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SUBJECT TRENDS 2. Acceptability – Trends are popularity accepted by many industries an people.

tend to stay longer because they receive popular support from consumers and companies
QUARTER/WEEK Quarter 3 Week 1and 2 who believe on these trends as accepted ideas or patterns that can endure time.

TOPIC FADS and TRENDS 3. Cultural basis – a trend is rooted on the people’s cultural traditions, beliefs and
values. A trend persists and continues because people have seen it as a part of their
NAME OF society’s culture. Because a trend has a form of connection with society’s culture, it does
STUDENT not have a short period of time. In the Philippines, buffet restaurants have bloomed in
different malls. 4. Transitory increase and decrease – a trend shows transitory increase
STRAND & or decrease of a particular idea, event, or phenomenon (Brannon 2000). There are trends
SECTION that have lasted a longer period of time, e.g. human population growth or the number of
HIV-AIDS victims in the Philippines. But all trends have the potential to eventually slow
down and decline
Learning Task #1 Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the space provided
Characteristics of a Fad
1. Are you fond of watching Korean Pop Artists or Korean Dramas? Why? Why not?
____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Fad is confined to particular segments in the society.
________________2. Have you done a hip-hop? Rap? ___________________________________
3. Have you tried creating TikTok videos? Why? Why not? 2. Fad is trivial because of its short life expectancy it is prone to being outmoded.
4. Do you have electronic gadgets? Name them. _________________________________ 3. Fad is not created but it just revived from a style that existed all along in the lives of some
5. Who influenced your fashion, style and interest?______________________________ subgroup (Meyersohn and Katz, 1957 as cited by Brannon, 2000, 53)
6. Why do you think these have become part of your lifestyle/culture/standards?
________________________________________________________________________ DIFFERENCES OF TRENDS AND FAD
Trends and Fads

A trend is a sequential pattern of change in recorded data. A change evidenced by a rise or

fall of variables when measured between at least two points over time (Gordon, 2008).
According to Brannon (2000, 6-7), a trend is a “look that has the appeal of “newness” because
it has been missing or scarce in the marketplace.” It occurs when there is a building of
awareness on this new idea and its presence produces an increasing demand or need for that
particular new idea among consumer.

Trends are manifested in a form of pattern of sustained and increasing numbers for a longer
period of time. Another type of trend would refer to product- use/consumption trend which
shows that there is a continuous use and appeal of the product among its consumers because
of its effectiveness, popularity, high market demand, and influence over a sustained period of

Fad is an unconventional object, action, or idea that a large number of people are attached to
for a very short time and less predictable than fashion. It is a short-lived idea or temporary
event that is usually called as a “flash in the pan” because the popularity and reception of
consumers for this idea fades away easily over a short period of time. Typically, fads last for
a total of one season, but they can also last less than a month. Fads are novelty driven fashion
choices. A fad is often referred to as “catching on” with the larger population, but will often
fade as quickly as it appeared. The easiest way to remember a fad is through a simple
alliteration: fads fade. Although engaging in fads can be fun, they are often not worth Process of Identifying a Trend
investing a large amount of money or time. Its appeal among consumers is relatively small as
well. To put it simply, a fad has a shorter staying power in the market. 1. Fringe Stage – In this stage, an innovative idea, whether in the form of a new product,
service, or in other form, develops into the market or become known to the trendiest
Elements and Characteristics of a Trend and Fad consumers. In this stage, entrepreneurial and business firms participate to develop and
1. Duration of time – trends have longer staying power and enjoy a longer period of innovate ideas.
popularity. The lifespan of the products or ideas that become trends do not disappear 2. Trendy – Consumer and public awareness of the trend grows as the early adopters
quickly as opposed to a fad. participate together with the innovators to increase the perceptibility of the trend. During
this stage, the “most fashion-forward brands and retailers” assess the Learning Task #4 Identify if the statements/situations given in the first column pertain
viability/sustainability of the concept. They usually conduct test- market researches. to a trend or a fad. Provide your reason/s on the third column. The first one has been done for
you. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Mainstream – The “conservative consumers” join the trend, the ideas popularity and
acceptance continues to increase, and the corporations and company brands exploit the
growing demand for the idea. In this stage, the trend becomes a mainstream product or
service. When it happens, a number of things occur:

 The trend can fade away once the majority of the consumers tested the product or idea.
They could either accept or reject the idea. If the ideas acceptance or rejection occurred
over a short period of time and its appeal was limited to a small number of consumers, the
trend is reduced into a fad.

 When consumers buy or support the trend by doing multiple purchases, the trend
reaches a plateau level of acceptance and stays in the same level. If the trend persists or
stays for a long period of time, the trend is called a classic. A classic refers to a look or
trend that is always present in some form that is appropriate across diverse occasions and
accepted by diverging consumer groups.

 Another possibility is the fragmentation of a trend. A trend fragmentation or microtrend

happen when there is a recent development in a trend or a reinvention which leads to a
fringe stage of a trend.

Learning Task #2 Identify the following terms as FAD or TREND. Write your answers the
space provided

1. 3-D printing - ______________

2. loombands - ______________
3. virtual pets - ______________
4. online banking - ______________
5. medical tourism - ______________
6. touch screen devices - ______________
7. candy crush app - ______________
8. fidget spinner - ______________
9. animated films - ______________
10. puka shell necklace - ______________

Learning Task #3 Directions: Choose one among the following situations that you
think may remain a trend after five (5) years? Why? Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. continuous implementation of the different distance learning modalities even after

the pandemic

2. compulsory COVID-19 vaccination

3. continuous adaptation of lifestyle in the “new normal” such as health and safety
protocols and other activities like online shopping and virtual gatherings
According to Merriam Webster dictionary, whole means something constituting a complex
unity, a coherent system or organization of parts fitting together as one. It shows the
totality of the pieces and segments that somehow we consider as parts. Meanwhile, part is
one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded
as divided and which together constitute the whole. In short, part can be considered as
pieces, sections, or qualities that can make or form something.
Before becoming a fad or trend, it must be composed of parts that makes it a whole or production and many other business and economic series are below the long-term trend
complete. Fad is part of the development and evolution of creating a whole trend. The lines. Conversely, in periods of rise they are above their long-term trend lines.
moment a certain fad will continuously develop; it will turn to becoming a trend which will 4. Random or Irregular or Error - are fluctuations in time series that are short in
last a long period of time, and this was being attested by Naisbit (2006), he said that fads are duration, erratic in nature and follow no regularity in the occurrence pattern.
normally micro-trends that exist under the umbrella of an actual trend. CAUSE AND CONSEQUENCES
Definition of Cause and Consequences Merriam Webster defines cause as a reason for an
Fads come and go and experience a gust of popularity, but trends come and stay and adapt to action or condition, and or something that brings about an effect or a result. On the other
the environment through various strategies. Because of this, global institutions, governments, hand, consequence means something that is produced by a cause or necessarily following
and organizations employ the idea of a megatrend because just seeing a trend is not enough, it from a set of condition. Causes and Consequences of a Trend Cause and effect is a
is essential to see the larger picture so the society needs to grasp the idea of megatrend and relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other, or it is a
how trends will emerge. combination of action and reaction. Every action has a corresponding consequence. For
example, when a student did not follow the instructions in his/her exam, then probably the
Classification of Trends result of his/her exam will be low otherwise failed.
Fads – It is the opposite of trends, an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something,
especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the objects qualities Learning Tas #5 Fill out the missing letters to complete the word that is described in each
Learning Task #5 Directions: Supply the missing letters to complete each word. number
Microtrends - It is a phenomena that are born in small communities with a clear identity,
most often in opposition to the mainstream in the long run, they may transform into more
mass trends. - It advocates localization as opposed to globalization, recognizing that people
and communities have never been sophisticated and more knowledgeable about the choices
they make in their everyday lives.
Macrotrends - It is specific variations of megatrends. They describe partial trends that
feature a different degree of effectiveness.
Megatrends - This entail a major restructing ; they are a larger pattern of broad trends that
reshape and transform our lives.They have an influence on all aspects of life. This are events
that occur over a longer period, and of which we can sure about.

Emerging pattern is defined as sets of items whose frequency changes significantly from SUBJECT TRENDS
one data set to another. This is useful as a means of discovering distinctions inherently
QUARTER/WEEK Quarter 3 Week 3
present among a collection data set and have been shown to be a powerful method for
Emergence of trend is not a magic, it is a social process which created by human beings,
the designers, the creator or producer and concept makers who created fad in the market NAME OF
which eventually become a trend. Trends that experience widespread adoption can be STUDENT
attributed to the following driving elements: the right place, the right time, the right
moment, and with the right people. Trends exist through a constant cycle of innovation, STRAND & SECTION
improvement and emulation. It is also a product of people’s perception of things and
changes in his/her environment, and on how he/she embrace and interact with each other.
Sometimes, people are obsessed with trends and fads to become part of a group. Learning Task #1
Types of Data Emerging Pattern List down the things you do every day, which you think are a result of intuitive thinking or
1. Trend rational thinking.
a. Linear Trend – is a continuous decrease or increase in numbers over time.
b. Exponential Trend – are non-linear curved lines where the data rises or falls not at a
steady rate, but at a higher rate. Thus, instead of a straight line pointing diagonally up, the
graph will show a curved line where the last point in later years is higher than the first
year, if the trend is up.
c. Damped Trend - is a curved line that shows the data values rise or fall initially, and
then suddenly stops rising or falling.
2. Seasonal – it is when fluctuations repeat over fixed periods of time and are hence
predictable and do not extend beyond a year. Seasonality may be caused by various factors,
such as weather, vacation, and holidays and usually consists of periodic, repetitive, and
generally regular and predictable patterns.
3. Cyclical – is when fluctuations do not repeat over fixed periods of time and are hence
unpredictable and extend beyond a year. In a recession, for example, employment,
Strategic Thinking and Intuitive Thinking Defined members) are more effective when they know where they are headed—inspired by a clear,
Greg Githens defined strategic thinking as the individual’s capacity for thinking conceptually, challenging, and meaningful vision. An effective departmental vision can frame the work
Imaginatively, systematically, and opportunistically with regard to the attainment of success that is done on a daily basis and help the members of the team move in a common
in the future. He continued by saying that strategic thinking employs mental processes that direction.
are conceptual (abstractions using analogy to translate across contexts), systematic (composed 4. Key goals. “What must we accomplish to move toward the fulfillment of our vision?” A
of different components with interfaces that interact to produce intended or emergent fundamental component of any strategic process is to identify those priorities that will
behaviors, pattern finding, and connecting situations that are not obviously related), move the team forward. Key goals play the vital role of connecting the team’s ongoing
imaginative (creative and visual), and opporttunistic (searching for and grasping new work with the broader purpose and vision because they help define where the team is
processes in the orientation toward future success. going in specific, actionable ways.

Intuitive thinking is “quick and ready insight” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary). 5. Action planning. A great strategy alone does not ensure success--but the effective
Intuitive decision-making is far more than using common sense because it involves additional implementation of a great strategy does. Oftentimes, strategic thinking and planning
sensors to perceive and get aware of the information from outside. Sometimes, it is referred to processes fail because leaders did not take the time to identify “who would do what by
as a gut feeling, sixth sense, inner sense, instinct, inner voice, spiritual guide, etc. when?.”Action planning clarifies the ways in which our daily work will help move the
Difference Between Strategic Analysis and Intuititive Thinking goals forward”. These include: goal statement, description of what success would look
In his article Nguyen Tran (2020) explained that intuitions are knowledge derived from like, three important steps toward implementing the goal, resources needed, who needs to
accumulated experience. For example, experience from reading a lot of speeches allows me to be involved in the successful implementation of the three important steps, suggested
intuitively recognize the main message of the speech apart from the jumbles of rhetorics and champion or owner for the goal, and potential challenges or hurdles. Strategic thinking is a
details. Intuitive thinking is just that: thoughts that arise from the back of your mind because key skill for leaders. By understanding some of the components involved, a leader can
the situation you are dealing with has something in common with your past experience. No begin to create conversations around critical issues and foster a shared understanding of
one can teach you this; it must be earned with real-world experience. On the other hand, who we are, where we are going, and how we’ll get there.
strategic thinking is a systematic approach to solving problems. It begins with recognizing the
problem, analyzing it on a strategic level, defining the strategic objective, coming up with an Key Components for Intuitive Thinking
action plan that can satisfy that objective, evaluating the feasibility of the operational and First, intuition has an element of immediacy. An important part of the intuitive process
tactical level, enacting the plan, and evaluating the result. Can intuitive thinking and strategic is the timing of when the relationship is realized. Second, intuition senses relationships.
thinking converge to the same course of action? Yes, but not usually. Which one is faster? Intuitive processes draw links and highlight patterns, formulating connections between
Intuitions are lightning fast. It comes to you on the spot, or in the morning shower the next objects or ideas. Third, intuition is a type of reasoning. Intuition results from a reasoning
day. You see, intuitive thinking only analyzes existing data you already have in your brain process that lacks metacognitive control. Reasoning in intuition proceeds automatically,
(experience). Strategic thinking requires you to go out and collect data you never had, then immediately interpreting the present relationship.
analyze it. Which one is safer? Strategic thinking is safer because you are forced to collect
new data. Intuitive thinking relives on past experience which means it might be working on Immediacy. The component of immediacy reflects the role of timing in intuition. An
outdated data. Old people are great intuitive thinkers thanks to their years of life. But I will intuition occurs immediately with no planning. The component of immediacy is supported
not rely solely on them to make decisions for the present and future. Rather, I prefer to by the fact that a person cannot wilfully maintain herself in the act of intuiting.
approach the decision strategically, using the intuitions of the seniors as a valuable input only. Furthermore, intuiters, perform most effectively when they are not conscious that they are
Key Components of Strategic Thinking in fact intuiting (Noddings & Shore, 1984). In an intuitive mode, a person eliminates or
1. Tools for analysis. There are a number of different tools used for analysis in strategic deactivates the cognitive mediators that she uses unconsciously. As Noddings and Shore
conversations. The most common is the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, (1984) describe, “The hallmark of the intuitive mode is seeing without glasses, hearing
Opportunities, and Threats). A SWOT analysis is a helpful way for a team to begin (or without filters, touching with ungloved hand. The immediate character of intuition does
continue) the conversation about what’s working and what’s not working as well as what not imply accuracy, rightness, or moral goodness. It does imply commitment and clarity”.
potentially exciting or concerning things are happening that we need to consider as we plan As Schon (1982) describes, the immediacy of intuition is reflected by its getting at truth all
for the future. at once, without the timeconsuming effort of deliberation that is also a source of error. Or,
2. Strategic purpose/mission. We will often describe strategic purpose as clear Mandler (1995) proposes the term “mind popping” to explain thoughts and solutions that
understanding of why we exist and why that’s important. It is also described as a team’s come to mind nondeliberately when one is engaged in some other, usually irrelevant, train
essential reason for existence. When everyone on a team or in an organization understands of thought.
the essential reason for existence, the hundreds of daily decisions about work to be done-- Sensing Relationships. How is it that we see relationships and formulate connections
that must be made in a complex organization--are informed and guided by that common between objects, concepts, ideas? A music composer formulates a series of notes of a
purpose. Without clarity around shared purpose, however, priorities are typically chosen certain pattern to make music. A designer selects a key piece of furniture to complement
based on individual/personal criteria or in response to crisis. Why it matters? Clarity of the decor. The component of sensing relationships reflects the formulation of connections,
purpose, overall direction, and priority goals or objectives is an often cited characteristic of an intrinsic property of intuition. This formulation of connections is based upon a person’s
really effective teams and organizations. It’s not surprising, then, that the ability to see and knowledge structures which reflect his/her level of expertise.
articulate the bigger picture (Who are we? Where are we headed? What do we hope to The Interplay of Reason with Intuition. Intuition and traditional reasoning reasoning
accomplish and how will we accomplish it?) is a fundamental expectation of leadership. comprise a unique and paradoxical relationship. As a whole. Intuition as a concept is in
3. Vision. Vision identifies the direction of the department. It answers the question- “If we contrast with anlytical reasoning, as described earlier. Furthermore, the development of
consistently fulfilled our purpose with excellence, what would that look like?” Vision intuition is in contrast to the metacognitive development that facilitates coordinating
creates a compelling picture of the team’s or organization’s future. Teams (and team theory and evidence (Kuhn, 1989) Yet while intuitive thinking contrasts with anlytical
reasoning, intuition involves a particular type of reasoning. In analytical reasoning, the ____________________________________________________________
person moves from a postulate toward what can be derived from it, in contrast, with
intuitive thinking, the person may return to the postulate itself and evaluate acceptance of
______________________4. Surprise class recitation
it and consider alternatives. Analytic thinking is directed by concepts they have attached to ____________________________________________________________
the object whereas intuitive thinking keeps returning to the object. ____________________________________________________________
_____________________ 5. Wallet is suddenly lost
Learning Task#2 Picture Analysis: Look at the picture. Answer the questions ____________________________________________________________

Rommel, a five-year-old boy, put a label “Salt” into a jar of sugar.

Actually, he has been observing it almost every day because many ants
are invading the jar.

Assessment: Directions: Answer the question briefly.

Q. 1. Why do you think Rommel has labeled the jar of sugar “Salt”?
______________________ Q. 2. What thinking did he use? Intuitive or
strategic? Why?
Q. 3. What is lacking in his problem-solving?

Learning Task # 3 Intuitive Thinking/strategic analysis in Problem Solving!

Directions: What will you do in the following circumstances? Use your
intuitive thinking and strategic analysis in answering using a map of social
1. During natural disasters (flash floods or strong typhoon)
_____________________ 2. Fire in a certain place
3. Arrival of unexpected person

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