Word Formation 2 9C

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1. Mr. Clark received a kidney _______________ yesterday.

2. Children who grow up in time of war are more likely to be _______________ than others. (ADJUST)
3. He was charged with treason and _______________. (HEAD)
4. The cyclist set off in _______________ of the leader of the race. (PURSUE)
5 The people whose houses are to be demolished when the new road is built will be _______________.
6. The best thing about the building is that it is _______________ decorated. (TASTE)
7. The sheer _______________ of this situation is what makes it work, coupled with its almost surreal
_______________. (TASTE / PROBABLE)
8. The fish is _______________. It has gone off. (EAT)
9. He then lies _______________ in Montague Place as _______________ come to his aid. (MOTION /
10. It seemed that he was _______________ when she left. (HEART)
11. Many parents today have their infants _______________ against hepatitis B. (VACCINE)
12. Unfortunately, the problem of _______________ inflation appears to be _______________. (OCCUR /
13. England is linked by such _______________ ties to America that any permanent quarrel between the
two countries is _______________. (DISSOLVE / CONCEIVE)
14. You cannot enter the country without the _______________ documents. (REQUIRE)
15. _______________ rocket ships in outer space send messages to earth by means of complex
computerized equipment. (MAN)
16. The goods were so badly damaged in transit that they were found to be _______________. (SELL)
17. Those rose bushes need protection. Spray them with _______________. (INSECT)
18. She had a whole _______________ of furniture. (HOUSE)
19. My poor Mom has hoarded every _______________ cent Dad has made. (EARN)
20. Liz won't be at work next week - she's having a _______________ rest. (EARN)
21. We _______________ our operations last year and opened several regional offices. (CENTER)
22. When a _______________ millionaire discounts or _______________ another’s requests, others
commonly see this as proof of _______________, callousness, arrogance, _______________, conceit, and
haughtiness. (MAKE / REGARD / CENTER / SENSE)
23. If something is _______________, it is not exactly in the middle of a space or _______________.
24. Unemployment is _______________ high. (ACCEPT)
25. Implementing this adaptation requires innovations in harvesting, to develop a _______________ tool
that _______________ the entire plant is yanked out. (USE / SURE)
26. The jury returned a verdict of _______________ killing. (LAW)
27. _______________ soccer fans are getting _______________ annoyed with the _______________.
28. She divorced him on the grounds of _______________ behavior. (REASON)
29. There are certain topics of conversation that are _______________ in polite society. (PERMIT)
30. Most movies about youthful rebellion concern a _______________ from repressive parents to a place
of moral _______________, often through drugs. (BREAK / PERMIT)
31. Earlier in his career, his material was slightly _______________ but not controversial, with
_______________ jokes about dating and living with his parents. (CHEEK / OFFEND)
32. Guidelines from the American Medical Association from 2006 tell doctors it is _______________ to give
patients a placebo without _______________ it to them. (ETHICS / CLOSE)
33. Two top athletes have been _______________ from the championship after positive drug tests.
34. I feel _______________ to advise you. (QUALIFICATION)
35. Leisure habits won’t change much in the _______________ future. (SEE)
36. The show was cancelled due to _______________ circumstances. (SEE)
37. The article gives us a real _______________ into the causes of the present economic crisis. (SEE)
38. Get a surveyor to _______________ and inspect the various stages of the work. (SEE)

39. If campaigns in California were to follow these rules, they would be dull and _______________.
40. I was told she would be at the meeting, but clearly I was _______________. (INFORM)
41. The old hotel we used to stay at has now been completely _______________. (MODERN)
42. They’ve built a lot of new hotels and the area is now quite _______________. (COMMERCE)
43. Government-owned banks must have _______________ objectives, such as lending to small farmers.
44. _______________ as an actor at 15, cleaning toilets at 16, she was twice married and twice divorced by
her mid-20s. (EMPLOY)
45. _______________ uncertainty about what Brexit means for the global economy has increased the
_______________ of traditional defensive utility stocks. (HIGH / ATTRACT)
46. This type of trap uses no bait or other _______________. (ATTRACT)
47. Some things are better left _______________. (SAY)
48. Another _______________ woman from Moscow queried Putin: “Everyone in Russia has started
_______________. What do you save on _______________?” (SPEAK / ECONOMY / PERSON)
49. With oil prices high, companies have been returning to reserves that were _______________ to extract
during the years of low prices. (ECONOMY)
50. Backward farming methods made grain production _______________ in the region. (ECONOMY)
51. You can’t be sure of the weather in the winter – it’s rather _______________. (RELY)
52. Learning _______________ is a slow, hard process. (RELY)
53. New Zealand's bold plan to wipe out _______________ predators stands to help the kakapo, a
_______________ endangered flightless parrot found nowhere else on Earth. (INVADE / CRITICIZE)
54. He offered a lengthy _______________ of Democrats but followed it with an equally lengthy list of
Republican desires that he cast in _______________ terms. (CRITICISM / LIFT)
55. Protecting kids is something everybody wants, for which reason the legislation automatically enjoys a
significant level of _______________ support. (CRITICIZE)
56. It would be _______________ of me to have a church wedding when I don't believe in God.
57. Our complaint was dealt with _______________. (SATISFY)
58. Still, _______________ persisted, triggering more _______________ and further fueling the Black
Lives Matter movement. (SATISFY / REST)
59. She was _______________ hungry. (SATISFY)
60. They could not bear his _______________ which _______________ in every meeting and voted him
out of the committee. (SARCASTIC / FACE)
61. _______________, his _______________ paid off with a fleeting yet _______________ moment
_______________. (EVENT / PERSEVERE / TRIUMPH / STAGE)
62. I’m afraid Frank got drunk and made an _______________ of himself. (EXHIBIT)
63. _______________, the plan contains few details on how spending will be cut. (WORRY)
64. The _______________ were getting all worked up over nothing. (WORRY)
65. He felt what he was being asked to do took away his dignity and _______________. (RESPECT)
66. Her _______________ to control her emotions is not a function of being bad or _______________; it is
a natural consequence of a rapidly changing body. (ABLE / RESPECT)
67. Could you wait a minute while I make myself _______________? (RESPECT)
68. The brothers were called Felix and Max, _______________. (RESPECT)
69. Their sons are noisy and _______________. (MISCHIEF)
70. He accused James of _______________ by raising _______________ against Mr. Aitken. (CHIEF /
71. With earth-based telescopes many stars remain _______________. (DISCOVERY)
72. While digging the foundations builders _______________ some important archaeological remains.
73. You can see live _______________ of England’s game against France. (COVER)
74. He accused the government of a _______________. (COVER)
75. I used to believe that her death was the fork in my life, and that my life would be _______________
ruined after her loss. (COVER)
76. Many social phenomena, elections included, have a(n) _______________ element of uncertainty
attached to them, which makes predicting them a fraught enterprise. (REDUCTION)
77. She doesn't believe in the _______________. (NATURE)
78. She has lived in Australia for a long time, and recently she was _______________. (NATURE)
79. The _______________ of the band at the concert was a big _______________. (APPEAR / LET)
80. She turned to face him, her anger _______________ gone. (APPEAR)
81. When Rebecca and Martin start spotting an _______________ in the dark, they wonder if they too are
suffering from a _______________. (APPEAR / ORDER)
82. The government is not _______________ to blame for the current crisis. (WHOLE)
83. It’s a well-balanced _______________ meals. (WHOLE)
84. Physicians have come to understand the importance of treating patients _______________. (WHOLE)
85. That sentence is completely _______________; it makes no sense at all. (MEAN)
86. She is seeking more liberal _______________ with her daughter. (VISIT)
87. Japan's _______________ was assured, as was its powerful sense of _______________. (DEPEND /
88. In effect, the car could be programmed to _______________ in order to avoid causing injury of
pedestrians or other drivers. (DESTROY)
89. I think that his words will articulate the _______________ of war. (DESTROY)
90. Over two days of testimony, Andrews said she has experienced depression, spells of crying and
_______________ since the video went _______________ in 2009. (SLEEP / VIRUS)
91. She _______________ the next morning and called to say she would be late. (SLEEP)
92. _______________ who hurt others have the legitimate excuse that their actions were not deliberate.
93. It can be more fun to be a _______________ than a prince. (POOR)
94. The two sides have signed a _______________ of understanding aimed at ending the conflict.
95. In 2011 a suicide bomber attacked _______________ marking Ashura, when Shiites _______________
the death of the _______________ Mohammed's grandson, and killed 70 people. (WORTH / MEMORY /
96. For many of them, this confirmed something that young people have suspected since/from time
_______________: The system is rigged. (MEMORY)
97. A rare collection of Star Wars _______________ from around the world is expected to fetch up to
£500,000 when it goes to auction. (MEMORY)
98. Among the many pictures and _______________ in her office is one of the two of them
_______________ an elephant in India many years ago. (MEMORY / TOP)
99. As a result of his serious crime, he was sentenced to death by _______________. (ELECTRICITY)
100. It’s undeniable that the _______________ of the local _______________ healer was responsible for
her sudden death. (DIAGNOSE / COMPETE)
101. I was _______________ put off studying by the annoying noise from their party last night.
102. After too many _______________ incidents, the camp was _______________. (RULE / CONTINUE)
103. The fact that _______________ language conveys about 60% the information received from a
conversation is unbelievable to almost everybody. (VERB)
104. The editors received streams of _______________ (=_______________) articles from young hopeful
journalists. (VERB-WIND)
105. This school was once _______________ as a military hospital during the war. (REQUIRE)
106. The trend, clearly, is one of individual _______________, and interaction not through personal
_______________ but through _______________ digital networks. (POWER / COUNTER / PERSONALITY)
107. It _______________ hints that the _______________ of human fossils _______________ what might
once have been hitherto _______________ diversity. (FORCE / SCARCE / LIE / IMAGINE)
108. His recent _______________ behavior keeps me wondering whether there is something wrong going
on. (TYPE)
109. The episode has again _______________ Trump’s resistance to being managed, particularly by party
_______________ who _______________ the conventional political establishment. (LIGHT / STRATEGY /
110. He always gets _______________ as the villain. (TYPE)
111. The United States is the _______________ of a federal society. (TYPE)
112. What makes someone _______________ male or female doesn’t really exist any more. (TYPE)
113. Errors by _______________ and _______________ had leaked into some texts. (READ / TYPE)
114. I'd like the heading to be in a different _______________ from the text. (TYPE)
115. There is no shortage of models, frameworks and _______________ attempting to break out and define
more precise and different meanings. (TYPE)
116. Yet, at his _______________ July 14 _______________ with journalists in 1997, 1998 and 1999,
Chirac _______________ rejected the idea. (TELEVISION / GET / CATEGORY)
117. Her voice was full of _______________ admiration. (WORSHIP)

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