize with the prevalent lifestyle of the people within the
Rationale: The context of Community Health Nursing is based community
on the nurse's evaluation about the existing health problems and C. Study health center records and reports
needs of the people. One of the principles of CHN states that D. Review of vital statistics available
Community Health Nursing is based on the recognized needs of Answer: D
individuals, families, communities and groups. (Community Rationale: To facilitate identification of health risks threatening
Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) the community, the community health nurse reviews available
vital statistics. Statistics refers to a systematic approach of
3. Community Health Nursing is a specialized field of nursing that obtaining, organizing and analyzing numerical facts so that
follows the basic principles in Community Development work. conclusion may be drawn from them. Specifically, vital statistics
Which of the following statements best described Community refers to the systematic study of vital events such as births,
Development as a process of empowering people in the illnesses, marriages, divorce, separation and deaths. The
community? statistics of disease (morbidity) and death (mortality) indicate the
A. Community development may allow women to state of health of a community and the success or failure of
discover and strengthen their innate capabilities to health work. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
enjoy and utilize equal opportunities in all aspects
of development work 9. The community health diagnosis is an important input to the
B. Sustainability aspects of development strategies formulation of a community health nursing care plan. In order to
can be taken into consideration assure a successful implementation of the care plan, the
C. Community development is solely confined to the diagnosis must be carried out in a manner where:
meeting of the day to day survival of the people A. An outside consultant determines what data to collect
D. Community development is a learning process B. The community is directly involved in data collection and analysis
where both women and men participate to C. The nurse delegates the collection of data to the barangay health
improve their lives workers
Answer: D D. All the members of the rural health unit participates in data collection
Rationale: Community Development is defined as an organized Answer: B
effort of people to improve the conditions of the community life Rationale: In community health nursing, implementation
and the capacity of the people for participation, self-direction and involves various nursing interventions which have been
integrated efforts in community affairs in which development is determined by the goals/objectives that have been previously
accomplished by the people. Everyone has something to set. The public health nurse carry out nursing procedures which
contribute to the life of the community. are consistent with the nursing care plan, are adapted to present
It is not solely for women (option A) and not a short term process situations which promote a safe and therapeutic environment.
(option C). (C.E Jimenez, CO-PAR) Public health nurses involve the patient and his/her family in the
care provided in order to motivate them to assume responsibility
4. If a particular health service fails, the most basic question is: for his or their care and to be able to teach and maintain a
A. Is this what the people demanded? desired level of function. Explaining and answering questions to
B. What went wrong? clarify doubts, to maximize the patient’s confidence and ability to
C. Is this what the people need? care for himself/themselves. Thus, the role of the community
D. Who is responsible for the failure? health nurses shift from direct care giver to that of a teacher.
Answer: C (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
Rationale: If a particular health service fails, it is important to
reassess the felt needs of the people not their demands (option 10. Which criterion in priority setting of health problems is used only
A). (Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) in community health care?
A. Magnitude of the health problem
5. Which of the following statement is correct? B. Preventive potential of the health problem
A. If people are not attending to the services offered by the health staff, the C. Nature of the problem presented
team must reassess the needs of the people D. Modifiability of the problem
B. In participatory approach, the nurse must devotedly adhere to what the Answer: A Rationale: Magnitude of the health problem refers to
people want the percentage of the population affected by a health problem.
C. In a peasant community where people are fighting for land ownership, (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
the nurse must not participate as this is not a health concern
D. Nurses must not join protest actions as nurses should always be neutral Situation 3.The application of the nursing process is rational method
at all times of planning and providing nursing care. As basic tool in professional
Answer: A nursing practice, its utilization ensures competent and safe practice.
Rationale: If people are not attending to the services offered by It is a scientific tool that is utilized also in Community Health Nursing.
the health staff, the team must reassess the needs of the people. 11. Which of the following is Community Health Nursing
This is base on the principle that Community Health Nursing is Assessment?
based on the recognized needs of individuals, families, A. Auditing Nursing Record C. Prioritizing needs
communities and groups. (Community Health Nursing Services B. Monitoring health services D. Intensive fact-finding
in the Philippines) Answer: D
Rationale: Assessment is the systematic and continuous
Situation 2. Nurse Sid, a public health nurse, prepares a community collection, organization, validation, and documentation of data
health nursing care plan utilizing the nursing process, which is (information). All phases of the nursing process depend on the
responsive to the health promotion needs of the community. accurate and complete collection of data. Data collection
(intensive fact-finding) is the process of gathering information is involved in the menace of pollution, basically man-made, is:
about a client's health status. It must be both systematic and A. Behavioral C. Environmental influences
continuous to prevent omission of significant data and reflect a B. Socio-economic D. Health Care Delivery System
client's changing health status. Answer: C
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) Rationale: Environmental influences are the factor in the
ecosystem that is involved in the menace of pollution, which has
12. When the nurse invites other members of the nursing team to been growing over the years and has greatly affected the health
develop evaluation parameters, this process is called: of the people. The disease today is largely man-made. Examples
A. Interpreting data C. Planning nursing action of these are communicable diseases due to poor sanitation, poor
B. Tabulating data D. Putting plan of action garbage collection, smoking, air pollution and utilization of
Answer: C chemicals such as pesticides. (Community Health Nursing
Rationale: In the planning phase, the nurse performs Services in the Philippines)
prioritization, evaluation of parameters, goal setting, plan of
action construction, and development of an operational plan. 20. Which is not an example of behavioral influences in OLOF on
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) health status?
A. Cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking
13. When the nurse performs appraisals, this process is called: B. Exposure to toxic substances in the workplace
A. Assessment C. Evaluation C. Sedentary lifestyle of an office worker
B. Planning D. Diagnosing D. A grandmother with an adult-onset diabetes
Answer: C Answer: B
Rationale: In the evaluation phase, the nurse perform auditing and Rationale: Behavioral influences refer to the factor in the ecosystem
appraisal. The elements of evaluation includes: structural (inputs), process affecting the individual’s health through certain habits that a person has.
(methods), and outcome (outputs). These may be in the form of smoking, intake of alcoholic drinks, substance
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) abuse or lack of exercise. The people's lifestyle, health care and child
rearing practices are shaped, to a large extent, by their culture and ethnic
14. Once the nurse initiates contact with a client, asking questions to heritage.
gather data, this process is called: (Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
A. Implementation C. Planning
B. Evaluation D. Assessment Situation 5. Public health is dedicated to the common attainment of
Answer: D the highest level of physical, mental and social well-being and
Rationale: Data collection is done during the Assessment longevity consistent with available knowledge and resources at a
phase. It is the process of gathering information about a client's given time and place.
health status. It must be both systematic and continuous to 21. According to Dr. C.E. Winslow, which of the following is the goal
prevent omission of significant data and reflect a client's of Public Health?
changing health status. There are 4 phases of data gathering: A. For promotion of health and prevention and diseases
data collection, collation, presentation or tabulation, and B. For people to be organized in their health efforts
analysis. C. For people to have access to basic health services
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) D. For people to attain their birthrights and longevity
Answer: D
15. When the RHU nurse provides health teaching to individuals or Rationale: Dr. C.E. Winslow defines public health as the science and art of
families, this process is called: preventing disease, prolonging life, promoting health and efficiency through
A. Intervention C. Assessment organized community effort for the sanitation of the environment, control of
B. Planning D. Evaluation communicable diseases, the education of individuals in personal hygiene,
Answer: A the organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis
Rationale: During the implementation or intervention phase, the and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of the social
nurse carries out interventions (such as providing health machinery to ensure everyone a standard of living adequate for the
teachings) and utilizes resources. maintenance of health, so organizing these benefits as to enable every
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) citizen to realize his birthright of health and longevity. (Public Health
Nursing in the Philippines)
Situation 4. There are several factors in the ecosystem which affect
the optimum level of functioning (OLOF) of individuals, families and 22. According to Dr. Margaret Shetland, the philosophy of public
communities. The nurse must be knowledgeable on this. health nursing is based on which of the following?
16. The modern concept of health refers to: A. The worth and dignity of man
A. How individuals maintain a maximum level of wellness B. The mandate of the state to protect the birthrights of its citizens
B. How individuals can be called disease-free C. Health and longevity as birthrights
C. How individuals avoid diseases D. Public health nursing as a specialized field of nursing
D. How individuals can avail of their immune system Answer: A
Answer: A Rationale: According to Dr. Margaret Shetland, the philosophy
Rationale: The modern concept of health refers to the optimum of community health nursing is based on the worth and dignity of
level of functioning (OLOF) or the maximum level of wellness of man. (Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
individual, families and communities. (Community Health Nursing
Services in the Philippines) 23. Which of the following is the most prominent feature of public
health nursing?
17. In the Health Care Delivery System, ideally, rehabilitation A. It involves providing home care to sick people who are not confined in
services begin: the hospital
A. Upon admission of the client in the health care B. Public health nursing focuses on preventive, not curative services
system C. The public health nurse functions as part of a team providing a public
B. Upon discharge of the client from the health care health nursing service
system D. Services are provided free of charge to people within the catchment
C. After the client's physical condition stabilizes area
D. Soon after the client had requested for rehabilitation Answer: B
services Rationale: The public health nurses in this country are using their nursing
Answer: A skills in the application of public health functions and social assistance
Rationale: In the Health Care Delivery System, ideally, within the context of public health programs designed to promote health
rehabilitation services begin upon admission of the client in the and prevent diseases. Public health nursing focuses on preventive, not
health care system. (Community Health Nursing Services in the curative services. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
18. The factor in the ecosystem affecting the individuals health that 24. The public health nurse is the supervisor of rural health
is involved in the provision of essential health services whether midwives. Which of the following is a supervisory function of the
community-based, accessible, sustainable and affordable is the: pubic health nurse?
A. Socio-economic influences C. Behavioral A. Referring cases or patients to the midwife
B. Health Care Delivery System D. Political B. Providing technical guidance to the midwife
Answer: B C. Proving nursing care to cases referred by the midwife
Rationale: Health Care Delivery System is the factor in the D. Formulating and implementing training programs for midwives
ecosystem affecting the individual’s health that is involved in the Answer: B
provision of essential health services whether community-based, Rationale: Generally, the public health nurse is the supervisor of
accessible, sustainable and affordable. Although promotive and the midwives and other auxiliary health workers in the catchment
preventive health measures are emphasized in community area. This is in accordance with agency’s policies and in a
health, the availability and accessibility of curative and manner that improves performance and promotes job
rehabilitative services also affect people's health. (Community satisfaction. During the visit, the public health nurse identifies
Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) together with the supervisee any issue or problem encountered
and addresses them accordingly. If it is a technical matter like a
19. The factor in the ecosystem affecting the individual's health that breach in the procedure or established protocol, coaching is
immediately instituted.
Option D is incorrect because if problems or issues identified Situation 7.Clinic Visit is done at the health center or health station so
needs further capacity enhancement or training for the that the community health nurse can provide the necessary health
supervisee, then the nurse arranges, not formulate or implement, care services to the people in the community. On the other hand,
for the conduct of this training. (Public Health Nursing in the home visit is a family-nurse contact which allows the health worker to
Philippines) assess the home and family situations in order to provide necessary
nursing care.
25. Qualifications to be a public health nurse includes which of the 31. During clinic visit, which among the following activities is done
following: during pre-consultation conference?
1. Good physical and mental health A. One-on-one counseling C. First come, first served queuing
2. BSN graduate B. Record preparation D. Pre-clinic lecture
3. Registered nurse Answer: D
4. Masters degree in Nursing Rationale: Pre-clinic lecture is usually done during pre-consultation
5. 3 years experience as a Clinical Instructor conference that is conducted prior to the admission of patients, which is
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1, 4 and 5 one way of providing health education. (Public Health Nursing in the
B. 1, 3 and 4 D. 2, 3 and 4 Philippines)

Answer: A 32. Certain DOH programs utilize an acceptable decision to which

Rationale: The Standards of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines the nurse has to follow. What should the public health nurse do
developed by the National League of Philippine Government Nurses in to a program-based case?
2005 described the qualification and functions of a Public Health A. Manage the case C. Provide first aid treatment
Nurse.The PHN has the professional, personal and other qualifications that B. Refer to the physician D. Refer the case to the next level of care
are appropriate to his/her job responsibilities. They are as follows: is a Answer: A
graduate of BSN (2) and a Registered Nurse (3); has the following Rationale: In triaging, a public health nurse manages a program-based
personal qualities and professional competencies such as good physical case. Certain programs of the DOH like the IMCI utilize an acceptable
and mental health (1), interest and willingness to work in the community, decision to which the nurse has to follow in the management of a simple
with leadership potential, resourcefulness and creativity, honesty and case. All non-program based cases are refer to the physician (option B). All
integrity, active membership to professional nursing organizations. (Public emergency cases are provided with first aid treatment and refer the case to
Health Nursing in the Philippines) the next level of care (option C and D). (Public Health Nursing in the
Situation 6. Primary Health Care as an approach to delivery of health
care services 33. Clinic visit is being executed by a health team. Who acts as a
26. Which one is the goal of Primary Health Care in the Philippines? leader in planning the clinical activities?
A. Reorientation and reorganization of the national health care system with A. Barangay Health Worker C. Public Health Nurse
the establishment of functional support mechanism B. Physician-in-Charge D. Rural Health Midwife
B. Essential health care made universally accessible, acceptable, Answer: B
available, and affordable to all Rationale: The Physician-in-Charge is the leader in planning the clinical
C. Health for all Filipinos and health in the hands of the people by the year activities. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
D. To strengthen the health care system, let the people manage their own 34. The following best describes a home visit, except:
health care A. May or may not be recorded
Answer: C B. Extension of the services of the health center
Rationale: The goal of Primary Health Care in the Philippines is “Health for C. A professional contact made by the nurse
all Filipinos and health in the hands of the people by the year 2020.” D. Should have an objective
(Public Health Nursing in the Philippines) Answer: A
Rationale: Home visit is a professional contact made by the nurse and an
27. The mission of Primary Health Care refers to which of the extension of the services of the health center. When preparing for a home
following? visit, it should have a purpose or objective. Home visit should always be
A. To strengthen the health care system, let the people manage their own recorded or documented (making option C incorrect). (Public Health
health care Nursing in the Philippines)
B. Guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos,
especially the poor, and shall lead the quest for excellence in health 35. Planning for a home visit is an essential tool in achieving best
C. Health for all by the year 2020 results in health care. The following are principles in a home
D. Health for all Filipinos and health in the hands of the people by the year visit, except:
2020 A. Planning should be flexible and practical
Answer: A B. Home visit should have a purpose
Rationale: The mission of Primary Health Care in the Philippines C. Plans are based in available information including those from other
is “To strengthen the health care system, let the people manage agencies that may have rendered services to the family
their own health care.” D. Planning of continuing care must be developed by the nurse
Answer: D
Rationale: The following are principles of home visits: A home visit must
28. The law that provided mandate for the implementation of Primary
have a purpose or objective (option)
Health Care in the Philippines is:
A. R.A. 7160 C. R.A. 8423
Situation 8. The following procedures are very important to the public
B. LOI 949 D. R.A. 9255
health nurse in rendering effective nursing care to clients in varied
Answer: B
Rationale: Primary Health Care was declared during the First International
36. The nurse should understand which rationale when performing
Conference on Primary Health Care held in Alma Ata, USSR on September
the bag technique?
6-12, 1978 by WHO. The goal was “Health for All by the year 2000.” This
A. It should not overshadow the concerns for the client
was adopted in the Philippines through Letter of Instruction (LOI) 949
B. It should render effective nursing care to clients or other family members
signed by President Marcos on October 19, 1979 and has an underlying
C. It should minimize or prevent the spread of infection
theme of “Health in the hands of the people by 2020.”
D. It should save time and effort when performing nursing procedures
Answer: B
29. Which of the following is not a corner stone of Primary Health
Rationale: The rationale when performing the bag technique is that it
should render effective nursing care to clients or other family members.
A. Support mechanisms made available
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
B. Active community participation
C. Intra and intersectoral solicitation linkages
37. Tourniquet test or Rumpel-Lead's test is used as screening for
D. Use of appropriate technology
dengue. If the nurse counted 10 petechial spots in the imaginary
Answer: C
one square inch just below the BP cuff or in the antecubital
Rationale: The four corner stones or pillars in PHC are as follows:
fossa, this should be interpreted as:
active community participation (option B); intra and inter-sectoral
A. Positive C. Alarming
linkages (option C); use of appropriate technology (option D); and
B. Negative D. Warning
support mechanism made available (option A).
Answer: B
Rationale: Tourniquet test or Rumpel-Lead's test is used as screening for
30. Which does not describe Primary Health Care?
dengue. An imaginary one square inch just below the BP cuff or in the
A. It emphasizes partnership between health care providers and the people
antecubital fossa is made to check for the presence of petechial rashes. If
B. It is a total approach to community development
it manifested 20 or more petechial rashes, it indicates a positive dengue
C. It stresses the importance of linkages
result. If it is less than 20 it means that the test is negative. (Community
D. It aims to provide free health services to the people
Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
Answer: D
Rationale: Option D is incorrect because PHC aims to provide affordable,
38. The nurse utilizes three different agents when wiping the
not free, health services to the people. (Public Health Nursing in the
thermometer after use. Arrange them according to sequence:
A. 3x soap, 3x water, 3x alcohol C. 3x soap, 3x water, 1x alcohol Rationale: The reason why community organizers need to phase out from
B. 1x soap, 1x water, 1x alcohol D. 1x soap, 1x water, 3x alcohol the community is to enable the people to exercise self-reliance. People are
Answer: C given a chance to study their problems, offer solutions and give a chance
Rationale: When wiping the thermometer after use, clean the thermometer to plan an action. (Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
in a downward spiral motion from the stem to the bulb, holding it over the
waste paper bag using the following technique: 1st - 3 cotton balls Situation 10. Community Organization is a process wherein people in
moistened with soap. Discard. 2Nd - 3 cotton balls moistened with water. 3Rd the community, health care providers and agencies in the community
- 1 cotton ball moistened with alcohol, then wrap around the bulb of the are brought together.
thermometer and lay it inside the kidney basin. (Community Health Nursing 46. Which of the following is the primary principle involved in
Services in the Philippines) community organization?
A. Technique in asking questions
39. An orange result of a Benedict's test should be interpreted by the B. Assembly of community leaders
nurse as to which extent of glucosuria? C. Defined functions in each group
A. (-) B. + C. ++ D. +++ D. Planning group needs
Answer: D Answer: D
Rationale: An orange result of a Benedict's test indicates a+++ result. Rationale: The primary principle involved in community organization is
planning group needs to represent all people concerned and the
40. I the result of a Heat and Acetic acid test is clear, the nurse discussion must include people with technical knowledge of health
knows that: problems. (Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
A. Albuminuria is abnormal
B. Protein is traced in the urine 47. Which one of the following is not an objective of community
C. This is a positive result of protein leak organization?
D. There is no albumin in the urine A. Learn about common problems
Answer: D B. Plan the kind of action needed to solve problems
Rationale: If the result of a Heat and Acetic acid test is clear, there is no C. Never to act on issues presented
albumin in the urine. If it is cloudy, the nurse should repeat the procedure. D. Identify problems as their own
If on the second test, the result is still cloudy then it is interpreted as Answer: C
positive protein leak or positive proteinuria. (Community Health Nursing Rationale: Community Organizing is a process by which people, health
Services in the Philippines) services and agencies of the community are brought together to learn
about the common problems (option A), identify these problems as their
Situation9. COPAR (Community Organizing Participatory Action own (option D), plan the kind of action needed to solve these problems
Research) recognizes people's participation as a tool for community (option B) and act on this basis. (Community Health Nursing Services in
development. the Philippines)
41. Arrange the activities of community organizing as a continuous
sustained process for community development. 48. Which basic method can determine the extent to which the basic
A. Organization, Education, Mobilization needs are met for the health workers to bring about the
B. Organization, Mobilization, Education adjustment between need and resources?
C. Education, Organization, Mobilization A. Fact finding C. Determination of needs
D. Education, Mobilization, Organization B. Program formation D. Education and Interpretation
Answer: C Answer: A
Rationale: Community organizing as a continuous sustained process for Rationale: Fact finding is the basic method that serves to identify needs,
community development involves the process of Education, Organization determine the extent to which the basic needs are met and make known
and Mobilization. (Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) gaps and overlaps in existing services. This will also help health workers to
bring about the adjustment between need and resources. (Community
42. The following statements pertain to Community Organizing, Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
A. Its goal is community development 49. As a nurse, you have gained entry in the community. Which
B. A never-ending process once started initial step is done?
C. Can apply for increasing awareness A. List names of persons to contact
D. A process for increasing organization and initiating B. Gather information from persons and records
responsible action C. Arrange the first meeting
Answer: B D. Prepare the agenda
Rationale: Community Organizing is a process by which people, health Answer: B
services and agencies of the community are brought together to learn Rationale: The initial step when the nurse gained entry in the community is
about the common problems, identify these problems as their own, plan gathering initial information about the community from other members of
the kind of action needed to solve these problems and act on this basis. Its the RHU or from records and reports. (Community Health Nursing
goal is community development (option A). It can be applied to increase Services in the Philippines)
the awareness of the community (option C). It is also a process for
increasing organization and initiating responsible action (option D). 50. Which of the following should a nurse do if the purpose in
Option B is incorrect because it sets up action pattern to solve problems, community organizing is to integrate with the people?
not a never-ending process once started. (Community Health Nursing a. Live with the people
Services in the Philippines) b. Assign community officers
c. Be punctual in reporting at the Rural Health Unit (RHU)
43. Which among the following does not pertain to Participatory d. Reside in the home of the Municipal Health Officer
Action Research? Answer: ARationale: When integrating with the people, it is
A. Problem identification involves the community or group experiencing the crucial for the nurse to reside in his/her area of assignment. This
problem is the first act of integrating with the people. Living with them will
B. Method of data gathering is determined by local culture and give the nurse an in depth participation in community health
innovativeness problems and needs. (Community Health Nursing Services in the
C. Use of research results is within the full control of the people Philippines)
D. It is done by an outsider utilizing technical quantitative techniques for
publication use Situation 11. Community Assessment through Vital Statistics and
Answer: D Epidemiology
Rationale Option D is incorrect because it is not done by an outsider. 51. Major factors affecting population include the following, except:
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) A. Morbidity C. Migration
B. Mortality D. Births
44. Manageable units of the community to facilitate service delivery Answer: A
and people's participation is called the: Rationale: Major factors affecting population include the following:
A. Core group C. Spot map Mortality or the number of deaths, Birth rates and even Migration or
B. Small group D. Organizing group movement of people from one locality to another.
Answer: A Option A is incorrect because morbidity doesn't affect population change; it
Rationale: Core group is the manageable units of the community to only determines the number of people acquiring diseases or illnesses.
facilitate service delivery and people's participation. (Community Health (Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines)
Nursing Services in the Philippines)
52. The town of Bagong Pag-asa has a population of 100,000 as of
45. The basic reasons why community organizers need to phase out July 1, 2008 (midyear) as per calendar year 2008 (January to
from the community is to enable the: December) 2,000 died. Which formula below should be used to
A. People to exercise self-reliance compute the crude death rate?
B. Nurse to open community organization work in other depressed A. 100,000 / 100,000 x 1,000
communities B. 2,000 / 100,000 x 100
C. People's organization to expand their coverage C. 100,000 / 2,000 x 1,000
D. People to test their unity and strength D. 2,000 / 100,000 x 1,000
Answer: A Answer: D
Rationale: Crude death rate is a measure of one mortality from fundamental values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, health,
all causes which may result in a decease of population. The respect for nature, and shared responsibility. All four options are part of the
formula of CDR is: total number of deaths registered in a given MDGs, however, only option C (Promote gender equality and empower
calendar year (e.g., 2,000 in 2008) divided by the estimated women) is not health related. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
population as of the same year (e.g., 100,000 in July 1, midyear)
multiplied by 1,000. (Community Health Nursing Services in the 59. The goal of the DOH is Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA),
Philippines) with the National Objectives for Health (NOH) serving as the
road map for all stakeholders in health. All of the following are
53. Incidence rate means new cases as percent of population and reasons for health sector reform, except:
prevalence rate means cases in a given period of time as A. Slowing down in the reduction of both Infant and Maternal Mortality
percent of population. Which formula below is a prevalence rate? Rates
A. Number of cases of a specific disease / 1,000 B. Rising and high burden from chronic, degenerative diseases and
estimated population x 100 infectious diseases, respectively
B. Total number of cases of a disease (old + new) / C. Unattended emerging health risks from environmental and work related
1,000 estimated population at the time x 100 factors
C. Number of cases of a specific disease during a D. Burden of disease is heaviest on the affluent
specific time / Estimated population exposed to Answer: D
that disease during that time x 100 Rationale: The goal of the DOH is Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA),
D. Total number of cases of a disease (old + new) at a with the National Objectives for Health (NOH) serving as the road map for
given time / Estimated population at the time x all stakeholders in health. The following are the rationale or reasons for
100 health sector reform: Slowing down in the reduction of both Infant (IMR)
Answer: D and Maternal (MMR) Mortality
Rationale: Prevalence rate measures the proportion of the
population which exhibits a particular disease at a particular
time. This can only be determined following a survey of the 60. The Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) utilizes FOURmula
population concerned. It deals with the total (old and new) ONE for Health as its framework having four components such
number of cases. The formula of PR is: Total number of cases of as health financing, health regulation, health service delivery and
a disease (old + new) at a given time divided by the estimated good governance. Which of the following is not included in the
population examined at same given time multiplied by 100. goals of this framework?
(Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) A. Better health outcomes
B. More responsive health systems
54. The following are steps in data processing. As a nurse, you C. Streamlining health system bureaucracy
should know its proper sequencing: D. Equitable health care financing
1. Data analysis Answer: C
2. Data collection Rationale: The Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) utilizes FOURmula
3. Data presentation ONE for Health as its framework having four components such as health
4. Data collation financing, health regulation, health service delivery and good governance.
A. 2, 4, 3 and 1 C. 2, 4, 1 and 3 The goals of FOURmula ONE for Health are as follows: Better health
B. 2, 3, 4 and 1 D. 2, 3, 1 and 4 outcomes (option A); More responsive health systems (option B); and
Answer: A Equitable health care financing (option D). (Public Health Nursing in the
Rationale: The proper sequencing of steps in data processing Philippines)
are as follows: Data collection, data collation, data presentation
or tabulation, and data analysis. (Community Health Nursing Situation 13. There are other fields of nursing where public health
Services in the Philippines) nurses are working. They are in schools and work settings.

55. Which of the following patterns is intermittent and confined to a 61. Nurse Feng is a newly hired school nurse. She wants to know
certain geographical area or locality? the objectives of school nursing. The following are specific
A. Pandemic C. Epidemic objectives of school nursing, except:
B. Endemic D. Sporadic A. To promote and maintain the health of the school populace by providing
Answer: D comprehensive and quality nursing care
Rationale: Sporadic is an epidemiological event that is intermittent in B. Provide quality nursing service to the school population
nature and confined to a certain geographical area or locality. (Community C. Establish/strengthen linkages with government and non-government
Health Nursing Services in the Philippines) organization/agencies for school community health work
D. Conduct and participate in researches related to nursing care
Situation 12.The Department of Health implements various health Answer: A
programs and projects in order to achieve its goals and objectives. Rationale: To promote and maintain the health of the school populace by
As a Public Health Nurse, you are one of the implementers of these providing comprehensive and quality nursing care is the general objective
programs at the municipal level. of school nursing.
56. The mission of the Department of Health is:
A. The leader, staunch advocate and model in promoting Health for All in 62. The following are duties and responsibilities of Nurse Feng,
the Philippines except:
B. Health for all Filipinos A. Community outreach like attending community assemblies and
C. Guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, organizing school community health councils
especially the poor and shall lead the quest for excellence in health B. Health and nutrition assessment including other screening procedures
D. To strengthen the health care system, let the people manage their own such as vision and hearing
health care C. Supervision of the health and safety of the school plant
Answer: C D. Coordinates with other government agencies relative to the
Rationale: The mission of the Department of Health is “Guarantee implementation of the implementing rules and regulations
equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, especially the Answer: D
poor and shall lead the quest for excellence in health.” Rationale: Coordinates with other government agencies relative to the
implementation of the implementing rules and regulations is one of the
57. Which among the following is not considered as a specific role of duties of an occupational health nurse.
the DOH based on Executive Order 102?
A. Leader in health 63. One of the functions of Nurse Feng is health assessment. Which
B. Reformist for health development of the following is not true regarding the conduct of a health
C. Enabler and capacity builder assessment?
D. Administrator of specific services A. Health assessment should include appraisal of the general physical and
Answer: B mental condition
Rationale: The specific role of the DOH based on Executive Order 102 are B. Before the health assessment, the nurse should conduct a classroom
as follows: Leadership in health (option A); Enabler and capacity builder health lecture
(option C); and Administrator of specific services (option D). (Public Health C. Every school child should be examined twice a year
Nursing in the Philippines) D. Three to five children at a time should be in waiting for the assessment
Answer: C
58. The following are included in the 8 Millennium Development Rationale: Health assessment aims to discover the signs of illness and
Goals that are based on the fundamental values of freedom, physical defects in order to correct them, check on the health habits of
equality, solidarity, tolerance, health, respect for nature, and pupils and prevent the progress of those which cannot be corrected. Every
shared responsibility. Which is not health related? school child should be examined once, not twice, a year and as the need
A. Eradicate extreme poverty arises like during epidemics.
B. Improve maternal health
C. Promote gender equality and empower women 64. Nurse Cezar is a newly hired occupational health nurse in an
D. Ensure environmental sustainability international company. He knows that the following are functions
Answer: C of an occupational health nurse, except:
Rationale: The 8 Millennium Development Goals are based on the A. Recommends to Local Health Authority the issuance of license/business
permits and suspensions or revocation of the same Answer: A
B. Height and weight measurement and nutritional status determination Rationale: Errors of refraction is the leading cause of visual impairment
C. Provide control measures to reduce noise, dust, health and other and of bilateral or monocular low vision.
D. Informs all affected workers regarding the nature of hazards and the 70. What is the vision of the National Prevention of Blindness
reasons for the control measures and protective equipment Program?
Answer: B A. Institutionalize visual acuity screening for all sectors by 2010
Rationale: Height and weight measurement is a procedure for evaluating B. Strengthen partnership among and with stakeholders to eliminate
the tallness or the shortness and the heaviness of a pupil. It offers the most avoidable blindness in the Philippines
acceptable parameter and is the simplest way to determine the nutritional C. Reduce the prevalence of avoidable blindness in the Philippines through
status of school children. It is one of the duties and responsibilities of a the provision of quality eye care
school nurse. D. All Filipinos enjoy the right to sight by year 2020
Answer: D
65. Nurse Cezar is oriented on the mission of occupational health Rationale: “All Filipinos enjoy the right to sight by year 2020” is the vision
and safety, which is: of the National Prevention of Blindness Program.
A. To conduct and/or assist other health personnel in outbreak investigation
B. To assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the Situation 15. Tuberculosis ranks sixth among the leading causes of
country is safe and in healthful working conditions morbidity and mortality in the Philippines.
C. To promote and maintain the health and safety of workers through a 71. The goal of the National Tuberculosis Control Program which is
systematic process of assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation also reflected in the Millennium Development Goal is:
D. To provide summary of data on health services delivery and selected A. A country where TB is no longer a public health problem
program accomplished indicators at the barangay, municipality/city, district, B. Ensure that TB DOTS services are available, accessible, and affordable
provincial, regional and national levels to communities in collaboration with the LGUs and other partners
Answer: B C. To reduce prevalence and mortality from TB by half by the year 2015
Rationale: The mission of occupational health and safety is “to assure so D. Cure at least 85% of the sputum smear-positive TB patients discovered
far as possible every working man and woman in the country is safe and in Answer: C
healthful working conditions.” Rationale: The goal of the National Tuberculosis Control Program which is
also reflected in the Millennium Development Goal is to reduce prevalence
Situation 14. The following are programs aimed at preventing non- and mortality from TB by half by the year 2015.
communicable diseases.
66. The following are nutrition-related problems that lead to non-
72. Smearing , fixing, and staining of sputum specimens, as well as
communicable disease, except:
recording and reporting results for DSSM shall be performed
A. Obesity
only by trained medical technologists or microscopists. However,
B. Increased intake of processed/instant foods
in far flung areas, who are allowed to do the DSSM as long as
C. Increased dietary fiber
they have been trained?
D. Increased fat intake
A. Rural Health Midwife C. Public Health Nurse
Answer: C
B. Barangay Health Worker D. PTB Community Patient
Rationale: Eating a balanced diet is important to health. Studies prove that
Answer: B
following nutrition guidelines can prevent major non-communicable
Rationale: Only trained medical technologists or microscopists shall
diseases. The following are nutrition-related problems that lead to non-
perform DSSM or Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy (smearing, fixing, and
communicable disease:
staining of sputum specimens, as well as reading, recording, and reporting
of results). However, in far flung area, BHWs (Barangay Health Workers)
67. One of the roles of the public health nurse in promoting a smoke-
may be allowed to do smearing and fixing of specimens, as long as they
free environment is assisting smokers to quit. The following are
have been trained and are supervised by their respective NTP medical
the four “As” used in helping smokers to quit, except:
technologists or microscopists. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
A. Ask C. Arrange follow up
B. Announce D. Advise to stop smoking
73. Camela, is a new known patient of PTB with three consecutive
Answer: B
negative results in DSSM yet PTB positive-extensive as revealed
Rationale: Realizing that health workers in most communities do not have
in CXR. Camela should be classified as Category:
much time nor resources, WHO has a simplified recommendation that any
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
health worker can apply readily to any client and in any setting. This
Answer: A
involves the four “As” in helping smokers to quit.
Rationale: Category 1 patients include: new smear-positive PTB; new
smear-negative PTB with extensive parenchymal lesions on CXR as
Step 1 – Assess smoking status. Identify all tobacco users
assessed by the TBDC (TB Diagnostic Committee); Extra-pulmonary TB;
at every visit.
and severe concomitant HIV disease.
Step 2 – Target clients’ motivation to quit. 74. Nurse Bulilit knows that Camela should start the treatment with
Step 3 – Encourage complete cessation. which of the following anti-TB drugs?
Step 4 – Discuss alternatives and substitutes to smoking. A. Rifampicin and Isoniazid
A - ASSIST B. Rifampicin, Isoniazid, and Ethambutol
Step 5 – Develop a quit plan with the smoker. Set a QUIT C. Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol
DATE. D. Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, and Streptomycin
Step 6 – Provide supplementary materials to assist the Answer: C
smoker. Rationale: The initial treatment regimen for Category 1 (Intensive phase)
Step 7 – Develop a plan to prevent relapse. is a combination of Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol.
In addition, it is also the Intensive phase treatment for Category 3.
75. The most important among the elements of the DOTS strategy
Step 8 – Set follow-up sessions to monitor progress and is:
prevent relapses. A. Sustained political strategy
(Public Health Nursing in the Philippines) B. Access to quality-assured sputum microscopy
C. Standardized short-course chemotherapy
68. Sedentary lifestyle, a life spent with little or no physical activity, D. Uninterrupted supply of quality-assured drugs
has grave consequences to one’s health. The following are Answer: A
health benefits of regular physical activity, except: Rationale: DOTS is the internationally-recommended TB control strategy
A. Promotes psychological well-being and reduces feelings of stress and combines five elements. The five elements are the following: sustained
B. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer political strategy or commitment (option A); access to quality-assured
C. Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have hypertension sputum microscopy (option B); standardized short-course chemotherapy
D. Lowers both total blood cholesterol and triglycerides and may increase (option C) for all cases of TB under proper case management conditions,
low-density lipoproteins including direct observation of treatment; uninterrupted supply of quality-
Answer: D assured drugs (option D); and recording and reporting system enabling
Rationale: Sedentary lifestyle, a life spent with little or no physical activity, outcome assessment of all patients and assessment of overall program
has grave consequences to one’s health. The lack of adequate physical performance.
activity has been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular Option A is the best answer because sustained political strategy or
diseases, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. It also increases the risks of colon commitment is the most important element. (Public Health Nursing in the
and breast cancer, high blood pressure, lipid disorder, osteoporosis, Philippines)
depression and anxiety.
Situation 16. Environmental health is a branch of public health that
69. Which of the following is the leading cause of visual impairment deals with the study of preventing illnesses by managing the
and of bilateral or monocular low vision? environment and changing people's behavior to reduce exposure to
A. Errors of refraction C. Optic atrophy biological and non-biological agents of disease and injury.
B. Glaucoma D. Cataract 76. Which of the following is responsible for the promotion of health
environmental conditions and prevention of environmental 85. Based on the principle that life is the result of Qi or life energy,
related diseases? what is the alternative medicine practice that maintains health,
A. Rural Health and Sanitary Office treats diseases, and alleviates pain by massaging certain points
B. Environmental Sanitation Code of the Philippines on the body surface?
C. Center for Health and Development A. Tai Chi C. Acupressure
D. Environmental and Occupational Health Office B. Cupping D. Acupuncture
Answer: D Answer: C
Rationale: The Environmental and Occupational Health Office (EOHO) is Rationale: Based on the principle that life is the result of Qi or life energy,
responsible for the promotion of health environmental conditions and Acupressure is the alternative medicine practice that maintains health,
prevention of environmental related diseases. (Public Health Nursing in the treats diseases, and alleviates pain by massaging certain points on the
Philippines) body surface.

77. A protected well or a developed spring with an outlet but without Situation 18. Vaccines are administered to induce immunity thereby
a distribution system is known as: causing the recipient’s immune system to react to the vaccine that
A. Point Source C. Stand Post produces antibodies to fight infection. Vaccinations promote health
B. Communal Faucet D. Waterworks System and protect children from disease-causing agents.
Answer: A 86. What day of the week is designated as immunization day and is
Rationale: Point Source or Level I water supply facilities are protected adopted in all parts of the country?
wells or developed springs with an outlet but without a distribution system. A. Monday C. Wednesday
B. Tuesday D. Thursday
78. Pour flush toilet and aqua privies are classified under which level Answer: C
of approved toilet facilities? Rationale: Every Wednesday is designated as immunization day and is
A. Level I C. Level III adopted in all parts of the country. In a barangay health station,
B. Level II D. Level IV immunization is done monthly while in far flung areas it is done quarterly.
Answer: A However, some areas adopted local practices to provide everyday
Rationale: Level I toilet facilities include pour flush toilet and aqua privies vaccination in their areas to cover all targets. (Public Health Nursing in the
(non-water carriage toilet facility). No water is necessary to wash the waste Philippines)
into the receiving space.
Level II toilet facilities (option B) are on site toilet facilities of the water 87. Which of the following Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
carriage type with water-sealed and flush type with septic tank/vault vaccines is stored in the freezer?
disposal facilities. A. Measles vaccines C. Hepatitis B vaccine
Level III toilet facilities (option C) are water carriage type or toilet facilities B. DPT D. Tetanus toxoid
connected to septic tanks and/or sewerage system to treatment plant. Answer: A
There is no Level IV toilet facility. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines) Rationale: Vaccines are substances very sensitive at various
temperatures. To avoid spoilage and maintain its potency, vaccines need to
79. The four rights in food safety include the following, except: be stored at correct temperature. Measles vaccine and OPV are highly
A. Right source C. Right preparation sensitive to heat, requiring storage in the freezer (-15C to -25C).
B. Right handling D. Right cooking 88. Unused BCG should be discarded how many hours after
Answer: B reconstitution?
Rationale: The four rights in food safety include the following: A. 2 hours C. 6 hours
Right source; Right preparation; Right Cooking; and Right B. 4 hours D. At the end of the day
Storage. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines) Answer: B
Rationale: While the unused portion of other vaccines in the EPI may be
80. Which among the following is an important requirement for given until the end of the day, only BCG is discarded 4 hours after
registration and renewal of licenses of newly constructed and reconstitution. This is why BCG immunization is scheduled only in the
existing hospitals? morning. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines)
A. Incineration system of hazardous hospital wastes
B. Municipal refuse disposal system 89. You will not give DPT 2 if the mother says that the infant had:
C. Hospital waste management program A. Abscess formation after DPT 1
D. Disinfection treatment to prevent transmission of diseases B. Local tenderness for 3 days after DPT 1
Answer: C C. Fever for 3 days after DPT 1
Rationale: Hospital waste management program is an important D. Seizures a day after DPT 1
requirement for registration and renewal of licenses of newly constructed Answer: D
and existing hospitals. (Public Health Nursing in the Philippines) Rationale: Seizures within 3 days after administration of DPT is
an indication of hypersensitivity to Pertussis vaccine, a
Situation 17. Alternative medicines include the use of herbal component of DPT. This is considered a specific contraindication
medicines, and the practice of acupressure, acupuncture and to subsequent doses of DPT. (Public Health Nursing in the
aromatherapy. Philippines)
81. Which of the following laws paved way for the creation of the
Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care? 90. A 2-months old infant was brought to the health center for
A. R.A. 7610 C. R.A. 7160 immunization. During assessment, the infant’s temperature
B. R.A. 8423 D. P.D. 965 registered at 38.1°C. Which of the following is the best course of
Answer: B action by the nurse?
Rationale: Republic Act 8423 or the Traditional and Alternative A. Give Paracetamol and wait for his fever to subside
Medicine Act paved way for the creation of the Philippine B. Advise the infant’s mother to bring him back for immunization when he is
Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care. well
C. Refer the infant to the physician for further assessment
82. The herbal plant used as an anti-helmintic, which expels round D. Go on with the infant’s immunizations
worms that cause ascariasis, is: Answer: D
A. Tsaang gubat C. Lagundi Rationale: In the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), fever up to
B. Niyug-niyogan D. Bayabas 38.5°C is not a contraindication to immunization. Mild acute respiratory
Answer: B tract infection, simple diarrhea, cough, vomiting and malnutrition are not
Rationale: Niyug-niyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) is the herbal plant used as contraindications either. Generally, one should immunize unless the child is
an anti-helmintic. It expels round worms that cause ascariasis. The seeds so sick that he needs to be hospitalized. (Public Health Nursing in the
are taken 2 hours after supper. If no worms are expelled, the dose may be Philippines)
repeated after one week. It should not be given to children below 4 years
old. Situation 19. Children with various health conditions although
considered common diseases are difficult to manage. The DOH
83. The herbal plant used for the treatment of rheumatism and gout adopted the recommended integrated case management process on
as it lowers uric acid level is: childhood illnesses.
A. Sambong C. Akapulko 91. If a 5-year-old child with a fever of 38.8°C is blood smear
B. Yerba Buena D. Ulasimang bato positive with no runny nose, the nurse should do the following as
Answer: D forms of specific treatment, except:
Rationale: Ulasimang bato or Pansit-pansitan (Peperonia A. Treat the child with an oral antimalarial drug
pellucida) is the herbal plant used for the treatment of B. Give first dose of quinine
rheumatism and gout as it lowers uric acid level. C. Give one dose of paracetamol
D. Advise to follow up in 2 days if fever persists
84. Which of the following refers to ear acupuncture? Answer: B
A. Auriculotherapy C. Moxibustion Rationale: A child with a positive blood smear with no runny nose is
B. Homeopathy D. QiGong classified under the yellow row (Malaria). The following are specific
Answer: A treatments to be given: Treat the child with an oral antimalarial drug (option
Rationale: Auriculotherapy is also known as ear acupuncture. A); Give one dose of paracetamol (option C) in health center for high fever
(38.5C or above); Advise to follow up in 2 days if fever persists (option D);
and if fever is present every day for more than 7 days, refer for national public and private sector and overseas employment.
assessment.Option B is under the pink row. (Integrated Management of
Childhood Illness Chart) 98. Project NARS is built within the frameworks of the “Economic
Resiliency Plan of the Arroyo Administration” and the Department
92. A 4-year-old child who has visible severe wasting and severe of Health’s “Formula One for Health.” The following are aims of
palmar pallor should be classified as: the project, except:
A. Anemia or Very low weight A. Aggravate the impact of the Global Financial Crisis
B. Moderate malnutrition/anemia B. To save and create as many jobs as possible
C. Severe malnutrition/anemia C. Expand social protection
D. Malnutrition with severe anemia D. Help achieve better health service and care for the people
Answer: C Answer: A
Rationale: A child manifesting visible severe wasting or severe palmar Rationale: The NARS project aims to mitigate, not aggravate, the impact
pallor or edema on both feet should be classified under the pink row of the Global Financial Crisis, to save and create as many jobs as possible
(Severe malnutrition/anemia). Option A is incorrect because a child can be and expand social protection and help achieve better health service and
classified under the yellow row (Anemia or Very low weight) if the patient care for the people, especially those in the poorest municipalities of the
has some palmar pallor or very low weight for age. country. (

93. While on treatment, Rica, 18 months old weighed 18 kgs and her 99. The NARS trainees shall be warriors of wellness in their
temperature registered at 37°C. Her mother says she developed hometowns to do the following, I’s, except:
cough 3 days ago. Rica has no general danger signs. She has A. Initiate B. Implement C.
45 breaths/minute, no chest indrawing, no stridor. With Rica's Inform D. Immunize
condition, what should the nurse do? Answer: B
A. Classify the child's condition as severe pneumonia Rationale: NARS trainees (option A) initiate primary health, school
B. Classify the child's condition as pneumonia nutrition, maternal health programs and first line diagnosis; (option C)
C. Give amoxicillin BID for 3 days inform the public on community water sanitation practices and perform
D. Assess further the condition of the child by giving a trial of rapid-acting health surveillance; and (option D) immunize children and mother.
inhaled bronchodilator (
Answer: D
Rationale: Before classifying the child as Pneumonia, the child is 100. It is the competencies required of registered nurses in their
assessed further by giving a trial of rapid-acting inhaled bronchodilator. secondary and tertiary-level care practice within health
This is to rule out Asthma, since children with asthma also exhibits fast facilities:
breathing. If the symptom still persists then by now the child can be A. Public Health skills C. Clinical skills
classified as having pneumonia. The patient in the situation is manifesting B. Technical skills D. Millennium Development Goals
fast breathing because base on her age, which is 18 months, it is Answer: C
considered fast breathing when her respiratory rate exceeds 40 Rationale: Clinical skills are competencies required of registered nurses in
breaths/minute (1-5 years old). (Integrated Management of Childhood their secondary and tertiary-level care practice within health facilities.
Illness Chart) Option A is incorrect because public health skills are competencies
required of registered nurses in primary health care level practice for the
94. Junival, 4 years old, has had diarrhea for 5 days. He weighs 15 prevention of diseases. Option D is incorrect because Millennium
kg. There is no blood in the stool, he is irritable. His eyes are Development Goals is a summary of commitments set by 189 countries at
sunken. Nurse Herbert offers fluid to the child and he drinks the Millennium Summit in 2000 to achieve development and poverty
eagerly. When the nurse pinched the abdomen, it goes back reduction, towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium
slowly. Nurse Herbert should classify the child's condition as: Declaration. (
A. No dehydration C. Severe dehydration
B. Some dehydration D. Severe persistent diarrhea
Answer: B
Rationale: The child is classified under Some dehydration because he
manifested more than 2 symptoms in the yellow row. They are as follows:
irritable, sunken eyes, drinks eagerly and skin pinch goes back slowly.
(Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Chart)

95. If the child does not have ear problem, what should the nurse do
following the protocol of IMCI chart?
A. Check for other problems C. Check for immunization status
B. Check for danger signs D. Check for nutritional status
Answer: D
Rationale: In performing IMCI, the nurse should follow the correct
sequence of assessment. They are as follows: IMCI ARI, IMCI CDD, IMCI
Fever, IMCI Ear problem, Malnutrition, Immunization and other local
bacterial infection. (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Chart)

Situation 20. Project NARS is a training cum deployment project

designed to mobilize registered nurses in the poorest municipalities
of the Philippines to improve the delivery of health care services.
96. Project NARS is otherwise known as:
A. Nurses Assigned in Regional Station Project
B. Nationwide Assignments of Registered nurse’s Service Project
C. Nurses Assigned in Rural Service Project
D. National Affiliation of Registered nurses Project
Answer: C
Rationale: Project NARS, otherwise known as Nurses Assigned in Rural
Service Project, is a training cum deployment project designed to mobilize
registered nurses in the poorest municipalities of the Philippines to improve
the delivery of health care services. This project will create a pool of
adequately trained, competent and readily available registered nurses for
local and overseas employment. (

97. What is the general objective of the NARS project?

A. To provide registered nurses with necessary competencies that
encompasses both community health practice as well as clinical skills
B. To augment the nursing workforce of hospitals and rural health units
from identified poor municipalities of needed clinical and public health
C. To provide deployment opportunities for nurses in rural areas and
undeserved communities
D. To improve the delivery of health care services and create a pool of
registered nurses with enhanced clinical and preventive health
management competencies for national public and private sector and
overseas employment
Answer: D
Rationale: The general objective of the NARS project is to improve the
delivery of health care services and create a pool of registered nurses with
enhanced clinical and preventive health management competencies for

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