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Iodine Value of Oils

How does the number of times oil is

reheated affect its iodine value?

Words: 3678

Extended Essay


This report is investigating How does the number of times oil is reheated

affect its iodine value? This was researched in order to determine which oil is best

suited for deep fat frying. The experiment carried out involves iodine (a halogen) in

the form of iodine monochloride reacting with the monounsaturated fatty acids

(contain only 1 carbon-carbon double bond) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (contain

more than 1 carbon-carbon double bond) found in the olive, sunflower and linseed

oils. This creates a saturated di-halogenated single bond with the carbons in the

carbon chain of the fatty acids. After this reaction has been completed, the amount of

iodine that has reacted with the carbon is determined by adding a potassium iodide

solution. This reaction causes the remaining iodine monochloride, which has not yet

reacted to form iodine. The iodine is then titrated with a standard solution of sodium

thiosulfate to determine the remaining iodine.

The conclusions found vary for each oil. The iodine value decreases as the oil

is reheated for both olive oil and sunflower oil. There was not much change present in

the iodine value when reheating linseed oil. It was evaluated that this is due to an

issue within the method. The main issue found was the opening of the bottle of

linseed oil weeks before it was used for the experiment, allowing it to oxidize before

the experiment was started. As linseed oil contains more polyunsaturated fatty acids

than olive oil and sunflower oil, it is more susceptible to oxidation, thus being

saturated before the experiment and therefore displaying no change in iodine value.

It was concluded that whilst the data was limited, sunflower oil was the best

oil to use when deep fat frying, as it was more stable, thus less prone to oxidation and

going rancid.

(300 words)

Extended Essay

Table of Contents

Abstract 2
Research Question 1
Introduction on the Structure of Oils 1
Hypothesis 9
Aparatus & Chemicals 11
Safety 11
Variables 12
Method 13
Results Table 1 14
Results Table 2 15
Sample Calculations 16
Graph 1: Iodine Value when heating Olive Oil 16
Graph 2: Iodine Value when heating Sunflower Oil 17
Graph 3: Iodine Value when heating Linseed Oil 17
Conclusion & Evaluation 18
Bibliography 22
Appendix 1: Detailed Method 24

Extended Essay

Research Question

How does the number of times oil is reheated affect its iodine value?

Introduction on the Structure of Oils

Fats and oils are a mixture of triglycerides. Triglycerides are made up of three

fatty acids (see diagram 1) linked to glycerol (see diagram 2) by fatty acyl esters (see

diagram 3). Fatty acids are long chain hydrocarbons with carboxyl groups (COOH

groups). These fatty acids are in turn classified into saturated or

Diagram 1: Fatty Acid Structure Diagram 2: Glycerol Structure

Fig. 1. Baggott, James. “Fatty Acid Structure”.

Fatty Acids Syntesis and Modification, 1998, Fig. 2. Silz-Carson, Steven. “Glycerol
/3_1.html. 2016 Structure”. Quora, 23.10.2015,
and-fatty-acids-used-for. 2016

Diagram 3: Glycerol bonded to 3 fatty acid chains by esters to

form a Triglyceride

Fig. 3. Paul, Catherine. “Glycerol

bonded to 3 fatty acid chains by
esters to form a Triglyceride”.
Study, 2016,

Ester bond

Extended Essay

unsaturated based on how many carbon-carbon double bonds are present within the

fatty acid. A saturated substance is one in which the atoms are linked by carbon-

carbon single bonds. A fully saturated compound contains no carbon-carbon double

or triple bonds. Alternatively, if a molecule contains carbon-carbon double bonds, it is

considered to be unsaturated. (Helmenstine) The less unsaturated the fatty acid is, the

fewer carbon-carbon double bonds it contains. Unsaturated fatty acids contain a

combination of carbon-carbon double bonds and carbon-carbon single bonds within

the carbon chain. There are 2 types of unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated. A monounsaturated fatty acid, contains only 1 carbon-carbon double

bond, with the rest of the carbon-carbon bonds in the chain being single bonds. A

polyunsaturated fatty acid contains more than 1 carbon-carbon double bond (see

diagram 4) Carbon carbon double bonds will cause the carbon chain to create a “kink”

(see diagram 5). The carbon-carbon double bonds occurring in unsaturated fatty acids

can be found in both the Trans and the Cis form (see diagram 6). The majority of

unsaturated oils contain fatty acids with bonds in the Cis form.

Diagram 4: Monounsaturated fatty acid displaying 1 carbon-

carbon double bond and polyunsaturated fatty acid
displaying 2 carbon-carbon double bonds

Fig. 4. The source. “Monounsaturated fatty acid displaying 1 carbon-carbon double bond and polyunsaturated fatty
acid displaying 2 carbon-carbon double bonds”. Food science Academy, 15.06.2013, 2016

Extended Essay

Diagram 5: Carbon-Carbon double bond causing carbon

chain to bend

Fig. 5. “Carbon-carbon double bond causing carbon chain to bend”. University of Washington,, 2016

Diagram 6: Structure of molecules with Cis carbon-carbon

double bonds compared with the structure of molecules with
Trans carbon-carbon double bonds

Fig. 6. The source. “Structure of molecules with Cis carbon-carbon double bonds compared with the structure of
molecules with Trans carbon-carbon double bonds”. Food science Academy, 15.06.2013, 2016

Unsaturated fatty acids can become more saturated by the process of

hydrogenation. The unsaturated fatty acids can combine with oxygen or halogens to

form saturated fatty acids. The degree to which this happens, depends on how

unsaturated the fatty acid is. The more unsaturated a fatty acid is, the less stable it is.

This means that it is more prone to undergoing oxidation and thus going rancid. This

is why it is important to know how unsaturated they are, in order to determine their

Extended Essay

stability and therefore if they are prone to going rancid faster than other oils. This can

be useful information for use with deep fat fryers. Oils are subjected to high

temperatures and the oil is often reused several times. If the oil were more prone to

going rancid, then it would not be favored, as the flavor changes once the oil is rancid.

For this reason, it would be preferred to use oil, which is more stable and thus can be

used to fry with more times before going rancid. There are many methods for

determining the degree of unsaturation of a fatty acid, one of which is determining the

iodine value of the fatty acid.

The iodine value is a measure of the unsaturation of a substance (as an oil or

fat) expressed as the number of grams of iodine or equivalent halogen absorbed by

100 grams of the substance. (“Iodine Number”) This unsaturation is in the form of

double bonds, which react with iodine compounds. The higher the iodine value, the

more carbon-carbon double bonds are present in the fatty acid portion of the oil and

therefore the more unsaturated the oil is. The iodine value varies per oil, as can be

seen in table 1. Oil with a lower iodine value is less prone to rancidity. This is due to

oil with a lower iodine value being more stable, as it is more saturated, thus having

less carbon-carbon double bonds. For this reason, oil with a lower iodine value is

favored, as it will not go rancid as fast as oil with a higher iodine value.

Extended Essay

Table 1: Iodine values for different types of oils

Source: Zambotto, Tagliaro. “Iodine values for different types of oils”. Google Patents, 26.03.2004,, 2016

For the experiment, which will be undertaken, 3 different oils will be used.

These are Olive oil, Sunflower oil and Linseed oil. These oils have been chosen due

to their range in stated literature values. The literature iodine values for these oils can

be found in table 2.

Table 2: Literature iodine values for the oils being used in the


Oil Type Iodine Value (g/I2/100g)

Olive 79-90

Sunflower 125-140

Linseed 170-180

Source: “Literature iodine values for the oils being used in the experiment”. Chempro,, 2016.

Extended Essay

Each of these oils has a different composition to one another. This is due to

them having different fatty acid chains in their molecules. The predominant fatty

acids in olive oil are oleic, palmitic and linoleic. The predominant fatty acids in

sunflower oil are linoleic and oleic. The predominant fatty acids in linseed oil are

linolenic, linoleic and oleic. The composition of the oils also varies within the same

oil. This is because each oil contains a small percentage of other fatty acids. These in

turn make up a certain percentage of the oil. This percentage can vary, based on many

different factors, for example where the plant was grown, thus how much sunlight it

received etc. This means the amount of each fatty acids differ within 2 different

samples of the oil. This is why the literature iodine value is a range and not a

specified value.

The most common fatty acid found in olive oil is oleic acid (see diagram 7). It

is monounsaturated and makes up 55-83% of olive oil. The second most common

fatty acid is palmitic acid (see diagram 8), which is saturated and makes up 7-20% of

olive oil. The third most common is linoleic acid (see diagram 9), which is

polyunsaturated and makes up 3-21% of olive oil. As a large amount of olive oil

contains saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, the iodine value is expected to not

be as high as other oils.

Sunflower oil is mostly made out of the fatty acid linoleic acid (see diagram

9). It is a polyunsaturated fatty acid and makes up 44-75% of the oil. The second most

common fatty acid is oleic acid (see diagram 7), which is monounsaturated and makes

up 14-35% of the oil. As both of the fatty acids found within sunflower oil are

unsaturated, sunflower oil has quite a large iodine value.

Linseed oil is composed of the fatty acids of linolenic acid 35-60% (see

diagram 10), linoleic acid 17-24% (see diagram 9) and oleic acid 12-34% (see

Extended Essay

diagram 7). As all of these fatty acids are unsaturated, 2 of which are polyunsaturated,

the iodine value is also high.

Diagram 7: Monounsaturated Oleic acid

Fig. 7. Garcia, Nissa. “Monounsaturated Oleic Acid”. Study, 2016,

unsaturated-fats.html, 2016

Diagram 8: Saturated Palmitic acid

Fig. 8. “Saturated Palmitic Acid”. Chemspider, 2015,, 2016

Diagram 9: Polyunsaturated Linoleic acid

Fig. 9. May, Paul. “Polyunsaturated Linoleic Acid”. Bristol University, 05. 2006,, 2016

Extended Essay

Diagram 10: Polyunsaturated Linolenic acid

Fig. 10. “Polyunsaturated Linolenic acid”. The Pherobase, 12.05.2016,

detail-linolenic%20acid.php, 2016

The method being used to determine the iodine value is the Wijs method. The

theory behind the method is that the carbon-carbon double bonds in the fatty acids

portion of the oil react with halogens, in this case iodine, resulting in the addition of

the halogen at the carbon-carbon double bond. In this reaction, a known amount of

iodine monochloride reacts with the unsaturated carbon-carbon double bonds found in

the fatty acid to produce a di-halogenated carbon-carbon single bond, of which one

carbon is bound to an atom of iodine. This can be seen in diagram 7.

Diagram 11: Unsaturated carbon-carbon double bond becomes

saturated when iodine monochloride is added.


C=C + ICl C C
Cl I

Extended Essay

After this reaction has been completed, the amount of iodine that has reacted

with the carbon-carbon double bond is determined by adding a potassium iodide

solution. This isolates the remaining iodine that did not react with the fatty acid from

the iodine monochlordide solution, as the chlorine is more reactive than the iodine,

thus reacting with the potassium. This is a displacement reaction.

ICl + KI à KCl + I2

This reaction causes the remaining ICl, which has not yet reacted with the

carbon-carbon double bonds in the fatty acid, to form iodine. The resulting iodine is

then titrated with a standard solution of 0.1N Sodium Thiosulfate, to determine how

much of the iodine monchloride reacted with the unsaturated carbon-carbon double

bonds present in the fatty acid portion of the oil.


The prediction for this experiment is that the more times the oil gets heated,

the smaller the iodine value will become. This prediction is based on oxidation.

Oxidation is a process by which a carbon atom bonds to more electronegative

elements, most commonly oxygen. (University of Texas at Dallas) Oxidation is the

process of losing an electron. When the oil is heated, carbon-carbon double bonds in

the hydrocarbon chain start splitting. This leads to the formation of free radicals. A

free radical is a molecule, which contains at least one unpaired electron. Free radicals

are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, as they now have unpaired

electrons. The free radicals formed by the oxidation of the fatty acids come in the

form of volatile aldehydes and ketones (see diagram 12). These free radicals are then

able to bond with the oxygen in the air, as they have free electrons available.

Extended Essay

Diagram 12: Structure of aldehydes and ketones

Fig. 12. “Structure of aldehydes and ketones”. Ck-12, 09.2016,
Chemistry/section/25.11/, 2016

Temperature is a catalyst for oxidation. The more the oil is heated, the more it

is subjected to oxidation. The more the oil is oxidized, the more free radicals become

available to bond with oxygen. If the free radicals have bonded with the oxygen in the

air, they are no longer able to bond with the iodine from the iodine monochloride,

which is added in the experiment. How much iodine monochloride the fatty acid

bonds with, determines the iodine value. As the free radicals, which contained the

unsaturated carbon-carbon double bonds, have already bonded with oxygen sourced

from the air, the fatty acid becomes saturated. This means that the molecule can no

longer bond with the iodine monochloride. This would therefore lead to a decrease in

the iodine value for the oil.

Extended Essay

Aparatus & Chemicals


• Balance • Funnel

• 150cm3 Conical flask (x9) • 150cm3 Beaker

• Plastic pipette (x5) • Stirring rod

• 10cm3 Glass pipette • 10cm3 Measuring cylinder

• 25cm3 Glass pipette • Hot plate

• Stopper (x9) • Small pan

• Clamp & Stand • Thermometer

• 50cm3 Burette


• 3 different types of oil (Olive, Sunflower, Linseed)

• Iodine monochloride

• Trichloromethane

• Sodium Thiosulfate (0.1N)

• Potassium Iodine solution (30%)

• Starch indicator (1%)


1. Wear lab coat and goggles

2. All long hair tied back

Extended Essay

3. Iodine monochloride and trichloromethane are hazardous. Experiment should

be done in a fume cupboard.

4. If possible, wear gloves when working with iodine monochloride and


5. Warn people in the vicinity that you will be working with trichloromethane

and iodine monochloride


Independent: times oil is heated to 120°C

Dependent: iodine value


• Same bottles of oil,

• Mass of oil used,

• Volume of trichloromethane, iodine monochloride & potassium iodine,

• Time allowed for the oil, trichloromethane and iodine monochloride to react


• Concentration of trichloromethane, iodine monochloride, potassium iodine

(30%) and sodium thiosulfate (0.1N)

• Temperature the oil was heated to (120°C)

Extended Essay


The method used for this experiment was the wijs method.

For this method 0.5g of olive oil was weighed into a conical flask and mixed with

10cm3 trichloromethane and 25cm3 iodine monochloride and left to sit in a dark

cupboard for half an hour.

Potassium iodide was then added into the conical flask.

The contents of the conical flask are titrated against 0.1N sodium thiosulfate.

This process is repeated 2 further times with a different sample of olive oil.

The main source of olive oil (from the bottle) is then heated to 120°C and cooled


0.5 g of this heated olive oil was mixed with trichloromethane, iodine monochloride

and potassium iodine and titrated against sodium thiosulfate

This heating process was repeated twice more (The oil is heated 2 more times, each

time it is heated taking 3 trials)

Linseed oil and sunflower were investigated in the same way.

A blank titration is also done by adding 10cm3 trichloromethane and 25cm3 iodine

monochloride into a conical flask, adding potassium iodine and then titrating it

against 0.1N sodium thiosulfate. For a full detailed method, consult appendix 1.

Extended Essay

Results Table 1: Volume of Sodium thiosulfate used for


Oil Times Volume of Sodium Thiosulfate used (cm3)

heated to Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average


Olive 0 11.00 11.10 11.10 11.07

Olive 1 2.90* 11.00 10.00 10.50

Olive 2 12.10 11.30 11.50 11.63

Olive 3 12.20 11.70 11.95

Sunflower 0 6.70 6.60 6.30 6.65

Sunflower 1 6.70 7.00 7.00 7.00

Sunflower 2 6.70 7.00 8.00 7.23

Sunflower 3 7.30 6.90 7.40 7.35

Linseed 0 7.00 6.30 6.50 6.60

Linseed 1 3.80* 1.70 1.60 1.65

Linseed 2 2.10 1.70 1.90

Linseed 3 1.90 1.40 1.70 1.67

Blank 0 44.1 45.8 - 44.95

*The data that has been highlighted red is data, which has not been used for calculations. The first data

point of 2.9cm3 is not being used, as the wrong concentration of sodium thiosulfate was present in the

burette, thus the result is not controlled. The second data point of 3.8cm3 is not being used as it used a

combination of old and new iodine monochloride, thus not being comparable to the other data points,

which used new iodine monochloride.

The blue signifies values, which are not concordant. Where it is possible, only concordant values have

been taken into account. Concordant values are successive values within 0.1cm3 of one another.

Extended Essay

Results Table 2: Calculated Iodine Values of the various Oils

with different amount of heating

Oil Times heated to Calculated Iodine

120°C Value (g/I2/100g)

Olive 0 86.0

Olive 1 87.4

Olive 2 84.6

Olive 3 83.6

Sunflower 0 97.2

Sunflower 1 96.3

Sunflower 2 95.7

Sunflower 3 95.4

Linseed 0 97.3

Linseed 1 109.9

Linseed 2 109.3

Linseed 3 109.8

Extended Essay

Sample Calculations

Average of Sodium Thiosulfate used for olive oil with no heating:

11 + 11.1 + 11.1
= 11.07

Average of Sodium Thiosulfate used for linseed oil after heating 1 time:

1.7 + 1.6
= 1.65

How to calculate Iodine Value: ("IODINE NUMBER (Wijs Method).")

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑒 − 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑟𝑒 ×1.269

𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

Calculating the iodine value for sunflower oil with no heating:

(44.95 − 6.65)×1.269
= 97.2

Graph 1: Iodine Value when heating Olive Oil

Graph 1: Iodine value when heating

Olive oil
Calculated Iodine Value (g/I2/100g)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Times Oil was heated to 120° C

Extended Essay

Graph 2: Iodine Value when heating Sunflower Oil

Graph 2: Iodine Value when heating

SunSlower Oil
Calculated Iodine Vallue (g/I2/100g)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Times Oil was heated to 120° C

Graph 3: Iodine Value when heating Linseed Oil

Graph 3: Iodine Value when heating

Linseed Oil
Calculated Iodine Value (g/I2/100g)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Times Oil was heated to 120° C

Extended Essay

Conclusion & Evaluation

As can be seen in Graph 1, the data is starting to present a trend of decrease in

iodine value, however this is not true for the second data point as it presents an

increase in iodine value. This could come down to the inaccuracy of the data for this

specific point, as the three values gathered where 2.9cm3, 10cm3 and 11cm3 (heating

olive oil the first time). Due to this large spread it is difficult to calculate an accurate

result. Overall the trend presented in this graph does support the overall theory that

the more times an oil is heated, the lower the iodine value becomes when applied to

olive oil. This also means that the more olive oil is heated, the less unsaturated it

becomes, which would be expected due to the carbon-carbon double bonds present in

both the oleic fatty acid and linoleic fatty acid found in olive oil.

Graph 2 displays a decreasing trend. The relationship between the iodine value

and the number of times the oil was heated, is inversely proportional. One would

expect this to happen, because as the carbon-carbon double bonds become saturated,

there are fewer carbon-carbon double bonds left which are still unsaturated and can

therefore be subjected to oxidation. Each time the oil is heated, fewer carbon-carbon

double bonds become saturated, thus presenting an inverse relationship.

Graph 3 does not display a clear trend like the other 2 graphs. All the data

points of the linseed oil once it has been heated are all relatively close together, thus

displaying a plateau. This could be due to a number of reasons. Linseed oil has the

highest literature iodine value out of all of the oils that were used. This means that it

is the most susceptible to oxidation. The linseed oil could have therefore had a chance

to oxidise before it was used for the experiment. Another issue could be found with

the chemicals. The bottle of iodine monochloride finished, thus a new one had to be

ordered. The results that were gathered using the new iodine monochloride were for

Extended Essay

heating the linseed oil. There is a clear difference between the non-heated oil and the

heated oil, which is not displayed in the other oils. As the iodine value changed from

97.3 to 109.9 after heating the oil once, it is clear that the control variables are no

longer controlled, otherwise the jump would not have been as significant. The last

issue could be waiting for the iodine monochloride to be acquired. Whilst waiting for

the iodine monochloride the bottle of linseed oil was open. This could also lead to

unfair and imprecise results, as the other bottles of oil were opened and the

experiment was completed the same day, whereas the linseed oil was opened and then

used some weeks later. This could have given it the opportunity to oxidise more than

the others, and hence the values are not what are expected.

When looking at the iodine values of the oils before heating and comparing

them with literature values, one can see that only the result for olive oil is precise, as

the results for sunflower oil and linseed oil are not that close to their literature values.

The literature value for olive oil is between 79-90 (“Fatty Acid Composition Of Some

Major Oils”) and the value, which was recorded from the experiment, was 86.0,

which is within the literature range. The literature value for sunflower oil is 125-140

(“Fatty Acid Composition Of Some Major Oils”), however with a value of 97.5, the

experimental value is not precise. This is also the case for linseed oil. The

experimental value, which was obtained for linseed oil, was 97.3, which is not within

the literature range of 170-180. As both the sunflower oil and the linseed oil started

with an imprecise value, it is harder to trust the data, which they provide.

To conclude, there is definitely a small trend developing, which would suggest

that the more the oil is heated, the lower the iodine value becomes, and therefore the

less unsaturated the oil will be. However the trend is not strong enough to be able to

concretely conclude on it. Further investigation would have to be done.

Extended Essay

When doing further research into the reheating of oils, the recommendation

would be to make sure that the oil is kept sealed in a cool dark place, to limit the

oxidation process. One could also make sure when acquiring the oil that the

manufacture dates are checked in order to have the freshest oil possible and therefore

limit as much oxidation as possible.

The experimental method should be altered. Instead of heating the oil until it

gets to a certain temperature, one should wait until the oil reaches a specific

temperature and then keep it at that temperature for a specified length of time. This

would then be able to model a deep fat fryer better than the method used for this

investigation. When heating the oil, one should also make sure that the same amount

of heat is transferred each time, so that the oils can reach a specified temperature

within a specific amount of time. As it was difficult to determine a clear trend from

the limited points on the graph, another recommendation for the method would be to

heat the oil up at least 2 more times, to allow for a clearer trend to form.

Another source of error could also come from the waiting time of the reaction

between the oil, trichloromethane and iodine monochloride. When multiple samples

were prepared at the same time, some had a longer reaction time whilst titrations were

being done. If time allows, prepare each solution separately and allow for 15 minutes

between preparations, which will allow enough time for titration. If the improvements

were made to the method, then the results would become more reliable and precise,

thus aiming for results, which would display a clear trend.

Even though the results of the experiment are limiting, one can still conclude

that the iodine value decreases when the oils are heated. It is possible to conclude this,

as this trend was displayed by 2 of the 3 oils. One can also conclude that from the

results received, sunflower oil was the most stable under heating, as the iodine value

Extended Essay

only dropped by 1.9%, as opposed to the 2.8% drop of the olive oil. From this

investigation, it would then make it the best oil to use in a deep fat fryer.

The recommendation for further investigation would be to use the same oils,

however heat them at a higher temperature, in order for more oxidation to occur, and

thus also allow for a more realistic simulation of a deep fat fryer. It would also be best

to keep the oil at the specified temperature for a longer duration of time. This way it

also mimics the cooking process of a deep fat fryer. With further regards to cooking,

it would also be interesting to investigate what happens to the oil if it is an open bottle

left on the side for a couple of months. This way one can also see what is happening

to the oils that we use when cooking day to day, whilst they stand open in a kitchen.

This would provide information, which is targeted to most households.

Overall a conclusion could be formed, however the trend between the

reheating of the oils and the iodine value was not as strong as expected. It was

concluded that from the tests done, sunflower oil is the best oil to use in a deep fat

fryer in relation to olive oil and linseed oil. Some errors have been addressed in order

to improve on the investigation carried out, which could be implemented to further

investigate the question of reheating oils and how it affects their iodine values.

Extended Essay


Alirezera, S., C.P. Tan, Max Hamed, and Y.B. Che Man. "Effect of

Frying Process on Fatty Acid Composition and Iodine Value of Selected

Vegetable Oils and Their Blends." International Food Research Journal

(2010): 295-302. 2010. Web. Summer 2016.



Ambrosone, L., M. Mosca, and A. Ceglie. "Oxidation of Water

Emulsified Olive Oils." Food Hydrocolloids 20.7 (2006): 1080-086. Web.

Summer 2016.


"Estimation of Iodine Value of Fats and Oils." Vlab @ Amrita. N.p.,

2016. Web. Summer 2016.


"Fatty Acid Composition Of Some Major Oils." Chempro.

Chempro Technovation, n.d. Web. Summer 2016.


Gooch, E. Eugene. "Determination of the Iodine Value of Selected

Oils: An Experiment Combining FTIR Spectroscopy with Iodometric

Titrations." SpringerLink. N.p., 17 Oct. 2000. Web. Summer 2016.


Helmenstine, Anne Marie. "Saturated Definition in Chemistry." Education. N.p., 16 June 2016. Web. Summer 2016.


"Iodine Number." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web.

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Summer 2016. <http://www.merriam->.

"IODINE NUMBER (Wijs Method)." (n.d.): n. pag. Corn Oil

Analysis. Web. Summer 2016. <


Leong, XF, CY NG, K. Jaarin, and MR Mustafa. "Effects of

Repeated Heating of Cooking Oils on Antioxidant Content and Endothelial

Function." Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2015): 01-07. 3

Apr. 2014. Web. Summer 2016.

University of Texas at Dallas. "OXIDATION AND REDUCTION IN

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY." University of Texas at Dallas, n.d. Web. Summer




Venkey33. "Estimation of Iodine Value of Oil." Classle. N.p., 06

Feb. 2009. Web. Summer 2016.


Extended Essay

Appendix 1: Detailed Method

1. Place a 150cm3 conical flask on the balance and tare the balance

2. Pipette 0.5g of olive oil into the conical flask

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 a further 2 times

4. Using a 10cm3 glass pipette, pipette 10cm3 of trichloromethane and add to the

conical flask with oil. Do this for each of the 3 conical flasks. After the

trichloromethane has been added to the conical flask, place on the stopper

5. Using a 25cm3 glass pipette, pipette 25cm3 of iodine monochloride and add to

the conical flask with oil. Do this for each of the 3 conical flasks. Place the

stoppers back on

6. Swirl each conical flask for a minute and place in dark cupboard. Set a timer

for 30 minutes

7. Set up the 50cm3 burette by attaching it with a clamp to the stand

8. Rinse the burette through with 0.1N Sodium thiosulfate, making sure there is a

waste beaker under the tap

9. Using the funnel if needed, fill the burette with 0.1N Sodium thiosulfate until


10. By slowly opening the tap, make sure the top of the meniscus is on the 50cm3

reading on the burette

11. In the 10cm3 measuring cylinder, pipette out 10cm3 of 30% potassium iodide


12. Once the 30 minutes is over, remove a conical flask containing the oil,

trichloromethane and iodine monochloride from the cupboard.

13. Add the 10cm3 of potassium iodide solution and immediately place the stopper

back on the conical flask.

Extended Essay

14. Give the conical flask a swirl

15. Place the conical flask under the tap of the burette

16. Slowly open the tap and add the sodium thiosulfate. The colour will change

from a dark red to a vibrant orange

17. Once the colour of the solution in the conical flask is a vibrant orange, close

the tap of the burette

18. Add 5-7 drops of 1% starch indicator into the conical flask and swirl. The

orange will darken

19. Drop by drop, add more sodium thiosulfate until the solution in the conical

flask goes a milky white. When the solution is a milky white turn the tap off

20. The titration is finished. Record the volume of sodium thiosulfate used in a

results table.

21. Repeat the titration (steps 11-20) for the other 2 conical flasks

22. Using the hot plate and pan, heat up 50g of olive oil

23. Place the thermometer into the pan, making sure that it doesn’t touch the pan

24. Once the oil gets to 120°C, take the pan off the heat and allowed the pan and

oil to cool back to room temperature (22°C). This can be sped up by placing

the pan in a bowl of cold water

25. Using the oil from the pan repeat the experiment (steps 1-21)

26. Repeat the whole experiment, making sure that you have heated up the oil a

total of 3 times. You should have 12 pieces of data

27. The whole experiment (steps 1-26) should be repeated using 2 other oils

(sunflower oil and linseed oil)

Extended Essay

28. Blank tests also need to be done. Using a 10cm3 glass pipette, pipette 10cm3 of

trichloromethane and add to a conical flask. Repeat with another conical flask.

Place on the stoppers once the trichloromethane is in the conical flask

29. Using a 25cm3 glass pipette, pipette 25cm3 of iodine monochloride and add to

the conical flask with trichloromethane. Do this for both of the conical flasks.

Place the stoppers back on

30. Swirl each conical flask for a minute and place in dark cupboard. Set a timer

for 30 minutes

31. In the 10cm3 measuring cylinder, pipette out 10cm3 of 30% potassium iodide


32. Once the 30 minutes is over, remove a conical flask containing the

trichloromethane and iodine monochloride from the cupboard.

33. Add the 10cm3 of potassium iodide solution and immediately place the stopper

back on the conical flask.

34. Give the conical flask a swirl

35. Place the conical flask under the tap of the burette

36. Slowly open the tap and add the sodium thiosulfate. The colour will change

from a dark red to a vibrant orange

37. Once the colour of the solution in the conical flask is a vibrant orange, close

the tap of the burette

38. Add 5-7 drops of 1% starch indicator into the conical flask and swirl. The

orange will darken

39. Drop by drop, add more sodium thiosulfate until the solution in the conical

flask goes a milky white. When the solution is a milky white turn the tap off

Extended Essay

40. The titration is finished. Record the volume of sodium thiosulfate used in a

results table.

41. Repeat the titration (steps 31-40) for the other conical flask


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