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@ ae T. Subordinate Accounts Service Examination [ Paper :— Fundamental Rules A.P. Pension, Code Paper Codest (a). Fandamcetal Rules (Printed and published by the Aura Pads Goverment) ractcal) (®) Andhra Pradesh Peosion Code Vslumes Mand the AP. Revised Penson Rules, 1980, Anat Alowances [Pradesh Manual of Special Pay. and (a) Statutory rales under the Andhea Pradesh “Mumcipaites Act. 1968. The Andhea Pradesh Gram Panchayste Ast. 1964 and the Andhea radeah Panchayat Samithies an Zilla Parishad Ast. 1959. 2 Subordinate Nccomits Sersice Esamisata TI Paper : ~ (Local Aets and Rules framed Uereunder=Practical) Raper Coxe-? (a) The Ambra Pradesh municipalities Act. 1965, (@) The Ania Pradesh Gracy Panchayars Act and the sues framed ender Andiva Pradesh (Andhra ‘Atea) Millage Panchayat Act. le) ‘The Andhta Pradesh (Andra Arca) Publi Health et “The Andhra Pradesh (Attra Aes) Elementary Edacation Act. fo) The Lasal Ronis Manual (0 The Municipal Ascot Code cei The Union Manual (hates framed under the Eleweriny Education Act tegrated Ande Pradesh Fxacation Rules, fry Rules under (A) The Anthea Pradesh Panchayat Sumthies sind Zilla Paruhads Act and the Holes framed ‘ANDHRA PRADESH COMMISSION :: HYDERABAD SSE?’ LIST OF BOOKS ALLOWED FOR THE DEPARTMENTAL TESTS WHICH ARE TO BE ANSWERED WITH BOOKS PUBLIC SERVICE The Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu] Religious Estat and Eau menss Act 1966) tthe stauaory rales framed thereunder. Aira Pradesh Public Rabari Act and Rules tamed thereunder The Amdhea Pradese (Agricultural Produce and Lisetock) Market Act, 1966 and the Res feted ther ade ‘Andhra Pradét (Andhra Area Toon Planning Ast ‘aad Rules framed theeuier. ‘Suhordinate Accounts Service Exaiminat IL Paper (Financial Rules and Prineipalsof ‘Andhra Pradesb Govt. Accounts (with books): Paper Coe 8) The AP Financial Code VLE bb) The AP Financial Code Vout ©) The AR Tressery Coe Wr. 1) The AB Treasary Coe 8.11 ©) The AP Account Code Ol. 1) The AP. Budget mamual 2) The Constitution of India ‘Subordinate Aceounts Service Examination 1V~ ‘Paper :=(Aecounts and Audit Practical) Rapsr Code The Municipal Account Cake ‘The Local Boards Maral Roles framed under the Eementary Fducation At “The Unio Manu The imeprata. Ardea Pradesh Educational Rul, 1966, The Anta Pras Provi lavolvency Rules. The Andhea Pradesh Miaicipaities Act, 1965, The Andhra Pradesh Gra: Panchayat Act andihe| res fama ereunder ‘Andhra Pradesh (Andiva Arca) Elementary Education Ac. [Gh Acts of the 7 Univensites be. (1) Oxmania (2) ‘Abra (3) St Venkatesara, (4) aera Nena ‘Tectinfopical (§) Naparuna (6) Kalai) Agriculture “The Provincial Inslversy Act (DD The Administ Generals Act Offic Trees Act. ‘The Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindy Religious Intitatnns nd Endowments Act. 1966 (0) The Loca! Fund Audit Deparment Manat Stataory Rls Und (@) The Andhra Pradesh Gramm Panchayat Act 1964 (0) The AP Municipalities Act, 1968 (@)_ The Andiva Pradesh Panchayat Samithies pt Zila Prisha Act and Ras framed thereunder [o> The Anduea Pradesh Charitable and Hinde Religious fastitations and Endowments Act, 1956 and the Stauaory Rules framed terest (s) AP-ZillaGrandhataya Samasts Act andthe ales famed thereunder (Andhra Pradesh (Agricul Produce and Livestock) Market Act. 1966.nd the Role raed the under Ana Praesh (Andhra Area) Town Planing Ast and the Rules famed thereunde. |S. Deputy Inspectors Test = Paper: (Relating to Secondary and Special Sho) 6 Deputy Inspectors Test I= Paper: (Relating to Elementary Schools) Paper Code - 2 [7. Deputy inspectorsTest I Paper: (Wétacational Statistis) Paper Code-20 (a) The Andira Pradesh Inspection Code with special ference the office and the Gener dais of Deputy Inspectors Jo) The Andhra Pradesh Rducatignal Rules The © NOTE o ry ‘Andra Pradech Elementary Bits Net, 1929) with Rules made thereunder, iniportent Gsseomeat Nottoatins relating to Education and the sethons of the Aviva Pradeh Distt ‘Municiptities Act. 1920 and the Andra Pradesh [Losal Boards Ast, 1920, eating io Education a the Bylaws and Rules sed thercundr ‘Grat-iaid Coe acl the Rls forthe prt of resognition and Aid ro Ekmeitary Schools an the Futons Statistics athe ales relating to the Provident Fund for teachers in non peownaable service (1) Candidates are requied to he conversa with such amendmorestothe Acts Rules entond| hove as mip have been ised oe published not later thin six months prior ta the date of th (2) Curie willbe permite Wo we the Publis Insteuctans Report and the Censas Sates in answering the question on the Educational Slaten Exche Departmental Tes A: Paper Ca} {CIVIL AND CRIMINALLAW) Inion Penal Code (excluding Chapers VL. VI XV.XIXand XX) Inn Evidence Act (exuding Chapters VIL) ‘Crimi! Procedure Code (excluding Chapters Vil so NIN, XEXIIE AOCVI wo XXTN. NNXEV 0) XAXVIand XL ‘Encise Department Test—B Paper Code 13 {ACTSANDRULES) The ALP Hscine Act, 1968 and the rales ame “The Spins preparations nce State Trade and Commerce) Coto Ast 1955, Ande rates Spurn Prepuration ite State “Trade ard Commerce) Coma Rules, 1965 “Eysive Department Test—C Paper Cade 38 Secu Paper EXCISE MANUAL): (A) Col Botonds Techical Exce man ‘Exchse Department Test-D: Paper Cede 71 (Sond Pager DISTILLERY MANUAL) issiery Manas [Mand TP Act and Res mde trees, Departmental Test for Clerks tn the Police Department Paper Code 4 Police Manual ‘Mang TIP Act and Rules mode thereunder ‘The Accounts Test for Subueiaate OfcersPart Paper Coe ‘The Andiva Prats Financial Code, Notun ‘The AbdivaPresh Financial Coe, Vue I ‘The Andiva Pradesh Treasury Code. Cine Prt ‘ul Chapeers I Wan Vlad Par il (Caaper wy The Andhra Pradesh Treasury Code, Volume I ‘Appemdises Ho 7. 10,11, 14, 15 and The Andis Pradesh Account Cade, Volume { (Chapters 3406 and Append 3) ‘The Andie Pradesh Budget Manual -Chaptes ¥.Nitant Vill “The Fundamental Rules am the Subsidiary Res Framed thercunder by the Andhva Pradesh (Government including the Anda Prats Leave Rules, 1933, ‘The Andhra Pradesh Manel of Special Pay and Allowances Pat I omit Append) and Pat I ‘The Anda Pradesh Pension Code. ‘The Accounts Test for Subordinate Oticers Part Ms Paper Code = 10 ‘The Ana Prades Treasury Coxe Volume, Prt (Chapters HAV, VM, [Xan and Poa (Chapt ‘The Andhra Pradesh Treas Cove Volume mining Appendices 19, 12.13.18. 17) “The Andhra Pradesh Acs Code, Vom The Goernaen Securities Manual hidssiion Chapter om ting paragraphs 10300 11), hater amt paragraphs 13 99423) Chapters. Vi Wi. IX and X (omiting paragraph 125 and ‘Anpendis I andthe Andhra Pradesh Government ‘Securities Roles, 19 The Consittion of Julia, 1980, Antics 188 1S 20, 49 207,268 4.298 and 08 wo 314 An ileGtvction is he Lnkinn Gavecmaicel ews sd Aub The Andra Pradesh Peoion Cae SobbJil Adminstration Test: Paper Code 11 “The Amina Subeaiay fo! Manual inlading he Te Prisons tI of 1900, ‘Tae Anva Clnen Aa TV of 1920. ‘The Prices (Atendanes in Coutts ) Ait 1953 (ht 320 195), Account Test for Public Works Workshops ‘Ofticers-1 Paper: Paper Cod 14 Andiva Pradesh Public Works Deparient Code: ‘Chapter-1- Sesion» Gl and I,J, HLL LY VitaneVi ‘Chapter I Section HL Vit ant paras 201-303 amd211- 215 Chace 1 PUG ant Hand paraprapts 188, 198, 293-207, 308-243, 317-330 and 331-343 and Chapter“ Andhra Prades ble Works Account Cede ChoytrILAV.¥,VILVILX.L NIL XU. XIV.X| XVI sn paragraphs 83 150191 so 177-178 Andis Pradesh Account Cex Nolame-1 Etir| ode Andhra Prado Account Cae Mole I ‘Chapter EAs 1.29 ‘Chapa =: Articles 16225 32/375 38, 42,47-45 Chapt MK Socions 1.2 ant Artic 105-111 sb Section Zon 48 a1 Account Test for Public Works Workshops! Otticers- 1 Paper: Paper Code-29 Andie Pradesh Financial Cone Volume ChageeTAicke 3 (Chapter 1 Atile 6 Chapter IL Anihe 12 ‘Chapter VIE Articles (Chapter VIEL Anices 187 20% 00 253 and 200 (Chaper X Anis 2 (Chapter Xt Coupee XIE Amihes (Chapter XIV: Atle 326 Aaa Pradesh Fingoial Ce Volume Ihe ‘iin Agee. 7and Rule inPat 1 of Appeaic yaa Tetsu Code We =1 PL ‘Tressury Rule | Part-I -faatocton 2 wer R202) Sutbiary Rakes 12.3457 () al) Insiratoms $5, 10,16, oder TR. Intron 2 under IX TR. Insirations under TR. 13 Subsidies rules 1, 2.3.4, 5,6,39-51, $4.56 6 intros 40,41, 46-49, 82,58 ur TRIG ord sear rules, 3,4 and once 4-10 vider R32 Rus neue im GOMES No. 138m dated 239.71 ts conrected from time i time regarding maintenance andcheckor daily boar maser wll ok ithe Publis Works Werks, Andra Pradesh Pension Code - Entire Coke Role governing the grant of eratitios ts workers of the werk charged establishment a id down in G.O.Ms. No. 430, PWD, dated 2-5-1940 a6 amended rte ie. Anta Pradesh Public Works Shoes Manual Fite Service Department Test Port It Paper Code 39 Fire Service Manna ith books) Alle chaplersconisined i the Fire Service “Manus! with tts Amesures an forms. Departineaal Test for Officers of the Forest Department - Forest law -Second paper: Paper Code 26 Forest The Andhe Prep Forest Act 1 197 wits mae thereunder wih the amend a) The Andhra Pradesh Minor Forest Produce ‘Repoaon of Trade) Act 1971 and te Anda Pride Minor Forest Pratace (Regulition off de im Abnas eaves) Rules, 1990 with al the “The WiLife (vtec Act, 1972 with ee mak thereunder with al amendments iss from] Land Asquiston Ast 1899 (as sub soquetily ‘The AP Sue and Boundaries Act, 1923 ‘The Indian Bancrent Ast, 1882 Te Cattle Tesspass Act, 18TH ‘AP. Rem aml Reverve Sos Ac, 1839 AP. Land Revenue Recinery Rot, 1868 [AD Land Encrschinnt Act, 1905, “The India en Code, 1840 with the (allowing selected Chapters 4 temedacion (6 Gencal explanation, i) Pines foe) Ganeral exceptions Ancamest ‘Offences by ox relating wo Public Serva. Contempt of Law fal authority of Public Sevan (i) False evidence and offences against Public ase. Ofer asin propery (i) cmos ek ts dca ed ll Propeny marks, sin (xii) Anemptsto comitoffenses 10. ‘The Cisk of Crimioal Procedure, 1973 with the following Chapters Fi) Arrestof persons. (000 Processes to.compel appearance: ii) prceses to cmpel the production of hing. Commencement of procecdings belo the Mapes Ton The Cpe “Tria of warantcases by Magiiaten. (x) TialofSumaums eases by Mai trates ‘Summary was idence in enquies anda ‘General prisons 250 enquties an al. Appeals Reference an Revision Kassin) Dial of ror. Jaan) Limitation for whing cognizance of 11, ‘The indian Evidence Act. 1872 12, The nian Conract Ast, 1892 6th books) 13. The Saesof Gods Act, 1932 (ith book) 14. Removal of Uniouchaility and the Protestion of vil Rights Act. 1988 20, Departmental Test For Officers of the Forest Department, Secand Papers Land Revere with books): “Paper Cores [LAND REVENUE, The Standing Onder the Board of Revenue Nos $248.60 181 IZ IS 1 1816.17 18.19, 21, 22,23,24 26, 27.28, 30.31, 33,3441 4049, 90,94, 92 4098, 196,197, 201, 202 an 208, 21. Departentat Testor the Oticeesof the Forest Department, Second Paper. Office Procedure amd ‘Accounts: Paper Conde 86 Andra Pras Forest Deparrent Cie Fundamental Rules and the Subsidiary Rotes of the anda Pradesh Government Leave Rates of 1933 ad the Anda Pradesh Manual of Spa Pay and Allowances 3. ards Saline dss No 175; Dutt Office Manual 15. Andra Pradish Accounis Cae Nol I, Pat I Ariel 200.297 10) Andra Pradeyh Ste and Subordinate Services fa) Amite Pradesh Cid Servos (CCA) Rade. Prades Forest Service Riles » @ © « ® a ° o 2 @ Thrdina Fadeh Tore Soboainate Soke Rule | Andhra Pradesh Fest Subsea stashment Rates (Ad bos Res). Ada Prades Ministers! Service Kis ‘Ana Prades Las Grade Serve Rus ‘The Revenue Test, Part | First Paper :} Paper Coe the Indio Tree Tove Ac. 1878, Ian Act to 1578 The {and improveneng Lows Act, 1853 odin AGAXIN of 1883 “The Apncularss Liam Act 1844 Iodan Act XH of 1884 ‘The Land Acguistion Ast, 1884, Indian Act Lo “Ths Andba Pradesh Rent and Revenae Rules Act 1539 Cena Act VI of 1839. | “The Andhra Pads Revenas Resonery Act 194) Act oF 189% Andhea Madesb Suvey ant Boundaries Ac, 1923 Act Vill of 1923 } The Andhra Pradésh Land Eneronchosent Act. 1905, Act I of 1905. ‘The Standing Orders of the Board of Renee pearing onthe above Actand Chapter XII ofthe Chas Survey Mania “The Ana Prades ligation Projects (Special Land Tax) Act, 1976. ‘The Revenue Test, Part | Second Paper # Paper: Co=2? “The Andhra Pradesh (Andiva Area} Comper f Labour Ae 1858 Contr Act Tot 1888) The Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area ‘Act 1865 (ASt Vil of 1868). Andra Pads (Ara Arco Propet Village Service and Ania Pradesh (Andhra Area) Heridtry Vilage Ofc a (Repeal) 16 Repeating Aet of 19609 Andes Pradesh (sativa Area) Regist ‘Birks and Dost At, 1809 (AcE IL Of 18%) Rest of the Slandang Orders of the Bowrd of Revenve | G o \abdsba eei¢ Sarowe \ The aoa Preeti Act, ISSAC AC IV ef L886) The Dies Office Manual The Andis Pradesh (Telangana Avea) Land Reser Ast Hh, P31? F(t VIE [317 Fax) sections which aren fore only Te Ana Pradesh (Tegan Ares) Railways Govermmest Irrigation Sources and Public Bunling Protection Aet (Act No.of 1321 Fs The Hyder Land Revenue Ras of 195 The Anda Pradesh (Telangana Areab Revo of Rights in Land Regulation of 1358 Fash (ogalaion VIM of 1388 F) The Famine Manu Rules, Orders and Cireulars of Revenue Secretariat pertaining 40 the abwne Ate and Regulations The Andhra Prades (Andhra Area) Village “Offices Service Rules, 190, The Andhra Pradesh abzosemees) Act, 1967 ad Revenue The Andhra Pradesh (Apdiea Atea) Works epi. Imgrowement and Contraction) Ack Ws he Antica Pradesh Now Agricoral Assesment ‘The Andra Pradesh (Andhea Area) Tank Fmprovement Act 1999. he Annes Pradesh Iigation (Consrostion and ‘isimemunce of Water Souees) Av 1865(Act VIE of 1865), ‘The Anica Pradesh (Telangana Area) Insgaion At BSE The Andhra Pras aise Act 1968 Act No. 17 ‘Vive Revenue Tes, Part: Pace Cote 43 ‘Maul of Village and Taub Accoues Fmd Code relating to Taluk and Village Acouisof Floreat ‘The Revene Test Par Raper Cade 62 GROUP-A (COMMON ACTS) + © o o @ @ ® ® ® w The Andra Pradesh Revenue Sunannon Ast. 169) (Aart of 180 The Andhra Pradesh Court Kees and Suits ‘Valuation Act, 1956 (Act VEL of 1950). ‘The Ana Pradesh Panchaya Satis and Zl Parishads Act, 1959 (Ania Pradesh Act No| XXXV F189), ‘The Current Five-Year Plans of India with) ticular reference othe Current Five yea Pans the tate of Anda Pradesh, The Andhra Pradesh Revenue Malversation Reputation, 1623 (Repulation IX of 1622) wih up to-date amendents. ‘The Samp Mami Rules unde the above Acts and Regulation, (REGIONAL ACTS): The Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Land Regulation, 1803 (Repslatin I of 1803), ‘The Anda Pradesh Endowments and Kovhest Regulations, 1817 «Regubion Wi f 1817) ‘The Anthea Pradesh (Andhra Area) Collestors Regulation, 1805 (Regulation It of 1803) ‘The Andra Pradesh (Andra Aca) Village Lane Dispetes Regulation, 1816 (Repalaion XII of 1816). “The Andhra Pradesh Subecainate Electors an ARevenve Malvenaton Amendment Regulstion, 1828 Repulaion VI of 1828). “The Ganjam and Visakhapatnam Act, 1899. “The Andra Pradesh (Ards Aa Iams Act, 1969) (et of 199) ‘The Andhra Pradesh Forest Act 1967 The Anulra Pradesh CAndhea Area) Coals and Public Fees Act. £890 (At No Lt 1490), ‘Th Ama Pradesh Municipaiies At, 1965 Act 1041965 he le \ 0 lo Je" Ir . an) va Pradesh (Anda Area) Corot Wards NG 19021 Ho 1902 The Andhra Pradesh Co eerie Sevetios at The Andiga Pradesh Charitable and Hi Religious testituions and Endowments Act of 1960 (Ast 17 of 1966) ‘The Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Inams Abeltionand Catwersion nao Ryonwar Act, 1956 (AA XXXVI 1956) “The Andhra Pradoah Mines. Mineral Consesion Rates, 140, “Te Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Are) Court of WardsAct ISSOF (Aa XIlof 150P). “The Linsation Act. (963 (Cental Act 36 of 1969. “The Andira Pradesh Grara Pachayat Act. 1961 (Ae Dol 1964). The Essel Comments Act. 1985 (Cental Act 1004 1955), “The Rice Milling Industry Reputation Act, 1958 Ras thereon The Andhra Pradesh (Andhea Area) Estates Atl Act 194K (Act XXW of 1948). “The Andhra Prat (Anda Aeea) Este Lond Act. 1908 (ACU Of 198), “The Andis Pradesh (Aohex Area) Tenney and Agrcatral Lands Act, 1950 (Aet XX of 1950), ‘The Anda Pradesh Cesting on Agricultural Holdings Ac, 1973 ‘The Andhra Pradesh (Andhia Area) Abolition of Iams Aa. 1985 (Act VIM of 1985) ‘The Andhra Pradesh «Telangana Area) A aquiris At 195 (Act X of 1932 ‘he Aaa Pads Arba Ave) Tesaney Ac 56 (At XVII of 1950), Te Rice (Souter Zane) Movements Comal xd, 1957 The Souheon States (Regulation of Expon af Rice “The Andis Padesh Sugar Dealers Licensing Onder, 196 The Andhra Pradesh Roodgrain Dealers Licensing Onder, 1968 Tae Aur Pradesh Reoicee (Licnig od] Din) Ord, 198 ) The Andbva Pradesh Paddy and Rice ‘Rtoquisoning of Sucks) Onder, 1866, (a) Anda Pradesh Foor (Procurement) Onde (oi) Andhra Pradesh Gest Contol Oder. 1976 | (ak) Adi Pradesh Course Grain Requstining of Stock) Order, 1973 (al) ‘The Andira Pradest Paddy Procurement Lexy nde. 1972 (am) The Andhra Prades (Prevemion of Hors of ovr) Onde, 1973, “The Andhea Pradesh Schule Commodities (Gegulton of Dssribato by Catd Sytem) ‘ner 973 The Schall Commodi Ack 1973 The Anda Pras ogee Veale Oi Dealer Licnung Ones. 1974 ‘dra Pash Exton Psi of Gods Onde 196. Labour Factories and Boilers Department Tost Para: ager Code 22 (i) hac fice Manual (vithout books) to co) a) {iy Maneat for Coniiaton Officers (with book) District Office Manual and Merual for Coneiiaton Officer 27. Labour Factories and Bolles Department Test Part Paoerode40 ‘Acts and len slang to Factories ‘Administration and the Rules (ramed| ‘hereunder SECTION | Facts At | Payment of Wages Ac. i 3. Maternity Beneti Ac 4, Employment of Chitra 5. Centon, inning andl Pressing Factories At SECTIONIL 1. Shops and Establishes Ack 4, gad Cig (Conditions of Employment) Act Minium Wages Ac. a Aon >. ‘Labour Factories and Ballers Department Test, Part C:Acts and Roles relating to Labour Adminstration: Pager Cale §7 Inderal Eniploymen (Standing Owes) Av Employees State Isuaie Ae Empioyses Provide Pend Act. Bonus Act Morking Journalists (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1988. (G0. Ms No: 391, dad 314 Marc, 197 Labous, Factories and Boilers Department ‘est Fatt D Paper Cove-18: Acts: Rules ane Regulations wader the India Balter eth: Dison Test, Pant V Paper Coves138 The Fundamemal Rules and Subd Rules of AP Gmernment Maral oF Special Pay sind Atlowances ‘The AP Penson Code, WH Land i AP. Baget Manual ovis Pets Ries, 1980 reasurin and Accounts serve Enaminaion- Port-L: Papert Paper Code=31 (Service Rules (THEORY) Andhra Pradesh Fundamental Rules Subsidiary Rules AdivaPradesh Penson Cone Nina at Revised Peano Rales Noda Pradeyh State and Subowdinate Service Rules Andis Pies Core les Adbva Pradewn Classification, Comtol dnd Appeal Rules and Provedere for vondasting Treasures and Accounts Service Esaminatlon- Part-1: Paper -tt Waper Code 64 (Cnancial Rakes - oes) uM % rest Coe Nolume | lsh Maral and Special Pay and Andhe Allows. Anta Pradesh Bede Mam Twcucon to Indian Gove Accounts and ‘ait. ‘Treasures and Accounts Service Examination - Part 1: Paper - Paper Code - 4 (Practicals- Study of Service and Fanancial es heh problens) Problems of Service Roles and Finaesial Rules ‘om the Codes, Manus and Riles toad in Paper land U1 Prt “Treasuries and Aecouats Service Exatination Part 1: Paper-1V. Pape Code - 114) ‘Bes Keeping snd Woes Accoans) Part: Elementary Bookkeeping Partll Public Works Depatmeat Aecouns and Forest Accourts For Part-I he spllabes in Elementary Bout Keeping will be the same ax prescribed for Paper-1V of the Subuidinste Accounts Service| Examination of Local Fund Audit Depertinent Parl wil contin the question paper io tet hase understanding of Public Works Departmen ‘Accom and west Account, ‘Treasuries and Accounts Service Examination] Pert: Papert (Wovk Asvouis and Asting incuing Works Awd - Ania Pradesh Puli ‘Works Deparment Cink) Faper Coded ‘Chapter <1 Paras $8 and 59 Werk charges estblshment Chapter 1: Preparation Projects 1 Gamera paras 142-121 1 Orginal Works pas 129-192 Reais, ras 133 — 147 IV-Ral Pad 19) Fe Tension 138 IN. Fommsof Ssurif 156 pestrmave of comet IST HY Cannty of Accepted Tenders aid eter contract cuments-Aubuxity competent 1 gle criti copies of Tenders ant Agrcemonts. ISS, Officers empowered to execute Conmacis and Rules on contracts 189-161 Execution of works | stanting wrk 173.181 Miscellaneous Rules forthe 180 ‘Woner supply t Govt. Busnes Adsames coataetors 1s 196 is7 98 Information for he Survey of India 199 Gon ‘Sanitary les Extensive works ruction and Maintranes ef Morunaies ofthe Chapter 200 Deposit works 201-205 U.Geneat IM, Spestl le foe works whol financed ‘oes Non. Govt. Funds 306 1V Raley sling to construction enimates fr ivigaton an Subsidiary works. 208, Goverment work party contrite for by Loc Bodies and Private paties, 208 ViClearance of prickyper 210 Disposal of etinates: LOmiceotresoedforestimates 211 1, Commonicaion of sanction to estimates 0 the Audi Officer 22 Completion reports, Cenfcates ai Plans General 1 Werk erected om heal of ther Depts 221 23 IW. Reinet eins 1N:Ofhce Resid | chupr~ : Pb Buikings = General Res Fistures apd Parture ) Fists ) Foenire ‘i Residence of High Officials Parchas, Site nnd Transfer of Govt. Bing (a) Purchase of Buildings by Sate bf doantad Builings & () Teamser of Buibings 234238 ie of Office avommodation for Officers the Pablc Works Department 240.282, Renting of Bulking» Cast of vacant Govt, Buiktings 249 250 Saniaty and water supply estallaons 254 ‘taxes ‘Buadings of Historical imerest Use of Government bildirgs hy airy fees Inspection of Public Buildings Regier nd plans of Bauldnss Residenoe or Gowt Officials CConsratin, Acgqubsiton or easing of Ridcnes| {for Government otal Miscellaneous E-_ Upkeep of the compound attached 10 Public Buildings F. _Irspection Bungalow: Chapter - 1V : Miscellaneous Rules regarding| Office work excluding accounts procedure A. Inia ere of Accounts Measurement books Proprescepirtsofworks 20 Pas 290 227 207 = 300-302 He Assi of stores (Purchase of stores 31028 (6) Sot other tin Took & Pe) (0) Toots a Plant Indes on other Depart (e) Pecans fo 5 ty. suxtsaten hermits |) ar Saleot Sores cw Seger aise VIL Hite oF Tonk and Pant [vim Ataernatia! Imerumenss © Deparomenal Keven [Sale wilt of ees: Rem of Wangs Lands {UL Navigation Revenue IVRensand Frighor Ban 33116 nd other Hoang plat. Y. Public Works pe Tolga. IE Miscellanea 1) Maiotenance of Femy Boats 1) A Bridge over irrigation canals and channels Supply of Medicines ur) tor Keepers 16 Roles for Dy sisonal workshops 1H. Transfert charge ‘Chapter V + Special rules for iigution 367 aviation Embankment sa Drainage woke 300 A tnendestry Amexigation of new rigation Schemes. 985 6 Debit of Expendiure of imestsation 40s } He treparanon of project eign work, Hchapeee-VI- Powers of Sanction 407-408 H>. Andra Pradesh Pic Works Accomnt Cale ‘Chapter VD_XV CRD, Apperices Apara Pres Accounts cde We IL i, Nv Chapter a Classico he Pic Works ree and expenntiure ML: Nccouns be hep in Pate Werks Office ‘an 110239 TV: Account teens rere by Pube Works Otiecrs and appendices 1.2.3 ‘Objects of Aung contuct of Audit = mera check = ute progeimmes General Principles o\crniny the Aud of Joint Stock Company (Public and Pavate) houcting - Valustion and verification of Assets and Linblitics- Dies an Fesponsibiliies of Auditor Audit oF varius Institutions special features of Government Companies and Pablie Uulity concerned «| Investigations Aust Repent BOOKSRECOMMENDED Principles of Auditing by Depaul. Avdiing by RVR. Rom Capt Principles of Auditing by Baibot “Treasuries and Accounts Service Examination. Part -Il Paper -IN-Advanced Accountancy sed Costing: Punee Code=79 Insroducton (2) Principles of Book: Keeping inclading acconting concepts ane conventions, (b) Jouroalising, Posting and balancing of account, (c)Sub-divison of journal, (d) Cash book diferent types fat Books inctuding pet | cash book Bank veconeitation statement inating pbc ‘moseratat and problem eth xt fo sah took and pss Bok Bille exchangeinclading accommodatic bits Preparation ofa akan i shaun of sete re) Trl lance 0) Capital and rvemoe (6) Manutactasing account, Takiog Asso Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet incleding ‘eijesting and closing. asics (Treatment wf Bad debts am provision fo butt de Brno and their testfication Suspect effect ecificatoe om it. TL Consignmere inladingivicing pools aa pie Inigher than cont prise treatment of noxmal and bral bose Joiet venture including: memorandum joint vit Account current inctuding ced Sak interest. ‘Average doe ite [XC Royiaiesinctaing sub kas. Hie purchase and instalment purchase system nluding deta and fepostession (eacluding hire purchase trading account ‘Sof lansing an sectional balancing systems ‘accounts From incomplete eco Deprevston. Reserves (Theory and problems) Accounts of non-tading cancer Preparation of Encome and expendiwe accounts and balance sheet ony) ‘Company Accounts Record of share capital wansactions including ‘ver subscription, forfeiture and re-issue of heft shares Issac and redemption of dchentares Purchase of business Profits porto incorpoation. Bonus shes Final Accounss -Analyss of Financial statements a a ernie a) Liu Ratio) Solvency Ratios 4 Poofabiiy Ratios. Advanced Aswounts by NC, Shukla. and: Grewal Advanced Accountancy by Rup Rago Gupta and Vishnu Saran Gupta Part-IL-Paper= I Costing, Ih. Intradusion 2 “The Elements of Cost"The analyse of Taal cost Direct mater“ Dect Labour Diet agenses ‘Over Head Methods of Coo Asst ‘Morcra-Purtse Receipt sage alse of] ‘Maser recon be. frte hop cimecion ‘eth purhises pricing of mates Maine snd Mice iis Labour Employment of Labour « Different ‘Meth of Payment af wages Incentive recon Maintained fr yume of labor Tine keeping and ime Booking termination of employment ‘Over Heads predation - Administrative Selig ‘and Distribution over head - How classified ‘ollcstsd, appre apd aocated Methods of Casting: Unit of ot - pu costing Jot contract Costing » Assertion Profit ‘on partly completed conaracts ~ Operating cont acess costing - Process hxses and eaten ‘atte and rap = Joint pdt - Marginal exwting Importance «Break even = analysing =v rato ‘Advanuages and Limitations Standard costing - ‘Uniform costing. Budgeting ad Budgsaty contol - vious ype ot Budgets advastages and limitations wt Badgetry Control Reconciliation between Cost and. Financia Acca. HOOKS RECOMMENDED ‘Whedon's Cos Accounting aa Cesing Med by L.WJ. Owler and JL. Brown, inciples of practice of Cost Accounting by NK, Prd ‘Whelders Costing pie by LW Oneal JL Brown ‘Cost Accounting by B.K. Dhar Inc Comat Act Contracts lading posal comracts Indemity Saco Goss ct

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