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Abordo, Melanie G.



Answer the following accordingly:
1. Ms. Bonicha Barrinuevo is an Assistant Professor of TABAKO University teaching
under the College of Computing. From her 10 years of experience in teaching
programming, she became curious if the basic calculus grade of a basic education
graduate under the K to 12curriculum under the Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) Strand has something to do with their programming skills.
So, in her class, CC 102–Programming Fundamentals, she asked her students their
final grade in basic the end of the semester, she correlates the basic
calculus grade of her students to their final grades in CC 102.
Does Ms. Barrinuevo conduct a research or a design? Explain your answer.

Yes, Ms. Barrinuevo has gathered a data about calculus for her students of
TABAKO UNIVESITY she become curious because it’s her first time to teach under
the K to 12curriculum from her 10 years of experience in teaching. She asked her
student about their final grade in basic calculus has something to do with their
programming. Therefor Ms. Barrinuevo did a research to improve and more
effectively to their subject.

2. Formulate two (2) thesis/capstone project title you plan to propose.

GIS System for Contagious Places Affected by COVID-19

The GIS System for Contagious Places Affected by Covid will be used in tracking
places with most Covid-positive cases in a specific area. This can aid better
visualization, understanding, and response planning for decision-makers in a rapidly
changing environment
Bloom PAINT CENTER Description:

This is a website of Sun and Bloom Paint Center. A website which is included here
the inventory and the Point of Sales. Inventory control solutions that integrate all
aspects of an organization’s inventory tasks, including shipping, purchasing,
receiving, warehouse storage, turnover, tracking, and reordering.


1. The significance of the study is required only in computer science theses

dealing with foundation in computer science and should not be required in IT
and IS capstone projects. Give the rationale.

The foundation of computer science is problem solving, an essential skill for life it is
the study of design development and analysis of software and hardware used to
solve problems in a variety of scientific and social context. while the other hand
computer science as well as those of capstone project require purpose and

2. Explain the significant and relevant distinction of statement of the problem

and objectives of the project

The difference between these two is the statement of the problem is generally what
do I want to learn about my subject and how do I propose to learn it? Generally, this
is a problem because existing research leaves a gap in our knowledge while the
objective of the project are goals, plain and simple. These are the capstone
objectives that you want the project to accomplish.
3. Differentiate Purpose and Description against Significance of the Study.

In simple terms, the significance of the study is basically the importance of your
research. The significance of a study must be stated in the Introduction section of
your capstone project it’s addition to your knowledge of capstone research
meanwhile the purpose and description of a project should not add body of
knowledge because it is something that already exists or has already been done


Give at least (3) latest studies related to the topics, identify the areas of the
controversy and explain how your proposed thesis / capstone project will
respond to the challenge.

Three Latest Studies

 Guidance in Education
The Danish act on guidance aims to develop a transparent guidance system with
easy access to high quality guidance services. Guidance is regarded as a
continuous process that should help young people become more conscious of
their abilities, interests and possibilities, thus enabling them to make decisions
regarding education and employment on a qualified basis. Today, the Ministry of
Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science are responsible for
guidance and have a controlling and coordinating role in relation to the guidance
system. Introduction This publication gives an overview of the key elements of
the Danish guidance system in the educational sector, which is primarily
concerned with guidance services for young people.

 Development of Online Counseling System and Usability Evaluation

Rising prevalence of mental health diseases is a serious problem for society.
Some areas in Asia have no med-ical facilities and proper mental health care is
unavailable. To cope with these problems, application of ICT for mental health
services has been recognized as one of the effective approaches. Therefore, we
have been studying and putting into practice online counseling for people
assigned overseas. We constructed a system using agile software development
for those assigned overseas in Asia. The first step involved developing a
prototype system based on system requirements after we repeatedly discussed
system development with people in charge of a clinic. Next, we conducted
interviews about the online counseling system. We also discussed and analyzed
the interviews. Finally, we completed the online Web counseling system by
repeatedly discussing possible improvements with the clinic and then
incorporating the changes in the system. Moreover, we evaluated the system by
conducting a survey in the form of a questionnaire. Since we developed an
effective online counseling system using statistical methods, this paper reports
on the construction and usability evaluation of the system.

 Educational Guidance and school Counseling

The educational guidance and the school counseling Unit is a special unit
established in schools to solve study related and non-related problems of
students. This unit helps the students to ease out the day to day educational
problems and take decisions to assist the students to increase the educational
efficiency by establishing required programs. As St.Julie Billart mentions;
education is a psychological development and a social integration process. When
treating education as a psycho development process, it is necessary to pay
attention towards the two units namely, “individual person” and “society’. When
the student is treated as one single person, there are various factors related to
his/ her strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well. School acts on
the process of identifying the strengths of the students and brighten them. It is an
essential factor for a student to identify and provide guidance on his/her cognitive
skills, motor skills and attitudes or potential skills. Students are guided for their
aesthetic development, physical development, social development, concept
development and linguistic development and the curricular influenced by them.
Similarly, identifying the weakness of students and providing solutions for them
are among the role of school activities. Students may face psycho-social
problems owing to their physical and mental defects attached not only with the
maintaining of inter-personal relationships relates to study environment,
teachers, peer groups, administration but also their family background.

Proposed Title: Guidance Services Management System

The 3 latest related topics in our capstone are to proposed system is responsible
for acquiring, utilizing and storing student’s personal information. The system will
also compile and organize the programs and project that the school offers for
social and intellectual development to assist each student for self-realization. The
system will organize the scheduling of the guidance and counselling sessions.

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