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Introduction to information technology

 Work in business and industry before computer
 Work in business and industry after computer
 Role of computer in business and industry
 Positive and negative impact
 Conclusion

Submitted to:
Sr. Fahad Anwar
Submitted by:
( Abdul Haseeb, Ahmad Saddique,
Muhammad adan, Samiullah,
BBA 1ST Semester (Morning)

University of Education, Lahore

(Faisalabad campus)




What is Computer?
Computer is an electronic device that accept data from

user, process that data into useful information and

also able to store it.

When First Computer Invented?

The first computer is invented by Charles Babbage in 1837.

It was a mechanical computer that was powerful enough to

Perform simple calculations.

When First Computer Use in Business?

In 1951, J. Lyons Company, A British catering frim was firstly

uses LEO(Lyons Electronic Office) computer for their weekly

bakery valuations job.


Construction Industry

 Designing:
Before the advent of drafting software, the engineering
made on sheets of large paper using drawing boards.
Many types of equipment were required to complete a
given drawing such as:

Drawing boards

 Drawing boards
 Erasers
 T-squares
 Set square
 Tracing paper
 Parallel rules
 Labor productivity:

The quantity of labor performing a task in construction is

susceptible to the influence of management than are
materials or capitals. The work could not done have done
any faster or more efficiently in our days.

 No motor trucks are available for digging the canal; everything ran on rails.
 They have no machinery for the transport of materials from one place to the
 They have no pressure drills for round holes.
 They have no excavators, cranes, and dump trucks which is used in

Transport Industry
In ancient days people crafted simple boats, out of logs walked, rode animal, later
devised wheeled vehicles to move from one place to the
other. They make transportations and delivered their
materials from one place to the other.

 Find route
In the Past there was no technology to find the route.
The people use the compass needle to find the accurate
direction. The other ways of finding direction is the hand made maps. The maps are
made on the paper or wood to find their route.

 Oldest way of transport

There are five ways of
transport in the past are;
 Railways
 Roadways
 Airways
 Waterways and pipeline

In the past, the work was physically or using hand made equipment, due to
which the work took a long time to complete. There are many workers which can
work in their fields like seeding and cropping.

 Farming
 Wet land forming
The method of raised
field agriculture best suited to wetland and the
margins of lakes. Chinampa is constructed using a
network of canals and narrow fields, built up an
refreshed from the organic rich canal muck.
 Ancient farming technology
Slash and burn agriculture also known
as swidden or shifting agriculture is a traditional method of tending domesticated
crops that involve the rotation of several plots of land in a planting cycle.
 Seeding
Before the introduction of seeding
drill, the common practice was to plant seed by
broadcasting or throwing them across the ground by
Hand on the prepared soil and than lightly harrowing
the soil to cover the seed.

Traditional banking is probably what you are most familiar with. The bank has a
physical location you may need to visit the bank to confirm your identity or
submit documents in order to open an account.

 Physical Transection
All the accounts were maintained in hard copy through ledgers and the transactions
were limited to stand alone branches. The customers had to go to the branch
holding the account to conduct transactions.

They were called bookkeepers, accountants and they used a paper based
spreadsheet called ledger books. The banks would also give you a little book where
they helped you keep track of how much money you had in your account.

Food Industry
Fermentation, oil packing, pickling, salting, and smoking are
all ancient preservation technologies.

 Food preservation method

 Drying and dehydration
 Curing
 Cooling
 Freezing
 Sugaring
 Pickling
 Canning
 Fermentation
 Packing
In the ancient days there
are many people are
hired for the process of
packing. The process pf packing made by human hands. They work in a chain
and linked with each other.

Security Industry
Physical security include methods that are designed to
deny unauthorized access to facilities, equipment and
resources and to protect personnel and property from
damage or harm.

Traditional security methods are,

 Physical barriers
 Security guards
 Alarm systems
 Security Guards
A person whose job is to guard a place (such as a store or museum, property or
business) and make sure the people and things in it are not

 Traditional Alarm System

 An electrical wire was run through the door, and if the
magnet was moved (the door opened), a circuit completed.
Electricity would run through a bell and cause vibrations,
creating an unmistakable noise.

Manufacturing Industry

 The Industrial Revolution:

Before the 18th century items being produced by hand.
The Dramatic cost and production time impacted
several industries including textile industry.
Textiles were mainly made in people’s homes and
merchants would provide the basic equipment and
materials needed. The workers make their own
schedule, which made it regulate.

 Clothing and Textile

It was thought that computers have nothing to do with
the clothing and textile industry. Even that machinery used in the industry was
dependent on manual work. The loom used for spinning were only used for
designing plain or simple designs such as Jacquard.

 Loom Similarly clothing

industry was also clearly dependent
on man. Hundred of people
were required to sit down and sew
the garment/clothes on manual
sewing machines.

Fishing Industry
The fishing industry is oldest industry and is also the hobby of peoples. The peoples are
interested in hunting and catuching fishes for food and also for business of selling
fishes. Some people do fishing just for their fun. Before the invention of technology
the people can catch and collecting the fishes by different ways.

 Spearfishing
The spearfishing
is an age-old fishing method that has been
used by the fisherman around the word
thousands of years ago. The underwater
hunting become popular in the early 1930s
spread rapidly over the world. Target of
underwater hunters may be include sharks in
salt water.

 Different ways of fishing

In the past there are many ways of fishing
such as small read ships, Nile perch, catfish
and eels, weir basket, hook and line to catch
them. The first rods were made from six foot
long bamboo, hazel shoots or sections of a
thin tapered flexible wood with a horsehair
line attached.

Office Work
 File keeping
Either kept in file folders stored in rows and rows of metal filing cabinets. Book
keeper use hanging files for topic and divide subtopics with interior files. Alphabetize
main categories to save time.

The message had to be typed on typewriter,
copied, and physically delivered to recipients or
put in the interoffice mail. This need much time
to delivered the message to the others.


Almost every business uses computers to complete daily tasks. Who are not using computers
in their business are at a major disadvantages against their competitors. These are the some
examples of how businesses and industries change after
Construction Industry
Because of computer the construction projects completing more quickly and for a lot
less money.

 Designing software By using designing software you can plan sites a lot easier
then hand drawing. It also helps engineers decide on things like cost, resources and

 Surveying Equipment’s Modern surveying equipment provides faster or more

precise surveying than conventional instruments.

 Autonomous Construction Equipment The autonomous equipment controlled

by a human without putting a driver in danger.

Transportation Industry
Computers are now widely used in travel and
transportation. Computer made a huge change in
traditional transportation. Such as,

 Route Planning GPS helps us to identify the best and worst roads by reviewing
details for past trips using the location history map that increase the efficiency and
productivity of drivers.

 Online booking Computers are used in traveling for scheduling the railways and
bus tickets. We can book our bus or railway tickets by using computer. It save your
time and you also get some discounts on tickets.

 Autonomous cars A vehicle that is capable of

sensing its environment and moving safely without any
human. Sensors in the car detect any object or car
nearby or overtaking to avoid accidents.

Computer's arrival in the world of farming helps with a
number of ways surprise us. Following are different
ways how computers are useful in agriculture.

Weather predictions With the help of computer

software weather can be predicted. The right time and the amount of rain and sun
can be estimated. This allows the farmers to properly manage their crops to
maximize the yield.

Autonomous Farm Equipment Today computers have

made agriculture very easy. As now computerized
machines are available which works automatically.
Farmers can sit and grow a large variety and quantity of

Computer Software Computer Software helps us to

keeping the record and calculation of profit and loss.
Ready-made computer applications are available to track animals, storing and
evaluating information such as age, health records, milk production.

The computers are less prone to error and provide accurate
calculation and these characteristics are what makes
computers better suited for the needs of banks.

 Communication The major advantage of sharing the

information with other branches is that the customer
can deposit or withdraw cash or perform any account-related task.

 Online Banking All the financial transactions that the

customers were required to perform at the physical
location can be done by using the websites that are
prepared by the bank.

 Generate Account Statements The computers in

the bank are responsible for providing the account
statement of the account holder when required. With
millions of transactions (Exp-online shopping like Amazon) every day and recording
these transactions for generating the account statement was only possible by the

Food Industry
Computers are introducing new ways to process and
package food that improve food safety and sanitation.
These are advantages of using computer in food
 Online Food Delivery Online food ordering is the process of ordering food from a
website or other application. Online ordering allows customers the ability to check
prices and availability of menu items.

 Packing The demand of food items has been rising day by day. We use computer
robots for fast operational pick and place speed and
also for fast packaging.

 Food Serving Robots The coronavirus outbreak has

led to the creation of food serving robots. A restaurant
in Foshan, China is using robots to deliver a fully
automated dining and cooking experience for

Security Industry
Computer came with a lot of changes in the workings of the
security industry. This is how Computer has changed
the operations of security companies.

 Security Camera’s Security cameras completely

change the traditional security guard methods. It does
not take holidays, won’t ever call in sick, is always alert
and a cost effective solution.

 Smart Doorbell Computer replaces your old doorbell with a digital smart doorbell.
With the help of digital doorbell you can record any suspicious activity and even find
out who is at the door via live video and answer using audio without being near the

 Sensors By installing sensors you can be alerted

when any suspicious activity like,

 Motion sensors
 Window and door sensors
 Smoke alarm sensors

Office Work
Computers have helped to improve the efficiency and
accuracy of office workers by providing different
software and communication functions. They're used to make calculations that
would take too much time to do by hand. 

 Video Conferencing Video conferencing is a tool used for business and pleasure.
A video conference allows two or more individuals to see each other and speak as
though they were talking in person.
 File Sharing File sharing is more common in work
place file sharing includes email. Any service that
provides a user with the opportunity to send
documents via electronic communication is an
example of file sharing.
 Organize Record and Data Employees can easily
store and arrange data quickly in the computer about
the customers contact information, management
information and work files.

Manufacturing Industry
Computers are today applied in all the aspects of
manufacturing industries such as,

 Robots Robots can be used for numerous

manufacturing roles and can help automate
repetitive tasks, enhance accuracy and reduce errors. You can program robot to
work 24/7 which is excellent for continuous production.

 3D Printing 3D printing is an additive process

whereby layers of material are built up to create a
3D part. Benefits of 3d printing,
 Offers great flexibility in products
 Less material wastage
 Cost effective
 Reduce manufacturing time

Major car manufacturers use 3d printing to produce gear sticks and safety gloves.

Fish Industry
Fish is a hobby or a business in old days but now people. But dedicated anglers
nowadays don’t only go out and catch fish for fun, but also to compete. This activity
is called sports fishing or fishing battle. People who are into sports fishing use tools
and gadgets for this type of activity.
 Fish finder Fish finders are small gadgets that take advantage of Sound Navigation
or Sonar technology to find fish. Sonar waves are emitted from the transducer, or
bottom part of the fish finder that is placed in the water. They bounce around and
return to the transducer, and the transducer reads the speed, distance, and rate at
which these waves return.

 AI Fishing Gadgets Image recognition gadgets using AI can help large scale fishing
business to identify the size of fishes and its activities. It can help to identify the fish
species underwater.



Business Communication

Now a days companies use email, live chat, online

meeting, video conferencing and smartphones as a
means of communication between.

 Employees
 Suppliers
 Customers

Inventory management

 Inventory management system track the quantity

of each item a company maintains

 Triggering an order additional stock when the quantities fall below a predetermined

Customer Relationship Management

 Customer relationship management system stores

every interaction a company has with customer for future

 The customer has a better, more focused experience and the company benefits from
improved productivity.

Payroll system
 Computerized pay roll system is used in different organization to maintain pay
accounts of employees.
 Easily
 Quickly

 Just like other fields computer is necessity in
advertising from designing ads and other printed
material to producing and editing TV commercial,
animations, radio etc.

 Computer allows business to do a variety of things,
including research about the competition, as well as
what its customer want.

 With modern data-mining techniques, a business can acquire insightful information

about it customers and competition from all kinds of places, including forums,
search engines, industry-specific websites and even from social network.


 Accounting software enables a business to quickly

and accurately obtain the company’s financial
situation (Position)

 All the employees need to do is to input his

financial information into the software and with a few clicks the employees
understand everything about the financial health of the business.

 It is very important to protect our company from threat of scams, data theft and
other online weaknesses.

 Provide comprehensive digital protection to your business. This will allow your
employees to surf the internet as and when they need, and ensure that they aren’t
at risk from potential threats.

Human Resource Management

The HRIS helps in,

 Human Resource Planning

 Requirement
 Wage and salary planning
 Personal record keeping
 Training and Development


Positive Impacts
Time Management
 Managing your time and resources is often the most difficult task. Computer has
provided ease to manage the business.

 Employees can easily share the progress and report of their work in different
software that is specifically created for business. Businesses are saving time and
resources by the use of the computer.

Easy Transection and Payment

 With the help of computer Payment can now be
done online and the process is much faster in

comparison to that of conventional.

 Payments can now be done online and the process is much faster in comparison
to that of conventional.

Here are the some online payment methods:

1. Paypal
2. Payoneer
3. Easypaisa
4. JazzCash

Record Keeping
 Businesses mainly depend on records The
conventional method of records keeping was
inefficient and laborious.

 With the latest computers, electronic record-

keeping and tracking are a much easier and convenient process. Large data of
businesses and employees can be stored on a
single computer.

Safety and Security

Computer helped a lot in securing and saving
businesses in different ways.

 Security cameras for securing the business property from theft.

 Fingerprint devices allow only authorized persons to sensitive areas of business
 Sensors that alarm in case of fire and emergency to immediately control the

Negative Impacts
Face to Face Communication

 By modern technology face to face communication of the employees of the

 Most of the employees, staff and managers use communicative software, skype,
messenger, WhatsApp, etc. in the business working times.
 Even they are in the office they communicate with each other by chatting by
technological software.

Hacking and Stealing of Business


 Data plays a very important role in business

success. Most of the business success and failures
depend on the data, researches, strategies, and plans.
 And if the competitor gets the data of any business then the business can face a
lot of loss. Most of the business’s data lost by hackers.
 Its harder to manage the security of the businesses, where mostly the computer
and internet technology are used.

 Modern Technology Dependency

 Modern technology dependency is also the

negative impact of technology on businesses.
 It happens a lot with businesses. They get
addicted and dependent on the usage of modern technology.
 Without the usage of modern technology, they unable to do even a simple task
by themselves. In short, they are useless without the usage of modern

Expensive Technologies
 In today’s modern world, every business has to update and use technology to
improve their productivity and profit of the business.

 But the problem is that modern technological gadgets and devices are very
expensive, not every business can afford them.

  Wastage of Time
 Usage of modern technology is very
beneficial in the business, but most of the
employees and staff of the business use
modern technology for unusual things.
 As we can see that, in offices and
workplaces most if people used technology to watch videos on YouTube and
waste their time in workplaces.
  By using technology for unusual things, they waste the precious time of the
company business.

Computers have lots of advantages and disadvantages its helps
business and individual increase their efficiency and effectiveness .computers are the
resource just as there are many different writing resources and should be use as
such. There are undisputedly important tools to the writer but you cannot complete
a project with just one tool.

In business computer is useful to search industry trends patents trademarks potential

clients. As it seemed where computer
have many advantages like this it have
many disadvantages.

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