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 get about/around

o Move from place to place.

"It's not easy to get around the city without a map."

o Spread, circulate.
"News of their separation soon got about."

 get along (with)

o Be on good terms; work well with.
"I must say I get along (well) with my mother-in-law.

 get at
o Imply; insinuate.
"I don't understand. What exactly are you trying to get at?

 get away
o Escape.
"According to the news report, the robbers got away in a black car."

 get by (on)
o Manage to cope or have enough to survive.
" It's difficult to get by on a low salary."

 get down to
o Start to actually do something. 
"That's enough chatting. It's time to get down to some serious work!"

 get into
o Enter a place.
"How did the burglar get in?"

 get off
o Leave (bus, train, plane).
"Your best option would be to get off the bus at Trafalgar Square."

o Leave work (at the end of the day).

"I'll pick you up after work. What time do you get off ?"

o Remove something (clothes, stains).
"I don't know how I'm going to get this stain off my dress!"

 get off with

o Receive almost no punishment.
"He was lucky. He got off with a small fine."

 get on
o Board (bus, train, plane).
"You can pay when you get on the bus."

 get on with
o Continue to do something ; make progress.
"Be quiet and get on with your homework."

 get on (well) with

o Have a good relationship with.
"Do you get on well with your colleagues?"

 get out
o Spend some free time out of the house.
"Her husband is very ill so she doesn't get out much."

o Leave or go away.
"We don't want you here. Get out!"
 get out of
o Leave a place.
"The window was closed. How did he get out of the house?"

o Avoid doing something.

"Some husbands manage to get out of doing any housework."

o Receive; learn; gain from something.

"What are you hoping to get out of the seminar?"

 get over
o Recover from (illness, disappointment).
"Charlie had the 'flu but he got over it."

 get rid of
o Eliminate.
"It's difficult to get rid of old habits."
 get round/around (to)
o Finally do something.
"He finally got round to tidying the garage."

 get together
o Meet each other.
"Let's get together for lunch one day next week."

 get up
o Rise; leave bed.
"Tony usually gets up at 7 o'clock."
 give away
o Give something free of charrge.
"The artist gave away most of his paintings."

o Reveal something.
"The names of the witnesses will not be given away."

 give back
o Return something to its owner.
"He promised to give back the book he borrowed."

 give in
o accept defeat; surrender
"The authorities refused to give in to the demands of the population."
 give over!
o Stop doing something irritating
"Give over complaining! It doesn't help at all!"

 give up
o Stop doing something.
"Sarah gave up smoking five years ago."

o Admit defeat; capitulate.

"Have you found the answer? No, I give up."

 gloss over
o Treat something briefly (make it seem unimportant).
"The director glossed over the recent drop in sales."

 go after
o Pursue (an object or a goal). 
"She went after her dream and is now an actress."

 go along (with)
o Agree with; accept. 
"Alex tends to go along with anything his wife says."

 go away
o Leave a place.
We decided to go away for a few days. 
o Disappear; fade.
"I've washed it twice but the stain still hasn't gone away."

 go back
o Return.
"Children go back to school after the holidays."

 go by
o Pass.
"A bus went by without stopping."
"Time goes by so quickly!"

 go down
o Decrease, reduce.
"The price of property has gone down a bit."
 go down with
o Become ill with an infectious disease.
"The match will be difficult . Half of the team has gone down with the flu."

 go for
o Try to gain or attain.
"He trained hard and went for the gold medal."
 go in
o Enter.
"There's a nice restaurant. Let's go in and book a table for tonight."

 go into
o Go inside.
"Go into the bakery and see if they sell croissants."

 go in for
o Have something as an interest or hobby.
"She doesn't really go in for sports."

 go off
o Explode.
"A bomb went off in a crowded restaurant"
o Ring or make a loud noise.
"The alarm clock was set to go off at 6 a.m."

o Stop working
"The heating has gone off. It's freezing!"

o No longer be good to eat or drink.

"The milk has gone off. Don't drink it."

o No longer like or enjoy.

"My grandmother has gone off crosswords."

 go on
o Continue.
"Sorry for interrupting. Please go on."

 go out
o Leave one's home to attend a social event.
"Many young people go out a lot."

 go out
o Stop burning; be extinguished
"The lights went out before we got to the door."

 go out
o Be sent
"The letter went out yesterday."

 go (out) with
o Have someone as a boyfriend/girlfriend.
"Is Julie going (out) with Tom?"

 go over
o Review.
"Please go over your answers before handing in your test."

 go through
o Experience  or undergo something.
"Pete went through a lot of pain after the accident."

o Examine or study carefully.

"I need time to go through the contract before I sign it."

 go through with
o Proceed with something difficult.
"Bill and Amy finally went through with the divorce."

 go up
o Increase, rise.
"According to the news report the price of petrol is likely to go up."

 go together/with
o Match; look good or combine well with
"The curtains don't go with the carpet."
"The curtains and carpet don't go together."

 go without
o Abstain from something; not have something.
"I had to go without lunch to finish the report."
"Camels can go without water for many days."

 grow apart
o Stop having a close relationship; become more distant
"We used to be close friends but we've grown apart since I left London."

 grow back
o Grow again (e.g. hair, nails)
"We need to cut our nails regularly because they grow back very quickly."

 grow from
o Result or develop from something
"A new treaty grew from the discussions."

 grow into
o Develop or change over time
"The undisciplined boy grew into a responsible young man."

 grow into
o Become big enough to fit larger clothes
"The coat is a bit big, but she'll grow into it."

 grow out of
o Become too big for your old clothes
"She has already grown out of the shoes I bought her earlier this year!

 grow together
o Gradually become close, united or attached.
"We grew together during our years in boarding school."

 grow up
o Spend one's childhood/become an adult.
"He grew up in a small village."
"Don't be so childish. You need to grow up!"

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